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The L1nguaphone Institute
The Linguaphone Institute
Linguaphone Institut e Limited
207 Regent Street
london WIR 8AU
1978 Linguaphone Institute Limited. london
All rights reserved. No part of this publication. or
related recorded mat erial. may be reproduced. stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any fonn or by
any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or ot herwise, without the prior permission of
Linguaphone Institut e Limited.
First published 1978
3rd (revised) edition 1982
Printed in Great Britai n by
Biddies Ltd. Guildford. Surrey
Learning with Linguaphone
Your Linguaphone Course has been carefully constructed in the most up-to-date
scientific way to build up the language you are learning from an absolute beginning
to the point where, if you have followed the inst ructions. you will be able to speak.
read and write the language and to understand it when it is spoken. You will be able
to cope confidently with everyday situations where Indonesian is spoken. We hope
you will enjoy your Linguaphone Indonesian Course and will find studying it
profitabl e and rewarding. The amou nt you learn and the progress you make depend
ent irely on your own efforts. You will only profit from it if you st udy re1(ularly and
frequently .
Do not try to take in too much of the course at a time. It is better to study a small
amount thoroughly and be sure you underst and it before going on to the next section.
Many of the lessons are divided into a numbe r of quite short sections and you may
find that you prefer to study each section in turn thoroughly rather than coping with
the whole lesson at once. You will soon find the pace that suits you.
Coursebook (Kursus Bahasa Indonesia)
The Linguaphone Indonesian Course consists of forty lessons. all in dialogue form.
which tell the story of a young Indonesian, Budi Susant o. who has been brought up
abroad and goes to Indonesia to stay with friends. As a visitor. he experiences much
that a foreign visitor to Indonesia would experience and you can learn a great deal
about Indonesia. its customs and way of life from Budi's experiences in addition ( 0
learning the language.
The coursebook begins with an Introduction. in which the three main characters
intr oduce themselves to you. Then follow the forty lessons of dial ogues. written
exercises and oral exercises, a section devoted to Indonesian sounds and
pronunciati on and finally a key containing the answers to the written exercises.
Everything in the course book is recorded with the exception of the written exercises
and their answers.
In the coursebook the lessons are grouped in pairs (I and 2. 3 and 4. etc.] as follows :
(a) The dialogue of the first lesson
(b) The two written exercises of the first lesson
Ic) The examples and first two items of the oral exercise of t he first lesson
Id) The examples and first two items of the oral exercise of the second lesson
Ie) The dialogue of the second lesson
If) The written exercises of the second lesson.
Some of the lessons comprise one dialogue or conversation only. while others are
divided into a number of shorter dialogues as the scene changes according to the
story. Asterisks are used in such cases to denot e a change of scene. l esson 40 is
followed by the text of the sounds section (Bunyi haliustl Indonesia) where you have
the Indonesian alphabet and examples of how Indonesian is pronounced.
In recent years the spelling of Indonesian, and its sister language Malay, has been
reformed and standardized and il is Ihis reformed spelling which is used in your
Linguaphone Course. You are advised 10 check that any books in Indonesian which
you may buy are printed in the new reformed spelling.
The Reco rdings
Following the Introduction, the recording pattern for each lesson is as follows :
(a) The recording of the dialogue
(b) A recording, in most lessons, of part of the dialogue wit h pauses t o enable
you t o repeat what you have heard and so pra cti se your pronu nciati on
(c) The oral exercise.
The sounds section which appears in the ccursebook after Lesson 40 will be found on
record 21, side Bor on cassette 4, track B. You should refer to this section regular ly.
practise t he sounds you hear and learn the Indonesian alphabet.
The Handbook
The handbook is designed 10 help you work your way through the Course and to
explain to you the language used in each lesson. It contains :
1 A translation of t he Introduction.
2 For each of the forty lessons:
(a) A lesson vocabulary in alphabetica l order listing the words which are new,
or used with a different meaning from thai of a previous lesson. with the
appropriate English equivalent. If a word is followed by (D) it means it
occurs only in the oral exercise (or drill) and if by (E) only in the written
(b) Explanatory notes on the language used in the lesson. Not everything is
explained as you will find that . as you work through the course, more and
more becomes familiar to you and you will be able 10 understand a great deal
by virt ue of what you have already learned and by looking at the vocabulary
to check the meaning of a new word. Those sentences which do require an
explanation are firstly translated into English with the explanations
following. References are made to previous notes dealing with the same or
similar point s and also to the Appendix. Sometimes. in order to help you
understand the construction of an Indonesian sentence better, it is necessary
to give a literal translation into English. This is always done in brackets.
wit h the translation preceded by the abbreviation lit. On other occasions
brackets are used to indicate t hat a word necessary for the English version is
nOI rendered at all in the Indonesian, or to indicate a word used in
Indonesian for which an English translation is not required.
3 A list of words used in the Sounds section.
4 An Appendix which sets out the major linguistic points covered in the course.
Refer to t his section for amplification of grammat ical points as you work
through the course.
5 An alphabetical list of all t he Indonesian words used in the course. cross-
referenced by number to the lesson in which they first appear. Some words are
followed by two or more numbers and this indicates that they are used with a
number of different meanings. SS indicates that the word only appears in the
Sounds section and lnt. refers to the Introduction.
How to use the course
Your course consists of:
a coursebook (Kursus Bahasa Indonesia)
recordings (on records or cassettes)
a handbook
this inst rucncns booklet.
1 Recording Listen to the recording of t he dialogue several times. If the dialogue
is divided into sections, take one or two sections at a time. We do nOI expect you
to understand at this stage. Just listen to the sounds of the language. You will
find that gradually you are becoming accustomed to the sounds of the language.
2 Recording Coursebook (KurJus Bahasa Indonesia) Listen 10 the recording and
follow the text in the book several times. You will now be able to relate whal
you hear 10 what you sa: printed.
3 Handbook Work out t he meaning, using the word list and notes. (For the
Introduction only, you have a complete t ranslauon.] Try to understand first of
all the meaning of the phrases and then of whole sentences.
4 Recording Listen to t he recording again now that you understand the meaning.
Continue to listen until you can understand everything as you hear if
5 Recording COUI"Wbook (Kursus Bahasa Indonesia) Read the text 10 yourself and
then read it aloud several times. If you have any doubts abou t the pronunciation
of any word or phrase listen to that part of the recording again. You can also
listen to the recording of the sounds of Indonesian (Bunyi bahasa IndQnesiu)
which you will find on record 21, side Bor cassette 4 track B. The text appears
after Lesson 40 in the coursebook.
6 Recordina Now t urn to the paused section of rne Indonesian text, which
immediately follows the end of the recording of the full dialogue. You will note
it contains pauses in which you should repeat what the Indonesian speaker has
said. Listen carefully and then repeat, t rying to copy as exactly as you can, the
pronunciation, intonat ion and stress of the speaker. You should repeat this
repetition exercise as often as you like until you are satisfied with your
pronunciat ion. Not e that some lessons do not have t his paused sectio n.
7 Written Exercises (La/ihan) Turn to your Cc ursebcok and do the two written
exercises on a separate sheet of paper, not in the book.
(i) Read the examples: they show you what you have to do.
(ii ) Write out each answer in full. including the first two which are the same as
the examples.
(iii) Check your answers with those given in the key at the back of the book .
[iv] If you have made a mistake and canner understa nd why. refer 10 the text
agai n and check with the Appendix.
8 Orll Exercise (Lat ihIJtI uCIJpan) Re<'Ofding IItd Coursebook
(i) Tu m to the final part of the recordi ng of the lesson you are studying. The
examples of the oral exercise and the first two items. which are the same as
the examples. are printed in the Ccursebook. This should help you fully
understand what you have to do .
(ii) Each exercise starts with two examples. Listen to these examples. First you
will hear the stimulus. then the response. which is given by a voice taki ng
the part of the student. and finally the response again.
(iii) After you hear the instruction to begin (mului) get ready to take your pari
in the exercise. Your task is to replace the middle voice which you heard in
the examples. (In place of the middle voice there is nowa pause in which
you should make your response.)
To help you get into the rhythm of each exercise. the examples are repeated
as the first elements of the exercise. so that you should be able to give the
correct responses easily.
After your own response. the correct response is always given. so that you
will known immediately whether, in fact. your response was correct.
So remember. the basic formu la for the ora l exercises is :
our stimulus
your response
our correct response.
[iv) Repeal (ii) and (iii) until you are satisfied with your work. Note : The end of
each oral exercise is indicated by two " bleeps", and the end of each
complete lesson by four " bleeps",
9 Begin the next lesson.
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The Unguaphone Institute
The Linguaphone Institute
Linguaphone Institute Limited
207 Regent St reet
London WI R 8AU
1978 Linguaphonc Institute Limited, London
All right s reserved. No part of thi s publication, or
re lated recorded material, may be reprodU(;ed. stored in
a retri eval system. or transmilled in any form or by
any means electronic, mechanical. photoc"Opying, recording
or otherwi se. without the prior permission of
Linguaphone Institut e Limited.
First publi shed 1978
3rd (revised) edition 1982
Printed in Great Britain by
Biddies Ltd. Guildford, Surrey
Kursus di susun oleh:
Di bawah bimbingan:
Kursus direkam oleh:
Drs. Ibrahim,
Bekas Pembantu Oekan Satu,
Fakultas Sastera Seni,
Un iversitas Islam SumalraUtara,
Georgc Hoff
Drs. Ibrahirn
Georgc I-Ioff
Yulia Irfany
Ahmad Falriawan
Nyonya Sofia Alarnudi
The Rt. Hon. Lord Eyans,!., LtD.,
Hon. Dr. of LeUers, University of Paris.
former ly Provost , University College London.
Professor A. C. Gimson, B.A.,
Professor of Phoneti cs,
Uni versity College London.
Monsieur Andri Martinet ,
Professeur a I' Universi te de Paris (Sorbonne),
Direcleuf de rInstilUl de Linguistiquc.
Professor RandoIph Quirk, CBE. MA. PhD, DLil.
FBA Hon Fil Or (Uni versit ies of Lund and
Uppsala) Hon Or of Lell ers (University of Paris)
Quain Professor of English. University College
Professor Albert Sonnenreld, Ph. D., Che .... , Ordre
des Palmes Academiques.
Professor of French and Comparative Literatures,
Chairman, Department of Romance Languages
and Literatures, Princeton University.
Keilh RawsonJones, B.A ..
Director, Educational Research and Development,
The Linguaphone Insti tute.
Daftar isi Pellgallfar
I Di lapa ngan lerbang 2
2 Perjalanan ke Bandung 5
3 Tiba di rumah 7
4 Di rumah 10
5 Kantor pos 12
6 Di bank
7 Di restoran
8 Percakapan
9 Bertamu
10 Bi ca ra tentang sekolah
11 Berbelanja
12 Di pasa r
13 Wak lu
14 Keluar
15 Kebun Raya Bogor
16 Gunung Mas
17 Piknik
18 Kc luarga dan pcrkawi nan
19 Budi dan Yanli
20 Sural
21 Sa kit perul 54
22 lSli rahat di rumah 57
23 Masyarakat 59
24 Pcrgi ke Jakarta 63
25 Kcliling Jakarta
26 Berangkat dari Jakart a
27 Tiba di Medan 71
28 Rurnah Ahmad 74
29 Kc danau Toba 78
30 Di danau Toba 81
31 Mogok 84
32 Kantor dan pabrik 87
33 Di pelabuhan dan di kapal
34 Jawa Tengah
35 Yogyakarta 96
36 Yogyakart a 99
37 Pulang dari Bali 101
38 Beasiswa 106
39 Pcrkawinan 108
40 Perpisahan III
BUllY; bal/iJSlJ Indonesia
Latil/iJlI : Jawaban
Lumban Lobu, Sumatra
Budi A pa kabar"
Nama saya Budi.
Umur saya li ga puluh dua tahun.
Saya Ofang Indonesia tetapi saya tinggal di London.
Ibu saya orang SkOl landia.
Saya manager di perusahaan perkapaJan.
Besok saya hendak pergi ke Indonesia.
Saya akan linggal dengan kawan saya Ali dan YanlL
Ali Selamal berlemu.
Saya AIL
Saya juga orang Indonesia.
Umur saya liga ptiluh lima lahun.
Saya tinggal bersama adik saya.
Saya pegawai negeri di Band ung.
Segcra saya akan kawin dengan Sa lmah.
Saya dan Yanli hendak ke Japangan terbang.
Kami pergi naik mobil.
Kami akan menjeput Budi.
Yanti Saya senang bcrtemu saudara.
Saya Yanli.
Saya adiknya AIi.
Umur saya dua puluh empa! tahun.
Saya guru.
Sckarang, saya hendak pergi ke lapangan terbang.
Kami mau mcnjepul Budi.
Dia akan linggal bersama kami.
Saya harap saudara berbahagia.
Pelajaran satu Di lapangan terbang

Nama saya Ali Umar.
Nama saya l3udi Susanto.
Ini Yanti. Yanli Umar.
Dia adik saya.
Saya datang dad London.
Selamat datang di Jakarta.
Terima kasih.
Di mana ba rang saudara?
l3arang saya di sini.
Saya da n AIi haus.
Saya juga haus.
lI u resta ran.
Kila minum di resta Tan.
Saya mau minum kopi.
Saya mau minum bi r.
Saya suka tch.
Habi s mi num kita pergi ke Dandung .

Di mana mobil saudara?
(t u mobil Ali.

Ya nti, Budi, pergi ke mobil!
Saya mau bayar.
Budi, silakan naik mobil.
Di mana saya duduk?
Budi , saudara duduk di depan !
Saya duduk di belakang.
Ali, mobil saudara bagus.
Ini mobil kanlor.
l akarta- Bandung tiga jam.
Saya pikir saudara capek.
Ya, saya capek.
Saudara bisa ti dur di mobil.

Latihan 1
Itu mobi l.
/tu mobil soya.
Ini barang.
In.; barang soudara.
Itu mobil.
2 Ini barang.
3 Itu kopi.
4 Ini teh.
5 I tu restoran.
6 lni adik.
7 I tu bir.
8 Ini kanl or.
9 !tu pelajaran.
10 Ini lapangan.
Latihan 2
datang; minum; duduk; pergl; blS8; tl dur; suka; naik; mau
Ali ... ke Jakarta.
AI; perg; ke iukurlu.
Saya ... teh.
Saya suka {eh
Al i ... ke Jakarta.
2 Saya ... teh.
3 Budi ... dari London.
4 Kila ... di restoran.
5 Kila ... pergi ke Bandung.
6 Al i ... bayar.
7 Silakan ... mobil.
8 Yanti ... di belakang.
9 Saudara ... tidur di kantor.
10 Saya ... di mobil.
Pelajaran 1 Lati han ucapan
Di mana Bandung?
&lIdung di Indonesia.
Bandung di Indonesia.
Dj mana Ali?
Ali di restoratl.
Ali di restoran.
Di mana Bandung?
2 Di mana Ali ?
Pelajaran 2 Latihan ucapan
Saya dan AIi perg.i ke Bandung.
Kami pergi ke BOlldullg.
Kami pergi ke Bandung.
Kami dan sauda ra pergi ke London.
Kito pergi ke LOl/dOft
Ki ta pergi ke London.
Saya <lan Al i pergi ke Bandung.
2 Kami dan saudara pergi ke London.
( feSlaran)
Pelajaran dua Perjalanan ke Bandung

Saya capek, tetapi saya tidak mau ti dur.
Mengapa saudara lidak mau tidur?
Dia mau lihal perjalanan.
Apa nama desa ini?
Nama desa ini Cibinong.
Desa ini bagus.
Apa saudara mau berhenti?
Mengapa kila berhenti?
Kita bisa beli buah.
Kami biasa beli buah di sini.
Ya, saya suka buah.
Di sini buah rnurah.

Apa nama buah ini?
Nama buah ini rambulan.
Ini pepaya.

Di London kami juga ada pepaya, lelapi rnahal.
Kami pikir di London lidak ada pepaya.
Di Indonesia, pepaya rnurah.
Kami biasa makan pepaya.
Saya suka pepaya, mari kila be lL
Mari kit a pergi ke warung.
Ya, kita juga bisa rninurn di warung.
Kita harus pergi sekarang.
Baik, sudah jam empal sore.
Di mana kita rnakan?
Kita makan di desa Cipanas.
Saya suka perjal:lIlan ini.
Ya, daerah ini bagus.
Ora ng asing suka dalang ke sini.
Saya sudah scga r sekarang.


Latihan 1
Nama desa ini Cibinong.
Apa llama desa illj?
Nama buah itu rambulan.
Apa llama buah itu?
Nama desa ini Cibinong.
2 Nama buah itu ramhutan.
3 Nama kOla ini London.
4 Nama kola itu Bandung.
5 Nama kola ini Jakarta.
6 Nama lapangan terbang itu Halim.
7 Nama lapangan terbang ini Heathrow.
8 Nama buah ilu pepaya.
9 Nama wafung ini "Murah".
IO Nama desa it u Cipanas.
Latihan 2
Saya suka makan ramhutan.
Soya tidak suka makoll rambutan
Kami suka makan pepaya.
Kami lidak mka makon pepaya.
Saya suka makan rambutan.
2 Kami suka makan pepaya.
3 Kil a suka minum kopi.
4 Saudara suka pergi ke Indonesia,
S Ali suka peTgi ke desa.
6 Dia sub desa inL
7 Budi sub perjalanan ini.
S Yanli suka daerah in i.
9 Say a suka London.
10 Kami suka Jakarta.
Pelajaran tiga
Tiba di rumah
Yalll i
Kita sudah liba di rumah kami.
Silakan masuk, Budi.
Oh, rumah ini bagus dan besar.
Ini bukan rumah kami.
Ini rumah siapa?
Ini rumah kant or.
Mengapa AIi buka sepatu?
Di Indonesia , kapan saudara masuk rumah hams buka sepalU.
!tu adat Indonesia. Ini se\op untuk pakai di rumah.
Terima kasih banyak.
Inam, ini tuan Budi, tamu kita.
Siapa perempuan ini?
Inam pembantu di rumah kami.
Inam masa k dan cuci untuk kami.
Mari Budi , saya bawa saudara !ihat rumah.
Saya mau lihat rumah ini.
Rumah ini ada tiga kamar tidur, satu kamar tamu, kama r makan dan
kamar duduk.
Di man a kakus dan kamar mandi ?
Kamar keci! di samping kamar mandi, di belakang.
Saya perlu mandi dan sikat gigi.
Kapan Budi mandi, jangan masuk bak.
Inam akan atur barang.
Kami tunggu di kamar duduk.
Inam, bawa kopi dan kueh untuk tamu.
Saya senang dan tidak ca pek.
Silakan duduk, milium kopi dan makan kueh.
Silakan minum kopi tubruk dan maka n ketan hitam.
Kopi dan kueh ini sangat enak.
Habis minum dan makan kita tidur.
Latihan 1
Ali buka sepatu.
Siopa buka sepat u?
Ini rumah kanlOr.
Illi rUmIlh sitJpa?
1 Ali buka se patu.
Ini rumah kantor.
3 Budi makan kueh.
4 Ini kamar tidur kami.
5 Kami akan alur barang.
6 Itu kebun Ali.
7 Yanti masuk kamar mandi .
8 I tu kopi saya.
9 Budi pakai selop di rumah.
10 Ini rumah kami .
Lati han 2
bukan; t idak
Ini Ali.
IlIi bukan A {i.
Al i pergi ke Jaka rta.
Ali tidak pergi ke Jakarta.
2 Ali pergi ke Jakarta.
3 Ini Ali, . . . Budi.
4 Kami makan buah.
5 Ini kamar kit a.
6 Kita dat ang ke Bandung.
7 Ini mobil kami.
8 Kita ti dur cl i sin i.
9 l ni rumah kan tor.
10 Ali dan Bum minum kopi.
Pelajaran 3
Siapa ilu?
lIu Al i.
!tu rumah siapa?
ftu rumllh IUJmi
!tu rumah kami.
J Siapa itu?
2 !tu rumah siapa?
Pelajaran 4
Latihan ucapan
Latihan ucapan
Apakah Budi sudah makan?
YQ, Budi $udah malUJn.
Ya , Budi sudah maka n.
Apakah Ali sudah pergi ke Bandung.
Belurn, A /i be/urn pergi ke &ndun,g.
Belum. Al i belum pergi ke Bandung.
Apakah Budi sudah makan?
2 Apa kah AIi sudah pergi ke Bandung?
(AIi )
(Ali )
~ a m i )
( belum)
Pelajaran empat Di rumah


Selamat pagi Ali dan Van!i.
Selama! pagi, saya piki r saudara masih tidur.
Saya dengar suara ayam jago dan suara mcsj id.
I ni Bandung, hubn London.
Di London tidak ada suara ayam, tClapi ada suara gercja.
Silakan mandi, kemudian kita sarapan.
Di London saya tidak mandi pagi tClapi cud muka.
inam, apakah ada ai r panas untuk la mu?
l!lam sudah masak ai r unluk Budi. Ai r unluk sikal gigi di bOlol.
Mari kita makan sekarang.

Saya belum raS3 pepaya mcrah, sanga! cnak.
Apakah Budi mall coba nasi goreng dan mala sapi ?
AW3S, nasi gorcng ini pcdas dan panas.
Saya belum biasa makan pedas.
Makanan Indonesia selalu pedas.
Kalau pedas jangan minum.
Saya mau li hat kebun.
Baik, mari kila pergi .

Ini Amat, dia suami Inam, dia lukang kebun.
Inam isleti Arnat.
Saya tanam bunga anggerek.
Saya l idak suka bunga, saya suka buah.
Ya, saudara Ali l::lki-Iaki, tet api Vanti perempuan.
Kami pia ra ayam, bebek, ikan dan kambing.
Waduh! Ini kebun besar sekal i.
Ini biasa di Indonesia.

Pohon tinggi itu pohon kelapa. Pohon rendah ini pohon pisang.
Pohon itu hesar, clan pohon ini keci!.

Latihan 1
Saya ada mobil.
50ya ridak ada mobil
Di London ada rambutan.
Di LOlldon (idak ada rambu(a/L
Saya ada mobil.
2 Di London ada rambutan.
3 Kami ada rumah besar.
4 Di London ada ayam jago.
S Saya ada empat rumah.
6 Di Jakarta ada pepaya.
7 Yanti ada bunga anggerek.
8 Di s.ini ada taxi.
9 Saya ada isteri.
10 Di London ada pohon kelapa.
Latihan 2
dengar; pikir; mandi; masak; makan; pergi; minum; suka; tiba ; duduk
Saya ... suara ayam jago.
50ya dengar suara ayam jago.
Kami ... Ali pergi ke Indonesia.
Kami pikir Ali pergi ke Indonesia
Saya .. . suara ayam jago.
2 Kami ... AIi pc rgi ke Indonesia.
3 Budi ... di Jakarla.
4 Inam ... air panas untuk tamu.
S Budi dan Yanli ... di kamar duduk.
6 Yant i ... di kamar mandi.
7 Budi, Ali dan Yanti ... ke Bandung.
8 Kami ... kopi.
9 Budi dan Kami . .. di restoran.
10 Orang asing ... daerah ini.
Pelajaran li ma Kantor pos

Apa rencana saudara hari in;?
Saya perlu kirim sural, tukar uang dan urus like!.
Saya harus kerja, Budi bisa pergi dengan Yanti.
Tidak bisa, karena saya harus pergi ke sekolah.
Kalau beg;tu, saya harus pergi se ndiri .
Kami tidak ada peta, Budi harus cari sendi ri.
Selamat jalan Budi- sampai bertemu nanli sore.

Pak Polisi, di mana kantor pos?
Kantor pos di jalan Asia Afrika.
Apakah jauh alau dekat dari sini?

Mengapa saudara lidak naik delman, agak jauh jalan kaki.
Terima kasih. pak. Saya biasa jalan kaki.

Polis; Ambil jalan ini, terus kira-kira dua ralllS meter, kemudi an belok kiri,
lantas belok kanan, di sana kantor pos.
Bud; Selamat tinggaJ pak.

Bud; Saya mau beli perangko untuk pos udara.
Pegawai pal Perangko di loket nomo r liga. Di sini hanya untuk kirim paket.
Barang mahal harus kirim dengan pos tercatat.
Budi Saya mau lima perangko dan sepuluh aerogramme untuk London.

Bud; Paket ini , satu kilo dua on.
Pegawai pas Ongkos kirim dua ribu rupiah.
Budi Pak, saya mau tukar uang, di mana bank?
Pegowai pas Bank di depan kanlor pos ini.
Apakah tuan dari Inggeris.?
Budi Ya, betul pak, saya orang London.
Terima kasih pak, saya pergi ke bank sekarang. Selamat tinggal.
Pegowai pas Selamat jalan, saya harap saudara senang Bandung.
Latihan 1
Apakah kant or pos jauh?
Tidak, kolllor pos tidak jauk Kantor pos dekot.
Apakah London debt?
Tidak, LOl/don tidak dekor. London jauk
Apakah kantor pas jauh?
2 Apakah London dekat?
3 Apakah setasiun jauh?
4 Apakah bank dekat?
S Apakah lapangan terbang jauh?
6 Apakah Bandung dekat?
7 Apakah rumah Ali jauh?
8 Apakah sekolah debt?
9 Apakah rumah kami j auh?
10 Apakah rumah kita jauh?
Latihan 2
beli; tukar; earl ; dari ; harus: pergi; nanti sore; kirlm; perlu
Saya ... perangko di kanlor pas.
Soya beli perangko di komor pos.
Budi ... uang di bank.
Budi tukor Ul1ng di bank.
Saya ... perangko di kanlor pos.
2 Budi .. . uang di bank.
3 Saya ... paket ke London.
4 8udi ... kirim sural ke London.
S Kami ... pe rangko di loke t nomor tiga.
6 Budi ... kantor pas sendiri.
7 Yanti . .. pergi ke sekolah.
8 Ali dan Yanti bertemu Budi ...
9 Apakah tuan . .. lnggeris?
10 Ali dan Vanti tidak ... ke kanl or pos.
Pelajaran 5 latihan ucapan
Saya biasa jalan kaki.
$aya tidak biosa ;a/an kaki.
Saya tidak biasa jalan kaki.
Budi biasa naik del man.
Bud; belurn biaSQ lIoik de/man.
Budi belum biasa naik delman.
Saya biasa jalan kaki.
2 Budi biasa naik delman.
Pelajaran 6 Latihan ucapan
Ali kawan saya.
A li bukan /(aWQ" soya.
Ali bukan kawan saya.
Dia pergi ke Jakar ta .
Diu lidok perg; ke Ja/UJrla.
Dia tidak pergi ke Jakarta.
Ali kawan saya.
2 Dia peTgi ke Jakarta.
(t idak)
( Iidak)
Kant or Gubernur, Bandung
Pelaj aran enam Di bank
Budi Selamal sia ng nona, saya mau tukaT uang.
Pegawoi bank Selama t siang luan, saya bisa lolong {ukar travel cheque dan
uang kOnlan.
Pegawai ballk
Pegawai bank
8erapa kurs pon /nggeris hari ini?
Saya ada daftar kurs hari inL
Tolong tukaT lima puluh pon.
ruan mau uang bCS3r alau uang kedl.
Saya mau separoh uang besar dan separoh uang keei!.
Ini uang luan. Apakah luan cari travel biro? Pegawai bank
Budi Ya, terima kasih, saya tahu t ravel biro di samping bank ini.

Peguwai travel bim Silakan duduk tuan, saya masih ada tamu.
lJudi Apakah saya bolch pinjam koran?
Pegawai travel bira Ya, si lakan, di meja itu ada bebcrapa sural kabar dan
brosur dan lain-lain ...
Mari , silakan duduk luan.
Budi Ini like! saya dan saya harus pulang bulan depan (:J.nggal (iga.
Pegawairravelbiro Bolch saya !ihat karcis l uan? Oh, luan mau pul ang ke
Oh, saudara Budi tinggal di rumah Ali di kampung Dago.
Blldi Memang, kenapa?
PegcJlvui biro Ali kawan saya, kami teman sekolah.
Budi Oh bagus, bagaimana dengan tiket saya?

Pegoll'ui biro Oh, jangan kuatir, saya mampir ke rumah AIi nanti sore
jam lima.
BlIdi Baik, saya ada di rumah nant i mat am. Terima kasih sampai
bertcmu nanti malam.

7ilkOllg rokok
Tukollg rokok

Berapa harga satu bungkus rokok ini, dan korek api?
Ini rokok Inggeris, kenapa tuan tidak coba rokok kretck?
Saya Hhat ada beberapa cap, mana yang enak?
Saya pikir yang ini enak.
Enak se kali rokok ini , tctapi sa ngat mahal. Di man a restoran
Indonesia yang baik?
ltu, di sebcra ng jalan, di sana ada banyak rumah makan.

Latihan 1
Tuantuan mau IUkar apa?
Komi mau rUMr uong.
Saudara-saudara mau cari apa? (t ravel biro)
Kom; mau car; travel biro.
I Tuan-tuan mau tukar apa? (uang)
2 Saudarasaudara mau cad apa? (travel biro)
3 Bapak-bapak mau pinjam apa? (koran)
4 Pegawai travel biro mau !ihat apa? (karcis Bucli)
5 Saudara mau beli apa? (rokok)
6 Budi mau naik apa? (delman)
7 Bapak mau beli rokok apa? (krtl ek)
8 Saudara mau se paroh uang apa? (uang besar)
9 Yant i dan Budi mau naik apa? (taxi)
10 Tuan mau cari restoran apa? (Indonesia)
latihan 2
Berapa ha rga rokok ini? (dua ratus rupiah)
/largo rokok ini duo rotus ntp;ah
Berapa jauh kampung Oago? (sepuluh kilometer)
Kampung Dago sepuluh kilometer.
I Berapa harga rokok ini? (dua ratU$ rupiah)
2 Berapa jauh kampung Oago? (sepuluh kilometer)
3 Bcrapa ongkos kc Jakarta? (dua ribu rupiah)
4 Bcrapa orang datang kc Bandung? (tiga orang)
5 Strapa banyak rumah saudara? (lima)
6 Strapa orang adik saudara? (dua orang)
7 Bcrapa bungkus rokok saudara beIn (lip bungkus)
8 Berapa harga likel ke Bandung? (seribu rupiah)
9 Berapa surat kabar saudara mau pinjam? (dua sural kabar).
10 Berapa orang mau pergi ke London? (enam orang)
Pelajaran tujuh Di resto ran
Si laka n duduk luan. Bcrapa orang semua?
Saya sendi ri saja. Boleh saya liha! daftar makanan?
1ni daftar makanan, luan ma u pesan apa?
Saya mau biT, tClapi apakah ad!! mi numan lain yang lebih coak?
Ada air jeruk, cs kopyor dan cs alpokat.
Vang mana pal ing cnak?
Air jcruk cnak, cs kopyor Ichih cnak, tClapi a!pokat yang pali ng
Kalau begitu, saya pesan alpokat.
Ada makanan sediki l pedas, pedas, lebi h pedas, juga ada yang
paling pedas.
Saya be lum biasa makanan pedas, saya mau yang sedi ki t pedas.
Ada gado-gado, sate, nasi goreng, nasi Tames, juga adll sambal ikan
dan telur.

Saya minta gado-gado, sate kambing dan nasi rames.

Jni makanan yang tuan pesan. Selamat makan.
Di mana pisau, garam dan mcri ca?

PefayolI Kami hanya pakai sendok dan garpu saja, garam dan merica sudah
di dal am makanan.

Makanan ini cnak sekali. Budi
Terima kasih, saya harap sauda ra datang kembali.
Tent u, berapa harga makanan ini?
Harga nya ada di bon ini.
Saudara bayar kepada kasir.
Di mana rumahn ya, apakah perlu saya panggi l taxi?
Budi Taxi ongk.osnya mahal , saya nai k delman saj a.

1ilkonK de/man Tuan mau ke mana?
Budi Kc kampung 03go. bung. Berapa ongkosnya?
'(ukonK de/mall Ongkosnya murah. Li ma ral us rupiah saja.
Bmli Apa nama jalan ini?
Tukallg de/mall Namanya jalan Kart ini.

Budi Saya senang naik del man, saya ng di London tidak ada lagi.

Latihan 1
Nama dia Ali.
Namanya AIi.
Ongkos ke Jakarta dua ratus rupiah.
Ongkosllya duo ratus rnpia/L
I Nama dia Ali.
2 Dngkos ke Jakarta dua ratus rupiah.
3 Nama dia Vant i dan nama dia Budi.
4 Harga buku ilu murah.
S Rumah dia di Jakarta.
6 Nama kola itu London.
7 Nama jalan it u Jalan Kartini.
8 Nama luan ilu Budiman.
9 Nama orang ilu Suarli.
10 Rumah dia jauh.
Latihan 2
Buku ini besar.
Buku ini lebih besar. Buku itu paling beSilr.
Holel ini murah.
Hotel fni lebih murak Hotel itu paling murah.
Buku ini besar.
2 Holel ini murah.
3 Kola ini jauh.
4 Rokok ini mahal.
S Makanan ini enak.
6 Delman ini bagus.
7 Setasiun ini dekal.
8 Drang ini baik.
9 Lapangan lerbang ini keeil.
10 Drang ini capek.
Pelajaran 7 Latihan ucapan
Makanan ini enak.
MakallotJ itu lebih etlak..
Makana n ilu lebi h enak .
l alan ini [ebih besar.
la/all itu paling besor.
Jalan itu paling besar.
Mol al
Makanan ini enak.
2 Jalan ini [ebih besar.
Pelajaran 8 Latihan ucapan
Buku ini mahal.
Bllku i ni fer/alu malwL
Buku illi te rl alu rnahal.
Ali da tang ke rumah saya.
A li juga datang ke r"moh soya.
Ali juga datang ke rumah saya.
Mul ai
Buku ini mahal.
2 AIi datang ke rumah saya.
(Jebih )
(terl alu)
(j uga)
( Ierl alll)
(i ugo)
Pelajaran delapan Percakapan
Eh. Budi, berapa ongkos delman itu?
Lima rat us rupiah dari jalan Kartini. Kenapa?
Oh, terlalu mahal, lain kali harus lawar.
8erapa biasanya? Saya pikir itu murah.
Biasanys tiga ratus rupiah sudah eukup.
Tidak apa , saya harus bayar uang sekolah.
Ke mana Budi pergi hari ini?
Says tubr uang, kirim sural dan pakel. kemudian makan di restoran.
Apakah Budi tidak lupa sesuatu?
Ya, saya urus karei s pulang di travel biro, dan bertemu kawan Ali.
Siapa namanya?
Saya tidak tahu, saya lupa, katanya dia kenal baik dengan Al l.
Awa s, la in kali jangan terlalu percaya kepada orang aSil1g.
Dia bukan orang pinggir jalan, dia pegawai travel biro.
Budi untung, karena Sutanto belul teman saya, kalau tidak Budi bisa
SJya pereaya orang Indoncsi<l semua baik.
Ya, Budi nasib baik, di Indonesia juga ada orang yang lidak jujur.
[ni dia kareis Budi, semuanya sudah beres.
Budi makan siang di mana?
Di restoran debt travel biro.
Di situ mahal, mengapa tidak makan di warung?
Tidak apa , lain kali kita makan di warung.
Saya cerita ten tang Budi kepada muridmurid saya di sekolah.
Apakah saya boleh datang ke sekolah?
Mereka semua, muridmurid dan guruguru, ingin bertemu dengan
Mereka ingin eoba bieaTa bahasa Inggeris dengan Budi.
Oh, tidak, saya mau latih bahasa Indonesia dengan mereka.
Tentang itu, kita bisa musyawarah.
Mari kita minum kopi dan makan kelepon.
latihan 1
Dari Jakarta saya pergi ke Bandung.
Don' Jakarta kemudian saya perg; ke Bandung.
Kalau begitu, saya mandi dan makan.
Ka{au begilu, soya m/md; kemudian makan.
Dari Jakarta saya pergi ke Bandung.
2 Kalau begitu, saya mandi dan makan.
3 Dari loko kami pergi ke warung.
4 Kalau begitu, saya minum kopi tidur.
5 Dari rumah Ali saya pergi ke rumah Yanti.
6 Kalau begitu, saya urus karcis dan beli rokok.
7 Dari sini saya pergi ke sana.
8 Kalau begitu, saya makan gado-gado da n minum es kopyor.
9 Dari rumah kami pergi ke lapangan terbang.
10 Kalau begi lU, saya minum kopi tubruk dan makan keJepon.
Latihan 2
latih; lupa; teman; boleh; ten tang; sudah; coba; bisa; kemudian; betul
Saya ... di mana rumahnya.
Soya lupa di mana rumahnya.
8udi ingin ... bahasa Indonesia.
Bud; ingin latih bahasa Indonesia.
Saya ... di mana rumahnya.
2 Budi ingin ... bahasa Indonesia.
3 Saudara ... datang ke se kolah saya.
4 Yanl i bi cara ... Budi kepada muridmuri d dan guruguru di sekolah.
S Ali dan Yanti ... Budi.
6 Karcis Budi .. heres.
7 Budi ingin .. . kelepon.
8 Kita ... minum kopi di warung itu.
9 ... , dia leman saya.
10 Dari Jakarta ... kami pergi ke Bandung.
Pelajaran sembilan Bertamu

Bagaimana kalau malam ini ki la bertamu ke rumah Mas SUlanlo?
Saya setuju. Apakah dia tahu kita akan datang malam ini?
Tidak peflu, kita datang saja.
Saya tidak bisa ikut. kalian saja pergi , karena saya banyak kerja
untuk sekolah.
Baiklah, kalau begitu kami saja pergi.
Apakah kali an makan di rumah nanti malam?
Belum tentu, tapi saya pikir kami makan di luaT.
Ali, bagaimana pakaian saya untuk bertamu?
Ini sudah cukup, kemeja, celana dan sepatu. Jangan pakai selop.
Ini kesempatan pertama untuk saya lihat Bandung malam hari .

Ali Bung, kasi bensin sepuluh liter!
Tukang bensin Baik, apakah bapak tidak peflu oli dan lain-lain?

Ali Saya pikir tidak, karena ladi pagi supir saya sudah periksa semua,
kecuali bensi n.
Budi Bung, berapa?
Ali Jangan, biar saya yang bayar, Budi lamu saya.
Budi Nanti saya bayar makanan di restoran.
Ali Budi, tunggu saja di mobil , saya mau beli buah untuk anak-anak

Nyonya Sutanto Mas, pak Ali datang dengan temannya.
Sulanto Silakan masuk, Tini, lekas masak air.
Ali Di mana anakanak?
Sutanlo Ali, kenapa bawa buah-buahan begitu banyak?
Anak-anak belajar di kamar sebelah.

Budi Terima kasih saudara Sutanto. Saya senang karena tiket saya sudah
Suranto Oh, tidak apa-apa. Jangan panggil saya saudara, Sutanto saja.
Nyonya Sulanlo Mas, makanan sudah siap. Ajak tamunya.
Su/anto Mari kita ke kamar makan.
Nyonya Sulalllo Jangan takut , saya tidak masak makanan pedas.
Budi Kalau begini, saya bisa lekas gemuk.
Sutanto Nanti, kalau Budi pulang, orang London akan heTan.
Latihan 1
Ke mana saudara dan Ali pergi?
Ke manu kalian perg;?
Ke mana saudara Ali dan saudara Budi pergi?
Ke mano mereka pergi?
Ke mana saudara dan AIi pergi?
2 Ke mana saudara ALi dan saudara Budi pergi?
3 Di mana saudara dan Sudi makan?
4 Di mana saudara Ali dan saudara Dudi makan?
5 Ke mana sauda ra dan Budi datang?
6 Ke mana lUan Budi dan lUan Ali naik mobil?
7 Di mana Budi dan Ali lidur?
8 Di mana tuan Susanto clan anak-anak duduk?
9 Ke mana Yanli dan saudara pergi?
to Ke mana polisi dan tuan Budi pe rgi?
Latihan 2
bertamu; set uju; jangan; bayar; tunggu; masak; kapan; tidak apa-apa; orang;
Ali dan Budi pergi _ .. ke rumah tuan Susanto.
Afi dan Budi perg; bertamu ke runlOh tuan Susanto .
... takut, saya lidak masak makanan pedas.
Jangan takut, soya tidak masak fIUlkanan pedas.
Ali dan Budi pergi ... ke rumah tuan Susanto.
2 . . . takut , saya tidak masak makanan pedas.
3 Budi ... pergi naik mobi l ke Bandung.
4 Di mana . __ belajar?
5 Siapa ... makanan di restoran?
6 ... , jangan panggi l saya bapak.
7 Saya ... Inggeris, bukan orang Indonesia.
8 ... saudara pulang ke London.
9 Budi ... Ali di mobil.
10 Susanti ... nasi untuk tamu.
Pelajaran 9
Latihan ucapan
Saya pergi ke Jakarta besok.
Soya belum tentu pergi ke ialama bewk.
Saya be lum len tu pe rgi ke Jakarta besok.
Siapa akan bayar makanan?
Siapa yang al"1II bayar makonan?
Siapa yang akan baya r makanan?
Saya pe rgi ke Jakarta besok.
2 Siapa akan bayar makanan?
Pelajaran 10 Latihan ucapan
Rumah Ali di Bandung.
Dj mona rumah AI;?
Di mana rumah Am
Budi pergi ke Indonesia.
Ke mana Bud; pergi?
Ke man a Budi pergi?
Mul ai
Rumah Ali di Bandung.
2 Budi pe rgi ke Indonesia.
(belum ten tu)
(belum t en tu)
10 Pelajaran sepuluh
Bicara tentang sekolah
Bagaimana pengalaman Bud! hari ini di sekolah?
Sangat menarik. Saya bert emu dengan ke pala sekolah, guru-guru dan
Mereka se mua suka Budi dan mereka gembira kalau Budi mau dalang
Tentu saja, mereka ingi n latihan bahasa Inggeri s.
Sebaliknya. saya ingin lati han bahasa Indonesia. Saya pikir Yanti
seorang guru yang baik.
Bagaimana Budi tahu ten tang itu?
Saya bieara dengan kepala sckolah dan waki lnya. Mereka puji Yanti.
Yanti guru di sckolah dasar.
Muridmurid mulai dari sekolah dasar, kemudian Sekolah Menengah
Perta ma, dan Sekolah Menengah Alas.
Umur bera pa mulai masuk sekolah dan umur be rapa selesai SMA?
Sekola h dasar enam tahun. SMP l iga ta hun dan SMA liga lahun.
Kalau begitu, dua belas tahun unt uk tamat SMA. Se te1ah ilu ke
Kc Akade mi, alau Universitas. Akademi biasanya tiga tahun dan
Universitas lima tahun.
Kami j uga ada se kolah kejuruan di se mua bidang. Kami juga ada
sekolah internasional.
Saya juga kadang kadang peTgi ke sekolah Vanl i.
Ya, lida k unluk bertemu murid, tClapi bcrlemu ibu guru.
Yanli , jangan buka rahasia, do ng!
Saya hhat ada lapangan ten is di sekolah. Saya sub main tenis.
Al i juga mai n tenis di sana, tctapi bukan untuk olahraga.
Di mana-mana sama saja, lekas dapal leman!
Teman wanila atau leman pria?
Kapan kil a bisa pergi main Icnis di sana?
Jangan buru-buru, nanli kami alur.
Jangan lupa saya j uga mau ikuI main teni s.
Apakah ada olahraga lain? Sa ya dengar orang Indonesia suka olahraga.
Indones ia juaTa bulutangkis di duni a.
Saya lihal di kejuaraan All England, mcrcka luar biasa hebat.
Mari kita iSlirahal , saya pi kl r Budi eape k.
Latihan 1
Cont o h
Saya bertemu guru-guru dan murid-murid.
Soya bertemu banyak gum dan ba/lyak murid.
Di London ada mobil-mobil.
Di London ada banyak mobiL
I Saya bertemu guru-guru dan murid-muri d_
2 IDi London ada mobil-mobi l.
3 .' Di Indonesia, saya lihat sekolah-sekolah dan toko-toko.
4 Di kampung itu ada rumah-rumah dan wafung-warung.
5 Saya pergi ke Unive rsitas-Universitas di Indonesia .
6 Di sana ada kapal lerbang-kapal terbang.
7 Saya melihat beca-beca di J akarta.
8 Di u pergi ke toko-toko di Indonesia.
9 Kami membeli buku-buku di toko itu.
10 Ki ta pcrgi ke kala-ka la di Indonesia .
Latihan 2
dengan; naik
Saya pergi .. . Ali .
Saya pergi dengan Afi.
Mereka da tang ... beca.
Mereka datang naik beca.
Saya pergi .. . AIL
2 Mereka da tang .. . beca .
3 Saya akan pergi ... kali an.
4 Kita bica ra .. . wakilnya.
5 Adik saya sub ". delman.
6 Ka mi pergi ke Bandung ... keretaapi.
7 Kami nai k kereta.api ... mereka.
8 Di mana kit a ... bis.
9 Kemari n saya be rt emu ... ibu guru.
10 ... si apa saudara makan di restoran?
Pelajaran sebelas Berbelanja
Yant; Mari kila ke tako.
Bud; Baik. saya ingin lihal taka.
AI; Saya mau ikut, telapi harus. berpakaian dulu.
Yant; Dengan apa kila ke taka?
Ali Kila pergi bermobil , lebih enak.
Bud; Mengapa kila tidak be rbecak?
Yallli Kil a t idak bisa bertiga berbecak.
Bud; Bagaimana kalau kila berjalan kaki saja?
Yalll; Berjalan ke taka terlalu jauh dan berkeringat.
Bud; Saya suka lihat AIi berkemeja bat ik dan be rpeci.
Saya juga mau beli.

Ali Kila berhenti di depan tako ini, karena taka ini langganan kami.
Peklyall taka Selamat pagi, silakan masuk.
AI; Selamat pagi, di mana pak Bambang?
Bud; Ali, siapa pak Bambang?
AIi Toko ini miliknya. Saya kena! baik dengan dia.
PeJayaf! taka Pak Bambang ke luar. jangan kua!ir, saya tahu pak Ali
berlangganan di sini. Saya akan beri barang bagus dengan harga
ranti Kami mau beti pakaian unl uk luan Bud ..
Budi Saya suka kemeja batik berwarna hijau.

Peloyol! toko Kami ada banyak warna, merah, biru, coktat , hilam, kuning dan
Budi Kenapa yang ini lebih mahal daripada yang ilu?
AJi Memang begitu, ini batik asti, yang ilu batik cap dan yang di sana
batik mesin.
Bud; Saya mau dua batik asti, liga batik ca p dan beberapa batik pabrik.
Yami Saya pikir kemeja ini teriatu kedl untuk Bud!.
PeloyQI! toko Kami ada kemeja besar ukuran Eropa.
Budi Baik, telapi saya mau satu kemeja berbunga.
YOllt; Budi, harus beli sarong pelekat unluk pakai di rumah.
Budi !tu usut baik.
Latihan 1
Ki ta pe rgi naik mobil.
Kita pergi bermobiL
Ali pak:li kemeja batik.
Ali berkemeja batik.
Kita pe rgi naik mobil.
2 AIi pakai kemeja batik.
3 Kami naik keretaapi ke Bandung.
4 Budi pakai selop di rumah.
5 Kita naik beea ke kota.
6 Ali pakai peei hitam.
7 Oia naik delman ke kampung.
8 Ali pakai sepalu eoklat.
9 Kami naik kapa! te rbang dari London.
10 Burn pakai sarong me rah.
Latihan 2
tetapi; ikut ; bermobil ; berti ga; milik; merah ; karena; lebih murah; berhenti ;
Saya mau ... ,tetapi saya harus makan dulu.
Soya mau ikuI, fetapi soya haws mlJkim dulu
Kita ... akan pe rgi ke Jakarta naik mobil.
Kila bertiga akan pergi ke Jakarta naik mobiL
I Saya mau "', tetapi saya harus makan dulu.
2 Kita ... akan pe rgi ke Jakarta naik mobil.
3 Siapa ... ke Bandung?
4 Rumah ini bukan ... saya.
5 AIi berkemeja ...
6 Saya mau pergi ke toko, ... saya mau beli kemeja batik.
7 Batik ini ... daripada ba ti k itu.
8 Oia mau ikUI , ... dia harus berpakaian dulu.
9 Mobil kami ... m depan fu mah.
10 Kota itu .. . jauh dari rumah kita.
Pel ajaran 11 latihan ucapan
Kami tiga pergi ke Bandung.
Kami bertiga pergi ke Bandung.
Kami bertiga pergi ke Bandung.
Kami naik mobil ke Bandung.
Kami bermobil ke 8andung.
Kami bermobil ke Bandung.
I Kami lig3 pergi kc Bandung.
2 Kami naik mobil ke Bandung.
Pelajaran 12 Latihan ucapan
Di London banyak orang muda.
Di London banyak orang tua.
Di London banyak orang tua.
Di sekolah banyak orang tua.
D; sekofah banyak orang muda.
Di sekolah banyak orang muda .
Di London banyak orang muda.
1 Di sekolah banyak orang tua.
Pel aj aran dua belas Di pasar
Saya heran, saya beli pakaian bam bcgitu murah.
Ya , karcna kami langganan lama, kalau Budi pcrgi sendiri , pasti
lcbih maha\.
Sebab kila langganan lama. jadi kit a tidak perl u tawar.
Apakah pak Bambang orang muda?
Bukan, pak Bambang o rang tua, anaknya kawan saya waktu
sc kolah.
J angan lakut, Budi, pak Bambang akan kirim barang-barang ilu ke
rumah kita.
Ali Sekarang kita ke pasar, Budi hhat bagaimana kami beli barang.
Yallli Karcna kila tidak kenal orang di pasar, kita harus tawa r dan pil ih
barang .
Bung, berapa harga mangga ini?
TllkulIg bllah Mangga in i paling cnak, sa t u seratus pc rak, scpuluh, sc mbil an
Yallti Waduh. kok mahal sckali, lagi pula mangga ini muda.
Tllkang bl/all Oh tidak. mangga ini sudah tua dan matang di pohon, bukan
Yanli Bolch saya coba?
Tll kallg buuh Bolch saja, nona pasti sub . . . Silakan.
Yallti Scdikit keeut, tetapi lidak apa, kalau bisa, cnam ralus rupiah
Tllkall g bual, Waduh. rugi saya, sudahl ah, delapan r3[us.
Yallli Kalau boleh lujuh mlus, saya beli. kalau tidak saya eari yang lain.
Tll kallg bual, Baiklah, rugi sediki t tidak apa, asal non a datang lagi kapan
Bau apa ini? Apakah ini bau buah atau bau sampah?
Oh, itu bukan bau, itu wangi durian, raja buah.
Se perti keju, kapan di makan enak sekali.
Biar saya yang beli durian.
Jangan Budi, sa udara helum pandai pilih dan tawar.
Ya, saudara benar. Di London lidak boleh tawar.
Kalau bcgil u, saya mau jadi lukang buah di London, saya bisa
latihan 1
Rumah ini bukarl rUnlah baru.
Rllmal/ ill; rumoh lomo./Rullwh illi lomo.
i\lobil ini bukan mobil baru.
Mobif illi mobil kIl1l0./Mobil ill; lamo.
t Rumah ini bukan rumah bam.
2 Mobi l in i bukan mobil ban!.
3 Sepalu ini bukan sepalu bam.
4 Kemeja bat ik ini buka n kemeja batik bam.
S Peci ini bukan peci barn.
6 Bis ini bukan bi s ba ru.
7 Selop ini bukan selop barn.
8 Sarong ini bukan sarong barn.
9 Selasiun ini bukan set3siun baru.
to Buku ini bukan buku barn.
Latihan 2
lama; baru; lua; muda
Rumah ini bukan rumah barn, rumah ini rumah .. .
Rllmah in; bukoll rumQIJ barn, rumah in; rUnloh lama.
Ali dan Budi bukan kawan bam, mereka kawan ...
AIi dQIl Budi bu1(1111 kOIl.'fJ1I barn, mereluJ kawall lama.
Rumah ini bukan rumah baru, rumah ini rumah ...
2 Ali dan Budi bukan kawan baru, mereka kawan
3 Pak Bambamg bukan orang muda, dia orang ...
4 Saya suda h lama datang, tetapi Ali ... da tang.
5 Saudara tidak bolch makan mangga .. .
6 Ali dan Yanti sudah ... tinggal di Bandung.
7 Dj London banyak rumah ...
8 Siapa lebih ... , Ali atau Budi?
9 Yanti lebih ... daripada Ali.
10 Saya ada pakaian, saya tidak perlu pakaia n ...
Pelajaran tiga belas Waktu

PukuJ berapa sekarang?
Sekarang jam empat, kau mau pergi ke mana?
Menurut jam saya, se karang pukul empat lewat sepuJuh menil.
Heran, jam saya, jam empal kurang lima.
Ki la berliga punya waktu berbeda.
Ka lau begitu, jam siapa yang benar dan jam siapa yang salah?
Saya pikir jam saya bel ul ka rena tadi pagi saya cocokkan dengan
radio, wakl u itu, jam enam lebih seperempat .
Oh, ya, saya inga l se liap Sablu sore, Yanli mengurus anak-anak
se kolah berolahraga.
Saya lerl ambat , saya haTUs peTgi sekarang, sampa i jumpa na nti
mala m.
Tunggu sebentar, saya mau ganti pakaian.
Apakah saudara ada janj i?
Saya ada janji dengan Sri untuk main lenis.
Ja m berapa janjimu?
Janj iku, aku haTUs ada di lapall gan teni s jam setengah empat sore, jadi
saya masih ada waktu setengah j am.
Kamu sudah lerlambat setengah jam.
Nah, kau saJah mengerti waklu Indonesia.
Jangan kuali r, jam karet biasa di sini.
Saya malu, saya haTUS buruburu naik laksi.

Apakah kau bertemu dengan Sri?
Ya, saya sampai di sana jam setengah lima kurang sepuJuh, Sri tiba
pukuJ setengah lima lewat li ma.

Di sini hujan turun pukul lima kurang seperempat , kebun ba nji r dan
Di sana juga huj an Jebat, dengan ki lal, gunl ur, awan hi lam dan gelap
dan dingin. Kami bcrt eduh di warung.
Saya sub Sri. dia manis dan baik.
Ya , dia canli k sekali. dan malam Senin kami janji ke bioskop.
Latihan 1
Jam saya pukul tiga.
Jomk/l IJI/klll figa,
h nji kamu j am cnarn.
1011;illlll jilll! /' I/alll.
Jam saya pukul tiga.
2 Janji kamu j.un cnam.
3 Kawall saya d:1I3 ng jam dUll bclas.
4 Ayah kamu pulang pukul dua.
5 Mobi! saya liba jam sa1U.
6 Keral3 api kamu bcrangkal jam dUll.
7 Di man3 adik saudara besok jam delapan?
8 Dia akan dalang kc rumah kamu bcook.
9 Muridmuri d karn u sub makan j am enam sore.
10 Gum-guru saya akan ke rurnah saya hari Senin.
Latihan 2
aku, kamu, ku, mu, kau
Jam ... pukul satu.
Jamkll/ Jammll pI/ kill SOIIl.
Dengan sia pa ... Jalang?
Del/gall siapa kOIllU/ koll dalong?
J am ... pukul salu.
2 [)engan siapll ... diltang?
3 Apakah ... mcngurus anak-anak sekolah sore ini ?
4 . .. tidak janji dcngan kau.
5 ... mau peTgi main tcnis .
6 Di mana rumah . . ?
Nah, ... salah mengerti waktu Indonesia.
pikir ... terlambat sctengah j am.
9 ... harus pergi seka rang!
10 Dengan apa ... pcrgi ke lapangan oJahraga?
Pelajaran 13 Latihan ucapan
Dia datang jam tujuh kurang lima .
Tidak, dia datal/g jam lujuh /ewar lima.
Ti dak, dia datang jam tujuh lewat lima.
Mereka pergi pukul setengah lima lewat lima.
Tidak, mereka pergi pukul lima kurallg lima.
Tidak, mereka pergi pukul setengah lima kurang lima.
Dia tlatang jam t ujuh kurang lima.
2 Mereka pergi pukul setengah lima lewat lima.
Pelajaran 14 Latihan ucapan
Hari ini Minggu tanggat dua September.
8esok Senin tonggal tiga September.
Besok Senin tanggat tiga September.
Besok Senin tanggal lima Aperi!.
Hari ini Mil/ggu tallggal emput Apenl
Hari ini Minggu tanggal empat Aped!,
Hari ini Minggu tanggal dua September.
2 Besok Senin tanggal ti ma Aperil.
(l ewa t)
14 Pelajaran empat belas

Sekarang had Minggu, tanggal satu Aperi l, saya harus pergi ke arisan,
nanli malam jam lujuh tiga puluh.
Ya, arisan bulan ini di rumah ibu Sani, lelapi sayang Budi ti dak bisa
Kenapa lidak? Saya tidak ada kerja apa-apa.
Tunggu dulu, saya ingat kau ada janji dcngan Sri.
Bukan malam ini , besok malam, malam Senin.
Ya, ini mala m Senin. Hari Minggu ma lam Senin.
Saya rnemang tolol, ya karena saya malu bertan ya.
Malu bert anya, sesat di jalan.
Terima kasih, kalau begitu, saya harus sege ra pergi ke rumah Sri.

Ali, sia pa dapat arisan tadi malam?
Siapa lagi, saya. Nasib baik. Ada tamu yang bawa untung baik.
Apakah Budi masih tidur? Kit a mau sarapan.

Tidak, dia duduk di kebun di belakang rumah. Mandi malahari . Di a
seperti orang bule.
Badan saya segar. Siang ada matahari- malam ada bulan terang.
Budi, kau pulang jam berapa l adi malam?
Kira-kira jam dua belas malam. Kami non ton pilem dan makan di
rumah Sri.
!t u bagus. Mereka orang berpendidikan. Ayah Sri dokt er dan
abangnya dokter gigi.
Apakah Budi bertemu dengan mereka?
Ya , kami makan bersa ma , dan mereka pandai berbahasa Inggeri s dan
Kita bisa undang mereka ke sini. Kita bisa main catur atau bridge.
Sri pintar. Dia jago Scrabble di sekolah kami.
Scrabble dalam bahasa Indonesia?
Oh, tidak, Scrabble cara yang paling baik untuk be lajar bahasa
Ayo, kit a sarapan dulu, barangkali kopinya sudah dingin.
Baik, nona. Ayo Budi.
Ya, bena r, saya juga sudah lapar.
Latihan 1
Budi tidur. (masih)
Bud; mas;h tidur.
Apakah Budi masih tidur? (memang)
Memollg. Bud; masih tidur.
Budi tidur. (masih)
2 Apakah Budi masih tidur? (memang)
3 Ali makan. (masih)
4 Apakah Ali masih makan. (memang)
5 Vanti mandi. (masih)
6 Apakah Yanti masih mandi? (memall g)
7 Sri main ten is. (masih)
8 Apakah Sri masih main ten is? (memang)
9 Ayah baca sural. (masih)
10 Apakah ayah masih baca sural? (memang)
Latihan 2
sekarang, nanti malam, l adi pagi, sibuk, ingat, apaapa, bersama, segera , sesat,
cat ur
Pukul berapa ... ?
Puku/ berapa sckilrallg?
. .. saya tidak sa rapan.
Tadi pog; saya tidak sarapall.
I Pukul berapa . .. ?
2 . .. saya t idak sarapan.
3 Kami lidak kerja ...
4 Hari ini kami ...
5 Saya tidak ... siapa namanya.
6 .. . Budi akan pergi ke rumah Sri.
7 Sri jago main ...
8 Ki ta pergi ... mereka ke Bali.
9 Saya selalu ... di London.
10 Mereka harus datang ...
15 Pelajaran lima belas
Kebun Raya Bager

Lusa saya harus ke Bogor, urusan kantor. ~ l i a n boleh ikut kalau
Lusa saya pikir bisa. Besok saya akan mi nI a permis; untuk lusa.
Ya, Kebun Ra ya Bogor sangat terkenal di seluruh dunia. Saya banyak
baea tentang itu.
Kemarin dulu saya bertemu dengan mahasiswa-mahasiswa dari
Amerika, Jepang, Belanda dan Perancis. Mereka biJang, mereka dari
Kemarin saya juga bertemu rnereka. Mereka lewat di depan kanto r
Kami biasa berangkat pagi-pagi, sebab Bogor jauh, dan lalu lintas
Kalau begitu, sore ini saya harus beli pi lem dan cuci pilem yang sudah

Kila sudah sampai di Kebun Raya. Saya hams pergi urusan kantor.
Kalian tinggal di sini. Nanti sore saya jemput. jam liga.
Mari Budi, saya akan bawa saudara keliling Kebun Raya.
Saya mall be li sedi kit barang untuk kenangan. Kabarnya di sini
banyak ke rajinan tangan yang luar biasa bagus.
Jangan se karang- petang nanti saja, sebelum kita pUlang.

Mari ki!a duduk di pi nggir kolam itu. Saya senang melihat a1am bebas.
Kaca ng! Kaca ng! Dik, kasi satu bungkus ka cang goreng,
Bua! apa beli ka cang. apa Yanti lapar?
Tidak, ini bubn untuk saya. Ikan mas suka makan kacang, !elapi
kit a j uga boteh makan kacang inL
Kacang ini begi tu cnak, pant as ikan sub makan.
Sa ya dengar, orang lngge ris suka bunga mawar, tela pi kami lebih suka
bunga melati.
Yan!i , lihat itu pohon begitu besa r, pohon apa itu?
Oh, itu pohon kenari , pohon cemara. pohon jati dan yang paling besar
ilu di sana pohon beringi n.
Saya mau ambi1 ga mbar pohon itll. Yan!i, herdiri de kat pohon i!u!
Saya mau ambil gambarmu juga.
Saya pikir lebih baik saya yang ambi l gamba r, Budi yang be rdifi di
bawah pollon beringin itu.
Saya lahu, Yanti percaya tahyul , sebenarnya saya j uga sedikit takul.
Ya , saya banyak baca buku cerita hantu di Inggeris. Kami juga ada
setan, hantu, jin, momok dan lainlain.
Tetapi manusia bisa bertindak 1ebih jahat daripada hantu.
Latihan 1
Ali dan Vanti bolch ikut.
Mereko bo/eh ikut.
Saudara dan Vanti bolch ikut.
Ko/ion boleh ikul.
1 Ali dan Vanl i bolch ikut.
2 Saudara dan Vanti boleh ikut.
3 Ali dan dia boleh dalang ke rumah saya.
4 Saudara dan dia bisa pergi ke Jakarta.
5 Bud. dan kawannya akan pergi ke Bal i besok.
6 Saudara dan ayah saudara dapat tidur di sin .
7 Vanti dan muridnya tidak suka makan nasi go reng.
8 Saudara dan nyonya Ali tidak boleh pakai mobi l saya.
9 Salmah dan Ali akan berlib ur ke London.
10 Saudara, Vanti , Budi dan ibu Ali akan linggal di Jakarta.
Latihan 2
lusa, buat apa, pantas, senang, cuci, bunga, ikan, pohon, lalu linlas, urusan
... mas suka makan kacang.
lIam mos suka makon kacong.
Apakah orang Inggeris suka . .. mawar.
Apakah orang lllggeris suko bUlIgo mowar .
... mas suka makan kacang.
2 Apakah orang Inggeris suka ... mawar?
3 Saya tidak tahu ... Vant' beli kacang.
4 Mereka akan pergi ke Jakarta ...
5 Budi dan Vanti ... pergi ke Kcbun Raya.
6 Ikan ini enak . .. Budi suka.
7 Pagipagi ... tidak begi!u sibuk.
8 Saya mau pergi ke loka unluk ... piiem.
9 Apa nama ... besar itu?
10 Kami ke Jakarta untuk ... dinas.
Pelajaran 15 Latihan ucapan
Kita be rangkat pagi .
Kira berollgka/ pag;-pagi.
Kit a berangkat pagi-pagi.
Kami hertemu mahasiswa-mahasiswa.
Kallli ber(emu banyak mahasiswa.
Kami bertemu banyak mahasiswa.
Kita berangkat pagi.
2 Kami bertemu mahasiswamahasiswa.
Pelajaran 16 Latihan ucapan
Kebun itu besar.
KebulI it1l sebesar laul.
Kebun itu sebesa r lau!.
Ali t inggi.
A/I setillggi Budi.
Ali setinggi Budi.
Kebun it u besa r.
2 Ali tinggi .
Pelajaran enam belas Gunung Mas

Sekarang sudah jam dua tetapi Ali belum datang.
Itu dia, Ali. Oia jalan kemari.
Pa njang umur!
Maafkan, saya agak teriambat, banyak urusan.
Saya harap tidak ada kesulitan dan semua be res.
Urusan kantor beres, urusan pribadi juga beres.
Sambil menyelam minum air dan ilUlah hid up.
Bieara apa ini? Saya jadi bingung.
Kasi han Budi. Lain lubuk lain ikannya.
Sekarang saya mengerti. lkan itu pasti canlik.
Sudah tenlu. Kalau tidak cantik Ali tidak bisa masuk perangkap.
Awas Budi, anda juga bisa masuk perangkap.
Apakah mobilnya beres unluk perjalanan pulang?
Ya, semua be res, tetapi kita tidak terus pulang. Kita akan si nggah di
Gunung Mas.
Saya pernah dengar Gunung Mas. Apakah mereka tanam teh di sa na?
Budi bisa beli teh yang pa li ng enak di dunia.
Kalau begitu, saya akan beli untuk oleh-oleh .

Ayo ce pat , sebent ar lagi gelap di sana.
Perkebunan teh ini besar sekali, sebesar lau!.

Budi, kemari! Di sit u rendah, di sini t inggi, dan bisa melihat lebi h

Ya, saya tahu. Ali mau Budi melihat gadi sgadis memet ik daun teh.
Bukan begit u. Saya suka lihat barang ca nt ik. Tuhan membual barang
cantik untuk membuat kita senang.
Kau bic3r3 seperti ahli palsafah. Mari kita pergi beli teh.
Budi, kan saya sudah bi lang teh ini murah, telapi jangan beli terialu
Masih banyak barangbarang lain untuk oleholeh.
Latihan 1
Saya sudah Japar. Dia belum datang.
$oya sudah fapor tClapi dia belwn dallIng.
Saya bcl um siap. Oia sudah pergi.
Soya belum siap lelap; dia slIdah pergi.
Say a sudah lapar. Dia be lum datang.
2 Saya belum siap. Oia sudah pergi.
3 Kila sudah capek. Mereka masih segar.
4 Saya sudah mengerti. Oia belum menge rti.
S Kami sudah pernah ke Gunung Mas. Mereka belum pernah.
6 Oia belum tahu. Saya sudah tahu.
7 Saya sudah makan. Yanli belum.
8 Ali dan Budi sudah mandi. Kami belum.
9 Saya sudah bil ang kcpada Yanti. Ali belum.
10 Mcreka sudah berangkat. Budi belum datang.
Latihan 2
agak, urusan, lambat, pribadi. bisa, perangkap, singgah, oJch.oleh, gadis-gadis,
Saya agak ... karena banyak urusan di kant or.
Soya agak /ombat karena /xwyak urU$(ln di kantor.
Di a berjalan ... lambat, tetapi berlari kencang.
Dia berjalal/ agak lambal, (erapi bcrhri kellCf1l1g.
1 Saya agak ... karena banyak urusan di kantor.
2 Dia bcrjalan ... lamba l , tetapi berlari kencang.
3 Budi sub Iihat ... cantik.
4 Saya pikir ini bukan ... saya.
5 Saya ... suka berjalan lambat.
6 Mcreka bcli kemej a batik untuk ...
7 Mobil ini ... besar untuk jalan itu.
8 Siapa masuk . .. ?
9 Kila akan ... di Singapura.
10 Mcrcka ... datang dengan ke reta-api.
Pelajaran tujuh belas Pikni k

Saya senang ala m bebas, senang Jihal hUlan, gunung, bukil, sungai dan
Saya tahu, saya sudah beli nasi bungkus dan mi numan dan eari tern pal
yang cocok.
Saya usulkan kit a duduk di bawah pohon besar itu. Saya pikir di situ
Mari, saya sudah lapar, saya beli makanan dari restoran Padang.
Saya lihal di bawah pohon ini banyak bunga, t t ~ p i bukan dari pohon
Oh, ini bunga sajen.
Coba jelaskan apa arti saje n.
Kadang.kadang ada orang percaya kepada keramal.
Urnparnanya ada orang saki!. Lalu dia bernial kalau dia baik akan
bawa bunga untuk keramat . Kebiasaan lama.
Kadangkadang kit a lihat bunga di prapa tan. !tu maksudnya buang
Saya mulai mengerti. Indonesia punya sejarah yang panjang dan suku
suku dan bah3sa daerah.
Itulah sebabnya palsarah negara karni, Pancasila dan Binneka Tunggal
Ika .

Siapa nama pacarmu di Bogor?
Saya hanya ada paeaT di Bogor dan tidak di Bandung.
Mengapa begilu rahasia? Mengapa tidak dikenalkan kepada saya?
Sabar, nanti saya kenalkan. Oia gad is sederhana.
Salrnah gadis baik, manis dan pandai bergauL Muda dan canli k.
Apakah dia pintar seperti Vanti?

Itulah yang membuat saya raguragu. Dia lebih pintar daripada saya.
Oia mahasiswi Fakultas Hukum di tahun terakhir.
Berapa lama kau kenal dia?
Baru l iga tahun. Karni sudah berlunangan.
Apakah perkawinan di Indonesia diatur oleh pihak keluarga?
Sekarang tidak, tetapi pihak keluarga harus tahu dengan siapa
seseorang kawin.
Hubungan keluarga di Indonesia sangat rapa!. Keluarga isteri saudara
rnenjadi keluarga saudara dan sebaliknya.
Sangat berbeda dengan di Inggeris.
Kita harus menghorm3ti kebudayaan masi ng-masing. Coba
memahamkannya! Setiap kebudayaan adalah baik.
latihan 1
Ibu bcli buah.
8111lh dibeli aleh ibu.
Oi a makan nasi.
Nasi dimolwn aleh din.
Ibu beli buah.
2 Dia ma kan nasi.
3 Yanti pelik bunga.
4 Dia minum kopi.
5 Ayah jual rumah.
6 Budi pi njam buku.
7 Ali atur barang-barang.
8 Ali pakai kemeja bat ik.
9 Yanti masak nasi.
10 Dia hawa buku ke sekolah.
latihan 2
arti, sawah, gunung, hutan, bawah, prapatan, terakhir, mengerti, pacar, keluarga
Kami pergi ke rumah ... Susanto.
Kami perg; ke rumah ke/uarga Susanto.
Oia tidak suka duduk di ... pohon besar.
Din tidak $ukLl duduk di bawah pohon bewr.
Kami pergi ke rumah .,' Susanto.
2 Oia tidak suka duduk di ... pohon besar.
3 Apakah saudara ... bahasa Indonesia?
4 Dudi lidak tahu ... nya.
5 Kami bel um pernah naik . .
6 Jam berapa kereta-api . .. ke Bandung?
7 Mereka berdiri di ...
8 Siapa ... Budi?
9 Di Indonesia ada banyak '"
10 Yan ti t idak suka pergi ke ,,'
Pelajaran 17 Latihan ucapan
Saya keeil kemeja saya.
Sayo kedlkall kemeia soya.
Saya kceilkan kemeja saya.
Ali jelas soal sajell kepada Budi.
AI; ielaskall sool saiel/ kepado /Judi.
Ali jelaskan sool sajcn kepada Budi.
I Saya kecil kemeja saya.
2 Ali jelas soa l sajen kepada Budi.
Pelajaran 18
Kami sangat malu.
Komi malll sekoli
Kami malu se kali.
Latihan ucapan
Rumah ini besar se kali.
RUn/ail ill; sol/gat besor.
Rumah ini sangat besar.
Mul ai
Kami sangal mal u.
2 Rumah ini besar sekali.
18 Pelajaran delapan belas Keluarga dan perkawi nan
Af; Budi, kemarin ketika kita piknik kau tanya mengapa aim belum
Bud; Aku heran, menurut apa yang aku <!iengar dari Yanti dan kau,
tunanganmu gadis baik.
Af; Ya, benar, Salmah ingin kumi lckas kawin.
Bud; Kenapa tidak. Saya tidak hhal ada kesulitan. Kau punya pekeljaan
AIi Ada lagi soal yang kau tidak mengerti .
Blld; Soal apa, uang? Kalau soal uang mungkin saya bisa banlu.
AIi Tcrima kasih. Bukan soal duit, letapi soal Yant i.
Bud; Yanti? Mengapa Yanti? Coba jclaskan!
AN Saya pikir, suya mau Yant i kawin dulu dan sesudah itu saya kawin.
Budf Apakah itu bagian dari adat Indonesia?
Ali Bukan adal, tClapi kebiasaan bagi seorang abang melihat adiknya
Budi Kenapa? Salmah bi sa jadi leman Yanti. Kalian akan lebi h gcmbifa.
AIi Saya kira tidak bijaksana kalau ada dua wanita dalam satu rumah
Budi Ya, sckarang saya mengerti. Seperti salu kapal dcngan dua kapten.
AIi Kau juga bujang. Mengapa kau bclum kawin?
Bud; Saya belum punya rumah. Saya juga kurang suka anak. Saya sub
Ali Apa! Bagaimana kalau Budi nanti tua? Siapa yang mengurus? Kami
harus hormat dan mcmbantu orang lua. Kami sangat malu
mcmbiarkan orang tua tertanlar.
Budi Kapan suya tua, saya ada pensiun. Kalau sakit ada rumah sakit.
AN Kalau saya tua saya mau anakanak dan cucucucu saya mengurus
saya dengan ci nt a.
Budi Tidak adil. Mereka punya hak untuk bebas dan mengatur di ri sendiri.
Ali !tu bedanya kebudayaan Timur dengan Barat. Kami punya hubungan
keluarga yang akrap.
Blld; Untuk kami soa1 individu lcbih penting. Orang tua mengganggu
kehidupan orang muda.
AI; Ada bcnarnya. Cara berpikir generasi tua dan muda berbeda. tctapi
jangan lupa, orang lua ban yak pengalaman.
Budi $aya sctuju. Kami di luar Indonesia, kehi langan kasih sayang
kehidupan keluarga.
Latihan 1
Ali ada dua buku.
Ali pUllya duo buku.
Ini buku AIL
IlIi buku pUllya A/i.
AJi ada dua buku.
2 Ini buku AIL
3 Kami ada tiga mobi !.
4 Ini rumah Yanti.
S Dia ada cmpat anak.
6 Itu sawah AJi .
7 Saya ada ban yak waktu.
8 Ini jam Budi.
9 Ali ada adik pcrcmpuan.
10 Ini kemeja batik ayah.
Latihan 2
lagi, nanti. sesudah, kurang. mengurus, bebas, hubungan, pensiun, soal , keluarga
Saya mau pergi ... ke Jakarta.
Soya mau pergi lagi ke Jakarta.
Kopi ini ... gula.
Kopi ini kurang gula.
I Saya mau pergi ... ke Jakarta.
2 Kopi ini ... gula.
3 Bagaimana kalau AIi ... tua?
4 Saya tidak takut, saya punya ...
S ... ke Jakarta saya akan kc Ba ndung.
6 Vanti dan Sri ingin ...
7 ... ini sulit sekali.
8 Siapa ... Budi kapan Budi sudah tua?
9 Di Indonesia ... keluarga sanga t akrab.
10 . . . Icbih penting dari pada duit.
19 Pelajaran sembilan belas
Budi dan Yanti
Y ~ n l i ku Hhat kau lidak begi lu gembi ra. Apakah ada sesuatu yang
kurang bcrcs?
Ti dak apa-apa. Aku hanya scdikil eapek. Seorang guru saki t, jadi aku
harus mcngurus dua kc1as.
Ka];1U begitu kau dapat dua gaji.
Oh, tidak, itukan biasa. Itulah namanya gOlong_royong.
Kemarin saya bieara panjang dengan Ali. tentang ...
Saya tahu. Saya pikir kalian bieara {en tang masa depan Ali dengan
Sellar. Mcmang itulah yang kami biearakan. Bagaimana pendapatmu?
Saya pikir dia harus kawin dengan Salmah. Mcreka aka n bahagia.
Kalau begit u, Yanli ti dak keberatan jika mcreka kawin.
Tentu saja saya lidak kebe ratan. Saya seri ng mendesak AIi supaya dia
Kapan rnereka kawin bagaimana dengan kau?
Saya sudah bieara dengan Salmah. Saya akan eari rumah lain.
Saya pikir Al i ti dak suka kalau Yanti pindah dari keluarg3.
Salmah dan saya kawan baik. Kami adalah ge nerasi baru.
Kalau begitu ti dak ada soal apa-apa. Mereka bisa kawin kapan saja.
Ali tidak mau saya keluar dari rumah ini, karena scolah-olah dia lebih
mementingkan isteri daripada adik.
Kalau begitu Ali bcrpikir dari scgi kp.luarga dan masyarakat t radisionil
Itulah soal ya ng ada sekarang dan jalan keluar sanga! sulit , hanya
Hanya kalau Yanti kawin soal ini akan sclesai.
flu dia. Tetapi saya belum mau kawin sekarang. S3ya senang pada
pckerj aan saya.
Saya mengert i. Orang Indonesia suka anak dan kalau ada anak Yanti
Benar. Saya mau lihat Indonesia, kalau rnungkin saya mau Hha! ncgara
Apakah tidak mungkin Yan!i dapa! beasiswa keluar negeri1
Itul ah yang saya eoba sudah bebcrapa tahun tClapi bel urn berhasil.
Latihan 1
Saya urus dua kelas.
Saya mCl/gurus dua kc/fls.
Dia cari buku bahasa Indonesia.
Dia mcncori buku baluna /I/doncsw.
Saya urus dua kelas.
2 Dia cari buku bahasa Indonesia.
3 Yanti at ur barang untuk Budi.
4 Dia beli buku.
S Kami jual nasi.
6 Yanti dapat beasiswa.
7 Ali desak Budi.
8 Yanti minum kopi saya.
9 Dia pakai mobil saya.
10 Kami lihat kapal terbang itu.
Latihan 2
begitu, bahagia, guru, keberatan, pendapat, supaya, spa-apa, gotong-royong,
segi, berhasil
AIi kelihatan tidak ... gembira.
AIi kelihalall lidak begitll gembira.
Kami tidak mau beli ...
Kom; tidak mau beli opa-apa.
I AIi kelihatan tidak ... gembira.
2 Kami tidak mau beli .. .
3 Saya tidak tahu bagaimana ... AIi.
4 Dia tidak ... pergi kc Bandung.
S Saya pikir mereka
6 Kit a harus ...
7 Ali berpikir dari ... keluarga.
8 Siapa nama ... saudara?
9 Yanti mendesak .. . Ali kawin.
10 $aya kira dia akan ...
Pelajaran 19
Latihan ucapan
Saya banyak kerja.
Soya bOl/yak pekerjOlJII.
Saya banyak pekerjaan.
Drang sakil lidak suka makan.
Orollg Silkil tidak sukil ma/mllan.
Orang saki t tidak suka makanan.
Saya banyak kerja.
2 Drang saki l tidak suka makan.
20 Pelajaran 20 latihan ucapan
Oia lihat Ali datang.
Din melihal AIi dalang.
Oia melihat Ali datang.
Siapa bayar minuman?
Siapa membayar minumall?
Siapa membayar minuman?
Oia Jihat Ali datang.
2 Siapa bayar minuman?
(kerj a)
(Iihat )
Kotanopan, Sumatra
20 Pelajaran dua puluh
Ali Budi, saya terima dua surat dari kawan saya, Ahmad di Medan. Satu
untuk saya dan sal u untuk Budi. Dengar, saya baeakan sural unluk
Medan 20 Aperil. Ali, Saya sudah lerima surat mu. Kami semua di sini
sehat. Kami sudah tambah anak lakilaki bulan lalu. Kapan kau
kawin? Kami sangat senang kalau kawan kita, Budi, mau dalang ke
Medan. Harap kirim kawat seeepatnya.
Budi Suratnya sangat menarik.
Ali Ini sural unlukmu. Silakan baca.
Budi Medan 20 Aperil
[)engan honnal ,
Saya dengar dari AJi bahwa saudara Budi datang be rli bur ke
Indonesia. AJi dan saya kawan baik sejak di sekolah. Bandung kota
indah, tetapi Medan juga sangat menarik. Kami sangat senang kalau
Budi mau datang ke Medan. Saudara akan dapat melihat banyak
tempat yang indah dan menarik, mi salnya, danau Toba, pantai,
kampung-kampung yang berbeda dan daerah gunung. Saudara Budi
bisa datang ke Medan naik kapal terbang dari Jakarta dan saya
usulkan kembali dengan kapal dan saudara bisa banyak bawa oleh
oleh. Saya senang naik kapa1 laut. Saudara akan senang melihat Selat
Malaka dengan aimya yang tenang. Ali dapat meneeritakan tempal-
tempat yang baik. Kami menunggu kedatangan Budi di Medan.
Hormat saya,
AIi Ahmad pedagang yang berhasil. Dia kaya sekarang, tetapi kepada
kawannya dia baik dan terbuka.
Budi Saya senang pergi ke Medan. Sc rapa saya harus baya r kalau saya
tinggal satu minggu di rumahnya?
AIi Budi. Ini Indonesia! Saudara tidak perlu bayar apaapa kalau saudara
diundang. Bawa saja sesuatu untuk anaknya.
latihan 1
Ali dan Budi ke Bandung bulan satu.
Mereka ke Bandung bulan Januari.
Saya dan Budi ke Jakarta bulan dua.
Kami pergi ke Jakarta bu/an Pebruari.
Ali dan Budi ke Bandung bulan sat u.
2 Saya dan Budi ke Jakarta bulan dua.
3 Yanti dan Ali mau ke London bulan tiga.
4 Saya dan bapak saya ingin ke Jakarta bulan empat.
5 Ali dan kawannya sudah pergi ke Medan bulan lima.
6 Saya, Yanti dan Budi tidak pergi ke Paris bulan enam.
7 Yanti dan ibunya akan datang ke rumah kami bulan tujuh.
8 Ayah, Ibu dan adik saya akan berlibUT ke Bili bulan delapan.
9 Budi dan adiknya akan singgah di Singapura bulan sembil an.
10 Saya dan keluarga saya akan beli rumah itu bulan sepuluh.
Latihan 2
Setat, menceritakan, misalnya, terbuka, berbeda, daerah. terima. usulkan,
tambah, berlibur
Kampung-kampung di Medan ... daripada di Bandung
Kampung-kampung di Medan berbeda daripada di Bandung.
Saya mau ... kopi.
Soya mau tambah kopi.
I Kampung-kampung di Medan ... daripada di Bandung.
2 Saya mau ... kopi.
3 Ahmad orang ...
4 Saya ... saudara kembali dengan kapa!.
5 Budi senang melihat ... Malaka.
6 Kit a bisa pergi ke ... gunung.
7 Siapa ... surat dari Ahmad.
8 Ali ... tentang Medan kepada Budi.
9 Budi suka ... di Medan.
10 Di sana banyak tempat menarik ... , danau Toba, Selat Malaka, pantai dan
Pelajaran dua puluh satu Sakit perut
Ali Yan!i , cli man:! Budi?
)'0111; Dia bclum bangun. Saya dengar tadi rnalam ada or:l ng beberapa kali
kc bclak:lIlg. Apakah itu kau atau Budi?

Bukan saya, lent u Budi.
Mungkin dia saki\ perul, kare na makanan kcmarin ilu pcdas sekali.
Ya, saya pikir hegitu, sebah dia belum biasa makan banyak cabai.
Ali , perg; Hilat. barangka li d;a perlu dokler.

Budi, kenapa? Sudah jam de\apan masih tidur?
Apakah kurang enak badan?

Saya saki! perut. Tadi malam saya bCiJ dan muntah-muntah
da n bcrkeringal.
Kena pa kau lak bangunkan saya'!
l idak apaapa. Ya, mungkin saya salah makan.
Tetapi saya rasa ha danmu pa nas. Saya pangs;1 dokler sekarang.

Budi Inikan hari Minggu. Tak usah panggi l dokler. Saya bisa pergi ke rumah
saki I atau klinik.

Tidak! Saya jemput ayah Sri. Dia dokte r.
Terserah, saya ikut nasi hatmu .

Dokler Margoll o Kasihan, ra ksasa dari London k ~ l h dengan cabai dan
nyamuk. J uga lerlal u banyak makan.
AIi Saya sudah tahu dia akan sakit. Baik untuk pcngalaman.
Yunti Jangan begitu, di a saki t kau bikin mainmain.
l )okl('f Margono Ja ngan kuatir, dia saki t sediki t saja. Nallli saya kasi rescp.
Hams ist irahat dua hari.
Yunli Budi harus makan apa, pak Margono?

Dokler /I1orgollo Untuk dua hari dila rang makan makanan keras. Hanya bubur
dan pi sang.
Budi, saudara harus makan pi! kina. l3esok habis buang air keeil clan
air besar, kiri m sedikit kepada saya di klinik saya .
Yanli Apa dia peTlu pakai selimut t ebal karena dia pakai seli mut tipis?
Dokler /I1argoll o Ya, dia juga masuk allgin. Dia tidak pakai selimut karena
udara Indonesia panas.
Budi Saya harap saya akan belajar dari kesalahan. Apa saya bisa pe rgi ke
Medan pekan yang akan data ng?
Dokler /I1orgono Ya, tentu bisa, asal saudara ikut nasihat saya.
Bud; Terima kasi h. Saya akan hati hat i lain kali.
Dokl er Morgol/o Yanti, beTi dia pil ini li ga kali sehari da n obat encer ini
sekali empat jam.
Latihan 1
Budi tidak mau makan. Dia sakit. sebab, karena
IJlIdi tidak mall makoll sebab dia saki!.
IJlIdi tidak IIWII makilll korella sakit.
Budi sakit. Budi terl3lu b3nyak mabn.
BlIdi sakir karClla Budi (erlalll banyak makan
BlIdi saki( sebab ter/alll bal/yak II/akol/.
Budi tidak mau maka n. Dia saki!.
2 Budi sakit. Budi terlalu banyak makan.
3 Dia ban yak mabn. Dia lapar.
4 Kami mau minum. Kami haus.
5 Badan Ali panas. Ali sakit.
6 Dia saki!. Dia salah maka n.
7 Dia sakit peru!. Dia terlalu ban yak mabn caba i.
S Dia tiduL Di a capek.
9 Saya tidak beli rokok. Rokok maha!.
10 Budi tidak bangun. Budi s3kit.
Latihan 2
dengar. beberapa, belakang, perlu, panas, sa lah. panggil , resep, tipis, keras
Jakarta lebih ... d3ripada London.
Jakarta lebih pal/as daripada l. ol/doll.
Budi pakai selimut ...
IJlIdi pakai selbmll (ipis.
Jakarta lebih ... daripada London.
2 Budi pakai selimut ...
3 Saya ... ada orang datang.
4 Budi punya ... kemeja batik.
5 Kami ... obat.
6 Al i pergi ... dokter.
7 Budi tidak boleh mak:m makanan
8 Dokter be ri ... kepada Budi.
9 Siapa pergi ke . . . ?
10 Budi sakit sebab di3 .. . makan.
Pelajaran 21 latihan ucapan
Apa saudara tidak pcrgi ke Jakarta?
ndak, saya /ak pergi kc Jakarta.
Tidak, saya lak pergi ke Jakarta .
Apa Budi tidak berke ringat?
Tidak, Budi tok bcrkerillgal.
Ti dak, Budi lak be rke ringat.
Apa saudara tidak pcrgi ke Ja karta?
2 Apa Budi tidak berkcringat?
Pelajaran 22 Latihan ucapan
Saya ada uang, saya akan pergi ke Bali.
Kalau $Oya ado ZlOllg, soya akan pergi kc Bali,
KaJau saya ada uang, saya akan pergi ke BalL
Budi pening, jangan te rlalu banyak membaca.
Kalau Budi peni!!g, jallgall ferlalu ballyak memhaca.
Kalau Budi pening, jangan !eflalu ba.nyak membaca.
1 Saya ada uang, saya akan pergi ke BalL
2 Budi pening, jangan terlalu banyak memhaca.
Pelajaran dua puluh dua Istirahat di rumah
Yallt ;
Bagaimana Budi? Apakah mulai sembuh?
Ya , saya rasa lebih sehat , tClapi sedi kit lemas dan sedikil pusing.
Hu biasa, sebenlar kau akan sembuh, kalau pening jangan terlalu
banyak membaca.
Saya kesal buang waktu di tempat liduL
Saya dengar Sri mampir tadi pagi.
Di a bawa majalah, buku ceri ta dan pe ta Indonesia.
Kalau begi tu saya juga kepingi n sakiL Ada cewek manis, buku
menarik dan bisa lidur sepanjang haTi.
Budi bisa ban yak belaja r lentang Indonesia di tempal tidur.
Saya belum pemah tahu bahwa Indonesia begilu luas. Saya baca dari
buku ini.
Ya, sangat luas. Oari Sabang sampai ke Marauke, lebih jauh daripada
London ke New York.
Ada kirakira liga ribu pulau, yang besar adalah Kal imantan, ]rian
Barat, Sumatra. Jawa dan Sulawesi.
Kau tahu Budi, Sumal ra kira-kira sama besamya dengan SpanyoL
Seluruh Eropa sama besarnya dengan Indonesia.
Ya, saya baca ada banyak gunung berapi, danau dan ada salj u di
puncak gunung di Irian Barat.
Kami ada candi Hindu dan Budha.
Borobudur dan Mendut adalah candi Budha, dan Perambanall candi
Hindu, semuanya di Jawa Tengah.
Di Sumatra ada banyak rumah adal dari selia p daerah.
Ada be rapa agama di Indonesia'? Agama apa yang paling banyak
Yang paling ban yak pengikutnya. Islam, kemudian Kri sten, l'lindu dan
Apa saudara sudah kelili ng Indonesia?
Keliling Indonesia, kau gila! Saya lidak pernah pikir tent ang ilu.
Banyak orang Indonesia sudah pernah pergi ke Eropa dan Amerika
lelapi belum keliling Indonesia.
Ya, itu jelas, negara ini begilu besar.
Sekarang waktu unluk minum obat. Saya ambilkan air angeL
Kita harus patuh kepada j uru rawal , kalau lidak kila bisa berabe.
Obat apa ini? Kok begit u pahi\. Errr, luar biasa pahiL
Tidak apa-apa, hanya pi l kina.
latihan 1
Saya Icmas.
Soya sedikil fCllws.
Dia bpar.
Dill sedikil Iorlur.
Saya Icmas.
2 Dia Japar.
3 Kcbun ini IU:Is.
4 Budi capck.
5 Van!i 1113rah.
6 Saya ada kerja.
7 Di a punya uang.
8 Agama il ll cuma pengi kut nya.
9 Di London cuma ada or311g Indonesia.
10 Kcmcja ini besa r.
Latihan 2
mul ai, bU3ng, be lum, peta, adal , daripada, salj u, agama, keliling, candi
Saya pikir Budi . .. sembuh.
Soya pikir /Jud; l/1ula; sembuh.
... saya Islam.
Agama sayQ Iswm.
Sayil pikir Budi .. . scrnhuh.
2 ... saya Islam.
3 London !cbih luas ... Bandung.
4 Saya mau bc lajar . . . Indonesia.
S Budi tidak suka . . . waklu.
6 Di alas gunung di Indonesia ada
7 Budi ingin pergi ... Indonesia.
8 Saya suka hil a! . . . Borobudur.
9 Apakah saya bisa lihat ... Indonesi a?
10 Budi ... sembuh. Dia masi h sakit.
Pelajaran dua puluh tiga Masyarakat
Yall ti
Budi, tetangga kami sering tanya te nt ang kau. Mereka he ran, kau
ke rasan di sini.
Ayah saya orang Indonesia, ibu saya Skotl andia dan saya tinggal di
London. Sebel ulnya saya warga negara dunia. Saya bisa hidup di
mana saja.
Ya, benar. Tetapi banyak orang asing suka tinggat di Indonesia, lelapi
mereka hidup eara barat.
Kadangka dang mereka tidak bercampur dengan penduduk setempat.
Mereka kurang ma u adaplasi, sehingga mereka sunyi dan Icrpisah.
Di London j uga begitu, banyak orang asing tidak mau bergaul.
Mana yang tebi h mudah, masuk ke dalam masyarakal Indonesia atau
masyarakat tnggeris?
Saya pikir unluk dilerima di masyarakal Indonesia tebih mudah
karena masyarakal Indonesia lebih terbuka.
Kami ada dua tetangga l nggeris de kat rumah. SaIU keluarga mudah
menyesuaikan diri.
Ya, kel uarga Wilde pandai bcrgaul. Mereka main ten is, anak mereka
masuk sekolah Indonesia dan main olahraga bersama dengan anak-
anak tet angga .
Nyonya Witde mengajar bahasa Inggeris tanpa bayar di rumahnya.
Mereka turut ambil bagian dalam kegiatan sosial di sini.
Bagus, dan bagaima na dengan kelua rga yang lain?
Ya, si sombong, keluarga Rowe, tidak mau bergaul. Mereka hidup
sendiri .
Kapan mere ka sakit mereka pergi berobat ke Singapura.
Bagai mana dengan makanan mereka?
Mereka kurang mau makanan asH Indonesia, mereka pesan makanan
Apakah kedua keluarga ini akrap?
Oh, saya kira lidak, karena satu ke utara satu ke selatan.
Kami pernah undang mereka. Kel uarga Wilde datang tClapi kel uarga
Rowe biki n alasan supaya tidak datang.
Kami merasa sedih mereka tidak datang, karena kami mau membuat
mereka gembira di sini.
Budi, kami akan mcngundang mereka sekali lagi untuk be rt emu Budi.
Saya piki r mercka rindu kampung.
Latihan 1
Saya or3ng Indonesia. Saya bukan or3ng Inggeris.
Soya orulIg I ndollesia, hl/kall orong Jllggeris.
Ini rumah Ali. Ini bubn rumah saya.
Ill; rllll/ah Ali, bllkall fill/lOll .'illya.
Saya orang IndoncsilL Saya bukan orang Inggeris.
2 Ini rumah Ali. Ini bukan rumah saya.
3 Diu pcnduduk sete mpal. Diu bukan orang asing.
4 Van!i adi k AIL Vanl i bukan adik Budi.
5 Saya keluarga Rowe. Saya buka n kcluarga Wil de.
6 Uu mobil kami . It u bukan mobi! mcreka.
7 Itu Jakarta ut :Ha. Itu bukan Jakarta selatan.
8 Ibu saya orang Skotl andia. Dia bukan orang Indonesia.
9 Saya Ali. Saya bukan Budi.
10 Itu ke rela-api ke Jakarta. It u bukan kercta-api ke Bandung.
latihan 2
tct:lll gga. hemn, kerasan, sehingga, bergaul . menyesuaikan, kegiatan, pesan,
mengundang, ke dalam
Mercka ... Budi suka makan nasi .
. Merelat hem" Budi SlIko makan nasi.
Siapa ... makanan kaleng?
Siapa pesoll makanall koleng?
I Mereka ... Budi suka makan nasi.
2 Siapa ... makanan kaleng?
3 Mereka mudah ... di ri.
4 Mereka tidak mau adaptasi . . . mereka terpisah.
5 Banyak orang asing tidak suka
6 Mcreka ingi n ma suk .. . masyarakat Indonesia.
7 Kami akan ... mereka makan.
8 Budi tidak . . . di Bandung.
9 Apa ... saudara di masyarakat?
10 Mereka ... kami.
Pelajaran 23 latihan ucapan
Saya obat ke rumah sakit.
Soya berobat ke mmah sakit.
Saya berobat ke rumah sakit.
Masyarakat Indonesia lebih buka.
Masyarakat Indonesia lebih terbuka.
Masyarakat Indonesia lebih terbuka.
Saya obat ke rumah sakit.
2 Masyarakat Indonesia lebih buka.
Pelajaran 24
Buka pin tu.
TololIg buka pillllL
Tolong buka pinlu.
latihan ucapan
Saya tidak bisa datang.
Mao/. saya tidak bisa datang.
Maaf, saya tidak bisa datang.
t Buka pin tu.
2 Saya tidak bisa dalang.
( ber)
Tukang becak dan hotel, Jakarta
Pelajaran dua puluh empat Pergi ke Jakarta
Ali Budi, apa barang-barangmu sudah beres?
Semua siap. Saya bawa satu kopor, kamera dan sat u tas dengan sika! gigi,
sabun mandi, selop, obat dan oteh-oteh untuk anak-anak pak Ahmad.
ladi, kau pergi dengan kerela-api ke Jakart a dan menginap di hotel.
Ya, besok saya te rbang ke Medan dengan pesawat terbang Garuda.
Saya anta rkan kau ke setasiun sambil saya pergi kerja.


Ini dia setasi un kerela-api. Hati-hati jaga barang. Salam kepada
Ahmad. Selamat jalan dan lekas kembali.
Selamat tinggal dan terima kasih banyak. Salam untuk Salmah.

Budi Sela mat pagi pak. Tolong salu karcis kelas sat u ke Jakarta sekali jalan.
Tukong korcis Selamat pagi man. Ini dia liket tuan. Kereta-api berangkal jam
sembilan dari peron nomor tiga.
Budi Apakah ini kereta-api exprcs atau biasa?
Tukollg karcis Ya, ini kereta-api expres, langsung ke Jakarta.
* * *
Supir taksi Taksi pak! Mari , tuan! Tuan mau ke mana?
Budi Saya cari hotel yang murah letapi bersih.
Supir taksi Jangan kuatir pak, saya tahu Jakarta dan taksi ini pakai met er.
Apak::th ini saja barang man?
Bud; Ya, ini semuanya. Apakah hOlel itu jauh?
Supfr taksi Tidak, dekat saja, di pusat kota. Semua urusan mudah.

Budi Nona, apakah ada kamar kosong?
hote! Ada man. Untuk berapa orang dan berapa hari?
Budi Saya perlu kamar untuk salu orang, sat u malam saja.
Pegawai IlOte! Apa tuan mau kamar dengan kamar mandi?

Budi Saya mau dengan kamar mandi Saya makan di luar saja.

Pega'wai hotel Tolong tuan isi buku tamu dengan keterangan lengkap dan
nomor paspor.
Budi Bolch saya [iha! kamamya dulu?
Pegawai Ilotel Saya suruh pelayan untuk menunjukkan k::tmar itu.

Budi Saya senang kamar ini. Di mana saya simpan barang-barang saya?
Pegawai hotel Ya, barang berharga saya akan simpan di lemari kantor.
Budi Baiklah, terima kasih banyak. Apakah saya hams bayar sekarang?
Pegawai hotel Terserah kepada luan. Boleh sekarang dan bolch besok pagi.
Ini kunci kamar. Dan besok hams ke luar sebelum jam dua siang.
Kalau tidak saudara hams baya r sewa sat u malam lagi.

latihan 1
Saya car; hotel murah.
Sa)'a earl hotel yang /1/umh.
Kami mau be l; buku besar.
Kam; mall bel; buku yang besar.
Saya car; hotel rnurah.
2 Kami mau bel; buku bcsar.
3 Bud; mau kamar bersih.
4 Dia mau cari hotel de kat ke lapangan terbang.
5 Apakah ada kamar kosong?
6 Kami suka hotel kccil.
7 Di a mau laksi paka i meter.
S Saya mau kercta-api langsung ke Jakart a.
9 Budi t idak mau makanan pedas.
10 Saya mau mobil baru.
latihan 2
kc, kepada
Saya pergi ... Jakart a.
Saya pergi ke j akarla.
Ahmad beri buku itu ... Al i.
Ahnwd beri buku ilu kepada Ali.
Saya peTg; ... Jakart a.
2 Ahmad ber; buku itu ... AIL
3 Dia kirirn sural ... London.
4 Dia kirim sural ... kawan nya di London.
5 Ali peTg; ... tako membeli kemeja batik.
6 Dia dalang ... ayah saya.
7 Kami perg; ... mobi!.
8 Sa1am ... luan Ahmad.
9 Siapa dat ang dari London ... Jakart a?
10 Dia lidak bertanya ... saya.
Perajaran dua puluh rima Keliling Jakarta



Dik, pukul berapa sekarang? Jam saya matL Saya ketiduran.
Maaf tuan, saya tidak punya jam. Coba tanya tuan itu.
Sekarang jam lima. Tuan dari mana?
Nama saya Budi , saya datang dari London be rl ibur.
Saya Abdul, dari Solo. Saya pegawai negeri, urusan dinas di Jakarta.
Ka lau begitu saudara scndi rian.
Ya, keluarga saya di Solo. Saudara harus mampir di Solo.
Ya, ada dalam rencana perjalanan saya.
Kalau saudara tidak ada urusan pribadi kita bisa ke luar nanti malam.
Usul baik. Kita ketemu di mana?
Ki ta ketemu di ruang tamu kira-kira jam tujuh.

Saudara mau lihat apa di Jakarta? Ada klab malam, rumah makan
scgala bangsa, pasar malam, tarian Indonesia dan lain-lain.

Saya mau lihat yang sederhana. Tidak mahal dan tidak murah. Saya
juga pegawai seperti saudara.
Kita pergi makan ke restoran Cina di pinggir laut. Apakah saudara
makan udang, kepiting dan kodok go reng?
Baik, mari kita eari taksi.
Taksi mahal, kita naik oplet. Lebih murah.

Oplet tadi kecil tetapi murah.
Makanan di sini segar dan tidak pedas. Tukang masaknya terkena1.
Silakan pesan, baunya enak. Saya jadi lapar.

Mari , kita sekarang ke Binaria. !tu komplex hiburan.
Waduh, di sini ramai sekali. Ke mana kita pergi?
Apa saudara mau lihat kesenian Indonesia?
Apakah saya boleh tUTUt menari?

Saya kira tidak. Ki ta hanya menont on, telapi kalau saudara mau
berdansa ada tempat dansa.

Bagaimana kalau kita jalan-jalan dan lihal-li hat saj a. Saya tidak mau
berdansa malam ini.
Kita keliling kira-kira dua jam lantas pulang.
Saya senang bertemu saudara, kalau tidak saya tidur saja di hotel.
Latihan 1
Saya tidak ada jam.
Soya lidok plll/y o j(llll.
Mcrcka ada banyak uang.
Mereka plll/JlO ball)'ak /lOllg.
Saya tidak ada jam.
2 Mereka ada banyak uang.
3 Saya ada lima buku.
4 Kami tidak ada rumah besar.
5 Mereka ada lima anak.
6 Rumah itu ti dak ada li g3 kamar besar.
7 Mcreka ada mobil ba ru.
S Saya lidak ada kopor bcsar.
9 Saya tidak ada rokok.
IO Kami ada urusan di Jakarta,
Latihan 2
mang, pinggir , ketiduran, mali, mamp ir, pribadi. oplet , kesenian, IapaT, turut
Budi akan .. . di Solo.
Budi akan mampir di Solo.
Di a duduk di ... ta mu.
Diu duduk di r!lollg tamll.
Budi akan .. . di Solo.
2 Dia duduk di . . . tamu.
3 Saya mau makan, sebab saya . . . sekali.
4 AIi tidak datang karena dia .
5 Kami lebi h suka naik . . . karena murah.
6 Jam saya ...
7 Apakah ada reSl oran di . .. laut.
8 Saya lebih suka ... Indonesia.
9 Apakah saudara ma u ... mena ri ?
10 Saya lidak ada urusan .. .
Pelajaran 25 latihan ucapan
Saya pegawai. Saudara pegawai.
Soya pegawai seperti saudara.
Saya pegawai seperti saudara.
Al i orang baik. Ahmad orang baik.
AIi orallg baik seperti Ahmad.
Ali orang baik seperti Ahmad.
Saya pegawai. Saudara pegawai.
2 Ali orang bai k. Ahmad orang baik.
Pelajaran 26 Latihan ucapan
Pukul berapa sekarang?
Jam berapa sekarallg?
Jam berapa sekarang?
Sekarang jam tiga.
Sekarallg puku/ (iga.
Sekarang pukul liga.
Mul ai
Pukul berapa sekarang?
2 Sekarang jam liga.

Jntan Nusantara dan kanal, Jakarta
Pelajaran dua puluh enam Berangkat dari Jakarta
&idi Nona, tolong bangunkan saya besok pagi jam tujuh.
Pegawai Hotel Apa tuan mau sarapan ala Eropa atau Indonesia?
Budi Saya mau air jeruk, kopi susu dan roti bakar dengan mentega.

Pelayan Selamat pagi, tuan. Sarapan seperti yang luan pesan sudah sedi a
di meja nomor liga.

Selamat pagi, nona, lerima kasih. Saya liduT nyenyak seperti bayi.
Tolong siapkan bcnnya. Pesan taksi ke lapang:lI1 lerbang
Kemayoran jam delapan.

Budi Pak supir, berapa lama ke Kemayoran?
Supir tabi Wall , kebet ulan sekarang la lu lintas macet, te la pi saya coba cari
jalan lain, lebih jauh tetapi lebi h cepa!.
Budi Apa kah seliap hari begini?
Supir taksi Ya , pagi-pagi selalu begini. Orang mau pergi ke kant or, anak
se kolah, orang dagang. macam-macam orang ca ri makan.
Budi Saya harap saya t idak te rlambat.
Supir taksi Oh, saya pikir tidak. Saya sudah lama bawa taksi. Saya kira paling
lama kita sampai lima belas menil lagi.
Budi Ya, lerima kasih banyak. Rupanya saya lidak terlambat. Ini peTsen
untuk bapak,

Loud Speaker Perhalian, perha li an. Pen umpang-pe numpang unl uk MedaJl ,
!lighl nomor GA 203 (dua nol liga), ha rap berkumpul di pin tu
nomor dua.


Ini likel saya, pulang-pergi. Saya lupa lanya apllkllh di kursi saya
boleh merokok.
Saudara. boleh merokok di mana saja di pesawal ini, asalkanjnngan
isap kretek.
Ya, lerima kasi h, saya mengert i. Berapa jam ke l\ledan?
Biasanya dua jam, Ini pertama kali saudara ke Medan?
Pertama ka li ke Indonesia. Pertama ka li ke Medan. Pert ama ka li
dengan Garuda.
Medan kota menarik. Berbe da dengan Jakarta.
Saya dengar begil u, apakah nona dari Medan?
Va, benar saya dari Medan tetapi sudah lama pi ndah ke Jakart a.
Latihan 1
Di a dat ang pagi.
Dia dOfal/g pagi-pagi.
Kami minum kopi pan as.
Kami milium kopi panas-panos.
I Dia datang pagi.
2 Kami minum kopi pan3S.
3 Mobil itu jalan pclan.
4 Jangan makan pedas.
5 Kalau saki! jangan pulang malam.
6 Di pasar ba rang murah.
7 Di tako baTang maha\.
8 Scmua rumah Ahmad bcsar.
9 Saya sub makan pisa ng keeil.
10 Mcreka akan duang sore.
l ati han 2
seper! i. pesan, macel, tcrlambat , asalkan. lama, harap, pindah. kali , lupa
Saya ... di mall3 kUTsi saya.
Saya {/Ipa di mOlla kursi soya.
SaudarJ boleh duduk di sini ... jangan merokok.
Sal/dara boleh duduk di sini Qsa/kan jongon merokok.
Saya ... di mana kursi saya.
2 Saudara bolch dud uk di sini ... janga n mcrokok.
3 Ini buku ... yang tuan pesan.
4 Pagi-pagi 131u lintas sering ...
5 Kapan Al i ... ke Bandung?
6 Kami sudah dua ... ke Mednn.
7 Apakah saudara suda h . .. di Jabrla?
8 Kami ... tuan suka kama r ini.
9 Maaf. saya sedikit
10 Kami mau ... makana n Indonesia.
Pelajaran dua puluh tujuh Tiba di Medan
Sup;r taks;
Agen Hotel
Apakah tuan perlu taksi?
Tidak, terima kasih. Saya menunggu seorang l eman yang akan
menjemput saya.
Tuan perlu kamar? Saya agen dari beberapa hotel di kOla dan di
luar kota.
Tidak! Saya tinggal di rumah teman saya.
Saudara Budi , kan? Saya Ahmad. Saya se ngaja membiarkan,
bagaimana saudara dapat mengelakkan orangorang ini?
Saya sudah hampir put us asa. Hampir saya kembali ke Jakarta.
Mari kil a ke mobil saya. Apa kabar Al i dan Yanli?
Mereka baik-baik saja dan ki rim salam un tuk saudara dan
Bagaimana keadaan di London? Saya ke sana tahun lalu, urusan
Biasa saja , tidak ban yak yang berobah. Dingin, gelap tapi masih
Saya baca di koran banyak seka li turis. Kenapa mereka d:lt ang ke
Kebanyakan turis datang unluk belanja macam-maC3m b3 rang.
S3Y3 pikir 13hun depan saya akan ke London.
Si lakan, saya akan bawa pak Ahmad keliling l nggcris.
J anga n panggil saya bapak, panggi l saya Ahm3d. Ki ta k3n leman.
Baiklah, kal au begilu panggi l saya Budi .
RegaT, jangan terus ke rumah. Saya ma u tunjukkan kota Medan
kepada l amu kita.
Budi, Medan se karang kola kedua di Indones ia. Surabaya menjadi
nomor l iga.
Ya , lerang, saya dengar di sini ada minyak dan banyak pabrik dan
perkebunan besaT-besa r.
Ya! Saya punya kebun ka re t yang luas da n ada pabrik sabun da n
pabrik rokok.
Rokok kretek?
Oh, tidak. Rokok pUlih! Ro kok kretek lebih 13ku di Jawa.
Oh, beg.itu, saya kurang mengerti. Ahmad tent u ba nyak kerja.
Kenapa Ahmad me njempu t saya?
Kawan lebi h penting. Saya kaya karena banyak k3wan.
Latihan 1
Dia biarkan AIi pergi sendirl.
Din membiarkan AIi pergi sendi,,:
Ahmad tunggu Budi di lapangan t erbang.
AlmlOd melllmggll Budi di lapallgal/ terbal/g.
Din biarkan Ali pergi sendiri.
2 Ahmad t unggu Budi di lapangan lerbang.
3 Saya leri ma sural dari Ali .
4 Din isap rokok kretek.
S Kami pergi jepul Budi.
6 Siapa beli buku di tako?
7 Budi bayar liket unt uk kami.
8 Yan!! ajar Budi bahasa Indonesia.
9 Dia jadi guru.
10 Say a ca ri kerja di Jaka rt a.
latihan 2
ke sini, ke sana, di sini , di sana, ke mana, di mana
... rumah lua n Ali ?
Dj mQIlO mll!oh wall AIi?
Bcsok dia peTSi ...
Besok (/in pt.'rgi ke sal/a .
. .. rUlll ah l uan Al i?
2 Besok dia pergi ...
3 Apakah ... ada Inksi?
4 Saya t idak talm ... rumahnya.
S Bagaimana ki ln dapa! pergi ... ?
6 Saya Icbill sub cli si ni daripada ...
7 ... o r.lng suka isap rokok krclck.
8 .. Or.lng suka isap rokok krclek?
9 ... guru saudara pcrgi?
10 ... kedut aan Inggeris?
Pelajaran 27
Cont oh
Latihan ucapan
Ini saudara Budi, bukan?
IlIi uJ/ldara Budi, lean?
Ini saudara Budi, kan?
Kit a sudah sampai di Ja karta, bukao?
Kila suda!! sampai di Jakarta. kall ?
Kila sudah sampai di Jakarta, bn?
Ini saudara Budi , bukan?
2 Kila sudah sampai di Jakarta, bukan?
Pelaj aran 28 Latihan ucapan
Dia baru di Jakarta.
Dia bant sampai di Jakarta.
Dia baru sampai di Jakarta.
Dia pcrgi dari jam l iga ke jam cmpa t.
Dia pergi dari jam tiga sampai jum emput.
Oia pcrgi dari jam tiga sampai jam empat.
Mul ai
I Dia ooru di Jakarta.
2 Dia pergi dari jam l iga ke jam cmpat.
28 Pelajaran dua puluh delapan
Rumah Ahmad
Budi , jangan kaget nanti di rumah. Saya piara binatang-binatang, ada
ha rimau, rnonyet, kuda, burung, anj ing dan anak gajah.
Saya ti dak takut. Saya suka melihat bi natang. Apakah ada ikan?
Saya ada liga kola m ikan. Budi bisa panei ng sampai mati belum habis.
Apakah Ahmad suka berburu?
Ya! Saya suka berburu, pancing ikan, main golr, main tenis dao jalan-
I-I eran! Ahmad begitu banyak hobby.
Jangan lupa , saya pedagang. Saya bawa orang pergi paneing ikan lapi
saya paneing dia.
Kita di mana sekarang? Ini bukan jalan umum. Banyak pohon, bunga
dan begi tu be rsih.
1nl bukan jalan umum, ini ja lan pribadi. Ini jalan ke rumah saya.
Ini seperti mimpi. Say a tidak pikir saudara begitu kaya.
Ya, saya sudah berapa kali bilang 5ama AIi, jangan jadi pegawai,
pindah ke Medan, jadi direktur. Saya ada ban yak perusahaan.
Dia sudah lama di Bandung. Dan saya pikir dia tidak mau banyak
Ali berm juga, saya kaya letapi banyak soal, kadang-kadang saya suli t
Apakah mmahnya masih jauh?
Tidak, sebentar lagi ki ta sampai ...
Apakah saudara capck?
Saya tidak capek tetapi saya belum pernah lihat rumah begini bagus
dan pekarangan begi tu luas.
Ya, mari kita berenang dulu, supaya lapar.
8erenang di man a?
Saya ada kolam renang sendiri , lemt ama untuk anakanak saya dan
temannya. Saya senang membuat omng gembim.
Saya tidak tahu hams bikin apa kalau Ahmad ke London di rumah
keeil saya.
Latihan 1
Saya sudah ke J akarta.
Saya sudah pemah ke Jakarta.
Karni belum ke Jakarta.
Karni be/urn perlUlh ke Jalrorta.
1 Saya sudah ke Jakarta.
2 Kami belurn ke Jakarta.
3 Mereka sudah rnakan di sana.
4 Dia belum bertemu isteri saya.
S Apakah saudara bel urn coba nasi gorell g?
6 Apakah kalian sudah tinggnl di Bali?
7 Saya pikir ibunya belum datang kc rumah s u d ~ r Ahmad.
8 Anak saya sudah berenang di la ut.
9 Mereka pikir kami belum ke Eropa.
10 Kami tidak pikir nudi belum makan nanas.
Latihan 2
perusahaan, habi s, ikan, jalan, bila ng, pancing. sulit , bikin, lidur, pikiran
Cont oh
Saya ... kepada Ali , dia harus pindah ke Medan.
Stlya bi/ang kepada Ali, dia hartls IJilldah ke Medal/.
Di mana saudara ... besok malam.
Oi mono sol/dara tidur besok molam?
Saya ... kepada Ali, dia harus pindah ke Medan.
2 Di mana saudara ... besok malam.
3 Va ng saya sudah .. .
4 Saya pikir soa l itu tidak ...
S Kami tinggal di , .. Jakarta.
6 Saya bekerja di ". besar.
, Ali tidak suka jadi direktur karcna banyak .,.
8 Apakah saudara suka ... ikan?
9 Ahmad mau ... Budi gembira.
10 Budi suka sekali makan ...
Prapa t ; danau Toba, Sumatra
29 Pelajaran dua puluh sembilan
Ke danau Toba
Almwd Isleri saya juga akan ikut ke danau Toba besok. Kita akan bera ngkat

jam enam pagi.
Berapa jauh perjalanan ke danau Toba?
Dari rumah kila kuranglebih empat jam, jalan pelanpelan sambillihat
Apakah di sana dingin? Saya suka sedikit dingin. Apakah di sana bisa
be renang?
Oh, ya, kalau pergi ke danau Toba harus berenang. Airnya tenang dan
dingin. Bisa juga naik kapallayar dan motorboat.
Apakah ibu Ahmad suka berenang?
Jangan panggil saya ibu Ahmad, ya! Panggil saya Susanti! Tentu saya
sub berenang.

Sus, Budi, ayo kila berangkat. Budi duduk di depan supaya kita bisa
ce rita.
Saya sengaja tidak bawa makanan, karena kita bisa pilih makanan daerah.
Ki ta sudah keluar dari balas kota dan masuk ke daerah perkebunan
karel dan kelapa sawit.
Itu yang di sebelah ki ri kebun apa?
It u kebun nanas, tetapi bukan untuk dimakan. Nanas itu dipakai unluk
membuat benang.
Lihat di sebelah kana n, itu pohon kopi dan di sana teh.
Di mana perkebunan lembakau? Tembakau Deli terkenal di se luruh dunia.
Oh, sudah lewat. Tadi , kirakira li ma ki lometer yang lalu, ada hulan jal i
dan di bela kang pohon jati itu ada perkebunan lembakau.
Tentu di sini cerutu murah dan enak. Saya mau bell.
Memang murah, lelapi kami tidak suka cerutu dan kal au isap cerulu di
mobil isleri dan saya pening.

Alimad Ki ta sekarang masuk ke daerah Simalungun. Sebenlar Jagi kila aka n
sampai ke Sianlar, ibu kola propinsi Simalungun.
SUSlIllti Bang, di seberangjembatan itu kila berhenli sebentar. S3ya mau be li
nanas, kelapa muda dan bangkuang.
Alunad Ya, Sus. Betul! Saya haus dan lehe r saya kering.


Sekarang kila di pi nggir kOla Siant ar. Kalau kila ambil jalan ke kanan
kita akan sa mpai ke daerah pergunungan.
Ya, pulangnya kila ambil jalan ki ri dan Budi bisa mel ihat dae rah sayur
sayuran yang terbesar di pulau Sumal ra.
Saya ada dagang sayur untuk ekspor. Sekarang kila ambil jalan terus
menuj u ke danau Toba.
Latihan 1
8erapa jauh perjalanan ke danau Toba ? (80 km)
Perjoialloll ke donau Tabo, dcfilpall pulull !dIameter.
8erapa hari sauda ra peTgi ke Bandung? (3 hari)
Soya pergi ke /Jolldllllg /iga ha,,:
Berapa j auh pe rjalanan ke dana u Toba?
2 Berapa ha ri saudara pergi ke Bandung?
(80 kilomeler)
(3 hari)
3 Berapa jam dari si ni ke rumah saudara naik mobi l? ( I jam)
4 Berapa lama saudara sudah li ngga l di Jakarta? (kira. kira 9 lahun)
5 Berapa buku saudara beli di loko buku? (5 buku)
6 Berapa harga maka nan di restoran itu? (20()() rupiah)
7 Berapa kali saudara sudah pergi ke l3ali? (4 kali)
8 Berapa orang anak saudara? (I ora ng)
9 8erapa kun i ada di kama r tamu? (12 kursi)
10 Berapa kamar ada di rumah saudara? (6 kamar)
Lati han 2
kurang lebih, pelan-pelan, kira-kira, juga, l enlu saja
Oari Medan ke danau Toba . . . dua ralus kilomcter.
Dori Medon ke dOl/ou Tabo, kuronglebih/k ira-kira d1l0 rOIll S kilomeler.
Dia punya uang . .. dua puluh ribu rupiah.
Dia pUllya /long kurollg-Iebih/ kirakiro duo IJIIluh ribu mpioh
I Oari Medan ke danau Toba .. , dua ralus kilometer.
2 Dia punya uang ... dua puluh ribu rupiah.
3 Saya pikir anak saya talm ... di mana bisa be li buku lIl ur:lh.
4 Yanti ... ingin pergi ke pe rkebunan.
5 Saudara harus jalan . . . karena hujan.
6 Budi sa kit dan dia . .. pening.
7 ... kita harus berjalan di sebe lah kiri.
8 ... di man:! kita dapat beli kelapa muda?
9 Kami libur ... empat belas hari.
10 ... saya suka makanan Indonesia.
2 9 Pelajaran 29
Latihan ucapan
Saya pergi ke Jakarta tahun lewa t.
Saya sudah pergi ke Jakorta talm" Jalu.
Saya sudah pergi ke Jakarta tahun lal u.
Di a pergi ke Bali tahun muka.
Dia akon pergi ke Bali tal/UII dep(JIl_
Dia akan pergi ke Bali tahun depan.
Saya pcrgi kc Jak,lrta tahull Icwat .
2 Di a pcrgi ke Bali tahun muka.
Pelajaran 30 Latihan ucapan
Buku din sama buku Ali.
Bukullya seperri bllku AIi.
Bukunya se pcrti buku Ali.
Mobil mereka sama mobil saya.
Mobi! mereko sepcrri lIIobilku.
Mobil mereka scperli mobilku.
Buku dia $ama buku Al i.
2 Mobil mereka sama mobiJ saya.
Pelajaran tiga puluh Di danau Toba
Ini kOla namanya Prapat. Kita akan menginap di hotel dan saya
sudah pesan dua kamar.
Baik, kita iSli rahat sebcntar. Saya agak eapek.
Kau bolch istirahat, tapi saya piki r Budi sudah kepingin mandi di
Susonl; Kalau begitu kal ian pergi saja berdua. Kala u pancing ikan jangan ikan
yang di daral.
Ahmad Oh, tidak! Saya kan suam! yang baik dan sayang kepada isteri.

Bud; Saya lihal banyak orang asing di sini.
Ahmad Ya, di sini luns datang dari berbagai negara dan berbagai bangsa.
Budi Ya, saya lihat ban yak hOlel besar, pakaian Eropa dan makanan baral.
AlwUld Karni mau maju sepc rti negara kaya yang 1:lin. K;lmi mau ti ru negara
B/ldi Saya tidak sel uju. Sebagai luris saya mau lihat sesualu yang berbeda,
asli dan sederhana.
Ahmad Saya mengerti , tetapi hotel besar peril! ba nyak peg:lwai. Kami di sini
perlu pekerjaan.
Budi Apa nam:l pulau kecil ilu?
A}wUld Oh, ilu bukan pulau keei!. lIu pulau besar. karena jauh kelihalannya
keei!. Ilu pulau Samosir.

Bud; Saya mau bcrcnang. Ap:lkah di sini ada bU:lY:l ?
AllI1Uld Mana :lda buaya cli d:lnau. Tetapi di sini banY:lk buaya gigi cmas dan
buaya dar:lt.
Budi Waduh! lI u sud:l h p:lsti Icbih gan:ls daripada buaya asli.
AllIIUld ~ : l r i kila sewa sampan lantas bcrdayung ke tengah d:m mandi di
sa na.
Blld; Saya ingin berdayung. Sampan ini keeil tapi kcncang.

Ahmad Saya tidak sangb Budi pandai bcrda yung.
Bud; Naik sampan lermasuk o lahraga rak ya t di Ingge ri s.

Latihan 1
Kami beli banyak macam buku.
Kom; beli berbagai buku.
Di London ada ban yak maca m rumah.
/)i LOlldoll ado berbagai rUII/o"-
I Kami beli banyak ma cam buku.
2 Di London ada ban yak ma cam rumah.
3 Di Indonesia ada banyak macam buah.
4 Di sini turis- turis datang dari banyak macam negar3.
5 Di Jakarta ada banyak maca m rokok krctck.
6 Dj hulan itu ada banyak macam pohon.
7 Di London, di musi m panas, ada b:myak macam olahraga.
8 Saya lihal ada banyak macam ikan dijual di pasar.
9 Di restor-m illl ada banyak macam makanan.
10 Saya suka mclihat ban yak macam pakaian di loko.
Latihan 2
sayang, perlu, kelihatan, kelihatannya , maM ada, kapan, sudah pasti, rakyat,
tidak sangka, berdayung
Rumah itu ... dari sini.
Rumah illl keliltaran dori sin;.
Apa kah Budi dapat ...
Apakoh Budi dopa! berdoYllIIg?
Rumah itu ... dari sini .
2 Apakah Budi dapa! ...
3 Mereka ... kepada Yanti.
4 Mobil ini ... besar.
S Saya ... Budi dapat berbahasa Indonesia begitu baik.
6 Berapa jumlah ... Indonesia.
7 Kami ... aka n pcrgi ke Jepang bulan depan.
S ... saudara datang ke Jakarta, silakan dalang ke rumah saya.
9 Saya lidak ... rumah bcsa r.
to ... buaya di laut!
Muarasipongi. Sumatra
Pelajaran tiga puluh satu Mogok
Almllld Maar Budi, menurUI isleri suya, kami harus pulang ke Medan segera.
Ada relasi dagang datang dari Jakarta.
Budi Tidak apa-apa. Saya sudah berenang dan naik sampan. Saya puas.
AhflUld Dengar! Budi nginap di sini. Hotel dan makanan sudah saya bayar.

Besok supir laksi datang unl uk bawa Budi pulang ke Medan lewat

Siregar Saya Si regar. Tuan Ahmad sudah baya r taksi untuk bawa tuan Budi
pulang. Mobi! sudah sedia di luar. Di mana barang tuan?
Budi Va, barang saya sedikit saja. Pak Siregar tunggu saja di mobi l,
sebentar lagi saya dalang.
Pak Budi bisa bahasa Indonesia. Saya heran, di mana belajar? Siregur
BlIdi Va be wl, saya t ingga l di London, tClapi bapak saya ora ng Indonesia.
Saya juga belaja r sejarah Indonesia di sekolah malam di Polytechni c.
Nama guru saya Bung Hoff.

Blldi Kenapa suara mobil ini pi ncang? Apakah habis minyak? Di mana
pompa untuk membeli bcnsi n?
Siregar Saya pikir bensin cukup, tadi saya isi tangki penuh. Saya kiTa tal i
kipas put us. Tidak ada scrap.
BIIdi Sekarang sudah jam Hma sore. Kita nginap di man a?
Siregar Jangan takul pak. Saya lalm daerah ini. Saya akan cari pak lurah.
Namanya pak Tarigan.

f bu /lIra/, Pak lurah pergi kc Medan. Ada rapal kepala kampung. Besok baTu
dia pulang.
Sir('gar Su lurah, mobi l kami mogok. Saya harus kembali ke Prapal
membe li onderdil. Apakah luan Budi bisa nginap malam ini di sini?
fblllllral! Va, boleh saja. Saya ada balai balai sederhana dan kelambu kecil ,
li ka r telapi lidak ada lilam.
BmJi Tidak apa. Saya biasa susah. Saya sub pengalaman ini.
/ bu {lira" Ini banla l, guli ng, seperei, obal nyamuk dan handuk.
Budi Saya senang sekali mobil mogok. Kalau tidak, saya tidak kenal
dengan ibu.
Latihan 1
Dia belaja r sejarah.
DitI juga beiajor sejorak
AJi makan nasi goreng.
Ali juga molulII /las; goreng.
Di a belajar seja rah.
2 Al i makan nasi goreng.
3 Budi dalang sebe nl ar lagi.
4 Mobil mereka habi s minyak.
S Saya takut karena saya tidak tahu daerah ini.
6 Apakah pak lurah pe rgi ke Medan?
7 lsterinya dalang dad Jakarta.
8 Ya , be lul . kami linggal di Bandung.
9 Kila sudah capek sekali.
10 Adik saya lidak suka Illakan buah itu.
Latihan 2
juga. sedi.kit. sederhana
Kami ... suka belajar sejarah.
Kom; juga suko be/ajar sejarah
Rumah kami ... saja.
Ruma/t kami sederho/lo soja.
Kami ... suka be lajar sejarah.
2 Rumah kami ... saja.
3 Saya mau ... gula.
4 Kami mau isi ... minyak unluk mobil.
S Rumah makan ini ... lapi baik.
6 Saya ... sedikil capek.
7 Saya lahu . .. bahasa Indonesia.
8 Kami ... lidak tahu ke mana dia pergi.
9 Budi ... biasa susah.
10 Mobil ini ... pelan.
Pelajaran 31 Lat ihan ucapan
Di man a ba rang luan?
Barallg soya di mobil
Barang saya di mobil.
Dj mana pak lumlt rapat?
Pak {urah ropal di Medoll.
Pak lurah rap at di Medan.
Mul ai
Di m::ma barang tuan?
2 Di mana pak lurah ra pa t?
Pelajaran 32 Latihan ucapan
Apa pckcej aan saudara?
Soya bekerja sebagai kepo/a bag/oil ekollomi.
Saya beke rja sebaga i kepal a bagian ekonomi.
Apa pe kcrjaan adiknya?
Adikllya bekerja sebagai ;uru-tlllis.
Adiknya bekerja sebagai juru-t uli s.
Mul ai
Apa pckrrjaan saudara?
2 Apa pekerjaan adiknya?
(kepala bagian ekoll omi)
Guru-tuli s)
(kepala bagian ekonomi )
Pelajaran tiga puluh dua Kantor dan pabrik
Ahmad Bagaimana pengalaman kemarin? Saya dengar mobilnya mogok dan
Budi ngi nap di rumah pak lurah. Apakah nyamuknya galak?
Budi Saya senang sekali tidur di desa. Ibu lurah sopan. Rumahnya bersih
dan makanan sederhana tapi enak.
Ahmad Mari kita li hat kantor dan pabrik.




Ada berapa pegawai semuanya, dan ada berapa bagian?
Di kant or ada lima puluh lima pegawai. Ada direktur. manager,
kepala bagian, asisten, juru tulis, juru tik, opas, sekertari s. supir dan
jaga malam.
Di kantor ini ada enam bagian. Bagian administrasi, keuangan,
pembelian, penjualan, personalia dan hubungan masyarakat.
Apakah saya bisa lihatlihat ? Saya ingin bercakap dan bcrtanya
dengan pegawai-pegawai.
Ya boleh saja, asalkan Budi tidak bi kin mereka mogok. Tunggu di
sini, saya pallggi l sekertaris. [rlla dari bagian h u u n g ~ n masya rakat
un t uk membawa Budi keli ling kantor dan pabrik. Dia mani s da n
belum kawin.

Apakah tuan Budi sudah cukup li hat kant or, atau ada y ~ n g lain
saudara mau lihat?

Saya pikir sudah cukup. Suasana di kantor ini enak dan sc mua orang
gembi ra.
Kalau begitu, mari kita pergi lihat pabrik.

Bau karel. Bau uang. Ada banyak pegawai di sini.
Ada ratusan buruh di pabrik ini. Ada buruh tetap dan buruh lepas.
Ada insi nyur mesi n, insinyur pertanian, ahli teknik, ahli mesin,
tukang, mandor, dan buruh biasa dan ahli kesehatan.
Bcrapa hari scminggu orang bckerja di sin i?
Enam hari se minggu, tetapi ha ri Jumat dan Sabtu ka mi bckerja
sete ngah hari. Pegawai tetap dapnt perumahan dan cuti tahunan dua
Apa pabrik mcmperoses karet untuk ckspor atau membuat barang
Keduanya. Kami ekspor dan juga jual kcpada pabrik-pabrik lokal
untuk membikin sepatu, ban sepeda dan permainan.
Latihan 1
Bagaimana pengalaman dia kernarin?
&gaimQIIQ pengafama""ya kemarin?
Apakah .ini rumah .tuan Budi?
Apakah ill; nll1Ullmya?
Bagaimana pengalaman dia kemarin?
2 Apakah ini rumah tuan Budi?
3 Saya mau be rtemu dengan dia.
4 Apakah nona ini adik tuan Ali ?
5 Saya pikir Yanti bukan adik dia _
6 Di mana buku tuan Ahmad?
7 Saya tahu nama orang itu.
8 Apakah nona seke rt ari s luan Susanlo?
9 Siapa nama kawan dia?
10 Saya lidak mau pergi ke pasar de ngan ibu dia.
Latihan 2
nginap. senang. sedert&ana, benaoya, ingin, bagian. buruh, Sabtu, di sW,
Saya . .. sekali tinggal di Bandung.
Saya sel/QI/g sekali lil/gga/ di Sal/dullg.
Apakah Budi ... di rumah pak lurah?
AfN1koll Blldi ngit/op di rumoh pak lurah?
I Saya ... sekali tinggal di Bandung.
2 Apakah Budi ... di rumah pak lurah?
3 ... orang bekerja ~ n m had seminggu.
4 Dj pabrik ini ada ralusan ...
S Hari ... kami bekerja selengah hari.
6 Dia bekelja di .. . penjualan.
7 Kami . . . barang jaw untuk dijual di Indonesia.
8 Rumah ini .. . lelapi saya suka sekali.
9 Saya ... bercakap dengan buruh-buruh.
10 Siapa .. . kepada pegawaipegawai di kantor dan di pabrik?
Pelajaran tiga puluh tiga Di pelabuhan dan di kapal
Ahmad KapaJ berlayar pukul tiga petang. Dari rumah ke pclabuhan makan
wakt u kira-kira satu jam.
SI/SlImi Va, kits makan siang be rsama dulu, nanti jam satu kita berangkat ke
Budi Saya pikir tak perlu kunci kopor saya. Nanti di pelabuhan akan
diperiksa duane.
Ahmad Untuk peJayaran lokal biasanya tidak ada pemeriksaan pabean. kunci
saja kopornya.
SIl$llIl/i Saya litip oleh-oleh untuk Vanti dan AIL Ma kanan iSl imewa dari
SumalraUtara. Di Bandung pasti tidak ada. Awa s pecah ini telur
penyu dan markisa .

Ahmad Semua sudah beres. Barangbarang suJah di kamar kapa!. Saya harus
turun dari kapal, dan Budi, bawa sural ini kcpada Kaplcn Arjuna.
Susallli Budi, oba l ini si mpan di kantong celal1a , kalau mabuk laut lekas
Ahmod Saya scnang lihal saudara pulang naik kapal. Il1ilah perjalanan terbaik
untuk mengenal Indonesia . Makanan luar biasa cnak, awak kapal
ramah dan saudara bisa main bridge atau main catur dengan pcrwira-
perwira kapa1. Dan berkenalan dengan penumpang-penumpang lai n.
Budi Kapal ini lebih besar daripada yang saya duga. Kamarnya besar dan
bersih. Ada banyak bendera besar dan kedl. yang paling besa r be ndera
Merah Pulih.
Susollti Mari kita turun, peluit kapal nomor liga sudah bunyi. Nanli kit:!
terikut ke Jakarta.
Ahmad Jangan takul, Kapten Arjuna lahu saya ada di kapaJ . dan saya ba nyak
kirim barang dengan kapal inL
Sllsollti Ayo, Mad, turun, lal inya sudah dibuka. Sebentar Jagi mereka akan
angkat tangga.
Ahmod Baiklah Budi , selamal jalan dan kirim salam kepada Ali dan Van!i
serta cewek-cewek cantik di London.
Budi Teri ma kasi h banyak dan selamal lingga!.
Latihan 1
Jam berapa kila pergi ke kantor? (j a m tiga)
Kila perg; ke koll tor jam tiga.
Hari apa mereka sampai di Bandung? (hari Sablu)
Mereko sampoi di Bandung hari Sabtu.
I Jam berapa kil a pergi ke kantor? (jam tiga)
2 Hari apa mereka sampai di Bandung? (hari Sablu)
3 Jam berapa kila makan siang? (jam sat D)
4 Bul an apa di a bermobil ke Bali ? (bubn Nopember)
S Jam berapa Ali makan pagi? (j am delapan)
6 Hari apa bapak pergi ke dokler? (hari Senin)
7 Jam berapa keretaapi berangkat? Uam dua belas)
8 Bulan apa dia datang ke Jakarta? (bulan Desember)
9 Jam berapa ibu hcndak ke pasar? Uam !ujuh)
10 Bulan apa Budi sampai di Indonesia? (bulan April)
Latihan 2
apa. siapa, kapan
... nama kampung itu?
Apa llama kampulIg itu?
... nama ora ng itu?
Siapa !lama orong i/ll?
I ... nama kampu ng itu1
2 ... nama orang itu1
3 Saya tida k tahu ... perempuan it u.
4 Ka mi tidak tahu ... di a pcrgi kc Bandung.
5 .. . saudara suka makan nasi goreng1
6 ... Budi pergi ke rumah Salmah?
7 Buku ... ini1 Kenapa terlal u mahal?
8 ... dia akan menjemput ibunya ke lapanga n terbang?
9 Saya tidak tahu ... nama buah itu.
10 Dengan ... Budi pergi ke Medan?
Pelajaran 33 Lati han ucapan
Buku ini besar. Buku ini bagus.
Buku yong besor ill; bogus.
Buku yang bcsar ini bagus.
Ruma h itu kedl. Rumah itu murah.
Rumall yong kecil itll muroll.
Rumah yang keel l !tu murah.
Mul al
J Buku in; besar. Buku in; bagtJs.
2 Rumah i1u kedl. Rumah il ll murah.
Pelajaran 34 Latihan ucapan
Saya mandi. Dia datang.
StJ)'tJ sedtJllg mOlldi. dio dO/aI/g.
Saya sedang mandi , d;a datang.
Saya mai n Icnis. Budi pe rgi kc toko.
Soya sedollg 1110;1/ reI/is, Bud; lJerg; ke toko.
Saya sedang main lenis, Budi pergi ke toko.
Mul ai
Saya ma ndi. Dia datang.
2 Saya main tcni s. Bud; pergi ke toko.
34 Pelajaran tiga puluh empat
Jawa Tengah

Naik keretaapi BandungSemarang dan naik bis SemarangSalatiga lalu
naik bis Salat iga Yogya ...
Ya , saya tahu kila se mua capek, panas, sumpek letapi akhirnya kila
Mari kit a naik dokar ke hOlel Garuda.

Kita harus ma kan cepat supayajangan terl ambat menonton wayang kulit.
Saya belum pernah Hhat wayang kulit, saya sudah lama kepingin
Hhat. Coba jelaskan!
Orang belum tahu lagi asal-usul wayang kufit , tetapi wayang kuHt
suda h ada lebi h daripada ratusan tahun.
Ce ril a wayang jaman dulu diambil dari Ramayana dan Mahabharata
yang berasal dari India.
Ceri lanya berkisar tenlang raja-raja, pangeran, putri, dewa dan raksasa
dan binatang.
Saya dengar ada cerita barn yang moderen. Mengapa cerila tradisionil
bertahan hi dup?
Karena ora ng dapat ban yak pelajaran dari si mbolisme di dalam
wayang tradisionil.
Wayang tradisioni l menggambarkan perjuangan antara kelompok orang
baik melawan yang jahat.
Saya paham, perjuangan di dalam hali sendiri, antara napsu dan
kebaikan. Berapa ora ng yang berperan?
Hanya sat u orang. Namanya dalang. Oia bisa lukar-Iukar suara
menurut karakter setiap wayang.
Berapa lama sat u pertunjukan?
Biasanya se malam suntuk.
Kartna orang lahu cerilanya , mereka bisa ke luar makan dan kembali
kapan mereka mau.
Ka lau begitu kila bisa saja datang terl ambat. Oi Inggeris itu tidak
boleh. Orang harus tunggu waktu istirahal.
Ya , karena di Inggeris pertunjukan tradisionil paling lama dua jam,
sedangka n wayang makan waktu satu malam penuh.
Ada juga waya ng orang, di mana pelaku-pelakunya pakai topeng.
Waya ng orang bisa selesa i lebi h ce pat daripada wayang kuHI, karena
banyak pemain.
Saya lebi h senang wayang kulil karena menj aga tradisi. Sayang,
kebanyakan orang muda kurang suka wayang.
Di Inggeris juga sama. Sayang sekali. Anak-anak muda lebi h suka musik
latihan 1
Seliap oTang ada satu liket.
Senllla orr:mg ada riker.
Seliap rumah ada salu kebun.
Semua run/ah ada kebulI.
1 Seliap or-Ing ada satu tiket.
2 Seliap rumah ada satu kebun.
3 Setiap orang ada salu sepeda.
4 Seti ap wayang ada salU karakle r.
5 Selia p bis ada salU SOpiT.
6 Setiap kamar ada salu kamar mandi.
7 Seliap meja ada sal U kursi.
8 Seliap buruh ada satu rumah.
9 Seti ap dokar ada satu kuda.
10 Seliap or-lIlg ada sat u pcmi1.
latihan 2
Dia ke Jakarta dengan ke rcla-api.
Dia ke Jakarta lIaik kerf!la-api.
Saya rnakan dengan AI L
Soya makal/ bersama Ail:
Dia ke Jakarta dengan kercta.api.
2 Saya makan dengan AIL
3 Kami ke pasar dengan dokar.
4 Budi ke Bali dcngan kapal terbang.
S Ali main tenis dengan adiknya.
6 Kami ke pasar dengan Al l.
7 Ki la ke Borobudur dcngan mobil.
8 Kami ke sana dengan scpeda.
9 S3ya minum kopi dengan AIi.
10 Kami ke Solo dengan bis.
" ...

11 H
11 .. 1
Yogyabrla. Jawa Tengah
35 Pelajaran tiga puluh lima
Yal/l i
Saya dengar kota illi kola bersejarah.
Ya, benar. I ni ibu kota Republik Indonesia di jaman revolusi.
Di sini adalah kedudukan Hamengku Buwono, Sultan Yogya. Turis dan
rakyat senang meli hat krat on.
Sama juga seperti di Inggeri s, orang suka melihat istana raja dan rumah
orang kaya jaman dulu. Gedung kUllo banyak menyimpan sejarah.
Di Inggeris saudara punya Oxrord dan Cambri dge sebagai kota pelajar.
Yogyakarta adalah kola pelajar. Banyak mahasiswa belajar di sini dari
seluruh Indonesia.
Apa nama universitas terkenal di sini?
Universitas Gajah Mada. Di ambil dari nama bekas perdana menteri di
jaman kerajaan Mojopahit.
Di toko di muka hotel saya lihat banyak kerajinan tangan dibua! dari
Benar, di sini kerajinan tangan sangat terkenal sepert i: alatalat makan
dari perak, teko dan vas bunga.
Juga banya k pe rhiasan dari emas atau perak dibuat de ngal1 tangan
yang sanga! halus.
Mereka juga ada batu perma ta yang indah.
Di sini ada j uga ukiran-uki ran dari kayu dan patungpatung dari kayu.
Bagai mana dengan bat ik?
Batik Yogya dan Solo sanga t terkenal. Mutunya 5angat linggl.
Ya, yang baik harganya juga !ingsi.
Na nti dulu! Untuk membuat satu helai bati k yang halus makan waktu
lama. Pekerjaan ta ngan bermulu ti nggi di mana tergabung seni dan
kei ndaha n.
Baga ima na orang bi sa lailu bali k tuli san asH dengan ya ng ti dak asli?
!tu muda h. Bunga-bunga atau lukisan pada bat ik tulisan tidak sama ,
sedangkan pada batik cetak dan batik pabrik bentuk gambarnya
selamanya sa ma.
Apa lagi yang terkenal di dae rah ini?
Va, saya tahu, Budi senang an ti k. Saudara sekara ng ada di
latihan 1
Kerajinan tangan sangat
Kerajil1all tangall Yog,va lerkellal sekofi.
tuan Ahmad sangat besar.
Rllllwh IlIall A Imwd beS(Jr sekoli.
I Kerajinan tangall Yogya sanga t tcrkc nal.
2 Ru rnah lUan Ahmad sangat bcsa r.
3 Mahasiswa be lajar di sana sa ngat ban yak.
4 Perhiasan pe rak ini sangat ha Ius.
S Mutu batik ini sangat baik.
6 Universitas Gajah Mada sangat besar.
7 Harga rumah di Jakarta sangat rnahal.
8 Makanan di sini sa ngat enak.
9 Turis di Bali sa ngat banyak.
10 Batu pcrmata ini sangat indah.
Latihan 2
jaman, seluruh, mutu, lergabung. keindahan. terkenal, leko, pelajar. asli .
perdana menteri
Saya me mbel i . . . ini di Band ung.
Soya membeli teko illi di BUlldullg.
Apakah batik ini ... 7
Apakah batik ill; asli?
I Saya membeli ... ini di Bandung.
2 Apakah batik ini ... 7
3 Apa kota ini kOla .. .
4 Siapa nama ... Indonesia di jaman ke rajaan Mojopahil7
5 Saya senang mcl ihat ... ukiran ini.
6 Kami tinggal di sana di ... revolusi
7 Kota Yogyakarta sa ngat .. .
8 .. . batik ini lua r biasa ba ik.
9 Orang dalang ke si ni dari ... Indonesia.
10 Dalam kesenian ini . .. keindalian da n cinta.
35 Pelajaran 35
Latihan ucapan
Rumah ilu baru. PiTl(U rumah itu lama.
Rumoll i(u barn, sedollgkall pill(lIl1ya lama.
Rumah ilu baru, scda ngkan pimunya lama.
Kamar ilu besar. Jcndela kamar ilu kedl.
Kamar itu besor. sedallgkall jelldelatlya kecil
Kamar ilu besa r, sedangkan jendelanya kedl.
Rumah ilu baru. Pintu ruffiah ilu lama.
2 Kamar ilu besar. Jende la kamar ilu ked!.
Pelajaran 36 Latihan ucapan
Budi beli li ket. Budi pesan kamar.
Budi slldull beli likel dall peSOIl kiJmar.
Budi sudah beli l ike I dan pesan kamar.
Ali makan. Ali minum kepi.
AI" sudall mukall dOli milllll1l kopi.
Ali sudah makan dan mi num kopi.
Budi beli like t. Buw pesan kamar.
2 Ali makan. Ali minum kepi.
Pelajaran tiga puluh enam Yogyakarta

Ali , saya sudah beli tiket dan pesan hotel di Bali. Ada dua orang lain
pesan hotcl juga. Mereka dapat hotel yang lcbih murah.
Aneh juga. Coba jelaskan ten tang dua orang bule itu.
Saya tidak tahu dari mana mereka, tetapi yang past i mereka hippies.
Pantas. b mi tidak suka hippies. Mercka kolor, bau, pakaian tidak
rapi dan ram but gonderong.
Oh, saya ngerti sekaratlg. saya dikasi kursi. mereka berdiri. Mungkin
mereka takut ada kutu.
Ya, mc lihat dari jauh saja, badan saya jadi gatal.

Saya mau cari tukang kaca mata. Kaca Illata saya jatuh dan pccah.
Saya juga lIlau beli pilem dan sapu tangan. Sapu tangan saya hilang.
Saya juga mau beli dasi batik untuk olcholch.
Kolcga saya di kantor pcsan catur dari tanduk. Di sini mu rah.
Mari kita pergi naik dobr atau becak.
Yogya tidak bcgitu lua s. Kita jalan kaki saj:l sambil lihat liha!.
Kita lebih ba ik ke paS:lr dulu. Di sana Icbill murah. banyak pilihan,
bisa tawa r dan suasananya cnak.
Saya pikir besok malam kita nginap di Kaliurang, dacrah pcrgunungan.
Di sana tcnang dan dingin. Budi pasti suka,
Budi, kau bisa naik sepeda motor?
Tentu saja, saya punya di London. Mengapa?
Bagaimana kalau kit a scwa se pcda motor atau scooter unluk pergi ke
candi Borobudur dan ke candi Prambanan.
Saya scnang naik scooter. Kita bisa bcrhenli kapan mau, IClapi jangan
ba lap.
Baiklah, saya akan pcsan dua. Yanti bisa gonceng deng:lll saya.
Tidak! Saya mau naik scndiri. Saya tahu, kau sub ngebut kayak
SClan atau hippies mabuk.
Kita hams ti duT cepa!. Besok kita perl u banyak tenaga.
Latihan 1
Ada be rapa mobil d; sana? (3)
Di Sill/a ado tiga mobil
Berapa dasi di a mau bel i? (2)
Dia mau beli duo dosi.
Ada berapa mobi1 d; sana? (3)
2 Berapa dasi di3 mau beli? (2)
3 Ada berapa rumah di kampung itu? (25)
4 Ada berapa orang d; kamar itu? (9)
5 Berapa hari mereka akan peTgi ke Surabaya?
6 Ada berapa ratus rupiah uang saudara Amir?
7 Ber:lpa jam kit a akan main tcnis? (t>
8 Ada be rapa buruh semua di pabrik itu? (2000)
9 Berapa orang akan pe Tgi ke Solo naik sepeda? (8)
IO Bcrapa bulan Budi melancong ke Indonesia? (I)
Latihan 2
juga, terlalu
Saya ... akan bcli karcis ke Bali.
SOya juga alulIl beli karcis ke BalL
Makanan di hotel ini ... maha l.
Ma/amQII di horel ill; terlalu mahaL
1 Saya ... akan beli ka rcis ke Bali.
2 Makanan di hotel ini ... mahal.
3 Kami ... tidak tahu kapan dia da tang.
4 Vanti ... suka naik scooter.
S Naik mobil ... mahal. Kita naik dokar saja.
6 Kita ... capek naik bis dari Bandung ke Jakarta.
7 Apakah saudara ... tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia?
8 Kama r ini ... keci I untuk kita bertiga.
9 Saya piki r dia ... tidak lahu jalan ke kampung itu.
10 Apakah saudara .. . mau beli dasi dan kemeja batik?
Pelajaran tiga puluh tujuh Pul ang dari Bali
Kau sudah pulang? Bagaimana Bali?
Ku pikir kau kecantel dengan gadis Bali.
Saya harus dalang ke BaJi lagi lain waktu. Hati saya separoh masih
tert inggal di Bali.
Saya sendiri bclum pernah ke Bali. Apa yang dieari di sana? Sc!iap
orang bieara begi!u tentang Bali.
Orang BaJi ramahtamah, sangat horma!, riang, gcmbira seTta jujur.
Suasananya sangat santai. Seperti di syurga.
Di samping itu semua, ada lain yang luar biasa?
Ya, pertama kali saya li hal adu ayam jago. Saya mcnang scdikiL
Cukup unluk bel i olcholch.
Hebat juga. Saya kUrang suka bcrjudi. Kau tahu mcngapa?
Saya tahu. Ali t ukang kalah. Bintangnya li dak bagus untuk bcrjudi.
Apa Budi bcrtemu dengan dua hippies dari Yogya'!
Ya, banyak lagi. Mereka ada pesta pop di losmcn murah. Mcreka
senang sekali di sana.
Va, mereka masih muda. Nant i kapan mcrcka tua kan bcrobah. Saya
mengerti mereka. Mereka mau bebas.
Saya senang lihat tari Bali dan upaeara pembakaran maya!. Luar biasa
bagus. Tradisi yang lerus dipertahankan dan kami sub mclihat seja rah
yang hidup.
Budi, jangan salah, pembaka ran mayat bukan Iradisi. It u bagian
penting dar; agama I-l indu Bali .
Di Inggeris orang membawa kembang untuk gadisnya, di Bali gadis
gadis membawa bunga untuk memuja Dewa.
Karena bunga adalah lambang kesucian dan kcj ujuran.
Saya heran sekali , wakt u pembakaran mayat , orangorang tidak
kelihatan sedih, sebaliknya mereka kelihatan gembira dalam suasa na
Ya , menurut agama I-li ndu Bali, orang yang sudah meningsa! akan
hidup di duni a lain.
Oleh karena itulah, di dalam upacara seperti itu, orang tidak sedih.
Mereka gembira dengan harapan yang meninggal akan Icbi h senang.
Oh begitu! Saya akan baea lebih banyak tentang Bali.
Oh, \ihat si Manis, kucing saya. Dia euci muka di muka pintu.
Mungkin besok ada lamu atau kabar baik.
10 1
Latihan 1
Mcrcka lapar. Mercka makan,
Mereku lapar, olell karel/o itu/all mereka mokoll.
lkIndung j:lUh. Mereka naik mobi ' .
IJolldllllg jallh, oleh karello fw/ah mereka lIuik mohil.
I Mercka bpaT. Mereka makan.
2 Ilandung jauh. Mereka naik mobil.
3 Bali ind:lh. Banyak t uris datang ke sana .
4 Budi jujur. Ali suka dia.
S Budi suka Ba li. Halinya scparoh tcrtingga l di sa na.
6 Patung-patung di sini ba ik dan murah. Banyak orang mcmbclinya.
7 Kami ca pek. Kami mall iSli mhal.
8 Mcreka m:l si h muda. Mcreka mau bebas.
9 Keluarga Margono ramah-tarnah. Budi suka pergi ke rumah mcrcka.
10 Budi saki!. Dia minum obal.
Latihan 2
kc, dj, dan. da ri mana, unluk
Adik saya baru datang ... Bandung.
Adik soya bam dUfOllg di 8ol/dul/g .
. . . ayahmu bermobil kemarin?
Duri manu ayalwm bcrmobil kcmaril/?
I Adik saya b:lru dat:lI1g ... Bandung.
2 ... ayahmu bermobi l kema ri n?
3 Siapa pergi ... Bali naik kapar terbang?
4 ... Ba li klla bisa melihat lradisi yang luar biasa balk.
S Apakah ... Bandung banyak buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran.
6 Budi membawa kembang ... gadis itu.
7 Saya memberi nasi bungkus ... kita bert iga.
8 Mungkin besok ada t amu dat ang ... Jakart a.
9 ... kau beli bunga inda h it u?
10 Budi akan sarnpai ... Jaka rt a hari Minggu.
Pelajaran 37 latihan ucapan
Rumah itu bagus.
RI/mall iflt luar biasa bogus.
Rumah il u luar biasa bagus.
Orang Bali ramah-tamah.
Orang Ba/i III00r ramall-tamah
Drang Bali luar biasa ramahl amah.
Mu lai
Ruma h ilu bagus.
2 Drang Bali ramah-Iamah.
Pelajaran 38 latihan ucapan
Siapa dalang ke rumah saudara membawa sural?
Tukang pas data/lg kc mmo.h saya membawa sural.
Tukang pos datang ke rumah saya membawa surat.
Siapa pergi ke Bali kemarin?
Budi pcrgi ke Bali kemarill.
Budi pergi ke Bali kemarin.
Mu lai
t Siapa datang ke rumah saudara membawa sural?
2 Siapa pergi ke Bali kemarin?
(Tukang pos)
(Tukang pos)
(Dudi )
Bedugul , Bali
38 Pelajaran tiga puluh delapan

Tukang pos datang. Mungkin dari Ahmad. Oh, bukan! Buat Vanti
dari British Council .
Mari AIL Saya mau lihat. Saya takut Hhat sendi ri. Budi, tolong
bacakan !
Selamat! Isinya dua surat. Sat u beasiswa Brit ish Council untuk tiga
tahun di Inggeris. Dan salU lagi surat dari London Ul1lversit y yang
bersedia menerima Vanti belajar di sana.
Saya belum berani percaya! Mari, saya harus Hha!. Mungkin kau
bohong. Ya. maaL kau benar. Saya hams pergi ke kedutaan Inggeris
di Jakart a. Budi harus tolong saya.
Va, dengan senang hati. Kapan s3ja! I-Iari ini?
Selamal Y3nti! Or3ng sabar kasihan Allah. Akhirnya citaci tamu
tercapai juga.
Saya pikir kita harus pcrgi besok. Apa Ali bisa permisi satu had
Saya pi kir bisa. Saya akan tilpon kepata saya malam ini unl uk maksud
Va, saya piki r saya juga akan tilpon Salmah. Saya mau dia ikul
gcmbi ra. Saya akan trakl ir makan di Jakarta.
Jangan takut Vanti. Besok kita bicara dengan British Council. Dan
soal di London serahkan saja kepada saya.
Saya kuatir sckarang. Bagaimana makanan di sana? B:tgaimana pakaian
da n cara hidup? Tiga tahun sendi rian di negara asi ng.
Tenang saja. Dudi akan bantu. Vang penting kau pergi kepada kepala
se kolah.
Kau nasib baik datang ke London di butan Se ptember. Menjelang
musim din gin. Cukup wakt u untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan cuaC3 .

Waduh, begitu ban yak formulir yang harus diisi, unlung ada Budi.
Kalau tidak, sampai mati baru saya bisa selesai.

Pemerintah di mana saja sama. Mereka selalu mencari jalan yang paling
Kan, kita harus tumt peraluran dan hukum. Lebih baik sulit sekarang
lelapi beres.
Al i, kemarin Salmah bilang sesuatu kepada saya. Apakah it u belul?
Salmah tid3k bi sa simpan ra.hasia.
latihan 1
Apakah ini rumah saudara? (kant or)
011, bllkal/, illi flllllall kOIl(o,.
Apakah Vanti adik Budi? (AIi)
011, bukall, Yallli adik AIi.
Apakah ini rumah sa udara?
2 Apakah Vanti adi k Budi?
(ka ntor)
(AIi )
3 Apakah in i mahasiswa Indonesia'! (Malaysia)
4 Apakah in i kemeja bapak saudara? (supir)
S Apakah ini bulan September? (Oktobcr)
6 Apakah ini kedutaan [nggeris'! (Amerika)
7 Apakah ini kercta-api ke Bandu ng? (Solo)
8 Apakah ini warung murah? (mahal)
9 Apakah Ali orang Inggcris? (Indonesia)
10 Apakah Vant i pegawa i bank? (guru)
l atihan 2
j ujur, pertama, memuja, maa f, permisi, sendiri an, menyesuaik:UI. per. lturJ n,
sesuatu, rahasia
Cont oh
Orang Ball .. . dan ramah-tamah.
Drong &Ii jlljur dall ,amall-Iamah.
AIi mau mint a . .. satu haTi besok.
Ali mau millto permisi sow hori besok.
I Orang l3ali ... dan ramah-tamah.
2 Ali mau minta . .. satu hari besok.
3 Kami mencari . .. barang kcsenian yang inda h di Bali.
4 Apakah Salmah bisa simpan . . . ?
S Kita harus turut . .. d:lI1 hukum.
6 Apakah Van!i akan pergi ... ke London?
7 Orang Il:lli .. . dewa.
8 ... saya hams pergi sekarang.
9 Budi dapat ... diri dengan keh idupan di Indonesia.
10 Ini .. . kali saya pe rgi ke Indonesia.
39 Pelajaran tiga puluh sembilan
Budi Bagaimana rencanamu sekarang? Apakah kau dan Salmah kawin
sebelum Yanti berangkat ke London atau sesudah?
Ali Saya dan Salmah sudah membicarakan saal ini. Dan kami
merencanakan peresmian perkawinan di bulan Juni.
Budi Apakah nikah juga akan di langsungkan di bulan Juoi?
Ali Tidak, kami akan nikah dalam waktu dua minggu. Pihak keluarga
Salmah dan pihak keluarga saya sedang berunding.
Budi Saya mengerti karena me reka harns mencari tanggal dan hari yang
baik dan bahagia.
AIi Ya, memang begitu. Perkawinan untuk seumur hidup sampai kaki
Budi Apakah saya boleh hadir karena ini masalah keluarga? Kalau boleh
saya akan lunda kepulangan saya ke London.
AIi Sudah lentu kau bisa hadir. !tu lebm balk. Karena yang hadir hanya
keluarga mempelai lakilaki dan pengantin perempuan dan juga kawan
kawan rapat.
Budi Saya berterima kasi h. Saya belum pernah menyaksikan pemikahan.
Coba ceri takan.
AIi Mudah saja. Upacara menurnt agama Islam. Pernikahan aka n
dilaksanakan oleh pengulu dan wali dari Salmah.
Budi Apakah itu mahal dan siapa yang bayar?
Ali Biasanya nikah di rumah keluarga perempuan dan kenduri ditanggung
BlIdi Apa kalian bisa tinggal sal u rumah sesudah nikah?
Ali Ya, tentu bisa. Karena nikah yang paling penting. Sesudah nikah kami
suami-iSleri . Tetapi biasanya orang belum satu rumah sebelum pest a
Budi Oh, begitu, saya ngert i dan pesla kawin untuk kawan-kawan dan
ji ran-ji ran yang sifatnya umum.
Ali Ya, telapi pesta kawin lebih mahal dan biasaoya ditanggung pihak
Yami Saya dengar kalian bicara. Budl, kau datang kemari membawa bintang
Latihan 1
Kapan AIi dan Salmah akan nikah? (2 minggu)
Mereka akall lIikah da/am waktu duo millggu.
Kapan saudara dan Ali akan pergi ke (3 hari)
Komi akall pergi ke Jakarta do/am wakt u tiga Ililri.
Kapan Ali dan 5almah akan nikah? (2 minggu)
2 Kapan sa udara dan Ali akan pcrgi ke Jakana? (3 hari)
3 Kapall AIi dan Budi akan berangkat ke Bandung? (2 hari)
4 Kapan kerelaapi cepal l!andungJak:ma akan sampai '! t 1 S men!l)
S Kapan s:audara dan Budi akan rne rnbuat (2 bul:m)
6 Kapa n Sutanto dan AIi akan rncnjcmput Hulli ke lapang:m tcrb:lIlg?
(2 jam)
7 Kapan $:Iudara dan Hudi bi sa makan malam lIi hot el ini? d jam)
8 Kapan 5almah dan Vanli abn bekerja dt Jakarta? (4 atau S bulan)
9 Kapan kapal itu ak:1I1 s:a mpai ke Medan'! (3 hari dan 2 malum)
10 Kapan sa udara clan Ali abn pind:lh ke ru mah baru'! ( 18 hari )
latihan 2
di b::lwah. di alas. di dalam. ke bawah. ke alas. ke datam
Kami duduk ... pohon besar ilu.
Kalll i dlldllk {U ba"''fJh poholl besar illl.
Ada lima orang , , , bmar ini .
Ado lillla oral/g di do/am kamar ill;.
I Kami duduk ... pohon besar itu.
2 Ada Hma orang ... bmar ini.
3 Kuci ng Yami suka duduk . .. buku.
4 Dia pergi mencari anjingnya .. . hutan.
S Ali berja lan ... pohon durian im.
6 Kami n::lik ... gUllung tinggi ilu.
7 Mereka suka makan ... bukit debt sungai.
8 AI; pergi .. . rumail liogsi itu.
9 Apakah saudara sub berjalan ... bukit itu?
to Huaya ada ... sunga i yang besa r itu.
Pelajaran 39 Latihan ucapan
Apakah Bud; pe rg; kc Ja karta scsudah kc Bali?
Tidok, BII(Ji perg; kl! Jakarta sebe/wlI ke Buli.
Tidak. Budi perS; ke Jakarta sebelum ke Bali.
Apaka h kila pe rgi scsudah makan?
Tidak, kilO pergi sebelwlI mokul/.
Tidak, kila peTgi sebelum makan.
Apakah Budi peTgi ke Jakarta sesudah ke Bali?
2 Apaka h. kil a pe Tg; scsudah mak:m?
40 Pelajaran 40
Latihan ucapan
Saya mau panj ang visa.
Soya I1WfI memperpalljal lg visa.
Saya mau mcmperpa njang visa.
Saya mau bcsar gamb:u .
Soya mau memperbeSilr gambar.
Saya mau memperbcsar gambar.
Saya mau panjang visa .
2 Saya mau besar gambar.
Pelajaran em pat puluh Perpisahan


Apakah lidak sulil mcmpcrpanj ang visa mu?
Tidak, banyak orang harus tunggu lama. Kau nanli akan lunggu Icbih
lama di Inggcris.
Bagaimana pcndapal mu tcnt ang kcnduri nikah Ali dan Salmah?
Yang pal ing menarik adal ah ada t, pakaian dacrah ya ng begitu cantik.
Grang bi asanya pak:li pakai:m dacra h yang paling baik pada waktu itu.
Saya ambil ban yak fOIO, akan saya l unjukkan kepada tema nteman
saya di London.
Saya harap Budi jangan bi kin janji pada ma lam Minggu karcna kami
mau buat sclamatan untukmu .

Talllu tcrakhir ke luarga Margono sudah pulal1g dan scbcnt"r lagi kita
harus cuci piring.
Saya akan bant u saya bi asa mc mbcrcsk:m rumah. Ilu lidak lama.
Apaapaan ini? Bi ar saja ! Bcsok ak:tn diurus pCmbarll u.
Saya betulbetul malu. Scti"p orang bcri hadiah dan ban yak undangan
saya tidak kena l.
Mereka semua kawan kami. Tidak pc rl u nl<llu. Ini caranya di
Kau ada salah Budi , saya lupa kasi talm.
Kalau dapat hadiah, jangan dibuka di dCp:Ul umum .

Yanti, ayo, lllaTi ki t a pulang. Jangan nangi s, kau akan bcrt clllu Budi
di London.
Saya anggap dia scbagai anggota kcluarga. Di a Icbih Icrus Icrang.
Jangan lupa. Budi di didik di bara! , dcngan cara sckulcr.
Di a [cbih bcbas tCl api mudah menycsuaikan diri .
Kau bisa belajar dari dia. Kau juga harus bisa rncnycsuaikan di ri di
Mari kil a mint a kcpada Tuhan aga r kita sc mua berbahagia untuk
selamalamanya .
Latihan 1
Mereka akan datang malam Minggu.
Mereka akulI du/allg padu malum Millggu.
l3apaknya sudah pcrgi haTi Minggu pagi.
Bapuknya sudul, pergi pada hari Millggu pugi.
I Mercka aka n datang malam Minggu.
2 Bapaknya sudah pergi ha ri Minggu pagi.
3 Di sana ada pasa r hari Sabtu.
4 Kami akan mcmbuat pesta malam Sablu.
5 Dia akan datang jam dua.
6 Muslm hujan biasanya bulan Septembe r.
7 Dia akan da lang ke sini Senin pagi.
8 Sekolah mulai bulan Agustus.
9 Di mana saudara hulan Descmber lahun ini?
10 Biasanya orang main tcnis sore hari.
Latihan 2
kc, pada, kcpada
Saya akan turu! ... pasar dcngan Salmah besok.
Saya akulI IUrut ke paWf del/gall Sa/mall besok.
Tolong berikan buku ini . .. ayah.
TO/OIlg beri kall bl/ ku illi kepada ayaIJ.
Saya akan tUTU! . pasar dcngan Salmah bcsok.
2 Tolong berikan buku ini ... ayah.
3 Kami akan bcrlibur ... Bali ... bul an Januari.
4 Yanli dan Budi pergi ... kedutaan Inggcris di Jakarta.
5 Banyak orang mcmbcri hadiah ... Budi.
6 Mengapa saudara t idak datang . _. malam Minggu?
7 Saya pikir mcreka pergi ... Jakarta nai k mobil.
8 Dia bc rlari dcnglln anj ingnya ... pohon yang besar it u.
9 .. . musim hujan, di Bandung biasanya Icbih dingin.
10 Man kita mint a . Tuhan agar kita scmua bc rbahagia untuk sclama-
Bunyi bahasa Indonesia
Vokal a ad. adat
Vokal e merah pena
Vokal 0 kot a koran
Kombi nasi vokal dan diftong
daerah .i
.. keanakan seantero ei

~ sia pa ie
.,,1 oi
toe kueh ui
b Bal i kabar c
r fajar fakir
j j anj i j uga k
lupa liIit m
ng dengan petang ngg
sopir pisang
syukur ",.k
x taxi y
Ejaan aksara ba hasa Indonesia
Vokal e beban besar
Vokal i ini ikut
Vakal u bulu umur
mai n

pisau danau
Mei seibu e. keuntungan
siempunya i diums diusir
se poi
kui ni
cepat caci ng d dada dari
garam gegar h habis sehat
kanan kokak kh Kharnis khas
minta mimpi n nona nomor
bui h
mangaa ny nyonya nyenyak
rasa har us
sll yll susah
takut t untut w wlIkil kawin
yakin bayar
ziarah naza r
11 3
Latihan: Jawaban
Pelajaran 1
t . tihan 1
1 Ilu mobil saya.
2 Ini barang s3udarJ.
1 Ilu kopi saya,
.. I ni Idr saudara.
5 !tu renOfan !IlIya.
6 In; adik SOI ud:u ....
7 ilu biT sara.
8 In; hnlor 53udara.
9 lI u 1J<: laj:UlI n $lira.
10 In; lapant:an saudara.
Pelajaran 2
Latihan 1
1 Apa "ama desa in;?
1 Apa nama buah itll?
J Apa nama kota in;?
4 Apa nama 1;0111 itu?
S Ap;! nama kola ini?
6 Apa lapangan terbanllllu?
7 Apa nama lapangan terbang in;1
8 Apa "ama buah itu?
9 Apa llama wanmg ini?
10 Apa llama dcsa ll u?
Pelaj aran 3
Lat ihan 1
I Slapa buka sepalu?
2 Ini rumah siapa?
J Siapa makan kut'h?
.. Ini tidur sia p;:l?
5 Slapa akan at ur barang?
6 lI u kcbun siapa?
7 Siapa ma suk k3m3r rnand;?
8 Ilu Iwpi siapa?
9 Siapa pakai selop di rurnah?
10 In; t umah siapa?
Latihan 2
I ,\li pcrgi kc Jakarta.
1 Saya teh.
3 Budi dalang dad London.
4 "ita minum di dudul< di

S Kit a mau IloCr,i kl' Uandullg( Kiul bisa
pcrgi kc
6 ,\ Ii mau bayu/ Ali biS<!
7 SibkJIl naik mobi!.
8 Yanli duduk di bclakang.
9 Saudafa I,dur di kanlor.
10 Saya dl molJil/ Sa}a .iduI di mobi1/
Saya miullm d, mobit
l atihan 2
I Saya tidal< sul<a makan r.tmbulan.
2 Kami tidal< .'uka makall
1 Kita t idal< $uka minllm I<uri.
4 $;Iudara tidak suka pcrg' kc IndOl1c<'a.
5 Ali tidal< suka pl'rg; ke de ....
6 Dia ti dal< 'uh desa ini.
7 Budi tidal< sul<a JlCIJalanan ini.
8 Yanti tidal< ,uh dacrnh ini.
9 Saya t idal< suka London.
10 Kami tidak <ul<a hkalla.
l ati han 2
I Ini bukan Al l.
2 AI . tidlk p.:q:i kc hkarta.
1 Ini 1\1i bukan lIudi.
4 Kami tidak makau buah.
5 Ini bukal1 kanla! I< ita.
6 Kila tidak datanl: kc Ib ndllng.
7 Ini bukan mobi l k;l1l1i.
8 Ki la tidak liduT di sini.
9 Ini blll<un !wnah 1<3111 01.
10 All dan Bud i tidak milIum kopt
11 5
Pelajaran 4
Latihan 1
I SaY' tidak ada mobil.
2 Di London tidak ada rambutan.
J KDmltidak ada rumah besar,
4 Dj Londo n tidak ada ayamjago,
5 Saya tidak ada empat rumah,
6 Di Jakarta tidak ada pepaya,
7 Vanti tldak ada btmga anggerek,
8 Dj si ni tidak ada taxi,
I) Saya tidak ada isteri.
10 Dj London tidak ada pohon kelapa,
Pelajaran 5
Latihan 1
I Tidak, kantor pos tidak jauh. Kantor po$
2 Tldak , London tidak dekat. London jauh.
J Tidak, setasiun tidakjauh. Setuiun
4 Tidak, bank tidak dckat. Bank jaulL
5 Tidak, lapanllan tcrbang tidak jauh.
telbang dekat.
6 Tidak,Bandung tidak dekat. Bandung
7 Tidak, rumah Ali tidak jauh. Ru mah Ali
8 Tidak. sckolah tlOOk dekat. Sckolah Jauh.
I) Tidllk, rumah kami tidak jauh. Rumah
kami dekaL
10 TIdak, rumah kit a tidak jauh. RUmllh
kila dekat.
Pelajaran 6
Lat ihan 1
I mau tukat uang.
2 Kami mau cari travel biro.
J Kami mau pinjam koran.
4 Pcpwai travel biro/ Dia ma u lihat kareis
5 SaY' mau beli rokok.
6 Budi/ Dia mau naik dclman.
7 Bapak/Dia mau beli rokok kretek..
8 5.:Iya mau separoh uang besar.
I) Kami mau naik taxi.
10 Saya mau cari restoran Indonesia.
11 6
Latihan 2
I Saya dengar suara ayam jago,
2 Kami pikir Ali pergi ke Indonel ia.
J Bum tiba di Jakarta.
4 Inam mlI!lak air panas unluk ta mu.
5 Budi dan Vant i duduk di kamar duduk.
6 Vanti mandi di kamar mandi.
7 Budi , Ali don Vant i petgi ke Bandung.
8 Kami minum kopi.
I) Budi dan kami makan di restOtan.
10 Orang"ing suka daerah ini.
Latihan 2
I Saya beli pcrangko di kantor pos.
2 Budi tuka r uang di bank.
J Saya kirim paket ke London.
4 Budi harus kiri m surat ke London.
5 Kami beli perangko di lokcl nomor tip.
6 Budi cari kantor pos sendiri.
7 Vanti perl u pergi kc
8 Ali dan Van!i bertcmu Budi nanti SOle.
I) Apakah tuan dad tnggeri s?
10 Ali dan Yanti tidak pcrgi ke kantor pas.
Latihan 2
I Harp rokok i ni dua ntus tupiah.
2 Kampung Dqo sepuluh kilomet er.
J Ongkas ke Jakart a dua ribu rupiah.
4 Tip 01'3118 data", ke Bandu",.
5 Rumah saya lima.
6 Adik !.aya dua orang.
7 Saya beli tiga bungkus rokok.
8 Harga tike! ke Bandung scribu rupiah.
I) Saya mau pinjam dua surat kabar.
10 Enam ora", mau pcrgi ke London.
Pelajaran 7
Latihl n 1
I Namanya AIL
I On&kosnya dua ralUS rupiah.
l Namanya Yanli dan namanya 8udi.
.. Horp nya muroh.
5 Rumahnya di lakarta.
6 Namanya London.
7 Namanya Jal ln Karlini.
8 Namanya 8udiman.
9 Namanya Suarti.
10 Rumahnya jauh.
Pelajaran 8
Lalihan 1
I Dari Jakarta kemudian Stlya perlli ke
2 Kalau begit u, saya mandi kemudian .nakan.
l Dari loko kemudian bmi pergike wllung.
4 Kalau begil u. saya minum kopi kcmudian
5 Ihri rumah AI; kemudian saya pergi ke
rumah Yanli.
6 Kalau bcgi tu, saya urus breis kemud ian
beli rokok.
7 Dari 5ini kcmudian saya pergi ke sana.
S Kalau begil u, saya makan gado--gado
kcmudian minum cs kopyor.
9 Ihri rumah kcmudian kami pergi kc
tcr bang.
10 Kalau begitu. saya minum kopi tubruk
kcmudian makan kclepon.
Pelajaran 9
Latihan 1
I Kc mana kaJian pergi?
I Kc mana !l11: reka peTli?
l Di mana kalian makan?
.. Di mana mcreka makan?
5 Ke mana kalian datang?
6 Kc mina mereka nai k mobil?
7 \)i mana mereka tidur ?
8 Di mana merek. duduk?
9 Ke mana kalian pergi?
10 Kc mana mcrcka pergi?
Latihan 2
I Duku ini Icbih bcsar. 8uku itu paling
2 Uotel ini Icbih murah. It otel ilu paling
murah .
l Kota ini lebi h jauh. Kot a il u paling jauh.
4 Rokok ini Ichih maha!. Rokok ilu paling
maha l
5 t.l3ka na n ini Icbi h cll Hk. Makanan itu
paling cnak.
6 Dellllan ini Icbi h bagus. Delman ilu
paling b;lgus..
1 Sclasiun ini Icbih dckat. Sclasiun ilu
paling dcbt.
8 Orang ini !.-bill baik. Orang itu pating bai k.
1) Lal)3ng:Jn Il'lbang ini kbih ked!.
lelbang itn l'alinS ked!.
10 Orang Ini It'bih c:apek. Or:1I11l ilu paling
lalihan 2
I lupa di mana
2 Dudi ingin lali h
l Saudara ooleh dalanj; ke >:aY3.
4 Yanli bi C:l.m tenlang Budi kepada murid-
murid <lan guru-guru di sckolah.
5 Ali dan Yanli Icman 8udi.
6 Kards Budi sudah bercs..
7 Budi ingin eoba kclcpon.
8 Kila bisa minum kopi di ",ailing ilu.
9 Setul, dill. teman S3ya.
10 Ihri jahrla kemudiall hmi peq;i ke
latihan 2
I Ali dan Budi pclgi bcrtarnu \; e rumah
luan Sus:anlo.
2 hnpn lakul . saya lidak masa\; makanan
pedas .
J Budi seluju pcrgi n:lik mobil kc Bandung.
4 Di mana anak-anak bctaj ar?
5 Siapa makanan d i restora n.
6 Tidak ap:l-ap:I.jangan pal1ggil bapak.
7 Saya owng Inggcris, bukan orang Indonesia.
8 Kap3n sauda ra pulang ke London?
1) Bud! lunggu Ali di mobil
10 Susanli masak nasi unluk tamu.
11 7
Pelajaran 10
Lati han 1 Lati han 2
I Saya bcrt cml.l banyak gl.l ru dan banyak murid. I pergi dl'ngan AIL
2 Di L. ondon mobiL 2 Mcteka dat ang oaik bcca.
J [)j l ndonc$ia. li hat S<" kolah 3 akan pcrgi dCllgan kalian.
banyak toko. " Kita bi c.ara dl'ngan wa kiln ya.
4 Di kampung itu ada ba nyak ruma h dan 5 Adik <:Iya slI ka naik dclman.
ada banyak waruna. 6 Kami pergi ke Bandllng naik kcrela-apL
5 Saya persi ke banyak Universitas d i 7 Kami nai k kcreta api dcngan ml'rcka.
Indonesia. 8 Di man:! kil:l ooik bi,?
6 Di SOl na ada banyak kapal tcrbang. 9 Kemarin !aya bcrll'mu dengan ibu gu ru.
7 Saya melihat banyak beca di Jakarta. 10 Dengan siapa saudara makan di resloran?
8 Di a pcrgi ke banyak tokodi
9 Kami mcmbcli banyak buku di loko itu.
10 Kila pcrgi ke bany;,k kota di
Pelajaran 11
Latihan 1
I Kita pergi bcrmobiL
2 Ali berkcmcja bati k.
J Kami bcr kcreta-api ke Handling.
" Budi bcrselop di rumah.
S Kita bcrbcca ke kota.
6 Ali berpeei hitam.
7 Dm berdclman kc kampung.
8 All bcrscpatu coklat.
9 Kami bcr kapal tcrbang dari London.
10 Bud. bcrsarong merah.
Pelajaran 12
Latihan 1
I Rumah ini rumah lamll. / Romah ini lama.
2 Mobi! ini mobi llama./ Mobi l ini lama.
J SCpatu ini scpalU lama./Sepatu ini lama.
4 Kcmcj a batik in. kcmeja bali k lama.(
Kemeja bati k ini lama.
S Peei ini ped bma./peei ini lama.
6 His ini bis bma./Bi s ini lama.
7 Sclop ini !\Clop lama. / Selop ini lama.
8 Sarong ini sarong lama./Sarong inl lama.
9 Se\3si un in. sctasi un lama./Selas'un ini
10 Buku ini buku lama./ Buku ini lama.
11 8
Lati han 2
I S:.ya mall ikuI. tctJ pi f.,]y a ha rus mabn
2 Kila bcrtiga akan pcrgi ke l akarta naik
3 Siapa bermobil kc Handling?
4 Rumah ini bukan milik s:oya.
S Ali berkemeja merah.
6 Saya mall pergi ke loko, karena saya mau
beli kemeja batik.
7 Bati k ini Icbih murah daripada batik ilu.
S Dia mau ikul. tctap' dia haTus makan dulu.
9 Mobil karni bcr henti di depan rllmah.
10 KOla ilu terlalu puh dari rumah kiu.
Lati han 2
I Rumah ini buknn fll lllah baTl.!, ruma h ini
rumah lama.
2 Ali dan lI udi bukan kawan baru. mercka
kawan lama.
1 Pak Bambang bukan orang mllda . dia
orang 11.13.
4 Saya sudah lama datang, tClapi Ali baru
S Saudara lidak bolch makan mangga mllda.
6 Ali dan Yanl' sudah lama linggal di
7 Di London banyak rumah tua.
S Siapa 1cbih tua. AIi alau Budi?
9 Yanli ]cbih mllda dari pada Ali ?
10 Saya ada pakaian, saya tidak perlu pakaian
Pelajaran 13
Latihan 1
1 Jamku pukul tiga.
2 cnam.
J K3wanku datangjal1l dU3 bclas.
.. Ayahmu pulang pukul dua.
S Mobilku tiba jam sa tu.
6 Kcrat:.-apimu bcrangkal pm dUll.
7 Di mana adikmu besok jam
8 Db akan dat a", ke rumahmu besok.
9 Murid-muridmu 50ka makanjam CRam
10 Gunrguruku akan ke rumahku hari Senin.
Pelajaran 14
Lat ihan 1
1 Budi masih tidur.
2 Memang. Il udi masih lidur.
1 AI; masih Illakan.
4 Memans. AIi m.nih mOl kan.
S Vanti masi h mandi.
6 Meman& VOlnt i muih mandi
7 Sri masih main lenis.
8 Mcmang, Sri mu ih main tcni s.
9 Ayah masih bacI surU.
10 Memang. ayah Illasi h baca surat.
Pelajaran 15
lat ihan ,
I Mrreka bolch ikut.
2 Kalian bolch ikut.
1 Mcrcka bolch da tang ke rumah
4 !(alian bis;! pelgi ke Jakarta.
5 Mercka akan pcrgi ke Il ali bcsok.
6 !(alian dap.1t tidur di si n;'
7 MClcka tidak 5uk11 maka n nasi goreng.
8 !(alian tidak bolch pakai mobi! !l3ya.
9 Mcreka akan bct li bur ke London.
10 Kalian akan linggal di Jakarta.
latihan 2
1 Jalllku/Ja!llmu Ilukul5llu.
2 Denga n Si3113 kalllU/ kau datang?
1 "Ilakah kamu/ kau Illengurus anak-anak
sckolah !-Ore ini!
4 Aku tidak ja n;; dcngan bu.
S Aku lIIau per!!i main tcnis.
6 Di mana rUlllahmu?
7 Nail, aku/ bu/ hmu !lalah menserti wlk tu
8 ,\ku I) ikir Imnlll/ katl Icrl al1lbat setengah
9 Kamu hartl< pc rgi 'ckara n!! !
10 D<:ngan 31'a aku / bu pcr!!i kc lapallj!311
Lat inan 2
1 1'lIklll _d::mlll):'!
2 Tadi pa):i l ida l: .
.3 Kami tidak h'rja apa-ar;l.
" II 00 ri ini sibuk.
5 Saya tidak inga! Si.lp;i ...
6 Nan!i malam Bud; akan pcrgi ke rUIl\,l h Sri.
7 Sri ;ago main (",1tur.
8 Kita pergi bcuama ke Ball.
9 Saya 5clal ll seMI di London.
10 Mereka datang
Lat inan 2
I Ikan suka makan )..:I<':Ing.
2 Apakah orang Ingg ... bunga m3war1
J Saya tidOlk 1:lhll blla! OIpa Vanli bt'li
4 Mereka akan IX'r):i ke Jakam lusa.
S Budi dan !;enang perg; ke Kebun
6 l!.::an ini enak panl3' Budi
7 P:l1li-pagi b ill li1l13' tida l: bcgi tu sibuk.
8 S:iya mau pcrgi kc untuk cud pilcm.
9 Apa nama pohon bc5:l r ilU'!
10 Kami kc hk:i lta unlllk tlrus:!1I din3s.
11 9
Pelajaran 16
Latihan 1
I Saya sudah Iclapi dia bclurn
2 Saya belurn .dap tctapi pergi.
J Kita sudah c;lpck Ictapi mcrch ma<ih
4 Saya <udah mcngcrt i IClapi dia
5 Kami sudah pcrnah ke Conung tctapi
rnercka bclum pcr nah.
6 Dia belum lahu tc tapi saya sudah talm.
7 Saya sudah makan tCla pi Vanli bclum.
8 Ali dan lIudi sudah rnandi tC!J pi hmi
9 Saya sudah bilal1!; kepada Yanli tela pi
Ali bclum.
10 Mcreka <udah bc ranghll etapi lIudi
belum datang.
Pelajaran 17
Latihan 1
I Buah d ibel i olch iou.
2 Nasi d imabn o1ch dia.
J Ilunga dipc li k oleh Yanl!.
4 Kopi dirninuut olch dia.
5 Rumah dij ual olch ayah.
6 Buku dipinjam olch Bud;.
7 IJarang-b.1rang diat ur o!ch Ali.
S Kcmcja bati k dipakai oleh AIL
9 Nasi dirna<ak okh Yanl!.
10 lI uku dib.1wa olch dia kc sckolah.
Pelajaran 18
Latihan 1
I Ali punya dua buku.
2 Illi buku pUllya All.
J Kami pun ya lisa mobit.
4 Ini rumah pUll ya Yanl!.
5 Dia punra cmlXl I anak.
6 lI u sawah pun)'a Ali.
7 &I)'a punya banya k waktu.
8 Ini jam punya lIudi.
9 Ali punya :.dik pcrcmpuan.
10 Ini kcmcja bati k arah.
latihan 2
I &lya agak lambal hrcna banyak urusan
di kan lur.
2 Dia bcrja lan 3gak lambat . letapi bcrlari

3 lIudi suka lihat ca ntik.
4 Saya pikir ini buhn uruS3n saya .
5 Saya pribadi suka bcrjalan lambal.
6 Mcrcka beli kemcja bat ik I.lI1tuk olcholeh.
7 Mobil ini lerlal u bcsar untuk jalan ilU.
S Siap!! rnasuk pcr:lngkap'!
9 Kita !>inggah di Singapura.
10 Mc'rcka bi'Ml datang dengan kercla-ap;,
l at ihan 2
I Kami pcrgi kc rumah kcl uarga Susanto.
2 Dia l idak suka di bawah poholl
3 Apakah saudarJ mengerli bahasa
4 lIudi whu arli nya .
5 Kami bcl um pcrnah nai k guuung.
6 Jam bcrapa kcrcla-api Icrakhi r kc
7 Mcreka berdi ri di prapalan.
8 Siapa pacar lI udi ?
9 I)i Indoncsia ada banyak sawall.
10 Yanti tida k suka pcrgi kc hutan.
l atihan 2
I Saya mau pcrgi llgi Ja karta .
2 Ko" i ini kurJng gula.
3 Bagaimana kabu Ali nanli t ua?
4 Saya tidak saya punya pensi un.
5 Scsudah kc Jaka rta. saya akan kc
6 Yan!i dan Sri ing; " bcbas.
7 Soa l ini sulit >c bli.
8 Sill):! mcnguTUs Hudi kapan lIudi sudah
t ua?
9 Di Indonesia hubunga n kcluarga sangal
10 Kclua rga lcbih penling daripada duil.
Pelajaran 19
uti han 1
I Saya mengurus dua kelas.
2 Oia mencari buku bahasa Indonesia.
J Yanli menguur balall8 untuk BudL
Dia membeH buku.
5 Kami menjual nasi.
6 Yanl i mendapa t beasiswa.
7 Ali mtndesa k IJudi.
8 Yanti mcmin um kopi 53.ya.
9 Dia memah i mobil saya.
10 Kami mei ihat hpal lerbang.
Pelaiaran 20
utihan 1
I Merch ke Band ung bulan
2 Kami ke Jakal ta bulan Pebluari.
J MCleka mau ke London bul:," Malc!.
4 Ka mi ingin ke Jakarta bulan Apedl.
5 Meleka sudah pergi ke Medan bul an MeL
6 Kami tidak pelgi ke Paris bulan J unL
7 Mel eh akan datang ke rumah ki mi bulan
S Kami akan bellibur ke Bali bulan
9 Melch akan si nggah di Singopura bulan
10 Saya dan keluarga saya akan beli rumah
itu bulan Oktobcr.
Pelajaran 21
utihan 1
I Bud i tidak mau makan sebab dia/ karcna
2 Booi sakit karena/sebab Budi tcrlalu
banyak makan.
1 Oia banyak makan karena/sebab dia lapar.
4 Kami mau minum sebab kami/ karcna haus.
5 B.1dan AJi panas karena/sebab AIi saki!.
6 Dia sakit sebab dia/ karcna salah makan.
7 Di p 5<lkit per ut karcn.3/scbab dia terlal u
banyak makan cabai.
S Dia lidur sebab dia/ karena capek.
9 SaY. tidak beU rokok karcna/sebab rokok
10 Budi tidak bangun sebab Budi/karena
latihan 2
I Ali kelihalan lida k begil u gembira.
2 Kami tid3k mau bel i Ipaap.1l.
1 Saya tidak tahu bagaimana pcndapat AIL
4 Oi a tid3k kcbcra lan pergi ke Band ung.
5 Saya pikiT mcreka bahagia.
6 KiI3 hal Us gotongroyong.
7 Ali bcrpikir dad segi keluarga.
8 Siapa nama guru saudara?
9 Yanti mendcsak supaya Al i kall' in.
10 Saya kila dia bt'rhu i!.
latihan 2
I di Mcd:!n bclbcda
daripada di Ihndung.
2 5aY3 mau tambah kopi.
J Aill113d OIallg tClbuka.
4 Saya usulhn kcmba li dcngan
S Bud! scnang mclihat 5clat Mulaka.
6 Kita bisa pergi kc dacrah gunung.
7 Siapa lerima sural dad Ahmad?
8 Ali mcnceritakan tent ang MedJn kcpada
9 Budi suh bcrlibur di Mcdan.
10 Di sana banyak trmpat mcn:uik misalnya,
d:!n3U Toba. Selll Malaka. jl'Inlai dan
Latihan 2
I Jakarta Icbih dalipada Lon don.
2 Budi pakai sclhn ut tipis.
1 Saya dcngar ada OIang datang.
4 Budi punya bebelapa kcmeja
S Kami perlu obat.
6 AIi pergi panggil doktel.
7 Bud! tidak boleh makan makanan keTas.
8 Dokter beri rescp kepad:! Budi.
9 Siapa pergi ke belakang?
10 Budi sa kit sebab dia salah ma kan.
Pelajaran 22
Latihan 1
I Saya sedikit lemas.
2 Din sediki!
J Kcbun ini sediki! luas.
4 Budi sedikit capek.
5 Vanti sediki! marah.
6 Saya ada sedikil kerja.
7 Dia punya sediki! uang.
8 Aga ma itu euma pengi kulnya.
9 Di London euma alb sedi kit or:Jng
10 Kcmcja ini sedi kit bcsar.
Pelajaran 23
Latihan 1
I Saya orang Indonc<ia, bubn orang
Inggcri s.
2 Ini rumah Ali, bukan rumah saya.
) Dia penduduk sc!empa!, bukal"l orang
asi ng.
4 Van!i adik AIi, bukal"l adi k Budi.
5 Saya kcl uarp Rowc, bukan kcl ua rga
6 Jtu mobil kami. bukan mobil mcreka,
7 Itu Jakarta ut aTa . bukan Jakar!a sctatan.
8 Ibu saya orang Skotlandia, bukan orang
9 Saya Ali, bukan Budi.
10 Itu kerctaapi ke Jakarta. bukan ke
Pelajaran 24
Latihan 1
I Saya I:ari hOlel yang mUfllh.
2 !(ami mau beli buku yang bcsar.
) Budi mau kamar yang ocrsih.
4 Dia mau cari hotel yang dckat kc
lapangan lerbang.
5 Apakah ad:! kamar yang kosong?
6 Kami suka holel yang keei1.
7 Ilia mau taksi yang pakai meter.
8 Saya mau kerelaapi yang ke
9 Budi lidak mau makanan yang peda<.
10 Saya mau mobil yang
Latihan 2
I S;iya pikir Budi mulai sembuh.
2 Agama saya Islam.
3 London lebih luas daripada Bandung.
4 S:lya mau oclajar adat Indonesia.
5 Budi !idak suka buang wak!u,
6 Di atas gunung di Indone5ia ada salj u.
7 Budi ingin pergi keliling Indonesia.
8 Saya lihat ..a ndi Borobudur.
9 ApJkah saya biSlllihal pcta Indonesia?
10 Budi oclum scmbuh. Dia masih saki!.
Latihan 2
I Mercka heron Budi suka makan nasi.
2 Siapa PCSlIn makanan killcng?
3 Mcrcka mudah mcnycsuaikan diri.
4 Mcrcl.:a tidak mau adaptasi 'chingga
IlIcrcka ICfpisah.
5 Hanyak orang asing tidak suka bcrgaul.
6 Mefci.:a ingin masuk kc dalam masyarakal
7 Kami akan mcngundang mcrcka makan.
8 Budi tidak kcrasan di B.mdung.
9 Apa kcgi atan sa udara di masyarakat?
10 Mercka tct angga kami.
Latihan 2
I S;iya pcrgi ke Jakarta.
2 Ahmad beri buku ilu kepada AIL
J Dia kirim surat kc London.
4 Dia kirim surat kcpada kawannya di
5 Ali pergi kc !oko mcmbcli kcmeja bati k.
6 Oia data ng kepada ayah saya.
7 Kami pergi kc mobi !.
8 kcpada tuan Ahmad.
9 Siapa datang dar i London kc Jakarta?
10 Dia tidak bertanya kepadll saya.
Pelajaran 25
Latihan 1
I Saya tidak jam.
2 Mereka punys banyak u3nS.
J Saya punya lima buku.
4 Kami tidak punya rumah besar.
S Mcrcka punya lima anak.
6 Rumah itu tidak punya liga kamar bcsar.
7 Mcrcka punya mobil baru.
8 Saya lidak punya kopol bcsar.
9 Saya tidak punys lokok.
10 Kami punya urusan di Jakarta.
Pelajaran 26
latihan 1
I l)i 3 damns
2 Kami minumkopi panas-panas.
1 Mobi' itnjalan pelan,pc'an.
4 Jangun rnakan pedas-pedas.
S Kalau s:. kit jangan pulang malamll\<llalll.
6 Di p<lsar barallg mUfahmumh.
7 Di 10ko barong mahal'lllatmL
8 Scmua rumah Ahmad
9 S:lya suka rnakan pisang kcel lkecil.
10 Mcr cka akan dat.1ng soresore.
Pelajaran 27
Latihan 1
1 Dia Illembiarkan AIi pergi sendiri.
2 Ahmad menunggu Budi di lapangan
1 Saya mcnerima sural dari AIL
4 Dia mengi!klp rokok kr ctek.
5 Kami pergi menjeput BudL
6 Siapa membcli buku di toko?
7 Budi mcmbayar likel unwk kami.
8 Vanli mcngajar Budi bahasa Indoncsb.
9 Dia mcnjadi guru.
10 Saya rncneari kcrja di Jakarta.
l atihan 2
I Budi akan mam"ir di Solo.
2 Db duduk di tamu.
1 Saya mall makan. scbab saya la,)a! seka'i.
4 AIi tidak dalang karena dia kCliduran.
5 K:llni lebi h suka naik Ol)iclkarcna mnrah.
6 hill says mall.
7 Apakah ada resloran di I'inggi r laul?
8 Saya khih suks kescnbll Indone$ia.
9 Arabh s<l nd:rrJ mall turul menari?
\0 S.lya ud:1 urusan l)fibudi.
latihan 2
I S;IYU IUI':I d; 1ll,lIl;' kur,i suya.
2 Saudur:1 bnleh duduk di as.1lkan
janj!.rn nwrokok.
J Ini bukll seperti yung
4 pagi 1 .. lu scr ing malCI.
5 KJpan AIi pindah!;c Handung?
6 Kami sudah dua kJli ke
7 Ap:lk:rh sundala sudah lama di Jakarta.
8 Kami harap Inan slIku kamar ini.
9 Maaf. o;.;rya sed; kit Ilrl:llnb;.rt.
10 Kami 111all pcsan makanan ' ndonesia .
latihan 2
I Di manu rumah wan Am
2 Dew!; dia pers; ke s:rnu.
1 Apakah di sini/ di sana aOO taksi?
4 Sayu tidak lahu di manu rumahnya.
5 kitu d,lpal pergi ke salla?
6 Saya Icbih suka di sini daripada di s:r na.
7 Oi sini/ Oi suna or:o ng slIka isap rokok
8 Di man;! or:rng sub ;sap rok"k krelek?
9 Kt mana gur u saudara pergi?
le Oi mana koollt aan Inggeris?
Pelajaran 28
Latihan 1
I Saya sudah pcrnah kc Jakarta.
2 "-ami bel urn pernah ke JakaTla.
J Mcreh belum pcrnah makan di sa na.
4 Oia belum per nah bencmu istc ri saya.
S Apahh saudara belum pernah coba nasi
6 Apakah kalian sudah pernah linggaJ di
1 Saya pikir ibunya belum pernah datang
ke rumah ~ u d r Ahmad.
8 Anak saya sudah pcrnah berenang di laut.
9 Mereka pikir kami belum pcrnah ke Er opa.
10 Kami tidak pikir Budi belum pernah
makan nanas.
Pelajaran 29
Latihan 1
1 Per;alanan ke danau Toba. deJa pan puluh
2 Saya pergi ke Bandung tiga hari.
J Dari sini ke rumah ..aya sat u jam nai k
4 Saya sudah dnggal di Jakart a, kira-kira
scmbi lan tahun.
S Says beli lima buku di loko buku.
6 Harga makanan di resloran it u dua ribu
1 Saya sudah cmpal kaJi pe rgi ke Bali.
8 Anak saya sat u orang.
9 Dj kamar tamu ada dua belas kursi.
10 Di rumah saya ada enam kamar.
Pelajaran 30
Latihan 1
I Kami beli bcrbagai buku.
2 Di London ada bcrbagai rumah.
J Di Indonesia ada berbagai buah.
4 Di sini turi !-Iuri s datang dari bcrbagai
S Di hkarta ada berbagai rokok kr etck.
6 Di hut an itu ada bcroogai pohon.
7 Dj London, di rnusim panas. ads berbagai
8 Saya lihat ada bcrbagai ikan dij ual di pasar.
9 Di restoran itu ada tH:rbagai makana n.
IQ Saya su ka meli hat berbagai pakaian di
Latihan 2
I Saya bi lang kepada Ali , dia harus pindah
ke Medan.
2 J)i mana saudara lidur besok malam?
J u.ang saya sudah habis.
4 Says pikir roal itu lidak sulit.
S Kami tinggal di jalan Jakarta.
6 Saya bekerja di pcrusa haan bcsar.
1 Ali tidak ~ u k ;adi direktur karena banyak
8 Apakah saudara sub panei ng ikan?
9 Ahmad mau bi kin Budi gembira.
IQ Budi suka sckali makan ikan.
Latihan 2
Dari Medan kedanauToba. kurang lebih/
kirakira dua ratus kilomctcr.
2 Dia punya uang kuranglcbi h/ kiraki ra
dua puluh ribu ruplllh.
J Saya pikir anak saya tahu kirakira di
mana bi sa bc U buku murah.
4 Yan tijuga/tent u saja ingin pcrgi kc
perkebuna n
S Saudara har us jalan pelanpclan karena
6 Budi saki! dan dia jllga pening.
7 Tentu sa;:. kit:. harus bcrja lan di scbclah
S Kirakira di mana kila dapat beli kclapa
9 Kami libur ki ra ki r.! empat belas hari.
10 Tent u saja saya suka makanan Indonesia.
Latihan 2
I Rumah it u kelihatan dad sint.
2 Apakah Budi dapat bcrdayung?
J Mcrcka saya ng kcpada Yanti .
4 Mobil ini kcliha!annya bcsar.
S Saya tidak 53ngb Blldi dapat berbahasa
Ind onesia begitu bai k.
6 Berapa jurnlah rakyat Indonesia?
1 K.:tmi sudah pasti akan pcrgi ke Jepang
bul an dcpan.
S Kapan saudara datang ke Jakarta, silakan
datang ke rumah $:Iya.
9 Saya tidak perlu rumah bcsar.
10 Mana ada buaya di laut!
Pelajaran 31
Latihan 1
1 Dia juga bclajar se;arah.
2 Ali juga makan nasi gorcng.
3 Budi juga dalang sebcnlar lagL
4 Mobil mereka juga habis minyak.
S Saya juga takut karcna saya tidak tahu
dacrah ini.
6 Apakah pak lur ah juga IWrg; ke Medan?
7 Istcrinya juga datang dari Jakarta.
8 Ya, kamijuga linual di Band ung.
9 KilD juga sudoh callck.
10 Adik saya juga t idak suka Olakan buah itu.
Pelajaran 32
latihan 1
1 Bagaimana pengala1l1annya keOlarin?
2 Apakah ini rumahnya?
3 Saya mau ber tenm dcngannya.
4 Apakah nona ini adiknya?
S Saya pikir Yand bukan adiknya.
6 Di mana bukunya?
7 Saya tahu nomanya.
8 Apakah nona sckertarisnya?
9 Siapa nama kawannya?
10 Says tidak mau pcrgi ke pasar dengan
Pelajaran 33
Latihan 1
I Ki ts pcrgi ke kantor jam tiga.
2 Mcreka sampai di Bondung haTi Sabtu,
3 Kita makan sia ngjam saW.
4 Di a bennobil kc Bali bulan Nopember.
S AJi makan pagi jam dclapan,
6 Bapak pergi ke dokleT hari Senin.
7 Kereta-api berangkat j am dua bclas.
8 Di a datang ke Jakarta bulan Dcscmbcr.
9 Ibu hendak kc pasar jam tujuh.
10 Budi sampai di Indonesia bulan April.
latihan 2
I Kamijuga suka bclajar scjarah.
2 Rumah !.:ami stdcrhalla 5.1ja.
3 Says mau sedikil gura_
4 Kami Illau isi sedikit minyak untuk mobil.
S Rumah makan ini sederhana tapi baik.
6 j uga sedikil capek.
7 Saya lahu sedikit bahasa Indonesia.
8 Kamijuga tida k tahu ke 1113na dia pergL
9 Budi j uga biasa susah.
10 Mobil ini juga ()Clan.
l atihan 2
1 Saya $enant; s..k:lli tint;t;.11 d; Bandullj!.
2 Apakah lIud i l1t;inap di rumah pak lurah?
3 Di sin; orant; bckcrja har; S!.' minggu.
4 Dj pabrik ini ado ratuSOln burnh.
S Ilari Sabt u kami bckerja sClcngah haTI.
6 Dia bckcrja di
7 Kami mcmbual jadi unluk dijual
di Indonesia.
8 Rumah ini scder hana letapi saya
9 Saya ingin bercakap dcngan bUTIIJtburun.
10 Siapa bcrtanya kepada pegawai-pegawai
ID kantor dan di pabri k?
latihan 2
1 Apa llama kampung ilu?
2 Siapa nama orolll!l itu?
3 Saya tidak lahu siapa pcrc mpuan ilu.
4 Kami tidak tahu kapan dia pergi kc
S Apa SJ udara slI ka makan nasi
6 Kapan Budi pergi ke rumah Salmah'!
7 Buku opa ini? mallal?
8 Kapan dia aka ll mcnjcmpul ibu nya
ke lapangall lerbang?
9 Suya tidak tahu apa nama buah ilu.
10 Dcngan apa/siapa Budi pcrgi ke Medan?
Pelajaran 34
Latihan 1
I Scmua orJ ltg tiket.
2 Scmua rumah aoa kebulI.
3 Scmua orang :.da scIK'da.
4 Scmua wayang ada karakt cr.
S Semua ada supir.
6 Scmu3 kam3r ada k3m3r mandi.
7 Scml.l3 mCJa ada kl.lrsi.
8 Scml.l3 burl.lh ada wmah.
9 Sc mua dokar ada kUda.
10 ScmuJ orang ada pcnsi!.
Pelajaran 35
latihan 1
I Kcrajinan tanga n Yogya tcrkenal sckali .
2 Rumah t uan Ahmad bcsa r sekali.
3 Mahasiswa bc lajar di sa na banyak sekal i.
4 Pcrhi.asan perak ini ha Ius sekali.
S Mutu bat ik ini bai k sekali.
6 Universitas Gaja h Mada besar sekali.
7 Ibrga rumah di mahal sckali.
8 Makanan di sini cnak
9 TUri'! di lIali banyak St'kalL
10 lbtu pcrm31a ini indah sekali.
Pelajaran 36
Latihan 1
I Di 'l3 n3 ada tip mobil.
2 Dia ma u beli dua dui.
3 Di kampung it u ada dua puluh li ma
4 Di kamar itu ada orang.
S Mcrcka akan pergi kc Sura baya lima
bclas hari.
6 Uang sauda ra Amir ada tuj uh r.llus
7 KiI3 akan main
8 IJi pa brik it u ada dua ribu buruh.
9 Akan pergi kc $010 naik scpeda dclapl n
10 Budi melancong kc Indonesia !.atu bulan.
utihan 2
I Dia ke keret aapi.
2 Saya makan bCB:mw AIL
J Kami kc pa ":H naik dokar.
4 Budi ke lI ali naik bpal tcrbang.
S AJi main telli '! bc rsama ad ikll Ya.
6 Kami ke pa'\ar Ali.
7 Ki ta ke BOfObOOu r naik mobil .
8 Kami ke sana naik scpt.'da.
9 $aya minum kopi bcrsa m3 Ali.
10 Kami kc Solo lI alk bi$.
Latihan 2
I Saya mcmbd i h:ko ini d i Bandung.
2 Apak3h bat ik ini asli?
J Apa ini kota pclajar?
4 Siapa llama perdana mcntcri Illdoll csia di
jamall kerajaJIl Mojopahit?
S Saya scnang me1ihat kcindahall ukiran ill L
6 Kami ti nggal di sana di jaman reyoh.l si.
7 KOla Yogya karla sangat tcrkenal.
8 Mut u bati k ini luar biao;a baik.
9 Ora nll dat3 ng kc sini da ri ocluruh
IndOll esia.
10 Daiam kcscllian i ni tcrgabullg kcindaha ll
oall ci nta .
l ati han 2
I Sayaj uga akan bcli k:lTci s ke Bai L
2 Makanan di hotcl ini terblu l11 aha l.
J Kami j uga tidak ta hu kapan d ia data ng.
4 Yallti juga suka naik scoot er.
S Naik mobil mahal. Kita naik doka l

6 Kita terlal u capek bis dari Ih ndung
ke hka rta.
7 Apakah sa udara juga tidak bi!la bcrbaila.o;;i
8 Kamar ill i !Cl b lu keci l unt uk kita bc rtiga.
9 Saya pi kir di.:r. j uga tidak tahllja iJll kc
kampllllg it u.
to Apakah S<ludam jUJ;J mau bcli dasi dan
Pelajaran 37
Latihan 1
t Mereka tapar, oteh karena il uta h mereka
2 Bandunj: jauh, oleh karena ilutah mereka
nai l. nlObi!.
J Dali indah, olch karena itutah banyak
luris datang ke sana.
4 Budi jujur, oh::h karena ilutah Ali suka dia.
5 Budi suka Bali , olch karena itulah
hallnya scparoh terti nggal di !ana.
6 Palung- palllng di baik dan murnh,
ole h kanma ilu lah banyak orang
7 Kami capek, oleh karena kami mau
8 Mereka nmda. olch tarena ilulah
mercka mall bcbas.
9 Keluarga MJTgono ramah-tuIll3h. oleh
karcna itulah Bud; sll ka kc rUlllah
mcrt' ka.
10 Budi sakit, oh::h karena 1I ulah dia minum
Pel ajaran 38
Lat ihan 1
I Oh, bukan, ini rUlllah kanlor,
2 Oh, bukan, Yanti adik AIi.
J Oh. bukan, hli mahaslswa Malaysia.
4 Oh. bukan. ini kcmeja supir.
SOh, bukan, ini bulan September.
6 Oh, bukan, ini kcduta3n Amerika .
7 Oh, bukan, ini kcreta' api ke Solo.
8 Oh, bukan, ini warung mahal,
9 Oh. bukan. AJi orJng Indonesia.
10 Oh, bukan, Yanti guru.
Latihan 2
I Ad ik saya baru dalang dad Dandung.
2 Dari mana ayalllnu bcrlllobil kCllIarin?
J Siapa pergi ke Bali nai k kapat trrhang?
4 Di Il ali kita biS:! mclihat tradis! rang luar
biaS<! baik.
S Al'abh di Ibndung banya k buahbuahan
dan sayuTsayuran?
6 Il udi mcmbawa k('moo ng unlUk gadis itu.
7 Saya I1wmb.'1i nasi bungkllS untuk ki ta
8 Mungkill bcsok ada dat3uj! dJri
9 Dari mana katl heli bUIl)!.'1 indali itu'!
10 lIudi akau <allll'ai di hkarta hari

Lati han 2
1 Orang lIali jujur dan rJnlali-tallwli
2 Ali mau minta permisi s.tlu lia ri
3 Kami mencari scsual u barang kescnian
yang ind;!!! di lIali.
4 Apakah S31m3h bisa $il111':lU
5 Ki la harus turut pcraluran d;1I1 huku11l.
6 Ap'Ikah Yanti "kan pergi scndiri an ke
7 Oran\! lIa! i mCllluja dcwa.
8 Maaf, !l:.lya harus sckamng.
9 Bud; dapat mrnyeSlIaikall diri dellpll
kehidupan dj Ind onesia.
10 Ini pertama kali pcrgi t e l ndonc$ia.
Pel aj aran 39
latihan 1
I Mereka akan nikah dalam wakl u dua
2 K.ami akan pcrgi ke lakarl 3 waklu
tiga hari.
1 Mereka akan bcrangkalke lIandung dalam
wa klu dua
4 Kcrcb-api cepal Handung-lakarla akan
sampai dalam waklu Hma menil .
5 "ami akan membual pesla dalam wak l u
dU3 bulan.
6 Mereka aka n mcnjcmpul Dudi kc lapangan
Icrbangdalam waklU d ua ;am.
7 Kami bisa makan malam di hOlel ini
clalam wa klu selengah jam.
8 Mereka akan bckcrja di dalam
waklu empal alau 11m3 bulan.
9 Kapa! ilu akan sampai ke Mcdan da lam
wakl u tiga hari dan dua malam.
10 Kami akan pindah ke rumah baru dalam
wakt u delapan bcLas had.
Pelajaran 40
lat ihan 1
I Mcreka akan datang pada malam Minggu.
2 lIapaknya sudah perio1 pada hari Minggu
3 Di sana ada pasar hari Sabt u.
4 Kami akan mcmbual pcsla pada malam
S Dia akan datang pada jam dua.
6 Musim hujan bia:o;a nya pada bulan
7 Dia akan data ng ke sin! pada Senin pagi.
8 Sekola h mulai pada bulan Agustus.
9 Dj mana S3udara pada bulan Descmber
tahun ini?
10 Biasanya orang main Icnis pada sore harL
Lati llan 2
I Kami duduk di bawah pohon bcsar itu.
2 Ada Hllla orang di dalalll kamar ini.
1 Kudng Vanl i suka duduk di alas buk:u.
4 Oi a pcrgi meneari anj ingnya kc dalam
5 Ali bcrja lan kc bawah pohon durian ilu.
6 Kami naik ke alas gu nung linggi itu.
7 Mcrck:a sub makan di alas bukil dekal
sungai .
8 Ali I>crgi kc oowah rumah ringsi itu.
9 Ap.1kah saudara suka bcrjalan ke al as
bukit itu.
10 8uaya ada di dalam su ngai yang bcsar itu.
Latihan 2
1 Saya akan lur ul k: e pasar dcngan Salmah
2 Tolong bcri kan buku ini kepada ayah.
1 Kami akan bcrlibur ke 8ali pada bulan
4 Yanti dan Budi .,ergi ke kedulaan Inggeris
di Jakarla.
5 Danyak orang memberi hadiah kcpada
6 Mengapa saudara tidak dalang pada
malam Minggu?
7 Saya pikir mercka pcrgi ke 1akarta naik:
8 Dia bcrlari dcngan anjingnya ke pohon
yang bcsar itu.
9 Pada musim hujan, di Bandung biasanya
!cbih dingin.
10 Man kita minla kepada Tunan agar kila
scmua bcrbahagia unluk selama-lamanya.
Gambar-gambar adatah atas kebaikan hati
Barnaby's Pi cture Library.
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The Linguaphone Institute
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
The Llnguaphone Institute
Linguaphone Institute Limited
209 Regent Street
London WIR 8AU
1978 Linguaphone Institute Limited, London
All rights reserved. No part of this publication, or
related recorded material , may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any fonn or by allY
means electroni c, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise, without the prior permission of
Linguaphone Institute Limited.
First publi shed 1978
3rd edition 1983
Printed in Great Britain by
Biddies Ltd, Guildford, Surrey
Course written by: Drs. Jbrahim,
Formerly Assistant to the Dean,
Faculty of Arts,
JsJamic University of North Sumatra,
Under the direction of: George Hoff,
Lecturer in Indonesian,
Polytechnic of Central London.
Recorded by: Drs.lbrahim
George Hoff
Yulia lrfany
Ahmad Fatriawan
Nyonya Sofia Alamudi
This handbook written by: George Hoff
John Pride B.A.
Academi c
Professor A.C. Gimson. B.A.
Professor of Phonetics.
Universi ty College London.
Monsieur Andre Mart inet.
proresseur a I'Universile de Paris (Sorbonne),
Di rec leur de l' lnstilul de Lingui slique.
PTOfessor Randolph Quirk. CBE. DLitt , FBA,
Vi ceChancell or, University of London ;
forme rl y Quain Professor of Engli sh, University
Cal rege London; Hon. Fil. Dr. ( Lund, UppsaJa),
Hon. Doel. d'Uni v. (Paris. Li ege), Hon. LLD
(Reading), Hon. Dli tt ( Leicester) ; Fellow of the
Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences.
Professor Albert Sonnenfeld. Ph.D.,
Officie r, Ordre des Palmes Academiques,
Professor of French and Comparative Literatures,
Chairman, Department of Romance languages
and Lit e ratures, Prince ton University.
Graham Till , MA
l'lead or Course Pl anning and Research,
The Linguaphone Institute.
Explanatory notes
New words in Sounds section
Indonesian vocabulary
Bu(li How are you?
My name is Budi.
r m thirty-two years old.
I'm Indonesian but 11ive in London.
My mother is &:ol\ish.
I'm the manager ofa shipping company.
To-morrow I shall be going to Indonesia.
1 shall stay with my friends Ali and Yanti.
Afi I"m happy to meet you.
r m Indonesian too.
r m thirty-five years old.
1 live with my sister.
lm a civil servant in Bandung.
Soon I shall marry Salmah.
Yanti and I will be going to the airpor t.
We' re going in the car.
We shall be meeting Budi.
Yllnti I'm pleased 10 meet you.
I'm Yanti.
r m Ali's sister.
I' m twenty-four years old.
I' m a teacher.
Now. I' m going to the airport.
We want to meet Budi.
He will be staying with us.
1 hope you're happy.
Pelajaran satu
Di lapangan terbang
Words in this lesson
adik younger brother/sister
bagus nice, good, beautiful
bari ng luggage
bayar pay
belakang back. rear
bi T beer
bi sa can, be able
C.IIlK'k tired
contoh (E&D) ellample/s
dan and
dari from
datang come
depan fronl
di aI, in
di mana where
di sini over here
di ll he, she. it
duduk sit. shall sit. do sit
hams after
haus thimy
Indonesia (D) Indonesia
ini this is, here is
itu that is. there is
jam hour
ja wa ban (E) answers
juga too. also
ka nlnr office
ke 10
Di lapangan terbang A I Iile airport
Lesson one
At the airport
kita we
kopi coffee
tapangan field
lapangan lerbang airport
latihan (E) exercise
latihan ueapan (D) oral exercise
mau want
minum drink. will drink. drinking
mobil car
mulai (D) begin
naik gel in. get on
Dama name
pelajaran lesson
pergi go. will go
pikir think
restoran restaurant
satu one
saudara your. you
saya my. I
selamat datang di welcome \0
silakan please
suka like
teh tea
t('rbang flying
It' rima kasih thank you
tidur sleep
tiga three
ya yes
Indonesian has no equivalent of the English word fhe (i.e. no definite article).
Here di means al and lapangan tu bang means airporl (literally:jieldjiying).
2 Nama saya AIi Umar. My name is AIi Umar.
a Note that saya: my comes aftcr the word it refers to in Indonesian.
b This sentence contains no Indonesian word meaning is. The verb 10 be (am, is.
are) is not expressed in Indonesian and the literal translation would be Name
mr A/i VlllaT.
3 Ini Yanti. Thi.I'is Yallli.
Ini has the sense of Ihis is or here is.
4 Di a adik saya. She is my siSler (lit: She sisler my).



Dia can be translated into English by he. she or it. Indonesian does not
di stinguish between them.
Notice the absence of any Indonesian word for is (Note 2b) and the position of
say. (Note 2a).
Adik can refer to a )'oungl.'r bro/hl.'r or siSll.'r.
Saya datang dari Loodon. / come from London.
You will note that say. can also mean I (Note 2a).
Selamal datang di Jakuta. WelCOnle (10) Jakarf{J.
Di does not normally mean to (Note 1). Selamat datang di is best learnt as a set
phrase meaning Welcome to.
Di mana barang saudara ? Whert' i ~ .lUllr III/{f{uge? (lit: AI Irhl.'rt' IlIggagl.' yOllr?)
Di mana means .""herl' when you are referring to something stationary.
Note that like saya (Note 2a). saudara : ),Ollr follows the noun.
Saya dan Ali hallS. I (m(1 Ali are IhirslY.
Remember the absence of an Indonesian word for are (Note 2b).
Itu restoran. There's (I reSiUllmnt.
111I means there is or Ihm is. Remember ini (Note 3).
Just as Indonesian has no word for tire (Note I ). it also has no word for /I or
(In. Hence. Itu restoran can mean 7711."1.'$ 11 '('Slmmml or Ther('$ Ihl' rl'Sluurml/.
10 Kita minum di restoran. We'lI hare a drillk in Ihe re.Wlluranl.
Minum can be translated into English by drink. drinks. lI'ill drink. etc. The verb
in Indonesian does not change in form to indicate the difference between past.
present and future. However. the context makes it clear. In this case. Ali. Budi
and Yanti will have a drink in the restaurant. In the lesson \'ocabularics you
will find that verbs are given with their basic meaning followed by the meaning
that best fits the context where they are used in the lesson. hcnce minum:
tlrillk. will drink.
11 Saya mau minum kopi. I Wllnt 10 dr/llk ('offee.
When two verbs come together as here with mau : .rlml and minum: drink.
Indonesian does not link them with the equivalent of 10. as we do in English.
12 Habi s minum kita pergi ke Dandung. A/ler hlll'illg If drink 11'1""1:0 10 BWI/hmg.
a Minum here is best translated by drinking or hlll'illg If Ilrink (Note 10).
b pergi : 1(/). KO/!s. ",if! go (Note 10)
I' Ke means 10 when movement is invol,ed.
13 Itll mobil Ali. There's Ali's CIlr.
NOlI' how you express possession. Ihe object (here mobil ) being directly
followed by the name of the possessor (Ali ).
14 Ylnti. Rudi . pergi ke mobil ! Yanti . 8mh .gQ 10 IIIf' C(Jr !
Here pergi is an instructi on: go! (Note 10).
IS Budi. silakan naik mobil . 8udi . plnul' gl'l in Ih., (,(lr!
Naik is a very useful verb meaning 10 get in or on to If I'ehicle or on /() /I horse
16 Di mana saya duduk ? W/wr(' s/wfl/I/(J I \ i l ~
Notc how the question is asked ..... ith di mana being placed in front of say a
duduk : J sir. Thc literal meaning would be Where J sil ?
17 Budi, saudara duduk di depan! BUlli , )"011 sil ill/rolll .'
Just as saya means both J and Ill)". (Notcs 2a. 5) saudara mcans .HIII and rOllr
(Note 7b).
18 Saya duduk di bclakang. I'll sil alllle bflck.
Note the differcnce in translation of duduk in this Notc and in Note 17.
AJi, mobil saudar. bagus. AIi. your ctlr is nife (lit: car your nice).
Ini mobil ka ntor. This is l/re office car.
Compare [his sent.coee wi th 11u mobil AIi (Note 13).
21 Jakarta - Handung fi gB jam. From jokarlU /0 8(///(11111 if takes three hours
(\it: jaktlfta - &mduIIg three hour).

Note how few words arc needed in Indonesian here .
Jam means hour and hQurs.
22 SaYI pikir saudlUI Clpek. f thi"k yOIl ( "I') l i rl'{l.
Listen 10 the pronunciation of clpt"k: the letter c in Indonesi an is always
pronounced like the ch in cllllrch,
2J Saudl T. bisa lidur di mobi!. YOII elln sleep in ,ht, f(lf.
Remember that di means ill or {I/.
Pelajaran dua
Perjalanan ke Bandung
New words in this lesson
ada halle, possess; there is/arc
I pa what
asi ng foreign
baik good
beli buy, purchase
berhenti SlOp. halt
bi asa usually, normall y, often
buah fruit
dacrah countryside
de511 village
dua two
cmpat four
harus must. have to
kami we (excluding person addressed)
lihat look, Set
mahal expensive, costly
makan eat
Lesson two
Journey to Bandung
mad let' s, let us
mengapa why
murah cheap
orang person. people
pepaya paw-paw
perjalanan journey
pikir think. thought
rambutan rambutan (a hairy fruit)
segar refreshed. fresh
sekarang now
sore afternoon
suclah already
sub enjoy
letap; but
tidak not : no
warung stall
Saya capek. lelapl SI)'I tidak mau lidur. rill lirt'(I, hilI I dOll'( 1I"all( (0 s/l't'p
(lit : Ilirt'd, hili 1111)/11"/111/ sfl't'p).
a Note the abst ncc of any Indonesian word for 11111 Ill . N2b).
b Tidak: 1101 is placed immediately before the verb to make it ncgati\c. c.g. Saya
tidal.; mau : f (/Oll '/ II"fIIII : Ali tidak IX' rgi: AIi iSII) /{Oill/{,
2 Mengapa saudar. tidak mau lidur'? Why (loll 'f YOII 11'11111 /0 sleep? (lit: Why 2
)'011 1101 walll
Note here again the position of tidak.
3 oi8 mau liha! perjalanan. H(' \mlllS to see where we (lr<, goin? (li t : Ihe
jourm.')' ) .
4 t\pa nama desa ini? Whu/ '.I' the name of this I'ilfll{!e?
a Apa : Wlltll. What is
b You have al ready mel inl meaning ,his is or hue is. However. when il comes
after a noun it means Ihis. Note the difference. Ini desa : 71,i,f 6' (/ I'illuge: Ocsa
ini : This ri/luge.
S Apa saudara mau berhenti ? Do ),ou want IQ SlOp?
By placing apa in front of a statement you turn Ihal slatement into a question.
e.g. Ali mau berhcnti : AIi ','U/IIS 10 SlOp: Apa AIi mau berhenl!? : Does Af; 11'0/1/
10 SlOp ?
6 Mengapa kila berhen!i? IVhy lire we slOpping?
7 Kami biasa beli buah di sini . Wt' !lsm/Il), buy fruit here.
II You will have noticed that wc have used two Indonesian words. kita (Note 6)
and kami for the English lI'e. There is a very important difference between them
and they are NOT interchangeable. You use kita when you include the person(s)
you are addressing. as in Note 6 where alllhrce of our characters are stopping.
However. when you ellclude the person{s) you are addressing. you must use
kami . Here it is only Ali and Yanti who normally buy fruit and Budi therefore
is ellc1uded. Watch out for the use of kita and kami as you wor k through the
b Do not confuse biasa : II stlully with bisa : ('(/11 . beobfe.
8 Apa nama buah ini ? Whal 's lIlt' 'lame of Ihi.f fruit?
IJ Nama buah ini rambulan. TIll' IIl1me of lhis frllil is rambutall.
Rambutan is a red. egg shaped, hairy. delicious fruit. Rambul means IllIir.
10 Ini pepa)'a. This is ptlw-pm.,.
Paw-paw is a cheap. wholesome fruit often ell ten wit h lemon and a spri nkling
of sugar. There arc red lInd orange paw-paws. the red being tastier. Meal
tenderizer can be made from paw-paw leaves.
11 oi London kami juga ada pcpaya. Iclapi mahal. /11 LondOIl we also JUI\'('
paw-paws. but 'hey 're expensil'l' (lit: bill expel/sire).
a Notc here kami is used. as Budi is ellc1uding Ali and Yant i (Note 7a).
b ada : have. poss('ss
e Pcpaya has the same form in both si ngular and plural and this appli es to all
fr uit s.
d Notice the absence of any Indonesian word for Ih(,I'. Such a word does ellisl
bUI is only used 10 refer to people and never to
12 Kami pikir di London lidak ada pepaya. WI' thoughlllll'rl' are 110 paw-pm.s ill
LOlldoll (lit: We think ill LOl/dolll/o h(ll'e paw.paw).
a Here pikir : Ihink has to be translated into English by the past tense. thoughl
(LI. NIO).
b In this case ada has the sense of II1('rl' is. Ihere fife (Note lib).
13 Kami biasa makan pepaya. We often e(1I paw-paw (lit: We uSlllllly ('Ill
P(I ... ptIW).
Hiasa (Note 7b) has here the sense of ofl(,II,
14 mari kila beli. {et s buy (sollle).
a kil a means let lIS .
b Note that I ndonesian has no need of a word for somf' in this instance.
15 Mad kila pergi kc \o\'arung. Le/ "s go 10 the swll.
I The wsrung is not only a stall where fruit and other food arc sold. [ t is also a
place where people meet and all kinds of transactions can take place. [ t is well
worth visiting a wamng. ]fyou do, watch what other people buy and how much
they pay. Some of the fruit will be very unfami liar 10 you and you will have to
acquire a taste for them. You can also buy food made from secret recipes. It is
beSl lo visit a ,,'.rung wi th a local person \\ ho can advise you on whal10 buy.
how much to pay elc.
b Cibinong. where this scene takes place. is famous for its fruit and freshly
squeezed fruit dri nks- pineapple. coconut. avocado etc.
16 'VI, kila juga bisa minum di \o\'lrung. y.,s, we rtllI (llso (hu .. e a) tlri"k (1/ Ihl'
a Here kitlt is used for we as all three are included (Note 7a),
b Juga : (llso, lOO, a$ well generally comes before the verb it refers to (here bisa),
17 Baik. sudah jam empal sore, GOOtI, (il's) a/ready four 0 'clock ill Ihe allemO()/!,
a Note that there is no Indonesian equivalent of il is here.
b jam empal sore : lit : hour four afternooll
18 Kitlt makan di desa Ci panas. We '/I elll ill Ihe l'illa1<e (of) Cip(/f/(/s.
I Here mlkln is translated as shall etu. the context making it clear that fUlUre
time is referred to.
b Cipanas is famous tor its restaurants.
19 Sayl sub perjalanan inL I'm enjoying lhisjoumey.
20 Orang asing suka dltlang ke sini. Forl' igm;>rs likl' comillg here (lit : to JII're).
a Orang Ising: lit: Fort!igl1 people Indonesians are hospitable people and like
meeting foreigners ,
b Note the difference between ke sini : /t('((', /0 IlI'r., (i.e. with movement implied)
and di sini: here. in III're, over hal!. with no movement involved.
ZI Saya sudah segar sekarang. /'/11 refreshetJ flOW (lit: I now).
a Note that there is no Indonesian word for af/! here (LI . NZb).
b Segar:jft'sh, refreshed can refer to people or fruit llnd vegetables.
c Sudah is a commonly used word in Indonesian and you will often find it cannot
be translated dircctly into English.
Pelajaran tiga
Tiba di rumah
New words in this lesson
adal custom
abn shall. will
alur arrange, take care of. see to.
bak bath tub
lesson three
Arriving home
nnyak much
ba\u bring, take along
large, big
bIIkl take off (clothes)
bIIkan not: no
cud wash
di samping ne)!.t to
dia (E) his. hcr. its
enak tasty
gigi tooth. teeth
hitam black
Indonesia Indonesian
jangan don't
kakus WC
kamar room
kamar duduk sitting room
kamar makan dining room
kamar tamu gucst room
kamar tidur bedroom
kami our, us
kapan when
kedl little
keean (sticky) rice
kita our, us
kuclt cakes
Tibll di rumah A,rjl'jng ((l() lIoll1e
mandi bathe. have a bath
masak cook
masuk enter. come in
pakai wear. use
pembanlu helper. assistant. employee
perempuan woman. female
perlu need (urgently)
rumah house
sangae very
selop sli pperjs
senang contented. happy
sepatu shoe/s
siapa who. whose
sikat brush
tamu guest
tiba arrive. arriving. arrival
tuan Mr.. sir
lubruk Turki sh style (coffee)
tunggu wait. stay
unluk for
In Indonesian liba : arril'e must be followed by di : al before the noun if the
place is mentioned. e.g. Saya tiba di Jakarta : /"111 arril'l'ng in )uhlrUl .
2 Kit a sudah tiba di rumah kami . We've 0Ir('(1(6' O"il'(,(lhollle (lit : 01 our hOll1e).
a Kila is used for 11"(' as all three of our characters have arrived.
b rumah kami : our hOll1e Note that kami means our as wel1 as ,,"e. Ali is
talking to Budi and as it is not Budi's home. he uses kami and not kita for our.
The home is Ali's and Yanti"s. Just like saya: my and saudara : your. kami
meaning our follows the noun.
3 Oh. rumah ini bagus dan besar. Oh. housl' is nice amllorge.
a Rumah can be translated as house or home.
b Remember that ini comi ng after a noun means Ihis.
4 Ini bubn rumah kami. This ;.f 1101 our house.
Here we have a new word for /lQ1: bukan. This diffcrs from tidak which you
met in Lesson 2. Unli ke lidak which is used before a verb (e.g. Saya lidak
pergi : 1"//1 not goillg). bukan is used with nouns. as here, and always with ini
and itu. e.g. Itu bukan restoran : Thal's 1101 a restaurant.
S Ini rumah siapa? Whose hou$(' is this? (lit: This house II"ho."')
The word siapa : II"ho is used after a noun with the sense of II"hose.
6 Ini rumah kantor. 71,is is lJlI office hOllse.
Many employees in Indonesia get a house 10 go with their job.
7 Mengapa Ali buka sepatu? Why is AIi raking (his) shoes off?
a buka : 10 lake off(shoes and clothes)
b means shoe but it is obvious that Ali is taking off both shoes.
8 Itu adat Indonesia, Ini S>l' lop unluk pakai di rumah. 71laf 5 (/11 IlIIlol1es;(/II
custom. Here are slippt'rs for we(lring in the house.
a Indooesia means bolh Indolles;a and Indonesian.
& Iop means both slipper and slippers.
Terima kasih b.anyak. Thank rOil ray much.
This is a Jillle polilcr than just terirna kasih (lit: rece;l"{, /Ol'/') which you mel in
Lesson I.
10 Inam, ini man Oudi. tamu kila. /11(1111, Ihi.f is Mr. BUlJi, our gUl'SI.
a Inam is the maid's namc. [ t is customary to call domestic employees by their
first namcs.
b Here kita means our (NOle 2b). You will note that Budi is considered 10 be
Inam's guest as well as AIi's and Yanti's.
11 Siapa jl('rempuan ini? Who is Ihis wom(ln?
Here siapa means II'ho (Note 5).
12 Inam pembantu di rumah kami. "wm is (1/1 l'/IIp/oyee in our IIOUJf'.
Pembantu is a useful word meaning helper, (I.uis/(III/. ('mp/o)"!'I.'. Maids such as
Inam will frequently spend the whole of their working lives in the service of
onc family.
13 Inam masak dan cud untuk kami . Ina/ll cooks (lnd Il'(ull('5/or liS.
You will observe a third meaning for kami which here means liS. Hence kami
and kila can both mean we. us. ollr. ours.
14 Mari Budi. saya bawa saudara lihal rumah. Come 8mli. I " sho\\" yOIl roulld
Ihe house (lit: flak e you see house).
15 Rumah ini ada liga kamar tidur. salu kamar lamu, kamar makan dan kanlar
dudllk. This h(1I Ihree bedrooms. Oil" glll'SI room. (I (lining room (1111/ a
silting room.
Nole how rooms of the house arc named in Indonesian. You simply add to
kamar : room the word that describes what the room is for; kamar lidur : roolll
sleeping (i.e. bedroom); kamar lamu : room glles/ (guesl room); kamar makan :
room ('alinK (i.e. dining room); kamar duduk : room silling (i.e. silting room.
16 Di mana kakus dan kamar mandi? Where Il1e WC (lwl Ihe hlllhroom?
Kakus is a colloquial. but not rude. term for wc. Kamar mandi is room
hmhing \i.e. bmhroom).
17 Kamar kedl di samping kamar mandi. di bt'lakang. 7I!e lOilet (lit: 111<, lillle
room) is nl'Xl1O Ihe bmhroom. III II, e buck (i.e. olli1{' bark of lil{' 1I0IlS('.)
a Ali uses the rather more polite term kamar kl'Cil for loilet. It is perhaps a
subtle lesson in etiquette to Budi.
b Note that I1('XIIO in Indonesian is di samping : lit. allleXI.
t In a traditional Indonesian house you have a big, covered. open-sided porch at
the front. Looking onto the porch is the mai n living area with sitting room and
bedrooms. The di ning room is at the back of this main area. Then comes a
long passage off which you find the bathroom. toilet. storehouse and kitchen
and fi nally the servants' quarters.
18 Saya perlu mandi dan sikat gigi. fil eI'd 10 IIme a hlllh I/lId brush my leelh.
a Perlu : 10 need has a sense of urgency about it.
b gigi : loolh or let'lh
19 Kapan Hlldi mandi, jangan masuk bak. When you hl/!"t' a bOlh. Bmli (lit: Witl'I!
Budi has 1/ b(j{h). don/ gel into (lit: enler) Ihe balh luh.
a It is quite common to address someone using their name rather than saudara:
)ou, as Yanli does here to Budi.
b Note the useful word jangan : don r.
(' In Indonesia you do not actually get into a bath. You stand on wooden slats
and use a scoop (gayung) to rinse (siram) yourself with water from the balh. 11
is advisable 10 wear wooden balhroom slippers.
Inam :l k:ln atur barang. Ilium n-illlllk/' ClIr/' I)f Ihl' fuxxtlxe .
The word akan : .\"ill has 10 be used to indicate fulure time if the context
otherwise does not make it clear that future time is implied. Inam atur barang
could easily mean " 1lI111 is laking rare of/Ill' and 10 make it clear Ihal
she has nOt yel started doing so. akan is
b Alur is a very common word meaning I{) arr,IIIj{I'. wk/' ClIre of. s('(' /0. organiSI'.
In Ihis case il means Ihat lnam will unpack all Budi's belongings and wash and
iron anything that needs it.
21 Saya senang dan tidak calK'k. 1"1/1 contented and no//irl'd.
NOle Ihal lidak is used wil h adjectives as well as verbs to mean 110/ . So we can
say tidak goes wil h verbs and adjectives and bukan with nouns (Note 4).
SHakan minum kopi lubruk dan makan krtan hitam. 11(11"/' .fOlI/l' Turkisll
cQffee (lIId some k/' /(III !tilllm (li t: Ple(lse drilrk (Turkislr) l'offl' I' (1/1(1 (' 11/ kl'/(III
kopi tubruk This is Tur kish slyle coffee.
kelan hilam This is a confection of black. sticky rice over which has been
poured santen. which is made from coconut. It is worth trying Indonesi an
cakes which are very tasty.
NOle Ihat when you offer somebody somclhing 10 eal or drink. you use the
verbs makan: /'11/ and minum: (Irillk as appropriate. preceded by sil akan. Thi s
is the usual way. In Indonesia, it is considered impolile 10 calor drink before
being inviled to do so.
Pelajaran empat
Di rumah
New words in this lesson
air water
apakah question word used like apa
awas beware
ayam chicken/s
ayanl jago rooster
bebek duck' s
belum nOI yet. nOI ... before
biasa used to. accustomed to
bolol bOllle
bunga flo ..... er/s
bunga anggerrk orchid!s
eoba Iry
dengar hear. t-eard
grrrja church. churches
lesson four
At home
goreng fried
ikan fish
iSleri wife
kalau if
kambing goal/s. shecp
kr bun garden
krl apa coconul
kemudi an then. afterwards
laki-Iaki male. man
makanan food
masak boil
masih sliII
mala eye
mata sapi fried egg
ml.'rah red
mesjid mosque
muka face. front
nasi rice
pagi morning; in the morning
panas hot (temperature)
pIas hot. spicy
pianl breed. grow
pisang banana
pohon tree
raSS! taste
rendah short
sapi cow
$IIl'1Ipan breakfast
sekali very
selalu always
sclamat pagi good morning
suami husband
suaT. sound, voice
tanam (10) plant
linggi talL high
tuklng kl.'bun gardener
waduh! Good heavens!. Good gracious!
say. pikir saudar. masih lidur. Ilhollglll you .,'{'re JlilllIsil'{'p.
NOle that the verbs here. pikir : think and lidur : sleep have \0 be Ir;mslalcd into
the past tense in English.
2 SaYI dengar suara ayam jago dan suara mesjid. I free/rei 1/11' sOUlld of Ilu'
rooster 111111111(' sound of 111(' mosquc>,
ayam jago : roos/a Ayam means rhirken.
3 The sounds Budi refers to are just what you might hear at daybreak in
Indonesia- the crowing of the family rooster and the call to prayer from the
mosque. It is probably thc best timc of day, being cool and fresh.
4 Di London tidak ada suara ayam, I('tapi ada suara gereja, 111 Lvlldoll, Ihl'rl"s
1101 (lit: lJOlhlll'e) Ihl' SOUIII/ of chick ellS, hll /lhul' is 1111' J'()uml of r/lIIrr/1('S.
a Remember the difference between tidak and bukan (U , N4 and 21).
b You can sce here. once again, that an Indonesian noun can be translated into
English by the singul ar or the plural. i.e. a)'am can mean chickI'll or
and gen'ja : church or r/lIIrchI'J.
5 Di London saya tidak mandi pagi tClapi cud muka. III Lvlldolll dOIl'/ ha/h ill
Ihe mOrllillg hili I wash (my)fllce.
a I>agi means mOrtling or in 1111' momillg.
b Note that there is no Indonesian word for my used here, It is considered
obvious whose face Budi is talk ing about (sce l3, N7).
6 Inam, apakah ada air panas untuk fanm:> IlIam, is Ihat' IW/Wail'r for our
a Apakah is pl aced at the beginning of a sentence to turn a st atement inlO a
question. It is used in exactly the same way as apa (L2, NS) and is
interchangeable with 11.
b It is quite common to add some hot water to the cold bath water first thing in
the morning to take the chill off it and make il more comfortablc.
c No word for our is needed as it is obvious whose guest Budi is (Note Sb).
7 Inam sudah masak air unluk lludi. fill/m hlls 1Ilrt'luly boi/nll/l{' .ruler fllr Budi.
Masak can be translated as boil or 1'001\.
8 Air untuk sikal gigi di 00101. WlI/er for dl'lwiflX YOllr II'erh is ill fIll' bOil/e.
No word for your is required here (Notes 5b and 61' ).
9 Saya bclum rasa p"paya merah. sangat coak. I hadll'l /(Islt'lI(li[: 11101 ]'f'1
laHe) rl'll paw-pal\' before, il's I'l'ry IlISly.
a Budi has just taken his first bite of a red paw-paw and likes it. 4
b Belum: not yet makes it clear that we must translate Saya belum Tasa by I had
//0/ tasted hi/ore.
C Note that merah: red comes after pepaya.
10 Apakah Budi mau coba nasi goreng dan mal a sapi :' Do you Imlll IQ Iryfrit,i/
rict' mu! [rinl egg. Budj? (lit: Does Budi 'mill. ?)
These arc two very well known Indonesian dishes. Mallll is literally 1')'1' and
sapi means COW: however the combi nat ion of them here means/ried ('gg.
11 AWlS, nasi goreng ini pedas dan panas. BI' lmrl'. l h i . ~ fm'd firl' is spicy (lml hot.
l!. Both pediS and panas can mean hOI. Panas refers 10 the temperature of
something while pedas refers to the spiciness of the food. Do not mix them up.
b If you find an Indonesian dish rather 100 spicy, do not drink <Inything ..... ith it
as thi s makes it ..... orse. Rather take some boiled rice or something absorbent
like a banana.
12 Saya belum biasa makan pedas. "m nOI yet (ICCIIS/Oll/ed /0 I'U/III/<! Jplc l' Ifi1{)(1
Here biasa means IIsed 10. accustomed to. Remember that in Lesson 2 it meant
13 Makanan Indonesia selalu pedas. IlIdom'sitm food is al\i"(lYl' spicy.
Note malianan : foO(l and malian : to eat.
14 Ini Amat, dia suami Inam, di a tukang kebun. This is AJlIIII.I/e h 11111",'.\'
hllsballd. h l ' ~ Ihl' !:lIr(II'III'r.
Tukang means craftslllan or worker: hence tukang kehun: xardl'lll'r (lit: 'rork",
xarc/I'II) and tukang sepalu : cobbll'r (lit: 1I'0rkl'f sho('s).
IS Saya tanam bunga anggl.'rek. I'm plcmling orchids.
Note bunga : flow", and bunga anggerck: orchill. Bunga can also mean interesl
in the financial sense. i.e. something which has flowered.
16 Va , saudara Ali laki-Iaki . INapi Vanti perempuan. Y t'.5 . .1'011 Ali (1(('(1 111(111.
but Yanti is a 1I"0ll/an.
a It is polite to address a mall as saudara followed by his name. Saudara can then
be translated as Mr.
b Budi obviously considers that Ali prcrers fruit to flowers bt.'Causc he is a man.
You have already met orang: pl'f.l"OlI: laki-Iaki is (III/(III (lit: mlllt' person) and
oran!: perempuan is /1 1I"0mall (lit :fl'l"all' pl'T.fOlI) . An alternative to laki- Iaki is
lelaki . You might be interested to know that the term orang-outang comes from
orang hut an:jullgle persoll and hence. ape.
17 Kami pi afaayam. bebek, ikan dan liambing. We hrel'll dricki'IIS. ducks. fish
(1/1(/ gOll/s.
It is quite normal for an Indonesian family to breed such animal s. These arc
not pets but form part of the food supply. Kambing can mean s/reep as wcll as
18 Waduh! Ini kcbun besar sekali . G(l(HI /relll'elu! This is (I 'WJ' bi1{ Xllrr/ell .
Notc that hcrc wc ha\'c another word meaning ruy: sekll li . Unlike sangal
(Note 9) sekali comes arler the adjective. e.g. besar sekali : IWy hi/<!; sangat
bcsar : ''l'ry hig. The two words are interchangeable.
19 Ini biasa di Indonesi a. This is IlOrlllal ill IIIt/ollesi(l .
Here biasa means 1I0rlllll/ or usual (Note 12).
20 Pohon tingi itu pohon kelapa. Pohon rendah ini pohon pisang. Tlral lal/lree i.t
(/ COCOllllllree. This short tree is a OOIlClIIII /ree .
Note that in Indonesian the noun, here pohon : Irel'. is followed by the
adjcctive. linggi : tullor rendah: shorl. and then by ilu : Ihu/ or ini : 'his. It is
very imponant to remember this word order. Another cllampk would be:
rumah besar ini : l h i ~ furgl' hOIl.I"t' (lil: house large this).
Pohon ilu bcsar. dan pohon ini krcil. Thlll tree is kIfR(' al1d Ihis /ft'I' is small.
Notice very carefully the difference in word order in this sentence and that in
the [WO sentences in Note 20.
pohon ini : this Ir/'(': ini ponon : this is (/ IrCl';
pohon ini besar : l/!is tree is biK: pohon besar ini : litis hiK !rI'e.
h is the" position of ini or ilu which is importane When they follow the noun
and prl'Cooc the adjective. the translation in English links this/rll(l! with the
noun. e.g. mobil ini besar : this ('(If is "'K. However. when they follow the
adjective. the link is then with the adjective, e,g, mobi l lK'sar ini : /his hiK ('(IT,
Pelajaran lima
Kantor pos
New words in this lesson
aerogramme air !cner
Afrika Afri ca
agak somewhat. rather
anlbil take
Asia Asia
atau or
bangun (D) w .. ke up
bank bank
barang goods
begitu so. such
iK'lok turn
iK'rlemu meet
iK'tul right. correct
bisa possible
elri search. look for. find
dekat near
delman horse drawn carriage
dengan with. by
di depan opposite, facing
di sana there
hanya only
harap hop(:
hari day
hari ini today
Inggtris England
jal .... trip. journey. road. walk
jalan kaki on foot. walking
lesson five
The Post Office
jauh far
kaki foot. leg
kalau begitu in that c<lse
kanan right
kantor pos post office
kapal terbang (D) aeroplane
karenl because
kerja work
kilo kilogram
kira- kira approximately, about
kiri left
kirim send, mail : be sent
Iln'ls then, next
lima live
loket window. position at counter
meter metre
nant i later
nomor number
on ounce, 100 grammes
ongkos cost
pak Mr .. si r
paket packet. parcel
pega"ai pos post onice worker/onicial
perangko stamp
peta map
polisi policeman
pos post, mail
pos udarlll airmail
r.lus hundred
rencana plan
ribu thousand
rnpiah rupiah (unit of ' ndonesian
Slmpai unt il
sekolah school
selamat safe, God be with you
selamat tinggal take care
senang like
sendiri alone
sepuluh ten
setasiun (E) stat ion
sore this afternoon
sunl.l letter
tercatllll registered
lerns straight (on)
likel ticket
linggal rest, stay
luan sir
lukar change, exchange
uang money
urus arrange, organise
Apa rencana saudara had ini ? Wh(ll (lr(' rour pltlllS I(I(IIIY?
hari ini : IVilllY (lit: lhis dllY)
2 Saya perlu kirim sural . tukar uang dan urus lil;('I. I 111'1'11 10 1'/,/,,1 {/ 1, >/11'"
dUll/ill' (.fQIII/') 111011('.1' (/lId (1Ii('/.;('I,
a NOle that there is no Indonesian word for .mllll' used \lith uang: 11/011('.1',
b The ticket Budi is referring to is hi s airline ticket back to Eurore. allhough he
has only recently ..rrived in Indonesia. It is advis.1ble \0 confirm your return
fligh t as soon as possible after your arriv;11. ;tnd ,I few days before dep;lfI\Jfc to
reconfirm il.
3 Saya harus kt'rja, Budi bisa ]K'rgi dcngan Yanti . IIUlI'(' 10 ()!O 10) work, Budi .
.1'011 filII xo .rilh Ywlli.
Here once again you have an example of onc pcr,on u,ing another's name
when talking directly to him instead of using saudara ' .1' 011.
4 Tidak bi sa. karena saya harus pergi h Sl.' kolah. II '" IIII/HI",,,"/(' (lil NOI
possihld, ht'I'(I/I,I" I IU/l't' Iu 1(/1 10 ,II/mo/,
Vanti is a teacher.
5 Kami lidal; ada peta. Rudi eari Sl'fldiri. W(' IW''C'II'I )!OIIlIllOp. 8111/i
mllSI fillll U"'/1 1\'1/.1'.
Cari SCfIdiri literally me;lIls /(J \'('11("('" 1110111' and (:onsequently has the sense here
niif' (/11'1/ 1\'(1.1' .
6 Selamat jalan Rudi - sampai bt'rt('OIU nanti sor('. S(lfi' If;P B/IIli /llI/iflt'l'
/l1f'('IIIIIU a/lf>mO(m.
a Selamal has the sense of SlIt(', God hI' 'I'illl .1'011 etc. It is a Moslem expression.
coming from AT<l bic. and in combination with other words is much used 10
wish other people well. You will remember selamat pagi : Koud momilll(_
Although Budi isn't going far, it is slill polite tQ wish him a safe journey.
No word for 11'/' is used in this sentence: il is obvious who \I ill be meeting.
e sore : IlIiJ a/lal/(I(m You have already had SOfe with the meaning ill Ihl'
ajll'mooll. Remember pagi (L4, N51l1 ).
7 Pak Polisi, di OIana kantor pos ? Officl'f . Wlll'ft' IS 1111' pml oBiI'I':'
Pak Polisi : lit : ll/f . Polin'I/U1/I I'ak is an abbreviation of bapak : j(l/h", .
11 is used as a mark of respccllO address men by I'ak \lith their name or
occupation fol1o\ling.
8 Apakah jauh alau debl dad sini? I s il la, 0' Iwar (li t : IWllf ffom) 11<''''.9
Remember the use of apakah (L4. N6a).


I\1cngapa saudara tidak nalk delman. agak jauh jalan kaki . Why don " you
take (/ dd/ll(ln. it's ra/her far 10 walk (li t: Im/l.: on[oOI),
A delman is a carriage usually drawn by one horse. Note that the verb naik is
used in con necti on with it (L1 . NIS).
jalan kaki : 01//001. wulk ing (lit: 11'(111.; on foot)
Ambil jalan ini, tcrus kir'-kil1ll dUll I1II1U5 melt'r. kemudian !>flak kiri. lanlas
belok kanan, di sana kanlor pos. Tuke this rO(l(I. s/f(lig/If (011) I/or)
approxi/l/(/I('/Y /11'0 hundred me/res. /hen /Urn left. next furn ,iglll. there's the
post office.
You will have noticed that jalan can mean trip.journ/')'. rlXul or walk. The
contexl will make it clear.
b di sana ; {here Remember di sin; : ol'a /rnt'.
r You will find it useful [0 learn these expressions concerning directions.
11 Selamat linggal pak. Take care. sir.
a It is difficult to translatc selamat tinggal into English: it s literal meaning is
resl/sw), safe. Look out for the use of selamat and learn the various phrases in
which it appears.
b Note how Budi continues to address the policeman as pak.
12 Barang mahal harus kirim dmgan pos lereatat. xpensire goods II1USt be sent
by regislered post.
a Sarang can mean goods as well as luggage ( Lesson I).
b Note that kirim can be translated by be sen! as well as st'm/.
t3 Paket ini, salu kilo dua on. This parcel. one k ifo /1\"0 hundrell grllll1l11es.
The word on comes from a Dutch word meaning OUI/Cl'. It refers to one
hundred grammes (not a British ounce).
14 Ongkos kirim dua ribu rupiah. Tile COSl of sel/dil/g il (lit: COSl sending) is two
thousand rupiahs.
The rupiah is the Indonesian unit of currency.
15 Bank di depan kantor pas ini. The blink is opposite (lit: al in front) this post
di depan: infron! of. opposite.jacillg Note that di comes before depan.
16 Apakah tuan dari Inggeris? Are youfrolll England. sir?(lit : Is sir from
It is respectful and polite for a public servant. onicial, etc. to address his male
customer as tuan.
17 Ya, betul pak, saya orang London. Yes. youre righl. sir. /ill a Londoner (lit :
per.fOn LOlI(lon).
a Budi, politely in hi s turn, addresses the official as pak.
b Note orang London : a Lone/oner. a persO/rfrom London. Other examples.
orang Indonesia : wllmlonesian: orang Inggeris: an Englishman.
18 Selamal jalan. saya harap saudara Set1ang Bandung. GtXJdjoumey, I hope you
like Bandullg.
a The official responds to Budi s selamat tinggal with elamal jalan.
b Note that here enaog means like (L3, NZ]).
Pelajaran enam
Di bank
New words in this lesson
bllgllimllnll how
bllnyak many
brbrrapll sever,!1
berllpa how much
biro office, agency
bolch may
brosur brochure
bullln month, moon
bungkus packet
Clip brand
dart.r lisl. menu
din lain-lain elc.
deplln nexl
enam SIX
hugll price
Inggeris English
kabar ne .... s
kampung village
karcis licket s
ka"'an pal
kenapa why
kontan cash
koran ne\.\-Spaper
korek Ipi match es
kretek clove eigarettcs
kUlllir .... orry, be alanncd
kun exchange rate
Ilin other
lima puluh fifty
Lesson six
At the bank
malam evenmg. night
mlmpir call, \\'111 call. stop
manl where, which
meja table
memlng that's so, obviously
nona Miss
pega"'a; bank bank clerk
pinjam borroy" loan
pon pound
puling return home
rokok cigarettcs
rumah makan ealmg house s
saudi,... Mr.
M'brrlng crossing
sebrrang jalan crossroads
selamat siang good aft ... rnoon
separoh half
S('ribu (E) one thou\and
~ i n g noon
sural kabar ney,SP.1per, ncws1cuer
lahu know
tamu client, customcr
t.nggal date
langgaltiga third (of the month)
h," man friend
totong help: please
lrlll\et travel
tralel dJeque travellers' cheque s
yang the one, which
& tamat siang. nona. Good afternoon, 101155.
& Iamal siang \\,ould only be used in the period from [\\,el\e o'clock noon unlit
about ty,o o'clock. Siang means llool1llll1t'. After t .... o o'clock selamat sore
would be used un[il six o'clock.
2 Sdamal siang ruan, Slya bisa totona tukar tralel cht>que dan uang kontan.
GQO(I (lfll'rnooll, sir. I C(III help (you) IQ ch(lllge Irm'el{erjo cheques mill currl'lICr
a The bank clerk rcspectfully addresses Budi as tuan.
b Whilst uang means mOIlt'.1' in general. uang kontan is used for c(Jsh (roins and







8erllpa kurs pon Inggeris hari ini? What is Ihe exch(IIIf{t' ,we Jor ,he English
PO/lilt! ((xl,,), ?
Ikrapa literally means hQII' II/lIch.
Kurs i s the exchallge m/e.
Saya ads dartar kurs hari ini. /"'t' got todar's ('XI'hIlI/Kt' /iI/.
Daftar can mean list or menu in a restauranl.
Tolong lukaT lima puluh pon. Please change fifty POII/u/s.
Note thut lolong can mean please as well as hdp (NolI' 2). I1 differs from
sitakan which you have already met in that it is only used when Ihe speaker
asks anOlher person 10 do somethi ng for him, as here.
To form the Indonesian forjijty. you add puluh 10 lima :.lhe. This applies 10
other numbers. e.g. liga: Ihree.l ig3 puluh : IIIi"y.
Tuan mau uang besar alau uang ked] ? Do yOIl wall/large IWit'S or $11/(//1
/w//'s? (lit. Sir "'111115 {(lrg{' /110/11")' or SlI1a/l mOJ/ey?)
Indonesian money is almost entirely in notes with a few coins.
Silakan duduk lUan. Slya m ~ i h ada tamu. Plnlse Sill/OWII sir, 'sliII han' a
Note how silakan differs from tolong (NOIe Sa), Here the clerk in the travel
agency is nOI asking Budi 10 do somelhing for him.
Tamu can mean C'IlSIOII1('f or dit'lII :I S well as KW'SI.
Apakah saya boleh pinjam koran ? Alll,," '}(Irml!' a IWWJpllpt'r?
Apakah saya boleh : MIIY / is a very useful phrase 10 remember.
Pinj am means bolh 10 borrow and lolenrl.
Do not confuse kllnn : fll'WSIIllPI'r with the Moslem holy book which is spelt
Ya, sil akan. di meja ilu ada bcbcrapa sural kabar dan brosur dan lainlain ....
Yt's. P/(>WI! (do). Oil IlIal /ab/I! Ihert' are sl'I'all! I1('WspIIPl'rs ami brochures.
Be careful not 10 mix up bcbcrapa : sl!l"l!ra! and bcrapa : hall' mllch (Note 3a).
Sural kabar : lie 1I'Ill.'r tl('WS is an alternative to koran.
dan lainl ai n: I!lc. This lilerally means Olll/ olhas. lain meaning OI/!I'r and
lain lain Ol/W'S. 11 is abbrevialed 10 d.l.!.
Ini likel saya dan saya harus pulang bulan depan langgalliga, This is Ill)"
lickl.'l (111(/ 1 muSI felllm hOll1e nexl month on Ihe lhird.
pulang: rl.'luTII },ollle
bulan depan: m'xl lIIolllh As well as meaning month. bulan also means mool1.
You have already scen depan meaningfmlll: here it means m'xI.
Tanggalliga literally means dmt' Ihrt't'. To ask W/uu's Ihl' dlllt'? you musl say
Tanggal bcrapa? (lit. DOlt' how much ?). Li kewise Jam bcrapa? Whal's Ihe lill1e?
(lit. Hour /tOll' fllllch?)
Boleh saya lihal kareis luan? May I see ),ollr lich'l. sir?
Note the alternative way of asking May I (Note 8a ).
Kareis is an alternative to tiket .
Oh, saudara 8udi lingglll di rumah Ali di kampung Oago. Oh. Mr. Bm/i.
you "I! swying al AIi's house in Dog/) Iillllgl.'.
Saudara is often used to mean Mr. ( lA, NI6a).
Ml.'mang. kenapa? Thai '05 so. why?
Kenapa : why is an alternative to ml.'ngapa .
Ali kal'l'an saya, kami leman sekolah. AIi is my pal. we were school jrit'lllls.
Remember that Indonesian does no t have a verb 10 bl'. Here to translate
correctly we must use is (present) and II'/'rl' (past) in the Engl ish version.
Oh bagus. bagaimana dengan liket saya? Oh gOOlI. 11"11(1/ aOOm Ill)" l ickl' l ?
8agaimana means hoK'. Used here with dengao : wilh. by we ha\'e the sense of
Whal aboul ... ?
16 Oh, jaogan kuatir, saya mampir kc rumah Ali nanti sore jam lima. Oh. (Ion',
,,"o"y. I '" cuff tit A/i s I/Ousl' later lhis afu",ooll (I' fil' /' 0 clock.
jangan kualir : dOll 't 11"0"y/(101I'1 ht, (lI(I"'l('d
17 saya ada di rumah nanti O1alam. 1"11 be (/I h01l1(' Imer Ihis "I"lIinR.
a Ada can be used to rcfer to where somebody is. Here it stresses the meaning of
being at home.
b malam: t'I'l' lIiIlR After six o'clock you would bid somebody Selamal malam:
Good t'I't'llillg (Note I).
IS Scrapa harga satu bungkus rokok ini, dan korek api? How much i.l (lit: /fOil'
much prier) 0111' pllck('f of Ihese cigllrNll'S IIlId lI1(1/ches?
a To ask how much somethi ng is. you must use Berapa harga .
b korek api : malchl's (lit. SCf(luhfirl')
19 Ini rokok Inggeris. kenapa tuao tidak coba rokok kretek? Thl'sl' (Ire Ellglish
cigar('fl/'s. why don', you Iry clOI't' cigur('fII'S. sir ?
Clove cigarettes arc an acquired taste. They are more expensive than other
types of cigarelle.
20 Saya lihat ada !)eberapa cap, mana yang enak? / .fee IlIerl' are st' I'alll brmu/s.
whieh is (lit. where is) Ihe tasly one?
yang : Ihe onl' ; yang {'nak : Ihe tasly olle. Ill(' om' It"/!ich is /(IS/Y
21 Enak sekali rokok ini , tetapi sangal mahal. TilesI' ciRII(<'III'S {If(' l"1'r .. /{1st.\" bill
Remember the difference in posi tion ofsekali and sangat (L4. NIS).
22 Di mana restoran Indonesia yang baik? WI1('r C' is t/wre (/ 1(00(/ Indo/ll'sim/
restaurant? (lit. Wll t' r e is Ihere (/11 Indonl'sian reSlarlfllnl " '/u"eh is gO(){/?)
Notice the use ofyang here meaning 1I'/rieh (Appendix 11 ).
1:3 Itu, di seberang jalan, di sana ada banyak rumah makan. TllI're, trI l hl'
Cfossr()('lds. Ihere I/1('re lire /lW/I )" I'{/Iing lroust's.
a seberang jalan : crossr oads. of Ihe r om/s
b NOle that banyak means JlllIIry as well as IIII/cll.
Pelajaran tujuh
Oi restoran
New words in this lesson
air j(-ruk orange j uice (di luted)
alpokat avocado
berapa how many
boo bill
bung brot her. mate
Lesso n seven
At the restaurant
daftar makanan menu
di dalam inside
es ice. iced
gado-gado boiled vegeta bl e and peanut

garam salt
garpu fork
harganya ils price
jeruk orangc
kasir cashier
kembll li return
kt'pada to
kopyor coconut (delicacy)
tagi more
lebih morc (comparative)
meri ca pepper
minhl request, ask for. would like
minuman drink/s
namany. its name
nasi rames boiled rice wilh extras
-nya its, your
ongkosnya its cost
paling mosl. extremely
panggil call
pelayan wailer
pessn order
pisau knife
rumahn)'a your house
saja just, only
sambal chilli sauce
sambal ikan fish in chilli sauce
sale skewered meal
sayang shame
SCilikit slightly,little
st'lamat maka" bon appCtil
semua all (together)
sendok spoon
laksi taxi
IduT egg/s
!('ntu of course, sure
tidak ... lagi not ... any more
lujuh seven
tukang delman carriage driver
)'ang which, that. that which
yang manl which onc
Silakan duduk tuan. Ikrapa orang semua? Plt' ast' sil dOIl'I1. sir. holl' mmly
persons all /(Ige/her ?
Ikrapa can mean both how much and how IIIlmy (L6. N3a).
2 Saya sendiri saja. I'm jusl 011 my Oh'n (lil. J alolle only) .
3 luan mau pesan apa? ",11111 do .mu Irtlll/ 10 order? (lil, sir II'lslles 10 tlTt/t' T 1I'11I1I?)
Note the position of apa in this question.
4 Iclapi apakah ada minuman lai n yang lebih enak ? bUI ure IlIt,Tt, o/IIt'T drillks
whirh lift' II/s/iI'r?
a NOle the difference between the verb minum: IOllrink and the noun minuman :
b Remember the use of yang in Lesson 6 (N20 and 22). You will see that it often
stands for the English ",hirh is/are. lira/ is/are.
e le-bih {'nak : tastier (lit. mor.' {(my) By placing lebih in front of an adjective
you form what is called in English Ihe comparat ive form of the adjective (e,g.
more important . . una/h'r).
S Ada air jcruk. cs kopyor dan cs alpokat. Thul"s ortlllf{e .fquash. i('('(1 corOlll1l
(IIu/ iced 1/1'0('(1(/0.
a Air jeruk is orange juice diluted with water. This should nOI be confused with
jeruk pcres which is freshly squeezed orange juice. I1 would be suitable for
drinking with the meal Budi orders.
b Es kopyor is thin strips of tender coconut in iced waler and fruit syrup with
pi eces of frui t.
e E.'i alpokat is avocado which has been put through a blender and served with
powdered ice and coffee extract (or bitter chocolate or vanilla). This being
rather heavy. il would be more suitable after the meal than for drinking with it.
6 Vlng mi ni piling enak? Which one is Ihl' /as/if'SI '! 7
11 Note the new use ofYlng here (Note 4b).
b Just as lebih is placed before the adjective to give us the companui,'e fonn
(Note 4c). in the same way paling placed before an adjective givts us the
superlati ve form (e.g. in English. mosl important . smallest) , Hence: wc have
enak : lasty: lebih enlik : lastier ; pa ling en,k : I(Jsliest.
1 Ad. makinll n sedikil .,roas, peil as, lebih pediS, juga ada yang paling pediS.
There 's slfghll)' spicy, spicy (/rul spicier food. Iherl.' 's ulso tjOOllj which i,v
ex/remely spicy (lit. There '.\' fOOlI spicy. spicy. mort' spin. 1I1sQ Illt'rl' 's
/1ul/ whicn is extremely spicy).
11 li ere we have a further use of yang which has the sense of Ihill whlrh referring
10 makanan : food.
b Paling can be translated here by t.'XI'''''l(.'ly or ''er)'.
8 SaYI belum biasa makinln pediS. sayl mlu ylng Siikil pedas. "m nOI ret
used 10 spiry food, I ... ant Ihe slightl)' spiC}' one (Ill. Ihe one/thm ... hirh is
slightly spicy).
Note agai n the use of yang.
9 Saya minta gldo-gado, SIte hmbing dill nisi rames. I'd like l'e,:t'lub/e /lml
peunu/ sauct'. ske .. wed goo/llamb (///(1 boiled rice ... ilh eXlras.
Minta : to requesl is used to ask /or somet hing.
10 Ini mabnan ylng tuan pesan. Selamlt rnakan. Hc're's l11c' /ool/ ... hirh you
ortlered. Bon lIppe/il .
$ellmlt mlkln is the term to use when you wi sh to express the hope that
someone will enjoy his/her food. It has the sense of Ma)' YOII I'llllI'df and the
nearest we can get to it is to use the French expression bon (Ippelll (good
11 Kl mi hl nya plhi sendok di n gl rpu Sljl. garam di n mericl sudah di dll am
mabnan. We only use jus/ a spoon and II /ork . StIli and {H'pper are a/readJ' in
(lit. inside) Ihe food.
Note the posi tion ofsajl : ju.rl (Nole 2).
12 sayl hlrlp saudlra dltlng kembali . I hope you'//roml' oock.
13 HarglnYI Idl di boo ini. Thert' 'l ill price on lhis bill.
I-I arga : prict' has the suffix nya added to it and thi s gives it the meaning of ils
price. Suffi xes are a fea ture of Indonesian and you must notice when they are
used and what significance they hilve ; oyl is one of the commonest of them
and indicates possession. You have already come across the suffi x an which
transforms the verb into a noun. e.g. mlhn: to eOl - mlklnln :/ood: minum:
10 drink - minuman: drink. You will find a list of suffixes in App(ndi x 8.
14 Saudara blya, kepldl klsi r. You pay (10) Ihe cashier.
In English you pay someone: in Indonesian, you PlIJ' TO somrone using the word
ktpl da before the name of the person.
15 Oi manl ruml hnya, Iplklh perlu sayl pl nggilllksi? Whert' is your houy. is
il necessary/or me 10 ral/ a laxi ? (lit: is il urgent I raff laxi .')
rumlhnYI As the wai ter is talking to Budi the suffix nyl. attached 10 rumah.
has the meaning of your.
16 Tui oogkosnYI mahal, saYI naik de/man saja. A taxi is <'XfWllsi ... , (lit. Taxi
ils COSI exp.'nlil'e). l"lfjusl wke (I C(lrriage.
Here we have another example of the suffix nya.
17 Ke kampung Oago. bung. Ber1lpa oogkosnya? To Dago I'il/age, male. How
much is il ? (Ii l. How much i/J cos/ .')
Budi is tryi ng 10 establish a friendly relationship with the dri\'cr by usi ng the
word bung, a colloquial term for hrollta (i.e. /II(l/e etc.). In his days in power.
President Suk arno was known as Rung Karno.
Namanya jalan Karlini. lis 11(1111(> is Kilrlim' Rom/.
Note again nra .
19 Saya senang naik dclman. sayang di Loodon lidak ada lagi. l likl' /akil1$! (I
carriagl'. i, '5 (I shame that i ll 1..011(/011 Ill('r(' IIren ', (IIIr (Ill)" /IIorf! (lil . Ilrere (lr(' I1 '/
Pelajaran delapan
New words in this lesson
asing strange
bah.asa language
bayar uang sekolah to pay for onc's
beres sorted out , in order
belu] really
biasanya its usual (pri ce). usually
bieaT. speak
bisa could
cerila tell. discuss
cukup suffi cient. enough
delapan eight
guru teacher
ingin dying \0. longing to, looking
forward to
ini dia here it is
jujur honest
klli time
klreis pulang ticket home
kala word, saying, expression
ke mana where, where to
kelepoo type of confecti on
lesson eight
A conversation
kenal know (a person)
lalih practise
lupa forget, have forgotlcn
makan siang lunch
mert'ka they, them
murid st udent
musyawarah chat. discuss
nasib fa te, luck, fortune
-ny. his
orang asing stranger
percakapan conversation
percaya trust, believe
pinggir side
rugi lose, loss
sesualu somethi ng
la, .. ar bargain
tenlang about. regarding
terlalu too, too much
tidak apa it doesn't matter
unlung profi t, good luck
yang who
Oh. terlalu mahal . lain klli harus lawar, 011. IlIm's lOO expensil'e, next lime
you must bargain,
Bargaining is very much a feature of Indonesian life and pl ays a very important
social role. By bargaining in a pleasant manner, a friendly and personal
relationship is established between buyer and seller. This process does not. of 8
course, lake place in department stores and such places where prices are
2 biasanya'! Saya pikir itu murah. How much is il usually? J Ihink Ilia!
was cheap.
Note the use of oya here. It is added 10 biasa: usual/yand that gives us
literally its usualness. meaning iu usual price.
3 Biasanya ti ga ratus rupiah sudah cukup. liS usual price is three hundred
mpiahs (which is) quill' sufficient (lit. already sufficient).
Here sudah has the sense of quite.
4 Tidak apli, saya harus bayar uang sekol ah. I1 doesn '/ matter, I must pay for
my miSlakes (HI. pay school mOllcy).
The idiom bayar uang sekolah is a useful one to remember. Paying for onc's
mistakes is li kened to paying school fees -you pay and you learn.
S Apakah Budi t idak lupa sesuatu? Haren'l you forgotten somelhing. Budi?
6 Va, saya urus kareis pul ang di travel biro, dan bertemu kawan AIi . Yes. I
arranged a ticket home at Ihe travel agency, and met a pal of AIi 's.
You will remember the verb pul attg: 10 relumhome (Lesson 6). Here it is
combined with kareis to refer to a ticket home, not to be confused with rNum
tickel: kareis pul ang pergi.
7 Siapa namanya? What's his rwme?
In Lesson 7 you saw the suffill ny. with the meaning of its or your. It can also
mean his. The contellt will make it clear.
8 Saya tidak tahu, saya lupa, katanya di a kmal baik dengan AIL I dOIl't kllow. I
forget. he says he knows AIi well (lit. his H'ord he knows well with Ali).
a In Indonesian you have to use different words to convey know, depending on
whether you know facts or a person. Taltu means 10 know facts and kenal : /0
know person. Note that you must put dl'llgan before the name orthe person
you know, Le. you know with a person.
b Here again nya is used with the meaning of his in kat anya.
9 Awas, lain kali jangan terl alu percaya kepada orang asing, Beware, ana/her
lime don't trusl a stranger /00 much (lit. don 'I /00 mllch [ru.w 10 a Slrange
a Terl alu means /00 or /00 much (Note I ).
b Note that in Indonesian you trust 10 a person, using kepada before the person' s
name, e.g. Di a percaya kepada Ali : He IruSIS Ali.
c In Lesson 2 you melthe word asi ng meaningforeign. However orang asing
does not necessarily mean foreigner but simply stranger, as here.
d Ali is advising Budi that he should not trust a stranger. Indonesians consider it
unwise to place upon a stranger the burden of trust which he might be unable
to bear. You should not put him into that position. Budi does not really grasp
this point.
10 Dia bukan Or8ng pi nggir jaian, dia pegawai Ira\'el bi m, He's nOI (I personfrom
Ihe side of the road, he's a clerk at the trQl'el agency.
Orang pinggir jalan means literally a person side road, in other words a \'ogronl
or tramp. He is attempting to justify his having trusted Airs friend by pointing
out that he is someone in a respectable position and not somebody undesirable.
11 Budi unlung, karena Sut anto belul teman saya, kalau lidak Budi bisa rugi .
Budi , lirat 's ),our good luck (lit. Budj's profit), Suwnto really is my
friend. ijnot. Budi , you could lose (by il).
Note the play on words between unlung : profit and rugi : fos5, In this case, Budi
could well have lost out financially if he had trusted the wrong person.
b Here bisa: call. hi! able is translated by could.
12 SaYI perclya orlng IndOll('Sia semuI baik. I fruSI Indonesion people. Ihey're
all good.
Still defending himself. Budi makes this rather fooli sh statement. Note that you
do nOI necessarily have to use kepada after perCIIY. (Note 9b).
13 VI. 8udi nasib baik, di Indonesia juga ada or.ang yang tidak jujur. Yes.8I1d;'s
luck is g()Q(/. in Im/onesia there are a/so people who are nOf honest.
You will nOle that yang is translated by who. Remember its other meanings of
which. that wMeh, Ihal, the one which etc. (L6. N20 and 22) (L7, N4b, 68, 7.
and 8), See also 11 .
14 (ni dia kareis Budi. semuanya sudah beres, Here il is. Budi's lickel. it's all
sOrled OUl already (lit. its completeness already in order).
Here nya is allached to semuI : all (/Ogellrer). romplell'. SmIuanYI refers to
everything that had to be done to make the ticket valid and in order.
IS Budi makan siang di mana? Budi. where (lid you hal'e lunCh (lit. eal aI noon) ?
a makan siang : lunch (lit. eal al noon)
b You have already seen the question word apa used at the end ora sentence
( L7, NJ). Here di mana appears at the end. Thi s is quite common in
16 Saya cerita tentang Budi kepada murid-murid saya di sekolah. /'I'e been
lelling my SIut.lI'nts al SChool about Budi (lit. I telf about Bu(1i 10 m)' SludenlS (j/
Just as you can use bpada wi th /0 trust (Note 9b), in Indonesian you
tell /0 someone: cerita kepada .
b We have pointed out previously that nouns in Indonesian can have the same
form for si ngular and plural, e.g. rumah : house or houses. The contellt nonnally
makes it clear which you mean. A number above onc, for ellample, makes it
obvious the sense is plural. e.g. lima nrpiah :fil'e rupiahs. However. sometimes
the contellt does not make it clear and in such a case, Indonesian adopts the
si mple remedy of just repeating tne noun. Hence murid : student : murid-murid :
students; mobil : car; mobil-mobil : cars.
17 Merekl semua, murid-rnurid dan guru-gunr, ingin bertemu dengan saud.ra.
They all, students and leachers, ar" longing 10 men (Wilh) you.
a Mereka means Ihey or Ihem and only refers to people, never to things ( L2.
b Notice another plural here in guru-gunr : teachers.
c Note that in Indonesian you meel Wilh someone: bertemu dengan.
18 Mereka ingin eob. bieaTa bahasa Inggeris dengan Budi. Tire)' "I' dying 10 try
/0 speak English (lit. English language) with Budi.
19 Oh, tidak, saya mau latih bahasa Indonesia dengan mcreka. Oh no, I wall( 10
practise Indonesian wilh Ihem,
Tidak means no as well as not. Dudi, although a nati ve speaker. feels somewhat
out of touch after living abroad so long and wants the opportunity to get to
know the latest, up to date ellpressions etc.
20 Tentang itu, kita bisa musyawarah. We am II(/I'e 0 ch(l( aboutlhal (lit. About
that, we can discuss) ,
21 Kelepon is a local confection made of rice with palm sugar at the centre. It is
green in colour and sprinkled with coconut.
Pelajaran sembilan
New words in this lesson
ajak invite
anak child
baik okay, all right
baiklah all right, okay
banyak a lot
bapak sir, father
begini so, like thi s, this way
belajar st udy. learn
bensin petrol
bertamu visit ing, visit
biar let it be
ctlana trousers
datang turn up
di luar out, outside
gemuk fat
heran surprised
ikut accompany, join
kalian you (pi), you two, both of you
klsi give
kecuali except
kemeja shirt
kesempal an opportunity
lekas hurry (up); quickly
lesson nine
liler litre
makan di luar cat out
malam hari in the evening
Mas Mr.
nanti malam this evening
Nyoaya Mrs,
oU oil
pakaian clothes. clothing
periksa check. inspect
pertama firs t
sebelah nell!
sembilan nine
semua everything
setuju agree
siap ready
supir driver, chauffeur
ladl earlier
ladi pagi this morning
lakul worry, be afraid
lapi but
tidak perlu it's not necessary
lukang bensin garage attendant
8agaimana kalau malam ini kila bertamu ke rumah Mas Sulantn? Howahout
our visiling Mr. SUlanlO's home this evening? (tit. How if lhis el'ening we visil 10
Mr . Sutonlo's home?)
a Note that in Indonesian you visit 10 a place. e.g. Dia bertamu ke rumah All :
He's visiling A/i'shouse. You use ke when the visit has not yet taken place as it
indicates movement to the place you are visiting, However, when the visit has
taken place you use di , e.g. Di a bertamu di rumah AIi : He I'isited Ali's house,
b Mas may be translated as Mr . It is less formal and more friendly than pak or
luan and you use it with friends or relatives.
2 Apakah dia tahu kila akan dalang malam ini ? Dot'S he knoll' U'j> are cominK (lit.
shall come) this evening ?
Remember the word akin which indicates future time (U, N20a).
3 Tidak perlu, kita datang saja. It's nOl necessary (tit. No need), 11'1' jun rum up
(lit. come).
It is Quite customary to drop in to see friends in Indonesia without making




prior arrangements. The usual time for such visiting is lale afternoon or early
SJoya tidak bisa ikut. kalian saja pergi. karena say. banyak kerja untuk sekolah.
I cun 'I join/accompany (you). you /I<"Q just go, I hal'/-' {/ 101 a/work for school.
Ikul has the scnse of joining/accompanying someone and there is no need to put
in ),011 as it is obvious to whom Ya nli is referring.
Kalian is a colloquial word for you when talking to more than onc person: it
can be translated as all of you, both of ),ou. )'011 IWO, etc.
8anyak can be transl ated by u 10/ o/as well as much or mOI1Y.
Baiklah. All righllokay.
This is only used when you grudgingly accept a suggestion. Ali would clearly
prefer Yan!i 10 accompany them.
Apakah katian makan di rumah nanli malam? Are you 111'0 ('(I ling al hom.' Ihis
nanli malam: lhis tl'lming (tiL/aler Ihis (')'('ning)
Btlum lentu, tapi saya pikir kami makan di luar. NOI sure ytl. bUI/lhink
11'("11 eal OUl.
lapi : bul This is an alternat ive 10 lelapi .
mlkan di IUlr : eal QUI (i.e. not at home) I I doesn' l mean 10 eal oul of doors
al though di luar can mean oU/side.
blglimana pakaian saya untuk brrlamu? are my clolhes all righl (lit. ho ... my
clolhes)/or I'isiling?
Ini sudah cukup, kemeja, celana dan sepalu. Jangan pakai selop. These ... iII do
(lit. These a/ready sufficient). Shirt , trousers and shoes. Don'l ... ear slippers.
You should wear shoes for visili ng. and nOI slippers.
Bung, kasi bensin sepuluh liter ! Gil'e (me) len lilres 0/ petrol, male!
There is no need for Ali 10 say who the petrol is to be given to; hence kasi
bensin : gi)'e (me) pelrol.
Note that when AIi asks for petrol he states the amount he wants (sepuluh
liter ) after the word bensin : petrol. This is the usual way of ordering
commoditi es measured in litres,
Tuklng bensin Garage allendam (lit. Petrolworkt'r)
Remember tukang (L4. NI4).
Baik, apakah bapak tidak perlu oli dan lain-lain? Okay, don'l you need oif.
The garage attendant addresses Ali as bapak (L5. N7).
Saya pikir tidak, karena tadi pagi s upir saya sudah periksa. semua, k ~ u l i bensin.
I don '/ Ihink (so). becaus(' Ihis mortling my dril'er cllI'cked (,I'erylhing. exceptlhe
Indonesians prefer nOllO give a bald no as an answer, but rather use phrases
like Saya pikir tidak etc.
ladi pagi : Ihis morning (lit. earlil'r Ihis morning) Compare with nanti malam
(Note 6),
J angan. bia, saya yang bayar, Don '1. /n 111(' Iw 1111' 0/11' to ptl,l' (lit. (el 11th! /
... ho pays).
Ali cannot possibly allow a guest to buy his petrol and Budi has committed a
social blunder in olTering to pay. as this can make Ali lose face.
15 Budi. tunggu saja di mobil, sa)'a mau brli buah unluk anak-anak Sulanto.
Budi.jusl Slay in Ihe car, J wanlto buy /ruil for SUWn/O'S children.
a Ali wants Budi to stay in the car as he does not want to lose face with hi s
regular fruit seller by having Budi olfer 10 pay for the fruit. He does not 9
complain to Budi, which is Iypical of a polite Indonesian. although he is upset
by Budi's unintentional1ack of manners.
b Note the plural form anak-anak : children. Had Ali only used ulluk here. Budi
could nOl have known ifSulanto had just one child or more (L8, NI6b).
16 Mas, pak Ali dll.lang dcngan trmannya . Husband. Mr. At; has COII/(' wilh hiI
Mrs. Sulanto calls her husband Mas in order to show respect in front of
visitors (Note Ib).
17 Tini. lekas masak air. Tini, hurry 1If! (1111/ hoil SOIllI:' Wilier.
Tini is the Sutantos' servant. The waler is for coffce or tea .
18 A/i , kenapa b a ~ a buah-buahan begitu b a n y a k ~ Ali , why do YUII hrillg so II1l1ch
fruil (lit.Jruils)'o many)?
Note that the plural form of bullh : fruit is buah-buahan.
19 Mas, makanan sudah siap, Ajak t.amun)'a. Husband, Iht' food is (alr('(l(ly)
ready. Im';le your gUI'IfS.
20 Mari kila ke kamar makan, Let's (go) into till.' dining room.
Note that pergi . to go has been omitted. This is quite permissible when the
meaning is obvious.
21 Kalau begini. saya bisa lekas gemuk. If so, I ran (gl'tl/(I/ quickly
Budi knows he will be able to tuck in if thc food is not spicy.
22 Nanti kalau Hudi pulang, orang London akan heran. LUlI.'r, if 8udi r('furn\'
home, Lomloners will I"" surprised.
a Indonesians never take the future for granted and so SUlanlO uses kal au : it and
not kapan : when.
b They will be surprised at the weight Budi is likely to have put on.
Pelajaran sepuluh
Bicara tentang sekolah
New words in this lesson
Akademi Academy
alas higher. upper. above
becak (E) pedicab
begitu really, is that so
bidang field (of activity)
bis(E) bus
buka reveal
bulu feather
bulutangkis badmi nton
buru-buru hurry
dapat obtai n. get
dasar base. firs t. primary
Lesson ten
Talking about school
di mana-mana everywhere
dong for Heaven's sake
dua bel as twelve
dunia world
gembira delighted. keen. enthusiastic
hebat c;t(citi ng
ibu lady. woman. Mrs.
intemasional international
iSlirahat have a rest. rest
juara champion
kadang-kadang sometimes. occasionally
kejuaraan champi onship
kcjuruan vocational, semi-skilled
kepala head, chief
lagi again
lapangan tCllis tennis courl/s
lalihan practise. e ~ e r i s e
luar biasa ClItraordinarily, unusually
main play, playing
menarik enjoyable. appealing
m('nengilh middle
mulai start
olahraga sport/s
peng_laman experience
pria men. male
puji prai se. praised
uhasia secret/s
sama same. alike
stbaliknya on the other hand. in turn
sekolah dasar primary school
Sekolah Menengllh AlioS seni or high
Sekolah Menengah Perlama junior high
selesai finish. finished
seorang person
setelah after
tahun year/s
lamat complete
tllngkis ward off
teni s tennis
tentu saja but of course
umur age
Uninrsitas University
".akil assistant, aide. deputy
wanila girL female
Bagaimana pengalaman Budi hari ini di sekolah? How did 8//(li gel Oil (lil.
/Iow experiI'IIC" BUilt) IOday ut school?
Note the way of asking how somebody got on or fared on a particular
occasion, e.g. Bagaimana pengaJaman saudara?: Ho ... did you Xt'l Oil?
2 Sangat menarik. Saya bertemu dengan kepala sekolah. guru-guru dan murid-
murid. I1 ... as 1"eT)' enjoyable. 11111'1 (wilh) Ihl' head o/Ihl' school. litt' tt'tu'hers
IInd Ihl' s/ud.'lIIs.
a Bertemu : 10 111('1'1 is often followed by dengao : wilh when you name the person
you' re meeting. This usage is not obligatory however (LX. N6). a nd Budi could
easily have said Saya bertemu kepala sekolah.
b Kepala is not restricted in meaning 10 head of a school or college. It can refer
to the head or chief of any organisation.
3 Mereka semua suka Budi dan mereka gembira kalau Bud; mau datang lagi .
They 011 like,l Budi and Ihey 1I'0uld be delighted if Bud; .mnled 10 1'0111<' lIgm'II _
You will note that in this sentence we have to translate suka by fikl'd and mau
by 1'o't//1/ed, and as a result mereka gembira has the meaning of Ihe)' II'Qult! '*.
As you can see the conte:'tt tells us how we have to translate these verbs into
English. Yanti is e:'tplaining something that happened that day and so we have
the past tense (liked) and condit ional (""Qult! be). If Yanti were talking about
something that is happening at present. this sentence would be translated as
They (/11 like Budi and will be delighted if Bud; wants to come again. In other
words the conteu has indicated to us what the meaning is and how we should
translate the sentence.
4 Teotu saja, BUI o/c(Jurse.
Sljl makes this more emphatic than tmlll on its own.
S SIYI pikir Ylnli St'Oraog guru yang baik. Ilhillk Yanti is t/ good let/('irer (lit .
a {('ad,ing persoll ... ho is good)
&orang is often placed before a noun describing someone's occupation or
profession in much the same way as tukang is used with words which indicate
the kind of work somebody does, e,g. srorang guru : teac!/(>r; srorang doklcr : 10
doc/or; tukang krbun : gardener.
6 Saya bieara dcngan kepala sekolah dan wakilnya. I spoke /0 (li t. wilh) IIIl'
he(ui of Ihe school and his (l.fS;S/(Int.
Wakil means assistant, aide or deputy, Here nya means his.
7 Umur beTap. mulai masuk sekolah dan umur berapa selCSll i SMA? A I I'rlUI/
age do liIey $/{Jrl (entpring) schoQI ond at WIUll (lge (/0 tileyfillish SMA?
a Umur bcrapa? : AI whol age? Notice this use of beraplI : how lIIuch/mall),.
Whenever berapa is used with a noun to ask a question. the noun precedes
berapa. c.g. Jam berapa? : At .""wllime?
b SMA is the abbreViation ofsekolah mmmgah alas. just as 5MI' is the
abbrevi ati on of S'kolah mmengah pertama. When students leave these schools,
they should have gained the SMP Cert ificate which is roughly the equivalent of
the British 0 Level and the SMA Certificate which is the rough equivalent of
A Level. Employers look out for applicants with the SMA Certificate.
8 Seli olah daur enam lahun, SMP liga lahun dan SMA liga lahun. Primary
school (takes) six )eors.jlmior high Ihree years and senior high 1/lr('I' yellfs.
9 Kalau begilu, dua belas lahun unluk lamal SMA. Setelah ilu ke mana ? In
Ih(/( case (il takes) Iwell'e years in order 10 (lit. [or) comp/ne Sl'flior higll school.
A/ler Ihat. where (tit. to where)?
Note that lit> mana : where 10, 10 ... here is used here as what Budi is really asking
is w/U're the st udcnt s go to after finishing senior hi gh school.
10 Kc Akademi, alau Uni,ersitas. Akademi biasanya liga tahun dan Unh'ersi tas
lima tahun. To an Academy or Unilersity. The Academy is usually (jor) Ihrt'l'
y('ars (jnd Unil'ersil),/n'e years.
Akademi refers to any Further Education establishment apart from a
11 Kami juga ada kejuruan di bidang. Kami juga ada
intcmasional. Wt' (Ilso h(ll'e specialist schools in (Ill /ieltls. W(' also 11II1'e
imemotionol schools.
The specialist schools refcrrcd to cater for students who wish to follow
particular vocational courses (e.g. music. agriculture. trades. etc.). The
international schools. usually for foreigners. are normally run by foreign
teachers and are very expensive to attend.
12 Va, tidak untuk bertcmu murid, tctapi bertcmu iOO guru. Yes. nOl to (l il./or)
meel Ihl' sludems but to men the women
a Notice that when to has the sense of ill order to Indonesian uses the wurd
unluk :[or. See also Note 9.
b lbu : ... 01111111 , lad)' ean also mean Mrs. It is a title of rcspecl.
c Vant i is teasing her brother here. He obviously has an eye for the ladies.
13 Saya lihal ada lapangan lenis di / see there are tennis courtS at
lapangan tcnis : tennis cour/ls Remcmber lapangan terbang: airp0r/. airfield in
Lesson I. Note that in Indonesian tl'nis has only onc n.
14 Di mana-mana sama saja, lelias dapalll'man! /I 'sjuslthe same erery .... here,
you quirkly make (lit. gel)[riends!
Note the difference between di mana : where and di mana-mana : el"ery .... here.
IS Jangan buru-bunr, nanti kami atur. There's /10 hurry (lit. Dun'l hurry), we'll
arr(l/lge (Ihal) laler.
16 Jangan lupa sayajuga mau ikut main tenis. Donl[orgel. I lOO .... am 10
aCCOmpllnJ' (you) 10 play tennis.
Remember ikut (L9. N4a).
17 Indonesia juara bulutangkis di dunia. /1I(/OIlt'JiIlIlTI' hlltimillloll dr(lll/plOns oj
(lit. in) Ihe world.

Bululangkis: badminlOn is made up of bulu . ./1'111111" and tangkis: to 'fllrtloff .
Indonesians are very keen on sport and arc particularly good al badminton. If.
as a visitor 10 Indonesia, you like sport. then 10 join Indonesians at their
recreation is an excellent way to gCllO know them.
Notice that di : in is used in the expression di dunia : in Iht, I\'orld.
Saya [ihat di kejuaraan All England. mereka luaT biaMI hebat . I salt' (liIt'lII) (1(1111'
All England Championship. Ihey 'I'ue t'XIf(lordinarily I'Xrililll{.
You have come across biasa: normal. u.I'ulIl several times. When [uaT is pl,lced
in front of it the meaning is ('xrraordinary. III1I1SI/(// etc. Rcmember di luar :
outside (L9, N7b).
Pelajaran sebelas
New words in this lesson
asH real, genuine
batik batik
belanja (10) shop
bcrbecak go by pcdicab
bcrbelanja go/going shopping
bcrbunga flowered
beri show
berjalan kaki walk. go on foot
berkemcj a wearing a shirt
bcrkcringat (to) sweat
bcrmobil 10 go by car
berpakaian get dressed
berpeci wear/wearing a cap
bcrtiga the three of us. all three of us
bcrvrama coloured
biru blue
cap (hand)printed
coklat brown. chocolate
daripada than
dia him. her
dulu first. before. earlier
lesson eleven
Going shopping
enak agreeable. pleasant
Eropa European. Europe
hijau green
iSlimcw'a special
kc luar out
kcringal sweat
kuning yellow
langganan regular customer
mesin machine (made)
milik property
pabrik factory (made)
pi cap
pelayan toko shop assistant
sarong pelekal male sarong
sebclas eleven
loko (the) shop
ukuran size
usul suggestion, proposal
wama colour
Rerbelanja Going shopping
The prefix ber often indicates a sense of movement. Hence we have belanja :
10 shop and berbel anja : 10 go shopping.
2 Saya mau ikut, tefapi harus berpakllian dulu. I I<,{IIIIIO (ICCOmpalIY (you) bUll
must get dressedfirsl.
Here again we see the prefix ber in use in berpakaian. As you know. pakaian
means clolhes: when ber is placed before it the sense of act ion it often conveys
gives us the meaning of g('[ dressed,
3 l>engan apa kila ke toko? HoK' are lI'e going 10 l/re s/rop? (lit. By wlWI we 10
Ihe s/rop?)
Dengan apa is a very useful expression to remember when you want to ask how
someone is going to travel.
4 Kita pergi bermobil, lebih enak. !Vert> going to go by car, it s pn1erable (lit .
more ogr('('able).
a Note how ber precedi ng mobil conveys the meani ng of 10 go by mr.
b Lebih enak is a commonly used expression to denote preference.
S Mengapa kita tidak berbecak? Why don 'l we go in a pedicah ?
Note ber + becak: pedicab means to go by/in a pedicob. Pedicabs are a common
means of transport and foreigners naturally find them picturesque. However.
Indonesians who can afford to travel more comfortably and quickly prefer to
do so.
6 Kifa tidak bisa berfiga berbetak. All three oj us can 't trm'el in II pl'llicab (lit.
We cannOI by l/rree by pedicab).
As well as indicating a sense of movement (Notcs I. 2. 4a. S). ber can also
convey t he idea of people doing something togcther as here with bertiga which
can be translated as we Ihree. IIIe three of us. afflllrt'I' oj
7 Bagaimana kalau kita berjalan kaki saja? Wlty (lolI't we (li t . lIow if we)just
walk (tit. /ral'el on joOl )?
Serjalan is yet another example of ber joined to another word, here jalan : roud.
way. It means 10 lTal"el. 10 go. linked with kaki :fool it means to wulk.
8 Rerjalan ke toko terlalu jauh dan berkeringat. II's 100 far 10 walk 10 l/re shop
and il makes one sweat.
8erkeringat is an interesting example of the use of ber : keringat mcans sweal (a
noun) and when ber is prefixed to it. the result is a verb. 10 sl<'ea/. Here again
there is an idea of action. as sweat is induced.
9 Saya suka lihat AIi berkemeja batik dan berpeci. SaYI juga mau bt!1i. I like to
see AIi wt'urillg 0 baJik shirt and wearillg 0 cap. I l<'tlntlO buy (some) 100,
a Note ber + kemeja : to w('(lr (j shirt and ber I pcci : cap =- 10 wear (/ cap
(Note 2).
b Indonesia is of course the home of batik work. The cap which Budi refers to is
the bl ack ca p worn by Indonesi ans.
(" Budi indicates that he too wants to buy some batik shirts and a cap.
10 Kifa berhenti di depan loko ini , karena toko ini langganan hmi. We'lI SlOp in
front of this shop. wcause we 're regul(lr customers oj this shop.
a bt!rhcnli : 10 stop The ber has no particula r significance here.
b langganan : regular customer As Budi is. of course. not a regular customer,
Ali excl udes him by using hmi. not kit.a ,




Toko ioi miliknya. Saya kftlal baik dengan dia. This shop is his properly. J
know him well (lit. I know welf wilh him).
Ali could equally well have said SaYI! kenal baik dill . omitting dl'!lgan. By using
it he emphasises that he really does know pak Rambang very well.
Notc that dia can mean him (or her) as well as he, she, il.
Pak 8ambang ke IUlIr, jangan kuatir. saYI! tahu pak AIi berlangganan di sini.
Pak &mrbang is OUl .. don"' worry. I know pak AIi snop.f here regularly.
Note the difference between Pak Rambang kc luar : Pak Bambang is QUI/has
gone OUf and Pak Bambang di luar : Pak Bambang is oil/side.
BeT + Iangganan: regular customer = LO shop regularly. Again a sense of action is
Say. akan beri barllng bagus dengan harga istime"'II. I will show you nice
goodt wilh a special price.
Regular customers are normally offered goods at a lower price than casual
shoppers are asked to pay.
Saya suka kemeja batik benurna hijau. I like gree/l batik j'ilirts (lit. batik
shirts coloure(/ green).
Notice how ber is used wit h \'I'ama : culour to give the meaning of coloured e.g.
berwama biru : blue coloured.
Kenapa yang ini lebih mahal daripada yang itu? Why is this om' more
expensil'e than Ihal one?
Note the construction lebih ... daripada : more . .. Ihan.
Note also yang ini : Ihis om' and yang itu : Ihat onc.
Memang begitu, ini batik asli, yang itu batik cap dan yang di sana batik mesin.
Thal's how il is. Ihis i ~ genuim' blllik. Ihal one is hand-priMI'(/ balik and Iflar olle
Ol'l'r Ihere is machine-made batik.
With batik, as with most things, you get what you pay for. The genuine batik
is clearly the most expensive.
yang di sana : Ih(11 one ol'er there (Note ISh)
Kami ada kemej a besar ukuran [Topa. lVi' hlll'e lurgf' sirirtJ in European
The tourist trade makes it worthwhile stocking European sizes. Budi is
obviously on the large side for an Indonesian, reflecting the European diet he
has been accustomed to.
18 Baik, tetapi saya mau satu kemeja bcroonga. Good, but /wmll one flowered
bunga :jfower - bcrbunga : flowered. lI"ilh flowers
19 Budi, haws beli sarong pelekat untuk pakai di rumah. Bu(Ii , you must buy a
male sarong 10 weur (/I home.
Sarongs for men and women are quite different.
Pelajaran dua belas Lesson twelve
Di pasar At the market
New words in this lesson
asal on condition
baru new
mat ang (di pohon) ripened (on the tree)
muda young: unripe
bau unpleasant smell. stink, stench
benar right, correct
bis bus
boleh pennitted
boleh saja go ahead, of course
buku (E) book
dipcram speed.ripened
durian durian
jadi so, therefore: become
kapan-kapan sometime
kaya rich
kocut sour
keju cheese
kok but , crikey!
lagipula besides, furthermore
lama old
mangglll mango/cs
pandai skilled at
pasar market
pasti sure. ccrtainly
perak silver, Tupiah
pilih choose, select
raja king
sampah garbage
St'bab because, reason
St'mbilan ratus nine hundred
St'pcrti like, alike
St'ratus onc hundred
sudahlah all right then
fua old (in age): ripe
tuklng buah fruit vendor
'oI' aktu time, period
,,angi pleasant smell
yang lain others
Saya heran, saya beli pakaian baru bcgitu murah, / '/11 .wrprisl'll, I 're bouglll
111'11' ciolhes so ("ht'llpl),.
a I-I eran: !illrprisl'll, (1SlOflishnl is often used on its own to express surprise. much
as in English we might say Ihat's sllrprisillg , rllllt 's II surprise. etc.
b Note that saya beli is \rdnslated here as '''I'bought .
2 kalau Budi pergi smdiri. pasti lebih mahal. if Bud; ("011/1' alom.', Ihey 11"0111(1
cerla;"I), be mort' eXp('''.tire.
a This is another example of an Indonesian sentence in which the verbs arc
translated into English by a past tense (("(11111') and a conditional (II"Ollftl hl').
You have already come across this in Lesson 10, Note 3. Remember that it is
the context which indicates the precise meaning of an Indonesian verb.
b Pasti is very commonly used on its own, meaning sure. ("erwil1l), .
3 anaknya ka,,an saya "aktu sekolah, his child hw bl'l'l1 II [ri('l1(1 of mill(' IsilJ("1')
s("hool llll)"S (lit. lilll'-' o[ s("/wol).
a Notice how economical Indonesian is in its use of words. Thi s phrase is
literally Ms ("//illJ lily [ riemJ lime s("hool. and yet the meaning is obvious.
b Ali does not state whether his friend is male or female. He isn't giving away too
much to Budi.
4 pak Bambang akan kirim barang-barang ilu ke rumah kil a, pt/k &lIl1mllJR will
semllhose goods 10 Ollr IIollst'.
By using kita (here translated as Ollr) instead of hmi. Yanti indicates that Budi
is now considered part of their household and thatlhcir house is his while he is
in Indonesia.
Sekarang kit:lo k(' pasar. Budi lihat bagaimana kami beli barang. Now we'll go
/0 Ihe market. Budi can see how 11'1' buy goods.
By now you"1I be getting quite used to the Indonesian tendency to leave OUI
obvious words when the meaning is perfectly clear. Thi s is particularly marked
in everyday speech. Here Ali has omitted pergi in the first clause and bisa in the
second. He could have said: & karang kila pergi ke pasar, Budi bisa ]ihal ...
Mangga ini paling Cflak, salu seratus perak. sepuluh, sembilan ratus. These
mangoes are ex/remely /as/)" one is one hundred rupiah. len , nine hundred.
ratus : a hundred; seratus : om' hundred
Perak is a word left over from Dutch colonial times; it was a silver gui lder and
the word is still used as an alternative to rupiah.
Waduh, kok mahal sekali , lagipula mangga ini muda. Healwls. bUlllw'.5 l"I'r)"
expensil'e, besides Ihese mangoes are unripe.
kok : bUI Thi s is a word with very little real meaning; it is used largely as an
muda : unripe (of fruit). )"oung (of people)
Oh tidak. mangga ini sooah tua dan matang di ponon. bukan diperam. Oh 110.
matang di pohon, bukan diperam Mangoes. and many other fruils. can be
ripened more speedily if picked from the tree and placed in hot sand and ashes.
However. those which ripen naturall y have the better taste and the student is
recommended to ask for matang di pohon.
lua : ripe (of fruit); old (of people) When old has the sense of long established,
you should use lama. e.g. langganan lama : old customer.
Boleh saja. nona pasti suka ... Silakan. Go ahead. you'll cenainl)" like it.
miss (l it. miss certainl)" like) ... Please.
The vendor cuts a piece of mango for Yanti to taste and politely invites her to
do so by saying sUakan.
Boleh saja is a useful e)(pression to use when you agree to a request.
Sedikit kecut , tetapi tidak apa, kalau bisa. enam ratus rupiah sepuluh. It's (I
fillle sour. but it does" 't maller. if possible. six humlred rupi(lir (jor) len.
The bargaining is now under way. The vendor has asked for 900 rupiah for ten
and Yanti offers 600. This is a reasonable bargaining ratio.
Waduh, rugi saya, sudahlah, delapan rat us. Hem'ens, t that 's) my loss. (Ill righl .
eight hundred.
Sudahlah means (Ill r i ~ t when you arc resigned 10 a fac t and have to accept it.
Do not use it when you arc enthusiastic about something.
Kalau boleh tujuh TaIUS. saya ht>li, kal au lidak saya eari yang lain. Ifs/' I'en
hundred is till r i ~ t (lit. If permilled Sel'I'n hundred). 1"11 buy. if not 1"11 look for
yang lain : the other Olle This has been translated here as others since Yanti is
referring to mangoes and not just a mango. As you are well aware. the
Indonesian plural form (here it would be yang lain lain) is only U5(,.'(I when
absolutely necessary 10 prevent misunderstanding.
13 Haiklah. rugi sedi killidak apa. asal nona dalang lagi kapan-kapan. All riRM
then , a small loss doeslI'/ malll'f. on cOlldilion you come (lgaill SQl11l'1ime. mi.u.
Remember to use baiklah (L9. N5): it is similar to sudahlah (Note 11 ).
14 Oh. itll bukan ball. ilu wang; duri an. raja buah. Oh. Iltlll's 110/ (/ J"II'l1ch. Ihlll'S
Ill/' SIIII,1/ (If (/urian, kinK offrui/.
Indonesian distinguishes between pleasant and unpleasant smells;
SlIIdl (pleasant); bau : (unpleasant) .. INI/rh. Slillk.
Ourian is an acquired taste and an acquired smdl. It is ubout the size of a
coconut. greenish brown in colour and has prickles someth ing li ke those on a
cactus. The fruitllcsh sits inside in compartments around large pips. Alcohol
should never be consumed before. during or ,.fleT eating durian ,IS this
combination can be fatal!
Seperti keju. kapan d; maluln coak sekali. Like c//('/'SI'. it's ''fry /11.\'1)' 11'/11'11
a Yanl; compares durian wit h smelly cheeses which can be delicious when catcn
and which Bud; might be familiar with.
b Note the phrase kapan di makan: ""hell e(/{I'n.
16 Biar saya )'ang IK-Ii durian. Let me buy U ill/rillll.
Remember biar saya yang IL9. NI4).
17 Jangan Budi, saudara helum pandai pilih dan tawar. 0011'1 BlI(li .,rOI/re 1101 )"i"
skilled (aI) st'leclillg uml burgaining.
pandai : skilled 01
18 Kalau begitu, saya mau jadi tuhng buah di London. saya bisa kaya. hI 111111
COSl'. 1 11'(1111 to become u/ruil ,.emlor ill LOlldon. I cou/11 become ricII.
As well as meaning so. ,IIere/ore (sce Ali's fi rst remarks in this lesson). jadi also
means bt'col/le. Note that Yanti omits it in the second part of the sentence as it
is considered obvious. She could have said: sa)'a bisa jadi kaya INote 5) .
Pelajaran tiga belas
New words in this lesson
aku 1. mc, my. mine
alllran doud
banjir flood
muddy, wet
berbf.'da different
berolahraga take part in sport
berteduh shelter/cd
bioskop cinema
cantik pretty
cocokkan adjust/cd. correct/ed
dingin cold
ganti change. replace
gelap dark
guntur thunder
Lesson thirteen
huj an rain. rained
ingat remember
jam dock. watch
jam tangan wristwatch
janji date, appointment
janjiku my date
janjimu your date
jumpa mee\. mccting
kamu you. yours
kart'! rubber
kau you
kilat lightning
-ku my
kUT1llng minus. less
Icbal thick. concentrated
tc"'at after. past
malam Senin Sunday night
malu embarrassed. ashamed. 10sI face
manis sweet
mengerti understand. understood
mmgurus supervise. look after
menil minute
mlurul according 10
-mu your
nah there you arc you see
pukul hour: strike, beat
pukul berapa'! what's the lime?
puny. own. have
radio radio
salah wrong. wrongly
sampai arrive/d. reach/ed
Sabtu Saturday
sebentar moment
Srnin Monday
setengah half
st' ll.'fIgah empa! half past th ree
seperempal quarter
seliap every
Sri girl's name
langan hand
!erlllmbat latc
liga belas thirteen
turon come down. came down
Pukut beTapa sekarang? WI/(/I'I lir(' lim(' 11(.111' .1
To ask the lime in Indonesian you can use either l>Ukul bcrapa ? or. using the
word for !rOllr you have already learnl. Jam berapa?
2 Sekarang jam ('mpal, h u mau pcrgi ke mana? II :v four 0 'clock 1I0W, ... herl' do
),ou wal1llO go (lit, ),OU It'al1l10 go 10 ... here)?
a Here you see another word for )'ou; kau, Kau is an abbreviation of flIgkau and
is only used between friends and relatives. The fact that Ali uses it to Budi.
instead of saudara , indicates the development of their relationship as friends,
b Remember ke mana: ... here (movement) and di mana : .r/lI're (stationary),
3 MenuruI jam saya, sekarang pukul empat lelOat sepuluh mcnil . A rrording 10
my ... alch it's len past four now (lit, 1I01t' hour four after un millutes),
So far we have pokul empat: four 0 'clock and pakul ('mpat lelO'al sepuluh menit :
/ell past four, To indicate time past the hour you add lelO-at : 41er, pUSI plus the
number of minutes involved. e.g. pokul liga ICIO'al sepaluh : 1/'11 (XIS! tllrl'e. The
word menit : millUI('S is optionaL as it is in English, Jam can replace pukul, e.g,
jam liga lelO'al sepuluh. Sce also Appendix 4.
4 Heran. jam saya. jam empat kurang lima. Really, (lit. It 's surprisillg). (by) my
It'wch, il's fi"(' la four (liLfour minus fi,e) .
For time to the hour you add kurang : millu.v.II'u and the number of minutes.
e.g. jam dua kurang lima :fi\"(' 10 IWO.
S IOta bertiga punya wakhl berbeda. Alllllfee oj liS III11'e dijfi'rent lillll'.
punya : hm'(', 01t'11
6 Kalau begitu. jam siapa yang benar dan jam siapa yang salah? 111 Ihlll ('(ue,
... hose \I'lI/rh is riglllllm/lt'hose It'mch is wrOllg?
Note Ihe use of )'ang here: yang benar : Ihe aliI' which is righl: yang salah: IIIl'
ol1e It'hich is wrol1g.
7 saya cocokkan dfllgan radio, lO'aklu ilu. jam cnam lebih sepcrempa1. I (l(ijrlSlNI
(il) b)' the radio, allha/lime il WlIS a quarter (XISI .vi:.:.
a Note lebih sepcrempat : II qllarter pasl (lil. more 'filaria). e.g. jam lima lebih
seperempal : a quarler past filf'.
b seperempat : lit. one per /ollr. i.e. (/ qUllrla
8 Yanli mengurus anak-anak sekolah berorahraga. Yami looks tif't'rlsUfX'fI' is('s 13
Ihe schoolchildren laking pari in spor/.
The prefix ber added 10 olahraga : sport, indic-dles Ihal the children arc act ually
laking parI in the sports. i.c. an action (Appendix 7(i .
9 !lampai jumpa nanli malam. .l'ee yml I h i ~ el'I'ni,,/{ (lit. IIlIIi/l11('l'Iil1g this
10 Jam berapa janjimu? Wl!m lime is your ,/(I/('?
The suffix mu is added to a word 10 convey the meaning Fill' in the sa me way
as nya is added to mean his. her, ilS, your. It comes from kamu : )'OU, yours
which is a more familiar and colloquial way of cllprcssing yOl/than saudara but
not quite as familiar as kau (Nole 2a).
11 Janjiku. lIku harus ada di ra panllan lenisjam setengah empllot sort'. jadi saya
masih ada waktu St' lengah jam. My dme! IlI/uSIIx, m Ihe /t'Im;,\' CO!l rt (1/)
11111/ {HISI three (lil. jour) Ihis ajternoon, so I slilllw!'/' Iwlj IIn hour (lil. 1;1111' IIlIIj
a Here we mcetthe SUftill ku : Ill)' in janjiku. It is a short form of aku : 1.111('. Ill\'.
III;lIe. an alternative to saya.
b jam sctengah empat : hlll/posllllfee (lit. jour) When you reach the half hour
in telling the time. in Indonesian you refer forward to the next hour rather than
back to the onc already passed. That is why jam sctcngah cmpal is tmnslated as
Iwl/ P(ISI Ihree. i.e. half hour towards four. Telling the time in J ndonesi an can
be a little tricky. Budi clearly thinks he has said hal fpasl four and thinks that
he has half an hour in hand. He has not been thinking in Indonesian terms of
telli ng the time.
12 Kamu sudah Icrlambat sctengah jam. or/'re olrl'lllly Iwlf lIIr hour 11111'.
Here Ali uses kamu for )"011 (Note 10).
13 Nah. kau sa lah mengerli ""aktu Indonesia. ThaI' you 11'" you .<I'e. you'!'I'
mi.fUlIllf'rstood IlIdom'sion lime.
a Nah is a somewhat chiding remark, often used by a mother to a child. [t
indicates that something is the fault of the person spoken to and could even be
Iranslated as Serl'(' ),011 ';xht.
b Vanti addresses Budi familiarly as kau (Nole 2a),
l' salah menguti : lit. II"rollX/), undl'rstOOlI
14 jam kart! biasa di sini. time is US/lOlly elaslic (Iil. rubber) /rere.
By this remark. Ali points out that Indonesians are far more tolerant of
lateness than are Westerners. An Indonesian will not take ofTen(..'C at someone
arriving [ate as he will assume that there is a good reason for Ihi s. Likewise a
visit or to Indonesia should not take offence ifhe is kepI waiting. However. one
should be on time for functions like dinner parties.
I S Saya malu. /"11/ emfx,rrlls.f/'dl /"!'e lost jace.
malu : emborr(lssed. ashamed Budi feels that he has 10sI face but on thi s
occasion he need not worry as he has not commi tted a great social blunder. I1
is important when visiting Indonesia to try not to embarrass lInyone or 10
cause loss of face to anyone including oneself.
16 Apakah kau bertemu dengan Sri? Did you 111('('/ Srn
17 'ia, saya sampai di SIIna jam setengah lima kurang sepuluh. Sri tiba pukul
setengah lima lewat lima. Yes. I gOI (lit. reaclll'd) lill're (1/ /lW'III)" past jour.
Sri arr; l'ed at /II"(!lIIy-jil'(! 10 jil'/'.
So. in Ihe event Sri was even later than Budi. Notice how the times here.
which revolve around Ihe half hour. are ell pressed ; jam setengah lima kurang
sepuluh : /1"('111), PI/,f! jOllr (lit. half firt' less ten) and pukul setengah lima lewat
lima : IIH'l1ly-jil"/! IQ fire (lit. half fire plus ft.e). See Note lIb and Appcndill 4.
Di sini hujan turuo pukullima kUrang seperempat. kebun banjir dan Ix-k.
0.'1" here the mill Ctllll(' (/0lt'1I (1/ (I quarter to fire (H!.fi"1" minus (I quarler). Ih{'
garden was jlQ()(/N/ and muddJ'.
NOlI' hujan : mill or il's ruilliJlj(. il ruim' d: huj ao lurun : ,"e rain came '/011'/', If
poured I<'i,h raill.
19 Di sanl! juga hujan I{'bal, dl'ngan kila!, guntur. II"-an hitam dan gl'lap dan
dingin. 0,'", literl' /00 il rail/I'd h('((rilr. wilh fij!hmilll!. IJWI/{/er, h/ack clouds
and (i/ gal) dark ond rold,
hujan Icbat : if rained hemily. il rail/I'd ems (lnd dogs Heavy tropical rain oftcn
rail s in the laIc afternoon.
20 dan malam Senin kami janji ke biOlikop. (11/(/0/1 SlIl1d(lY /light 1,'(' ha!'e (I liml.'
(10 go) 10 Ill,' rilll'/lUI,
malam St'nin : SUIIIIIIY nixhl (lit. Iht' ('I',' 1)/ MI)/ldl/y)
If Budi were to meet Sri III the ci nema. hc would have said di bi oskop; howcvcr.
they are to meet elsewhere in order to go 10 the cinema. hence ke bioskop. Note
that pergi has been omitted,
Pelajaran empat belas
New words in this lesson
abang e1dcr brother
apa-apa something. anything
Apedl April
arisan club, meeting. 10llery
ayah father, dad
ayo righlo. all right
badan body
barangkali maybe
Belaoda Dutch
berbahasa speak
berpendidikan educated
bersama together
bertanya 10 ask
besok tomorrow
bridge bridge (cards)
bulan terang full moon
bull' albino. whi te man
cara way. method
catur chess
dalam in, inside, at
lesson f ourteen
Going out
dapal win, won
dokt er doctor
dokl er gigi dentist
empat belas founeen
(had) Minggu Sunday
jago champion
keluar go out, going OUI
lapar hungry
malu shy
mandi malahari sunbathe. sunbathing
matahari sunshine
memang indec<1
nonlon scc. watch, watched
-nya our
pilt'm film
pinlar clever. bright
Scrabblt' Scrabble (game)
segera rush. dash; slartle
sesat di jalan 10 lose one's way
siapa lagi who else
lad; malam last night
liga puluh thirty
tolol stupid
tunggu dulu wait a minute
turul come with, accompany, follow
undang invite
St!karang had Minggu. tanggal satu Aperi l, saya harus pergi kt! arisan, nant i
malam jam tujuh liga puluh, Today is Slim/ay, fhl' /irsf a/ April (lil. Ihe dale
anI' Apr;l), J mllSf go 10 Ihe ar;san this 1'!'l'nillg at IhirlY.
a Note how to e;o;press the date, using Ihe word tanggal: dall' followed by the
number (here satu : om', nOlthe Indonesian word for lir')"!) and finally the
month, c.g. tanggalliga Aperil : 1111' I/u"rd 0/ April, Sce 2 and 3 for a
li st of months and days,
b Arisan is ,I co-operative dining and savings club made up of a number of
families who take it in turn to entertain the olhers at the monthly meeting,
The ramilies m:lke a monthly cash contribution. the amount depending on
what they can afford. to a central kilty and at the monthly meeting a dm .... is
made wi th the winner taki ng the kitt y. Each winner is eliminated in turn unlil
at the cnd of the year everyone has had a share.
e jam lujuh liga puluh : se!'e" lhi"y This is an alicrnative to jam selt!ngah
delapan : half past j'el'el1 (L 13. N lib), It is an easier form for the English speaker
to remember but not as commonly used as the form incorporating setengah.
2 Ya, arisan bulan ini di rumah iOO Sani, lelapi saYllng Budi lidak bisa lurul,
Yes, el'el1il1g's III/'elillg is at Mrs, Sani',5 /mll.5e, bill (I sh(lm.' Bud; (,(1/1 'I
lurut : IV (I('('ompany, If) go It'ilh, IV collie \I';lh [I is an alternative to ikut ( L9.
3 Saya tidak ada kt! rja apa-apa. rn' l/olhillK 10 do (lit. I 11(11'1.'1/'1 ml.\' \l'ork),
Apa-apa : somethillf{ is used to give emphasis 10 kt!rja : ,..ork. This sentence is a
normal way of conveying onc has nothing to do as ktrj a does not only mcan
,rork. as Westerners understand it, but any action. even sleeping,
4 Bukan malam ini. besok malam, malam Senin. Not lhis l'I'eninR, lomorrow
el'elling, Monday el"'lIillg,
Budi is under the misconception that malam Senin means Mond(IY l'I'ening.
whereas, as you know, il means Mom/ay en', i.e, SUl1day 1' 1'('ning (LB. NlOa),
Sce Appendix 2,
5 Hari Minggu ma[am Senin, Sunday is M omlay 1'1'/',
6 Saya memllng 10101, ya karena say. malu Ix-rtanya. I am i//lle/'d slupid (I'es),
bemllse J was (100) shy to ask ,
Note that Indonesian does not need a word for 100 wit h malu : shy,
7 Malu Ix-rlanYII. sesat di jalan, 1/ you're 100 slry 10 ask, you '11 lose ),our 'my,
This is an Indonesian proverb.
8 sayll harus segera pergi kt! rumah Sri. I mUSI rush off(li t , rush 10 go) 10 Sri '.5
segera pergi : 10 rush/dash off, /0 go IIIIIIII'(I;(IIe/), in (I hU"J'
9 Ali , siapa dapalllrisan ladi malam? AIi. "'ho ,,'on the 10llery laslllighl?
10 Siapa Jagi . saya. Naslb balk. Ada tamu )'ang ball-a unlung baik, Who else,
J (di(l), I ",(IS IlIcky, Theres a gUI'SI'l'iw is bringillg (lIIe) good/or/lll1e,
Indonesians consider that a guest brings good luck to the host. By social


conventi on a host will always accept his gucst"s wishes and the guest is free \0
do almost as he likes.
Mandi matahari. Dill sepcrli orang bult'. Ht' '.I' .l'IIl1bmhing. 1If' '.I' likl' 1111 alhillo.
Dult' is a word Indonesians use [0 refer 10 while people. It would be impolite
(or an Indonesi an 10 use it directly to a while person unless they wcre close
Hadan saya Siang ada matahari - malam ada bulan Icrang. I /I'd
re/rl'shell (li t. My hotly is refreshed). By day Ihue is sl//Ishim' (Il/(l (/I night 111l're
;.f 11 full mootl.
Budi is having a good time. enjoying the sunshine duri ng the day and also the
moonlight in the evenings. It indicates the somewhat romantic side of
Indonesians as Bud; goes out with Sri in the evenings.
Budi, kau pulangjam berapa ladi malam'! Budi. whm lime ,lilI you Kef honw
Itw nighl ?
Kira-kira jam dua belas malam. A boul midnight.
Note: jam dua belas malam: twe/re 0 clock. midnighl
jam dua belas siang : /We/re 0 clock. middo)'. 1/0011
Ayah Sri dokler dan abangnya dokter gigL Sri's /a/llt'r is a doctor mu/ her
t>lder brother is tI demiSI (lit. loolh t/octor).
Unlike adik which can be younger bmllra or .viSlt'r. abang ca n only refer to an
I!ltll!r brOlher (not a sister).
Ya. kami makan bersama, dan mereka pandai berbahasa Inggeris dan Relaoda.
Yes. we hod a meullogetlll'r . and 1111')' English and Dlllch 11''''1 (lit. liIe), tiff'
skilled tit speokillg English ond DUlefl).
Remember pandai : sk illed (1/ (L 12. N 17). 1\ is a useful word to use when you
wish to say someone is good at doing something. e.g. Ali pandai main calur :
AIi plt/yJ dwss 11'('IIIAli is .Il.:il/t'd (or ROOt/) at playinx c/1('ss.
berbahasa : to spet/k The prefix bel' attached to bahasa : languagt' convcys the
action of speaking.
Kita bisa undang mereka ke sini. We can illl'ile them (10) hat'.
Remember that m{'l't'ka means Ihl'm as well as tile)' (LB. NI7a).
Scrabble dalam bahasa Indonesia? S('rabble in '/1(/o/1('siul1 ?
You use dalam to say in when referring to a language, e.g. dalam bahasa
Relanda : ill DUlch.
Scrabbl(' cara yang paling baik unluk belajar bahasa Ingg{' ris. Satlbb/e is tlu.'
best me/hod (lit . /llt'lhod which is besl)/or learning English.
paling baik : ht'sl Remember how to form the comparati ve and superlative
forms of adjtttives ( L7, N4c and 6b). Hence baik :gOtHI: lebih baik : bml'r:
paling baik : beSI (Appendix Sb. c).
Ayo. kita sarapan dulu. barangkali kopinya sudah dingi". Righlo.II',,/l11II1'1'
break/asl first. moybe our coffee is gelling co/d.
kopinya : our coffee As you can see nya can mean our .
Sudah: (l/re(l(l), can often be translated into English by IS/(lff: Kt'lling. as here.
Baik, nona. Ayo Bueli. A/I righl.miss. RighlO. Butli.
Ali teases Yanti by calling her nona. as she has start ed to be slighl ly bossy.
Va. ben,r, saya juga sudah lapar. Yes. righl. I'm gelling hungry 100.
Note saya sudah lapar : I'm getting hUl/gry (Note 20b).
Pelajaran lima belas
Kebun Raya Bogor
New w ords in thi s lesson
alam nature
Amerika America, American
blea read, have read
bebas free, unspoiled
Bel anda Netherlands
berangkat depart. leave
berdiri stand
bertindak act
bil ang say, said
lesson fifteen
Bogor Bot ani cal Gardens
k('rajinan tangan hundierafts
kolam pond
lalu linl as tmmc
lebih suka prefer
le"'at pass. passed
Uma bel as fifteen
lusa day after IOmorrol'
mahasis" .I university student
manusia people
melihat see
momok bogy, bogies
nanti sore this afternoon
pagi-pagi early in the morning
buat apa ? what for?
bunga mawar rosels
bunga melati jasmine
eepat(D) fast
eepaHepat (D) quickly
eerita story
pant as of course, naturally: reasonable
pt"lan (D) slow
cuci pilem develop a film
di ba"'ah under
dik kid, lud, boy
dipakai used. exposed
gambar picture
hanlu ghost ls
ikan mas goldfish
jahat evil. evilly
jcmput meeL will meet
J epang Japan, Japanese
jin demon/s
kabamya they say
kacang peanut
Kcbun Raya BOlunieal Gardens
kcliling around
kcmarin yesterday
b marin dulu day before yesterday
kenangan souveni r
k('rajinan craft
pelan-pelan (D) slowly
PeTands France. French
pt" rmisi permission
petang early afternoon
pohon beringin banY;1n tree/s
pohon eemara pine/spruce treels
pohon jati teak treels
pohon kenari kenari treels
raya greater
sebclum before
sebcnarinya) the truth (of it)
sedikit barang a few things
seluruh whole. entire
setan devills
siOOk heavy. busy
' ahyul superst it ion
. erkenal well known. famous
urusan affair. business
Kebun Raya Bogor 8ogor 801anica/ Gardens (lit. Greater GaTt/ell of 8(Jgor)
These are world famous botanical gardens. Raya literally means grf!(lIer. e.g.
J akarta Raya: Greater Jakarta. Kebun raya is the usual term for a botal1ictll
garden. The national anthem of Indonesia is IndOllcsia Raya .

Lusa saya h:ouus ke SogOT, urusan kanlQr. The tllIY u/tt" /Olllorrolt' /III1/SI go
10 80go" (on) office business.
Here is another clIample of the omission of pergi as il is considered [0 be
obvious (saya harus pergi ke SogOT).
Kebun Ra)'. SogOT sanga! tcrkrnal di seluruh dunia. Saya ban)'ak bacI tentang
ilu. BOKor Bowniml Gari/I'IIS (IfI' <'U.\' well kilOit'll all al'I" Ihe 1I'0rlll. /'t'I' ft'{/II
u 101l/hOllllhem.
di scluruh dunia : all orer Ihe It'orltJ (l it. in file I'II/irt' worid)
Note the word order of the phrase Saya banyak ba(':I : /'1'(' r('(I(1 II fot (l it. I II 101
1/(/1'1.' reod).
Here ilu means them. referring 10 the gardens. Remember Iha! mereka can only
refer to persons.
KernaTin dulu saYI bertemu dcngan mahasiS>I'a-mahasislI'a dad ,\merika. Jepang,
Belanda dan Perancis. Tht' day before )'t'stl'rda), I ml'l Sludt'lllsfrom
Amuira. japan. Nel/rIr/wU/S and FranCt'.
MahasiS" 'a : slu(/elll is reserved fo r IIni vcrsity st udent s: the general word for
Slu(/elll is mllrid.
YOII will have already noticed that lnggcris mcans both England and Et/gfish.
It is a feature of Indonesian that the same word stands for the name of a
country. its language and as an adjective of nationality. e.g. Perands: FranCt'.
French (language). Fm/ch (adjective).
5 Mcrcka lewat di depan kantor saya. Thl')' passnl illfrolll of my office.
Note le"'at di dcpan : 10 p(lSS ill !rOlll of
6 Kami biasa bcrangkat pagi. pagi, S4;! bab Kogor jallh. dan lalu ]jntas sibuk. We
usuaff)' /e(l)'e early ill Ihe momillg. hl'CIIUSt' Bogor i.r 11 lon/o: It'll)' (lit. far) (llId Ill('
Iraffic lt'iII be hem'), (lit. busy).
a Ber is prefi)!.ed to angkat : 10 lift. to fah' 1I1t'1I)' and gives liS the action of taking
oursdves away from somewhere. hence Ix'rangkat : 10 dt'p(lrl (L 11 . N2).
b pagi.pagi : earl)' ill Ihe mornillg Thi s is more emphatic than pagi on its own
and gives the sense of early ill the mOrl/illg. Thi s repeat ing of the word for
emphasis or making a noun plural is called reduplication (Appendi)!. 12).
e Sibuk refers 10 the fact that there is ht'av), traffic. A traffic jllm would be lalu
]intas maect .
7 dan eud pilem yaDg sudah dipakai. all(/ (11'1'1.'101' Ihl' film which is a/reody
used Ill' (lit. exposnfJ .
pakai : 10 /:xpOS('; dipakai : expos('d By placing di in front of a verb you give
it somethi ng of a passive nature. i .e. it becomes the Indonesian equivalent of
the English past participle (usually ending in nfJ when used with the vcrb 10 be
(See Appendi)!. 13). You will come across many such c)!.amplcs as the course
progresses . and you have already met dipcram: speed ripl'Ilt'd from pcram: 10
speed rip/:II .
8 Nanti sort' saya jemput, jam tiga. This oflern()()1I " /I meet (you) allirrel'
9 Kabarnya di sini banyak kcrajinan tangan yang ]1I1r biasa bagus, They SO)'
Ih(l/ ht'rt' thne are man)' h(lndicrajls which are t'xCt'plional/y good.
a Kabarnya: They say (lil. l iS lIell's) This is a very useful lOo'ord to remember to
cover English phrases like Ihey say. it is said. rumour has il. etc.
b kt'raji nan tangan : /wlldil'rafts You will find many Indonesian words which
begin with the prefi)!. ke and end with the suffi)!. an. The effect is to devel op or
modify the meaning of the original word. Here the root word is rajin : 10 (/0
something diligently and so we have ke + rajin + an - kerajinan : craJl. Other
examples you have so far encountered are kl'"juaraan : champiollship (from
juara : champion), kejuruan : specialisl (from juru : special) and kesempatan :
opportullily (from sempat : 10 hare an opporlUnily). Look out for further
examples and learn them as you go along.
Jangan sekarang- petang nanti saja, sebclum kita pulang. NOI now- but
e(lrfy Ihis afternoon . befor;, we go home.
Here saja has been translated as bill: it has the effect of cutting off Budi's
remar ks.
Saya senang melihat alam bcbas. I like (lit. I"m happy) 10 .1"" ul/spoil/'d
J\.1l'"lihat is an alternative to lihat : to .I"f!. You will often find the prefix me
attached to Indonesian verbs as an alternative and often more common form
(Appendix 7(U .
12 Kacang! Kacang! I)ik. kasi satu bungkus kacang gorl'"ng. P,I/IWIS.
Kitl. gil'e (ml') one packel of fried peal1uls.
a Yanti is call ing out to a young lad selling peanuts. Dik : kid. lad. ho)' comes
from adik : younger brotlra/sista. It is not an unpleasant term to use in such
circumstances although there is little politcness in Yanti's tone.
b bungkus. packet. 10 ... rap up Packages in Indonesia are often made of banana
13 Buat apa bcli kaeang, apa Yanti lapar? What (IT(' you huyill)!. Jur. (If('
youhUl/grJ'. Yont;?
Buat apa : Whal for? Note that the Indonesian words arc kept together and not
split up as they can be in English. What . . .jor?
14 Tidak. ini bukan untuk saya. No. Ihl'.W are lW/for m,'.
Remember the difference between tidak and bukan (U. N-I ).
15 Yanti,lihat itu pohon begitu bcsar. pohon apa itu? YlIIlli . . 1',' ,' Iho.1"I' t'llOrmous
(lit. so big) Irl'es. wIUIIITe,'s art' they?
16 Oh, itu pohon kenari, pohon cemara. pohon jati dan yang paling bcsar ilu di sana
pohon bcringin. Oh, I/Jose (ITI' ke'nari ",'.'s. pilII' Ift"' .\, It'lIk tree.\" al1d Ihl'
biggcs/ olle OI'('r Iherl' a han)"an /rt'.' .
The kenari lree produces very tasly nUl s. It is considered unwise to stand under
a banyan tree which is rcputed to be haunted by evil spirits.
17 Saya mau ambil gambarmu juga. I 'rtllll 10 take' your piclllrt' /(w.
Remember Ihe use of -mu (LI3. NIO).
18 Saya pikir lebih baik saya yang ambil gambar. Budi yang bcrdiri di bawah pohon
bcringin itu. I Ihink il bel/er for mt' (lil. I Ix> Ihl' 01/1') 10 wkl' Ihe picture. you
Budi (lit. Budi he 1111' 0/11') 10 stal/d under Ihlll b(/nY(l1/ Iree.
a Il'"bih baik : bC/ur (Appendix 5b)
b Note the construct ion with yang: saya yang ambil gambar : I"m IlIe(JIlt' /0 lake'!
'rl/O wkl's Ihe pie/ure; Budi yang berdiri : Budi Ihe one 10 .Halld/ who s/muls.
Hence It is be/ur for you 10 go: Lebih baik saudara yang pergi.
19 sayll banyak baca buku cerila hanlu di Inggl'"ris. /')"e read (/ /01 of books of
ghost Hories in English.
Note again the word order saya banyak baca (Note 3b).
20 Tetapi manusia bisa bertindak lebih jahat daripada hantu. BUI people C(ln (lC/
more I'rilly Ihan g/Josls.
Manusi a refers to people in a more general sense than orang. giving the idea of
mankind or humanity.
16 Pelajaran enam beras
Gunung Mas
New words in this l esson
aMi specialist. skilled
ahli palsafah philosopher
anda you. your (impersonal)
apa whal kind of
beres in order. arranged. ready
bingung confused
('epat hurry up
daun leaf
cnam belas sixteen
gadis girl
gunung mounlain
hidup life. live
ilulah that (emphatic)
ilulah hidup that's life
jells dear. clearly
li an as
kasihan poor
kemari towards: come here
kesulilan difficulty. difficulties
lain lubuk lain ikannya like a fish OUl of
laut OC(,",In. sea
lubuk depth of water
maarkan do excuse (me)
lesson sixteen
Gold Mountain
mas gold
membuat make. made. create/d
memelik pick. picking
men)'elam dive. diving
oleh-oleh presents, souvenirs
palsarah philosophy
panjang long
panjans umur talk of the devil
perangkap tmp. snare
pcrli ebunan plantalion
pemah already
pribadi private. personal
puJang homeward. home
.o;a mbil whilst. during
sambiJ menyelam minum air ki11two
birds with onc stone
sebent arlagi soon
sebcsar as large as
singgah SlOp. call at
sudah lenlu thut goes \\ithout saying.
for sure
Tuhan The Lord (AlIlIh)
urusan chore. task
Gunung Mas : Gold MOllntain is the name of onc of the most famous tea
plantations in the world.
2 Dia jalan kcmari . He's walking IOl\'(lrds (11.1) ,
3 Panjang umur ! Talk of/ill' del'if (lit. LOllg liKe)!
4 Maafkan, saya agak lerl ambal. banyak urusan. Do I'XfIlSI' /1111'). I'm ra/her
11I1e. I had a 10110 do (lit. f1/allY t a . ~ k s .
You've lIlready come lIcross urusan translated as busilll'Ss, affllirs. Its basic
meaning is tllsk, chore. Iryou have (or had) a 101 to do it is enough \0 say
banya k urusan.
5 Saya harap Cidak ada kesulilan dan semua beres. Ilwpl' /llI'rl' werel/'I (1111,1')
difficullies (l1Il11'1'l'r)'lhing is ill order.
The root of kesulilan is sulil : (iifficull; hence ke -l- sulil -l an li csulilan :
difficult}' (L I S, N9b).
6 Urusan kanlor bens, urusan pribadi juga beres. ( YOllr) office affairs are
in order. (your) pril'Ole affairs are also ill order,
Vanli is bei ng sarcastic, knowing full well that Ali has not been aboul office
busi ness.
7 Sambil menyelam minum air dan itulah hidup. To kill/wo birds .... i/h olle
s/OIIe. (ami) /hal's life,
a Sambil menyelam minum air is an Indonesian proverb with the lileral meaning
of Ifirils/ di l'ing drink IWI/a, We have lranslated it wilh the nearest English
b itulah : llral Adding lah to itu gives emphasis to it.
8 Bieara apa ini :> Saya jadi bingung. What (killd of) /alk is llri.f? I'm gl'lling
a Note that when apa means If/ltll kind ofil follows the noun it refers to. e.g.
Orang apa ini ?: IVluJ/ kiml of person is lhis?
b Remember thal jadi can mean m'come, get or so. thl',tfa,t'.
9 Kasihan Budl. Lain lubuk lain ikannya. Poor 8UlII , You 'rt' lihllfish /Jilt of
WIII/" (li t . Different d/'plh of wu/er. different fish).
Here wc have anOlher proverb with a very rough English equivalent. The idea
is tha t Budi is confused because he is in a new environment. does nOI know
what is going on and will gradually have to get USl"<i 10 Ihings. In a nice W;ty
Vanti is lelling him nOllo be inquisitive and not to pry into Ali' s affai rs.
10 lkan ilu past; cantik. nUll fish .... ill cer/(linly be prelly.
Budi has now realised what All's privale business was.
II Kalau tidak cantik AIi tidak bisa masuk perangkap. U"{'ft' 1101 prt'lty,
All would not gel cauglrl (lit. could 1101 elller lire "'Ip).
Clearly Ali has been ensnared by a pretty girl.
12 Budi, andll juga bisa masuk perangkap. 8/'wllr/' 8u(II , yOllloo cOI11d g('1
mllgirl (lil. enler till' !Tap) .
Here Ali uses a new word for YOII: II ndll. which is rarely used in speech. It is a
very impersonal way 10 speak. neither fonnally polite like saooara nor familiar
and friendly like kll mu or kau. I1 is widely used in adlerlisements. Ali uses it
here as he is fed up with Budi's inquisitiveness and rather coldly tells him to
mind hi s own business.
13 Apakah mobilnya bcrl'S untuk perjal anan pul ang? Is our ('(Ir ready for Ill('
joumt'), home?
14 SaYII pernah dengar Gunung Mas. /'1"(' (l1r;'(uly heard of Gold Mounwin.
a Pr rnllh: IIlreatly is an alternative to sudah.
b Note dengar : /0 Ire(lr of as well as just /0 hl'(lr.
IS Kalll u begilu, saya akan beli unluk oleh-oleh. /n !lwl ("(1.\'1", I slraff huy (SO/I1t')
for prl'Sell/S.
16 I)rrkebunan leh ini besar sekali . sebcsa r laut . This I('a plallUllioll is I"uy {a(RI'.
(IS {argl' liS tire ocean.
a The combination of the prefix per and suffix an oflen denotes a noun of place:
here per I- kebun : gartien t I n perkebunan: p/anllllion (Appendix 9(iii .
Remember lOO perjalanan:jouf/!/'Y.
b sebcsar : (IS large as, (IS hi/<: (IS Se prefixed to an adjective is the equivalent of
the English comparative of equality ClS . .. (IS. e.g. sctinggi : as /(If{ as
IAppcndix Se).
17 Di si tu rendah, di sini linggi, dan bi sa mrlihllt lebih jelas. Ol"('f Ihere il's lOll",
orer here it '.f Irigh, (Il/(l II"t' cau s/'e more de(lr/).
Ali here is referring 10 high and low ground. Tea is of course grown on the
16 18


slopes of hills with the best tea grown on the higher slopes.
Ali mau Budi melihat gadis-gadis memetik daun teh. Ali wants BII(Ii 10 SI'I' IIIl'
girls picking Il1e "'ares.
Vanti uses the plural form gadis-gadis to emphasise that there is more Ihan one
girl picking tea; however she does not need \0 duplicate daun : leajas no picker
would pick j ust one leaf.
Bukan begitu. Saya suka lihal baTang cantik. Tuhan membuat barang canlik
unluk membual kita senang. I, 's IIOf like t h ~ / . / like looking at prell)' things.
The Lord mad,> prell)' tlrings in order to make us happ},.
Ali is engaging in double talk. referring both 10 the prett y scenery and the
pretty girls.
memooal The prefix me becomes mem before words beginning wilh b or p.
Kau biurt seperti ahli palsarah. You're /(lIking like (I philosopher.
Vanti is being sarcastic .
Note that p in palsarah is pronounced like an f.
17 Pelajaran tujuh belas
lesson seventeen
New words in this lesson
adalah is. are
arti meaning
baru only. just
berapa lama? how long?
bergaul sociable
berlunangan engaged
bemial vow
Binncka Tunggal Ika Unity in Diversity
buang get rid of. throwaway. discard
bukil hill
cocok convenienl
dat'l'lIh region. regional
dialur arrangt.'<i
dikcnalkan to be introduced
J.-akullas Faculty
hubungan relationshi p
hukum law
hUlan jungle
ilulah sebabnya that is why
jelaskan clarify, explain
h"'in marry
kebiasaan custom
kebudayaan culture. civilisation
keluarga family
keramat spirit. tree spirit. sai nt
lalu then. next
mahasislt' j female student
maksud aim, meaning
maksudnya with a view to
masing-masing each and every
memahamkan absorb
menghormali respect
n<'gara nation
oleh by
paear close friend
'>aocasila fin:- princi ples of the republi c
perka"'inan marriage. wedding
pihak si de, part y, agreement
piknik picnic
prapalan crossroads. crossing
punya possess
ragu-ragu uncertain
rahasia secretive
rapat close. intimate
sabar quiet
sajen offering, sacrifice: sacrificial
sakit sick. ill
S3wah paddy field
scbaliknya vice-versa
sederhana unaffected. simple
scjarah history
scscorang someone
silll bad luck. misfortune
suku tribe
sunglli ri ver
teduh shady; shadow
tempal pl ace. spot
tenkhir last
tujuh belas seventcen
umpama(nya) for example: reason
usulkan suggest. propose
senang lihat hUlan, gunung. bukit, sungai dan S3wah. (l) likl' 10 SI'I' the jlll1?,ie.
mountains. lIills. rhI'r.f IIml paddy/ield.f.
sawah : patidy field Rice is crucial to I ndoncsia's economy and there arc
certai n words you should know in this connect ion: padi : ricI' (while still
growing on the plant): beras : uncooked rjce: nasi: cooketl rice. You can have
nasi ptJtih : whife rice and nasi merah : red rice. There is also ketan : slickr ricC'
(LJ. N22b) which can be white (ketan ptltih) or black (ketan hit am). Note that
the Indonesian for COM of Ih'ing is harga beras : price of rice.
2 saya sudah beli nasi bungkus dan minuman dan cari tempal yang roook. /'I'"
a/ready boughl packels of rice find drillks tlnd looked for a t'OI/l'ell;elll Spvl (lit.
spot which is (OI/l'((II;C'III).
nasi bungkus This is boikd rice served cold with spices. pieces of !ish ctc.
wrapped in banana leaves.
3 Saya usulkan I suggest
The root word of usulkan is usul : .I'ugg('.I'tioll. proposition. By adding the sumx
kan we have usulkan: to suggest. 10 propose (Appendix H(ii .
4 Mad. saya sudah lapar. saya beli makanan dari restoran I'adang. Come 011.
I'm a/ready hungr)',1 boufZllIl/lI' foodfrom Ihe Pm/flflfZ re.I'IfWflllII.
Padang refers 10 Sumatra-style cooking. which is very spicy, Each of
Indonesia's many regions and islands has its own typical cooking.
5 Oh, ini bunga sajen. Oh. t/rC'se {Ire sauijici(lf jlowC'rs.
6 Coba jelaskan apa art i sajen. 1fy 10 clarify wlrat tire m('(lIIinfZ of "slIjen" is.
Note jelas : dear, plain with kan added gives us jelaskan : 10 dllri!r. 10 exploin.
7 Kadang-kadang ada orang pt'rcaya kepada keramat, Sometimes tlrere lire
people (who) bC'/iel'e in spirits.
Note pcrcaya : IQ be/i('rl'. e.g. Saya per"a)'a AIi : I beliel'e AIi: percaya kepada :
IQ beliere ilr. e.g. Saya pt'rcaya kepada keramat : I befiC'I'C' in spirits.
8 Umpamanya ada orang sakil. Lalu dia bernial kalau dia baik akan bawa bunga
untuk keramal, Kebiasaan lama. For e;wmp/e Ihere is a sick person. Then II('
1'0ll'S liral if he gC'ls l'I'e/l he wiff bring flowers for lire Iree spirits. It's (Ill oM
kebiasaan : clIstom This is made up of ke + biasa : usual, nomurf+ an.
(Appendix 9(i)). By now you will be gelling used to the prefixes and sullixes
which are a distinctive feat ure of Indonesian. Beware. however, not 10 try 10
make up new words of your own by using them or you may so easily and
unwillingly insult an Indonesian by doing so. Just note the ones you come
across and try to remember them.
9 Itu maksudnya buang sia!. Thai is 1\';11r 11 "iew 10 gelling rid of btu/ luck.


The idea ofscatlcring flowers al the crossroads is that their petals will be carried
away by the wheels of the vehicles that pass that way with the effect of
removi ng the bad luck concentrated in one place and carrying liny and
therefore ha nnless amounts of it elsewhere.
Say. mulai mengert i. Indonesia puny. sejarah yang panjang dan wku-suku dan
blhasa daerah. I'm beginning 10 unders/(/nd. IntiolU'sia possesses tI long hiMorr
and (di/Jerenl) IriMS, and regional/angllag('s.
Puny. can mean both 10 011'11 or 10 po.ul'SS and /0 belong /0. e.g. AIi puny. buku :
AI; has (olt'ns) a book: 8uku puny. AIi : The book belongs 10 Afi.
Note that dacrah can mean regiOIl. regional as well as COUnlryside.
hul ah St!babnya palsafah nt>gara kami . PlAneasila dan Binnt'ka Tunggll l Ika.
Tlwl is why Ollr mllioll 'J philoJophJ' i!J 1/11' Pall('(ui/a (///(/ "Vllil)' ill Dilenil." ".
Itulah sebabnYIl : Thai is "'hy (lit. Th(lf i.f lIre re(lSOIl)
By using kami for our Ali excludes Budi . He is not being unkind but merely
reflects the fact that Budi has spent all hi s life abroad and has come to hi s
homeland as a stranger.
Paneasila is the sta tement of the five principles of the Republic of Indonesia
which are: (I) Bdiefin God: (2) Civilized Humanity; (3) National
Consciousness: (4) Sovereignty of the People: ( 5) Social Justicc.
Binneka Tunggallka is the motto beneat h the national emblem which is a
legendary eagle called a garuda . which is also the name of Indonesia's airline.
Siapa nama paearmu di Rogor? W/ral 'J Ihl' tU/me of )"our friend ill Bogor?
"aear is a close, intimllt e friend more likely. but not ncressari ly. 10 be of the
opposite sex.
Mengapa begitu rahasia ? Mengapa tidak dikcnalkan kepada saya? Why he
so secrelil'c? Why Iwsn 'I sill' hl'en inlroduced /0 me?
Dikenalkan is another example of a passive ( LIS. N7). The root is kenal : /0
knolt' (a person), Hence we have kenal I kan kenalkan : 10 inlrm/llce and
di + kenalkan _ dikenal!tan : 10 he inlr()(luced.
14 Sabar, nanti saya kenalkan. Be quiet, I'll introduc(' (her) later Oil.
IS Salmah gadis baik, manis dan pandai IK>rgaul. Sall/wh is IIII;(,C 1{irl. she's
sll'eel (11111 gOQ(1 1111111' socilll RfllC(,S (l it. skilln/ tit bl'ing Joci(lhie).
16 Itulah yang membuat saya ragu-ragu, Dia lebih pintar daripada saya, Thlll iJ
II'hlll m(lkeJ me IIncertain, She iJ del'era Ilrlln me.
Ali doesn't like to admit that both hi s girl-friend and his sister are cleverer
than he is.
17 Dia mahasisl'l"i Fakultas Hukum di tahun terakhir. She's (I Slll(/cnl (1/ lire
Faculty of Law ill her third year.
MahasiS"'i is the feminine fono of mahasis"'a ( LIS. N4a).
18 Berapa lama !tau kenal dia? How long Ir(ll'e ) ' 0 11 knol1'lI Irer?
19 Kami sudah IK>rtunangan. We're alr('a(ly ('I18age(l.
IK>, + tunangan :ji(lllce eng(lged (Appendi x 70))
20 Apakah IK'rkll"'inan di Indonesia diatur oleh pihak keluarga? Are IIwrriaRI'J ill
III(/ollesia arranged by the fall1ilieJ (Iil. by tite family parties)?
Diatur is another passive with di being prefixed to alUr : 10 arrange (Note 13).
Oleh is used to translate by following a passive form (Appendix 13).
21 &okarang tidak, lelapi pihak keluarga haTllS lahu dengan siapa seseorang ka"in.
Not now, but lhefamilies must k llow (l1'ilh) K'ho", someone is IIIlITT.ring.
Ita,,'in dengan : 10 "/(IffY (lit. 10 marr)' wilh)
22 Keluarga isleri saPdara menjadi keluarga saltdara dan sebaliknya. r Ollr
wife's family 1)1'1"0111('5 your family and "iCf'-'Ws(I.
menjadi : 10 iwcollle This is an al lernal i\'c 10 jadi ( L 12. N 18). Me becomes
men before words beginning with c. d, j or t .
Sangal berlK-da dcngan di Inggeris. VerI' (Jif/al!lII }rOIll (ill) I::II.<O:/(lIId.
berbeda dcngan : (lijJerent from (lit. lI'i/h)
Kila harus menghormali liebudayaan masing-masi ng. Coba ml"mahamliannya!
Seciap k('budayun adalah baik. We muSI resPl'f/ I' (lcll (lnd 1'''l'ry c/lll/lf('. Try
IQ llb.forh i l , I'('r.l' cil'ili.wlIion is ROQ(I.

ml."nghormati This is made up of me (which bc(:omcs meng before a vowel.
g. h or k) -'- oormal : respect i.
b mcmahamkannya : 10 (/hsorh il Here oya means if and refers back to
kebudayaan : CI//II/fe; -nyll can often be translated by il.
,\dalah is an emphati c form of ada . Here Ali is stressing hi s last M:nlcnre.
Pelajaran delapan belas
Keluarga dan perkawinan
New words in this lesson
adat convemion
adil fair. juSt. right
akrap very dose (rda tionshi p)
bagi for
bagian part
bantu help
baral west
Ix'da difference
berbahagia happy
bt-rpikir thinking
bijaksana "ise. prudcnt
bujang bachelor
cinta love
eueu grandchi ld
ddapan IK<las eighteen
did selL onesel f. themselves
duit money
generasi generlllion
hak right
hormal respect. pay re'JX'Ct
indilidu individual
kapal ship
kap!cn capl ain
kasih love
Lesson eighteen
The family and marriage
kehidupan "ay of life
kehilanglln lose
kelika \lh. le. durlllg
kurang not . not ... enough
lagi still
nwmbantu to help
rncrnbiarkan to allow. to clluse. to let
rncngalur diri sendiri take care of onesell
rncngganggu restrict. hinder. di st urb
rnungkin likel y. possi ble
pekerjaan job. \lork
pensiun pension
penting important
rumah sakil hospital
rumah !angga household
sayang love
st'Orang someone who
scpt'"rli juSt like
sesudah aner
soal problem s
lan)a ask led
Icrlantar neglected. deserted
timur cast
lunangan 'land'. fianct."-c
Budi, kemario kClika kit a pilmik kau tauya mengapa aku belum !.:awin. BIllli.
yesterday whife we were picnicking. ),011 aski>" why I was 110( alre>lId)' married.
Notice how the verbs in this are translated by past tenses. piknik :
were picnickil1g: taoya : asked.
2 Aku heran, m ... nurut apa yang aku dcngar dari \'anli dan kau, lunanganmu gadis
baik. "m surprised, acrordillg 10 wlml /'1'1" heard/wm YWlfi mul yOIl. ),ollr
fiancee is (I nice girl.
a Do not confuse apa yang wi th apa which means 11'110/ when asking a question.
Apa )'ang does not ask a qucstion. It literally means Ill{/{ which and is
equivalent to the English whm, (hal which.
b tunangan :jiullc;"-' (L17. N19)
3 Salmah ingio klmi I .. kas k8\\'io. Sa/lllull is lookil11{ [o"multo ollr mUff,rillK
soon (lit. quickly).
4 Kau punya pekerjaan baik. YOII h(/I'(' (lit. 1I good job.
pe '" kerja : .... ork + an pekerjaan joh (Appendix 9(iii))
5 8ukan soal duit, telapi soal Yanti. 11'51101 (/ problem of mOIlI')', hili a problem
of Yallli.
Ouit : IIIOI/('Y is lIn alternative to uang and both words lire in common use.
6 Saya pikir, saya mau Yanti kawin dulu dan sesudah ilu saya kawin. Ithillk . 1
wan( Yanli 10 m(lrr), firsl (111(/ (lffer /lIm 1'1/ marr)'.
Indonesians do not li ke to commit themselves or be too positive and as a
result freque ntly precede an opiniof) or wi sh by saying Saya pikir : I think.
7 Apakah itu bagian dari adat Indonesia ? Is /h(ll purl of a/1 11/(/01/1.'.1";11/1
Note bagian dari : pllrt of(lil. pllrtfrom).
8 Bukan adat, tetapi kebiasaan bagi seorang abang melihat adiknya berbahagia.
It's nOI a call vent ion, hut it's the custom for 50111.'011(' ... ho tht, ehler hro/her /0
see Iris )'ollllger siSlt'r is Iwppy.
a Here st'Ol1lIng mea ns 501111.'01/1.' ... ho.
b The root word of bcrbahagia : ltapp)' is bahagia : lrappint,.u.
9 Kali an akan Il'bih gembira. You Irill ht' more (o/l/('/l/n/.
Remember kalian : (11/ of you (L9. N4b).
10 Saya juga kurang suka anak. Saya soka bcbas. I (llso dOIl'llikt' children
(e/louglr). I like IQ ht, free.
Kurang which literally means minus or less (Lesson 13) is often used in pl ace of
tidak. as it is less abrupt. Here. for example. instead of Budi saying Saya tidak
soka anak : J don', like children. he says Saya kurang suka anak : I don "like
children enough.
11 Apa! Bagaimana kalau Budi nanti tua? Siapa yang rnengurus? What! Whal if
/(11('( Oil )"ou become old Bud;? Who wil/ (l il. Who is Ihe O/1e who will) look
afll'f you ?
a Ali is amllzed at Budi's lack of affection for children which is typical of an
Indonesian. Having children is an insurance policy for old age.
b Notice that AIi uses bagaimana kalau : Idrat ifwhen referring to old age.
Indonesians do not assume much about the future and do not consider that to
reach a ripe old age is a God given r ight. Hence they frequent ly use kalau : if
and not kapan : when as a Westerner might in his own language. You will note
that Budi. because of Western experiences. uses kapan : WIrCII more often.

Kami harus hormat dan membantu or3ng lua. Ka mi sang.!1 malu mt' mbiarkan 18
orang lua lerlantar. We mllSI respecl und III'/p oft! p!'opfe. Wt' (If(' ray
(lshamed IQ al/oli' oM people 10 bt, /1('gieCln/.
Ali uses kami in Ihis case and thereby excludes Bud; as he is talking about
Indonesians in Indonesian society where looking after older people \\ ithin the
family unit is a much greater moral obligation th.m in 1lI11ny Western
count ries. There Ilould be serious loss of face not 10 do so.
Hormal : loplly re.!p"'/ is the rOOI of menghormati I LI7. N243 ).
The prefix me which you have scen in verbs such as mdihal bcconll"S mem
when placed before a verb beginning with b. Thus banJu gives us membantu
which also means 1(J help and is an alternati ve 10 banlu IAplXndix 7(i i)).
membiarkan : 10 111/0 .... 10 callSl' T his is made up of T bi ar : h'lll hi'
hn. Thc addition of ml' m and kan ('a uses the action impl icit in the root word
to take place: here wc move from biar : 11'1 ilN' to which
indicates that you actually allolt' or cause something 10 happen 9(ii)).
Kalau saya tua SliI)'a mau anak-anak dan cueu-cueu SIIIya mengurllS saya
cinla. If I'm old I.nwl my I'ltildren mul Rrll/!l/rhiftlretllO {N,k II/If'r mf' "'illt
Note that again Ali uses kalau : ifwhe n Budi hllsjust used kapan : "/!I'II, Ali is
not interested in institutions to take care of him in hi s old age. He prefers
family love.
14 Tidak adil . Mereka punya hak unluk bt>bas dan mcngatur diri scndiri . Th(l/ :I
1/01 fil ir. They Itm'f' Iltl' righl 10 hi! free IIIIlI wkl' carl' 0/
15 Ilu bedanya k('bu<iayaan Timur d(' ngan Raral. rhll/ 's 111(' 111(11''''111'1' />('IIt'I'I'"
Eastl'm I'll/111ft' (/11(1 (lit. .rillt) Wesll'rI!.
bedanya : diffl'rl'lIce o/lht'l ... et'lI
16 Orang lua mengganggu kehidupan orang muda , Old PI'OP'" rl'"rll,11/1I' "'fly of
fife O/YOIIIIg pNlpfe.
ke ' hidup : life f an kehidupan : "11.,o/fill' (Appendix 9(i))
17 ,\da benarnya. eara berpikir gcncrasi lua dan lllUda lx' rlx'1l a. Il' lapi jangan lupa,
orang tua banyak pcngalaman, is mllh III Ilwl . Tlw .ray oj
lIlt' old (IIul Y()/IIIR Rf'llf'rtlliom "i(li,n' , 1",1 dOll'l/orgf'lllwl old f/f'of//f' lutn' (/ I()( of
1'.qx.' rI('IIt'I' .
a Ada Ix>narnya : TI",,,' i.f /rllllt III lIull (Iil. nll' ri' is ils Ir/lllt)_
b Notice berpikir : ,hillkif,x from pikir : IfJ lhi"k (Appendix 7(i).
18 Kll ml di IlIar Indonesia, kehi langan IULSlh sayang kehidllpan keluarga. Wl' (who livl'j
O/lfsitJl' Indonl'siu iruve.losl tltl' 101'l' plld u"l'clioll o/family lifl'.
Both kasih and sayang have the sense of 10I'l': henee the translation 10"(' "lid afftC/ion.
Note that tuima kasih: lirullk you lit erally means rtuil'l' IOll'. Remember that say&ng
also meanssiluml'or pity (L7, NI9).
19 Pelajaran sembilan belas
Budi dan Yanti
New words in this lesson
bllgaimlln.a dmglln? what about'!
bahllgill happy
ocllsis"'ll scholarship
ocrhllsil succeed/cd
bicarakan discuss/ed
g.aji wages. salary/ics
gOlOng-royong mutual co-operation
ituklln that is k ~ U l l r way out
jikll when, if
kaplln Slljll any time. whenever objection
kelas class
kelullr n!'geri foreign
ku I. me. mine, my
mllSll deplln future
mllsyllrakat society. community
memenlingklln attach importance to
lesson nineteen
Budi and Yanti
mend('Slk urge
negcri country
plldll wi th
p.anjllng at length. for a long time
pcndllpal opinion, view
pindll h move (house)
seai point of view. side
selesai solved
st"mbilan belas ninetccn
seolah-olah as if
supaya in order to/that
st'ring often. frequently
sulit difficult
Icrikal tied down
tidak ltpa-apll il's nothing
lidak ... apa-llpa no " . at all
Iradisionil traditional
Vanti. ku lihllt kau tidak begilu gt'mbira. Apakah ada S!'Suatu )'ang kurang
berts? Yanli. I see )'ou're nOI so happy. Ij' Ihl're sOlllnhinft lI'hirlt;s /101 ill
order ?
a ku This word and il s longer form aku arc somewhat more colloquial
alternatives 10 saya (Ll3. Nib).
b Note the use of kurang in pl ace of tidak (LIS. NIO).
2 Aku hanya sedikil capek. Seorang guru sakit , jadi aku harus mcngurus dua
kclas. ,.,,,jusl a /;II/e lire{l, a leacher is ill so Imusl :.uperl'I'se 11f0 classes.
seorang guru : learher (LIO. NS)
3 Oh, tidal.;. ilukan biasa. Ilulah namanya gOlong-royong. Olr 110. 111(1/ is I/ormal,
1'Ir(l/ 's railed mUlual ('v-operalioll,
Ilukan and itulllh arc emphatic forms of itu, Yanti uses Ihem to refer 10 her
having 10 lake two classes.
4 Kemarin !Hlya bicara panjang dcngan Ali.lcntang .. , YI'slu/llIY. ' spokl (1/
lengtlr ... itlr AN, {thOlll .
5 Saya pikir kalian bieara Imlang ma.sll depan Ali dengan gadisn)'a. I t!rink ,1'011
hOlh wlked aiwu{ AIi 's [lI mre ... illl It is girl/ril'nd.
6 l\1t'mang ilulah yang kami bicarakan. Bagaimana pendapalmu! Im/eed l!rm i,I'
,..hal "'1' {liscusst'll. What do you IlIink ahoul il?
a bicarakan : 10 discuss By adding kan 10 bkara you havc a morc emphatic
meani ng. hence 10 {/isCU.fS,
b Hagaimlna pendapatmu? : lit. 1101<"15 rOllroplnton? NOIe that bagaimana is
used and not lpak'" in asking Ihis question.
7 'I'lnli liellk kebefltln jika mereka b,,in. You 1<"00 'I objecl if Iht)' marr)".
Yomi .
Note tha t jib can mean both ifand .... 1I('n. [t is not such a positive 'Word as
blau : if which implies much greater doubt about future event s.
8 Say. sering mendt!Sak AIi supaya dia b,,in. I o/len urR" All /0 marry (lit. in
order Ihal Ill' marry).
Note the construction mmdesak ... supaya : 10 Ilfge . .. 10. c.g. Budi
mendt!Sak Ali din 'I'l nli supaYI mereb pt'rgi : Budi IIrnf'.( Ali (111(1 Yami 10 f{0
(lit . in order IlIollhey go).
9 Klpan merekl ka"'in baglimlnl dengln kau? Whnllll er mf/ffl" ... 11111 Oboul
.I"ou ?
I Note that Budi uses bpan : den rather than kalau : if( LU' . Nllb).
b bagaimana dengan? : .... hol Oboul? (Iil . hOl<" .... ilh?)
10 SIYI pikir Ali liell k sub b lau 'I'lnli pindlh dui keluarga. All 1I"0n 'I
lik, il if you mo)"t (Ol<"o)' )/rol1l Ih, flirt/it)', YOnli.
I Budi is being very direct when he SIYI pikir AIi lidl k sub; as 11 is a
rather personal matter it would be more tactful to use kurang a, AI! or Vanti
probably would, i.e. Saya pikir Bud, kurang suka.
b pindah : /0 mOI'e
11 Klmi adalah generasi baru, We are Ille lIell' gellemlioll .
Vanti uses Ihe emphat ic word I dll l h: (lrt to stress v.hat in English \\ould be
accomplished by emphasising the verb (/f(' I L 17. Nl-k).
12 K.lau begitu lidak ada soallpa-apl, Mereka bisa kIt"'in bpan sajl, /1111/(1/
case Ih"rt s nO problem (tI 011. Tht), run tII(l"Y (my limt .
lidak ada SOi l apa-apa : Iht'rt'$ no problem tII 011 Note the use of . pl-a pa
which gives more emphasis to the expression.
b kl pan 51jl : ony time ..... heni'\tr
13 AIi lidak mau 51)'a keluar dari rumlh ini. karena soollh-olah dia lebih
memenlingkan isleri daripada adik. AN l/ot'S"', M'(IIII lIIe to le(/I't' flit. [l0 0/11
/ rolll) house. be((luse il'.( (I.( if Ill' II/WChe.f 1II0rl' 'IIIporf(IIICt' IQ (I lI"ift tlrun 10
fI sis/l'r.
a The root of mt'menlingkan is penling: imporiolll. urgelll; the addilion of me and
kan give the meaning of 10 mwdr impor" lUnCt 10. Note that when me is prefixed
to a word beginning with p the p changes 10 me, hence penting becomes
mt'menlingbn (Appendix 7(ii .
b Vanti says seo[ah-ollh : U$ ifbecausc Al i would never admilto esteeming a wife
more Ihan a sister. OUI of lradi tional family loyalt y,
14 Ali berpikir dari segi keluarga dan masyarakattradisionillndonesia. All ;.f
lhillkin[l/rolll Iht' point o/I'ieM' 0/ /UlII/1.r find Irfldilionul'm/o/lesiatl rocif'fl.
15 Hanya h lau 'I'. nti ka"'in soal ini akan selt!Sai. Only if I"OU mllrry. Yunll . M ill
Illi$ problem be rob'et! (lit. finished).
16 lIu dia. Telapi say. belum mill kI",in sekarang. Saya senlng pek('rjaan
saya. TluI/5 il. BUI I don 'l (yet ) M'unl 10 marr)" noH'. I 'm COIIII'nlt'd 11"1/11 Ill,,'
a In typical Indonesian fashion. Vanti prefers not to be too positive and so uses
the expression saya belUln mau instead of the more definite and emphatic sa)'1
lidak mill.
b senang pada : conll'ntl'd wilh It is also possible to say smang dengan.

Orang n d o n ~ i a suka ana k dan ka lau ada a nak Yanli lerikllt. flulonl'siml
fU'opfe like ('hilt/rell tlncl if there (Ire children you lI"iIIlH' lied llow/I , filllli.
Teri ka! is derived from ikat : /0 I;e clolt'n, 10 1;1.' lip.
Apakah tidak mungliin Vanli dapalix-asis\\'8 k('l uar negeTi :> I SII " il possih/"
for you IQ get a foreign u'/rO/(lnhip . Yalll i?
Note k('luar neg{'ri :Jort'igll (lil. go oul of lire ('ountry).
Itula h yang saya eob.a sudah Ixoberapa tahun tclapi bel um bcrhasil . Thlll 's
,,'IWI /'L't' a/reilll), been trying for (for) Sf'I't'ml yetlrs but "1"1' //01 yet succeeded.
Yanl ; is here displayi ng the typical optimism of the Indonesian .
Berhasil : 10 .wccl'('d derives from hasil ; resulf.
20 Pelajaran dua puluh
Lesson twenty
New words in this l esson
bahwa that
berlibur 10 take a holiday
danau lake
Dengan hormat Dear Si r
diundang invited
dua puluh twenty
indah beautiful, marvellous
kapal (lauI) boat
kal" lIt telegram, wire
kedalangan arrival
kOla ci ty, town
libur holiday
menceritakan describe
menunggu look forwa rd to
mi sal exampl e, instance
mi salnya for example
pantai beach/cs
pedagang merchant
sepal nya as soon as possible
sclJat healthy
St'jak since
St'lal l\.1alaka Straits of Malacca
tambah add
lenang calm. quiet
terbuka open
lerima receivejd
saya terima dua sural dari kal"an saya, Ahmad di Medan. /'1'/' '('('(';I'ed two
IC/II',,,/rOIl1I11), pal, Ahmad;n Medan.
II lerima : /0 'eceil'c You have, of course, come across this word in terima
kasi h: thank you whi ch literally means receil'e {OI'C,
b Medan is on the island ofSumatra while Jakarta. Bandung and Bogor are all
on Java,
2 Dengar. say. baeakan sural untuk saya. LiSlen, I'll read oUllhe 1('11(" Ih(t/'s
Note baca : /0 read; bacakan: /0 ,('adou/.
3 "ledan 20 Aperil . '\{(' (/all 20111 April,
You will notice that in Indonesian you write dUI puluh Aperil : twenty April:
likewise lig. Aperil : 3rt! April (lit. three Aprif). Scc Appendix 3 for the months 20
of the year.
4 AIi, Say. sudah '('rima suratmu. AIi , I'l'e receirl'd your {eller.
This Jellcr from Ahmad is ofa friendly. informal nature.
S Kami sudah tambah anak laki-Iaki bulan lalu. We had (I huhy boy lusllllolIIlI
(lit. IVI' afreully udr/NI a male ("hiMlas! //Ionlh) .
Note the way in which Ahmad c)(prcsses the arrival of the new baby.
6 Kami sang.1lI senang kalau kawa n kitl, Budi, mau datang ke Medan. lVe IrQl/id
be )'fry pleased if our (muwal) pal, BUlli, would likl' (lit. '1'(1111) /0 COI/1(' 10 /Ifl'dun.
Although Ahmad has not yet met Budi he refers 10 him as kita: our pal
(Le. mutual pal). The reason is that Budi has been accepted in Ali's house and
so, as Ali's friend. Ahmad will also accrpl him.
7 Hara p kirim kawat sect'patnya. Sfmd a II'/(>gram as soon po.uihlf.
a Ha ra p kirim literally means hope send. Harap in combi nation with another
verb can have the effect of making the other verb into something of <I cOfllmand
(i.e. a n imperative).
b kawa t : telegram (lit. wire)
c cepat : fasl; secepatnya : as soon as possible
8 Dengan hormat. Dear Sir (lit. Wilh respecl) .
As Ahmad doesn't know Budi his letter is somewhat more formallhan the onc
he wrote 10 Ali. However. it is slill friendly in tone and style.
9 Saya dengar dari Ali bah,,'a saudara Budi datang berl ibl.IT k<> Indont'Sia. IlwIIT
from AIi Ihal you Blll/i hcm.' come 10 Indonesia for le 1r0lidcIY (lit. 10 /(/kf' Cl
libur : holiday: berlibur : 10 lake a holiday
10 AIi dan saya ka,,'an bail.'. seja k di sekolah. Ali fllld I bm'f' ht'f'lI Koodjril'lu/.\
since (we w('1e) at school.
11 Saudara a kan dapat melihal. You wif{ get 10 see.
NOle the use of dapal : 10 g('f in the sense of Iw (Ihlf'.
11 misalnya, da na u Toba. panlai. kampung- kampung yang berbecl a dan daerah
gunung. for example. ulke TOOII . beaches. "i!f"}!f'S which life (/ijferel/l al/(l
mounwin regions.
a misal : example: misalnya :f01 I' X(lmple
b Lake Toba is a famous beauty spot in the mountains near Medan. 11 is an
enormous lake.
c kampung-kampung yang berbecla : ,il/ag/'s hiel, lire difft'renl (Olle from IIIl'
Olhl'r) $umatra conlai ns many different cultures and you will fi nd many
unspoiled villages where the tradit ions and cultures arc fully preserved. This is
in contrast to Java which is more densely populated and open 10 foreign
13 Sauda ra Bud; bi sa datang 1.'.1' Medan nail.'. kapal terbang YOII Bllfli ("/Ill Call/I' 10
Alt'l/(m by plum'
a You will have noticed that several times Ahmad addresses Budi as saudara
Budi . Thi s is polite but friendly.
b Remember nail.'. in regard to means of transport ( LI. NI S).
c kapall erbang: aerop{(l//e (lit.fl.riIlK boul but NOT Kapal alone means
bout and you will also sec kapallaut : bum (lit. OCel/ll bQ(1f) as kapal on its own
can be confusi ng.
14 Saudara a kan st'fl ang melihat Selat l\1a laka dengan aimya yang Ietlang. You
will he to see Ihe SlrailS of Allllt/cea with ils mlm wt/las.


The Straits of Malacca separate Malaysia from Indonesia and as Mcdan is in
the North-East of Sum aIr a Budi will fly over them or sail along them on the
journey. Travelling by boat around Indonesia's islands is a delightful. if
leisurely. way of gelling about.
Ali dapat mencerilakan lempaHcmpat yang baik. AIi ('(Ill describl' goml
Note again this use of dapat (Note 11 ) .
men + ecrila : s/O,)' + kan = mcnce rilakan : 10 describe (Appendix 9(ii
Kami mt'flunggu kedlllangan Budi di Meclan. W .. lire look ill!: jOrlmullQ BI/cli s
IIrril'ul ill Medan.
men ,... tunggu : IQ l.-ail menunggu : 10 look forward to Note that the I is
dropped when men is prefixed \0 a word beginning with t (Appendix 7(ii .
datIng : 10 come; kcdalangan: arriYa! (Appendix 9(i
Uormat s,aya, YOIITS lruly (lit. My fl'SP!'cts),
This is the eorrect ending [0 a leHer begun with Dengan harmat .
Di a kaya sekarang. Il'"lapi kl'"pada ka""annya di a baik dan tl'"rOOka. lie s ricll
/101<" . bill /O,..ards lIis lw's good (//1(1 O{X' II .
Note buka: /0 ope,r: tl'"rbuka : oll,,"ed, Upl'n (adjective) (Appendix 7(\'.
Saudara tidak jK'"rlu bayar apa-apa kalau saudara diundang. You dOIl't 11f'I'cI
/0 po)' (Jllyllring i/YQU 11fl' ;/I\ill,/I.
diundang: in"iled Thi s is another example of the passive (LI5. N7.
Appendi x 13).
21 Pelajaran dua puluh satu
Sakit perut
Lesson twenty-one
Stomach ache
New words in this lesson
bangunkan wake up (someone else)
IK-Iakang toilet
IK-rak excrete. go to the toilet
beri give
bikin main-main make fun
buang air besar pass a stool
buang ai r kecil pass water
bubur porridge
cabai small hot chilli
dilarang forbidden
eDr thin
hali-hali be careful
ikul follow
jemput go and sce
kalah lose, has lost
what's up?
keras solid, hard
kesalahan mi stakc
kina quinine (anti-malaria)
klinik clinic
kurang enak unwell. ill
masuk a ngin catch a cold
mungkin perhaps
munt ah vomit
nasihat advice
nyamuk mosquitofes
obat medicine
jK'"kan week
perut stomach
pi! pil1/ s
raksaSl giant
rasa feel
resep prescri ption
SIIkit pt'rul stomach achc
SII lah wrong thing
sthari per day, daily
sekali once
selimul blanket
lak no, not
tcbal thick
lentu it must be/ have been
tcrserlilh up to you
tipis thin
udara air
usah necessary
Saya dengar tadi malam ada orang beberlil pa kali ke belakang, LastniKhl1
heard Ihm there was s(J/I1l'body wlro lI'enl 10 Ihe loilt'llI/tlllY lime.I' (lit. mallY
limes 10 the buck).
You will remember that the loilet is situated lowards thc back of an
Indonesian house and so when Vanli refers 10 belakang she means the toilet.
2 Mungkin dia sakit pt'rut, karena makanan kemarin itu pedas sekali . Perhllps
lle had s/OII/{/(h adle. beraus(' Ilwt food Y'esterday was I'ery spicy.
3 sebab dia belum biasa makan banyak eabaL becouse he . ~ //0/ yel u ~ I ( I I O
eating many s/1/a/l green chillies,
cabai These are very small and very hot green chi llies. They are an acquired
laste and should be eaten spari ngly until one is accuslomed to them.
4 Budi, kenapa? Sudah jam delapan masih lidur? Apakah kurang enak badan?
Budi . wlrat's up? It 's already I'igill 0 'clock amI )"oll'rl' slill aslt'ep. Are yvu ill?
(lit. Is your body nOI we/l enough t)
Note the way in which Ali asks after Budi' s health when he already SUSpeCIS
that he is unwell. You will note that he uses kurang and notlidak (L18, NIO).
S Tadi malam saya berak-berak dan munlah-munlah dan krkeringal. Ltlsl
nighl III'enl /0 lire IUl"l/wry (I 101, (alll/) I'omill'd .\eleralli!IIf.'.f (lilt! .n,ell/e(l.
8erak-berak is a very colloquial. though nOI vul gar, term used largely among
people who know each other. The literal meaning of berak is excrl'fe. By
repeating the verbs berak and muntah Budi indicates that the action happened
more than once.
6 Kenapa kau lak bangunkan saya? WI,), didn't ymlll"ake me?
11 Tllk is a short form of tidak.
b Note the difference between bangun : /0 wake lip (i.e. somelhi ng which happens
10 you inlloluntarily) and bangunkan : 10 Imke up (i.e. someone else), e.g. Sa)'1I
hliIngun dan bangunkan Ali: Iwokt' up and ... oke AIi.
7 Va, mungkin saYII slIllIh maklln. YI'S. perhaps I ate liIe wrong lhing.
salah: .... rong. incorrec/.llre wrong tiring
8 Tetapi sllyll rasa badanmu pllnlls. Bul j. feel YUllr botly is Irol.
Note agai n the reference to the body, this time in relation to Budi's
temperature (Note 4).
9 Inikan had Minggu. Tllk usah panggil dokler, This is Suml(IY. It ilm't
necessary /0 call1he doctor.
a Inikan is an emphatic fonn of ini ,
b Tak/lidak usah : /1 isn'l necessary
10 Si)"1I jempulllyllh Sri. 1'/1 go ami see (lit. 1'/II11I'el) Sr;'sflllher,
NOlI' that jempul : 10 meet is used in [he sense of tu go mul see somebody.
Terserah, saya ikul nlilsihalmu. It's up 10 )'ou, J' {f follow your m/l'ice,
Here iku! means to /o/low.
Kasihan, ra ksasa dad London k.alah dengan cabai dan nyamuk. Poor boy. the
Rill/II froll! wndol1 IIC1J' l o ~ 1 ORainst (lit. with) Ill/;' ,l:rl'/'/r clriflil.'S (llId mQsqui/ms.
Juga terlalu banyak makan. Also you \'1;' ea/en 100 much (lit. lOO /IIuch eating).
S3YII sudah !lIhu dia akan sakil. Baik untuk pengalaman. I knew h,,'d be ill.
1,'5 good/or the experience.
Ali is being flippant here. Budi has wanted 10 try every c;o;pcrience he can in
Indonesia, so Ali teases him Ihal he wanted to try OUI being ill as wel l.
Jangan begitu. dia saki! kIIu bikin main-main. Don '/ be like 111(1/. he's ill /Il1d
you"e making/un (o/him).
Jangan kualir, dia sakil St"dikil saja. DO/l'/ worry. hl"SjIlS/ sliX/llly (Iil. (/ !ill/")
17 Nand saya kasi resep. Hams istirahat dua ha ri . Laler FII girl' (him) (I
prescriplion. He must rest (jor) two days.
18 Untuk dua hari dilarang makan makanan keras. Hanya bubur dan pisang. For
twO days he is forbidden 10 eOI solid food. Only porridge and banantlS.
a You will notice that here untuk is used with dua hari in the sense of/or two
days. whereas in Note 17 dua hari alone means/or two (/ays. The use of
untuk serves to give emphasis to the time mentioned a nd thi s emphasis is
increased by placing the phrase unltJk dua had at the begi nninb of the sentence.
b dilarang:/orbidden This is a nother passive fonn (di + larang). Sce
Appendix 13.
e Bubur is not of course porridge as it is known in Brit ai n. [\ will probably be
kacang hijau which is made from green mung beans. which are very small and
rich in protein. or nasi tim. a rice broth containing pi eces of chi cken and
19 Btsok habis buang air kedl dan air besar, kirim sedikit kepada saya di klinik
saya. Tomorrow (I/I('r /HISsing wOl('r anti a stool, send a litlle to lIIe (/I m ,l"
Remember buang : 10 get rid of. 10 disc(ml. The doctor has prescribed quinine
pills as Budi has a touch of malaria.
20 Ya. dia juga masuk angin. Dia tidak pakai selimul karena lIdara Indonesia
panas. Yes, he's al.I'o l'aught a cold. Ht' hasn't been usinR a bl(mket berausl' the
Indollesian air is warm,
a masuk angi n : 10 catch {j cold (lit. elller willd)
b The doctor can see that Budi has not been using a blanket but as he is
suffering from malari a he is going to need onc when the attacks are at their
hei gh t.
21 pekan yang akan datang? thiscollling "wk (lit. Ihe week which will cOllie) ?
This is a useful expression to learn.
22 Yanli, beri dia pil ini tiga kali sehari dan obat eneer ini sekali empat jam.
Yallli, girl' him these pills Ihree times II day and the liquid (lit. thill) me(/ieine
onC!' (erery)/oar hours.
Note the use of the prefi x se : one in sehari : a day, per day (se + hari : day) and
sekali : onc(' (se t kali : lillle).
Pelajaran dua puluh dua
Istirahat di rumah
New words in this lesson
agama religion
angel luke warm
bcrabc 'rouble. chaos
bcrapi burning. on fire
buang "aklu waste time
Hudha Buddhi st!s
CIIrKii shrine/so monument /s
cewek girl
cuma (E) only
dua puluh dua twenty-two
errr! ugh '
gila cra zy
gunung bcrapi volcano es
Hindu 5
hi an New Guinea
Ja"'a Java
juru ra,,'at nurse
Kalimantan Borneo
kepingin would like to. wanl
kesal fed up
Krislen Chris.ianjs
lemas run down
lesson twenty-two
Staying at home
luas V;Ist
majal ah mag:l/inc S. periodical Is
marah (E) angry
pahil biller
paling banyak (the) mosl
patuh obey
p<'ngikul follOl'ocr s
pen;ng giddy
pcrnah yet
pulau ist:lnd s
puncak top. summit
pusing din)'
salju snow
santa ... -nya d('ngan as ... as
sampai ke as far as
S('mbuh recover. heal
S(' paujang all. entire. whole: Icnglh
S(' panjang had all day
S panyol Spain
Sula,,('Si Celcbes
tempallidur bed
lengah central. middle
1 Bagaimana Budi? 11011" f(()l.S 1/.
2 Va. saya rasa I('bih !ithal. YI'S. fled hl'lIer (lit. murl' hl' II/llIy).
J kalau p<'ning jangan I(' rlalu ban)'a k mcrnbaca. If I'ol/'rl' J!iddr. dOI/ ' / f('ud /O(}
a Remember that banyak and hence terlalu ban)' ak are placed before the verb
Inca or mcmbaca : 10 re<l{/ ILl S. NJb and 19).
b When the prefh me is allaehcd to a word beginning with b or p. it becomes
In('m. e.g. baea- membaca 7(ii)).
4 Saya ktliaJ buang "'aklu di II'm pal lidur. / ill jl'(lup fill/I'm hl"/,
a buang waktu : IQ It'(lSfe /iml' Notice this use of buang.
b lempat lidur : hl'd (ht. (I plan' 10 sh'ep) Look out al so for the term balai-balai
which signifies a bed made of bamboo.
S Oia ba,,'a majalah. buku eerila dan pcta Indontli ia. Shl' hrOIlf(IIIII/(IJ!lI=m.,.I'.
swry Ixwks lIm/lI map oj /ndol/esia.
6 Kalau begilu saya juga kepingin sakit . Ada cewek manis. buku mcnarik dan bisa
' Iidur St'panjang hari . /1/ IlIal ("(Ise f 'd like 10 ht, ill /QQ, There (IfI' pn'lIr Kirlr.
illfl'fl'Slilll! Iwoks t111l/"'011 ('(//1 S/I'I'p tiff (ItIY.

kepingin : would like, wunt This is a very useful verb .
scpanjang: all, whole. entire, the length This is made up of se + panjang: long.
Budi bisa banyak bel aja, tentang Indonesia di tempat liduT. BUiJi ('un learn a
fot about Indonesia in bed.
You will notice that here banyak is placed before belajar (Note 3a).
Saya belum pernah tahu bahwa Indone.ia begitu luas. Says baca dari buku ini.
1/lUdn'J realised (lit. nOI )'er already kno,,"n) Ihal Indonesia IWtl so .. ast. r,'t' been
reading ill (lit./rom) this book.
Oari Sabang sampai kt' Marauke. lebih jauh daripada London ke New York.
From Subang as/aT os Morouke isluTlller /Jum London to New York.
Sabang is in the northernmost part of Sumatra while Marauke is in eastern
West Irian.
Ada kira-kir.a li g. ribu pul au, yang besar adalah Kalimantan, Iri an Baral,
Sumalra, Jawa, dan Sul awesi. There are aboUlrhree Ihousand islands . Ihe big
ones (lil. Ihose which are big) are Borneo. Westlrian. Sumatra. J(l\'O and
Nole the spelling of J awa in Indonesian. West Irian is the western part of New
Guinea, the eastern part of which is a member of the British Commonwealth.
known as Papua New Guinea.
11 Sumat ra kira-kira sama besamya dengan Spafl ),ol. Sumalra is (lboul as big as
Note how in Indonesian you make a comparison of equality, which in English
is made by placing as before the adjective and as after it, e.g. as big as, as
interesting as, etc. In Indonesian you place sama (or se) before the adjective to
which you add fl ya and then place dengan after it, e.g. sama besamya dengan,
SIIma menariknya dengan. See Appendix Se.
12 Seluruh Eropa sama besarnya dengan Indonesia, The whole of Europe is (Lt big
as Indonesia.
Seluruh : "'hole refers to the whole bulk of anything, no matter how it is
measured, and so differs in usage from sepanj ang (Note 6b) which can only be
used to refer to something measurable only in length. such as time.
13 Va, saya baca ada banyak gunung berapi, danau dan ada salju di puncak gunung
di Irian Barat . Yes, I read Iltalthere are /1/(//1), \'olcanoes (and) hIkes (II/(llh('(('
on Ihe /IIountllin lOpS in We.w Irian.
gunung berapi : I'olcano (lit. mountaill) Rerapi : Olljire. buminK is
formed by Ix-r + api : jire.
14 semuanya di J aw'a tengah, all of Ihem ill Central Jata.
15 Di Suma!ra ada banyak rumah adal dari seliap daerah. III SU/II(l/ra there are
/IIall)' houses (of cus/oms) froll/'each regioll.
rumah adat These arc boarding establishments where boys are taught the
manly arts. religion. customs. manners etc. which belong to their own culture.
Remember that Sumatra has many different regions and cultural groups.
16 Ada Ix-rapa IIgll ma di Indonesia?' Agll mllapll yang paling banyak pengi kutnya?
HolI' /1/0/1.1' af(' Ihere in Indonesia? Which religioll has Ill(' most foIlOlI'l'r.f ?
a Note pll ling bllnyak: 1110S1 (lit. maIlY). Pll ling is used on its own with an
adjective, e.g. pll ling besar : /IIQSI big (i.e. biggest) but when a noun is involved
paling banyak are used together to mean most. as here with pllling banyak
b pengikutnya: lit. follo""l'rs of il Here nya refers to the religion followed. The
pe or pen (peng before a vowel) indicates the person who does the action
of the verb to which the prefi x is attached. c.g. peng + ikul : 10 follo w 22
pcngikul : /offoll'fr; pen + duduk : /0 sit = pcnduduk : illfwbiwlII (Appendix 7(iii .
17 Yaog paling baoyak pengikutnya. Islam. k('modian "rislen, Hindu dan Budha.
The OIl(' l'I'ilh Ihe most followers is Islam, tllt'I! Chrislilln.f, Hill(hl s mId BUr/l/hisIS.
rH Apa saudar. sudah k{'ming Indonesia? Hart' YOII (alrt'lldy) h('('/I IIrolllld
Note the use of k(' tiling with thc sense of go ((rQuml.
19 Saya lidak pemah pikir lentang ilu. Ilwren ', )'('/ though' "twill I/U/I.
20 Baora" orang sudah pernah pergi ke Eropa dan Amerik.. /lI(",),
Indonesians hal'/! already been 10 E/lrope and America.
Note that pemah is used with sudah here. just as it was used with oclum in
Note 8. Pernah adds the idea of having had the experience of doing something.
21 Sekarang l'I'aktu untuk minum obat . Saya ambilkan air angel. N()lI' i(s time' 10
lake your medicine. 1"11 get .1'011 some lukewarm watt'r.
ambil : 10 get; ambilkan : 10 1{{'/ (for another person) (Appendix
22 Kita harus patuh kepada juru ra",at . kalau tidak kita bisa beralK>. IVI'ml/.H
obey Ihe nursl'. if nOI we COUIII be in trouble.
a paluh kepada : 10 obey (lit. to om'), 10)
b berabe Thi s is a Javanese slang word meaning t rOllbll'. chaos, (()lIjiISIOII.
Pelajaran dua puluh tiga
New words in this lesson
alasan excuse
adaplasi adapt
(ber)campur mix. mingle
IK>robal to obtain medical treatment
di mana saja anywhere
heran wonder (how)
iOO mother; .. Madam
kaleng ti nned; closed
kcdua both
kegiatan activity
kerasan feel at home
kira think
mana yang? which onc ?
(meng)ajar teach/cs
mcnyesuaikan adapt
(scs,=,ai fit)
(mc)rasa feci
mudah easy. easily
Lesson twenty- three
penduduk S(' tempat local/s
rindu kampung homesick
scbel ulnya the truth of it
sedih sad
schingga so that
sclatan south
si the. that
Singapura Singapore
Skotlandia Scotland
sombong snob. snobbish
sosial social
sunyi lonely
tanpa without
tcrpi sah isol aled
tetangga neighbour/s
tinggal reside
ut ara north
""area ncga ra citizen
Ml.'rl.'ka heran, kau kerasan di sini . 71leY',( It'olldainf!, if )'011 jeel (1/ home "ut'.
a Here h(' ran has [he meaning of M'om/er if.
b Kerasan (kr + rasa -/ an) :/l'l'1 (It home from rasa : lojed.
2 &bclulnya saya warga negara dunia. 711{' lruth ofil is 101/1 (J of Ih.'
3 Tetapi banyak orang asing suh tinggal di Indonesia, lelapi mereka hidup eara
baral. BUI man)' [or,jf?,I1("S like 10 ,,'sic/e i n JlUlolI('sio. bill Ihe)' Jil'l' (in ll)
Wl'.uem 51)'/('.
In Ihi s case orang asing does mcan joreigl1ers (L8, N9c).
4 Kadang-kadang mcreka lidak bercampur dengan penduduk S(!1('mpal.
Sometimes Ihl')" don', mi.\' wilh till' lomls.
a The Indonesian term for a local;s pcnduduk ( L22. NI6b).
b penduduk setcmpal : ;I/I/(/h;/(IIII of /h.' pillet'
5 1\'ler('ka kUTang mau adaplasi. Tile), (1'('/1 '/ keel1 /0 m/lIp/,
The expression kurang mau : lil. 110/ l\'all/l'I1(JUgh. can often be translated int o
English as 1101 bdllK keel1.
6 Mana yang lebih mudah, masuk ke dalam masyarakat Indonesia alau maS)'arakal
Ingguis? Which OfW is !ll'asier to {'II/I'r (ill/o). Il1dol1esilll/ sofil'ly (Jr 1IJ.:lisll
a Note the question form mana )'ang : I.-hich ol/e.
b masuk ke dalam: 10 I'II/I' r ill/o. to pl'tWlmfl'
7 Saya pikir unluk dilerima di masyarakat Indonesia lebih mudah Ilhink Ihol
10 be accepled in Indonesion society is I'osil'r
Dilerima : acceplcd. receil"l'd is another passive fonn. di t !erima (Appendix 13).
8 Kami ada dua tetangga Inggeris dekal rumah. Salu keluarga mudah
menyesuaikan diri. We hal"e 111"0 Englislll/eiKhbours m'orb)" (li t. llear lire
houst.. aliI' family Iws clIsily ot/aplct/ ilscl/.
Menyesuaikan : /0 tldjusl. 10 at/lIpt has its root in sesuai :jif. The prefix me when
3113ched 10 words beginning wi th s becomes meny with the s being dropped:
thus me + sesuai = mCfl)'esuai (Appendix 7(ii .
9 Va, ktluarga Wilde pandai bergaul, Yes. 'hI' WildI' fllmif)" ore good mixt'fs
(lit. skilled sociable).
10 anak mereka masuk sekolah Indonesia Ilreir chiflirclllum' KO//{' 10 (li t. ('1I/1' rNI)
{l1/ IlIdon('siOl/ school
Ali is referring to the fact that the children have enrolled at a school. hence the
use of the word masuk. and not to the mere action of going to school.
II Nyonya Wilde mengajar bahasa Inggeris tanpa bayar di rumahnya. Mrs.
Wildt, II'ach('s Englishfrl'l' (lit. without poyillg) 11/ hcr hOl//I'.
mengajar : to tellch The root is ajar : to leuch which can be used alone. The
prefix me becomes meng before a vowel (Appendix 7(ii . Another word derived
from ajar which you know is pelajaran : lessoll.
12 Mereka lurul ambil b.agian d.alam kegialan sosial di sini. Tht'), mkt' IHlrl in
social aClil'ilit's here.
IJ Bagus, dan bagaimana dCflgan keluarga yang lain? G()()(./. (/lI(/ l'."h(l/ ahO/l1 111('
olher family?
keluarga yang lain : Ihe other family This is more emphatic than keluarga
14 Va. si sombong, keluarg.a Rowe, tidak mau bergaul, Mueh hidup S('"ooiri.

)'es, the snobbish one, the ROlfe family dO<'sn't If(mt to mix. Tile)' keep to
Si is often used with the names of people (e.g. Si Ali : Ilml All) or with an
adjective describing someone as here. It is rather a familiar term so be careful
to use it only about people you know well. [t emphasises the person who is
involved in something.
hidup sendiri : IQ keep to oneself (lit: 10 lire alone) The idea here is not that
they live on their own in their house but that they exclude others from thei r
IS Kapan rnereka sakit men' ka pergi berobat ke Singapura, "'hl'lIlhl')" IIr(' ill
Ihe)' go for Ireatmenl 10 Singllpcre.
a Yanti uses kapan : Ifhen to imply that these people arc often ill. flllher than
kalau : if. perhaps b:ause thei r way or Me and diet are not suited to
Indonesia's climate.
b ber + obat : lIIellicine = berobat : 10 g%r Irealment
e Some foreign residents go to Singapore for medical treatment as there arc
many Western doctors there. It is. of course. a pleasant but unnecessary trip.
often paid for by the company.
16 Mereka kurlng mau makanan asli Indonesia, m('feka pesan makanan kaleng.
The), 're nOI keen on reo/Indonesian food, Ihey order linned lom/.
kaleng : closed (i.e. tinned here) Note surat kaleng : (/NOllymml.l {Nta.
17 Apakah keduI kcluarga ini akrap? Are bolh Ihese close?
kedua : both
18 Oh, sayl kira lidak, karcna satu ke utara satu ke selalan. Oh, I don'llhillk so.
because Ihey both go Iheir own way (lit. one 10 tile north and ant' 10 Ihe SOIlIIr).
Notice thi s Indonesian way of saying people go their own way.
19 Kami merasa sedih mereka tidak datang, karena karni rnau rnernbuat rnereka
gernbira di sini, We fell sad Ihey didn'l ('amt,m'('llll.\e Ife n"(/I1fl'd 10 make Ihem
rOlllen/ed here.
20 karni akan mengundang mereka sekali lagi untuk bertcmu Rudi . 5aya pikir
mert' ka rindu kampung. .t"{' shall inl'ile 1/1('111 (111('(' lIIore to meet BII//i. Illrillk
they're JlOmesirk.
a me -t undang mcngundang: to inl"ile (Note 11 )
b rindu kampung : /lOlIIesick (lit . . 1"(,lIrning jor IIIe "i/l(IRe)
24 Pelajaran dua puluh em pat
Pergi ke Jakarta
New words in this lesson
anlar(kan) take
api fire
berharga valuable
bersih clean
buku lamu regisler. guest book
dua puluh empat twentyfour
e):pres express
isi fill in
jaga keep an eye on. guard
kamar mandi bathroom
kelas salu first class
kerela wagon. cart. carriage
kerela-api train
keterangan lengkap personal details
kopor suitcase
kosong empty. vacant
kunei key
langsung nonstop. straight
lemari cupboard
Lesson twenty-four
Going to Jakarta
menginap stay overnight
menunjukkan show
paspor passport
pdayan hotel porter
pcrnn platform
pesa>l'al machine. instrument
pesa>l'al lerbang aeroplane
pusal centre
sabun mandi toilet soap
sala m greetings. regards
sekali jalan single (journey)
selamal jalan have a good trip
se>l'a rent. ratc. cost
sibl gigi toothbrush
simpan put (away)
suruh order
las travelling bag. gri p. handbag
lukang kareis ticket clerk
Jadi, kau pergi dengan kerela-api ke Jakarta So you're going by lrain 10
a Note that in Indonesian by is translated by dCtlgan : with. when you arc
referring to a means of transport. e.g. dengan kerela-api : by Irain: dengan
mobil : by car.
b kerela-api: Irain (lil. jire wagon)
2 Va, besok saya terbang ke Medan dengan pesiI",at lerbang Caruda. Yes.
tomorrow I }/y 10 M.'dan 01/1/ Gllruria p!III/{' .
a dengan pesa>lallerbang : 011 a p/w/t'. fir pI/Ill/' (Note h )
b pesa\\iallerbang: lil. 111IIt'lIim'/lrill)f
3 Saya anlarkan kau ke selasiun sambil saya pcTgi kerja. 1'1/ take you 10 Ihe
stalioll on my way 10 work (lit. while I'm going 10 work).
anlar : lake; anlarkan : lake (when you're taking someone) (Appendix 8(ii
4 Tolong salu kareis kelas salu ke Jakarla sekali jalan. Ajirsl doss single
liekelto Jakana please (lil. Please one lickel doss one 10 Jakarta single
Note how to ask for a railway ticket. Visitors to Indonesia arc recommended
to use the express trains rather than the slower. ordinary ones.


SII)"alahu Jakarlll din taksi ini pakai meter. Apakah ini saja barang luan? 24
I know Jak(lfW (lntf this U/xi opt'rall's II meter, Is IIIi.f {Ill (lit. jlISI) J'our .
. ,
It is very important to use taxis with a meter and lip as you feel appropriate at
the end of the journey. If the taxi has no meter you should settle the cost of the
journey before you sel out.
Notice the use ofsaja here. Apakah ini barang tuan? : 1.\ this .I'(JUf lu/:xII}(e? but
Apakah ini sllja barang tuan ?: Isjll.I'tlhis yOl/r 1I1}!,}!II,Iw? (i.c. Is thi s .. 1I there is of
Semua urusan mudah. J ("(Ill mu/.:(' /Ill killlls 01"11"1111)(1-/111-/11.1 jor rl)// flit . "Ill
a"wlgel/WIlIs (lr(' I'lIsy).
The laxi driver is offering to put his local knowledge:H Budi's disposal ifhc is
7 Tolong luan isi buku lamu dengan ket era.ngan Itnghp dan nomor paspor.
Please jiff il/ /11(' regis/er ),'ilb yOllr pI'nollal dNl/ifs (//u/1111' I1l11l/hl'f o/yollr
passport , sir .
I ketenngln lengkap: perSOI/(/1 (Ielllifs (lit: complt'/e i/rjOf/J/IIliol1) The root of
keterl ngan is terlng : clear and so kettrangan has the meaning of or
b Whil st a foreigner will be asked 10 produce his/ her passporl al the hOlel desk,
an IndonC5ian would have to produce an identity card : karlu penduduk. A
foreign resident would have a klrlu pencluduk asing.
8 Saya suruh pelayan untuk menunjukkan kamar ilu. rff or(/er Ihe pOria 10
show you '''(1/ room.
me t- tunjuk : point OUl = menunjuk :show Note that when the word following
the prefix me begins with I, the t is dropped and mt becomes m,'n (Appendix
7(H . The suffix kin added to mtnunjuk indicates that the aClion is being done
for someone else's benefit (Note 3).
9 Di mana saya simpan barang-barang saya ? Wh('f(' ('(Ill/ pilI my lhings?
Budi is referring here 10 his valuables.
10 Va. barang bcrharga saya akan si mpan di lemari kanlor. YI'S. yOllr l"II/iwble
Ihings I shall PUI in Ihe offi('(' cllphoart/.
a harga : price; berharga : )'(I/rmh/e
b Lemari is not a safe: in a small hotel it would be a stout. locked cupboard.
11 Terst'rah kl'pada luan. II's Ill' 10 .1"011. sir.
Terst'rah may be used on its own 10 mean il's Ill' 10 yOIl or in combination wilh
kep.ada, as here.
12 80leh sekar.ang dan boleh besok p.agi . YOII /1/(/)' (pay) IIOW or (lit. (Il/(l) ),011 mlly
(pay) IOmorrow morning.
13 besok h.arus keluar sebclum jam dua siang. And 10morr01<" )"OIlIllIlSI le(l1'('
be/ore 11<"0 0 'dock in Ihe o/Iernooll.
Remember jam dua siang : 11\"0 0 'c/()("k ill Ihe lI/lernOOI1.
25 Pelajaran dua puluh lima
Keliling Jakarta
New words in this lesson
bangsa nationality
berdansa 10 dance
berlibur on holiday
Cina Chinese. China
coba try. please
dansa dance
dinas offi cial
dua puluh lima twenty-five
jalan-jalan walk about
kt piting crayfish, crabjs
k ~ i n perfonning arts (dancc, drama,
music, etc.)
kttemu meet
ketiduran oversleep. overstept
kl ab cl ub
klab malam night club
kodok frog
komplex hiburan recreation centre
lampu light/s
lihat-lihat look round
lesson twenty-five
Going round Jakarta
maaf sorry
mati stopped, dead
menari dance
menonton watch. watching
oplet mini-bus
pasar malam evening amusement park
pegawai worker
pegawai negri civil servant
pinggir laul seaside
ramai busy, exciting
ruang space. place
ruang tamu lobby
segala all, every
sendirian on your own
tari an dancing
tempat dansa dance hall
tukang masak cook, chef
turut join in
udang prawn/s, shrimp/s
urusan dinas on official business
Jam saya mati. Saya ketiduran. My }mUh hos SloPfH'd. /'I'e ol'ersfepl.
a Mati can mean both sIQPfH'dand t/ead, and can refer to instruments. lights.
machi nery and also people, e.g. Lampu mati : Thl! /igh/s (1ft' dl.'(ld: Ka"-an saya
mati : My f riend is (lead.
b kt + tidur : s/eep+an = keliduran : IQ ol'l'rs/el.'p
2 Maa( tuan, saya tidak punya jam. Coba tanya tuan itu. Sorry sir, I dOll't
possess a lI'arcil. Try askillg that gentlenwn.
a By using punya: own and not ada : haL'(' the hotel page indicates that he doesn't
possess a watch, not that he doesn't happen to be wearing one. He hints to
Budi that he is poor by sayi ng this.
b Coba tanya could also be translated by Please ask . Coba is often used with the
sense of please.
3 Saudara harus mampir di Solo. You must SlOp off 0/ Solo.
Solo, in central Java, is one of Indonesia's major cultural cent res.
4 Va. ada dalam rencana perjalanan say. , Yes. //U/I 's (//1/01lg my /T(/L'e/ pluns,
ada dalam: II/at's among Note lhat here dalam: inside has [he sense of all/Ol/K.
Remember that ada can mean /here is/are. that is. etc. and also /u/I'e, as you
can see in Abdul's next remarks.
Kita ketemu di maoa? Where shall we meet!
Thi s questi on could equally well be expressed by I>i mana kila You
will remember that apa can be placed both at the beginning or at the cnd of a
question. e.g. Apa saudara mau lihat?/Saooara mau lihat apa Wlwl do )"011
Wlln/to .1"('(.'.
6 Ada klab malam, rumah makan segala bangsa, pasa r malam. tarian Indonesia
dan lain-lain. Then' lire niKhl dllbs, ellling of erery I1l11iOlWlilY,
umust'fnerrt ptlrks, IndOlU'sian t/flr/ring, e"/C.
a Nail' the spelling orklab : dub.
b Like all capital citics. Jakarta has much to alTer in the \\';I Y of entert ainment. A
visit to an amusement park is highly recommended as there you will find all the
fun of the fair. plus dancing and st all s serving a wide variety of excellent food.
7 Saya juga pega"'ai sepert i saudara. I'm (I worker /(JtJ,likt, )"lIIl.
Budi is poi nting out that he is j ust an ordinary wor ker like Abdul and so does
oat want to visi t expensive tourist places.
8 Kila pergi makan ke re;toran Cina di pinggir laut. Apakah Slludara makan
udang. kepiling dan kodok goreng? We '1/ go mul t'lII (1/ u Chi/w.w r('Slmmllll (/I
the 5('(lside. Do )"0// e(l/ prllWIlS, crayfish (//u/ f rogs iI'KS (li t. Fird iro,s:)?
Abdul is suggesting a visit to the port and seaside resort of Jakarta named
Tanjung Priok. about fifteen miles out of the city. It is full of good rcstaur:lOts
and has a famous fi sh market (pasar ikao).
9 Taksi mahal, kita naik oplet. Lebih murah. Taxis lire expt'lIsiL,t" \I't'l/ll/kt' 11
mini.hl/s. II 'sl'lll'apt'r.
You can hail a minibus anywhere along its set route and be set down at any
point of it. You should agree the fare before boarding. Slight deviations from
the set route can be made but will cosl a littlc more.
10 Oplelladi kecillelapi mUTah, Tholminibus was .1'111(111 hI/I dl('clp.
Tadi : pusl./asl./ormercan be translated as tiwl when it is used to describe
something that has just oc'Cn expericnced. I-I erc, for example. oplel tadi : Ih(ll
mini-hus is the one they have Just travelled in.
11 Tukang masaknya Icrkcnal. The e/lljlwre fill/lOllS.
12 Si lakan pesan, baunya ('nak. Saya jadi lapar. Pka,w ()rdc'r, Ihe slI!ell.f heri? ore
delicious. I'm gl' I/;,lg Inmgr)".
a You have already mctlhe word bau with the meaning of slmeh, IlIIplt'asom
smel/( Ll2, NI4a). However, used with enak : tost)", delirious it has the sense of
a strong. pungem hrll appelising smell.
b Bolh here and in Note 11 the suffix nya refers to thc restaurant (Iukang
masakn}'a : its chef: bJounya : its smells). although the restaurant itself has not
been mentioned. That ex plains its lTanslation as here.
13 .' Iari. kila sekarang ke Binaria, Itu komph.' x hiburan. COllie mr. 11"(' '11 go IrQW
10 BiIlOri(l. TIIlI/'s a recreation celllre.
AI Binaria you wi ll find facilities for sport . the ar ts. dancing. etc.
14 Kita hanya menonton, tetapi kalau saudara mau berdansa ada lempat dansa..
We're only .fpet/(1/0rS (lit. We'rt' only wale/ring) bUI if )"01/ wum 10 d(lIIee lituc'
(Ire d(lrIcc' halls.
a Budi hadn' t realised that wherc the performing art s arc conccrned. onc remains
a spectator and does not parti cipate.
b Menonton means IQ wulch or 10 see. in relation 10 a spectaclc such as a show or
c Dllnsa refers to westcrn style dancing while menari is the more tradit ional form
of dance. Berdansa is the verb form of dansa. The root of menari is tari which
also gives larian : dancing.
Bagaimana kalau kit. jalan-jalan dan lihat-lihat saja? How about our just
walking abvUI and looking round?
Note the effect of reduplicating the verbs in jalaD-jalan and lihat-lihat
(Appendi:'l 12).
jalan : walk: jalan-jalan : walk aboul
liha! : look: lihat-lihat : Itmk round
16 Kita keliling kira-kira dUI jam laolas pulang. We 'I! (w{//u/aj mU/ul for ahol/l
/Wo hours lhell go back.
17 Saya senang bertcmu saudara, kalau tidak saya tidur saj. di hotel. "m If/mll
met you, ifllol perhaps I would ha I'''' j ust s/ayed (lit. slept) in the hOlel.
Pelajaran dua puluh enam
Berangkat dari Jakarta
New words in this les$on
ala in the style oC ~ ' I la"
asalkan but , on condition
baklr toasted. burned
bayi baby
bawa taksi drive a taxi
berapa jam? how long?
berbeda detlgan different from
berkumpul assemble. go to. gather
eari makln try/trying to earn a living
dagang deal. business
dua puluh cnam twenty. six
flight fligh t
harap please
isap smoke
kanal canal
kl"bi.-Iulan the truth is
kursi seat. chair
loudspeaker loudspeaker
maeam kind. type
maeam-maeam all kinds of
maeet snarled up, jammed. stalled
mendarat (D) land/cd
lesson twenty-six
leaving Jakarta
menlega butter
merokok smoke. smoking
nol nought
nyetlyak soundly
orang dagang tradesman/men. vendor/s
paling lama at the latest
pelayan waitress
penumpang passenger
perhatian attention
perwn tip. present
pinlu gate. door
pramugari stewardess. hostess
pulang.pergi return (of ticket)
roti bread
rOli bakar toast
rupanya at least
sedia served, ready
siapkan prepare. get ready
sudah lama for a long time. a long time
susu milk
wah ah well
Apa luan mau sarapan ala Eropa alau Indonesia ? Do )'tIIl 11'(1111 European slyll'
brt'uk/asl or Indom'sian, sir?
ala : inlhe style 0/ This has come int o Indonesian from the French (i 1(1 so
freq uently secn on restaurant menus.
2 Saya mau air jenlk. kopi susu dan roti bakar dengan menl t'J!a. I 11'(1111
juice. coffee (lI'ilh) milk and toast 011// buller.
susu : milk Indonesians are not great drinkers of frcsh milk whi ch does not
keep well in the Indonesian climate. Swcctened, condensed milk is however
very popular.
3 Tolong siapkan bonnya. Pesan laksi ke lapangan lerbang Krmayoran jam
delapan. Please preptlre Ill)' bill, Order (I taxi 10 KI'/I/(lyorfln ,.I irpo" at eif,!ht
a siap: r('(I(ly: siapkan : 10 prepttre, IQ gel ready Hcre again the sutJi" kan
indicates an action being done for someone. clse's benefit (Append;" l4(ii )).
b Kemayoran is Jakarta's airport for internal flights. The intern:uional airport is
Hal im.
4 Pak supir. berapa lama ke Kemayoran? Dril'er , "OIl' 10111{ (.,.illll wkj') /()
Kl'lnayoran ?
5 \Vah. krbrtulan sckarang lalu linlas maeel. Ah II'C'II, flu' Irllth i,l' Ihl/I/IOI" Ih('
IrajJic IlIIs snarled lip.
6 Orang mau pugi kt, kanlor. anak sckolah. orang dagang. macam-maeam oranj.!
ca ri makan, Pt'ople (lI'ho) \I'(/fl/ /O!{O /0 Iile ojJin' , duM"'!I, Irm/t',I/m'II,
all kimls o/peoplt' trying to earn a lil'l"'!{.
a maeam: kind, Iypl': maeam-maeam: a/l kim/.I', ufll.rpI'''' Thi s is ,mother
e"ample of redupli cat ion (Appendix 12)
b eui makan : lit. /Q look/or /oad This is an idiomatic \\ ith the
meaning of 10 try 10 {'(ITn (I/il'inf,!.
7 Saya sudah lama ba",a laks1. Sa)'a kira palinj.! lama kita sampai lima brlas menit
lal;1. I' .. e 111.'1' 11 (Irirm): 11 III \' i Jor fI /11111', Ill(' /(1/(''\/ Wt' '" {lrril'l' IS m
mw/her jijlel'" lIIillllll'S,
a sudah lama : jor 11 {()IlK 111111'
b paling lama : Ihe Ill/est (lil. //l ost 1011):) As you can sec lama is uscd in a
number of useful c"pressions.
8 Loudspeaker. The English word is used in Indonesian,
9 Penumpang-penumpang unluk Medan, flight nomor GA 203 (dua nolliga), harap
bt>rkumpul di pinlu nomor dua, IIIlmht'r GA 2Q3
(flt'lIlwughfthrc'e) p{f'ose (I.Hell/b/(, at f,!(J/t' !lumber /11'0,
a You will note the use of another Engl ish word in Highl .
b Harap : 10 hof'(' is often used in public announcement s with the sense of p{('USf'.
so as not to make an inst ruction sound too much li ke an order.
10 Saya lupa tanya apakah di kursi saya bolch mcrokok? I jhrKul IU (Isk, i,I'
smoking permil/I'll ill my se(l/ (lit. if ill my Sj'at it is pf>rmilll'd 10 Jmokl')?
mcrokok : /OslIIoke Remember rokok : cigurel/e. A useful to le:trn
is di larang merokok : I/O smoking,
11 Saudara boleh merokok di mana saja di pes3",al ini. asalkan jangan isap krClck.
YOII lIIar smoke (lIIYII'''erl' ill this plon(, hll/( li l. 0/1 cOlUlit/()II) rlOII '/ J'/I/Okt' do\'{,
The general word for smoke or slIIoking is ml.' rokok. However, you can also use
isll P when you actually mention what is being smoked, such as a cigar. pipe.
Ikrapajam lie Ml'1lan ? lIow IUIII{ (w;/I11 wki') IQ M e(/al1 ?
Rcrapa jam: hI. !Iow m(/IIY 1/01lf.\ is a useful alternati ve [0 berapa lama when
you expect the answer 10 be in terms of hours.
Ini pertama kali saudara lit' :\1('dan? This is Ih(' firs/ lime you (' ,'e been) 10
{I.' I'I/(III ?
You will notice that neither apakah nor apa have been used in this questi on. As
in English a question in Indonesian can be asked by si mply altering your
intonat ion. Li slen carefully 10 the The stewardess could have s,:\id
ApafApakllh ini pcrtama kali ... ? Is Ihis liI(' fir.w linl(' .
Bcrbe4a dengan Jakarta. 11 's di[lert'''' from Jakarta.
Note iK'rlM>da dengan : dij/"ft' /II from (lil. lI'ilh).
Va. benllr saya dari Medan tetapi sudah lama pindah kc Jakarta . YI'S. (lhClI 's)
('Q"I'CI, I 'm };Ol/l Atl'dCl" I>II/mored /(J Jukllr/lI /I IOllx lillll' IIX{J,
Here sudah lama means (IIIIIIX 1;/1/(' ClXlI (Note 7a ).
27 Pelajaran dua puluh tujuh
Tiba di Medan
lesson twenty-seven
Arriving in Medan
New words in this lesson
agen agent
apa kabar? how is arc
asa hope
baik-baik saja very well
brlanja shop (for), go shopping (for).
spend (on)
brrobah changeld
enormous. huge
dapal manage to, succccd in
dua puluh lujuh twent y-sevcn
hampir almost. nearl y
kan arc (emphatic)
kan aren't you? etc.
keadaan st at e, condit ion
kebanyakan majority
kedu8 second
kedulaan (E) Embassy
laku popular
lalu last
membiarkan leave someone alone
mcngelakkan avoi d
menjadi become. has become
menjempul meet
mcnunggu expect
minyak oil
pulus broken
pulus asa lose lost hope
sengaja delibenltcly. on purpose
searang a, an, onc
silakan please do
I"rang clear. clearly
lunjukkan show
luris tourist
Saya menunggu seorang leman yang akan menjempul saya. /'11/ ('.,pectinff (I
[ri(,l1d 10 111t'1' 1 111(' {lit. (I pt'rsQII frielld 1..1,0 Wi/lllll'l'I 1111').
a menunggu : 10 expect The root is lunggu : 10 slay. 10 \l"ail.
b se<lrang t{'JOan : a[riellll You have already met scorang : IH.'fSOIl ( LW. N5). It
is frequently used in front of a person with the meaning of '1.1111.0111'. e.g.
se<lrang Indonesia: (Ill /l1Ifm/('sial1: seorang dokler : a d'H.II". NOle Ihat if you
wish to stress olle. as opposed to 1\\"0. I/m'l' etc. you should use saln. A word
such as seorang. used in this way. is known as a nUlller,,1 cocllleient
I' menj emput This is.m alternative form to mcnj('put and is often heurd.
2 Sauda ra Budi, kan ? You're Bm/i. arell'/ you?
Kan, a shortened form of bukan. is tagged onto the cnd ofscntcnecs to usk
such questions as (Irell'/ you? iSII '/ /1(' 7. hm'en', you? 11'011'1 IIII'Y? CIC.
3 Sa}'a sengaj a membi arkan. bagaimana saudara dapal mengelakkan ortmg-orang
ini ? / (klihl'mldy /(1t .1'011 a/oll('. /lOll" dill rOil 1II11II11ffl' If) (I I"al/( Ih(IS(' 1111'11 :'
a Here membiarkan : to llfloll' has Ihe sense of 10 /el somroll(' hI'. 10 11'111"1' .wm/'oll/'
alolle. The rool is bi ar : (1'1 il he.
b NOlI' that here dapal has Ihe meaning of IIf(1J/U.'W 10. s/u'clwl ill.
I' Ahmad is refer ring here to the men who had pestered Budi . 1lc h"d left Hudi
alone in order 10 sce how he would handle Ihem. AI airports and stations in
Indonesiu you will always find people offering services like lallis. hotel s. CIC.
4 Saya sudah hampir pulus asa. Hampir kembali ke Jakarta. Il!IId a/mo.I'1
los, hopt'o / (1lmo.l"l 1I'('nI bad,' 10 Jalwrlu.
5 Apa kabar Ali dan Vanti ! flow arl' Ali and Y(IIlli ?
Apa kabar? : /low is/(If('?. Noli' are yOIl? (lit. Wlwl news / )
6 Mereka baik-balk saja TI",y"I' 'wy \\'1'11
The normal response to Apa kabar? is Baik or Ilaik-bll ik SIIja .
7 Bagaimana keadaan di London? Saya ke sana lahun lalu, urusan dagang. Ho\\"
i.f wnt/Oll ? (lit. Now i.l" lilt' condition of LomIOlI ?) IWI'II/ I/l('rt' 111.1'1 .1"I'af 011 busilless.
a ke + ada : l/rere isl are -I an keadaan : .51t111'. cOIuliri(m
b Note Ihat lalu means (asl as well as /11t'/I.
8 Hiasa saja. tidak banyak yang berobah. Jus/lhe Sl/fIU'. nothing muc/r Iws
c/rallgetl (lit. not /IIuch which I/(/s challgt'd).
9 Saya baca di koran banyak sekali luris. I read in the papt" Iherl' lire ,-er)'
mlllly lour;s/s.
banyak sekali : ,'ery many
10 Kebanyakan furis dalang unluk belanja macam-macam barang. TlIl'majorilY
of 10uriSlS cOllie to shop [or (1/1 kinds a[ thillgs.
ke + ban yak : mllrh. /II(/IIY+ an = kebanyakan: /IIajorilY
No Indonesian word for [or is required after belanja : 10 shop. 10 spI>lId 011.
11 Kila kan leman. We art' [rit'lIds.
Here kan is NOT an abbreviat ion of bukan (Note 2). bUI an abbreviat ion of
akan wh ich is often used to give emphasis to a sentence. This senlence is
therefore more emphatic than Klla leman. In English. of course. such emphasis
would be conveyed by tone orvoJice.
12 Regar. jangan lerus ke rumah. Saya mau tunjukkan kola kepada lamu
kila. Regar. lloll', go slraig/r1 home. / WQI/f to show the cit), o[ MedolllO our
Regar is the name of Ahmad's cha uffeur. It is short for Sirl'ga r. a typical
Sumalran family name. Wc have already pointed OU11hat domestic staff afC
considered part of the family and this is ill tlmated here by the use of kil l . Budi
is the chauffeur's guest as well as Ahmad's.
VI. terang. saya dengar d! sini ada minya k dan banyak pabrik dan per kebunan
besar-besar. Ye.f, cI('arly. J h{,(If Ihrr(' iJ oil h('rt' and 11/(111.1' (u('/or;e.f {lml
enormOIlS p/(lIIullions.
a Pcrkl"bunan: p/ul1lalio/1 is derived from kebun : Kardel1. However. in speech.
kebun is oftcn used with the meaning of pIal/ill/ion. as you e:m sce in Ahmad's
nC)l 1 remarks.
b Note Ihe effect of redupliC'Jlion in brsar-besar : el/om/Ol/.I" "If}:;' (lit . hi/{hif.!).
14 Rokok put ih! Rokok krclek Icbih laku di J awa . Wlriu' df(lIrel/('s.' Clan'
cig(lrl'fll.'S (lr(' mOrt' popular in jam.
Rokok puti h arc ordinary Western style cigarettes. They arc so called to
distinguish them from clove cigarettes which used to be wrapped in le;l\'es
which were not white.
IS Oh.lwgitu. saya mengl' rli. Ahmad tent u banyak kl' rja. Kl.'fl apa ,'hmad
menjl' mpul saya'! 011 . .10 ,iI(I/ '.\' i,. I dO/l', qllill' IIIrdl'rS/llllri. YOII .\!Ird y h(/I"l' (I
101 olltork. Ahllw(l. Why dill rOIl/COllie 10) 1II1't'/IIIt'.?
28 Pelaj aran dua puluh delapan Lesson twenty-eight
Rumah Ahmad
New words i n thi s lesson
anak baby
anjing dog s
bl'rburu hunting
bl'rcnang swim
bikin do. make
binalang animal/s
burung bird/S
direktur dirC(: tor
dua puluh delapan twenty-ciglll
gajah elephant
golr golf (igerls
hobby hobby. hobbies
jalan.jalan walking
k.aget startled. frightened. scared
karang garland
Ahmad 's house
kolam renang swimming pool
kuda horse/s
melihat looking at. look at
mimpi dream
monYlt monkeyls
paneing fishing. to fish
pckarangan courtyard
pcrusahaan business/cs
pikiran worry. worries. though!. idea
sama (used for emphasis)
sampai mati till the cows come homc
sendiri my own. one's own. etc.
IcrUl ama especially
umum public
Budi. jangan kaget nanti di rumah. Saya piara binalang-binuang, ada huimau,
monycl , kuda. burung. anjing dan anak gajah. Budi , don 'lhI.' starlled later (011)
(If till' /tOUSI', J breed animals, J /to\'(' ligers, monkt'ys, horsl's, hirds, dogs and (I
bubp elephant.
NOle Ihal anak : child. blIby can be used 10 denOle Ihe young of animals. as in
anak gajah : Ixlbp deph(ln/.
2 Saya suka melihal binalang. J like looking (/IlInimals.
Mclihat can mean look al as well as .51'1' .
3 Saya ada tiga kolam ikan. Budi bisa paocing sampai mali bt'lum habis. J h(lre
1/tr('e fisll ponds. You canfish tilllhl' COII'S come home mid //11'.1' ,rm/'I in' fishnl
0111 (li t. until de(ld nOI yet empIY).
a Samplli mati is a colloquial expression which is the equivalent of the English
lilllhl' COli'S come home. It literally means Ulllil (I('(ul.
b Belum habi s indicates something Ihalll"ifllll""I'r be fi",'she(1 or, as in Ihis case
referring to the fish ponds. /1(' L'('r ('fllplini. Hence our translal ion of Ih(l' "'011'1
be fished 0111.
4 Saya suka berburu, paocing ikan, mll in golr. main lenis dan jalan-jalan. IIIkt,
hlln/illK ,fishing (fish). plu)"illR gol[, ployillg tl'nllis and walk illR.
5 Saya bawa orang pcrgi paocing ikan lapi saya pancing dia. flak e (/ mall (to
go)fis/rillg (fish) bUl l fish him,
By this Sl atement Ahroad indicates that he lakes advantage of the
en tertainment he can offer other businessmen 10 make profitable deals.
6 Saya tidak pikir Slludll ra begilU kaya. I tlitl"'llhi"k .1'011 IIWI' ,10 rich.
7 Va. sa)'a sudah berapa kali bilang sama Ali, Ye,5. I'L',' .I"(lii/ 10 Ali m(lllY lillll'S.
bil ang sama: soy 10 Saroa is often used 10 give greater emphasis to a verb, in
this case to bil ang.
8 janga n jadi pcgatl"8i, pindah k(' Medan, jadi dird' lur. (/011 '1/>(,/"011/(' (Ill
t'llIplu}'ce. mo .. e 10 AII'd(III, hl' COIII(' 11 dirl'I"II".
9 Dia sudah lama di Baooung. I)an saya pikir di a tidak mau banyak pikiran.
1I1"s been ill &mdllll1: for 1110111: lilll('. Alld Ilhillk Ill' "ollidll 'I ",1111/ 1111111.1' ",orr;es.
Pikiran : tlrou!>;hl. !lleo. It"orrycomes from pikir : 10 lhink. Budi feels thal Ali
would not want to cope wit h the responsibilit ies of being a director.
10 Ali bcnar juga. saya kaya lelapi banyak soal. kadllng- kadang saya suli! lidur.
AIi is 'i1:/II 100. I"m rich bill (I h(/\'I') mllll)" problellls. somelimes I (find il)
difficull /0 sleep.
11 saya belum pernah lihat Tumah begini b a g l ~ dan pekarangan bcgilu luas. J
//(/I'I'n'l be/ore .1'1'1'11 .welr a bl'olllijuf housl' olld slIrft 0 "0.1'1 C'Ouf/)"ortl.
a Remember the use of belum pcrnah : li t. 110/ )"1'I alrl'(I(ly (l22. N8. 19 and 20).
b Pekarangan denotes Ihe large courtyard in front ofa grand house like
Ahroads. The rool word is karang ; (ompo.Il'. (0'0/. (oml " 'Ijwhich in turn
gives us karllngan : (olllposilion and karangan bunga : gllrllllld. Such courtyards
are bordered wi th beautiful flowers and bushes. If you visit someone in
Indonesia with a fine large garden it is complimentary to refer 10 il as
peka ranglln rather than kebun.
12 Va, mari kila bt!renang dulu, supaya lapar. Yes, let's IIm'(' a sll"imfirsl. 10
",ork up on oppeli/I' (lit. ill o,der Ihal "t' be hungry).
Note that the idea of Itwk lip 1111 oppetile is expressed in Indonesian by the onc
word lapar ; hungr)".
7 1
13 Saya ada kolam renang sendiri. I 11(/1'(' lily Oil''' swimming pool.
You have already learned sendiri : (I/Oll f!. It can also mean my mm, your own,
his 011' 11 , her 011'/1. its OK'n. o n ( . ~ 01\'11 , our 011''' , Iheir Oll'n. The f OOl is. of course
did : self
14 Saya lidak tahu harus bikin apa kalau Ahrnad ke London di rumah ke<: il saya.
/",DuMn " know what to (10 (lit. I ",oultll, 'I know what fmuS! do) if AI/matl mme
/0 WfltJon to my lillle hou.I'('.
Bikin means 10 do as well as 10 mak e .

b Budi does not take it for granted that Ahmad would visit him in London.
hence the use of : if They both realise that they arc in totally different
leagues sociall y and fi nanciall y,
29 Pelajaran dua puluh sembilan lesson twenty- nine
Ke danau Toba
New words in this lesson
bang dear
bangkuang edible root
balas boundary. extremity
balas kOhl city limits
bcnang thrcad, yarn / Iikejute)
ecrita chat. talk
('crutu cigarjs
di sebclah kanan on the right (hand si de)
di sebclah kiri on the left (hand side)
di sebcrang across. opposite
dua puluh scmbilan twenty-nine
ckspor export
hUlan fores t
ibu kola capital cit y
jati teak
jembatan bridge
kapallayar sai ling boat
kclapa sal"iI palm oil\reeJs
kcluar dui leave behind, go out from
Going to lake Toba
kering dry
kurang-Icbih more or less
layar sai l
It.' her th roat
menuju heading (for)
motorboat motor boat
nanas pineapple
pcmandangan scenery, view
pcrgunungan mountainous area
propinsi province
sayur vegetable
tahun depan ( D) next
tahun lalu (D) last year
tahun lel'at (D) last year
tahun mub ( D) next year
lembakau tobacco
terbcsar biggest
ya (emphatic)
yang lalu back. pas\. ago
Dari rumah kila kurang-Iebih cmpal jam. jalan pclan-pclan sambillihat
pcmandangan, From thl' hous(> 1\"(> ( 'If l(lke) mor(' or less six hours. We'lI/r(/\'('1
slol'l'ly while 1\'(' look allhl.' scener)' .
2 Jangan panggil saya ibu Ahmad. ya! Panggil saya Susanti! Lvvk hm', don ',
cul/m(' Mrs. Ahmad.l Calf fil l' Susallli!
Note the use here of ya, placed al the end of the sentence. Its function is \0 give 29
emphasis 10 the sentence and the way in which you translate il will depend vcry
much on the meaning of the sentence.
3 Sus. Budi, ayo kita berangkal. Sus, BIllIi. 1'011/1' m' off(lil. 111/ rig/I/,
le/ 's deport).
11 Sus is short for Susanti.
b Remember the use of ayo (L14. N20).
4 Saya sengllja lidak baWl makanan, karooa kita bisa pilih makanan daenl h. I
delibermely !rm'en 'f brougirlllny food. because 11'1' can Iry (li t . ,wit-cl) regional
S Kil a sudah keluar dari balas kOla dan masuk kc daerah (lCrk('bunan karet dan
kclapa sawit. We \'1' a/ready le/t behind (lit. gon(, 0111 from) Ill(' dly limits and
we're going into thl' regioll of rubber plantations and palm oil/ri'/'.I',
6 Itu yang di sebelah kid kcbun apa? What is Ihal plan/(/Iion IIf! 1111' IIfl hlllld
side? (lit. ThaI II"hieh is on Ihe lefl hand side II"hal p/(I/I/(/litJIl iJ il.")
di selK-lah kiri : on Ihe left hand side, on Ihe left
7 Ilu nanas, lelapi buhn unluk dimakan, Nanas ilu dipakai unluk
membual IK-nang, That 'S a pineapple pl(lntllfion, bUI Ilu!}' 'ri! 1101 for 1'llIillK
(lil.for 10 Ix> etilen). Those pin('(lpples art' usedfor makillg thread.
a NOle the two passive verb forms dimah.n and dipakai (Appendix 13).
b A thread or yarn similar to jute is made from a certain kind of pineapple leaf.
S Lihat di selK-lah kanan. ilu pohon kopi dan di san.a teh. Ltll,k 011 Ih.' riKhl /llIl1d
side. Ihosl' tire coffee Irel'S lIlId orer Ihere lift' il'(l
a di sebelah kanan : Olllhl' ri1:l11 hllllt/sit/I'. ulllhl' riKhl ( Note 6)
b It is not always realised that tea is grown on trees which are deliberately kept
cut back to bush
9 Tembakau Dell lerkenal di seluruh duni a. DI'li wlll/('("{I i,I'/(/11I01/.1' (Ill mw Ihe
a Deli is the name of the area where the tobacco gro .... n.
b The root of Icrkcnal : f1l1l101ls. It('/I-klloll"lI is krnal : 10 k'lOlI". When the prefix
IrT is added to a verb. an adJC<.tive is formed. e g. h'Tbuka : (JPI'I! from buka : 10
open (Appendix 7(, .
10 Oh. sudah lewal. Tadi. kira-kira lima ki lOlll eler fa ng lalo. ada hulan jali dan di
belak.ang pohon jali ilu ada prrkebonan I('mbakau. Oh. (11"1' .\"1') I/lfI'luly p(lssed
(it). (lrlil'r. (lbolll fire kil()me/rl'sl)(lck. Ihere 11"(/$ (I 11'(lk fOrl'SI 11111/111 Ill/' b(lck
of Ihosl' 1t'lIk Ireeof i.f till' IObllcco p((II/Imioll,
yang lalu : hark (lil. Iltal II"hich is pasl)
11 Mrmang murah. Irtapi kami tidak suka dan kalau isap erTulu di mobil
isteri dan saya pening. Chl'lIp c('rlllinly. bUI Wt' do 11(1/ like ri!f(lrs Ill/(/ if.roa
slIIoke (/ t'ig(lr ill lite ('(lr. Ill)" lI"ifi' alld IlI"ill gl'l
Cigars are not popular in Indonesia and Ahmad is gently telling Budi that il is
impolite 10 smoke cigars on a car journey wit h others.
12 Rang. di selK- rang jcmbatan itu kil a berhenli sebenlar. Saya mau beli nanas.
kelapa muda dan bangkuang. We 'll SlOp for 11 mOll1t'lI/ IICroSS Ihlll hridKI'. dellr.
f 1\"(111/10 bllY pint'appl('s. yOllllg COCOIIIIIS (llItI /xllll!kU(II/f.!.
a Bang is a shortened form of abang which literally means I'ltIt'r hr()/Ill'r but is
also used to address an elder brother or husband directly. It is not always easy
!o translate inlo English.
b Pineapples. young coconuts and bangkuang arc all refreshing things to have on
a long journey. They have the advantage of keeping fresh. The Juice of the
young coconut is drunk and then the fruit is Splil open, and the soft.
gelatinous flesh can be caten. often v. ith a piece of the shell hacked off to form
a spoon. Bangkuang is an edible TOOl which looks something Hk(' a swcct
potato and which is pccll-d and chewed.
Kalau kila a mbil jalan ke kanan kil lt akan sampai kt daerah pergunungan. IJ
'H' wk!' 111f' rom/ 10 lIlt' , iX''', 1,"(,'/1 to t i ll' 1I/oIIIIIClIIIJ (li t . Ill(' III(IIIII/(/;I/(IIIS
Note lhe difference bctwtt n ke kanan : /Q Ihl' riJ.!/II. involving movement. and
di sebl.'lah kaoan : on/I", riX/llli.e. location).
The TOOl of JK'rgunungan is gunung : 1I100lIIwin.
Va. pUlangnya kita ambil jalan kid dan Hudi bisa melihal durrah s.t),ur-sa)'uran
)"ang Il'rbt-sar di pnlau Sumalra. YI'.\' , VII ollr .m)' hm J... '1/' 'f! /11/..1' 1/,., 11'11 /rI/lid
road IInd 8wli ('(Ill ."'1' Ill!' l"X<'/(lhh' (xrOll'iI1X) "'J.!/UI/ 1I'llicll is Ih<' hiX;':I'_'1 ill Ill('
/If SllI/lIIlm.
pUlangnya : /Ill Ollr \l'lIy hmJ..
Sayur means l'!'X('/lIhll' and sayursayuran diIJer!>11/ J.. imJoS 0)
rI'XI'wM'sIAppcndix 12).
Terbt.sar is an alternative 10 paling iK'sar : hiXX1'.11 (Appendix Se).
SaYII ada dagllng sayur unluk ('kspor. IllIIrI'll ' I'XI'lab/I' l 'xl'orllllX hIlSill<'.f.f
(lit 11 I"K('/ohfl' hlll"illl'.I .1 11/ OflJ,>r to I'X",,").
Larg(' qu"nti ti('s of ;lre exported from Sumalra 10 Sing;tpore.
30 Pelajaran tiga puluh
Di danau Toba
Lesson thirty
At Lake Toba
New words in this lesson
berbagai different. various
berda)'ung row. rowing
berdua the two of us you them
buaYII crocodi le/s
daral land
dayung oar. scull
emas gold
ganas vicious. crucl. violent
jumlah lE) amount. 101,,1
kelihalannya it looks. it appears. it
seems (to be)
keocang fast
kl'pingin keen (to)
maju adva nce. go forward
mana adaf how can there be?
naik sampan rowing (the sport)
pesan book. reserve
ra kyat o rdinary people. everyman
sampan boat
sangkll expc<:l
sebagai as. like
termasuk included. part of
liru imitate
Kalau bt-gitu kalian pergi saja iK'rdua , 111 Ih{ll ('(lW', .I'm! 111'11 }!fI,jlfJ'l Ill(' IWO of
Note iK'rdua : Ill(' 111'0 of According 10 context. it can mean Ih(' /1nl III 11.1".1111'
11<'0 of .1'011. Ih(' 11<'0 of 1//('111.
2 Kalau paodnl,t ikan jangan ikan yang di \Iaral . 1/ 'oU /I,h. du,,'/ 1111'
, .. hid, are 011 lalld.
Here is another play on words involving panting and iklln I UH. NS). Susanti is
teasing them and tdling them not 10 chase the girls.
3 Oh, tidak! Saya kan suami )"ang baik dan k('pada bll'ri. Oh I/O I I {Ill! a
}!ood hllshwul(lic IlCIshwu/II'ho i.,' f.!ooti} (l1U/ l lol'(' 111.1' wi/.'.
a Kan is inserted 10 make Ahmad's statement more empl1<ttie [U7. N il ). I-I ere it
is translated. naturally, as (1111.
b Sayang' lol't' is follow .. xt by k('pada if you arc naming the you love. c.g.
Rudi sayang k('pada Sri : 8{1{/i 101'f'S Sri.
.. Kami mau maju S(' perti nrgara kaya yang lain. Wf' 11"(1/11 10 111/111/11<' Itl... o/Iwr
rich IIlIliollS.
Notice that "ang lain : olhl'r is placed after ka)'a : rich ,
S Kami di sini perlu pekerjalln. /l at' W.' 1II'I'I/joh.l .
Ahmad is pointing out [0 Budi that tourism and the We'tern uilluenec C,\11
bring jobs and prosperity to the area.
6 karena jauh kelihatannya kedl. h('('(/IIw' il.1 /(lr on 11 hUI1.., 'lIIull.
a ke + lihat ; an kelihatan : .\'('('11. ri."h/t' When nya j, :Iddi.'d. th<' 111<'anlng I'
something like its \'ilihln"'.H. i.e. il/flob. i( appear,l . 11 \(' (,111' i/o 1>1'1.
Kelihalannya is 11 vcry useful word 10 remember.
b You will remember lhal Lake Toba is cxtremely large.
7 MlIna ada buaya di danau? I/Olt' <'11/1 IlIer(' Iw ('r(JI,,,/d,, 1/1 lilt" /(11.., <'
i\hna ada '!: l/uII" ('lIlI IlInf' h,' :'
K Tetapi di sini ban)'ak bua)'1I J.:iJ.:i l'mas hua)a daral. /Jilt hert' 1111'''' ,1ft' 1111111.'
(,fO('odi/,'., 11"1111 f.!old 1I'(' lh 11111/ 111111/' mc"dd", .
Thi s is another ex:unpk of thl' Indoncsi:tns' lo\'e of\\ord play. The
crocodiles that Ahmad mentions here :lre peoplc \\ho might be prep,ned to
take advantage of an unsuspI..'Cling visi tor. gigi emas refers [0 the habit
of certai n ladies who used to translate their gai ns int o gold teeth. t: mas is an
alternative 10 mas for }!olt/.
9 Itu sudah pasti lebih daripada lHJaya asli . nw.\(' /IT<' [a/fm.!r) {(' fl/III/I,
lIIor(' I'irioll.' III{III r('{l1 f'rOf"mliln.
Budi shows that he understands \.Iarning.
10 Mari kila st"wa sampan lantas b('rdayung ke tengah dan mandi di sana. ("0111<'
011. It'I'J hif(' (I hO{l1111('1I row l()Iwm/l111l' lIIid"'" I/lId hllllll' IllI'rl' .
Bcrdayung: /0 roh' is formcd by ber dayung : Ollr , .,nlll.
11 Saya lidak sangka Hudi pandai bcrdayung. I didll '( .'Xp.' cl ,1"011/0 Jw ,kill"I/ III
roll';,rg, 811111.
Ahmad secs lhat Budi knOWS how to handlc a rowing boat a nd this remark"
<It the same time a compliment on hi s skill and an apology for not h:lving
imagined that Budi would be so skilled. This kind of double mcaning is "ery
popular in Indonesian speech.
12 Naik sampan termasuk orahraga rakyat di Inggeris. H,o"'IIIX " ('I'(' fl 1111111 :'
sport ill IIX'I/m/ (lit. R()IrillX is illriud,'11 ;', urdillarr pttlp/I' .'porl /11 Etlxltmd).

Naik sampan refers 10 the sport or pastime of rowing, while b<- rda)' ung
(NOlI' 10) is merely the action of rowing.
Termasuk : illchl(lI'll is formed by ler j masuk : I'II/U (Appendix 7(,,) .
Rak)'at means tu'Of/h> in the sense of 1'1"1".1'111(111.1>"("),01/('. Ihl' C'QIIIIII(JI/ 1/1(11/ etc.
Iludi is explaining Ihal rowing is available to anyone in England and that you
do not have 10 be we;lithy or of 11 particulur stunding to lake pari in it.
31 Pelajaran tiga puluh satu
Lesson thirty-one
A breakdown
New words in this lesson
balai-balai bamboo bunk
bantal pill')\\'
boll'h saja of course he may/can cle.
Bu Mrs.
gul a (E) sugar
guling round pillow
handuk hand towel
kelambu mosquito nCI
kipas ran
lel'l'81 via. through
IUTah village chief. hc;tdm:w
membcli buy
mogok a breakdown. 10 break down
nginap stay overnighl
obat nyamuk mosquito repellent
onderdil spare part /s
penuh full
pincang cut out. miss
pompa pump
puas satisfied
rapal meeting
r('lasi dagang business associate s
sedikit saja just a liule
S<'gera quickly, in a hurry, all at once
S<' perei sheet
S(' rap spare
susah difficulty, difficulties
tali string. rope
lali kipas fan belt
langki tank
liga puluh satu thirty-onc
likar plaited mat
lilam mallrcss
Budi nginap di sini _ lIolel dan makanan sudah saya YOII Slay ol'l'fllif{lu
here BlI(li. l'\'e a/rNII/Y paid [or Ih" /uJld (IIul [mill.
a Nginap is a short form of menginap.
b Uotcl dan makanan sudah saya bayar! By placing saya bayar at the cnd of the
sentence rather Ihan before holel Ahmad makes his remarks much more
emphatic. He does not intend to take no for an answer. Listen to the tone of
voice on the recording.
2 Va, barang saya sedikil saja. Pak Si regar lunggu saja di mobil, scbt'nta r lagi
sa)'a dalang. ri's. I hal'e just (lliltle "If{gaf{e. JII$/ $/(/) ' in lhe car Afr. Siregar.
I'll come soon.
a sedikil saja : jllsl {/ lil/le

If you have 10 ask a taxi driver to wait it is considered polite to give him a
small tip sufficient for him to buy a eup of coffee or some cigarettes. Budi has
slipped up here.
Sa)'a juga belajar sejarah Indonesia di st"kolah malam di Pol ) I hnk. I also
swdy IndOIlf'siun hiSlory at nighl school at Ihe Polrlechnic.
Kenapa suara mobil ini pincang ? Apakah habis minyak? Di mana pompa untuk
membeli bensin? Why is Ihe sound of Ihe engille clllling 011/ ? (lit. Wh)' is IIIl'
.1'0111111 of lhili ('IIr limp/llg)? lIas Ihe pelrol (lit. oil) filii 0/1/ (li t. fillishl'I!)?
Wlll're is Ihere II pelrol SUllion for 10 buy petrol?
Pinc:ang really means limping and is used here in the sense of the ear engine
CUlling out.
Habis here has the sense of filii OUI. e:clwUSletl.
MinYlk : oil and bensin are both used to mean pelrol. Pl'lrol.l'llIliOlr can be
translated by either pompa minya k or pompa bensin : pompa Iiter:lll y me:lIl s
S SaYI pikir bensin eukup, tadi saya isi lallgki penuh. Saya kira lali kipas pUIUS.
Tidak ada scrap. I think there's enough petrol. earlier I jilh'd Ihe {(/Ilk filII. I
Ilrink Ihe fll/I bell broken. There'5 110 5pllre.
6 Sekarang sudah jam lima sore. Kil a nginap di mana ? Now il's
o clock. Where 5hall ",I' sta), ol'emight?
jam lima sore : 5.00 p.m . jil'e 0 'clock in lire IIfle",ooll
7 Saya akan eari pak lurah. Namanya pak Tarigan. I lihalljincl Ill<' )'illlll(/'
chief. His name 15 pal. Tarigan.
Lurah is the name given to the ehief of a village. Notice how the wxi driver
politely uses pak in front ofl urah. Any stranger going to live in a rural area in
Indonesia would be well advised to seek out the local village chief and get to
know him. Not only is it a mark of courtesy and respect. which will be
appreciated. but it is also to the newcomer's advantage as the village chief
knows about everything and everyone in the area.
8 Ada rapal kepala kampung. There (t 1II(eting of hellds of Iillages.
Kepala is the general word for the head of any organisation. e.g. kepala bank :
heod of lire bank.
9 Bu lurah. Bu is an abbreviation of iOO : Mrs.
10 Va, boleh saja. Saya ada sedl'rhana dan kelamOO k iI , likar tetll pi
tidak ada Iilam. Yes. of COllrse Ire /l/a)'. I hal'e a bamboo bUllk. a slllull
mosquito /let (/lid // plaited mal bUI I h//I'e"' gal a mllllress.
a boleh saja Thi s can mean of course he/5he/),ou/lhey ma)'.
b Budi will be Sleeping in traditional Indonesian rural style. The mosquito net is
especially important as it will keep out other insects as welL A visitor is
recommended never to sleep without one. It is also wise to tap out your shoes
hard on the floor before putting them on after getting up in the morning in
case any insects have taken up residence in them.
11 Saya bias.a sus.ah. Saya sub peng.alaman ini. I'm u5ed to (/ifficullie5. I'm
elljoying Ihi5 e:cperience.
It is not really diplomatic of Budi to talk about difficult ies in view of the fact
that the ehiefs wife is goi ng to sueh lengths to make him welcome.
12 Ini banlal, guling. seperei. obal nyamuk dan handuk. Here's (I pillow. a rouml
pillow. a sheet. m05quilO repellem and a hand 10 ... e/.
The round pillow (guling) is a traditional part of Indonesian bedding.
13 Kalll u tid.Jr:: , say. tidak kenal dengan loo. If il hadn 'I, I K'ould not hOl'e got to
know you, Madam.
Remember kenal dmgan : to know (wi/h) someone (LB, NS.).
32 Pelajaran tiga puluh dua
Kantor dan pabrik
Lesson thirty-two
The office and the factory
New words in this lesson
administrasi administration
ahli kesellatan medical attendant/s
ahll mesin machinist /s
ahli teknik technician/s
asisten assistant/s
baglan department/s, section/s
bin tyrels
ba",og jadi finished product/s
bekerja work
bercakap chat. di scuss
bertanya ask questions, enquire
bomh workerls
cutl leave, holiday
ekonomi (D) economics. economy
galak fierce
hubungan masyar_kat public relations
insinyur (chartered) engineer
insinyur mesin mechanical engi neer
hl'iinyur pert.Dian agricultural engineer
jaKI mal am nightwalchman!men
iual sell
Jumal Friday
juru lik typist/s
juru lulis clerk/s
blfin married
keduanya both of them
kepall blgiln head/s of department/s
keulngln finance
lepas casual , unattached, free
klbl local
manager manager/s
mandor foreman/men
mernbikin make
memperoses process
minggu week
mogok st rike, go on strike
monUr mechanic/s
opas general office handyman/men
pembelian buying, purchasi ng
pet1jullan sales
permlinln toys
personalil personal
perumlhln housing
NltuSln hundreds (of)
sekertaris secretary/ies
seminggu per week
semuanya all together
sepeda bicycle
sopan polite, well mannered, honest
soaSlna atmosphere
lahunan annual
letap pennanent, regular
tiga puluh dua thirty-two
lukang unskilled worker
yang lain somet hing else, anything else
I Baglimlnl pengallman kernarin? What was your experience yesterday like?
2 Apaklh nyamuknya galak? Were the mosquitOt.'s there fierce?
Here nyl refers back to rumah pak IUrah in Ahmad's previous sentence.
3 loo lurah sopan. Rumahnya bersih dan makanan se4erhana tapi enak. The
~ i l u g e chiefs wife was polite. her house was clean and tlte fQ(x/ simpll' but taSty.
The adje<:tive sopan is used to denote behaviour that is correct and is often
translated as polite or welf-mannered. h is a very compl imentary word to use.
4 Ada berapa pegawai smluanya, dan ada berapa bagian? How many
employees are there ufltogelher and haw "umy dt'parlmenls art' tllere?
a Note the word order of Ada berapa ?: Now muny lire that' ? (li t. There are how
b semuanya : off tognher
S Ada direktur, manager, kqJala bagian, asisten. juru tulis, juru tik. opas,
sekertaris, sapir dan jaga malam. There ore directors. managers. heads of
departments. assistants. clerks. typists. g,meral handymen. S(felaries. dril'ers
lInd nighnmlchm('n.
Ahmad does not feel it necessary here to use the plural fonn of any of this
long li st of nouns.
6 Bagian administrasi. keuangan. pembelian. penjualan. pttSOnalia dan hubungan
masyarakat . Administration deparlmenl . jimmc(' . bUJing. sal('s. pers(lllllelllm/
public relations.
The root of keuangan :jillllllce is uang: money; pembelian : buyillg is rormed
from beU: to buy and penjualan : sales is derived from jual : 10 sell. Note that
JUSt as me becomes mem before a word begi nning wi th b or p. so too does
pe become pem as in pembelian; likewise pe becomes pen before words
begin ning with c. d, j, or t as in penjualan (Appendix 7(iii,
7 Saya ingin berukap dan bertanya dengan pegal'ai-pegalui. I'm looking
forward /0 chulling (wilh) and askillg questiolls ofOit. wilh) Ihe employees.
Both bercakap : chat and bertanya : ask questions are followed by dengan when
you name the person(s) you chat to or question.
8 Ya, boleh saja. asalkan Budi tidak bikin merekl mogok. Yes. of course ),011
CUll. on condilion that you don'l make tltem go on strike.
You will see that mogok can mean 10 strike. 10 go on sl rike as well as 10 bft'ilk
dowlI (of cars and machi nery), e.g. Buruh mobil mogok : The car workers are O/r
strike'; Mobil saya mogok : My car has broken down.
9 unluk membawa Budi keliling kanlor dan pabrik. 10 lake you fOum/lhe' office'
10 Apahh luan Budi sadah cukup lihal kantor. atau ada yang lain saudara mau
lihal ? /lal'e you already seen enough o/Ihe office' Mr. Rudi. or is there
somelhillg else you Wilntto Sl'l'?
a NOlI' the word order of the phrase Budi sudah cukup lihal kanlor : lit. Bu(li
a/rpml), enough sePII the office with cukup: enough coming before lihat : Sen,
You have already secn si milar word order involving banyak: a 101 (LIS, N3b
and 19).
b yang lain: somnhing else. anylhing elS
1 J Suasana di kantOt' ini enak dan semua orang gembira. The atmosphere in this
office is p/t'asont and el"eryone ;s contented.
SfflIua orang : t'I'eryone (lit. 011 persons)
12 Bau karet. Bau uang, n,l' sme/I o/rubber, Thesmello/money.
This pithy sayi ng is somethi ng li ke the English " Where Ihere's muck. there's
13 Ada ratusan buruh di pabrik ini. Ada bunth tetap dan bunth lepas. There ore
hundreds of workers in this faclOry. There are fU'",U"U>1II workers alUl casUlII
Note ralusan : hundreds (of) from ralus : hundred. Similarly we ha\le rfOOan :
thQusands (oj) from riOO : thousand and julaan: millions (ofj from juta : million.
dan buruh biasa dan ahli kescllatan. and ordillory workers (md medical
ahli kesehaU.n : medical aHem/anls (lit. 111'01111 ('Xpt'rts) ke + sehal : II<'(/{III)' +
an = kese/lalan : health (Appendix 9{i ,
I S Berapa hari seminggu orang bt"kl'rja di si ni ? HOWmtln)'l/lIYs a Il'eek do
people work here?
a seminggu : 11 week. per w .... k Note that minggu means wl't'k as well as
b 8ekerja : 10 work is made upofbf.>+ kerja : work (Appendix 7(i .
16 P e g a ~ a i Iclap dapa! perumahan dan culi lahuoan dUll minggu. PemUlllelll
workers gn hous;IIg and I",Q weeks anllual holiday.
a perumahan : hOUSing This is formed from rumah : hOIl,W'.
b Tahunan : annual comes from lahun : year.
I' When minggu means week it begins with a smalll etler.
17 unluk membikin S(' palu, ban sepeda dan permainan. 10 muke shoes. bicycle
lyres and lOyS.
per + main : 10 pluy t an permainan : lOy
33 Pelajaran tiga puluh tiga
Di pelabuhan dan di kapal
lesson thirty-three
At the docks and on the ship
New words in thi s l esson
angkal raise. lifl
a.'ak kapal ship's crew
btut (E) heavy
berlayar sail
bendera flagfs
bf.rkl'nalan meel
bunyi sound. has sounded
dibuka cast ofT, untied. undone
diperiksa inspcctL><I
duane customs
duga expect/cd
inilah this is (emphali c)
kamn kapal cabin
kantong pocket
kenalan acquaintance
kunci lock
mabuk drunk
mabuk laul seasick
makan . 'aktu take lime
markisa marquisa fruit
mengenal get to know
mengcnalkan inl roduce
pabcan customs
pecah break
pdabuhan docks. port. harbour
pelayaran sailing/so shipping
pcluil siren. whistle
pemeriksaan inspection
]K' Dyu turtle. tort oise
per.ira offil'er
putih white
ramah frie ndly
serta and also. along with
tangga gangplank. ladder
terbaik best
terikut find oneself going al ong
tiga puluh tiga thi rt y-three
lilip put together. make/ made a
consignment of
turun go down. get off. descend.
disembar k
Kapal berl ayar pukulligll pelllng. thri rumah ke pelabuhan mll hn luktu
kirll-kira SItu jam. The J'hip sails (1/ Ihree o'clock in Ihe (lf1ernoon. From Ihe
house 10 Ihe dock s wkes approximately one hour.
Note the phrase makan /0 /ake(lil. eat) referring to time. You are
advised to arrive early for the departure of boats and planes in Indonesia.
2 Saya pikir tak perlu kunci kopor Slya. Nanti di pt'labuhan akan diperiksa
duane. I think it's ntH necessary 10 lock my case. Lalt'r OIl (/I /111' docks i/ wi/l
be inspected by the customs.
11 Kunci means both 10 lock and key (Lesson 24).
b diperiksa duane : inspected by the cusloms DiperikSl is the passive form of
perikSl : 10 inspecl. You would expect to find it followed by oleh: h)' (i .e.
diperiksa oleh duane), However oleh is frequently left out in spct.'Ch
(Appendix 13).
3 Unluk pelllyaran lokal biasa nya tidak ada pemcrikSlan pabelln. kunci SlIja
kopornya. For ")c(11 .f(lilings Ih(' r(' isn'l usu(llly (I CUSlom.f lIup('('fion, j us/ lock
your case.
a pemcriksaan : inSpt'Clioll Thi s is derived from periksa (Note 2b). Remember
that pe becomes pt'm before a word begi nning with p which is then dropped
(Appendix 7(iii .
b Bot h duanc and pabcan arc used for cuSloms.
4 Saya titip olch-olch untuk Vll nti dan AIL Makanan dari Sumatra-
Utara. Di Bandung pasti tidak adll . Awas pecah ini Idur pt'nyu dan markisa.
I've put together .WIII" pres('/Ifj for Yanti ami Ali. Specilll fom/from NOr/hcm
51111111/(11. I 11 &lI1duI/1-: for Cl'rUlin you wQuldn', 1(1'1 I"CII/ (lit , Ih('fC (lrCII'1 (In,r) .
T(lkc C(lre ( 1/0/) IQ /rrC(lk IllI'se I/Irllc$' (.IIu/ (.tyrllp).
a Tilip has the sense of maki' (I cOI/signment of.
b Sumatra is sometimes spelled Sumatera.
(' Marquisa syrup is a local fruit syrup. These arc all very tasty and should be
tried by the visitor. The syrup referred to here is in a bollle. hence the comment
about breaki ng it.
5 Sa)'a harus turun dari kapal, IIII IISI gl'l off thc ship.
lurun : 10 gN off. 10 KO dOh'II. IQ (/I'seeml. IQ diSI'lIIbark Note that it is
followed by dad ..... hen the place is mentioned.
6 Budi, obat ini simpan di kantong cclana. kalau mabuk laul leklls minum. Bm/i .
pili Ihis mcdicille ill YOllr trOllscr pockct. if YOII'rc .Icwick drink (Jomt') qllickly
mabuk IIIU1 : (lit . . lea drllnk) Indonesia is predomin:lI1tl y a Moslem
country (Moslems. of course. arc forbidd en to take alcohol) it is a serious loss
of face to get drunk. If you arc entertai ning Indonesians you should have a
good variety of non alcoholic drin ks avail able.
7 Inilah perjal anan tt'rbaik untuk mengenal Indonesia . Thi.\' i.l 1111.' hest "'(1." of
tr(l\'cflillg (lit. besl jOllf/lC)') for gNting IQ k l/OI<' /m/OIwJi(/ .
11 Inilah is a very emphatic form of ini.



Remember the use of leT in front of an adject ive. as in terbaik, to denote a
superlative (Appendix Se).
mengenal : to get LO know The root of this is kedal : IQ knQlI', wit h me
becoming meng before k, which drops out (Appendix 7(ii . Note mengenalkan
means /0 introduce (Appendix 9(ii )).
Din berkmalan dengan petlumpangpenumpang lain. And mut (with) the
Qlher pa!Sengerl.
Berkenalan : to meet, /0 make the acquaintance o/is another derivative of kenal
(Note 71') ; kenal + an = kenalan : acquaintance (Appendi" 8(i .
Ad. banyak bellch-r. besar diln keeil , yang paling besar bendera Mcrah Putih.
There are many flags, large and small, the biggesl one (being) the red (and)
white flag.
bender. Merah Putih Thi s is the Indonesian national flag. NOlI' that when
referring to the national flag dan is omitted between merah and putih.
Mari kita turnn, peluit hpal nomor tlga sudah bunyi. Nanli kita terikut ke
Jakart a. ut's gel off. the ship".s siren has already sounded three limes (iit.
number three). Later on l'I"e'/Ifind ourse/l'es going along 10 Jakarla.
Ter added to ikut ; 10 fol/olll. accompallY indicates that the action is being done
involuntarily or by accident. Here t he sense is that unless they get off the ship
they'll find themselves on their way to Jakarta.
J angan takut, Kapt en Arjuna tahu saya ada di kapal, dan saya banyak kirim
barang dengan kapal ini. Don'/l'I"orry, Captain Arjulla kllOIllS that I am 011
the ship, and I send goods a 101 on (lit. with) this ship.
Note the use of adl in the phrase Kl pten Arjunl tl hu sayl I dl di kl pal. Thi s
makes the phrase more emphatic.
Here again we have an example of bl nyak coming before the verb in sayl
banyak kirim barang (LI S. N3b and 19; LJ2, NIOI).
Ayo, Mid, turun, talinYI sudah dibuka. All right, Mad,let's gel off. Ihe rope
is already cast off.
Mad is of course a short ronn of Abmad.
The nya in tallnya refers back to kapal in Ahmad' s previous remarks.
Dibukl is the passive form of bukl: 10 casl off. untie. undo.
sert l ce" ek-ce" ek cantik di London. and also (to) the pretty girls in London.
Serf a is an alternative to dan , meaning and also or alollg with. It is not as
common as dan.
34 Pelajaran tiga puluh empat
Jawa Tengah
Lesson thirtytour
Central Java
New words in this lesson
akhirnya at last, finally
Intlra between
asalusul ongin
berasll originate/d
berkisar (tentl ng) revolve (around).
centre (upon)
berperan take part (i n a show)
bertahan survive, stay intact, remain
dal ang puppeteer
paham understand fully 34
paling lama at (t he) most. at the longest
dewa god!s
diambil dari taken from
dokar horse buggy
hali heart, liver
hidup alive
jaman time, period, epoch, era
jaman dulu historic times
juang to combat, to battle
kllrakter character
keniklln good, goodness
kelompok orang groups of men
lal .... n fight, enemy
Mahabltarata Hindu epic
mela"'an to fight
menggambarkan portray
mt!ftjaga defend. gua rd
moderen modem
mus! k music
napsu lust. passion
pangeran prince/s
pelaku-pelaku entertainers
pemain player/s
pensi l (E) penci l
perjuangan snuggle/s. battle!s
pertunjuklln perfonnance
putri princess/es
RamayalUl Hindu epic
sedang whi le. whilst
sedangkan while, whilst
scmalam suntuk the whole evening
simbolisme symbolism
sumpek stifled
tiga puluh empa! thirty-four
topeng mask/s
tradtsl tradition
luktu istirahat int erval
wayang puppet!s
wayang kuli t shadow puppet play
wayang onlng puppet dancer!s
Va, saya tahu kita scmua capek. panas, sumpek tetapi akhirnya kita sampai.
Yes, I know "I\'e're all tired. hot and stifled but we\'t' arrived ar lasl.
2 Marl kita naik dokar ke hotel Garuda. ut's take a horse buggy to Ihe
Garuda HOle/.
The horse buggy (dokar) is a deli ghtful. traditional and cheap way of
travelling in towns. It will be particul arly pleasant for our travellers after their
lengthy trai n and busjoumey from Dandung to Yogyakana in cent ral Java.
3 Kita haTus maklln cepat supaya jangan terlambat menonton wayang blit. We
must eat quickly so as not to be late to sec the shadow puppet play.
a Remember that in conversation jangan can be used in place of tidak.
b "'ayang kulit : shadow puppets Kulit can be translated into Engli sh as
leather. skin. peel or COI'er (of a book).
4 Saya belum pernah lihat "'ayang kulit, saya sudah lama kepingin lihat.
I fllmY, '/ yet seen a shadow puppel play. 1'I't' Men kt'en to see a IOllg
You will recall the use of belum pemah (L22, NR).
5 Orang belum tahu lagi asal-usul wayang kulit, leta pi wayang kulil sudah ada
lebih daripada ratusan tahun. Pt'Ople still dOll't kno", origin 01 shat/ow
puppet play. but thert' hal'e been puppels (for) lIIore than a hundred (lit. hundreds
oj) years.
a Note the combination belum ... lagi : lit. not yl'l ... still, wi th belum placed
before the verb and lagi after it. Its use here, rather than just belum, indicates
that although the origin is not yet known efforts are being made to find it.
b Here sudah ada means hal'e bel'li (lit. already there are).


Ccrita wayangjamlln dulu dillmbil dad Ramayana dan i\'lahabhanua yang
bcrasal dari India. 71u' puppet s toril'$ o/historic limes (lit. time piUt) 'lrf.' wJU.'ll
/rolll the ROlllu)'UlII/ and Mahabharata lI"hie" originated in Oi t.from) IlIllia.
Jaman means lime in the sense of a definite period. ('fa or ('pocl1 as opposed 10
I"aklu which means lime in a general sense.
Diambil is the passive form of ambil : lukr (Appendix 13).
Mengapa cerila Iradisionil bcrtahan hidup? Why do tradilioll(ll .wQril'!;
SUfl';l't' (Iil. slaya/i\'(?
WaYllng tradisionil maggambarkan perjuangan anlara kelompok orang baik
melal"an yllng jahal. Tire IN/dj/iona/ pllPpf.'fS porlray Slfll/{g/t'S 1N.>I U'eeIIXfOllpS
of Rood 1/1('11 fighting Ihosl.' 11'110 are eri!.
The rOOI of menggambarkan; pOr/ra)' is gambar : pirw,,'. Remember that the
prefix me becomes mmg when it is added to a word beginning with g
(Appendix 7(ii .
me -t- Iawan :fighl, l'fll'fII)' 10 jighl
Saya paham, perjuangan di dalam hali sendiri. anl ara napsu dan kebaikan.
Renpa orang yang berperan? I un(/ers/anll , slrugglC's lI"ilhin O/1("S own h('(lr/
m'/II/'en luSI and goodness. How many people (are Ihere who) lake pari?
If you wish to indicate that you understand something fully or completely thcn
you should use paham rathcr than mengerti which does not convey thc sense of
dccp understanding.
Thc root of perjuangan : bmlle, comb(l/, struggle is juang: 10 COII/btll.
Whcn the prefix lie and the suffix an are a\1achcd to an adjective, the result is
oftcn an abstract noun : hence k(" t baik : 1{ood- an - k("baikan : goodness.
Di a bisa lukar lukar suara Ill' cun cunlimmlly change his ,'oir.'
Not e thc cffect of reduplication here: tukar : 10 r hal/ge. lukartukar : 10 rhangl'
culllil1ually (Appendix 12).
Bi asanya scmalam sunluk. Usuaffy tilt' 11'1101.' ",ening.
Note also sepagi sunluk : I/If' whofe morning: scsore sunluk : fh., whoft'
Orang harus lunggu waklu iSlirahal. People I/IUSI wuil for Ih., illl('fl'af.
Tunggu means 10 waif for as well as 10 lI'ail .
Ya, karena di Ingger is perlunjukan Iradisionil paling lama dua jam, sedangkan
,,ayang makan waklu salu malam penuh. Y.'s. becausI' in llgl<lluf a /ra(/iliolllll
pt'rfomulllcl' ftj.f/.f m Ihl' 1/I0S1 IWO hvurs. II'lIile thl' puppets wh' up one full
1>" I'ning.
11 Notice that pll ling lama can mean a/ (Ihl') 1/I0Sl, m the fongl'sf as wcll as (1/ fhl'
b Sedangklln mcans whill' in the scnse of a compari son, as you can sec here.
While, in the sensc of during a period of timc. is sedang. c.g. Saya SCilang
makan, dia masuk ; While f 'WI.I" ealing. he ('amI' in. Note that sedang usually
eomcs after the person.
e Here again we havc the phrase malian ,,"akl u : to wke. 10 fake lip (of lime).
14 Sayang, kl-banyakan OT1il ng muda kurang suka wayang. Il 's (I fhe
/IIC/jorifY of young p.'opft, arell'f keen on Ihl' puppef.f.
a kebanyll klln : maj(lrily (Note 9c)
b Remcmber the use of kurang (LIB, NI O).
15 Sayang sckali anak-anak muda lebih suka musik pop. ff .!' a gn'at shame film
y(lung children prefer pop /IIusir.
Pelajaran tiga puluh lima
New words in thi s lesson
III(-III( utensils. tools. instruments
I III-alal makan cutlery
Inlik antiques
balu stone/s
bekas former
benluk shape
bermulu qualilY
berstjlrah historic
ttllk printed
dibull dari made from
glbung join. unite
gcdung building s
halus fine. refi ned
helli length (of cloth). shl'Ct
ishml palace/s
jendela (D) window
kedudukln seat. residence
kei ndahan beaut y
kerljaln kingdom. rClgn. rulc
knllon Sultan of Yogyu's palace
kuno old, ancient
lagi yang anything else
lukisan piclUre s. s
lesson thirty- five
menlcri minister
mcnyimpan preser,e. kcep
mutu qualit y
nanti dulu! just a minute!
pada on
palung statuc
pelajar student. pupil
perdana prime. principal
perdanl mentt'ri prime mml ster
perhiasan jewellery. finery
permata precious
rajl royal. king
rcpublik republic
rc.-olusi revolution
sama juga st"perli just as. Just like
seni art
S41mber source. well
leko teapot /s
Icrgabung jointed. united
liga puluh lima thirty-five
lulisan wriling. drawing
ukiran carving
.as vase
Ini ibu kOla Republik Indonesia di jaman remlusi, This >I'll.!' tll!' ClIpital
RI'puhliC' of Imlol1/.'sill (1/ 1111' lime of lire rel'Oluliotl.
The revolucion referred to is that of 1945 against the Dutch.
2 Di sini adalah kedudukan Hamengku IJul'ono, Sultan Vogya. Turis dan rak)'al
senang melihal kralon. Ifln'i.!' IIrl' St'W of Haml'tl/tku 8uII'01/0. 5ul1OI1 of
YOg)II. TOUri.f/S 1I11(/l1r(/ifl(lr), prop//.' 111.:1' IQ Sf'/.' lhl' /(r(JIQI/ .
a Kcdudukan: /hl' SI' IU is derived from duduk : 10 si! (Appendix 9(i .
b Kralon is the name of the palace complex of the Sultan. completed in 1757.
3 Gedung kuno banyak menyimpan sejarah. Old huildifl1:.!' pn'SI'm ' Ilwir I"SlOn '
(I /trem dnll.
a Here is another example of ban)'a k coming before the verb (mcnr impan) y,h lch
is then followed by the noun concerned (sejarah) (L3J. Nllb).
b Menyimpan is an alternative to si mpan (Appendix 70i .
.. Di Inggeris saudara punya Oxford dan Cambridge sebagai kola pelajar. III


EI/glam' you j)Qssess Oxford and Cambridge as student cities.
Note pelajar : student. pupil. You are already familiar with pelajaran : lesson and
belajar : study. learn.
Yogyakarta adalah kota pelajar. Yogyakarta is a student cilY.
Listen carefully to the pronunciation of Vogyakarta. You will also see it
written as Jogjakarta .
Note the use of the emphati c adalah.
Diambil d.ri nama bekas perdana menteri di jaman kefajaan MOjopahit . It's
taken f rom Ihe name of a former prime minister o[ the time of the MOjopahit
kerajaan : kingdom Thi s is made up of ke+ raja : king. ro),ol + an.
The Mojopahit kingdom was a Javanese kingdom of the thirteenth and
fourteenth centuries.
Bmar, di sini kerajinan taogan sanga! lerkenal seperti: alal-alat makan dari
perak.leko dan VIS bung. . That 's correct. here Ihe handicrafts are I'ery
famous. such as silver cutlery (lit. eating utensils from sill-er) . teapots andjfower
a seperti : such as
b dari perak : ofsi/loer(lit.from sih'er) The word dari :from is used to indicate
what an object is made of. e.g. dart ernas : of gold: dari kayu : of wood.
S Juga banyak perhiasan dari emas alau perak dibuat dengan tangan yang sangat
halus. Thert 'S also a lot of hand made gold or si/ w' r jewellery (lit . jewellery
from gold or sill-er made with hand), which is I'ery fine.
dibuat dengan tangan : made by hand Dibuat is the passive form of buat
Appendix 13). Note that dengan is used with tangan to denote by hand.
9 Va, yang baik hal'lanya juga tinggl. Yes. good things also htH'e a high price
(lit. what is good. its price also high).
yang baik : good things (lit. what is good)
10 Nanli dulu! Unluk rnembuat satu belai batik yang halus makan "'-aklu lama.
Pekerjaan langan bet'mutu tinggi di mana tergabung SCfIi dan keindahan. Just
a minute. To make one length affine batik takes a long time. It 's high qUlllity
handiwork where art and beauty are united.
a Nanli dulu is a very useful expression to remember.
b Pekerjaan tangan : Handiwork
c Tergabung : united is an adjective formed from ter + gabung join. unite
(Appendix 7(f .
d Keindahan is a further example of an abstract noun formed by ke+
adjective + an (1..34, N9c). Hence indah : beautiful; kel ndaban : beaU/y.
11 Bagalmana orang bisa tabu batik tulisan asli dengan yang lidak asl i! fl ow can
one (lit. a person) know genuine hamlpainted batik from (lit. with) what is not
a Bagaimana orang blsa tahu ?: How can one/you lefl/know is a very useful
expression to know.
b Batik tulisan is bati k where the patterns and designs arc put on 10 the material
by hand, using hot wax, with the colours added by dying afterwards. Tulisan
literally means writing or drawing.
12 Bunga-bunga alau luklsan pada batik lulisan tidak sarna, sedangkan pada batik
eclak dan batik pabrik bentuk gambamya selarnanya sarna. The flo .... ers or
pictures on handpainted batik are not the same, whife on primed batik mui
factory made batik Ihe shape of their piclures is al .... ays the same.
Pada can mean on as well as/rQm.
J3 Saudarll sekarang adlll di sumbernya. You are noK' here altheir source,
The "ya suffixed 10 sumber refers back to anlik in Airs previous sentence.
Yogyakarta is an excellent place for those interested in antiques.
Pelajaran tiga puluh enam
New words in thi s lesson
anm odd. strange. funny. curious
bal ap speeding, raci ng
calur chess set
dasi tiels
dikasi given
glllal itchy
gonceng ride pillion
gonderong unkempt
hll ang gOI lost. lost, disappeared
hippi es hippies
jaluh fall. fell
juga rather
kacl mirror
kac. mala spectacles. glasses
kaya k like
kolcga colleague
kolor dirty
lesson thirty-six
kutu fl ea/s, louse, li ce
mdaocong (E) go round, tour
naik drive. ride
ngebul weave in and out
ngcrti understand
pecah broke. gOI broken. cnlcked
pilihan choice, selection
nmbut hair
rapi neat , tidy, orderly
sapu broom
sapu tangan handkerchief
scpeda motor motorbike, motorcycle
tanduk horn
tenaga energy
tiga puluh enam thirty-six
tuka ng he. mala optician
Ada dua OflIng lain pesan hol el juga. There were /Wo olher men booking tI
hale! 100.
Note that here ada is translated as there were.
2 Anch juga. Coba jelaskan tentang dua OTllng bul l' itu. Thot's rmher 0(/(/. Try
to explain about those two white men.
a Jug.a can sometimes mean rmher,
b Ali has assumed from Budi' s remarks that the two men wefe roreigners.
3 Saya tidak tahu dari mana mereka, tetapi y.ang p.asti m{'fck.a hippi es, I don't
know where (hey were from but whal is cer/ain is (that) thl.')' were hippi('s.
yang pasti : what is err/ain/sure is
4 l\1ereka kOlor, bau, pa kaian tidak rapi dan rambut gonderong. They are dirty,
they smell, their clo/hes are not neat and their hair is unkempt.
Indonesians like to be as neat a nd tidy as possible within their means and
36 s

hence do not favour any foreigners who are dirty and unkempt.
Oh. saya ngerti sekarang. SiI}'1 dikasi kursi. mcreka Ix'rdiri. Oh. I,tndl.'rsf{/ml
now. I was gNen a chair, Ihey slood.
Mengerli : understand is often shortened in speech to ngerlL
Dikasi is the passive form of kasi: gil'I'.
Mungkin men' ka takut ada kutu. Perllllps Ihe were a/ruid ,herl' !l'OI/ld Ju> lice.
Mereka here refers to the slaff of the travel agency. n01IO the hippies.
Ya, melihat dari jauh saja, badan saya jadi gatal. Yes, ju.u IhinkinK (100111 il
makes me itch (lit. just seein1: from ajar, my body becomes itchy).
Kolega saya di kanlor pesan calur dari ta nduk. A colfl'ague a/mine IIIlhl'
Q{jice has ordued 11 chess st'/ matle of horn.
Calur can refer both 10 the game of chl'.u and to a du'ss st'!. Many fine items
made of horn can be purchased relatively cheaply in Yogyakarta.
Kila jalan kaki saja sambillihal-lihal. WI"/1 just walk and (lit. while) look
Kill lebih baik ke pasar dulu. Di sIna lebih murah. banyak pilihan. bisa I. ,,'ar
dan suasananya enak. We 'd betln gt) 10 l/ie markl'l first. It's c/il'apa Ihere.
l/iere's (/ {Ol of c/lOicl'. ),011 NW bargain mu/ liS MIIIOSp/iUI' is plea.fllnl.
Budi pasli suka. Rutli is sure 10 like (il),
saya punya di London. / own (one) in London.
Bagaimana kalau kila sewa sepe4a motor atau SCOOler unluk ke candi
Borobudur dan ke eandi I'rambanan. How (lbOul our hiring mOlor bikes or
S('(1(Ile1S in order 10 go 10 Ihe shrim' of norohudllr tlnd 1111' shrine of Pmmhanan.
The shrines referred to are Hindu monuments in spectacular hillside scttings in
the mountains. They are welt worth visiting.
Saya tahu. kau suka ngcbut kayak sclan alau hippies mabuk. I km;>!I'. ,rol/like
wem'ing in and OUllike Ihe devil or (/rultken hippies.
Ngebul is a short form
37 Pelajaran tiga puluh tujuh
Pulang dari Bali
Lesson thirty-seven
Returning from Bali
New words in this l esson
adu to match
adu ayam jago cock fighting
bcrjudi gambling
bintang starts
di samping besides
dieaTi !O be found
dipcrtahankan has been preserved
harapan belief. hope. expectation
hormal respectful
keean,eJ hooked
kejujuran honesty
keJihalan look. seem. appear
kcmbang flower/so bloom/s
kesucian purity
kueing cat
lambang symbol
losmcn (cheap) boarding house
maya! corpse
membawa take
memuja worship
mcnang win, won
meninggal di e, died, deccased
ol eh karena ilulah because of that
pcmbaka ran cremation
pesl a fcast, party. festival
pesla pop pop festival
ramah tamah outgoing
riang spiri ted, cxuberant
sanl ai relaxed
suci pure. clean
s)'urga paradise
lert inggal left behind. stayed behind
tiga puluh lujuh
tukang blah loser
upacara ceremony. function
Ku pikir kau keeanl el dengan gadis Bali. 1II/OuRhl you hod 1/('('// hm,k('(1 1>,1' (/
&lfill/'se gir'.
The girls of Bali are renowned for thei r beauty.
2 Saya harus datang ke Bali lagi lain luklu. Hali saya separoh masih lerlinjUCal di
Bali. I muSI go (lit. cOl1le) 10 BaJi again sOllle (lit. (1II0Ih('r) lillll.'. !'I'I.' /(11Iw'l
lily hl.'arl in &,Ji (li t. f/mrt m)' half still left in &1/i).
a lain waklu : some (othu) lime
b tertinggal : 1(11 behind. s/U)'etl This is derived from tingga l: 10 reSI. tu slily
(Appendix 7(1' .
3 Apa yang dicari di sana ? Seliap orang bieara begitu lenl ang Bali. Whlll /,\' /()
ht, found Iha('? Everyone speaks so much about BaIL
Di ca ri is the passive form of eari : 10 find. 10 look for.
4 Sepcrli di syurga. It 's like beillg ill paradise.
Of all the characteristics listed by Budi, that of honesty is a part icuhtrly strong
one among the indigenous Balinese. Note the pronunciation of syurga.
5 Ya, pertama kali saya !ihat adu ayam jago. Yt' s, it's thefirsttillle ,'rl'.I'eell
Anyone going to see cock fighting is advised to sit in the rear seats as it can be
quite dangerous near the fronl. It is a spectacle which allraCIS gamblcrs.
6 Hebal juga, Saya kurang suka bcrjudj , Thlll ',f ra/llI'r ('xciliIlK. I'm lW/ kt'ell Oil
Here again juga has the meaning of ralllt'r.
7 Nanli kapan m"reka lua kan IK> robah. LolI'r on. wl/en Ihl')' (If(' old, Ihl')' will
Remember the use of the emphatic kan ( L27, Nil ).
8 Sa)'a wnang lihallari Bali dan upacara pcmbakaran mayal. I enjoyed
w(t/ching &IJinese (lancing and Ihe ceremony of Ihe cremmioll of Ihe corp.fe.
bakar : /0 bum, 10 cremme: pcmbakaran : burning, ('fematioll
9 Trlldisi yang lerus dipt'rtahankan dan kami saka mdihal wjarah yang hidup,
It's a lra(litioll which has been presefl'et/llllbrQken and we like 10 see history
which is alil'e.
a lerus: lit. slraighl, direcl, hence herc unbrokell
b dipcrlahankan: has bt.'t'lI preserfe(1 This is the passive form of pcrl ahankan:
10 defend, 10 maintain, which is in turn derived from Illhll n: to lasl, to resi.H,
lasling, ellduring.
10 Budi. jangan salah. pcmbakaran mayal buklln Iradisi. Blldi, dOI/', m'
mislt/ken, (he cremation of Ihe isn'l a Iraliilion.
What Budi has in fact witnessed is a typical Hindu funcral which can hi:: very



Oi Inggeris orang membawa kembang untllk gadisnya, di Bali gadis-gadis
memba\u bung. untuk memuja DewlI. In ng/und men wk/! jlOI'I't'rs for lill'ir
girk in &lfi Ilrl' girls take flowers 10 worship Ihl' Got/s.
kembang: jlowefs. blooms
Karena bung adalah lambang kesudan dan kej ujuran. &'((111$(' 1lol'l'l'rs 11ft' (I
symbol of purily and honesl),.
kesucian: purity: sud : pure, unspoiled
ktjujuran : honesty; jujur : honest Both kesucian and kejujuran are further
examples of abstract nouns formed by ke + adjccli vc + an (Appendix 9(i .
Say. heran st'klli . ~ a k t u IWmbakaran mayat. Ol1long-orang tidak kelihatan sedih.
Sl'baliknya Rlffekl kelihalan gembira dalam suasana pest.. I II'0s IW)'
surprisnllh(l/ 0/ th(' lime of Ihe {' remalion of Ih(' corpSe. the tn'Ople (li(ln 'l look
.Utd, 0/1 the ('ontra,), Ilrey looked happy in a ff'sIjj'f' atmosphf're.
hlihltln : /0 look . /0 Sf'em. 10 appear The root of Ihis is. of course. lihat .
Oleh karena itulah. di dalam upacanll seperti itu. orang tidak SIih. Mereka
gembinll dengan harapan )'ang me-ninggal akan lebih SC!flang. &:('(Iuse of Ilm/ .
in su(,h a ('eremony people aren 'I sad. The)' 're happ)' in 11.l' befil111wI Ihl'
(Ie('i'(/sed "'iII b(' happier.
upacara seperti itu : ,fUel. a ('('r(,1II0llY (lit. ('('fl'll.ony like Ihut)
yang meninggal : lhl' dec('aSf'd (lit. lht' ant' l,'ho "(IS (lied)
The rOOI of meninggll is tinggal: /os/(I), (Note 2b).
Saya akan blcl lebih banyak tentang Bali. I shall read a 10/ more IIboll l Bali .
lebih banyak : (1101 more (lit. more mllch)
Oh, liha. si Minis, kucing saya. Dia cuei muka di muka plntu, Olr. look (/1
M(lt/is, my C(I/. She's washing her face in /ronl o/Ihl' door.
Remember the use of si with the names of people or animals ( L1J, N141),
Notice here the two meanings of muka :/acl' and/rant ,
A cat washing it s face in front of a door is considered to be indicative of
coming good luck such as the arri val ofa guest or good news, Cats are
common pets in Indonesia. but not so dogs whi ch are held by the Moslem
religion to be unclean animals. You should never take your dog to an
Indonesian home if the family is Moslem.
38 Pelajaran tiga puluh delapan lesson thirty-eight
New words in thi s lesson
Alllh Allah
blelkin read. read out
berani dare (to)
bersedill preparl-d (to)
bobong (tell a) lie. lying
bult for
The scholarship
ellra hklup way of life
cita ambition. dream
('Uaca cl imate, weather
denglln _Ing hlti with pleasure
diisi filled in. completed
formulir fonn/s
gembirl happy. happiness
i:si contents; fill in
klsihln mercy. pit y
mlksud reason. purpose
menu ri seck
meneriml accept
menjel l ng approach. approaching
musim season
pemerinllh government /s
perltunm regulation/s
pennisi leave, day off
September September
serlhkln leave
simpln keep
Il'fIlUlg sajl calm down
terelpli fulfilled. reached
ligl puluh delllplln thirty-eight
lilpon telephone
tlaklir IreallO. take OUI for
cuklng pos postman
Budi, tolong bll elkan. BII(Ii. pfease re(J(f il.
Yanli wants Budi to read it for her. Hence Ihe use of the suffix kan
(Appendix 8(ii .
2 & Iamllt ! Isinya dua surl t . Sl lu beasisw'a Brilish Couneil untuk ligl lllhun di
Inggeri:s. Congruluf(lliO/l.s.' 11 conlains IK'O fellers (lit. liS ronlems 110'0 lel/('(s),
Olle is a Brilish COIlllcif scllolarship for Ihree years in "glmld.
3 Din Situ lagi SUrlt dllri London Unh'ersity ylng berse4il meneriml Yanli
belljlr di sana. Am/the other one is a/el/er from LOIU/OII Ullhwsil), II'hich is
prepurel//O urcepl rilllli /0 sludy ol'er IllerI'.
I salu Ilgi : 1111' OIlier Ollt'
b ber + sedia : rI.'(ld), bersedia : 10 be prepured 10
e me -l lerimll : 10rt'Cl'il'(' menerimll : 10UCCI'Pl
4 511)'11 harus pergi ke kedulaan Inggeri s di Jakarta. / /llIIXIKO 10 1111' Brilish
Embassy i" ) ukarw,
In Indonesian Inggeris means Briti,rlr as well as IIXlislr.
5 VI, dl'flgln scnlng hali. Kll pll n sajll ! Yes, It'ilh pll'aSllrr (Ii l. hllPPY h"lIrt),
Whefll' w'r (you like).
Kllpan saja means II'helll'I'I'r and hence. here. K'hefll'I'er ) '011 like.
6 Orlng sllbllr kllsihan All ah. Akhirn)'1I tereapai jugl . Patient
people (rereil'e) lite 10l'e of Allllh. AI fllst ),ollr ambiliolls (Ire fulfilled 100,
Yanli has waited patiently for thi s news.
7 Apll Ali bisa permisi salo hll ri besok'? CUll .1'011 get 0111' tlay's /I'(/I'e IOmO"O'f,
8 51)'1 mll u dil ikut gembirll. I 'HlnI her 10 share my Iwppilles.f (lil. uccompuny
You have come across ikut wit h the meaning of (lccomptlllY several times.
the idea is that of accompanying Yanti in her pleasure. i.e. shllrillR in it.
9 SaYI akan Iraklir mlkan di Jlkartll. I sll/lll Irem )'011 10 II I/Ie(l/ (lit. 10 ('(1/) in
Trlklir is a colloquial word meaning 10 frem. 10 pa), for. 10 lake 0111.
10 Oan SOil di London scrl hkan sajl keplldl sa)'lI. Ami lite problIWIJ of Lomlo/l.
xoujuslleave Ihem 10 me.
serahkan kepadl sllya: 11'(/1'1' il/lhem to me Remember lerserllh: ils lip 10 .1'011
in Lesson 21.
11 i\'lenj('lang musim dingin. Cukup "'lIklu unluk menycsuliklln diri d(' ngll n eUllu .
The cold season will be approachi"g. There lI'i// be enough lillll' for ),011 10
accustom yourself 10 Ihe climate.
Note menyesuaikan dir' dengan : 10 aCCUSfQm ones('/!w. gn used 10 (lit. with).
Waduh, begitu ban yak formulir yang harus diisi, unlung ada Budi. Good
h('ol'(?ns. so m(my forms which must be filled in. its {ucky Rutli is here Oit. there
;s Budl}
Diisi is the passive form of isi : loftll in, IQ (omp/I' le.
13 Kalau tidak. sampai mall ban! say. bisa selesai. 1/(111.' were) not. I would,, ', be
finished before I die (lit. unlif dealh only I ('(Ill be jinisht'dj.
Sampai mali ban! say. bisa selesai is a sentence lO.'clllO.'orth remembering if you
want \0 say that it's going 10 take a long lime 10 finish something.
14 Kan. kitl harus turul pcraturan dan hukum. baik sulil sekarang !ctapi
beres. Thut's so, II'(' must follow 'he regula/iQ/IS ond the law. It's beller (for
fhing,f 10 be) difficult now ba/ corr('e/.
Kan is used here to express agreement with Budi's remarks. Remember its uses
in Lesson 27 (Note 11).
39 Pelajaran tiga puluh sembilan lesson thirty-nine
New words in this lesson
berterima kasih thank. give thanks
berunding settled, negotiated
dilaksanakan will be performed
dilangsungkan take place (at same time)
dilanggung is guaranteed (by)
hadir be present. attend
Islam Isl am. Islamic
jiran neighbour
Juni June
kaki -nini grandpafCru s
kenduri celebration, feas t
kepulangan return (home)
lelaki male, man
masalah matter. affair
rnernbicantkan discuss/cd
The wedding
mempelai (Iaki-Iaki) bridegroom
menyaksi kan witnessed
merencanakan plan, planned. fix/cd
nikah religious wc<lding (Islamic)
pengantin (perempuan) bride
pengulu religious official
peresmian formal
pemikahan religious weddi ng ceremony
hidup a lifetime
sifat nature. characteristic. quality
suami-isteri husband and wi fe
tiga puluh thirty-nine
tunda postpone
umum general
wali closest male relative
Saya dan Salmah sudah membicara kan soal ini. Dan kami ml'rencanakan
peresmian perka""inan di bulan Juni . I al1d Salmah J/(/I"(' alrt.'(l(ly (Iis('usst.'d this
probl(,m. Ami w(,'I"(' planned tht.' w('dmng fQf (lit. in) /he mOll/h of June.
a me + bicarl + kan = membicarakan : /0 discuss
b me t rencana : plan + kan merencanakan: /Q plan. /0 fix
Tidak. kami akan nikah dalam luklU dua minggu. I'ihak ketuarga Salmllh dan 39
pihak kcluarga say. sedang berunding. No. 11'("11 111/1'(' Ihe religious wedding in

111'0 weeks' lime. Salmoh 's family's agreemel// (IIulll1)' ftlll1ily's agrel'lm?1II are
still being set/ft'd.
[ t is customary to have both a social. formal wedding and a
religious. Islamic ceremony (oikah).
b The various financial details of the wedding arc left 10 the respective families 10
sort out. This is what pihak refers 10 here; only the date has been agrCl..-d upon
so far.
3 Perk.winan unluk seumur hidup sampai kaki-nini . A /IIarrju1{I' i.f Jor the whole
of our fil'(.'s 1/11/;/lI'e are grumlp(lrl.'nl.f.
This statement indicates why it is important for the families to choose a
propitious date for the wedding.
4 Kalau botch say. akiln IUndil kepulilngiln SIlI)'iI ke London. If I ma)" /'//
Pos/polle Ill)' re!Urn /0 London.
kepulilngiln : re/urn This is a noun formed from pulang : 10 re/llrn h01l1/'
(Appendi)!; 9(i.
5 Karena yang hadir hallYil keluarga mempelai Iilki-Iaki diln penganlin
perempuan dan juga kawan-kalun rapat. BI'lw/se those wlw (1111.'11(/ {lr/' UI1/)'
the familil.'s of thl' groom al1d thl' bride alld also r/ose friell(ls.
a mempel ai laki-Iaki : (male) hrMegrQOIII
b pengllnlin perempuan : (female) hride
6 Saya berlerima kasih. 1 thank you.
Berlerima kasih : 10 /hallk, 10 gil't' thanks is a more refined and formal
expression than lerima kasih.
7 Saya belum pernah menyaksiklin pernikahan. Ilwl'ell'( wilm'.m'd {/ religiolls
weddillg (""'I'm OilY before.
a Menyaksikan is a more refined form of sa ksi: 10 wilm'ss (Appendix 7(ii .
b perniklihan : religious ",'{'(!ding cl'remotl)'
8 Pemikahan akan dilaksanakan oleh pengulu dan "'ali dad Salmah. 7111'
wed(lillg will in' performed by /1 religiOUS officialll/uJ Salmah 's fatlwr.
a Dilaksanakan is the passive form of laksanakan : 10 perform, 10 ('(/".1' 0111.
b Pengulu is a state appointed religious official.
e Wali refers 10 a bride's nearest male relative, in this case Salmah's father.
9 dan kl'llduri dilanggung mereka. (///() Ihe CI'!I'brations arf' gllarallleed b), Ihem.
Remember that oleh : bJ' can be omitted after a passive verb form, as has
happened here (Appendix 13). dilanggung being the passive form of tanggung.
10 Tetapi biasanya orang belum salu rumilh st'belum pesla ka"'in, BUI uSII(llIy
people do 1I0t (/il"e in) olle house before Ihl' formal ""eddillg feast.
11 pesla ka"'in unluk ka"'an-ka"'an dan jiran-jiran yang sifatnya umum, Ihl'
form(l! w('(/ding feast i.1 for fril'lIds and neighbours of a more gel1l'ra/ nature (lit.
,,"no (Ire of a genera! nUlllre).
12 Va, tclapi pesla ka,,'in Icbih mahal dan biasan)'a ditanggung pihak lelaki. Yes .
but the formal ,,"e(lI/ing/easl is mort' expensil'e an/I is IIsually gll(/rllll/I'I.'II by Iltl'
groolll's (lil. mall' 's) side.
a Note again the omission of olch after dil anggung (Note 9).
b Pihak refers to the groom's party (i.e. family) liS opposed 10 thc bridcs.
e ulaki : ma/(' is an alternative to laki-Iaki (Note Sa ).
13 Budi, kau dalang kemari memba"'a biJltang t('rang. Budi. )"0// ("(11111' IlI'rl'
bringing good forlllne (li\. ell'(lr stars).
40 Pelajaran em pat puluh
New words in this lesson
agar for. in order. so that
anggap consider
anggola member
apa-apaan? what' s all this?, what's up?
berlari (El run
buat give/throw a party
cuci piring wash up
dididik educated
diurus arranged, organised
empat puluh forty
rolo photograph/s, piet ure/s
hadiah present /s
membereskan clear up. tidy up
Lesson forty
memberi (E) give
memperpanjang utend
nangis cry
pada for
perpisahan parting
piring plate
ever and ever
Icrus lerang open
wwLallgan guest/s
"isa VIsa
waktu occasion
Apakah tidak sulil memperpanjang visamu? Wasn 'l il difficull /0 extend )'our
Memperpanjang : la extend is deri ved from panjang : long. Nole that here two
prefixes, mem and per, are used.
2 Orang biasanya pakai pakaian daerah yang paling baik pada waktu illl.
People usually wear regional c/othe5 which are best jor that occasion.
a pada :jor
b Waklu here has the meani ng of occasion.
3 Saya harap Budi jangan bikin janji pada malam Minggu karena kami mau buat
untukmu. I hope Budi you haven't made a date Jor Saturday
el'ening because lI'e wan I 10 Ihroll' a purly Jor you .
.a Remember malam Minggu: Salurday el'('ning literally means Sunday ne
(Appendi x 2).
b buat Ihrow a purty Selamatan refers to a party which is given
ei ther for moving into a new house or for someone who is leaving. This is a
very strong custom in Indonesia .
4 Saya .akan bantu say.a biasa membereskan rumah. Itu tidak lama. / willlle1p.
I'm la tidying up the hou.te. It won', lake long.
mcm+ beres : correrl, righl + kan = 10 lidy up, la rh'ar up
5 Apa-apaan ini ? Hiar saja! 8esok akan diurus pembantu. What 's ullllris? Le, it
be. Tomorrow;; wifl be organised by the sen'GnU.
a Ali is horrified by Vanti's suggestion about washing up, which is quite out of
character for an Indonesian with servants. Perhaps she is tryi ng to look ahead
to her life as a student in London.
b Note the effect of reduplication for emphasis in (Appendix I Zc) .

Here again oleh is omilled after a passive. diurus ( L39. N9).
Sa)'. betul-belul malo. [1I"aj really emborrassed .
Helul-betul is another example of reduplication for emphasis (Appendix 12c).
Kau ad. salab Budi, say. lup. kasi tahu. You made a mistake. Bu(/i . l/or801
10 warn )'ou.
Budi has clearly made a social blunder. but Yanli confesses that she should
have advised him in advance.
b klsi tahu : warn./et knoll'
H Kalau dapal hadiah, jangan dibuka d] depan umum. 11 you f?('1 (/ pres('/II, don',
open il in public.
Thi s is a most important poinllo remember in Indonesia.
9 Di. lebih tents terang. lie is 1I10r(' open.
tHUS luang : open (of people) Budi ;s considered to be morc open than the
average Indonesian who has a more reserved. guarded nature.
10 Budi dididik di bara'. deng.n a U1I sekul er. Bud; I<'as educated IIIlht' M'f'SI,
Dididik is Ihe passive form of didik : 10 I'ducall',
11 Oil lebih bebas letapi mudah mmyesulikan diri. I/e is frttr, bUI Wkl'S care of
menyesulibn diri : lakes care of himself. udapl.s himself
12 Mlri kitl minla kepada Tuhan agar kitJI.semua berbahagia unluk selama-
lamanya. Lel's ask Ihe Lordfor us all 10 be happy for el'er and i'I'U.
This is a good wish for all those connected with the course (note kita is
students, writers, actors, etc.
Bunyi bahasa Indonesia Indonesian sounds
Indonesian is not a difficult language to pronounce nor to spelL This section is
designed to present to you the different sounds of Indonesian so that you may listen
to them and practise them. It is divided into three sections: vowels, diphthongs and
combinations of vowels, consonants.
You will notice that the vowel e has two dist inct pronunciations in Indonesian and
examples of both are given here. Listen carefull y to Indonesian words in which e
appears and you will soon find that the correct pronunciation comes naturally and
easily to you. The other vowels (a, i , 0 and u) all have just one basic sound.
In the consonants section you should note that c is pronounced like the English ch in
church and g is pronounced like the g in gas. Pay particular attenti on to the
pronunciation ofh when it comes at the end of a word. Notice the difference between
k and kh (which has a sound similar to the Scottish ch in loch), and between ng and
ngg. Finally note that sy is si milar to the English sI!.
Words in the Sounds Section
ada there is/are; have
adat custom
bahasa language
Bali Bali
bayar to pay
beban load
bnar big
buah fruit
buih foa m
bulu feat her
buny] sound/s
cacing worm
cepat fast, quick
dada chest. breast
daerah region
dan and
danau lake
dad from
dengan with
di a he, she, it
diftong diphthongfs
diurus arranged
diusir e1tpelled, driven away
{'jaan aksara alphabet
fajar dawn
rakir poor person
garam salt
gegar to shake
habis after
harns must, to have to
ikut to accompany
Indonesia Indonesian. Indonesia
ini this
janjl date. appointment
juga too, also
kabar news
kakak elder sister
kanan right
kall-'in to marry
kcanakan childish
keuntuogan profit
Khamis Thursday
khas special
kombinasi combinat ion
konsonan consonant /s
koran newspaper
kola city
kuat st rong
kueh cake
kuini type of mango
lillt 10 coil. to wind
lupa to forget
main to play
mangga mango
Mei May
menggambar to portray
merah red
mimpi dream
mint a [0 request
naza r vow
nomor number
nona Mi ss
nyenyak soundl y
nyonya Mrs
pandai skilled
pena pen
petang early afternoon
pi sang banana
pisau knife
rasa [0 taste
saya I. me. my. mine
S('antero aJJ over
sehat healthy
seibu one mother
S('poi breeze
siapa who, whose
siempunya owner
soal problem
sopir driver
susah diffi cult y
syak [0 suspect, to doubt
syukur thanks
takut [0 worry
taxi taxi
luntul to demand. to claim
umur age
"okal vowel/s
wakil assistant
yakin confident, cert ain
ziarah to visit (a shrine)
Numbers 102
2 Days of the week 103
J Months of the year 103

Time of day 10
5 Adjecti ves 105
6 Prefixes and suffixes 105
7 Prefixes 105
8 Suffixes 108

Prefixes and suffixes in combinat io n
10 Root word with prefixes and suffixes
11 Yang
12 Redupli cation
11 2
iJ The passive
14 Tenses
15 Negati ves
i6 Personal pronouns and adjectives
i1 Seol1l ng
18 Questi on words
I . Verbs wit h dengsn
11 5
20 Useful greetings
0 001
sebelas 22 dUll puluh dUll
, >to
12 dUI bells 2J dUI puluh dga
2 do> IJ tig. belas 24 dUI puluh empa l
3 liga I. empat belas 25 dUll puluh Urn.
4 Il Hma belas 26 dUll puluh enam
5 lirn. 16 enam belas 27 dUI puluh lujuh
6 m. m 17 tujuh belas 28 dUI puhth delapan
7 tujuh
del apan bel as 29 dUll puluh sembilan
8 dela pan 19 sembil an bel as 30 liga puluh
9 sembilan 20 dUI puluh 31 figa puluh satu
10 sepuluh 21 dUI puluh sa lu 32 tigll puluh dUI
40 empal puluh 100 seralus 500 lirn. ralus
50 limll puluh 101 senlus sam 600 enam ralus
('film puluh
IlO S('ratus limlll puluh 700 tujuh ralus
70 tujuh poluh 200 dUll ralus 800 delapaD ratus
80 delapll n puluh JOO dgll rlllus 900 sembl1an rlllus
90 sembil an puluh 400 empa! ralus 1000 scribu
2000 dUI ri oo
2010 dUll ribu sepuJuh
1,000,000 stjut.
Note also: ratusan : hundreds oj; ribuan: Ihoumnds oJ: jutaan : millions of
tambah: plus ( + ) : kurang: minus ( - )
ki ll : times ( x ) : bagl : dil'ided by ( "7 )
SlI m. dmgan: eqllt/Is ( = )
Kamis (or Khamis)
Hari : day often precedes the name of the day, e.g. hari Jumat : Frillu)' . Note
particularly the use of malam to indicat e el'clling or night - malam Sabtu : Frit/ay
f'1'ening: malam Selasa: Monday night .
Aperil (or Apri l)
e p t e m ~ r
NOl'embt' r
Note that you will often come across bullln SlI tu for January, bul an dUI for February,
To express the dat e in Indonesian you use the word tanggal : date followed by the
number and then the month.
e.g.: tanggal satu J anuari : /s/ of Jalllwry, or tanggal salu bul an salu
tanggal ti ga puluh Mei : 30th of May. or tanggal tiga puluh bul an lima.
Tanggal is omitted in letters (Lesson 20).
From the hOUT
to 19 minutes
From 20 past
to 20 to t he
From ]9 minutes
10 up to the hour





jam tiga or pukul tiga : il 's Ihru Q 'clock.
jam lig. lewat/lehih lirn. (menil) : it's fly!? (minUles) past three.
jam liga lewat/lebih sepercmpal : il 's Cl quarter past Ihree.
jam tlga lewat/lehih sembilan belas : it's nineteen minr.fles past
jam selengah empa! kurang sepuluh : il 's twenty past three
(li t. il 's half four less len).
jam setengah empa\ kurang lima : it's IlI'l?nt),-jiI'1? pasllhrer
(lil. it's half four less /il'C).
jam seleAgah empat : i" s half post three (li t. half/our).
jam sel:etIgah empa! lewat/lebih Urn. : i,'s ,wenty-ftj(, t%ur.
jam selengah empa! lelnt/lebih sepuluh : it's twenty IQ four.
jam empal kurang st'mbilan belas : it's nineteen minutes 10 jour.
jam empat kurang seperempat : its (l qU(lrIer to jour.
jam kurang sepuluh : it s ten to jour.
jam empat kUnlIng lima : it sfi)e 10 jour.
janl : its jour 0 dock.
NB: You can use alternatives such as pukul tigl tigl puluh : its three thirty; or pukul
tigl empat puluh : its threejorty, etc.
Note the word gelik : second.
(a) 10 Indonesian. adjectives always follow the noun they describe,
e.g. pobon ini : this Iree; poboa itu: that tree.
rumah say. : my house; rumah k.ami ; Qur house.
Dia orang Illdonesi a : /Je's un Indonesian man.
Itu mobil bes.r : That"s u big cor.
(b) To form the comparative of an adjecti ve, lebih : more is placed in front ofil ,
e.g. lebih coak : tastier; lebih baik : beller;
lebi h mahal : more expensil'e; lebih besar : bigger.
(c) To form the superlative of an adjective, paling: most is placed in front of il,
e.g. paling cnak : tastiest ; paling baik : besl;
paling mahal : most paling bt-sar : biggest.
An alternat ive to the use of paling is to attach the prefi x ler 10 the adjective.
e.g. terbaik : best: lerbesar : biggest.
(d) Dari pada is used 10 mean /lulf! following a comparison of inequalit y.
e.g. IndOMSia Icbi h besa, daripada Inggeris : Indonesia is bigger Ihan Englaml.
Ahmad lebi h klya daripada AIi : Ahmad is richer Ihan Afi.
(e) A comparison orequali ty can be made in two ways.
(i) By attaching the prefix se to the adjecti ve, e.g.
Indonesia sebesar E,opa : Indonesia is as big as Europe.
Yanti sccantik Sri : Yanti is as prel/y as Sri.
(ii) By placing sama before the adjective. adding nya 10 il and placing dengan
after it, e.g.
Indonesia Ama besarnya dengan Eropa : Indonesia is as big as Europe.
Vanti sama cantiknYI dengan Sri : Yanti is as prelty as Sri.
The use of prefixes and suffixes to modify the meaning of a root word is a notablc
reat ure of Indonesian. Someti mes the addition of a prefi x or suffix changes the
meaning of the root word to a marked degree, sometimes it causes a slight and subtle
change in meaning and other times the result is merely an alternati ve to the root
word. The following are the prefixes and suffixes used in this course.
(i) The prefix ber is used:
(a) To form a verb from a noun or adjective. e.g.
berbahasa : to speak from bahasa : language
berdansa : to dance from dlnsa : dancing
berdayung: to row from dayung: oar
berhasil : to succeed from hasil : result
berjall n: to Iral'el from jalln : rood. way
berkemejl : 10 \I'ear a shirt from kemeja : shirl
berkeringkat : 10 sweal from keringkat : sweal
berl angganan : 10 shop regularly from lan"anan: regular cus/Qmer
berlibur : 10 lake a holiday from libur : holMay
berolahraga : 10 lake pun in span from olahraga : SpOrt
berpakaian : /0 dress from pakaian : c10lhes
berpeci : 10 wear a cap from peci : cap
bersedia : 10 be ready from sedia : ready
(b) To indicate means by which one travels. e.g.
berbecak : 10 go by pt'(licab from becak : pedicab
bermobil : 10 go by car from mobil : car
(c) To fonn adjcctives from nouns, e.g.
berbahagia : happy from bahagia : happiness
berharga : I'aluable from harga: price
bersejarah : hislOric from sejarah: hislOry
berwarna : coloured from warna : colour
(d) With a number to form a grouping, e.g.
berdua : bolh o/us. bolh a/you. bolh 0/ rhem. in IWO'S
bertiga : Ihree a/us. Ihe Ihree o/you. elc.
(e) With a verb to form an alternati ve verb form, e.g.
berbelanja from belanja : 10 shop. 10 go ,I'hopping
bercakap from cakap : 10 chal. IV talk
berhenti from henti : 10 SlOp
bertanya from tanya: 10 ask queslions
Note that ber becomes be before a root word starting with r, e.g. berasa : 10/1>1'1
from rasa: /eeling and also in bekerja : /0 work from kerja : work, while it changes
10 bel in belajar : 10 letlTn. 10 sludy from ajar : fa leach.
Oi) The prefix me is used :
(a) Before a verb to form an alternati ve and often more common form, e.g.
melihat : 10 see: membuat : 10 make: menjadi : 10 become;
membantu : IV help: meDgaja, : IV leach: menyimpan : 10 keep.
(b) To form a verb from a noun or adjective, e.g.
merokok : 10 smoke from rokok : cigarette
menui : 10 dance from tari : dancing
mcoyesuaikan : 10 adapl from sesuai :fil.
(c) Before a verb to change its meaning, e.g.
menunggu : 10 exp.>cI. 10 look/orward 10 from tunggu : 10 wail
meninggal : 10 die from linggal : 10 Slay.
(d) Wit h the prefix per and an adjective to form a verb, e.g.
memperpanjang: 10 extend from panjang: long.
Note that me call change it s form as follows:
It becomes mem before a word beginning with b or p, e.g.
membeli : to bu)' : memetik : to pick (the p is dropped).
It becomes ITK'n before a word beginning with e, d, j , or I, e.g.
mellCaTi : to seek: mende!lak : to urgl'; menjadi : to become:
mcninggal : to die (the \ is dropped).
It becomes meng before g. h, k. or a vowel. e.g.
menglljllT : to leach; ITK'nggambarkan : 10 porlray ; mcnghormllli : IQ r('.fp('CI;
mengenalkan : to introduce (the k is dropped).
It becomes meny before B ..... ord beginning with s, e.g.
meJl yimpan : to keep, /0 presef)'e (the s is dropped).
(ili) The prefix pe is used with a \"erb 10 denote the performer of the action. e.g.
pelaku : ac/Or; pelllyan : .... aiter; pemain : player; pemban\u : helfWr;
pemcrinlah: ruler: pengiku\ : fo/lower.
Note that pe becomes pem, pen, peng or peny in e ~ c t l y the same cases in which
me becomes mem, men, men!,: and meny.
(iv) The prefix se is used :
(a) Before a noun 10 indi cat e one. e.g. SftlTang: one I/Ia/I. solllC'One;
sekali : one tillle. once.
(b) Before a noun meaning per. (I. e. g. sehari : per day, u(luy;
st'minggu : per .... eek, a .... eek.
(c) With the sense of .... lI oll'//{'ss or (;ompll'll'nt'ss, e.g. sduruh [roplI :
till' whole of EurOIX'; sepanjang haTi : Ihe whole day.
(d) With an adjcctive to mean al' ... liS, e.g. sebesar : as big (IS;
seki1: as slllal/ as.
(v) The prefix ler is used :
(a) With a verb to form an adjective or a past participle. e.g. lerOOkl : open,
opened (from buka : 10 OlX'n) ; lerkenal :famous, .... ell-kno .... n (from hnal :
10 know): lermasuk : inclllded (from masuk : to emer); lergaOOng: umted
(from gaOOng: /0 unite); lerlinggal : stayed (from linggal : 10 stay).
(b) As an alternative to paling to form the superlative of an adjective. e.g.
\erbesar : biggt'l'{: lerbaik : best.
(c) Wit h a ver b to indicate a passive in which the action is done accidentally
or involuntari ly, e.g.
Kalau ada anak Vanli terib t : If Ihere are children. )'014 '/I be lied dOMn.
Yanti (Ll9, NI7) ; Kil a terikut ke J akarta : We'll be taken 10 Jakar/(l
( L33, NIO).
(i) The suffix an is used :
(a) To transform a verb into a noun, e.g.
minuman: a drink from minum: /() drink
makanan: food from makan : /0 eat
pikiran: Ihoughl , idea from pikir : 10 Ihink
ke-nalan: acquaintance from kena] : 10 know.
(b) Wilh Ilumbers 10 form collective numbers, e.g.
ratusan : hundreds (of) from l atus : hundred
riOOan : thousands (of) from riOO : Ihousand
jutaan: millions (of) from jula: million.
(c) With nouns to form a collecti ve noun, e.g.
OOahOOahan : fruits; sayur-sayuran :
(ii) The suffill: kan is attached to verbs :
(a) To emphasise that the subject will be the person to do the action and nOI
someone else, e.g.
Saya akan btlikan kopi : I shall buy the coffee.
(b) To carry oUI, the action for someone else's benefil, e.g.
Saya ambilkan teh: I'll get (you) some lea.
Saya antarkan kau kc sekolah: I'll tab you 10 school.
Dudi bangunkan saya : Budi M'oke me up.
(c) To change the meaning of a verb, e.g.
baca : la read- bacakan: 10 read out
bkara : 10 chat- bicarakan : 10 discuss
kenal : /0 know- kenalkan : 10 introduct'.
(d) Kan is also attached to nouns and adjectives to form verbs, e.g.
usul : suggestion- usulkan : 10 suggest
si ap: ready- siapkan: 10 gel ready. /0 prepare.
(ii1) The suffix ku (a short form of aku : l) means my, e.g.
gambarku : my picture.
(iv) The suffix mu (a short form of kamu : you) means your, e.g.
gambarmu: your picture.
(v) The suffix nya is used:
(a) To indicate possession usually with the meaning of his, her, its, e.g.
namanya : his name; kopinya : her coffee; harganya : its price.
(b) For emphasis, e.g.
semua: all; semuanya : alllOgether.
(i) The combinati on of the prefix ke and the suffix an is used:
(a) To form nouns from verbs, e.g.
keadaan : state, condition from ada : there is/are
kedatangan : arril'al from datang : 10 come
kedudukan: seat from duduk : to sit
kesempalan : opportunity from sempat : 10 hal'e the opportunity
kepulangan : return from pulang : 10 return home
kerajinan : craft from rajin : 10 do something diligently.
(b) To form one noun from another, e.g.
kehidupan : way of life from hidup : life
kejuaraan : championship from juara : champion
kerajaan : kingdom from raja : king
keuangan :jinance from uang: money.
(c) To form abstract nouns from adjectives, e.g.
kebaikan : gON/ness from baik : good
kebanyakan : majority from banyak : much. many
keindahan : beawy from indah : beautiful
kejujuran : hOllesty from jUjUT: hOliest
kesehalan : health from sehal : healthy
kesulilan : difficulty from sulil : difficult.
(d) To change the meaning of verbs, e.g.
kelihalan : to look, to appear from lihat : 10 see. 10 look
ketiduTan : 10 ol'/'Tsleep from tidur : to sleep.
(H) The combination of the prefix me and the suffix kan is used :
(a) To form verbs from adjectives, e.g.
membereskan : 10 clear/ tidy up from beres : correct, right
memenlingkan : 10 allach importal/ce from penting : imporllllll.
(b) To form verbs from nouns, e.g.
menggambarhn: to portray from gambar : piClure
mereneanakl n: to plan from reneana : plan.
(c) To cause the action implicit in t he root word to take place, e.g.
membiarkan : to allow. to cause from biar : let it be
membawakan : 10 take/show round from baWl : to wke
mengenalkan : to introduce from kenal : 10 know.
(d) To give more emphatic meaning to a verb, e.g.
membicarakan : 10 discuss from bieara : 10 chat.
(e) To fonn an alternat ive or more refined verb form, e.g.
menyaksikan: 10 l'I'itne$$ from saksi : to witness.
(f) To indicate that something is being done for another's benefi t, e.g.
menunjukkan : 10 show someone from tunjuk : / 0 point 01,11 .
(iii) The combination of the prefix per and the suffix an is used :
(a) To form nouns of place, e.g.
perkebunan: plantation from kebun : garden
pergunungan : mounlainous area from gunung: mountain.
(b) To form nouns which refl ect the acti on of the root verb, e.g.
pembakaran : cremalion from bakar : 10 burn
pembeli an: buying from beli : to buy
penjualan: sales from jual : 10 sel/
pengerjaan :joh from kerja: to 1'I'0rk
perjuangan : bailIe from juang : 10 combal
permainan: lay from main : 10 play
pemeriksaan : inspection from periksa : 10 inspecl.
In the vocabularies in this handbook, we have listed words which begi n with a prefix.
However, in Indonesian dictionaries. you will have to look up such combi nations
under the root word. This is onc reason why you need to memorise spelling changes
brought about by prefixes. As an example of thi s we can take the word ajar : 10 leach.
Under this entry in the dictionary you would also find fonns such as belajar : sludy.
learn : mengajarkan: instrucl ; ajaran: teaching ; pengajar : instructor ; pelajar : student :
pelajaran : lesson ; terpel ajar : scholarly, etc. Do not try to make up your own
Indonesian words by using prefi xes and suffixes unless you can check them in a
dictionary. Stick 10 what you have heard and scen.
11 0
Yang is a relative pronoun which means who, \I'hom, which, that but can be translated
into Engli sh in a number of different ways. It is used as follows:
(a) With an adject ive in the sense of Ihl' ... one!lhe one which, e.g.
Di . beli yang m.hal : He's buying the expensil'l' one!the one which is expensil'l'.
(b) To mean 'whieh or ,hO/, e.g.
reslOfan Indonesia yang baik : a good Indonesian restaurant/on Indonl'Si(1n
restaurant wo'hich is good.
This is a more emphatic statement than restoran Indonesia baik. Such usage is
very common.
(c) To mean who or whom, e.g.
Ad_ orang yang lidak jujur : nItre are people who or,. not honest.
ltu orlng yang saya lihat : That 's the man (whom) I saw.
(d) To mean the One who, e.g.
Saya yang ambil gamb.r : I'm the one who will take Ihe piClUre.
yang meningga' : 'he deceased/ the one who has died.
(e) With an adjective to mean whal/ lhOl which. e.g.
Yang baik harganya juga tinggi : What is g()()(/ afso has a high price (i .e. Thai
which is g()()(/ or Goot!lhings).
Yang pasti mereka orang Indonesia : Whal is certain is thal Iheyare Indonesian.
(f) With mana to mean which one? e.g.
Yang mana paling baik? Which is the besl onc?
(g) With apa to mean whOI, IhQ/which, e.g.
Metlurut apa yang saya detlgar ... : From what /'I'e heard . ..
(h) With lilin to mean Olher. else. e.g.
Saya cari yng lain : I 'll look for anolher one.
Saya cari ylng lain-lain : " lIloak for others.
Keluarga yang lain : The olher family
Ada yn g laill u ooara mau lihat? Is Ihere onylhing else you wanllO see?
(i) Note also the following:
yang ini : lhis one; yang itu : that one; yang di sana : Ihe one over Ihere; lima
kilometer yl ng lalu:jil'e kilomelres back (i.e ..... him are pas/).
This is the process whereby the root word is repeated. It is used in a number of
different instances :
(a) To indicate a pl ural noun when it is absolutely necessary to draw attention to the
facl that you are talking about more than one person or thing and that you have
not done so by using a number, e.g.
Oia ada anak : fi e has a child (or He has children).
Dill. ada anak-anak : He has children,
Di ll. ada dgll. anak : He has three children.
(b) To indicate all kinds Q/fdifferem kinds of, etc., e.g.
Macam-macam oraog eari makan : All kinds of people are trying 10 eurn a
Sometimes the suffix an is added to indicate this meaning, e.g.
sayur--sayuran : I' egelubles, all kinds o! I' egetubles
bulllt-buahlln :fruil, all kinds of fruit.
(c) For emphasis, e.g.
pagi : in Ihe morning; pagi-pagi : early in Ihe morning
besllr : big; besar-besar : enormous
lapar: hungry; lapar-Iapar : I'ery hungry
apa? : what?; apa-apaan? : what's all this?
(d) To form an adverb from an adjective, e.g.
pal : quick; quickly
pelan : slow; pelan-pelaD: slowly.
(e) With verbs 10 indicate an indefi nit e qualit y of time or purpose, e.g.
lihat : 10 look; lihat-lihat : 10 look round
jalan : 10 walk; jalan-jalan : 10 walk aboul, stroll round
tukar : 10 change ; Iukar-tukar : 10 change continually .
Thi s is formed in Indonesian by attaching the prefix di to the verb, e.g.
Di a dilalang makan makanan keras : He is!orbiddenlO eal solid/ooJ.
Saya dikasi kursi, mereka berdiri : I was gNen a chair, Ihey slood.
Budi dididik dl barat : Budi was educaled in the wesl.
Oleh is used to express by afler a passive verb, bUllhis can be omitted, e.g.
Pernikahan akan dilaksanabn oleh pengulu : The wedding will be performed by a
religiOUS official.
Kopor saya akan diperiksa duane : My case will be iflSpecred by Ihe customs.
The Indonesian verb does not refl ect tense or person by any change in its form.
Normally the context willlel1 you whether evenl s are past. present, future or
conditional, e.g. Saya pergi ke Indonesi a could mean I'm going to Indonesia, /wenllQ
Indonesia, /'1/ go 10 Indonesia, etc. However, the context will tell you which is the
precise meaning, e.g. 8esok say. pergi kt Indonesia : Tomorrow 1'1/ go IQ I"danesill ,
The words akan, hendsk and sudah are often used to make the meaning clearer. e.g.
Saya akin main lenis : I will play tennis.
Budi sudah pl!Sln hol el : Bud; has already booked a ho/el.
Yanti hendak pergi ke London : Yanli wif{ go to London.
(a) Tidllk : nol is used with a verb, e.g.
AIi tidak datang kt' Jakarta : AIi isn " coming 10 Jakarta.
Kanlor say. tidak jauh: My office isn 'f far.
(b) Bukan : not is used with nouns and pronouns, e.g.
Ini bukan mobil kami : This isn't our car.
Itu bIIkan restoran: Thai isn't a reStaurant.
(c) Kurang: less is sometimes used wit h suka : to like in place of tidak when the
speaker wishes to be less abrupt, e.g.
Saya kurang suka anl k: I don 'tlike children (enough)/ I"m not keen on children.
(d) Belum is used 10 mean //01 yet. e.g.
Saya belum bi asa makan pe4as : "m //Ot yet used 10 eating spicy food.
It is often used in combination with punah. e.g.
Saya belum pemah liha! "'ayang kulit : 1 hal'en'l yel seen Il shadow puppel plIlY.
slyl I , me, my, mine
aku I , me. mine
ku I. my. mine
saudara you. your. ),ours (al so Mr.)
kau (from engkau) you, your. yours
anda }'ou. your, yours
kamu you. your, yours
mu }'our
kali an you 11'1'0. bOlh of you (i.e. plural)
di a he. she. il. him. her
uya his. her, its
kami we. us. our. Ollrs (excluding person addressed)
kita we. us. our. ours (including person addressed)
mereka they, them, their. Iheirs
smdiri self. oneself. etc.
11 3
Aku, ku, kau, kamu and mu are colloquial forms, while anda is very impersonal
(Ll6, Nil),
Remember that mu and nya are suffixes, whi le ku can be both prefix and suffix,
Note how punya : own, belong to is often used with the above, e,g,
Ini rumah saya or Rumah ini saya punya : This house is mine.
As well as using the various words given above for you (depending of course on your
relationship with the person to whom you are speaking), it is normal practice to use
the person's name or title, such as tuan, pak. bapak, ibu. bo, nona. nonya, mas etc., e.g.
Apakah Ali makan di luar? Are you eatillg out. Afi ?
Apakah ibu Ahmad suka berenang? Do you like swimming, Mrs. AJmwd?
NB: You may well hear the word lu used to mean you. This comes from Chi nese and
is only used with intimate friends; otherwise it is considered very insulting. NEVER use
it yourself!
Literally this means o/Ie persoll (the prefix se + orang) and can often be translated as
someone or somebody. You will frequently find it placed before a noun descri bing
someone's status or occupation. When it is used in this way it is known as a numeral
coefficient, e.g.
scoring guru : a teacher (i.e. someone who is a leacher)
scorang dokter : a doctor (i.e. someone who is a doctor)
scorang teman : u friend (i.e. someone who ;s u friend)
ada benpa? how many are there?
apa ? what?
apakah? whal?
bagaimana? Jrow?
bagaimana dengan? what about?
berapa? how much? how lIIany?
berapa jam? how long?
berapa lama? how long?
dari mana? wherefrom?
dengan apa ? whm with?, how?
di manl ? where ?
, kan? aren't you?etc.
ke manl ? where?, where IO?
ketllpa? why?
mana? where?, which?
mina ada? how can there be?
mana yang? which one?
menglpa ? why?
siapa? who?, whose?
yang mana? which one?
The followi ng verbs are freque ntly used with dengan coming before any following
dire{;t object:
bercakap: 10 chal (Wl , N7)
bertanya: to ask queslions (Wl , N7)
bertemu : 10 meel (L1 3, N16)
kawin : 10 marry (LI7, N11)
kenal : to know (L8, N8a ; L31, N13)
menyesuaikan diri : to accustom oneselflo, to gel used to (L38, Nil )
apa kabar? how are you?
selamat congrmu/aliOns
selamat datang di we/collie to
selamat jallm bon voyage, l1a\'e a safe
selamat makan bon appelil
selamat malam gQ()(/ CI'ening, good nighl
selamat pagi good morning
selamat siang good (after)noon
selamat sore good afternoon
selamat tidur good night
selamat tinggal wke care, keep \1'1'11,
good bye.farewell
11 5
Indonesian vocabulary
Indonesian vocabulary
Remember that the numbers refer 10 the lesson in which the word firs t appears wi th
a particular mea ning. that 1nl. refers to the Introd uction and SS to the Sounds Section.
A angkal 33 baik 2, 9
abang 14 anjing 28 bal k-balk saja 27
ada 2 antar(kan) 24 baiklah 9
adalah 17 antara 34 bak 3
adaptasi 23 antik 35 bakar 26
adal 3, 18 apa 2 balai-balal 31
adik I apa-apa 14 balap 36
adil 18 apa-apaan'! 40 ban 32
adminislrasi 32 apa kahar'! 27 bang 29
adu 37 apakah 4 bangkuang 29
adu ayam jago 37 Apcril 14 bangsa 25
aerogramme 5 api 24 bangun 5
Arrikl 5 arisan 14 bangun(kan) 21
agak 5 arti 17 banjir 13
agama 22 ~ 7 bank 5
agar 40 asal 12 bantal 31
agen 27 asal-usul 34 banlu 18
ahli 16 asalkan 26 banyak 3.6.9
ahli kesehatan 32 Asia 5 bapak 9
ahll ruesin 32 asing 2. 8 barang I. 5.15
ahli pil lsafah 16 asislcn 32 barang jadi 32
ahli Icknlk 32 asli 11 barangkali \4
air 4 alas 10 baral 18
air jeruk 7 alau 5 baru 12, 17
ajak 9 alur 3 balllS 29
Akademll O a,,ak kapal 33 balas kol a 29
akan 3 awan 13 batik II
akhirnya 34 a"as 4 balu 35
akrap 18 ayah 14 bau 12
aku 13 ayam 4
ba,,. 3
. 1. 26 ayam jago 4 balu laksi 26
alam 15 .yo 14 bayar I
alasan 23 bayar uang st kob h 8
alal-alal 35
bayl 26
alal-alal makan 35
baea 15
beasis"a 19
Allah 38
baeakan 38
beban SS
alpokll 7
badan 14
bebas 15
ambil 5
bagaimana 6
bebek 4
Amerika 15
bagaimana dengan '! 19
beberapa 6
anak 9, 28
bagi 18
becak 10
alldal 6
bagian 18, 32
bet:ek 13
.... 3.
bagus I
bedal 8
.nget 22
bahagia 19
beginl 9
anggap 40
bahasa 8
begihl 5. 10
anaota 40 bah,,a 20 bekas 35
11 9
32 iK'rkisar (lenlanK) 34 biro 6
belajar 9
btrkumpul 26 biru 11
belahng I. 21
btrlari 4{J bis 10
8danda 14. 15
btrlibur 20. 25 bisa 1.5.8
belanja 11 . 27
bermobil I1 bohong 38
belayar 33
btrmulu 35 bolrh 6. 12
bdi 2
btrnilll 17 bol t h slIjll 12. 31
brlok 5
berobah 27 bo, 7
brlum 4
berobat 23 bolol4
braang 29
brrolahraga 13 bridge 14
bmar 12
btrpakaian 11 brosur 6
brndcra 33
brrpcci II
"" " brnsin 9
bttpemlidikan 14 buah 2
bttltuk 35
34 buang 17
brrabe 22
brrpikir 18 buanK air bcsar 21
berak 21
bersama 14 buanK air ktcil 21
btrangkal 15
brrstdia 38 !luang I'aktu 22
brrani 38
brl'St'jarah 35 bual 38
berapa 6. 7
bersih 24 buat apa? 15
brrtahan J4 bual selamalan 10
lK' rapa lama'.' 17
brrtamu 9 buaya 30
berapi 22
berlanya 14,32 bubur 21
brrllSal 34
brrteduh 13 Budha 22
beral 33 ixrlemu 5 buih SS
ixrbagai 30 berttf'ima kasih 39 bujang 18
berbahagia 18 brrtiga 11 buka 3, 10
brrbahasa 14 brrtindak 15 bubn 3
brrbec:ak 11 bertunangan 17 bukil 17
bttbeda 13
brrunding 39 buku 12
berbeda dr ngan 26 bttwarna 1 I buku lamu 24
brrbelanja 11 besar 3 bulan 6
berbunga 11
brsar-bcsar 27 bulan lerang 14
berburu 28
besok 14 bul l.' 14
brrcakap 32 beeul 5.8 bulu 10
berdansa 25
biar 9 bulu IlIngkis 10
berdayung 30
biasa 2, 4 bung 7
brrdiri 15 biasanya 8 bunga 4
berdull 30
bicara 8 bunga anggerek 4
berenang 28
bicarakan 19 bunga 15
bttts 8, 16 bidang 10 bunga mchlli 15
berglul 17
bijaksana 18 bungkus 6
berharga 24 bildn 28 bunyi 33
berhasil 19
bikin main-main 21 bunt-buru 10
bernenli 2
bilang 15 buruh 32
beri 11, 21 binatang 28 burung 28
/)crjalan kaki 11 bingung 16
berjudi 37
Binneka Tuoggal Ika 17
cabai 21
berkemcja 11 binlang 37
cacing SS
brrkenalan 33
bioskop 13
(brr)campur 23
berkeringal 11
bir I
candi 22
cantik 13 daun 16 dilanggung 39
cap 6. 11 dayung 30 diundang 20
capek I dekal 5 diurus 40
cara 14 delapan 8 di usir SS
cara hidup 38 dc1apan be1as 18 dokar 34
cari 5 delman 5 dokler 14
cari makan 26 detlgan 5 dokl er gigi 14
calur 14. 36 [kngan hormat 20 dong 10
ctlana 9 deftgan senang hati 38 dua 2
ct'pat 15, 16 dengar 4 duI. belas 10
cepal-cepat 15 depan 1.6 dua puluh 20
eerila 8. 15. 29 desa 2 dua puluh delapan 28
eerutu 29 dewa 34 dua puluh dua 22
cNak 35 di I dua puluh empat 24
celH!k 22 di ba,,'a h 15 dua puluh enam 26
Cina 25 di dalam 7 dua puluh lima 25
cinl a 18 di dcpan 5 dua puluh sembil an 29
cila 38 di luar 9 dua puluh tujuh 27
coba 4. 25 di mana 1 duane 33
cocok 17 di mana mana 10 duduk 1
cocokkan 13 di mana saja 23 duga 33
coklat 11 di samping 3. 37 duil 18
contoh I di sana 5 dulu 11
cuara 38 di sebelah kanan 29 dunia 10
cuci 3. 15 di sebelah kiri 29 duri an 12
cud piriog 40 di seberang 29
cucu 18 di sini I
cukup 8 di a 1.3. 11 ejaan aksara SS
cuma 22 diambil dari 34 ekonomi 32
cuti 32 di atur 17 ekspor 29
dibuat dali 35 cmas 30
D dibuka 33 (' mpa! 2
dada SS
dicari 37 empa! belas 14
daerah 2. 17
dididik 40 empal puluh 40
daftar 6
diflong SS enal.: 3. 11
dafl ar makanan 7
diisi 38 eoam 6
dagang 26
dik 15 enam belas 16
dalam 14
dikasi 36 eneer 21
dal ang 34
dikenalkao 17 [ropa 11
dan I
dilaksanakao 39 errr! 22
dan lain lain 6
dilangsungkan 39
,, )
danau 20
dilarang 21 ex pres 24
dansa 25
dinas 25
dapal 10. 14.27
diogin 13 F
daral 30
dipakai 15
fajar SS
dari I
diperam 12
faki r SS
daripada 11
diperi ksa 33
Faku11l1S 17
dasal 10
dipertahankan 37
l i ~ h l 26
dasi 36
direklur 28
fornlulir 311
datang 1,9
diri 18
(010 40
G harus 2
ituklln [9
gabung 35
hali 34 ilulah 16
gadis 16 hati-hati 21 ilulah sebabnya 17
gldo-gada 7 hlus I
iajah 28 hebal 10
jadi 12
gaji 19
helai ]5
jaga 24
galllk 32 hendak 1nl. jaga malam 32
gambar 15
ht'fln 9, 2]
jaga 14
gaoas )0 hidup 16. 34 jahal 15
ganli 13 hijau I 1
jala" 5
garam 7 hilang 36
jalan.jala" 25. 28
garpu 7 llindu 22
jalan ... kl 5
gatal 36 hippit'S 36 jalan keluar 19
gedung 35 hit.m 3
jam I. 13
gegu SS hobby 28 berapll. jam? 26
gelap 13 hormal 18. 37 jam IImgan 13
gembira 10. 17.38 hubungan 17
jaman 34
gemuk 9 hubungan masYllrakat 32 jaman dulu 34
genensi 18 hujan 13
jlnga?: 3
gereja 4 hukum 17 janji 3
gigi 3 hutan 17.29 janjiku 13
gila 22 janjimu 13
golf 28 jail 29
gonee"g 36 loo 10,23 jaluh 36
gonderong 36 iOO kOla 29 jauh 5
goreng 4
Ikln 4 J a ~ 1 l 22
gOlong ro)'ong 19
ikln mlls IS j lllouban I
gub )1
ikuI 9, 21 jelas 16
guling 31
indah 20 jelaskln 11
gunlur 13
indil'idu 18 jembalan 29
gunung 16
Indonesia 1. 3 jempal 15
gunung oc-rapi 22
ingal 13 jempul 21
guru 8
Inwris 5,6 jend('la 35
ingin 8 Jepang 15
habis 1,28 ini I jef'uk 1
hadiah 40 inl dia 8 jika 19
hadir 39 inilah 33 jin 15
hak 18 insin)' ur 32 jiran 39
halus 35 Insi nyur mesin 32 jual 32
hampir 27 insinyur pertanian 32 juang 34
handtuli. 31 inl ernasiona l 10 juan 10
hanlu 15 hian 22 juga I, 36
han),. 5 isap 26 jujur 8
harap 5, 26 isi 24, 38 Jumal 32
harapan 37 Islam 39 jumlah 30
harga 6 iSlana 35 jumpa 13
hari 5
Iste,i 4 Juni 39
hari ini 5 islimelol'. II junl ralolal 22
hari Minggu 14 iSlirahal 10 juru lik 32
harimau 28 itu I j Un! lulis 32
kasi 9
kelompok ounK 34
kabar 6
kasih 18
keluar 14
kabarnya 15
kasihan 16.38 ktlUlU dari 29
kle. 36
kasir 7
kclulr nqeri 19
kIIu mill 36
kala 8
keluarga 17
hung 15
klu 13
kernanll 8
kadlng-kldang 10
ka"lIn 6 kernari 16
klgt'! 28
kl w,, 2O
kemarin 15
tabk SS
ku'in 17, 32
kemltin dulu 15
kaki 5
"aya 12 kembali 7
kakl-nini 39
kayak 36
kemban& 37
kakus ]
kayu 35
kemeja 9
blah 21
.. ,
kemudian 4
kalau 4
ke luar 11 kenal S
kalau begitu 5
ktadun 27
kenala" 33
kaleng 23
keanakan SS
keoaogan 15
kali 8
kebaikan 34 kenap. 6, 21
klliln 9
kebanyakan 21
kencang 30
Kalimantan 22
keberatan 19
kenduri 39
kamar 3
kebetulao 26
kepada 7
hmal duduk 3
kebl asaan 17 kepal a 10
hmar kapal 33
kebudayaan 17
kepal a bagian 32
bmar maho 3
kebun 4
kepingin 22. 30
hmal mlndi 24
Kebun Ray. 15 kepiling 25
hmar lamu 3
keelnlel 31
kepul11ngan 39
hmlr lidur 3
keeil 3 kerajaan )5
klmbing 4
kocuali 9
kerajinan 15
kaml 2. )
kul 12
kerajinan IIngan 15
kampun\l 6
kcclalangan 20
keramat 17
kamu 1)
kcclua 2). 27
keras 21
kan 16. 27. 27
kflluanya )2
kerasan 23
kanal 26
kedlHlukl n 35
kerela 24
kanan 5
kedut aan 27
keretaapi 24
kanlong 33
kej.tiatan 23 kerlng 29
kantor I
kehidupan 18 keringa, 11
klnlor pos 5 bhill.ngan 18 kerja 5
hpal 18 keindahan 35 kesal 22
klpal (Iaut ) 20 keju 12 kesalahan 21
klpal layar 29 ktjuaraan 10 kesempatan 9
klpallerbang 5
kejujuran )7 keslmi an 25
klpan ) kejuruan 10 kesucian 37
klpa ...... pan 12 kelambu )1 kemlilan 16
klpan saja 19 kelap.4 ket an 3
kaptm 18
kelapa sa".,il 29
k"'emu 25
klrakler ) 4 kelas 19 kelerangan lengkap 24
brang 28 kelas satu 24 ketidunn 25
karcis 6
kelepon 8 kelib 18
kareis pulang 8 keliha. an ) 7 keuangan )2
hrma 5 kelihatannya 30 keulungan SS
karel I) ke!iling 15 Khamis SS
khas SS L losmetl 37
kllat 13 lagi 7, 10, 18 loudspeaker 26
kilo 5 lidak , , , lagi 7 luar biasa 10
kina 21 lagi yang 35 luas 22
kipas 31 lagipuJa 12 luOOk 16
klra 23 lain 6 lukisan 35
kira kira 5 laki-Iaki 4 lup. 8
kirl 5 laku 27 luuh 31
kirim 5 lalu 17,27,29 lusa 15
kita I. 3 lalu tint as 15 M
klab 25 lama 12 maar 25
klab malam 25 berapa lama ? 17 maarkan 16
klinik 21 pa1inllla,"1I 26 maOOk 33
kodok 25 sudah lallla 26 maook laut 33
kok 12
lambal 4Q macam 26
kolam 15 lambang 37 macam macam 26
kol.m retlang 28 lampu 25 macet 26
kolega 36 langganan 1 1 Mahabharala 34
kombinasi SS hmgsung 24 mahal 2
k o m p l ~ hiburan 25 lantas 5 mahaslswa 15
konsonan SS lapangan I mahasiSlt i 17
konlan 6 lapangan tcnis 10 main 10
kopi I
lapangan terbang I majalah 22
kopor 24 lapar 14 maju 30
kopyor 7 latih 8 makan 2
koran 6 latihan I. 10 makan di luaf 9
korek api 6 lalihan ucapan 1 makln siang 8
kosong 24 laut 16 makan waklu 33
kota 20
lawan 34 makanan 4
kotor 36 layar 29 maksud 17.38
kralon 35
lebat 13 maksudnya 17
kretek 6 lebih 7 malam 6
Kristm 22 lebih sub I 5 malam hari 9
ku 19 teher 29 malu 13. 14
-ku 13
lekas 9 mampir 6
kual 40 lelaki 39 mana 6
kualir 6 lemari 24 mana ada ? 30
kucing 37 lemas 22 mana yang? 23
kuda 28 lepas 32 nlanager 32
kueh 3 le"'al 13, 15. 29. 31 mandi 3
kuini SS liOOr 20 mandi mal ahari 14
kunci 24. 33 lihat 2 maooor 32
kuning II lihal-lihal 25 mangga 12
kuno 35 lilil SS manis 13
kurang 13, 18 Jimll 5 manusia 15
kurllng l'fIak 21 lima bel as 15 nlarah 22
kurang- Iebih 29 Hma puJuh 6 mari 2
kurs 6
liler 9 markisa 33
kursi 26 lohJ 32
\Ias 9
kulu 36 loket 5
mas 16
masa depan 19
IIH!'ngapa 2 moderm 34
masak 3. 4
mmgalur diri sendiri 18
mogok 31. 32
masalah 39
mmg(' lakkan 27
momok 15
masih 4 mengenal 33 monlir 32
masing-masing 17
mmgmalkan 33 mooyel 28
masuk 3
mengtrll 13 motorboal 29
masok angin 21
m('nggambar SS -mo 13
masyarakal 19
menggambarkan 34 muda 12
mala 4
IlK'ngganggu 18 mudah 23
mal a sapi 4 mmghormali 17 muka 4. 29
malahari 14
nlenginap 24 mulai I, 10
malang (di pohon) 12
mengurus 13 mongkin 18. 21
mali 25
meninggal 37 montah 21
mao 1 menit 13 murah 2
mayal 37 menjadi 27 murid 8
Mei SS mmjaga 34 musik 34
rneja 6 menjelang 38 musl m 38
melancong 36 menjempul 27
musya .... rah 8
mdaO'l'an 34 menjepul I nt. mutu(nya) 35
mdihat 15, 28 rnenonton 25 N
memahamkan 17 mentega 26
nah 13
memang 6, 14 menteri 35
naik I. 36
membantu 18 metloju 29
naik samplln 30
memba"'a 37
menunggu 20, 27
nama I
memlxli 31 IlK'nunjukkan 24
nanas 29
memlxreskan 40 menurut 13 nangis 40
memberi 40 menyaksikan 39
nanti 5
membiarklin 18,27 mcnyelam 16
nanli dulu 35
rnembicarakan 39 23 nanti malam 9
membikin 32 menyimpan 35
nanti sore 15
membual1 6 merah 4
napsu 34
mementingkan 19 merasa 23 nasi 4
mcmetik 16 mereka 8 nasi runes 7
mempelai (Iaki _laki) 39 mereneana,kan 39
nasib 8
memperkuat 40 merica 7 nasihat 21
memperlambat 40 merokok 26 nazar SS
mempcroses 32
mesin II negara 17
memperpanjang 40
mesjid 4
negeri 19
memperpendek 40
meter 5 ngebut 36
memuja 37
milik 11 ngerti 36
menang 37 mimpi 28 ngi nap 31
mtftari 25 Minggu 14 nikah 39
menarik 10
minggu 32 nol 26
meneari 38 minta 7 IlOlIIor S
menctritakan 20 minum I1 nonton 14
IlK'ndaral 26 minuman 7 i'l0f11l 6
mendesak 19 minyak 27 -nya 7, 8, 14
menengah 10 misal 20 nyamuk 21
menerima 38 misalnya 20 n)'myak 2ft
(meng)ajar 23 mobi] 1
i'lYOfiYll 9
obat 21
obat uramu!.: ) I
oJahraga 10
oleh 17
oleh-ol ch 16
oleh karma itulllh 37
0li 9
0. l
onderdil 31
ongkos 5
opas 32
oplcI 25
orang 2
orlRg asing 8
orll ug dagang 26
pabean JJ
pabri k i I
plear J 7
pada 19. JS. 40
pagi 4
pagi-pagi 15
paham 34
pahil 22
paL: 5
pakai 3
pakaian 9
pakel S
paling 7
paling bany.k 22
paling lama 26, 34
palsafah 16
panas 4
Pancasi la 17
paneing 28
pandai 12
pangenu 34
panggil 7
panjang 16. 19
panl ai 20
pantas 15
p.sar 12
pasar malam 25
paspor 24
pasti 12
paluh 22
pllung 3S
pC'Cah ]3, 36
peei I1
pcdagllng 20
pedas 4
pega"li 25. 28
pegawai bank 6
pega .. -ai negeri 25
pegawai pos 5
pekan 21
pekarangan 28
pekerjaan 18
pel abuhan 33
pelajar 35
pelajaran J
pelaku-pelaku 34
p<'lan 15
pelan- pelan 15
pelayan 7. 24, 26
pelayln loko 11
pela".r.n 33
pelui t ])
pemain 34
pemandangan 29
pembakaran 37
pembanlu 3
.,embelian 32
pemet"iksalln 33
pemerinla h 38
pena SS
pendllplll 19

pt'nduduk 23
pengaiaman 10
pt'nganlar 1nl .
pengantin (percmpua n) 39
pengikut 22
pengulu 39
pening 22
pt!fIjualan 32
pensll 34
pensi un 18
pellting 18
pt'IIuh 31
penumpllllg 26
pellYU 33
pepayI 2
perak 12
Perancis IS
per"lllgkap 16
perangko S
perlturan 38
pet"u klpan S
peruya 8
pt'rdana 35
pt'rdana mt' ntt'ri 35
perempuan 3
pt'resmian 39
pergi 1
pt'rgunungan 29
pt'rhatian 26
perhiasan 35
pt'riksa 9
perjalanan 2
perjUllngll n 34
pt'rkapalan 1nl.
perkll\\inan 17
pcrkebunan 16
perl u 3
pt'rmainan 32
permata 35
per misi 15, 38
pernah 16. 22
pernikahan 39
peroo 24
perpisahan 40
persen 26
pt'fSOtIalia 32
pt'rtama 9
pe'lunjukan 34
perumahan 32
pt'rusahaan 28
perut 21
pen'li ra 33
pesan 7, 30
pesl\\11 24
peg"'11 lerbang 24
pesta 37
pesta pop 37
pel a 5
petllng 15
pl arll 4
pihak 17
piki r I. 2
pikirln 28
pikni k 17
pil 21
pi lem 14
pi lih 12
pilihan 36
pincang 3 1
pindah 19
pinggir 8
pinggir laul 25 rambutan 2 sampa i mall 28
pinjam 6 rapat 17.3 1
sampan 3{l
pint ar 14 rapi 36 sangat 3
pintu 26 rasa4.21 sang],;a JO
piring 40 ralUS 5 sanl ai 37
pisang 4 ralusan 32 sapi 4
pisau 7 raya 15 sapu 36
relasi dagang 3 I sapu tangan 36
pohon bedngin 15 reocana 5 sari pan 4
pohon rrmara 15 rendah 4 sarong pek>kat 11
poMn jati 15 republi k 35 sate 7
pohon kenari 15 rnep 21 satu I
polisi 5 reslOfan I salKlara I. 6
pompa 31 rel'olus i 35 saluh 17
poo 6 riang 37 saya I
"., 5 ribu 5 sayanl 7. 18
pas udara 5 dndu kampung 23 sayur 29
pramugari 26 rokok 6 Scrabble 14
prapatan 17 rOli 26 sell nl('l'O SS
pri a 10 roci bakllr 26 sebab 12
pribadi 16 ruang 25 sebagai 30
propinsi 29 ruang Camu 25 sebaliknya 10. 17
puas 31 rugi 8 selxlas I1
pu;i 10 rumah 3 sebcla h 9
pukul 13 rumah makan 6 sebclum 15
pukul bcrapa? 13 rumah sakil 18 sebenar(n)'a) 15
pulang 6. 16 rumah langga 18 sebenllu 13
pul ang-pergi 26 rupanra 26 sebentllT lag; 16
pulau 22 rupiah 5 seberang 6
pUl'Il'ak 22
seberang jalan 6
punya 13. 17
sebesar 16
pusal 24 sabar 17 sebelulnya 23
pusing 22 Sabi u 13
puCih 33 sabun mand; 24 seda ng 34
putri 34 saja 7 sedang"-n 34
PUluS 27 sajen 17
sederhana 17
pulus asa 27 sakit 17
scdia 26
sakiC peruC 21
sedi h 23
R salah 13.21
scdikic 7. 15
radio 13
salam 24
sed;kil saja 31
ragu-ragu 17
salju 22 st>gala 25
rahasia 10. 17
sama 10.28 st>gar 2
raja 12, 35 sama , , , ..o)'a dengan 22
segrra 14.31
raksasa 21
sama juga seperli 35 st>gi 19
rakyal 30
sambal 7
schari 21
ramah 33
sambal ikan 7 sehal 20
ramah-tamah 37
sambil 16 sehinwa 23
ramal 25
sampah 12
seibll SS
Ramayana 34
sampa; 5 seJll k :w
rambu! 36
slI rnpai kr 22
sejarah 17
SC!klli 4. 21 SC!peda mot or 36 Sri 13
SC!kali jalan 24 SC!perei 31 suami 4
SC! karang 2 SC!perempat 13 suami-isteri 39
SC! kertaris 32 seperti 12, 18 suara 4
sekol ah 5 sepoi SS suasana 32
sekolah dasar 10 September 38 suei 37
Sekol ah Menengah Atas SC! puluh 5 sudah 2
10 serahkan 38 sudah lama 26
Sekolah Menengah serap 31 sudah tentu 16
" ertama IQ seratus 12 sudahlah 12
sekuler 4(l SC! ring 19 sukal ,2
selalu 4 sert a 33 suku 17
selama-Iamanya 4(l sesat di jalan 14 22
selamanya 35 seseorang 17 sulit 19
selamat 5, 40 sesuai 23 sumber 35
st'lamat bertemu Int. sesuatu 8 sumpek 34
selamat datang di 1 sesudah 18 sungai 17
st'lamal jalan 5, 24 st' tan 15 sunyi 23
selamat makan 7 SC!tasiun 5 supaya 19
selamat pagi 4 setelah 10 supir 9
selamat siang 6 setengah 13 surat 5
selamat tinggal 5 SC!ti ap 13 sural kabar 6
Selat Malaka 20 setuju 9 suruh 24
selatan 23 SC!umur hidup 39 SlISah 31
sele!lai 10, 19 SC!,,'a 24 SIlSU 26
selimut 21 si 23 syak SS
selop 3 sial 17 syukur SS
SC!Juruh 15 siang 6 syurga 37
semlll ll m suntuk 34 sill p 9
sembi.llln 9 siapa 3
sembillln belas 19 siapa Jagi 14
tadi 9
sembUan ratus 12 sill pklln 26
ladi malam 14
sembuh 22 si buk 15
ladi pagi 9
seminggu 32 siempunya SS
lahu 6
semua 7. 9 sifll1 39
tahun IQ
semullnya 32 sikl t 3
tahun deplln 29
senllng 3, 5 sikll t gigi 24
tll huu lalu 29
sendiri 5. 28 sil llklln \ ,27
tllhun lewal 29
SC!ndiri ll n 25 simbolisme 34
tllhun muka 29
sendok 7 simplln 24. 38
tllhunlln 32
SC!nglljll 27 Singll pura 23
tllhyul 15
seni 35 si nggah 16
IlIk 21
Senin 13 Skotl andi a 23
taksi 7
seolah-ol ah 19 soal 18
lakut 9
SI'Orang 10, 18.27 sombong 23 Illl; 31
sepanjang 22 sopan 32
tali kiplls 31
sepanjang hllri 22 sopir SS
lamat 10
separoh 6 sore 2. 5
lambah 20
sepatu 3 sosial 23
lamu 3. 6
sepeda 32 Spanyol 22 lanam 4
canduk 36 lerpisah 23 Tuhan 16
cangan 13 cerserah 21 cujuh 7
cangga 33 cercinggal 37 cujuh bel as 17
canggal 6 cenlS 5 cukang 32
canggal ciga 6 lerllS Cerang 40 cukang bensin 9
cangkis IQ lerul ama 28 tukang buah 12
canki 31 let angga 23 tukang delman 7
lanpa 23 tetap 32 tukang kaca mat a 36
lanya 18 tetapi 2 tukang b lah 37
tapi 9 liba 3 lukang kareis 24
tarian 25 tidak 2 tukang kebun 4
las 24 tidak apa S Cukang masak 25
lawar 8 lidak apa-apa 9, 19 tukang pos 38
laxi SS lidak ... apa-apa 19 tukar 5
tebal 21
tidak perlu 9 tulisan 35
teduh 17 lidur 1 lunangan IS
teh I li ga 1 tunda 39
teko 35
ti J,; !I helas 13 tunggu )
tdur 7 tlga puluh 14 tunggu dulu 14
teman 6 Il ga puluh delapan 38 tunjukkan 27
tembakau 29 tl ga puluh dua 32 luntut SS
lempat 17 tlga puluh empat 34 turl s 27
tempat dansa 25 t lga puluh enam 36 turun 13, 33
tempat tldur 22 tl ga puluh tima 35
turu1 [4,25
tenagll 36 tlga puluh satu 3 [
tenll ng 20 Il ga puluh sembil an 39 U
tenang saja 3S li ga puluh t iga 33 uang 5
tengll h 22 liga puluh tujuh 37
udang 25
t(>fl is IQ tl kar 31
udara 21
tent ang S liket 5 ukiran 35
tentu 7. 21
til am 3 [
ukuran II
ICOIU saja IQ lilpon 38 umpama(nya) 17
terakhir 17 limur 18 umum 28, 39
terang 27 l inggll t 5, 23
umur IQ
lerbaik 33 tinggi 4 undang [4
terbang I tipi s 21 undanglln 40
terbi'sar 29 t iru 30 Unh"ersit as 10
lerbuka 20
,ilip 3)
untuk 3
tereapai 38 toko [ I unlung 8
tereatat 5
1010114 upaeara 37
lergllbung 35 lolong 6 urus 5
teri kat 19 topeng 34 urusan [5. 16
leri kut 33
tradisi 34
ur usan dinas 25
terima 20 Iradlslonll 19
usah 21
terimll kasi h [ trllklir 38
usul II
terkenal 15 Irll\"eI 6 usulkan 17
terl alu 8 t ra\"el cheque 6
ut ara 23
terlambal [3 lua 12
lerl ll nlar t S luan 3. 5
terma.'>Uk 30 lubruk 3
V luktu iSlinhal 34 Y
.. as 35 Ii 39 yl I. 29
" jsa 4{l . '.ngi 12 yakin SS
"obl SS
. 'I nil l \0 )' ang 6, 7, 8
"'Irga negaNl 23 ylltg lain 12, 32
W "'una 11 yl ng lalu 29
",".duh! 4
IUrultg 2 yang mana 7
luh 26
. "Iylng 34
11'1"11 10
wl yl ng kulit 34
"'lIklu 12, 40
wlyang or. ng 34
l.illrlh SS

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