Affidavit of Desistance

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Republic of the Philippines) City of Legazpi ) S.S. AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I, Jose M. Nuez of legal age an a !esi ent of "!gy.

Matanag, Legazpi City afte! being uly s#o!n to epose an say$

%. &hat I a' the co'plainant in c!i'inal case no. ()*+, fo! -iolation of !epublic act no. )+.) against se-e!al pe!sons/ (. &hat one of the co0accuse in this case is a ce!tain 1 "a!bie2 "a!be!an / *. &hat #hen #e, ho#e-e!, conf!onte each othe! in cou!t befo!e a!!aign'ent , I !ealize that the sai pe!son b!ought to cou!t is not one of

the pe!sons !esponsible fo! the offense cha!ge / .. &hat fo! that !eason I a' #ith !a#ing the case against hi' file by 'e/ ,. &hat I a' esisting f!o' fu!the! action against hi'.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha-e he!eunto set 'y han this ()th ay of Janua!y, (+%. at Legazpi City, Philippines.

JOSE M. NUEZ Co'plainant

SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO befo!e 'e this ()th ay of Janua!y, (+%. at Legazpi City, Philippines.

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