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Emergency First Aid?

Should it be a crime for doctors to provide emergency first aid without government authorization? On January 1 ! "resident Abdullah #ul signed a new measure into law $#ladstone! %&1'() *his new law was a medical bill that prohibits medical wor+ers from treating patients in emergency first aid without as+ing the government first $Jazeera! %&1'() *he bill was proposed to eliminate the treatment to protesters in *ur+ey $ibid() ,n my opinion! this law was made for a good reason but is not going to end up treating the greater good of *ur+ey) -oyal citizens may not survive .ust because government authorization is not available for emergency first aid) "eople need emergency medical care in a country prone to natural disasters and a democracy that is not immune from demonstrations $An+ara! %&&&() A medical bill against emergency first aid could destroy a population) /ot only could it +ill lawful and abiding citizens! but could hinder the thoughts of doctors) 0octors in *ur+ey are being threatened and punished if they perform emergency first aid! and if they do not $#ladstone! %&1'() *his will certainly deter healthcare wor+ers from providing even the simplest procedures due to fear $Jazeera! %&1'() *he recent law passed in *ur+ey will put doctors in a state of fear and hurt citizens fighting for their country or citizens .ust in need of medical care) *he bill was passed to +eep protestors wounded in anti1government demonstrations! but first aid should be given to anyone in need! no matter who they are) *he law prevents doctors from setting up private clinics! which was one goal in creating the law $Jazeera! %&1'() Anti1 government sentiment in the country should be repressed if the bill is followed thoroughly $Arora! %&1'() *hese are good reasons for the new medical bill! but , do not believe that they are too convincing) ,t is better to help all those in need! even if half of them are bad! than to watch everyone! especially good people suffer)

*he new medical bill does not prohibit all emergency first aid) ,t .ust prohibits emergency first aid without government authorization first) 2y argument to this is that if someone is having an emergency! government authorization will ta+e too long to get! and the person will probably not get much help anyways) *he medical bill is an overall bad idea for *ur+ey)

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