Educ 511 Final Presentation

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Views on Education EDUC 511

By: Jessica Bernal

State of Technology
Technology is helping students personalize their own learning Students are adopting technologies and then adapting them to support their own selfdirected learning Parents are supporting their childrens personalized learning journeys

Innovative Technology Review

Use of technology in the future classrooms include: Electronic books Mobile Devices Augmented reality Game-based learning Gesture based computing Learning analytics

Learning Resources
There will always be resources for teachers who need further education in technology. These include: How to teach Digital citizenship iBooks Mobile Learning Wiki Video help Math Games

The principle goal of education is to create men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done. -Jean Piaget

Personal Learning Goals

Through the Masters in Education: Digital Teaching and learning program I hope to be able to: Easily implement technology into my classroom Make the use of technology enjoyable for my students Incorporate multiple technologies to my teaching and my students everyday learning experience

I believe that the future of technology will be easily implemented into all classroom. Through this program I hope to become knowledgeable with technology and learn how to implement these strategies into my future classroom. As a teacher, I hope to become a dedicated and innovative teacher for my students.

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