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Caitlin Delaney Walking and Jogging Cross Training Assignment Elliptical training is a good method for cross training

for jogging it works all of the same methods that running does. Using an elliptical trainer imitates the movements that you would use for running, but without the impact that you get when you actually run. hus, it is a good substitute to use for running, especially if you are injured. he fact that it e!ercises your muscles and uses the same form as actual running does makes it very beneficial to use as cross" training for jogging, as the e!ercise is almost identical in this sense. #nother method would be cycling this will work your $uads which aren%t effectively worked by running and which can help reduce your knee problems that often develop from running. Cycling also e!ercises the outer hips and the gluteus medius which are used in running therefore working some of the same muscles that runners would be using normally. herefore, this training not only serves to strengthen some muscles used in jogging, but it also strengthens muscles that aren&t normally worked by jogging. 'wimming isn%t a weight"bearing activity( therefore, it is a good way to give your joints a break from the impact of running. )t targets many major muscle groups, including in your legs, your back, your upper"body, your abs, etc. hus, it is a good way to enforce the muscles you use while running, such as your leg muscles. *owever, at the same time it will strengthen muscles that running typically ignores, such as your upper body muscles. Water Workout Routine of at Least 8 Exercises +, Deep -ater .unning /pool running, this mimics running on land e!cept it is done in water. 'ince it is in deep water, you will need a floatation device, such as an #$ua0ogger, so that you can run in the pool with your legs suspended from the bottom. 1ou have to make sure to maintain the proper form that you would be using if you were jogging outside of a pool, normally. Do this for half an hour. 2, 'wim +3 laps freestyle his will target many of your upper body muscles, but also your leg muscles. his cross training will let you e!ercise both muscles that are typically used when jogging and also muscles that are ignored when you are walking or jogging. 4, 5o kickboarding. 1ou will strengthen your leg muscles, which is good for runners who are cross training. *old the kickboard out with arms straight and kick your legs as hard as you can, doing 6 lengths of the pool. 6, Do arm circles and leg circles under water. his will target your muscles and will be harder to do than if you were just on land, due to the resistance from the water. Do +3 reps and 4 sets for each leg7arm.

8, *ang onto the edge of the pool with one hand while in the deep end, and face the wall. 'weep your right leg from left to right and back again for +3 reps to stretch your glutes, adductors, and abductors. .epeat with your left leg. his will help stretch out the muscles. 9, 'tand with your back against the pool wall, supported by your arms, and do :3"degree scissor kicks. Do +8 reps and 4 sets for each leg. his e!ercise will work both your legs and your abs. ;, 5o to the shallow end of the pool and jump out of the water $uickly for 4 sets of +8 reps. his is a good e!ercise to do if you are a sprinter it will help you get a more e!plosive power off of the starting blocking. <, 'hallow water walking ry to maintain the normal form you would when walking. Do this for at least +8 minutes. he resistance of the water will make it more difficult than normal walking on land, burning about double the calories you would burn on land in the same amount of time. #lso, make sure you are walking heel to toe, rather than just on your toes, the water resistance can make this difficult.

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