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Kaitlyn D.

kdlemaster@bsu.edu 720 W. Centennial Ave. APT 46 A Muncie, I 47!04 "#!7$ !0%&'!74

OBJECTIVE (nt)usiastic )*s+italit, mana-ement student intendin- t* *btain a career. brin-in- a str*nback-r*und in t)e /ield and )*+e t* bec*me success/ul in t)e )*s+italit, industr,. EDUCATION (nr*lled at 0all 1tate 2niversit, 3Au-. 2040&+resent5 Ma6*r7 8*s+italit, and 9**d Mana-ement Min*r7 9*undati*ns */ Mana-ement 8i-) 1c)**l :raduate /r*m Mississina;a <alle,. class */ 2040 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS (=cellent attendance and ;*rk et)ic. sel/&m*tivated C*m+uter kn*;led-e in7 A++le +r*ducts, M1 W*rd, (=cel, P*;erP*int W*rks ;ell ;it)in deadlines >uick t* learn ne; skills and acce+t ne; res+*nsibilities W*rks ;ell as a member */ a team *r inde+endentl, 1erv1a/e Certi/ied. C<( T certi/ied WORK EXPERIENCE
0all 1tate 2niversit, 1tudent Center 8*tel?Cam+us In/*rmati*n Center 3 *vember 204!&Present5 Per/*rm c)eck&in and c)eck&*ut +r*cesses @irectin- +)*ne calls t* desired de+artments t)r*u-)*ut cam+us Trust;*rt), */ c*untin- and kee+in- track */ cas) re-ister. A200.00 9air/ield Inn Marri*tt "9r*nt @esk Clerk$ 3Ma, 204!& *vemner 204!5 Per/*rm c)eck&in and c)eck&*ut +r*cesses Trust;*rt), */ c*untin- and kee+in- track */ cas) re-ister and sa/e m*ne,. A%00.00 Bversee laundr, /*r )*usekee+in- de+artment. c*m+letes dail, cleanin- tasks 8*tel is currentl, under-*in- interi*r and e=teri*r ren*vati*ns 9air/ield Inn Marri*tt "8*usekee+er$ 3Marc) 204!&Ma,204!5 @ust, vacuum, and sanitiCe bedr**ms and bat)r**ms. +re+are beds and +ill*;s 9*ll*; t)e r**m standards used b, Marri*tt and TMI 8*s+italit,

0i- 0r*t)ers 0i- 1isters */ 8enr, C*unt, o Pr*m*ted t)e lack */ bi- br*t)ersD b, makin- in/*rmati*nal /l,ers /*r t)e c*mmunit,. )el+ed raise A7,%'0 at t)e annual 0*;l /*r Eids 1ake Muncie 0allet o Arran-ed and s*rted c*stumes /*r dancers. created and?*r desi-ned sta-e +r*+s. -at)ered

sta-e +r*+s. c*m+leted all -iven tasks *n time

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