Traditional India - 1-22-07

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I.V.C. 2700-1200 bc
Marshall Bannerjee

 Only known Neolithic culture in India

 India’s 1st greatest civilization comes around 200 yrs after they die
o Indus Valley Civilization 2700-1200bc
 Senith lasted btw 2400-1500bc
 Not much rain in this area
 Indus river supplied water
• River based economy
• Irrigation/canals ect.
• Survived b/c coorperative agriculture
 Important things about IVC
• John Marshall (brit) & Bannerjee (ind) started digging mounds in
o 1922 realized it was IVC
o by end of 1930s, realized was 700 miles long.
o Large towns and small
o Mohenjo-daro- “mound of the dead”
o 400 miles north is Harappa co-capital of IVC
o culture from on end to the other is uniformed (art,
architecture, ect is the same.
o Lothal- seaport town that could have been part of the IVC
o Rupar- another city found in hill
 Debated that it is part of the IVC
o Kalibangan- in Uttar Pradesh, another city
o iVC is probably bigger than we thought
o IVD may also be incorrect b/c some cities have nothing to
do with river
 2 Major Cities
 Mohenjo-Daro – Harappa
• ½ mile wide
• roots are flat, kiln bricks
o b/c little rainfall
• middle of town-fortress on hill
• town built around
• HQ of political/local admin.
• Homes have yards (front/back)
• Sidewalk
• Every ½ block a watchman & light post
• Plenty of water from river
• Caravan serais- resting place for travelers
• Health conscience people
• Underground sewage system
• Landfills
• Economy
o Rural agricultural based?
o Civilizations was urban but maybe agriculturally based
• Everyone worked together
• Rulers thought to be priests/kings, who ruled from citadels
• Found water houses in basement
• Supplies distributed to all
• Laws were religious obligations to follow; everyone mostly
• IVC put river to good use
• Large bodies of water/part of Arabian Sea.
• International trade all the way to Crete
• Used the wheel; domestication of animals
o Indications of sophisticated civilization
o Didn’t domesticate the horse but had elephants
• Not vegetarians
• Killed goats, sheep, antelope, deer, ect. w/ bow and arrow,
• Grew corn, wheat, barely but didn’t grow rice
• Cotton clothes, very common
• Bronze Age Technology

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