Enrichment Plan

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"#$% '( )*"# Black Bistoiy Nonth

+,-.% /%0%$ Sth giaue stuuents
12,,"32$24 5,%- Reseaich & Expositoiy
!"4% 6,-4% S - Su-4S min sessions
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B/5C11DE Wiite infoimativeexplanatoiy texts to examine a topic anu convey iueas anu infoimation cleaily.
B/5F11DE Wiite infoimativeexplanatoiy texts to examine a topic anu convey iueas anu infoimation cleaily.
B/511DG: Conuuct shoit ieseaich piojects that builu knowleuge thiough investigation of uiffeient aspects of a
55;/ =H=HI Bevelop anu iene a iange of questions to fiame the seaich foi new unueistanuing.
55;/ =H=HC Finu, evaluate, anu select appiopiiate souices to answei questions
55;/ =H=HF Evaluate infoimation founu in selecteu souices on the basis of accuiacy, valiuity, appiopiiateness
foi neeus, impoitance, anu social anu cultuial context.
55;/ IH=HC 0se technology anu othei infoimation tools to oiganize anu uisplay knowleuge anu unueistanuing
in ways that otheis can view, use, anu assess.
?;!BJKB!; = Cieativity & Innovation
?;!BJKB!; I Reseaich & Infoimation Fluency
?;!BJKB!; L Technology 0peiations
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- Bow to iuentify ielevant infoimation
- Bow to use technology to publish wiiting
- Bow to iuentify the best places to look foi
- Bow can the inteinet be
a useful ieseaich tool.
- Bow can technology be
utilizeu when
publishing woik.
- What is plagiaiism, anu
how uo I avoiu it.
- Wheie can I finu
infoimation on
histoiical Afiican-
- Bow can I use NS
Poweipoint to cieate a
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- Infoimation on a given topic can be founu simply by
using uoogle
- 0nce the wiiting is complete, the pioject is uone
Stuuents will know.
Stuuents will be able to.
- Stuuents will know stiategies useful in iuentifying
ielevant infoimation
- Stuuents will know why publishing wiiting is
- Stuuents will be able to use specific seaich engines
to finu acauemic souices
- Stuuents will be able to iuentify ielevant
- Stuuents will be able to use basic functions in NS
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To cieate a postei of a histoiicalfamous Afiican Ameiican
The iole of the peifoimance task is to ieseaich an Afiican Ameiican foi Black
Bistoiy Nonth, anu to cieate a postei to uisplay within the school.
0thei stuuents in giaues K-S
Stuuents will make a postei foi the school-wiue Black Bistoiy Nonth postei
contest to teach youngei stuuents about the impoitance of theii chosen figuie
The final piouuct will be a piinteu postei maue in NS Poweipoint, anu uisplayeu
within the school.
ELA4CCW2, ELASCCW2, ELACCW7, AASL 1.1.S, AASL 1.1.4, AASL 1.1.S, AASL S.1.4,
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Stuuents will take notes on theii chosen histoiical figuie
Stuuents will wiite no less than a paiagiaph about theii famous oi histoiical Afiican Ameiican in theii
homeioom class.
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The teachei will ieau !"# %&'() '* +,-) .(/01#2 by Robeit Coles to the class alouu. A uocument cameia will be
useu so that all stuuents will be able to follow along anu see the pictuies piojecteu on the big scieen.

Aftei the stoiy, stuuents will uiscuss whole gioup why the stoiy is impoitant. They will continue to uiscuss why
it is impoitant we leain about histoiical figuies, anu why it's impoitant that we take time to celebiate histoiy
anu histoiical figuies. Stuuents will be tolu about Febiuaiy anu Black Bistoiy Nonth.

Stuuents will then biainstoim famous Afiican Ameiicans they know, anu why they aie famous. They will be
shown the Pioject Wiki Page. Stuuents will be given time to ieseaich the figuies listeu, as well as some they
nameu uuiing the biain stoim. Buiing this time stuuents will choose a peison to ieseaich in upcoming
sessions, anu submit the name using the foim on the wiki page.
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Stuuents will come in having chosen a peison to ieseaich foi Black Bistoiy Nonth. The class will ieview items
uiscusseu in the pievious session iegaiuing why Black Bistoiy Nonth is impoitant anu why it is impoitant to
celebiate histoiy.

The teachei will then leau a uiscussion on what copyiight anu plagiaiism mean. Stuuents will be askeu why it is
impoitant not to copy someone else's woik. The teachei will explain to stuuents if they use theii own woius
when taking notes, when it comes time to wiite, the infoimation will alieauy be in theii own woius.

The teachei will uemonstiate whole class how to use a seaich site to finu infoimation. Fiist, by seaiching
uoogle, the teachei will seaich foi a histoiical figuie (Naitin Luthei King }i foi example) to show stuuents not
all sites will be ielevant (anu some may not be tiue). Sometimes it's bettei to use scholaily seaich engines to
make suie we have accuiate infoimation. 0sing a site such as uALILE0 (uA teacheis) oi Biitannica School,
seaich the same peison, anu show stuuents how concise anu complete the infoimation is.

0nce an aiticle has been founu, have the stuuents ieau a paiagiaph oi two alouu. Ask stuuents what
infoimation woulu be impoitant foi oui topic (Why aie they impoitant to Black Bistoiy.). Explain infoimation
like biithuate oi biith place may not be impoitant if we aie wiiting a single paiagiaph summaiy about theii
impoitance to Black Bistoiy, anu thus shoulu not be incluueu. Point out some impoitant facts, to show stuuents
examples of what might be impoitant.

Stuuents will then be given the iemainuei of the time to ieseaich theii figuie anu take notes.
7-: I
Baving wiitten theii paiagiaph in class with theii classioom teacheis, stuuents will come to this session
piepaieu to publish. The class will open by asking why is it impoitant foi people to publish theii wiiting. What
aie some ways wiitings aie publisheu.

Stuuents will then be given a template cieateu in NS Poweipoint, anu linkeu on the pioject wiki page. 0sing
this template, stuuents will type theii paiagiaph into the given text box. Stuuents will then come up with a
catch phiase oi tag line foi theii postei. Stuuents will then be shown how to change font, size, anu coloi of the

Lastly, stuuents will be ieminueu about the uiscussion on copyiight anu plagiaiism fiom the pievious
uiscussion. The class will talk about how this applies to photos, anu how some images aie shaieu on the
inteinet as "cieative commons" anu alloweu to be useu in woik pioviueu cieuit is given. Stuuents will then
seaich on uoogle foi images, using stiict filteiing anu selecting "images labeleu foi non commeicial ieuse"
unuei the uoogle image seaich tools. Stuuents will select an image to use as a backgiounu image, anu place a
cieuit link back to the oiiginal image in small text on theii postei.
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This was one of the most successful lessons prepared during practicum. The posters came out beautifully. Many
students really bought into the idea, including many at risk or fringe students.
The lesson was so successful it may be possible to incorporate third graders next year.
Some students still struggled with using their own words when taking notes
The teachers, and administrators loved the posters that were produced by the students in this lesson

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