Palestinians Hurl IED

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Palestinians hurl IED, Molotov cocktails near Rachel's Tomb wounding 2 Border Police officers By JPOST.

COM STAFF 03/23/2014 18:12 Officers lightly-to-moderately hurt; incident comes day after IDF kills 3 in Jenin; IDF on standby for disturbances in West Bank.

Worshippers at Rachel's Tomb Photo: Marc Israel Sellem Two Border Police officers were lightly-to-moderately wounded near Rachel's Tomb in the West Bank Sunday, when Palestinian demonstrators threw an improvised explosive device and Molotov cocktails at security forces. The Border Police force responded with non-lethal crowd dispersal means. Related: Palestinians riot in Jerusalem near Damascus Gate over Jenin deaths After Jenin raid, Netanyahu vows Israel 'will attack those who attack us' The incident came a day after three Palestinianswere killed in gun battleswith Israeli security forces during a counter-terrorism raid in Jenin early Saturday morning. The IDF is on standby in the West Bank for the possibility of an increase in disturbances in the coming days following the incident in Jenin. Following the firefight, tens of thousands of Palestinians took part in the funerals of the three Palestinians on Saturday. Participants called for revenge and also called on the Palestinian Authority to end peace talks with Israel and to reconcile with Hamas. Three Palestinian groups released a joint statement vowing to respond harshly to the killing of the three young people. The three groups were Izzadin Kassam (the military arm of Hamas), the AlQuds Brigades (belonging to Islamic Jihad) and Fatahs Al-Aksa Brigades. The martyrs blood will not be in vain. We will be a curse on the Zionists, the statement read.

Yaakov Lappin contributed to this report.

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