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UbD Unit Plan

Title of Visual Art Unit The Language of Art: Elements of Art and Principles of Design Grade Level

8th Grade

Performance Standards
Georgia Performance Standards: (retrieved from http://www georgiastandards org! """ P#$D%&T"$' and #E(P$'(E The student creates artwor)s *+ appl+ing media, techni-ues, elements, principles, and processes to formulate and to his or her own ideas and conceptual understandings /A018P# 2 %nderstands and applies media, techni-ues, and processes /A018P# 3 &reates artwor) through a range of concepts, ideas, and su*4ect matter /A0185& 6 "nterprets how artists communicate meaning in their wor) through spo)en, written, or visual form while using the language of art: (elements of art and principles of design! /A018P# 7 %ses the elements of art and the principles of design to produce 38D and 68D wor)s of art (Elements: line, shape, form, space, color, value, te.ture! (Principles: rh+thm, movement, *alance, proportion, variet+, emphasis, harmon+, and unit+! /A018A# 0 Anal+9es, reflects, and criti-ues the language of art in artwor)s using constructive criticism /A018& 8 Applies information from other disciplines (English, 5ath, (cience, and :istor+! to enhance the understanding and production of artwor)s /A018& 2; #elates )nowledge of art towards the real8world through a profession and/or ho**+

Students will understand that: The language of art is the interpretation of the elements of art and principles of design of an+ visual art form /isual images, themes and ideas are communicated in wor)s of art through the use of elements

Kecia McGouirk |2 of art and principles of design The elements of art and principles of design are demonstrated through different techni-ues and use of media The elements of art and principles of design can *e discussed through criticism and aesthetic 4udgment <rainstorming, conducting research, and ma)ing preliminar+ s)etches are essential when using the elements of art and principles of design E.perimenting with the elements of art and principles of design is helpful for solving a visual pro*lem /isual art is integrated with other content areas /isual art is connected to careers, the communit+ and ever+da+ lives Related isconce!tions:

Art is a visual concept onl+ Art depends on the talent and imagination of the artist Art rules are strict and need to *e followed 'ot ever+*od+ can understand art The more e.pensive artwor) is, the *etter its -ualit+ Art su*4ect matter is limited Developing an individual artist=s st+le is difficult to accomplish The purpose of art is mainl+ decorative

"ssential #uestions:
$verarching #uestions: >hat is the purpose of art and wh+ should we stud+ it? >hat are some misconceptions or m+ths a*out art? :ow is visual art anal+9ed and understood? :ow can visual art and its concepts *e relevant in life? >h+ is criticism and aesthetic 4udgment used in art and in ever+da+ life? :ow can " appl+ visual art and the creative process in other content areas? To!ical #uestions: >hat is the language of art? >hat are the elements of art? :ow are elements of art used in visual art? >hat are the principles of design? :ow are principles of design used in visual art? >hat are some similarities *etween the elements of art and principles of design? >hat are some differences *etween the elements of art and principles of design? :ow can " effectivel+ use the elements of art and principles of design in m+ own

Kecia McGouirk |3 :ow does art impact the world and the world impact art? >hat careers can *e connected to art? artwor)? >h+ and how do artists use the language of art in communication? >hat are the roles of these concepts in communicating ideas in wor)s of art? >h+ is the e.ploration and application of materials, tools, techni-ues, processes and technolog+ in a safe and responsi*le manner important in visual art

%nowledge and S&ills %nowledge

Students will &now: @e+ voca*ular+ A language of art, elements of art: line, shape, form, space, color, value, te.ture, principles of design: rh+thm, movement, *alance, proportion, variet+, emphasis, harmon+, and unit+ The similarities and differences *etween the elements of art and the principles of design The importance of art criticism and aesthetic 4udgment The importance of communication in wor)s of art :ow to create artwor) *+ using elements of art and principles of design The correlation art concepts have with other content areas The impact art has on the world and in our lives

Students will be able to: #ecogni9e elements of art in an+ visual art form #ecogni9e principles of design in an+ visual art form &ritici9e and pass aesthetic 4udgment on wor)s of art in an effective manner Plan and create their own wor)s of art using the elements of art and principles of design Discuss the communication *eing conve+ed in the artwor) through the use of elements of art and principles of design

Performance Tas&'s(
Goal: Role: Bour goal is to esta*lish a language of art *oo) for middle school visual art students e.plaining the elements of art and principles of design Bou are a *oo) designer wor)ing for an educational *oo) compan+

Kecia McGouirk |4 Audience: Situation: Bou need to convince teachers that the *oo) is congruent with the language of art understanding and accepta*le for student learning Bou have *een as)ed to create a language of art *oo) for middle school visual art students The purpose of the *oo) is to descri*e and show concrete visuals of each element of art and principle of design :owever, there are man+ *oo)s on the mar)et for teachers to e.plore Therefore, it is +our 4o* to learn the )nowledge of the language of art in visual art and to create the *est representational te.t for teachers to use

Product Performance and Pur!ose: Bou will need to prepare a (language of art! *oo) for middle school visual art students Bou should include the language of art with a page representing a descriptor and visual(s! of each element of art and each principle of design Bou should also include the significance of each and element and principle *+ e.plaining how it is used as a communication tool in artwor)s referring to famous wor)(s! of art as an e.ample Bour goal is to insure an understanding of how to use criticism and 4udgment as art is e.plored through the world around us Bou will research and )eep a 4ournal of written notes and maga9ine clippings, digital visuals, etc of )nowledge o*tained Standards and )riteria for Success: Bour *oo) should include the following: A title page (language of art! with each other page representing )e+ voca*ular+ A elements of art: line, shape, form, space, color, value, te.ture, principles of design: rh+thm, movement, *alance, proportion, variet+, emphasis, harmon+, and unit+ A clear understanding of how artists use the elements and principles to create artwor) A clear understand of wh+ artists use the elements and principles as a form of communication A clear understanding of the importance of art criticism and aesthetic 4udgment A correlation art concepts have with other content areas and careers signif+ing the impact art has in our ever+da+ life

$ther "vidence
(e g tests, -ui99es, wor) samples, o*servations!
Prompt A >hat is the purpose of art and wh+ do we stud+ it? &lass Discussion A >hat are some misconceptions of art? Prompt A >hat is the language of art? &lass Discussion A :ow is visual art anal+9ed and understood? Prompt A >hat are the elements of art and principles of design? &lass Discussion 8 >h+ is criticism and aesthetic 4udgment used in art and in ever+da+ life? &lass Discussion A >h+ is the e.ploration and application of materials, tools, techni-ues,

Kecia McGouirk |5 processes and technolog+ in a safe and responsi*le manner important in visual art? ()ill &hec) A 'Pers!ective( >hat are the similarities and differences *etween the elements of art and principles of design? VA*+,AR-* Anal./es0 reflects0 and criti1ues the language of art in artwor&s using constructive criticism()ill &hec) A '2nter!retation( :ow do artists effectivel+ use the elements of art and principles of design? VA*+, )-3 2nter!rets how artists communicate meaning in their wor& through s!o&en0 written0 or visual form while using the language of art: 'elements of art and !rinci!les of design(()ill &hec) A '"m!ath.( >h+ and how do artists use the language of art in communication? VA*+, )-3 2nter!rets how artists communicate meaning in their wor& through s!o&en0 written0 or visual form while using the language of art: 'elements of art and !rinci!les of design(()ill &hec) A '"4!lanation( :ow can " appl+ visual art and the creative process in other content areas? >hat careers can *e connected to art? :ow does art impact the world and the world impact art? VA*+,)-, A!!lies information from other disci!lines '"nglish0 ath0 Science0 and 5istor.( to enhance the understanding and !roduction of artwor&sVA*+,)-67 Relates &nowledge of art towards the real8world through a !rofession and9or hobb. "nformal &hec)s and o*servations of creating a C*oo)D ( Performance tas)! Test over the language of art including the elements of art and principles of design including a written criti-ue or self8reflection 'Self8%nowledge( a*out +our own C*oo)D (Eormal assessment A unit test! VA*+,PR-: Uses the elements of art and the !rinci!les of design to !roduce ;8 D and 38D wor&s of art- '"lements: line0 sha!e0 form0 s!ace0 color0 value0 te4ture( 'Princi!les: rh.thm0 movement0 balance0 !ro!ortion0 variet.0 em!hasis0 harmon.0 and unit.(Test over the language of art including the elements of art and principles of design ("nformal assessments A short -ui99es! Performance tas)s over the language of art including the elements of art and principles of design where students will plan and create their own wor)s of art using the elements of art and principles of design 'A!!lication( (Art pro4ects! VA*+,PR-6 Understands and a!!lies media0 techni1ues0 and !rocesses

Kecia McGouirk |6 VA*+,PR-; )reates artwor& through a range of conce!ts0 ideas0 and sub<ect matter-

Student Self8Assessment and Reflection

(elf8assess +our C*oo)D pro4ect (elf8assess +our involvement in classroom discussion for this unit #eflect on what were some concepts or areas +ou struggled with? Grasped? #eflect on the effectiveness of the C*oo)D pro4ect in learning a*out the language of art in visual art #eflect: To what e.tent has +our opinion changed a*out how we perceive art? #eflect on how +ou would improve +our C*oo)D pro4ect #eflect on how the teacher can improve the C*oo)D pro4ect >hat would +ou change or add to the C*oo)D pro4ect? #eflect how +ou would evaluate the C*oo)D pro4ect >hat item would +ou change or add in the ru*ric? Through teacher o*servation: >hat aspects of the pro4ect wor)ed reall+ well? 'eeded improvement? Through teacher o*servation: >hat concepts or areas did students struggle with? >hich areas did the+ grasp and not need an+ assistance?

Learning "4!eriences =ee& 6

onda.: 2 (tudents will ta)e a pretest 'A!!endi4 A( in order to chec) for prere-uisite s)ills and )nowledge of visual art, the language of art, elements and principles of art and design, criticism, and aesthetic 4udgment (tudents will also ta)e a -uic) Gardner=s (multiple intelligences! test 'A!!endi4 >( so that " ma+ ascertain the t+pes of learning levels in class = 'UbD Rubric 603( Tuesda.: 3 >hat is the purpose of art and wh+ do we stud+ it? 5 'UbD Rubric 60;( 6 >hat are some misconceptions of art? = 'UbD Rubric 60;(

Kecia McGouirk |7 >or)ing in cooperative groups, students are to create a mini8poster defining the four components of visual art Each student will carr+ out a role in their group for D" purposes Group wor) will *e graded using 'A!!endi4 D Rubric( "0 "8;0 R0 T0 $ 'UbD Rubric 60;030:0*( =ednesda.: F >hat is the language of art? 5 'UbD Rubric 60;( 0 :ow is art anal+9ed and understood? = 'UbD Rubric 60;( 1 >h+ is the e.ploration and application of materials, tools, techni-ues, processes and technolog+ in a safe and responsi*le manner important to visual art? = 'UbD Rubric 60;( 8 'Tas&( %sing a PowerPoint discuss and review the Language of Art <oo) pro4ect instructions and ru*ric 'A!!endi4 " and ?! Also show e.amples of previous student wor)s Bou will need to prepare a (language of art! *oo) for middle school visual art students Bou should include the language of art with a page representing a descriptor and visual(s! of each element of art and each principle of design Bou should also include the significance of each and element and principle *+ e.plaining how it is used as a communication tool in artwor)s referring to famous wor)(s! of art as an e.ample Bour goal is to insure an understanding of how to use criticism and 4udgment as art is e.plored through the world around us Bou will research and )eep a 4ournal of written notes and maga9ine clippings, digital visuals, etc of )nowledge o*tained (tudents ma+ create a digital *oo) instead " 'UbD Rubric 6030@0*( Thursda.: G >hat are the elements of art? = 'UbD Rubric 60;( 2; %sing the pro4ector, present the PowerPoint lesson on the elements of art #efer to we*site:htt!:99teacher-oc!s-net9lillie-brown9media9drawingi!ower!ointelementsand!ri nci!lesofdesign-!df " 'UbD Rubric 6030@( 22 >or)ing in cooperative groups, students are to create a mini8poster defining the seven elements of art Each student will carr+ out a role in their group for D" purposes Group wor) will *e graded using 'A!!endi4 D Rubric( "0 "8;0 R0 T0 $ 'UbD Rubric 60;030:0*( ?rida.: 23 Go to the computer la*: :ave students wor) in groups to review and ta)e a -ui9 over elements using we*site: htt!:99teachart-net9online1ui/-htm " T 'UbD Rubric 6030@( 7

=ee& ;
onda.: 26 >hat are the principles of design? = 'UbD Rubric 60;( 27 %sing the pro4ector, present the PowerPoint lesson on the elements of art #efer to we*site:htt!:99teacher-oc!s-net9lillie-brown9media9drawingi!ower!ointelementsand!ri nci!lesofdesign-!df " 'UbD Rubric 6030@( 2F >or)ing in cooperative groups, students are to create a mini8poster defining the eight principles of design Each student will carr+ out a role in their group for D" purposes Group wor) will *e graded using 'A!!endi4 D Rubric( "0 "8;0 R0 T0 $ 'UbD Rubric 60;030:0*( Tuesda.: 20 Go to the computer la*: :ave students wor) in groups to review and ta)e a -ui9 over principles using we*site: htt!:99teachart-net9online1ui/-htm "0 T 'UbD Rubric6030@( =ednesda.: 21 >hat are the similarities and differences *etween the elements of art and principles of design? = 'UbD Rubric 60;(

Kecia McGouirk |8 28 :ow do artists effectivel+ use the elements of art and principles of design? = 'UbD Rubric 60;( 2G >h+ and how do artists use the language of art in communication? 5 'UbD Rubric 60;( 3; %sing the pro4ector present a PowerPoint e.hi*iting various famous wor)s of art while discussing how artists communicate their wor)s (tudents will also reflect *+ participating with the class discussion on their anal+9ing of artwor)s using criticism and aesthetic 4udgment "0 R0 T0 $ 'UbD Rubric 6030:0@( Thursda.: 32 (tudents will wor) independentl+ on their Language of Art *oo) " 'UbD 6030:0@0*( 33 $*serve and assist students with their Language of Art <oo) " 'UbD 6030:0@0*( ?rida.: 36 (tudents will wor) independentl+ on their Language of Art *oo) " 'UbD 6030:0@0*( 37 $*serve and assist students with their Language of Art <oo) " 'UbD 6030:0@0*(

=ee& 3
onda.: 3F (tudents will wor) independentl+ on their Language of Art *oo) " 'UbD 6030:0@0*( 30 $*serve and assist students with their Language of Art <oo) " 'UbD 6030:0@0*( Tuesda.: 31 (tudents will self8assess themselves as well as others through a class discussion as each student presents their Language of Art <oo) to the class &onstructive criticism will *e used among the students "0 R 'UbD Rubric 60:( =ednesda.: 38 (tudents will self8assess themselves as well as others through a class discussion as each student presents their Language of Art <oo) to the class &onstructive criticism will *e used among the students "0 R 'UbD Rubric 60:( Thursda.: 3G :ow can " appl+ visual art and the creative process in other content areas? =0 50 "8; 'UbD Rubric 60;0:( 6; >hat careers can *e connected to art? =0 50 "8; 'UbD Rubric 60;0:( 62 :ow does art impact the world and the world impact art? =0 50 "8; 'UbD Rubric 60;0:( 63 #eview elements of art and principles of design using Heopard+ review game Allow students to use notes, stud+ guides, and other resources used during the unit as a wa+ to

Kecia McGouirk |9 prepare for the post8test following =0 R0 $ 'UbD Rubric 60;0:( ?rida.: 66 &onclude the unit with a post8test 'A!!endi4 A( on visual art, the language of art, elements and principles of art and design, criticism, and aesthetic 4udgment = 'UbD 60 :( 67 :ave students self8evaluate how their opinions and perspectives of their Language of art have changed " T 'UbD 60:(

Aotes to the 2nstructor

(tudents with a(n! "EP, F;7, or E($L will receive the accommodations and modifications that is specified for them Eor e.ample, guided notes, e.tended time, small group, notes and email reminders to parents, tests read aloud, preferential seating, and peer assistance Different t+pes of instructions include lecture, cooperative learning, modeling, peer assistance, one8on8one instruction, and class discussions "=ve also included 'A!!endi4 )( with additional guidelines and strategies for D" " have five computers in m+ room so when creating the Language of Art <oo) some students ma+ choose to wor) on a PowerPoint (digital *oo)! instead

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 10 Appendi. A (Pretest / Post8test !

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 11

Appendi. A (Pretest / Post8test &ontinued!

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 12 Appendi. A (Pretest / Post8test &ontinued!

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 13 Appendi. A (Pretest / Post8test &ontinued!

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 14

Appendi. < (Gardner=s strateg+!

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 15 Appendi. & (Differentiated Guideline!

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 16 Appendi. & (Differentiated Guidelines &ontinued!

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 17 (Appendi. D A Eront (ide!

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 18 (Appendi. D A <ac) (ide!

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 19 (Appendi. E A Language of Art <oo) "nstructions A Eront (ide!

K e c i a M c G o u i r k | 20 (Appendi. E A Language of Art <oo) #u*ric A <ac) (ide!

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