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MediaTika was formed in January 17, 2012. Initially it started as a Media development center along with OO , !

vent Management " other related functions. In addition to our computeri#ed digital image printing facility, we provide the most innovative planning, designs " the latest facilities in organi#ing !vent Management program for $oth home and a$road. MediaTika introduce the Media %lanning " &uying and %u$lic 'elations services as per our client re(uirement. )e provide enterprises a complete outsourcing facility of technology, infrastructure and customer support to ma*e it more afforda$le for them. Our Vision MediaTika is running its $usiness with a great professional motto + Brand growth Partner. Our Mission MediaTika dedicates its wor*force to achieve optimal return on its assets, achieve leadership in the mar*etplace and $uild a sta$le and profita$le enterprise for the future. Our Values & Services Our values are to offer relia$le products " service to our clients. MediaTika is connected to a vast networ* of renowned companies ensuring illustrious feed$ac* to its valued clients in the field. MediaTika Business Areas Media &uying ,&oth %rint " !lectronic Media OO !vent " .ctivation Management %romotional /ift Items .ll *inds of Offset " 0igital %rinting )e must say one thing, Media1i*a. is one of the most innovative, complete and one stop printing solution ma*er in the heart of 0ha*a and e(uipped with international $rands printing machines.

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1he following are the Ma2or 3lients4 list of MediaTika $ 0uranta 'a2shahi Mercantile &an* 5imited &asic &an* 5td. M6 !lectronics %restige &engal Meena &a#ar Orion /roup %rime .ssets 5td. 7outh .sian Immigration 5td. &angladesh &rand 8orum " many more9.

Contracts$ MediaTika ouse :o. 7;;<!, 'oad :o. 7, &aitul .man ousing 7ociety, Mohammadpur, 0ha*a + 1207, &angladesh. 1el = >??0 @ 2 + ?1A 0;1; Mo$ile = >?? 01BB ?1A 0;1; !@Mail = mediati*


= www.mediati*

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