Healthy Eating Unit Plan For Grade 3 Iowa Core Standards

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Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

Healthy Eating Unit Plan for Grade 3 Iowa Core Standards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Obtain, interpret, understand and use basic health concepts to enhance personal, family, and community health. Utilize interactive literacy and social skills to establish personal family, and community health goals. Demonstrate critical literacy/thinking skills related to personal, family, and community wellness. Recognize that media and other influences affect personal, family and community health. Demonstrate behaviors that foster healthy, active lifestyles for individuals and the benefit of society.

Day 1: Introduce My plate Have students fill in myplate template- pre-test what is a healthy meal. Formative test 5 min Show students myplate-explain what it is 5-10 min Expert group 15-20 min o Take notes o Make poster Break into jigsaw groups 10 -15 mins Letter sent home to parents

Day 2: Break down of foods Time to finish up posters 5-10 min Review of the posters the expert groups made 10 min Different pictures of foods on smartboard and students discuss as a class where they go. 10 min Have students break into groups and provide strips of paper/pictures of food and them place them in the correct spots on the plate. 10 min Instruct them to color their plate and then label the categories. Partnering up with

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

other students, they will list at least ten foods that fit in each category. Then have them come back to the whole group and discuss the foods they listed. (from Review what we did today. 5 min

Day 3: Food Groups-Review Review of yesterdays activity 8 min Review of foods in the crazy color groups ( 12 mins Review for quiz 7 min Summative assessment of myplate 10-15 min Game: 5 min

Day 4: School lunches Discussion of school lunches- school makeover video 7min Dissection of school lunches. Students become food detectives in partners 5 mins Students have to create popplet or powerpoint how to improve school lunches. They create their own lunch menu for a day. 33 minutes

Day 5: Wrap-up Presentation of popplets/powerpoints 15 mins Physical activity wrap-up game 20 min

Resources: /

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

Healthy Eating Unit Plan Lesson 1, Day 1 Grade 3 Lesson Goals: 1. Understand the Myplate health initiative 2. Collaborate with classmates to learn about the Myplate in a Jigsaw activity Iowa Core Standards: 1. Obtain, interpret, understand and use basic health concepts to enhance personal, family, and community health. 2. Demonstrate critical literacy/thinking skills related to personal, family, and community wellness. Materials: Blank Myplate templates Myplate powerpoint, from Poster paper, markers, crayons, etc books, other materials as needed to complete Jigsaw

Procedures: 1. Introduce students to Myplate. Hand out blank Myplate templates and ask students to fill the sheet out based on what they believe a healthy meal consists of. If students express confusion, instruct them to think about healthy meals at school and home, and what types of food are included in these meals. Time: 5 minutes

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

2. Show students the Myplate PowerPoint and explain to them what it is. Explain that it is a new health initiative started under President Obama that replaces the food pyramid. Explain each of the different food categories, and explain the serving size each student should get of each type of food at their meal. Time: 10 minutes 3. Next, begin the jigsaw activity. Group the students into their expert groups. This grouping will be done by readiness and ability. The groups will be equally paired and will be done by the teacher ahead of time. The teacher will monitor group progress during this time and will adjust groups as needed to ensure students stay on task. The first part of the jigsaw group will be covering what foods belong to each food category. The class will be divided into 5 groups (one for each section of Myplate). Provide them with poster paper and instruct them to list as many foods for their given Myplate category (given by the teacher). The groups will need to work together, using the computers, textbooks, notes, etc. to list as many foods for their given category as possible. Time: 10 minutes 4. Next, the students will share out what they wrote down as a group. As a whole class, we will process what was listed and make corrections as necessary. Next, while in their expert groups, students will make a poster about their given food category to share with the class. This poster will need to include types of food for the category, suggested intake, reasons why the food is important, etc. Students will be able to use classroom resources as they create their poster. The teacher will need to monitor student progress as students are working to ensure they are on task and that they do not need assistance. Time: 10 minutes 5. When the groups have finished their expert group poster, they will break into their jigsaw groups. There will be one student from each food group in the jigsaw group, and the students will be instructed to teach their jigsaw group members about the food group they became an expert on. The teacher will model what a successful jigsaw group looks like in case students have not done it prior to this class period. Students will then share out interesting facts that the learned about the food groups from their expert and jigsaw groups. Time: 15 minutes

Total Lesson Time: 45 minutes

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

Healthy Eating Unit Plan Lesson 2, Day 2 Grade 3 Lesson Goals: 1. Present Jigsaw groups 2. Categorize foods into the correct food groups Iowa Core Standards: 1. Obtain, interpret, understand and use basic health concepts to enhance personal, family, and community health. 2. Utilize interactive literacy and social skills to establish personal family, and community health goals. Materials: Posters from yesterday SMARTboard Strips of food items, pictures of food items

Procedures: 1. We will start the class by reviewing the posters made in day one lesson one. Students will regroup with their expert groups and will make a class presentation on what they identified as types of food for the category, suggested intake, reasons why the food is important, etc. Students will be asked questions about the importance of each food group, and as a class we will evaluate the importance of the different food categories. Time: 10 minutes

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

2. Next, we will display the food group SMART board class quiz on the SMART board. This power point will display Myplate and will have various types of food surrounding the plate. As a class, we will discern what the foods are and in what category they go. Students will be able to physically move the foods onto the plate via the SMART board. After each food is individually moved, we will discuss as a class how we know whether the answer is right or wrong. Further, we will discuss how many servings of each type of food we should get daily after each food is moved. For example, if a strawberry is moved, we will talk about the importance of the number of fruit servings we should get each day. Time: 10 minutes

3. Students will then break into small, pre-decided groups. These groups will be different from their jigsaw and expert groups from day one. This grouping will be done by readiness and ability. The groups will be equally paired and will be done by the teacher ahead of time. The teacher will monitor group progress during this time and will adjust groups as needed to ensure students stay on task. Groups will be given a Myplate template and will be asked to color in the plate congruent with the model we discussed in day one. They will then be given strips of paper/pictures of food and will be asked to place the foods in the correct category. The teacher will monitor student progress to ensure progress. Time: 10 minutes 4. Next, and staying in their groups, students will list 10 types of food for each of the five categories. They will be given large poster paper to record their final lists. Once the lists are made, students will share out to the whole class what they created and listed. List posters will be displayed in the classroom. Time: 10 minutes

5. As a whole class, we will review what we did today. We will discuss the different food categories, and the importance of eating a balanced meal. Individually, each student will share a favorite food that that was listed and will state the appropriate serving size of the food (fruits, vegetables, dairy, etc). Time: 5 minutes Total Lesson Time: 45 Minutes

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

Healthy Eating Unit Plan Lesson 3, Day 3 Grade 3 Lesson goals: 1. Review food groups and foods found in them: veggies and fruit 2. Complete myplate assessment to identify the food groups Standards: Iowa Core Health Standards Obtain, interpret, understand and use basic health concepts to enhance personal, family, and community health. Demonstrate critical literacy/thinking skills related to personal, family, and community wellness.

Materials: crazy colors worksheet pages (1 per student) pg 6 MyPlate Assessment Plate (1 per student) pg 18 Colored pencils, crayons, or markers with computer access to play game as whole class

Procedures: 1. First, teacher will ask students what they learned from yesterday and have class discuss for 5 minutes. Teacher serves as facilitator among the discussion. If needed, remind students about the food groups and point out the student-created posters displayed in the classroom. Discuss with students about the importance of each food group, with students leading the discussion. Time: 8 minutes

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

2. Then, teacher will hand out the crazy colors worksheet to each student. Explain to students how they need to write as many fruits and veggies as they can in 5 minutes. Set a timer for 5 minutes. After the timer goes off, have students discuss their results with a partner for 2 minutes. After students discuss with a partner, teacher brings back class to discuss as a whole group for 5 minutes. During this time, ask for student examples of unique fruit or veggies they thought of or hadn't heard of before until meeting with their peers. Time: 12 minutes 3. Then explain to students that the crazy colors worksheet results, along with the information from yesterday, is part of the Myplate food groups. Remind students of the previous day's activities and explain to students that they will take an assessment over myplate at the end of class over all the food groups. Time: 5 minutes 4. Give students 2 minutes to prep and review for the assessment over Myplate. Time: 2 minutes 5. Teacher hands out blank pages of Myplate. Remind students that this is a quiz to see what they remember and that they can draw pictures if they dont know the words. Write on the white board that the students will need to include each section, color it, and give an example. Teacher will assist students who need help with reading. Students who finish early should check over answers then draw or read until whole class is done. Time: 10 minutes 6. After class has finished, have students meet with a partner to compare and grade. Time: 5 minutes 7. As a whole class, with teacher leading, students complete Dining Decisions Game ( ). Time: 5 minutes Total Lesson Time: 45 minutes

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

Healthy Eating Unit Plan Lesson 4, Day 4 Grade 3 Lesson Goals: 1. Compare school lunches to nutrition expectations of Myplate 2. Create multi-media presentation to compare and analyze school lunches Standards: Iowa Core Health Standards Materials: YouTube link or laptops with PowerPoint and internet access, at least enough for 5 groups copy of the school lunch menu for the week, 5 copies Obtain, interpret, understand and use basic health concepts to enhance personal, family, and community health. Utilize interactive literacy and social skills to establish personal family, and community health goals. Demonstrate critical literacy/thinking skills related to personal, family, and community wellness Demonstrate behaviors that foster healthy, active lifestyles for individuals and the benefit of society.

Procedures: Teacher will show YouTube link. After finishing the video, discuss with students what the video was about and explain to students that they will get to use the schools lunch menu and decide if the school follows the rules or not. Time: 7 minutes

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

Teacher will break students into 5 groups based on random assignment (stick drawing, dice rolling, etc) and give each group a copy of the school's lunch menu, with one day of the week highlighted (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, etc). The highlighted day is what day that group needs to evaluate. Teacher will help students read the menus as needed. Time: 5 minutes In the groups, students will become food detectives dissect the day's lunch menu choices to determine if it follows the myplate/USDA nutrition guidelines o Students will list the foods in the different food groups o Students will determine if the lunch menu meets the Myplate nutrition guidelines discussed earlier in the unit (days 1 and 2). Students can use their notes, internet, book, and other sources to determine the healthiness of the school lunch. o If the meal is deemed as not meeting the food expectations, then students will make changes and explain their changes so that it meets the nutrition guidelines. Even if the meal meets the basic health guidelines, remind students that they can change it to make it even healthier (i.e. if all food is one color, then change so there is a variety, not just all "orange" foods). o Students will then write a letter or state reasons why the school needs to change the lunch menu. o All of the above information will be used in a popplet or PowerPoint presentation, created by the students. o Students will then create popplet or PowerPoint on how to improve school lunches. They create their own lunch menu for a day that follows Myplate. Students will include reasonings why their menu choice is healthy. Time: 33 minutes

Total Lesson Time: 45 minutes

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

Name: ______________________ Group

Assessment: School Lunches Multi-Media Presentations ________/25


I can effectively work in my group to dissect and discuss school lunches I can effectively work in my group by doing my share of the work I can include all elements on my powerpoint or Popplet Original School lunch menu and how it is healthy/unhealthy (25 pts) Our changes and new menu choice (15pts) Reason why to change it (15 pts) I can be a respectful listener during classmates presentations

________/10 _______/25 _______/15 ________/15

Audience Member Character Skills

_______/5 I can use my character skills to respect, be responsible, be fair, be caring, and show my citizen skills during the group work and presentations _______/5 I can use my grammar, conventions, and spelling skills on my media presentation ________/5 I can use creative elements in my media presentation through color, ideas, layouts, and more that make my project stand out ________/5 Total ________/100

Grammar and Conventions Creativity

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

Healthy Eating Unit Plan Lesson 5, Day 5 Grade 3 Lesson goals: 1. Third grade students will be able to reflect back on their learning of Myplate and the basic food groups and demonstrate this learning through a Myplate relay race. 2. Third grade students will present their knowledge of Myplate and create a new school lunch provided with the information learned. Iowa Core Standards: Health Literacy: Demonstrate healthy behaviors that foster healthy, active lifestyles for individuals and the benefit of society. Practice preventive health behaviors: o Identify healthy foods Achieve and maintain health-enhancing level of physical activity. o Practice basic health enhancing physical behaviors. Materials: Powerpoint or Popplet presentation with laptops Pictures of foods, for Relay Activity, for Blank pictures of myplate

Libby Bouma, Melinda Lansing, Jeff Rost EDUC223 PE/Health Methods Fall 2012

Procedures: Presentations: 1. Students will share their powerpoint or popplet presentation to the class. Students will have a balanced myplate meal for their school lunch using information provided in unit. Each student in the group will need to contribute to the presentation and speak while presenting. Time: 15 minutes Myplate relay race: 2. Students will break into four groups and form a line. 3. At the front of the line there will be five different food items each representing the five food groups. Upon selecting their food, they must read and follow the instructions on the back. The instructions will tell them to either walk backwards, run, skip, hop, etc to the other end of the line. At the end of the line there will be a picture of the myplate. Each student will need to place his or her card in the correct place. The player will then run back to their teammates and tag the next player to go. 4. The team to finish and correctly place their food cards in the correct spot wins! Time: 20-25 minutes 5. If time remains... Students may switch or keep the teams the same and play the relay game again. Total Lesson Time: 45 minutes

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