Christianity and Judaism Comparison David

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The Jewish people are not allowed to eat pork or normal meat.

But they are only allowed to eat Kosher meat. Kosher meat is when a animal is killed in the most harmless way.

Judaism and Christianity both have a place of worship. The place of worship in Judaism is called the Synagogue and for the Christianity is called a Church.

Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with about 2,068,000,000 people. Christians are aloud to eat any kind of food where the Jewish cant eat Pork.

In Judaism they have a very strict diet. When Kosher is cooked it must be away from dairy at all times. Dairy and Kosher must be cooked at different kitchens and it must not be in the same fridge with dairy.


Judaism and Christianity are both monotheistic, which means that they only believe in one god. Although Judaism have 613 commandments they have 10 main commandments which is the same as the Christianity 10 Commandments


Christianity is allowed to eat anything they want to, unlike the Jewish where they are not allowed to eat normal meat and pork. In the Bible, the holy book in Christianity, is full of stories which tells you what is good and bad.

Jewish people have a very important symbol called the star of David. This symbol is important because they believe that the star lead the three wise men to Jesus
David Lim Monday, 31 March, 2014 9:09:52 AM Hong Kong Standard Time

Christianity and Jewish both believe in Jesus and God but the Jewish believe that Jesus was a prot.

Jesus was crucied because one of his disciple, Judas, sold him to the romans, who were the people who wanted to kill Jesus.

The Christian people have a symbol which every one would know. The symbol is a cross. The cross is very important due to when Jesus was crucied on the cross which makes it very symbolic.

Synagogue Fun fact: Did you know that a Synagogue always faces Jerusalem?

Bible Fun fact: Did you know that the Bible took 1600 years to write? Did you know that a bible has 31,103 Verses?

Church: Church of St Peter Fun fact: did you know that Church of St Peter is the oldest church in Turkey?

David Lim

Monday, 31 March, 2014 9:09:52 AM Hong Kong Standard Time

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