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SAMPLE OF ESSAYS: 1) What's your life goal? How will you achieve it? 2) Pollution of noise?

3) The qualities of a supervisor? 4) The unemployment in our city? 5) Family conflict: Fact and solution? 6) What is the best career today? 7) How far do you know about " Health care"? 8) Should sex-education/Gio dc gii tnh taught for children? 9) School violence of today: Fact and Solutions? 10) Knowledge do not come only from class? 11) Parent should decide everything for older children? 12) Face to face communication? 13) Which would you choose: A high paying job with long hours that would you give little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would you give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choise. 14) Advantages and disadvantages of cellphone in our society? 15) Noise makers/tc nhn gy n should be heavily punish by law? Should or should not? 16) How does urbanization/ th ha negative affect our society? 17) There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? 18) Which is more important to you: Your career or your family happiness? Explain. 19) When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. Has your person success come from hard work or from luck? Explain. 20) In some countries, teenagers/ 13-19 tui, thanh thiu nin have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion.

21) What are the effects of passive smoking? 22) What do you think is the vicious circle/ vng lun qun effect of air conditioners? 23) Many people believe that women make better parents than man and that is the why they have greater role in raising children in most societies. Do you agree? 24) Should be foreign education given to Vietnamese pupils in grade three? Support your answer. 25) The primary mission of colleges and universities is preparing students for the workforce/ ton th ngi lao ng trong mt ngnh, mt quc gia. 26) Explain the reasons for the increasing campus/sn bi violence/bo lc in Vietnam. 27) How to improve peoples life. 28) Traffic accidents and how to reduce them. 29) Should violence games be banned? /cm

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