Benjamin Jackson: Objective

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Benjamin Jackson

201 North Summit Street, Greenville NC | (828) !1" 8#$% | JacksonB10&Stu'ents(ecu(e'u

)o o*tain a teachin+ ,osition -here . ma/ utili0e m/ skills in instruction, assessment, 'ocumentation, an' *ehavioral mana+ement

BACHELORS OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION | UNI&ERSITY 1ajor2 3lementar/ 3'ucation Concentration2 1athematics Cumulative G452 "(" 5ccola'es2 4resi'ent6s 7ist, 8eans 7ist, an' Chancellors 7ist RADUATION DATE! MAY "#$% | EAST CAROLINA

Ca'abi(itie) *+o,i(e
)eachin+ 9esearch 4resentin+ 5'a,tin+ .nstruction 8evelo,in+ :*jectives ;er*al Communication Com,osin+ 7esson 4lans 5'a,tin+ .nstruction <ritten Communication

Teac-in. E/'e+ience

Chico' 3lementar/ is a raciall/ 'iverse school locate' in a rural area -ith a )itle . 'esi+nation( 5*out !#= o> the ,o,ulation i'enti>ies as Caucasian, a*out 1#= o> the ,o,ulation i'enti>ies as 5>rican 5merican, an' a*out 10= ?is,anic or o> other race( . teach in a classroom containin+ 1$ 'iverse learners( 8urin+ this internshi,, . have accom,lishe' the >ollo-in+2 Create' an' im,lemente' % ste, lesson ,lans inclu'in+ a'a,tations >or stu'ents -ith .n'ivi'uali0e' 3'ucation 4lans (.34s)( )he ,lans inclu'e' technolo+ical inte+ration such as the use o> Chrome*ooks to research an' com,ose >acts use' in creatin+ a ,roject that 'is,la/e' >or the # )hemes o> Geo+ra,h/( 8esi+ne' an' im,lemente' a *ehavior mana+ement ,lan consistin+ o> ,ositive rein>orcement an' lo+ical conse@uences inclu'in+ rein>orcement sche'ules that ta,ere' o>> as the /ear ,ro+resse'( 3ncoura+e' ,ro*lem solvin+ an' critical thinkin+ throu+h in@uir/ *ase' learnin+, usin+ authentic situations such as havin+ stu'ents *e a s,okes,erson >or a state o> their choice a>ter researchin+ it, the/ ha' to ,resent com,ellin+ in>ormation an' >acts the/ >oun' to ,ersua'e others to visit that state( 5'a,te' lessons contin+ent on stu'ent ,o,ulation such as havin+ stu'ents com,ose stories usin+ their o-n similes an' meta,hors to un'erstan' >i+urative lan+ua+e -ith literal an' non literal meanin+s(

*+o,e))iona( E/'e+ience
RAN ER3 UIDE| ASHE&ILLE 4I*LINE CANO*Y AD&ENTURES | ASHE&ILLE1 NC | "#$"2CURRENT ?an'le' 'iverse +rou,s o> ,eo,le (culturall/ an' all a+e +rou,s $ an' u,) Airst 5i' Certi>ie' C49 Certi>ie'

3Becutive Boar' 1em*er o> Chi 4hi Araternit/, 3,silon )heta Cha,ter, Greenville NC, 2012 Current ;olunteere' -ith2 S,ecial :l/m,ics, 201" 57S <alk, 201" Bo/s C Girls clu*, 2012 Current Dth Gra'e Classroom -ith 1s( Eim Crouch, ?a- Creek 3lementar/, 5sheville, NC, 2011 201"

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