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Lesson Plan IBEU Demonstration Class / Ricardo Fernandes Marques 1. The le el !ein" tau"ht# $i"h !

e"innin" Le el The a"e "rou& the lesson is desi"ned 'or# (oun" )dult *rou& The learnin" "oal# ,tudents are su&&osed to use Future - .ill and Future - *oin" to as /ell as Ma0 1Formal Permission and Possi!ilit02 and Mi"ht to tal3 a!out /ea3 &ossi!ilit0. The ste&s o' 0our lesson# 1. .arm u& 1Board and tal3in"2 Do 0ou &re'er cold or hot da0s5 I &re'er cold da0s




Le6ical a&&roach Rain0 da0s ,unn0 da0s Cloud0 da0s

1Predictions not !ased on in'o2 2. Do 0ou thin3 it /ill rain toni"ht5 1Board E6&lanation2 ma0 1&ossi!ilit02 mi"ht 1/ea3 &ossi!ilit02 Ma0 1'ormal &ermission2 Ma0 I drin3 some /ater5




*oin" to

Thin"s 8ust decided Ine ita!ilit0 1Fut. Facts2 Predictions not !ased on in'o

9 9 9

Thin"s &lanned !e'ore )'ter a sequence o' e ents Predictions !ased on in'o


Pair .or3 : &airs chan"in" roles. Inter ie/er and Inter ie/ee; 0our !est 'riend /ill al/a0s !e 0our 'riend5 the teacher /ill !e a millionaire someda05 0our &arents /ill e er mo e to another cit05 all 0ou 'riends /ill ha e children5 an0one in the class /ill !e 'amous someda05

Do 0ou thin3 <


*rou& .or3 *rou& 1 /ill as3 questions 1< 4. =ne student is the inter ie/er and the other 4 ones the inter ie/ees. Then cloc3/ise> the inter ie/er chan"es and so the inter ie/ees do. *rou& % /ill as3 questions :< ?. =ne student is the inter ie/er and the other 4 ones the inter ie/ees. Then> cloc3/ise the inter ie/er chan"es and so the inter ie/ees do.


The o!8ecti e 'or each ste&. 1. %. +. 4. :. B. .arm u& - *et the students attention> rela6ed and /illin" to learn. .or3 the idea o' .ill/Ma0/Mi"ht &resented in the lesson. Call the students@ attention to the use o' Ma0 in 'ormal &ermissions. Con'ront 'uture < /ill and 'uture < "oin" to 1some as&ects2. Pair /or3 1,&ea3in" Aaturall0 - Lesson )cti it02 - .ill contracted 'orm. *rou& /or3 1Dialo"ues - 'uture < /ill and 'uture < "oin" to - Lesson )cti it02.

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