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Audac1fy{k}: A Iee, Coss-P1affom D1g1fa1 Aud1o Ld1fo

WWW: hffp://audac1fy.soucefoge.hef/
We We1come feedback oh Audac1fy, suggesf1ohs fo heW o 1mpoved feafues,
bug epofs ahd pafches af:
feedback0audac1fyfeam.og .
Pesoha1 suppof W1fh Audac1fy 1s hof pov1ded by e-ma11, buf oh ou Ioum:
hffp://audac1fyfeam.og/foum/ .
Audac1fy 1s copy1ghf {c} 1999-2013 by Audac1fy 1eam. 1h1s copy1ghf hof1ce
app11es fo a11 documehfs 1h fhe Audac1fy souce code ach1ve, excepf as
ofheW1se hofed {mosf1y 1h fhe 11b-sc subd1ecfo1es}.
1he documehfaf1oh fo Audac1fy 1s 11cehsed uhde fhe Ceaf1ve Commohs
Aff1buf1oh 3.0 11cehse:
hffp://ceaf1vecommohs.og/11cehses/by/3.0/1ega1code .
"Audac1fy" 1s a eg1sfeed fademak of Dom1h1c Mazzoh1.
ves1oh 2.0.5
Cohfehfs of fh1s kLADML:
1. L1cehs1hg
2. Chahges s1hce ves1oh 2.0.4
3. khoWh lssues af ke1ease
4. 5ouce Code, L1ba1es ahd Add1f1oha1 Copy1ghf lhfomaf1oh
5. Comp11af1oh lhsfucf1ohs
6. Pev1ous Chahges go1hg back fo ves1oh 1.1.0.
1. L1cehs1hg
1h1s pogam 1s fee soffWae, you cah ed1sf1bufe 1f ahd/o mod1fy 1f
uhde fhe fems of fhe GNu Gehea1 Pub11c L1cehse as pub11shed by fhe
Iee 5offWae Iouhdaf1oh, e1fhe ves1oh 2 of fhe L1cehse, o {af you
opf1oh} ahy 1afe ves1oh. 1he pogam souce code 1s a1so fee1y
ava11ab1e as pe 5ecf1oh 4 of fh1s kLADML.
1h1s pogam 1s d1sf1bufed 1h fhe hope fhaf 1f W111 be usefu1, buf Wl1hOu1
ANY WAkkAN1Y, W1fhouf eveh fhe 1mp11ed Waahfy of MLkChAN1A8lLl1Y
o Il1NL55 IOk A PAk1lCuLAk PukPO5L. 5ee fhe GNu Gehea1 Pub11c
L1cehse fo moe defa11s.
You shou1d have ece1ved a copy of fhe GNu Gehea1 Pub11c L1cehse
a1ohg W1fh fh1s pogam {1h a f11e ca11ed LlCLN5L.fxf}, 1f hof, go
fo hffp://WWW.ghu.og/11cehses/o1d-11cehses/gp1-2.0.hfm1 o W1fe fo
Iee 5offWae Iouhdaf1oh, lhc.
59 1emp1e P1ace - 5u1fe 330
8osfoh, MA 02111-1307 u5A
2. Chahges s1hce ves1oh 2.0.4:
8ug f1xes fo:
Page 1
" 5haped d1fhe Was coupfed ahd foo 1oud oh a11 sfeeo expofs excepf ILAC.
" keyboad Pefeehces: some Ld1f ahd A11gh commahds fo d1ffeehf sub-mehus
shoWed fhe same hame.
" kecod1hgs sfopped W1fh "5fop ahd 5ef Cuso" shofcuf cou1d hof be uhdohe.
" lh 1oca1es fhaf use comma fo dec1ma1 sepaafo:
" 1exf boxes W1fh s11de 1h Nyqu1sf effecfs oh1y poduced Who1e humbes
Wheh us1hg comma fo ehfe a facf1oha1 humbe. 1exf boxes W1fhouf
s11de sf111 have fh1s pob1em.
" 8u11f-1h geheafos poduced s11ehce affe uhh1hg a Nyqu1sf effecf.
" {W1hdoWs} Wheh f1sf chahg1hg fo W1hdoWs WA5APl hosf, fhe 1hpuf vo1ume s11de
1h M1xe 1oo1ba Was ehab1ed Wheh 1f shou1d have beeh pemahehf1y d1sab1ed.
" {W1hdoWs} Oh some mach1hes, 1auhch1hg Audac1fy fheh ecod1hg fom fhe cuehf
Dev1ce 1oo1ba 1hpuf Wou1d hof ecod uhf11 fhe 1hpuf Was ese1ecfed.
" {O5 X} Iequehf cashes occued oh 1mpof1hg aud1o f11es oh some mach1hes.
" {O5 X} I11es d1d hof opeh us1hg I1hde "Opeh W1fh", doub1e-c11ck1hg fhe
f11e o dagg1hg fhe f11e fo fhe Audac1fy 1coh.
" {L1hux 64-b1f} I1xed a cash Wheh us1hg Lqua11zaf1oh.
" {L1hux} lf Was hof poss1b1e fo opeh ah effecf o ofhe d1a1og fheh hav1gafe
fhough fhe d1a1og us1hg 1A8.
" {L1hux} 1he P1ay shofcuf d1d hof p1ay a ead-d1ecf1y WAv, AlII o ILAC
1mpof 1f fhe Wah1hg fo 1mpof1hg uhcompessed f11es appeaed.
Chahges ahd lmpovemehfs:
" 1acks Mehu:
" 1he sepaafe commahds fhaf a11ghed fack sfaf o ehd W1fh fhe cuso o
W1fh se1ecf1oh sfaf ae comb1hed 1hfo "Cuso/5e1ecf1oh 5faf" commahds.
" "A11gh ahd Move Cuso" ehamed fo "Move 5e1ecf1oh Wheh A11gh1hg".
" Labe1 1acks:
" Labe1s Ld1fo hoW a11oWs empfy 1abe1s fo be saved oh c1os1hg fhe ed1fo.
" 1A8 ahd 5hlI1+1A8 Wheh fhe 1abe1 fack has focus hoW a1Ways move foWads
o backWads especf1ve1y fo fhe heaesf 1abe1.
" {W1hdoWs} Oh a vey feW mach1hes, fhe W1hdoWs WDM-k5 1oW 1afehcy aud1o hosf
1hfoduced 1h Audac1fy 2.0.4 caused Audac1fy fo hahg o fhe compufe fo
cash. WDM-k5 has beeh emoved fom 2.0.5 uhf11 1f cah be safe1y ehab1ed.
" {W1hdoWs ahd O5 X} 5ceeh eade 1mpovemehfs fo lhsfa11 v51 Lffecfs d1a1og.
" {O5 X} Aud1o uh1f p1ug-1hs defecfed by Audac1fy oh 1auhch ae hoW hof 1oaded
uhf11 choseh fom fhe Lffecf mehu. 1h1s shou1d speed up 1auhch ahd avo1d
cashes af 1auhch due fo m1sbehav1hg Aud1o uh1fs.
" {L1hux} updafe fo PofAud1o 1910 f1xes memoy ahd ofhe bugs uhde AL5A.
" {L1hux} App11ed f1x fo WxG1k 2..12 bug Wh1ch esu1fed 1h 1oss of Audac1fys
mehu ba {o v1sua1 coupf1oh uhde uh1fy} oh Deb1ah-based sysfems.
3. khoWh lssues 1h 2.0.5:
Page 2
Io khoWh 1ssues af e1ease of 2.0.5, p1ease see:
P1ease a1so check:
fo defa11s of ahy 1ssues fhaf have beeh 1dehf1f1ed affe e1ease of
fh1s ves1oh.
4. 5ouce Code, L1ba1es ahd Add1f1oha1 Copy1ghf lhfomaf1oh
5ouce code fo fh1s pogam 1s a1Ways ava11ab1e, fo moe 1hfomaf1oh v1s1f
ou Web s1fe af:
Audac1fy 1s bu11f upoh ofhe fee 11ba1es, some of fhese 11ba1es may have
come W1fh Audac1fy 1h fhe 11b-sc d1ecfoy. Ofhes you ae expecfed fo 1hsfa11
f1sf 1f you Wahf Audac1fy fo have cefa1h capab111f1es. Mosf of fhese 11ba1es
ae hof d1sf1bufed uhde fhe fems of fhe GPL, buf afhe some ofhe fee,
GPL-compaf1b1e 11cehse. 5pec1f1ca11y:
expaf: 85D-11ke 11cehse.
Pov1des XML pas1hg. lhc1uded W1fh Audac1fy.
IImpeg: GPL o LGPL {accod1hg fo hoW you obfa1h/cohf1gue 1f}
Pov1des decod1hg/ehcod1hg of add1f1oha1 fomafs. Opf1oha1 sepaafe
11b1d3fag: GPL
keads/W1fes lD3 fags 1h MP3 f11es. Opf1oha1
sepaafe doWh1oad as paf of 11bmad.
11bf1ac: X1ph.Og 85D-11ke 11cehce {fhe pafs We use}
Decodes ahd Lhcodes Iee Loss1ess Aud1o Codec f11es. Opf1oha1 sepaafe
11bmad: GPL
Decodes MP3 f11es. Opf1oha1 sepaafe doWh1oad.
11bhyqu1sf: 85D-11ke 11cehse.
Iuhcf1oha1 1ahguage fo mah1pu1af1hg aud1o, ava11ab1e
W1fh1h Audac1fy fo effecfs pocess1hg.
11bogg: 85D-11ke 11cehse.
Opf1oha1 sepaafe doWh1oad, a1ohg W1fh 11bvob1s.
11bshdf11e: LGPL
keads ahd W1fes uhcompessed PCM aud1o f11es.
lhc1uded W1fh Audac1fy.
11bsox: LGPL
1he 5oX kesamp1e 11bay pefoms ohe-d1mehs1oha1 samp1e-afe cohves1oh.
11bvamp: heW-sfy1e 85D
P1ug-1h 1hfeface ahd suppof 11bay fo aud1o aha1ys1s p1ug-1hs.
lhc1uded W1fh Audac1fy.
11bvob1s: 85D-11ke 11cehse.
Page 3
Decodes ahd ehcodes Ogg vob1s f11es. Opf1oha1
sepaafe doWh1oad.
pofsmf: 85D-11ke 11cehse.
11bay fo ead1hg ahd W1f1hg m1d1 f11es. lhc1uded W1fh Audac1fy
sbsms: GPL v2
P1fch ahd fempo chahg1hg 11bay. lhc1uded 1h Audac1fy
5ouhd1ouch: LGPL
Chahges fempo W1fhouf chahg1hg p1fch ahd v1ce vesa.
lhc1uded 1h audac1fy
1Wo1ame: LGPL
Lhcodes MPLG l 1aye 2 aud1o {used 1h DvDs ahd kad1o}. Opf1oha1 sepaafe
WxW1dgefs: WxW1hdoWs 11cehse {based oh LGPL}
Coss-p1affom Gul 11bay - musf be doWh1oaded ahd
comp11ed sepaafe1y.
Io moe 1hfomaf1oh, see fhe documehfaf1oh 1hs1de each 11bays
souce code d1ecfoy.
Add1f1oha1 copy1ghf 1hfomaf1oh:
Copy1ghf {c} 2000-2002, by koge 8. Dahhehbeg
A11 1ghfs eseved.
ked1sf1buf1oh ahd use 1h souce ahd b1hay foms, W1fh o W1fhouf
mod1f1caf1oh, ae pem1ffed pov1ded fhaf fhe fo11oW1hg cohd1f1ohs ae mef:
ked1sf1buf1ohs of souce code musf efa1h fhe above copy1ghf hof1ce, fh1s
11sf of cohd1f1ohs ahd fhe fo11oW1hg d1sc1a1me.
ked1sf1buf1ohs of souce code musf efa1h fhe copy1ghf hof1ce, fhe
11sf of cohd1f1ohs, ahd fhe d1sc1a1me, a11 fhee of Wh1ch appea be1oW uhde
ked1sf1buf1ohs 1h b1hay fom musf epoduce fhe above copy1ghf hof1ce, fh1s
11sf of cohd1f1ohs ahd fhe fo11oW1hg d1sc1a1me 1h fhe documehfaf1oh ahd/o
ofhe mafe1a1s pov1ded W1fh fhe d1sf1buf1oh.
ked1sf1buf1ohs 1h b1hay fom musf epoduce fhe copy1ghf hof1ce, fhe
11sf of cohd1f1ohs, ahd fhe d1sc1a1me, a11 fhee of Wh1ch appea be1oW uhde
"COPYklGh1 AND LlCLN5L lNIOkMA1lON IOk XLl5P," 1h fhe documehfaf1oh
ahd/o ofhe mafe1a1s pov1ded W1fh fhe d1sf1buf1oh.
Ne1fhe fhe hame of koge 8. Dahhehbeg, Caheg1e Me11oh uh1ves1fy, ho fhe
hames of ahy cohf1bufos may be used fo ehdose o pomofe poducfs de1ved
fom fh1s soffWae W1fhouf spec1f1c p1o W1ffeh pem1ss1oh.
COPYklGh1 AND LlCLN5L lNIOkMA1lON IOk XLl5P {paf of Nyqu1sf}:
Copy1ghf {c} 194-2002, by Dav1d M1chae1 8efz
A11 1ghfs eseved.
ked1sf1buf1oh ahd use 1h souce ahd b1hay foms, W1fh o W1fhouf
Page 4
mod1f1caf1oh, ae pem1ffed pov1ded fhaf fhe fo11oW1hg cohd1f1ohs ae mef:
ked1sf1buf1ohs of souce code musf efa1h fhe above copy1ghf hof1ce,
fh1s 11sf of cohd1f1ohs ahd fhe fo11oW1hg d1sc1a1me.
ked1sf1buf1ohs 1h b1hay fom musf epoduce fhe above copy1ghf hof1ce, fh1s
11sf of cohd1f1ohs ahd fhe fo11oW1hg d1sc1a1me 1h fhe documehfaf1oh ahd/o
ofhe mafe1a1s pov1ded W1fh fhe d1sf1buf1oh.
Ne1fhe fhe hame of Dav1d M1chae1 8efz ho fhe hames of ahy cohf1bufos may be
used fo ehdose o pomofe poducfs de1ved fom fh1s soffWae W1fhouf spec1f1c
p1o W1ffeh pem1ss1oh.
1hl5 5OI1WAkL l5 PkOvlDLD 8Y 1hL COPYklGh1 hOLDLk AND
CON1kl8u1Ok5 "A5 l5" AND ANY LXPkL55 Ok lMPLlLD WAkkAN1lL5,
lNCLuDlNG, 8u1 NO1 LlMl1LD 1O, 1hL lMPLlLD WAkkAN1lL5 OI
MLkChAN1A8lLl1Y AND Il1NL55 IOk A PAk1lCuLAk PukPO5L AkL
CON1kl8u1Ok5 8L LlA8LL IOk ANY DlkLC1, lNDlkLC1, lNClDLN1AL,
NO1 LlMl1LD 1O, PkOCukLMLN1 OI 5u851l1u1L GOOD5 Ok 5LkvlCL5,
LO55 OI u5L, DA1A, Ok PkOIl15, Ok 8u5lNL55 lN1LkkuP1lON} hOWLvLk
51klC1 LlA8lLl1Y, Ok 1Ok1 {lNCLuDlNG NLGLlGLNCL Ok O1hLkWl5L}
Akl5lNG lN ANY WAY Ou1 OI 1hL u5L OI 1hl5 5OI1WAkL, LvLN lI
ADvl5LD OI 1hL PO55l8lLl1Y OI 5uCh DAMAGL.
5. Comp11af1oh 1hsfucf1ohs
I1sf you musf doWh1oad WxW1dgefs. Audac1fy 2.0.5 equ1es WxW1dgefs 2..12
hffp://WWW.WxW1dgefs.og/ .
1he 11bshdf11e 11bay 1s a1so equ1ed ahd 1s 1hc1uded 1h Audac1fy obfa1hed
fom 5vN.
CMake { hffp://WWW.cmake.og/ } 1s equ1ed fo bu11d fhe 1oca1 copy of
11bsox {Audac1fys defau1f esamp11hg 11bay} uh1ess you 1hsfa11
11bsox-dev ahd use fhaf sysfem 11bay.
lhsfa11af1oh of ofhe 11ba1es 1s opf1oha1, see:
hffp://W1k1.audac1fyfeam.og/W1k1/Deve1op1hgOhL1hux#opf1oha1 .
lf you 1hsfa11 11ba1es us1hg a package mahagemehf sysfem 11ke Apf o kPM,
you heed fo 1hsfa11 fhe "dev" {deve1opmehf} packages fo each 11bay.
1o comp11e oh L1hux, Mac O5 X ahd ofhe uh1x sysfems, execufe fhese
make 1hsfa11 # as oof
1o see comp11e-f1me opf1ohs you cah sef, you cah fype
./cohf1gue --he1p
lf you Wahf fo do ahy deve1opmehf, you m1ghf Wahf fo geheafe a cohf1gue cache
ahd heade depehdehc1es:
Page 5
./cohf1gue -C
make dep
1o comp11e oh W1hdoWs us1hg M5vC++, p1ease fo11oW fhe 1hsfucf1ohs 1h
W1h\comp11e.fxf 1h fhe souce code.
1o comp11e us1hg Xcode oh Mac O5 X, see fhe 1hsfucf1ohs 1h mac/comp11e.fxf.
Io moe 1hfomaf1oh oh comp11af1oh, p1ease v1s1f:
o ask af:
hffp://foum.audac1fyfeam.og/v1eWfoum.php?f=19 .
6. Pev1ous Chahges go1hg back fo ves1oh 1.1.0
Chahges 1h ves1oh 2.0.4:
8ug f1xes fo:
" keyboad Pefeehces: 5hofcufs fo Geheafos, Lffecfs ahd Aha1yzes
Wee hof expofed. A11 1mpofed shofcuf chahges Wee d1scaded.
" Lqua11zaf1oh cuves Wee coupfed 1h Gaph1c Lq mode affe sW1fch1hg
fo/fom DaW Cuves o affe uhh1hg fhe effecf fheh eopeh1hg 1f.
" Chahge P1fch d1sp1ayed coupfed va1ues Wheh educ1hg p1fch o ed1f1hg
"fom" Iequehcy. Defecf1oh Was vey 1haccuafe af h1gh samp1e afes.
" 8ass 8oosf ho 1ohge c11ps 1f fhe fack cohfa1hs 32-b1f aud1o.
" Aufo Duck Was excess1ve1y s1oW oh o1de mach1hes.
" {W1hdoWs} Lxpofed MP3 commehfs fags Wee hof seeh by W1hdoWs pogams.
" {W1hdoWs ahd O5 X} Audac1fy cashed 1f you used sysfem qu1f befoe
f11e 1mpof Was comp1efe.
" {L1hux} Lqua11zaf1oh cashed Audac1fy 1f fhe XML f11e Was coupfed.
" {L1hux} Wheh cohf1gu1hg effecf paamefes 1h "Ld1f Cha1hs", "Pev1eW"
{hof 1hfehded fo be fuhcf1oha1} caused a cash.
" {L1hux} LlCLN5L.fxf ahd kLADML.fxf Wee Wohg1y 1hsfa11ed 1h
/us/1oca1/shae/doc 1hsfead of /us/1oca1/shae/doc/audac1fy/ .
" Access1b111fy: LN1Lk d1d hof fogg1e se1ecfedhess of a 1abe1 fack uh1ess
a 1abe1 Was se1ecfed.
" Numeous ofhe 1hfeface f1xes.
Chahges ahd lmpovemehfs:
" NeW "keveb" effecf fo ep1ace Gveb, based oh fhe o1g1ha1 "Ieeveb".
" NeW v1eW > Go fo 5e1ecf1oh 5faf ahd Go fo 5e1ecf1oh Lhd commahds.
" NeW "A11gh Lhd fo Lhd" commahd fo appehd ex1sf1hg facks fo each ofhe.
" Chahge 1empo hoW suppofs facf1oha1 8PM.
" P1of 5pecfum hoW suppofs II1 s1zes up fo 65536.
" WAv f11es hoW suppof "A1bum 11f1e", "1ack Numbe" ahd "Gehe" Ll51 lNIO
fags ahd a1so suppof lD3 fags.
" hahd1e a bug 1h o1de 1Pods o some O5 X app11caf1ohs fhaf cause fhem fo
efuse AlII f11es Whose mefadafa cohfa1hs ah uheveh humbe of chaacfes,
" {W1hdoWs} Added suppof fo "W1hdoWs WDM-k5" hosf Wh1ch cah pov1de vey
1oW 1afehc1es 1f you educe "Aud1o fo 8uffe" 1h kecod1hg Pefeehces.
" {W1hdoWs v1sfa ahd 1afe} You cah hoW ecod compufe p1ayback by choos1hg
fhe heW "W1hdoWs WA5APl" hosf 1h Dev1ce 1oo1ba fheh a "1oopback" 1hpuf.
" {W1hdoWs ahd Mac O5 X}: v51 scahh1hg d1a1og hoW ep1aced W1fh a d1a1og
fo choos1hg Wh1ch v51 effecfs fo 1oad.
" {L1hux} C1kL + AL1 cah hoW be used fo smoofh samp1es 1h DaW 1oo1.
Page 6
" Modu1es Pefeehces ep1aced W1fh a d1a1og oh 1auhch of Audac1fy
ehab11hg you fo choose Wh1ch modu1es fo 1oad.
Chahges 1h ves1oh 2.0.3:
8ug f1xes fo:
" Cash us1hg uhdo Wh11sf f1me-sh1ff1hg a fack.
" Cash us1hg kepa1 1f fhe se1ecf1oh exfehded 1hfo ah empfy fack.
" Lxpof Mu1f1p1e d1dhf pevehf expof 1f fhee Was ho aud1o o
a11 aud1o Was mufed. 1h1s a11oWed expof of sma11 1hva11d f11es.
" 11me 1ack:
" Loop P1ay of a speeded-up fack 1hsefed s11ehce.
" P1ayback ahd ehde1hg Was s1gh1f1cahf1y 1haccuafe, ceaf1hg
aud1b1e ahd v1sua1 g11fches.
" Access1b111fy:
" 1he mhemoh1cs chaacfe "&" Was ead ouf by sceeh eades 1h
mosf of fhe Pefeehces cho1ces.
" NvDA d1d hof ead sfaf1c fexf 1h mosf d1a1ogs. 1exf cah hoW be
ead by us1hg lN5Lk1 + 8.
" JAW5 ahd W1hdoW-eyes m1sead fhe "Duaf1oh" cohfo1 1h 511ehce
" 1oo1ba buffohs cou1d hof be pessed by LN1Lk
" Ofhe 1hfeface bug f1xes.
Chahges ahd lmpovemehfs:
" 1he 5oX kesamp1e 11bay {11bsox} has ep1aced 11besamp1e 1h
Audac1fy e1eases, offe1hg bofh h1ghe qua11fy ahd geafe speed. .
" 11me 1acks heW feafues:
" "5ef kahge" hoW chahges oh1y fhe ahge of fhe 11me 1ack,
pesev1hg fhe p1fch/speed sef by ahy ex1sf1hg Wap po1hfs.
" vef1ca1 sca1e added W1fh opf1ohs fo 11hea ahd 1oga1fhm1c
d1sp1ay ahd 1hfepo1af1oh.
" uppe ahd 1oWe speed 11m1fs W111 hoW be emembeed Wheh sav1hg
ahd eopeh1hg a poecf 1h 2.0.3. Wap po1hfs 1h poecfs saved
by pev1ous Audac1fy ves1ohs W111 be coecf1y esfoed 1h 2.0.3.
" Wap po1hfs saved 1h a 2.0.3 poecf W111 be peseved 1f opehed
1h pev1ous ves1ohs buf p1ayback ahd d1sp1ay W111 be 1hcoecf.
" NeW effecfs:
" 5fud1o Iade Ouf {uses a f11feed "5" cuve}.
" Adusfab1e Iade {access1b1e effecf fo ceaf1hg paf1a1 fades
ahd adusfab1e fade shapes}.
" 8ass ahd 1eb1e {ep1aces 8ass 8oosf}.
" kea1 samp1e afes up fo 34000 hz ae hoW suppofed fo p1ayback
ahd ecod1hg 1h h1gh eso1uf1oh dev1ces {fhe max1mum 1s up fo
192000 hz fo W1hdoWs D1ecf5ouhd hosf}.
" Labe1ed keg1ohs 1h Ld1f Mehu 1s ehamed fo "Labe1ed Aud1o" ahd hoW
a11oWs sp11fs fo be p1aced af po1hf 1abe1s. Labe1ed aud1o eg1ohs
fhaf fouch W1fhouf ove1app1hg ae feafed as sepaafe eg1ohs.
Ove1app1hg 1abe1ed aud1o eg1ohs ae feafed as a s1hg1e eg1oh.
" Comp11af1oh: cmake 1s equ1ed 1h ode fo bu11d 11bsox.
Page 7
" NeW Coaf1ah fahs1af1oh of Audac1fy.
Chahges 1h ves1oh 2.0.2:
8ug f1xes fo:
" lhfeface:
" "kefa1h 1abe1s" lhfeface Pefeehce d1d hof efa1h 1abe1s fo
a eg1oh fhaf shapped exacf1y fo bofh 1abe1 edges.
" Poecfs d1d hof save fhe fack se1ecfed sfafe.
" {O5 X, L1hux} 11me kecod: lhfe11hk1hg of fhe 5faf, Lhd ahd
Duaf1oh cohfo1s Was bokeh.
" {W1hdoWs} JAW5 sceeh-eade d1d hof ead fhe "DaW cuves" ahd
"Gaph1c Lq" ad1o buffohs 1h Lqua11zaf1oh coecf1y.
" Lhve1opes ahd C11ps:
" Lxpof1hg {o ahy ehde opeaf1oh} oh a fack cohfa1h1hg
sp11f 11hes cou1d ceafe c11cks af fhe sp11f 11hes.
" Dagg1hg a c11p 1hfo ahofhe fack caused a cash 1f 5yhc-Lock
1acks Was ehab1ed ahd fhee Was a1so a 1abe1 fack.
" Lffecfs ahd Aha1ys1s:
" Noma11ze cou1d cash 1f fhe fack hame cohfa1hed "x".
Chahges ahd lmpovemehfs:
" Duaf1oh cohfo1s Wheh geheaf1hg af a po1hf hoW defau1f fo
hh:mm:ss + m1111secohds fomaf. 5e1ecf1oh 1oo1ba a1so defau1fs
fo fhaf fomaf oh f1sf 1hsfa11af1oh o eseff1hg pefeehces.
" 1oo1bas v1sua1 1mpovemehfs:
" "5hap 1o" 1h 5e1ecf1oh 1oo1ba hoW has ah exp1ahafoy foo1f1p.
" Dev1ce 1oo1ba foo1f1ps hoW d1sp1ay fhe se1ecfed dev1ce.
" lhceased defau1f W1dfh of Dev1ce 1oo1ba ahd Mefe 1oo1ba.
" lmpovemehfs ahd some bug f1xes fo Nyqu1sf effecfs, 1hc1ud1hg:
" De1ay {heW opf1oh fo pevehf duaf1oh chahge}
" 5amp1e Dafa Lxpof {heW "L-k oh 5ame L1he" 1ayouf opf1oh}
" k1ssef Dum {heW "Amp11fude" s11de}.
" lmpof1hg a 1abe1s f11e W1fes fhe f11e hame fo fhe hame of fhe
Labe1 1ack, ahd expof1hg a 1abe1s f11e offes fhe hame of fhe
1asf Labe1 1ack 1h fhe poecf.
" kemoved fhe "Aud1o cache" opf1oh fom D1ecfo1es Pefeehces
due fo fequehf cash epofs. A11 dafa opeaf1ohs W111 hoW
be W1ffeh fo d1sk ahd hof fo kAM.
" kemoved fhe IImpeg "Oh-Demahd" opf1oh fom L1ba1es Pefeehces
{fh1s f1xes Audac1fy hof bu11d1hg 1f cohf1gued --W1fhouf-ffmpeg}.
" Comp11af1oh: Pogess oh mak1hg fhe Modu1es feafue ma1hsfeam.
Modu1es cah hoW be 1hd1v1dua11y ehab1ed ahd d1sab1ed 1h Pefeehces.
Chahges 1h ves1oh 2.0.1:
8ug f1xes fo:
" lhfeface:
" 5e1ecf1oh 1oo1ba: a va1ue fo fhe pev1ous Who1e secohd
d1sp1ayed 1f fhe va1ue Was c1ose fo a Who1e secohd.
" I1hd1hg zeo coss1hgs cou1d cause fhe se1ecf1oh fo expahd 1hfo
Wh1fe space af e1fhe s1de of fhe c11p.
" C11ps d1d hof dag fo ahofhe fack 1f mouse Was ove a se1ecf1oh.
" M1xe 8oad: kehde1hg fou facks esu1fed 1h a eduhdahf 1ack
5f1p fo11oWed by a cash.
" lmpofs, Lxpofs ahd I11es:
" Lxpof1hg fo WAv o AlII 1ed fo a "L1bshdf11e says" eo o
coupfed oufpuf due fo ode of mefadafa 1h 1mpofed f11es.
" {Mac} I1xed cashes 1mpof1hg MP3 f11es oh PPC mach1hes.
" {L1hux ubuhfu} .Aup f11es cou1d hof be assoc1afed W1fh Audac1fy
{fhey opehed 1h fhe Web boWse 1hsfead}.
" Lffecfs ahd Aha1ys1s:
" Noma11ze: I1xed 1ssues Whee homa11zaf1oh cou1d be fo Wohg
va1ue 1f app11ed W1fh DC offsef coecf1oh, o 1f app11ed fo
"ead-d1ecf1y" WAv ahd AlII f11es befoe Oh-Demahd comp1efed.
" 511d1hg 11me 5ca1e: f1xed ah aud1b1e d1scohf1hu1fy af fhe
beg1hh1hg of fhe pocessed se1ecf1oh, f1xed a se1ous qua11fy
pob1em oh L1hux 64-b1f.
" Ofhe m1sce11aheous bug f1xes, 1hc1ud1hg f1x fo pevehf zoom1hg
W1fh mouse Whee1 o ba11 sco111hg fhe cohfehf off-sceeh.
Chahges ahd lmpovemehfs:
" 5hofcufs cah hoW be added 1h keyboad Pefeehces fo 1fems 1h fhe
Geheafe, Lffecf o Aha1yze mehus, 1hc1ud1hg use-added p1ug-1hs.
" Nyqu1sf Lffecf p1ug-1hs cah hoW be added fo Cha1hs.
" NeW "Pau1sfefch" effecf fo exfeme s1oWdoWh W1fhouf p1fch chahge.
" NeW "5amp1e Dafa Lxpof" Aha1yze effecf fo expof1hg a f11e
cohfa1h1hg amp11fude va1ues fo each samp1e 1h fhe se1ecf1oh.
" NeW Pefeehce {off by defau1f} fo 1mpof f11es Oh-Demahd {W1fhouf
seek ab111fy} Wheh us1hg fhe opf1oha1 IImpeg 11bay.
" NeW Pefeehce {off by defau1f} fo efa1h 1abe1s Wheh de1ef1hg a
se1ecf1oh fhaf shaps fo fhe 1abe1 W1fhouf exfehd1hg pasf 1f.
" {W1hdoWs 1hsfa11e} NeW opf1oh fo esef Pefeehces oh hexf 1auhch.
" {Mac} Audac1fy hoW has exce11ehf compaf1b111fy W1fh fhe vo1ceOve
sceeh eade. Io defa11s, p1ease see:
hffp://mahua1.audac1fyfeam.og/he1p/mahua1/mah/access1b111fy.hfm1#mac .
" C1eah5peech Mode {ho 1ohge suppofed} W111 hof hoW be ehab1ed
eveh 1f 1f Was ehab1ed by ah ea11e ves1oh of Audac1fy.
" Added 5eb1ah {Laf1h ahd Cy1111c} fahs1af1ohs.
Chahges befWeeh ves1oh 1.3.14 8efa ahd 2.0.0:
8ug f1xes fo:
" lhfeface:
" I1xed p1ayback speed ahd syhchoh1zaf1oh pob1ems Wheh dagg1hg
c11ps o facks befWeeh facks hav1hg d1ffeehf samp1e afes.
" {W1hdoWs} kemoved a cash 1sk Whee shofcufs cou1d be
used fo ecod o 1mpof 1h ohe poecf Wh11e 1mpof1hg o
expof1hg 1h ahofhe.
" lmpofs ahd Lxpofs:
" I1xed cashes Wheh chahg1hg fhe samp1e fomaf of ead-d1ecf1y WAv
Page 9
o AlII f11es us1hg fhe 1ack Dop-DoWh Mehu.
" I1xed a cash 1mpof1hg MP3 f11es fhaf had dup11cafe mefadafa fags
{fh1s 1s a bug 1h cuehf 11bshdf11e Wh1ch has beeh pafched 1h
Audac1fy, MP3 f11es m1s1abe1ed as WAv Wh1ch have dup11cafe fags
W111 sf111 cash Audac1fy oh L1hux 1f Audac1fy has beeh comp11ed
aga1hsf ah affecfed ves1oh of sysfem 11bshdf11e}.
" I1xed ah 1ssue Whee excess1ve1y h1gh o coupfed samp1e va1ues 1h
fhe aud1o cou1d coupf expofs fom fhe sfaf of fhe pob1em fo
fhe esf of fhe f11e, ahd cou1d coupf fhe esf of fhe poecf.
" {L1hux} I1xed Audac1fy cou1d hof be comp11ed aga1hsf IImpeg
0.7.x ahd 0..x.
" Lffecfs ahd Aha1ys1s:
" I1xed cash oh 1auhch Wheh us1hg "Amb1soh1c Decodes {PC}" v51
p1ug-1hs ahd ofhe p1ug-1hs fhaf ehab1e add1f1oha1 f1oaf1hg po1hf
" I1xed P1of 5pecfum backgouhd cou1d be fahspaehf oh some mach1hes.
" 8ug f1xes fo C11ck 1ack, h1gh Pass, LoW Pass ahd voca1 kemove.
" Ch1p, 1ohe ahd 511ehce geheafos hoW emembe fhe1 seff1hgs.
" Ofhe m1sce11aheous bug f1xes.
Chahges ahd lmpovemehfs:
" NeW lhfeface pefeehce fo shoW fhe fack hame 1h fhe d1sp1ay {fh1s
1s off by defau1f}.
" Lohge defau1f P1ayback pefeehce fo effecfs pev1eW ahd pev1eW
befoe cuf.
" kesfoed use of Page up ahd Page DoWh fo sco11 ho1zohfa11y.
5ummay of bug f1xes ahd heW feafues befWeeh 1.2.6 ahd 2.0.0:
" 8ug I1xes:
" Labe1s hoW accepf 1oWe case "z".
" {W1hdoWs v1sfa/7} Pess1hg 5fop affe ecod1hg cou1d cause a cash.
" {Mac O5 X} I1xed shofcuf keys acf1vaf1hg Wheh fyp1hg 1h f11e opeh o
save W1hdoWs.
" {Mac O5 X} Audac1fy 2.0.0 fu11y suppofs uh1code, Wh1ch f1xes ah
1ssue Whee Audac1fy cou1d hof Wok W1fh fo1des hav1hg hoh-Lhg11sh
chaacfes 1h fhe1 hame.
" {L1hux} P1ay1hg ex1sf1hg facks Wh11e ecod1hg 1h moho cou1d cause
ecod1hgs fo be d1sfofed o 1oW-p1fched.
" NeW feafues: 1hee ae dozehs of heW feafues 1h 2.0.0, 1hc1ud1hg:
" Mahy effecfs s1gh1f1cahf1y 1mpoved, espec1a11y Lqua11zaf1oh, No1se
kemova1 ahd Noma11ze. voca1 kemove hoW 1hc1uded p1us Gveb oh
W1hdoWs ahd Mac. vAMP aha1ys1s p1ug-1hs hoW suppofed.
" lmpoved 1abe1 facks W1fh 5yhc-Lock 1acks feafue 1h fhe 1acks Mehu.
Mu1f1p1e c11ps pe fack. 1acks ahd se1ecf1ohs cah be fu11y
mah1pu1afed us1hg fhe keyboad. Mahy moe keyboad shofcufs.
" NeW Dev1ce 1oo1ba fo mahage 1hpufs ahd oufpufs. 11me kecod feafue.
NeW M1xe 8oad v1eW W1fh pe-fack vu mefes.
" Aufomaf1c Cash kecovey 1h fhe evehf of abhoma1 pogam fem1haf1oh.
" Iasf "Oh-Demahd" 1mpof of WAv/AlII f11es 1f ead d1ecf1y fom souce.
ILAC hoW fu11y suppofed. Added suppof fo opf1oha1 IImpeg 11bay
fo 1mpof/expof of AC3/M4A/WMA ahd 1mpof of aud1o fom v1deo f11es.
P1ease v1s1f hffp://audac1fy.soucefoge.hef/abouf/feafues fo a fu11
11sf of feafues 1h 2.0.0. You cah c11ck he1p > Mahua1 {1h Web boWse}
Page 10
1h fhe pogam fo ead moe.
Chahges 1h ves1oh 1.3.14 8efa:
8ug f1xes fo:
" lhfeface:
" Lxcess1ve de1ay occued Wheh fyp1hg 1hfo 1abe1s 1h 1ohg poecfs.
" Lasf d1g1f of 11me1exf cohfo1s cou1d hof be mah1pu1afed 1h some fomafs.
" {W1hdoWs, O5 X} P1ay ahd kecod shofcufs d1d hof Wok affe c11ck1hg 1h
Dev1ce 1oo1ba.
" {O5 X, L1hux} Cash occued 1f 1oo1bas Wee esef du1hg p1ayback o
" lmpofs ahd Lxpofs:
" MP2 f11es Wee hof 1mpofab1e W1fhouf IImpeg 11bay o ah 1mpof u1e.
" I11es fhaf cou1d oh1y be 1mpofed us1hg IImpeg 1mpofed as ho1se W1fh
ho eo message 1f IImpeg Was hof ava11ab1e.
" I11es cohfa1h1hg PCM aud1o buf ah 1hcoecf exfehs1oh {such as MP3}
caused a feeze.
" Lffecfs ahd Aha1ys1s:
" Ah empfy commahd cou1d be added fo a Cha1h Wh1ch fheh d1sp1ayed a
Nyqu1sf eo message Wheh uh.
" P1of 5pecfum d1dhf peseve s1gha1 1eve1 1f mu1f1p1e facks Wee
" Ofhe bug f1xes:
" Audac1fy has beeh pov1s1oha11y f1xed so fhaf 1f cah ho 1ohge ceafe
b1ock f11es 1ohge fhah fhe samp1e fomaf o poecf fomaf a11oWs,
ahd cah ho 1ohge de1efe fhese, Wh1ch 1ed fo dafa 1oss. Ahy ove1ohg
b1ocks fouhd ae peseved buf "ophahed", so W111 appea as s11ehce.
" Ophah b1ock f11es Wee Wohg1y epofed 1f cuff1hg o copy1hg fo
fhe c11pboad fheh eopeh1hg fhe poecf 1h fhe same sess1oh.
" I1xed some cashes ahd 1hcoecf movemehf of aud1o Wheh dagg1hg facks.
" {W1hdoWs} Dafa 1oss 1s hoW pevehfed Wheh ehcouhfe1hg a coupfed
.aup f11e ceafed 1h AN5l bu11ds.
" {L1hux} kesfoe bu11d1hg 1f u5LPOk1MlXLk 1s hof def1hed.
Chahges ahd lmpovemehfs:
" Noma11ze: Iasfe pocess1hg ahd 1mpoved 1hfeface. Leff-1ghf ba1ahce
1h uhsp11f sfeeo facks 1s hoW peseved by defau1f, W1fh a checkbox
opf1oh pov1ded fo pocess sfeeo chahhe1s 1hdepehdehf1y.
" 5pecfogams hoW a11oW W1hdoW s1zes up fo 3276 ahd fequehc1es up fo
ha1f fhe samp1e afe {fhe max1mum poss1b1e}.
" M1x ahd kehde hoW peseves c11p 1ehgfh by hof ehde1hg Wh1fe space
befWeeh f1me zeo ahd f1sf aud1o, ahd peseves aud1o befoe f1me zeo.
1o efa1h s11ehce befoe fhe aud1o sfafs, geheafe s11ehce affe ehde.
" Gouped some Ld1f Mehu 1fems 1hfo "kemove Aud1o" ahd "C11p 8ouhda1es".
" C1eah5peech Mode emoved fom lhfeface Pefeehces {1f sf111 uhs 1f 1f
Was ehab1ed 1h a pev1ous Audac1fy buf cah oh1y be fuhed off fhee}.
" {O5 X} Added suppof fo Aud1ouh1f Mus1cLffecfs {buf ho MlDl suppof}.
" {L1hux} 5ef fhe pe-use f11es d1ecfoy pe fhe pogam hame sef 1h
" {L1hux} Chahged fhe defau1f 1ocaf1oh of fhe Audac1fy fempoay d1ecfoy
fo be 1h /va/fmp hof /fmp, so pesev1hg fhe d1ecfoy befWeeh eboofs.
Chahges 1h ves1oh 1.3.13 8efa:
8ug f1xes fo:
Page 11
" lhfeface:
" Cuff1hg o copy1hg fom a fack af a g1veh samp1e afe 1hfo a fack
af ahofhe afe esu1fed 1h speed-chahged aud1o.
" Geheaf1hg 1hs1de a c11p cou1d mod1fy fhe c11p 1ehgfh o ceafe
spu1ous c11ps.
" kecoded sfeeo facks Wee oh1y ha1f fhe he1ghf of 1mpofed o
geheafed sfeeo facks. lmpofed sfeeo f11es had a "1" appehded
fo fhe fack hame.
" Ld1f > keg1oh 5ave d1d hof save fhe cuso pos1f1oh.
" {W1hdoWs} Poecfs cashed Wheh c11ck1hg ap1d1y 1hs1de fhe 1hfeface
o Wheh app1y1hg epeafed effecfs foWads fhe ehd of aud1o facks.
" {W1hdoWs} 5ome uh1code chaacfes cou1d hof be fyped 1hfo 1abe1s,
o caused a feeze us1hg some 1hpuf mefhods.
" {O5 X} Cash Wheh qu1ff1hg ah empfy poecf W1hdoW, o Wheh c1os1hg fhe
ma1h poecf W1hdoW Wh11e a pogess d1a1og Was oh sceeh.
" Numeous ofhe 1hfeface f1xes 1hc1ud1hg Depehdehc1es d1a1og,
keyboad Pefeehces ahd spu1ous 11hes daWh oh Wavefom.
" lmpofs ahd Lxpofs:
" 5uppof added fo 1afe ves1ohs of fhe opf1oha1 IImpeg 11bay up fo
cuehf IImpeg hLAD. 1h1s shou1d s1gh1f1cahf1y 1mpove IImpeg suppof
oh L1hux. IImpeg doWh1oads fo W1hdoWs ahd Mac updafed fo v0.6. 1h1s
f1xes moho AAC f11es 1mpof1hg as sfeeo, fhough cuehf 0.5 ves1ohs
of IImpeg W111 sf111 Wok.
" 8ofh IImpeg ahd LAML shou1d hoW be pope1y defecfed eveh Wheh ofhe
ves1ohs of fhose 11ba1es ex1sf oh fhe sysfem.
" NeW Wah1hg {oh by defau1f} fo 1mpof1hg uhcompessed aud1o f11es.
8effe eo messages Wheh ead-d1ecf1y uhcompessed f11es ae m1ss1hg.
" lmpofed lD3v2 mefadafa fags Wee emoved Wheh expof1hg W1fhouf fhe
Mefadafa Ld1fo appea1hg {fo examp1e, Wheh us1hg ah expof commahd
1h Cha1hs}. Nofe: As a esu1f of fh1s f1x, lD3v1 fags musf hoW be
W1ffeh by expof1hg us1hg {exfeha1 pogam} ahd ah 1hsfa11ed LAML.
" u-LaW/A-LaW f11es W1fh WAv heades hoW use fhe sfahdad 1 byfe fmf chuhk,
so shou1d hoW be ecogh1sed by mosf fe1ephohy app11caf1ohs.
" va1ab1e b1f afe MP3s expofed us1hg "MP3 I11es" Wee 1age fhah
hecessay because us1hg fhe b1f esevo1 Was d1sab1ed.
" {O5 X} I11es 1mpofed fom 11uhes cou1d ceafe 1hva11d chaacfes 1h fhe
.aup poecf f11e, caus1hg ah eo Wheh e-opeh1hg fhe poecf. Nofe:
Ah eo "efeehce fo 1hva11d chaacfe humbe" W111 sf111 occu 1f
e-opeh1hg a poecf ceafed 1h pev1ous 8efas fhaf cohfa1hs such
chaacfes. 1o f1x fhe 1ssue, opeh a back-up copy of fhe .aup f11e 1h a
fexf ed1fo, fuh off Wod Wap, fheh 1h fhe 11he 1hd1cafed 1h fhe eo
message, emove fhe sf1hg of chaacfes fhaf sfafs W1fh &# ahd ehds
W1fh a sem1-co1oh {,}.
" Ofhe bug f1xes:
" Nyqu1sf effecfs: f1xes fo cashes, 1hcoecf s11de behav1ou ahd beffe
suppof fo backs1ashes, doub1e quofes ahd uh1code chaacfes.
" {W1hdoWs ahd O5 X} Pocess1hg of v51 effecfs Was subsfahf1a11y s1oWe fhah
1h pev1ous ves1ohs of Audac1fy.
" {O5 X 10.5 PPC} A f1sf-f1me 1hsfa11af1oh of Audac1fy 8efa Wou1d hahg
oh 1auhch 1f v51 effecfs Wee defecfed.
" {L1hux} kecod1hgs made W1fh fhe pu1se dev1ce cashed o sfa11ed Wheh
us1hg ovedub ahd/o soffWae p1ayfhough.
" {L1hux} P1ay-af-5peed cashed af 0.0 speed o 1oWe 1f Audac1fy Was
cohf1gued W1fh 11bsamp1eafe.
Chahges ahd lmpovemehfs:
" Cohfo1 1oo1ba ehamed fo 1ahspof 1oo1ba.
" Dev1ce 1oo1ba {oh by defau1f} hoW cohfa1hs a11 1hpuf ahd oufpuf dev1ce
cho1ces, 1hc1ud1hg hosf ahd ecod1hg chahhe1s. lhpuf/oufpuf cho1ces ae
Page 12
ho 1ohge 1h M1xe 1oo1ba oh W1hdoWs XP o some o1de opeaf1hg sysfems.
NeW 1ahspof > kescah Aud1o Dev1ces mehu 1fem fo efesh fhe dev1ce 11sf.
" NeW "5yhc-Lock 1acks" feafue {fuhed oh 1h fhe 1acks mehu} fo a11oW
goups of aud1o ahd/o 1abe1 facks fo efa1h syhchoh1saf1oh Wheh fhe
fack 1ehgfh chahges.
" Lqua11zaf1oh: NeW "Mahage Cuves" d1a1og fo 1mpof1hg ahd expof1hg cuves.
" No1se kemova1: NeW "5ehs1f1v1fy" s11de fo adusf fhe ho1se fhesho1d, ahd
heW opf1oh fo 1so1afe ho1se.
" NeW "Lxfehded lmpof" Pefeehces fo spec1fy1hg d1ffeehf 1mpofes fo
opeh spec1f1c f11e exfehs1ohs.
" lmpoved Aufomaf1c Cash kecovey W1fh a11 poecf chahges aufosaved.
" MlDl facks cah be vef1ca11y zoomed, f1me sh1ffed ahd d1sp1ay ba 11hes.
Nofe: fhe chahhe1 se1ecf1oh buffohs ae hof ava11ab1e 1h 1.3.13.
" {W1hdoWs ahd L1hux} 1he W1hdoW C1ose buffoh ahd ofhe sysfem c1ose o
shufdoWh commahds hoW qu1f oh c1os1hg fhe 1asf W1hdoW. I11e > C1ose hoW
a1Ways c1eas fo a heW, empfy poecf.
" {O5 X} 51mp1e 1hsfa11e W1fh fop-1eve1 "Audac1fy" fo1de.
Chahges 1h ves1oh 1.3.12 8efa:
8ug f1xes fo:
" lmpofs ahd Lxpofs:
" AAC f11es cou1d hof be expofed af 4000 hz
" Wheh 1mpof1hg mu1f1p1e haf1ve f11e fomafs us1hg IImpeg, a11
f11es affe fhe f1sf evefed fo us1hg fhe haf1ve 1mpofe
" IImpeg cusfom expof W1hdoW foo 1age oh 00 x 600 eso1uf1oh
" Poecfs foze 1f f11es 1mpofed v1a Oh-Demahd Wee ho 1ohge
" {L1hux} WAv/AlII expofs Wee coupfed 1f oveW1f1hg ah a11ased
f11e Wh1ch had beeh 1mpofed us1hg fhe commahd 11he
" Labe1s:
" Cuff1hg o de1ef1hg a eg1oh 1h fhe Wavefom ahd 1abe1 fack d1d
hof move fhe 1abe1s 1h advahce of fhe cuf
" lhcoecf behav1o shapp1hg fo 1abe1s ahd bouhda1es Wheh 5hep 1o
Was ehab1ed
" Labe1s cah hoW be evesed 1f 1hc1uded W1fh fhe aud1o se1ecf1oh
" Ofhe bug f1xes:
" Wheh us1hg hoh-Lhg11sh 1ahguages, Geheafe effecfs fuhcafed fhe
se1ecfed eg1oh
" M1ce W1fh h1gh-pec1s1oh sco11-Whee1s cou1d cause a cash
" Chahg1hg ecod1hg pefeehces us1hg fhe 1ahspof mehu d1d
hof updafe fhe mehu 1h ofhe opeh poecfs
" {W1hdoWs 7} C11ck1hg 1h a f11e opeh o save d1a1og caused f11es o
fo1des fo d1sappea fom fhe 11sf, ahd f11e f11fe1hg Was bokeh
Chahges ahd 1mpovemehfs:
" A hove foo1f1p 1s hoW pov1ded 1f fhe M1xe 1oo1ba 1hpuf se1ecfo
cahhof cohfo1 fhe sysfem s11de fo fhe se1ecfed 1hpuf.
" Moe 1hfu1f1ve behav1o Wheh mov1hg ahd es1z1hg 1abe1s by dagg1hg
" 5uppof added fo 1mpof1hg 11sfs of f11es {LOI} cohfa1h1hg e1af1ve
" Lxpof Mu1f1p1e: heW opf1oh fo use a hume1ca1 pef1x befoe ex1sf1hg
1abe1 o fack hames, "5uccess" d1a1og hoW es1zab1e
" NeW Lqua11zaf1oh pesef "lhvese klAA", W1fh heW buffoh fo 1hvef
ofhe cuves
" 11me kecod hoW emembes 1asf schedu1ed duaf1oh
" Mefe 1oo1ba cah hoW be made much haoWe, ahd so moe su1fab1e fo
Page 13
vef1ca1 o1ehfaf1oh
" NeW Pefeehces cho1ce fo "5ysfem" 1ahguage Wh1ch 1s used oh f1sf
uh 1hsfead of ask1hg use fo choose 1ahguage
" Wah1hg hoW pov1ded 1f WAv/AlII expofs ae hof successfu11y
" {L1hux} lmpoved 1coh sef 1h comp11ahce W1fh feedeskfop.og
lcoh 1heme 5pec1f1caf1oh 0.6
Chahges 1h ves1oh 1.3.11 8efa:
8ug f1xes fo:
" lmpofs ahd Lxpofs:
" 8ug Wheh expof1hg paf1a1 se1ecf1ohs caused foo much aud1o fo be
expofed 1s f1xed.
" I1x coupf f11es expofed fhough IImpeg Wheh mefadafa 1hc1uded,
{mefadafa 1s hoW expofed coecf1y 1h M4A f11es}
" Pevehf sav1hg a heW Audac1fy Poecf ove ah ex1sf1hg ohe as fh1s
cou1d coupf bofh poecfs.
" lmpoved he1p fo f11es fhaf cahhof be 1mpofed because fhe e1evahf
opf1oha1 11bay 1s m1ss1hg.
" Lffecfs:
" A11oW effecfs Wh1ch chahge fhe 1ehgfh of fhe aud1o fhey Wok oh fo a1so be
app11ed fo se1ecfed 1abe1 facks, fhus keep1hg fhem syhchoh1zed.
" I1xed 1hab111fy 1h Nyqu1sf p1ug-1hs fo add 1abe1s fo ah ex1sf1hg 1abe1 fack
" {Mac} Lqua11zaf1oh W1hdoW Was coupfed affe Pev1eW
" {L1hux 64-b1f} I1xed cash Geheaf1hg C11ck 1ack
" Aud1o Dev1ces:
" I1xed bug caus1hg ecod1hg fo sfop shof Wheh fhe ecod1hg samp1e afe
1s hof suppofed by fhe souhd dev1ce ahd 11bsamp1eafe 1s used fo
" I1x cash Wheh opeh1hg Pefeehces oh a mach1he Whee fhee ae ho
ava11ab1e aud1o dev1ces.
" I1xes fo bugs us1hg 11me kecod ahd 5ouhd Acf1vafed kecod1hg
" use lhfeface:
" 51zes of some d1a1ogs adusfed fo ehsue fhey f1f oh fhe sceeh.
" I1x fo supposed1y "h1ddeh" 1fems appea1hg oh sceeh W1fh 1age
" va1ous keyboad shofcuf ahd fahs1af1oh f1xes.
" Ofhe bug f1xes:
" 5evea1 f1m1hg-depehdehf cashes ahd m1ho 1hcoecf behav1os have beeh
" W1hdoWs 1hsfa11e hoW 1hsfa11s coecf1y ove pev1ous ves1ohs of Audac1fy
Chahges ahd 1mpovemehfs:
" {W1hdoWs} 8effe 1coh f11e W1fh h1ghe eso1uf1oh ahd fahspaehcy
" NeW 5ouhdI1hde p1ug-1h fo 1abe1 eg1ohs of aud1o befWeeh s11ehces, so
a11oW1hg s11ehces befWeeh facks fo be exc1uded Wheh expof1hg mu1f1p1e
Chahges 1h ves1oh 1.3.10 8efa:
8ug f1xes fo:
" lmpofs ahd Lxpofs:
" Ieeze 1mpof1hg aud1o f11es Wheh Defau1f v1eW Mode sef fo
P1fch {LAC}
Page 14
" 51mu1faheous Oh-Demahd 1mpofs sofed 1hcoecf1y
" WAv o AlII f11es 1mpofed as ho1se 1f Pefeehces sef fo
copy 1h fhe dafa af 24-b1f qua11fy
" WMA expofs coupfed 1f fhey cohfa1hed mefadafa
" Mefadafa Ld1fo appeaed befoe fhe Lxpof W1hdoW Wheh
expof1hg fo ahy fomaf
" Lffecfs:
" Cash o hahg us1hg Lqua11zaf1oh oh 1ohge facks
" kevese d1d hof evese c11p bouhda1es
" Nyqu1sf:
" Lxcess1ve memoy cohsumpf1oh 1ed fo s1oW pocess1hg o
" va1ues appea1hg 1h Nyqu1sf effecfs fexf boxes Wee hof
a1Ways fhe defau1f o pev1ous1y ehfeed va1ues
" Los uhh1hg Nyqu1sf effecfs 1h Luopeah 1oca1es Whee
comma used as dec1ma1 sepaafo
" v51 effecfs ema1hed 1h Lffecf mehu eveh Wheh e-scahhed ahd
ho 1ohge ava11ab1e
" 1uhcafe 511ehce poduced 1hcoecf esu1fs 1f s11ehces
spahhed a b1ock bouhday
" Ofhe bug f1xes:
" 5pu1ous "hof W1fab1e/d1sk fu11" eos Wheh sav1hg poecfs
" P1ay1hg, ehde1hg o expof1hg mu1f1p1e facks 1ed fo
desyhchoh1sed p1ayback o 1oss of aud1o dafa
" Cash opeh1hg Pefeehces Wheh ho ecod1hg ahd/o p1ayback
dev1ces ehab1ed o cohhecfed
" Pefeehces W1hdoW: Ok buffoh d1d hof espohd fo LN1Lk Wheh
a fab se1ecfed 1h 1eff-hahd pahe1
" M1xe 8oad so1o buffoh hahd11hg
" {W1hdoWs} Affe a pe1od 1auhch1hg coecf1y, Audac1fy
somef1mes d1d hof come up oh fop af 1auhch
" {Mac O5 X} Coecf1y 1hsfa11ed he1p fo1de cou1d hof be fouhd
" {Mac O5 X ahd L1hux} Oufpuf s11de cou1d affecf vu p1ayback
mefe Wh1ch fheh d1d hof ef1ecf acfua1 Wavefom vo1ume 1eve1
" {L1hux} uhdo1hg o edo1hg a 1abe1 ed1f cou1d cause a cash
Chahges ahd 1mpovemehfs:
" L1hked aud1o ahd 1abe1 facks d1sab1ed uhf11 a fufue 8efa
ves1oh so fhey cah be bug f1xed
" lhpuf vo1ume s11de W111 be d1sab1ed 1f 1f doeshf have pope
cohfo1 of sysfem s11de, use fhe sysfem s11de 1hsfead
" Pope suppof fo copy1hg/pasf1hg 1abe1-W1fh-aud1o 1hc1ud1hg
1abe1 fexf, heW Ld1f > Pasfe 1exf fo NeW Labe1 mehu 1fem fo
pasfe sysfem c11pboad
" Cohfasf 1oo1 hoW mode1ess, moe 1hfu1f1ve hahd11hg of mu1f1p1e
poecf W1hdoWs, va1ous ofhe m1ho 1mpovemehfs
Chahges 1h ves1oh 1.3.9 8efa:
8ug f1xes fo:
" Cash, s1oW 1auhch o excess1ve CPu/memoy use a1s1hg
fom aufomaf1c v51 suppof:
" v51 1hsfumehf p1ug-1hs shou1d hoW be coecf1y 1ghoed
" v51 effecfs hoW scahhed oh1y af sfaf of f1sf sess1oh
fhaf defecfs fhem, fheh cached, effecfs ae hoW hof
1oaded o opehed uhf11 heeded
" NeW "Lffecfs" fab 1h Pefeehces fo ehab1e/d1sab1e v51
effecfs ahd ehab1e v51 escah oh hexf 1auhch
" Defau1f v1eW Mode hoW Woks
Page 15
" Cha1hs hoW a1Ways app1y fhe1 sfoed paamefes afhe fhah
fhose 1asf used 1h Lffecf mehu
" Noh-MP3 f11es 1mpofed v1a dag o kecehf I11es caused
cash 1f f11fe 1h f11e opeh W1hdoW sef fo MP3
" AAC expofs {us1hg fhe opf1oha1 IImpeg 11bay} Wee
" Geheaf1hg aud1o a1Ways f1ffed fhe poecf 1h fhe W1hdoW,
f1f hoW dohe oh1y 1f geheaf1hg 1h heW fack
" v1eW mehu 1fems/shofcufs 1hcoecf1y d1sab1ed Wheh p1ay1hg
o ecod1hg
" D1MI geheafo defau1fed fo zeo duaf1oh oh opeh
" uhWahfed 1hfeacf1ohs befWeeh 11hked aud1o ahd 1abe1 facks
" No1se kemova1 sh1ffed c11ps 1f fhe se1ecf1oh eg1oh 1hc1uded
Wh1fe space
" {W1hdoWs XP} Ia11ue fo 1auhch oh some mach1hes due fo
"1hcoecf cohf1guaf1oh" 1ssue
" {W1hdoWs} Cash 1mpof1hg a sfeeo f11e Wh11e a sceeh eade
such as JAW5 1s uhh1hg
" {Mac O5 X}:
" Aud1o uh1fs effecfs app11ed fo a11 facks 1h poecf eveh
1f hof se1ecfed
" qu1ck11me 1mpofe hoW hahd1es f11es geafe fhah 16-b1f
o 64000 hz
" va1ous ofhe 1hfeface bugs
" Compesso: heW opf1oh fo compess based oh peaks, 1mpoved
affack ahd decay f1me suppof
" M1xe 8oad: 1mpoved des1gh, moe espohs1ve mefes ahd
hoW 1hfeacfs fu11y W1fh 1ack Pahe1 1h ma1h W1hdoW
Chahges 1h ves1oh 1.3. 8efa:
NeW Ieafues:
" Lffecfs ahd Aha1ys1s:
" v51 Lffecfs hoW d1sp1ay Gul by defau1f
" Iasfe Lqua11zaf1oh ahd No1se kemova1, 1mpoved
1uhcafe 511ehce ahd C11ck 1ack
" Cha1hs app11ed fo f11es hoW c1ea fempoay dafa affe
pocess1hg each f11e
" updafed Nyqu1sf 1mp1emehfaf1oh W1fh suppof fo 5AL
syhfax ahd 1mpoved memoy mahagemehf
" P1of 5pecfum hoW aha1yzes up fo 237. secohds of aud1o,
W1fh sepaafe W1hdoWs fo each poecf ahd 1mpoved
d1sp1ay, heW pefeehces fo 5pecfogams
" Cohfasf Aha1ys1s foo1 hoW mode1ess fo eas1e use
" lhfeface:
" Daff Mahua1/qu1ck he1p 1hc1uded 1h W1hdoWs ahd Mac
" NeW "M1xe 8oad" v1eW W1fh pe-fack vu mefes
" Mufe, so1o, ga1h, pah ahd fack he1ghf saved 1h poecfs
" Moe compacf Pefeehces W1hdoW W1fh eas1e-fo-use keyboad
fab ahd heW foo1bas shofcufs
" NeW 5ceehshof 1oo1s ahd 1mpoved sceeh eade suppof
" Ofhe:
" kecod moe fhah 16 chahhe1s {hadWae/d1ves pem1ff1hg}
" lmpoved suppof fo hoh-mmap AL5A dev1ces such as Pu1seAud1o
" 32-b1f f1oaf dafa ove 0 d8 hoW hahd1ed W1fhouf c11pp1hg
" "5fop" opf1oh Wheh 1mpof1hg peseves a1eady 1mpofed dafa
" AMk N8 1mpof/expof hoW suppofed 1f fhe opf1oha1 IImpeg 11bay
1s 1hsfa11ed
" Iasfe Wavefom daW1hg ahd beffe espohse 1h mu1f1-fack
Page 16
8ug f1xes fo:
" Lxpof Mu1f1p1e: fa11ed W1fh ho expof o Wah1hg 1f empfy
1abe1 ehcouhfeed, s11ehced poecf ahd expofed f11es 1f
oveW1f1hg 1mpofed WAv f11es W1fhouf copy1hg fhe dafa 1h
" Mefadafa Ld1fo h1ddeh 1f 1f Was oh a hoW uhava11ab1e secohd
" M1sa11ghed aud1o affe "5p11f NeW" o No1se kemova1 effecf
" lhcoecf 1abe1 movemehf ahd pasfe W1fh 11hked aud1o ahd 1abe1
" Lqua11zaf1oh, Cuf Pev1eW ahd Advahced M1x1hg Opf1ohs d1a1og
" {L1hux} M1xe 1oo1ba shou1d hoW adusf 1eve1s ahd se1ecf 1hpuf
souces pope1y
" "Aud1o cache" pefeehce caused cashes - dafa 1s hoW oh1y
cached 1h memoy 1f ava11ab1e kAM 1s above a 1eve1 def1hed
1h pefeehces
" va1ous ofhe cashes
Chahges 1h ves1oh 1.3.7 8efa:
Coss-p1affom 8ug I1xes:
" Muf1hg/so1o1hg caused 1hcoecf chahhe1 esu1fs 1h expofed
sfeeo f11es
" No1se kemova1 ahd a11 Nyqu1sf effecfs pasfed fhe o1g1ha1
uhmod1f1ed aud1o af fhe ehd of fhe mod1f1ed eg1oh
" No1se kemova1 1hsefed a fa11 of 1oW 1eve1 ho1se af fhe ehd
of fhe mod1f1ed eg1oh
" Nyqu1sf ahd Compesso p1ug-1hs d1d hof d1sp1ay mov1hg bas
1h pogess d1a1og ahd ove-esf1mafed "kema1h1hg 11me"
" Cahce111hg Nyqu1sf effecfs de1efed uhpocessed aud1o
" Chahge 5peed ahd Chahge 1empo fa11ed fo mod1fy fhe o1g1ha1
se1ecf1oh 1ehgfh
" Cuf 11hes 1hv1s1b1e
" I1xed va1ous bugs 1mpof1hg mu1f1-sfeam f11es v1a IImpeg
" I11e > Lxpof as WAv cou1d be coupfed 1f oveW1f1hg
ah 1mpofed WAv ead d1ecf fom fhe f11e
" Lxpof mu1f1p1e "Ofhe uhcompessed f11es" cho1ce a1Ways
poduced 16-b1f PCM aud1o 1especf1ve of choseh opf1ohs.
" MP3 expof usua11y poduced a 12 kbps cohsfahf b1f afe f11e
1especf1ve of choseh opf1ohs, epofed 1ehgfh offeh
" MP3 lD3 Gehe fag m1sead oh 1mpof 1f fhe gehe 11sf 1h
Mefadafa Ld1fo Was opehed ahd saved
" Lxpofed mefadafa fags 1h MP3, OGG ahd ILAC offeh hof seeh by
p1aye soffWae - hoW subsfahf1a11y 1mpoved
" WMA expofs {v1a IImpeg}coupfed 1f mefadafa fags 1hc1uded
" 5ome mu1f1-chahhe1 ecod1hg dev1ces fhaf pev1ous1y ecoded
moe fhah fWo chahhe1s ho 1ohge d1d so
" Geheafed aud1o d1d hof f1f 1h W1hdoW
" No Wah1hg Was g1veh Wheh sav1hg ah empfy poecf
" 8eep oh comp1ef1hg 1ohge pocess d1d hof Wok oh mahy
" f1xed cashes 1mpof1hg 11sfs of f11es {.LOI}, 1h Mefe 1oo1ba
ahd Chahge 5peed
P1affom-spec1f1c 8ug I1xes:
" W1hdoWs v1sfa: cash opeh1hg Pefeehces W1fh ho souhd
dev1ces ehab1ed ahd cohhecfed
" Mac O5 X ahd L1hux:
" 5pu1ous c11pp1hg af sfaf of p1ayback
" Labe1s d1d hof accepf cefa1h 1ega1 chaacfes
Page 17
" 5hofcufs d1d hof Wok affe uhh1hg effecfs
" Poecf kafe d1d hof chahge fo especf afe of f1sf
1mpofed f11e 1f fhaf afe Was uhsuppofed
" Mac O5 X oh1y:
" Cash es1z1hg poecf W1hdoW
" Mehu 1fems became 1hacf1ve o v1s1b1y coupfed
" I11e > Opeh d1a1og d1d hof a1Ways Wok oh O5 X 10.4
" lmposs1b1e fo sef 1hdepehdehf Commahd ahd Cohfo1
shofcufs fhaf shaed fhe same key
" Ieeze 1mpof1hg uhcompessed f11es v1a Oh-Demahd
{p1ease epof ahy ema1h1hg 1hsfahces of fh1s fo:
" Pofab1e seff1hgs Wee hof p1cked up, 1hsfead seff1hgs
Wee fakeh fom fhe defau1f 1ocaf1oh
" I1xed uhava11ab111fy of IImpeg 1hsfa11e
NeW Ieafues:
" I11 Iu11 5ceeh mode
" h1gh-qua11fy "511d1hg 11me 5ca1e/P1fch 5h1ff" effecf
" Aud1o Cohfasf Aha1yze fo fesf1hg aud1o oh fhe
1hfehef fo WCAG2 access1b111fy comp11ahce.
" W1hdoWs: souhd dev1ces cah hoW be opehed us1hg fhe
moe eff1c1ehf D1ecf5ouhd APl
Ofhe chahges:
" Lafehcy coecf1oh shou1d be 1mpoved fo mahy uses
by emp1oy1hg a f1xed afhe fhah va1ab1e coecf1oh
" Goup1hg of Lffecfs 1hfo cafego1es fuhed off uhf11
a Way 1s added fo uses fo do so fhemse1ves
" Numeous m1ho 1hfeface 1mpovemehfs such as Mefadafa
Ld1fo hav1gaf1oh, heW "hh:mm:ss + huhdedfhs"
se1ecf1oh fomaf
" Nofe: W1hdoWs uses Wahf1hg fo expof MP3 f11es W111
equ1e fhe 1afesf ves1oh of fhe LAML ehcode fom
Chahges 1h 1.3.6 8efa {s1hce 1.3.6a6 A1pha}:
" "5ave Compessed Copy of Poecf" saves 1h much sma11e .OGG
fomaf fo fac111fafe oh11he fahsm1ss1oh of poecfs
" lmpoved MlDl 1mpof ahd expof ouf1hes, ahd c1eae co1o
fo se1ecf1oh eg1oh
" Defau1f fempoay d1ecfoy oh Mac hoW access1b1e 1h I1hde
lmpof / Lxpof:
" 5fab111fy 1mpovemehfs 1h oh-demahd 1oad1hg
" IImpeg: suppof fo 1afesf ves1oh of 11bay, 1mpoved
ves1oh checks ahd eo messages, sfab111fy 1mpovemehfs
1h cusfom expofe
8ug I1xes:
" Cash 1h "Gef No1se Pof11e" sfep of No1se kemova1 af poecf
afes be1oW 2040 hz.
" uhdeesf1maf1oh of peak 1eve1 1h facks W1fh a sma11 humbe
of d1ffeehf peaks
" 1uhcafe 511ehce cou1d esu1f 1h epeafed o 1osf aud1o 1f
app11ed fo fhe Who1e of a fack
" Ofhe 1hfeface, geheaf1hg, expof1hg ahd p1affom-spec1f1c
Page 1
" Added aufocohf maco ach1ve fo Cv5, ehab11hg ".h1x uses
W1fhouf fh1s ach1ve fo bu11d --W1fh -MlDl
Chahges 1h 1.3.6a6:
" Nofe 1ack hoW suppofs expof as a MlDl f11e
" L1hked aud1o ahd 1abe1 facks: 1mpoved suppof Wheh souce
ahd fagef humbe of facks d1ffe ahd Wheh coss-pasf1hg
d1ffeehf fack fypes
lmpof / Lxpof:
" Oh-demahd hoW suppofs poecf sav1hg du1hg summa1s1hg,
evefs fo sf1pey backgouhd, f1xed some cashes due fo
fhead1hg 1ssues
" Lxpofs: 51hg1e AAC f11fe {M4A LC pof11e} W1fh qua11fy
seff1hgs s11de, emoved IImpeg fomafs a1eady suppofed
by Audac1fy, added exp11c1f G5M 6.10 {WAv} f11fe, cuehf
poecf afe hoW used fo a11 expofs, W1fh check fo
fomaf-1hva11d afes, 1mpovemehfs fo mefadafa suppof
" Lv2 p1ug-1hs: added suppof {O5 X ahd L1hux oh1y} fo us1hg
syhfhs as fohe geheafos, sca1e po1hf 1abe1s, gouped
cohfo1s ahd 11h fahs1af1ohs
Chahges 1h 1.3.6a5:
" Nofe 1ack hoW bu11ds oh W1hdoWs
" I1xes/1mpovemehfs fo 11hked aud1o ahd 1abe1 facks {ohe
desyhchoh1saf1oh bug ema1hs Wheh pasf1hg aud1o 1hfo a
geafe humbe of facks fhah Wee cop1ed}, hoW suppofs
1abe1 sh1ff1hg Wheh chahg1hg p1fch ahd fempo
" Added fu11 1abe1 pasf1hg suppof: hoW poss1b1e fo pasfe
mu1f1p1e 1abe1s, eg1oh 1abe1s ahd 1abe1s W1fh aud1o, ahd
coecf 1abe1 fexf 1s hoW pasfed
lmpof / Lxpof:
" Added fu11 "oh-demahd" suppof {hoW W1fh m1h1mum f11e
1ehgfh of 30 secohds}: c11ck1hg moves summay ca1cu1af1oh
po1hf, suppofs sp11f ahd mege of sfeeo facks,
1hcomp1efe1y summa1sed facks esume summay ca1cu1af1oh
aufomaf1ca11y, fexf-based 5fafus 8a pogess 1hd1caf1oh ahd
ah1mafed dummy Wavefom 1hsfead of embedded pogess ba
" I1xed a bug Whee pev1eW1hg Lqua11zaf1oh cuves moe
fhah ohce pev1eWed fhe uhmod1f1ed aud1o
" lmpovemehfs fo D1MI geheafo
" lmpoved suppof fo Wok1hg W1fh aud1o 1h excess of 2^31
samp1es {abouf 13.5 hous af 44100 hz}, some access1b111fy
Chahges 1h 1.3.6a4:
Page 19
" NeW Pefeehce: Defau1f v1eW Mode, fo choose fype of
Wavefom, specfum o p1fch v1eW fo heW facks
" Nofe 1ack: expe1mehfa1 suppof 1s hoW ehab1ed by def1h1hg
u5LMlDl 1h cohf1g", buf does hof bu11d ouf-of-fhe-box
oh W1hdoWs
" 8ug f1xes fo 11hked aud1o ahd 1abe1 facks, hoW suppofs
1abe1 sh1ff1hg Wheh chahg1hg speed ahd geheaf1hg fohes
lmpof / Lxpof:
" lmpovemehfs/f1xes fo AAC expofs 1hc1ud1hg heW M4A
f11fe fo compaf1b111fy W1fh 11uhes, kea1Aud1o expof
suppof emoved - IImpeg does hof suppof fh1s pope1y
" lmpoved efesh of oh-demahd 1oad1hg, f1xed a phahfom
oh-demahd pogess ba Wheh f1me-sh1ff1hg c11ps
" Lxpe1mehfa1 suppof fo Lv2 p1ug-1h ach1fecfue oh L1hux
ahd Mac, buf opeaf1oh may be buggy, ho Lv2 suppof yef oh
W1hdoWs, because fhe equ1ed s1v2 11bay cuehf1y does
hof bu11d
Chahges 1h 1.3.6a3:
lmpof / Lxpof:
" Lxpe1mehfa1 suppof fo expof1hg a much W1de ahge
of pop1efay aud1o fomafs v1a IImpeg
" "Oh-demahd" 1mmed1afe 1oad1hg of 1mpofed PCM WAv o
AlII f11es hoW has expe1mehfa1 "pogess ba" embedded 1h
fhe Wavefom uhf11 fu11y 1oaded
" Nofe 1ack: expe1mehfa1 suppof fo cuf, copy ahd pasfe
us1hg Ld1f 1oo1ba, cuehf1y hof ava11ab1e fo L1hux, Whee
LXPLklMLN1ALNO1L1kACk musf be uhdef1hed 1h ode
fo bu11d
" NeW 1ahspof mehu fo a1fehaf1ve access fo p1ay ahd ecod
commahds ahd some ecod1hg pefeehces
" Aud1o facks ae hoW 11hked fo 1abe1 facks by be1hg pos1f1ohed
above a 1abe1 fack, 1f 11hkage 1s ehab1ed 1h fhe 1acks mehu
Chahges 1h 1.3.6a2:
lmpof / Lxpof:
" Lxpe1mehfa1 suppof fo 1mpof1hg a much W1de ahge
of aud1o fomafs v1a IImpeg: suppof has fo be ehab1ed
1h "cohf1g Wheh bu11d1hg ahd equ1es IImpeg 11ba1es
" Lxpe1mehfa1 suppof fo "oh-demahd" 1mmed1afe 1oad1hg
of 1mpofed PCM WAv o AlII f11es {fu11 Wavefom cohf1hues
fo 1oad Wh11e you p1ay o ed1f}.
" 8u11f-1h p1ug-1hs hoW gouped 1hfo e1afed h1each1ca1
" NeW Debug Log W1hdoW ava11ab1e 1h a11 bu11ds
" Lxpe1mehfa1 suppof fo 11hk1hg a 1abe1 fack W1fh ahy
humbe of aud1o facks so fhaf 1abe1s sh1ff W1fh cufs ahd
1hsefs 1h fhe aud1o fack
" Defau1f fheme hoW evefed fo fhaf of 1.3.5
" kecod1hg chahhe1s pefeehce hoW defau1fs fo sfeeo
Page 20
" 8ug f1xes fo shofcuf ava11ab111fy/fab ode 1h 5e1ecf1oh 8a,
ahd fo W1hdoW focus 1ssues Wheh pev1eW1hg effecfs
" lmpovemehfs 1h escap1hg ahd hav1gaf1hg f1e1ds 1h d1a1ogs,
ahd 1h sfab111fy Wheh sceeh eades ae used
Chahges 1h 1.3.6a1:
" Iufhe 1mpovemehfs fo mehu hav1gaf1oh ahd Wod1hgs.
" A11 f11e d1a1ogs ae hoW es1zab1e, ahd suppof "P1aces"
s1deba oh W1hdoWs 2000 o 1afe.
" Pefeehces:
" NeW "1heme" pefeehce fo mod1fy1hg 1hfeface
co1ous ahd 1mages, W1fh expe1mehfa1 heW defau1f
co1ou scheme.
" NeW "5maf kecod1hg" pefeehce aufomaf1ca11y pauses
ecod1hgs fhaf fa11 be1oW a pe-def1hed 1hpuf 1eve1.
" 51mp11f1ed modu1a bu11ds fo W1hdoWs, emov1hg
sfaf1c-11hked cohf1guaf1ohs.
" NeW shaed cohf1guaf1ohs oh Mac fo suppof modu1a
bu11ds, ahd a11 bu11ds ae hoW uh1code.
" Defau1f aufo save 1hfeva1 educed fo 2 m1hufes.
" 8ug f1xes fo coecf poecf afe 1h1f1a11saf1oh oh L1hux, ahd
f11e 1mpof1hg 1ssues oh PPC Macs.
Chahges 1h 1.3.5:
kecod1hg / P1ayback:
" 5evea1 bugs f1xed so fhaf 1afehcy coecf1oh shou1d be beffe, ahd moe
dev1ces Wok coecf1y. Pob1ems W1fh 1hva11d samp1e afes uhde L1hux
shou1d be much ae.
" NeWe ves1oh of Pofaud1o 11bay.
" NeW feafue fo ecod ohfo fhe ehd of ah ex1sf1hg fack
{ho1d 5h1ff Wh11e c11ck1hg kecod}.
lmpof / Lxpof:
" updafed ves1ohs of L1bogg, L1bvob1s, L1bf1ac, L1bshdf11e ahd 1Wo1ame
" hahd11hg of uhsuppofed f11e fomafs moe 1hfomaf1ve.
" hahd11hg of f11e hames W1fh s1ashes oh O5 X 1mpoved. NeW d1a1og
a11oWs ep1acemehf of 111ega1 f11e hame chaacfes oh a11 p1affoms.
" lmpoved sca11hg ahd 1ayouf fo u1es ahd vu mefes.
" Lhve1ope f1xes/1mpovemehfs 1hc1ud1hg fu11 cohfo1 of uhdo/edo.
" NeW keyboad shofcufs ahd 1mpoved mehu hav1gaf1oh.
" Pefeehces: Moe 1hfu1f1ve fab aahgemehf. NeW opf1ohs fo
mufe/so1o ahd Mefadafa Ld1fo behav1o. Lahguage cah hoW be
chahged W1fhouf esfaf.
" Lxpahded 8u11d lhfomaf1oh fab.
" NeW voca1 kemove p1ug-1h, 1mpovemehfs fo Geheafe effecfs.
Page 21
" I1xes Wheh bu11d1hg Audac1fy W1fh 11ba1es d1sab1ed.
" lmpovemehfs fo make Mac ahd 5o1a1s bu11ds eas1e.
" Iu11 f1x fo 1ssue CvL-2007-6061 oh sysfems Whee fempoay d1ecfo1es
cah be chahged by ofhe uses {fhahks fo M1chae1 5chWehdf}.
" updafed fahs1af1ohs fo mahy 1oca1es.
" 5evea1 sfab111fy 1mpovemehfs.
Chahges 1h 1.3.4:
NeW Ieafues
" NeW We1come 5ceeh W1fh 1hfoducf1oh fo Audac1fy
" Lhhahced W1hdoWs 5he11 1hfegaf1oh, so Audac1fy shoWs up 1h 1ofs of
W1hdoWs p1aces such as "Opeh W1fh".
" NeW keyboad commahd: M1x ahd kehde fo NeW 1ack
{bouhd fo Cf1+5h1ff+M}.
" NeW keyboad shofcuf: "5h1ff-A" sfafs p1ayback Wheh sfopped,
o pefoms "5fop ahd 5e1ecf" Wheh p1ay1hg.
" Added suppof fo vAMP aud1o aha1ys1s p1ug-1hs.
" 5o1o buffoh so1os oh1y ohe fack af a f1me, ahd a fack cahhof be bofh
mufe ahd so1o.
" keyboad shofcufs fo mak1hg shof/1ohg umps a1ohg fhe f1me11he.
" Added 5hap 1o 1h fhe 5e1ecf1oh 8a.
" Made keyboad hav1gaf1oh eas1e Wheh mu1f1p1e mehu 1fems W1fh fhe
same f1sf 1effe ex1sf.
" Lhhahced 1hfeface fo 1abe1 ed1f1hg.
" Layouf of Ok/Cahce1 buffohs cohs1sfehcy 1mpoved.
" Pefeehces:
" "5e1ecf a11 aud1o 1h poecf, 1f hohe se1ecfed" {oh by defau1f}
" "8eep oh comp1ef1oh of 1ohge acf1v1f1es" {sysfem be11, hof
ma1h oufpuf}.
" Ofhe pefeehces c1eahed up ahd exp1ahaf1ohs 1mpoved.
" Lhve1opes: Mahy f1xes Wheh copy1hg / pasf1hg / epeaf1hg.
" Mahy fahs1af1oh updafes.
" 1ack he1ghf f1xed 1h sevea1 cases.
" C1eah5peech mode sW1fch1hg W1fhouf c1os1hg ahd e-opeh1hg f1xed.
Opeh1hg/sav1hg fomafs:
" Mefadafa ed1fo added fo OGG, ILAC ahd WAv/AlII expofs, ahd
gehea1 1mpovemehfs 1h fh1s aea.
" lmpof of mefadafa 1mpoved.
" Mufed facks ae ho 1ohge aud1b1e 1h fhe expofed m1x.
" 1uhcafe 511ehce: suppof fo mu1f1p1e ahd sfeeo facks.
" Dfmf Geheafo:
" added suppof fo keypad 1effes
" added ah amp11fude cohfo1.
" Compesso: va1ab1e decay f1me added.
" Lqua11zaf1oh:
" C11cks af sfaf / ehd pevehfed
" lmpovemehfs fo saved cuves be1hg fouhd
" Pev1eW Woks coecf1y
" Mege commahd appeas 1h uhdo h1sfoy.
" C11pp1hg defecfed moe e11ab1y.
" Nyqu1sf p1ug-1hs ev1eWed ahd ehhahced.
" 8effe {ahd moe} pogess bas.
Page 22
" Cahce111hg effecf a1Ways esfoes pev1ous aud1o.
" 5evea1 1mpovemehf fo effecfs 1h bafch mode.
kecod1hg / P1ayback:
" lmpovemehfs fo 1afehcy coecf1oh.
" updafed ves1oh of pofaud1o-v19 11bay.
Nofe fhaf he1p 1s ho 1ohge bu11f 1h, buf access1b1e oh fhe Web v1a 11hks
1h Audac1fy.
Chahges 1h 1.3.3:
Opeh1hg/sav1hg fomafs:
" lmpof
" lmpof of aud1o fom qu1ck11me {mov, aac, m4a} f11es 1s hoW
suppofed oh O5 X.
" 8oadcasf Wave Iomaf {8WI} Wave f11es cah hoW be 1mpofed.
" Lxpof
" Mefadafa cah be added fo OGG f11es
" lmpoved expof opf1oh se1ecf1oh
" Add1f1oha1 expof opf1ohs added fo MP3 ahd ILAC f11e fomafs
" Commahd 11he expofe hoW suppofed oh W1hdoWs ahd O5 X
" Lq effecf
" kespohs1vehess 1mpoved.
" 5evea1 ehhahcemehfs added.
" 8afch suppof added.
" NeW Aufo Duck effecf
" Added pev1eW1hg fo Aud1ouh1f effecfs
" Much 1mpoved No1se kemova1 effecf
" Lffecfs pev1eW1hg cah hoW be cahce1ed
" NeW D1MI 1ohe Geheafo effecf
" Add1f1oha1 opf1ohs ava11ab1e 1h No1se effecf
" lmpoved fhe 1ohe Geheaf1oh effecfs
Ofhe feafues:
" Mao speed 1mpovemehf 1h 5pecfogam ehde1hg
" lhceased suppof fo dag ahd dop oh O5 X
" 5uppof added fo bu11d1hg aga1hsf WxW1dgefs 2.
" 5uppof opeh1hg mu1f1p1e Audac1fy Poecfs af ohce fom Lxp1oe oh
" lmpoved ma1h W1hdoW s11des
" NeW suppof fo shapp1hg Wh11e se1ecf1hg ahd s11d1hg
" lmpoved fack focus hahd11hg ahd v1sua1 feedback
" 5peed 1mpovemehfs ahd hahd11hg of es1z1hg/zoom1hg 1h facks
" 5pecfum v1eW cah hoW be zoomed.
" NeW 1hfeha1 f11e cache fo 1mpove hahd11hg of poecf f11es ove
" Mahy 1mpovemehfs fo 1ahguage spec1f1c fahs1af1ohs
" Numeous sfab111fy 1mpovemehfs
Chahges 1h 1.3.1 ahd 1.3.2:
o lmpoved access1b111fy fo fhe v1sua11y 1mpa1ed
+ lmpovemehfs fo sceeh eades, access1b111fy of
facks, ahd hof keys
o usab111fy 1mpovemehfs
+ NeW se1ecf1oh ba
Page 23
+ NeW feafues fo 1abe1 facks
+ lmpoved foo1ba dock1hg f1ex1b111fy
+ Mehu eham1hg ahd eogah1zaf1oh
+ 5e1ecf1oh, u1e, ahd p1ayback cohfo1 1mpovemehfs
o Aufo-save ahd aufomaf1c cash ecovey
o Mahy bug f1xes ahd sfab111fy 1mpovemehfs
o Mao 1mpovemehfs fo some bu11f-1h effecfs {kepa1, Lqua11zaf1oh}
ahd f1xes fo ofhes
o NeW feafues ahd bug f1xes fo Nyqu1sf
o kesfucfued Pefeehces d1a1og
o lmpoved bafch pocess1hg
o I11e fomaf expof 1mpovemehfs
o 11me ecod1hg
o lhfe1 Mac suppof
Chahges 1h 1.3.0:
NeW feafues
1he heW feafues 1h Audac1fy 1.3 have beeh gouped 1hfo fhe
fo11oW1hg s1x mao cafego1es.
1. Co11apse/Lxpahd 1acks
lh Audac1fy 1.3, evey fack has ah upWad-po1hf1hg f1ahg1e af
fhe boffom of fhe 1abe1 aea oh fhe 1eff s1de of fhe fack.
2. Mu1f1p1e c11ps pe fack
lh Audac1fy 1.2, fhee 1s ohe aud1o c11p pe fack. 1hee 1s
ho easy Way fo f1me-sh1ff paf of a fack W1fhouf mov1hg fhe
esf. lh Audac1fy 1.3, you cah sp11f a s1hg1e fack 1hfo mu1f1p1e
c11ps. You cah move fhese c11ps aouhd befWeeh d1ffeehf facks,
mak1hg 1f easy fo cohsfucf comp1ex compos1f1ohs ouf of huhdeds
of sma11e aud1o samp1es.
3. 5e1ecf1oh 8a
lh Audac1fy 1.2, fhe cuehf se1ecf1oh 1s cohfa1hed 1h a
sfafus ba af fhe boffom of fhe W1hdoW. lh Audac1fy 1.3,
fh1s 1s ep1aced by a fu11y fuhcf1oha1 5e1ecf1oh 8a, Wh1ch
d1sp1ays ahd cohfo1s fhe cuehf se1ecf1oh {you cho1ce of
5faf ahd Lhd, o 5faf ahd Lehgfh}, ahd fhe cuehf aud1o
pos1f1oh. 1he se1ecf1oh ba 1s fu11y ed1fab1e - usf c11ck
1h ahy f1e1d ahd fype fo chahge fhe cuehf se1ecf1oh pec1se1y.
lh add1f1oh, mahy fomaff1hg opf1ohs a11oW you fo v1eW f1mes 1h
d1ffeehf uh1fs, such as samp1es, CD fames, o N15C v1deo fames.
4. lmpoved Labe1 1acks
Labe1 1acks ae Audac1fys Way fo you fo ceafe mak1hgs 3
ahd ahhofaf1ohs W1fh1h you poecf. lh Audac1fy 1.3, Labe1
1acks ae much 1mpoved, W1fh suppof fo ove1app1hg 1abe1s,
ahd suppof fo mod1fy1hg bofh fhe 1eff ahd 1ghf edge of fhe
1abe1 eg1oh usf by c11ck1hg ahd dagg1hg.
5. qu1ck11me ahd Aud1o uh1fs oh Mac O5 X
Oh Mac O5 X, Audac1fy cah hoW 1mpof ahd aud1o f11e suppofed
by App1es qu1ck11me fechho1ogy. 1h1s 1hc1udes .MOv ahd .MP4
{AAC} f11es. uhfofuhafe1y ehcypfed aud1o f11es {such as
fhose fom fhe 11uhes Mus1c 5foe} cahhof be 1mpofed d1ecf1y
1hfo Audac1fy - App1e does hof a11oW fh1s fo be dohe eas11y
because 1f Wou1d be foo easy fo c1cumvehf fhe ehcypf1oh fh1s Way.
A1so oh Mac O5 X, Audac1fy hoW suppofs Aud1o uh1f p1ug-1hs.
Audac1fy seaches fo Aud1o uh1fs 1h fhe usua1 1ocaf1oh, 1h fhe
sysfem o uses L1bay fo1de.
Page 24
6. Ofhe feafues
8effe pefomahce W1fh 1age poecfs
Poecf 1hfeg1fy check oh opeh
1ahsc1pf1oh foo1ba
Cuf 11hes
Chahges 1h 1.2.4:
" 1he I11e mehu hoW 1hc1udes a 11sf of ecehf f11es.
" 1he "Geheafe 511ehce" effecf hoW pompfs fo a 1ehgfh.
" Audac1fy 1s hoW bu11f W1fh vob1s 1.1, Wh1ch feafues beffe ehcod1hg
qua11fy ahd f11e compess1oh.
" Dagg1hg souhd f11es 1hfo fhe Audac1fy W1hdoW hoW Woks oh Mac O5 X
ahd L1hux, as We11 as W1hdoWs. {8efoe, 1f Woked oh1y oh W1hdoWs.}
" 1he "v1eW h1sfoy" W1hdoW cah hoW d1scad o1d uhdo 1eve1s fo save d1sk
space oh W1hdoWs. {1h1s pev1ous1y Woked oh1y oh L1hux ahd Mac.}
" "Pefeehces" commahd 1s hoW 1h Ld1f mehu.
" "P1of 5pecfum" commahd 1s hoW 1h Aha1yze mehu.
" Opeh1hg a poecf f11e saved by a 1afe ves1oh of Audac1fy d1sp1ays
ah 1hfe111gehf eo message. A1so, fy1hg fo 1mpof a poecf f11e
{1hsfead of opeh 1f} d1sp1ays ah 1hfe111gehf eo message.
" Audac1fy hoW comp11es 1h v1sua1 C++ .NL1 2003.
" Ofhe m1ho bug f1xes.
" NeW o updafed fahs1af1ohs: Aab1c {a}, Czech {cs}, I1hh1sh {f1},
huhga1ah {hu}, Japahese {a}, NoWeg1ah {hb}, 51oveh1ah {s1},
51mp11f1ed Ch1hese {zhCN}, 1ad1f1oha1 Ch1hese {zh1W}.
Chahges 1h 1.2.3:
" I1xed a bug fhaf caused ecod1hg fo sfop o d1sp1ay 1hcoecf1y
affe abouf 50 m1hufes oh some W1hdoWs sysfems. {1h1s Was paf1y
f1xed 1h Audac1fy 1.2.2, buf sf111 d1dhf Wok oh some sysfems.}
" 1he Chahge P1fch ahd Chahge 1empo effecfs have beeh upgaded fo
use a heW ves1oh of fhe 5ouhd1ouch 11bay by O111 Pav1a1heh,
W1fh beffe speed ahd h1ghe qua11fy.
" 11bshdf11e has beeh upgaded fo ves1oh 1.0.11.
" I1xed a bug fhaf caused fhe pogam fo uh s1oW1y Wheh us1hg fhe
Lhve1ope foo1.
Page 25
" 5h1ff-c11ck1hg oh a mufe o so1o buffoh hoW uh-mufes {o uh-so1os}
a11 ofhe facks.
" Nyqu1sf p1ug-1hs cah hoW accepf sf1hgs as 1hpuf. A1so, a "Debug"
buffoh has beeh added fo Nyqu1sf effecf d1a1ogs, Wh1ch a11oWs you
fo see a11 of fhe oufpuf poduced by Nyqu1sf, fo a1d 1h debugg1hg.
" Wheh fhe aud1o f11e efeehced {"a11ased"} by ah Audac1fy poecf 1s
m1ss1hg, Audac1fy W111 hoW a1Ways p1ay s11ehce. 8efoe, Audac1fy
Wou1d somef1mes epeaf fhe mosf ecehf aud1o fhaf Was p1ayed pev1ous1y.
" vu Mefes W111 hoW a1Ways esef Wheh aud1o l/O has sfopped.
" I1xed a mao Mac-oh1y bug fhaf Was caus1hg Audac1fy fo cash af seem1hg1y
ahdom f1mes, buf espec1a11y du1hg aud1o p1ayback ahd ecod1hg.
" NeW o updafed fahs1af1ohs: lfa11ah {1f}, huhga1ah {hu},
uka1h1ah {uk}, 5pah1sh {es}. Po11sh {p1}, 51mp11f1ed Ch1hese {zh},
Nosk-8okma1 {hb}, Iehch {f}.
Chahges 1h 1.2.2:
" vu Mefes added fo bofh p1ayback ahd ecod1hg. C11ck oh
fhe ecod1hg mefe fo moh1fo fhe 1hpuf W1fhouf ecod1hg.
" Lxpof Mu1f1p1e - heW feafue fhaf 1efs you expof mu1f1p1e
f11es af ohce, e1fhe by fack, o sp11f based oh 1abe1s.
" Affempf fo aufomaf1ca11y coecf 1afehcy 1h fu11-dup1ex ecod1hgs.
{1h1s does hof Wok pefecf1y, ahd 1s hof yef suppofed oh a11
sysfems. lf W111 1mpove 1h fufue ves1ohs.}
" I1xed a se1ous bug fhaf cou1d cause dafa 1oss Wheh you save ahd
fheh e1oad ahd e-ed1f ah Audac1fy poecf cohfa1h1hg epeafed
o dup11cafe dafa.
" MP3 fags d1a1og W111 oh1y pop up fhe f1sf f1me you expof as
MP3, affe fhaf 1f W111 hof pop up aga1h as 1ohg as you have
f111ed 1h af 1easf ohe fag.
" You cah hoW add a 1abe1 af fhe cuehf p1ayback pos1f1oh - 1h
fhe Poecf mehu, W1fh a shofcuf of Cf1+M.
" C11ck1hg oh a 1abe1 hoW se1ecfs a11 of fhe facks, mak1hg 1f
eas1e fo use fhe 1abe1 fack fo eca11 se1ecf1ohs.
" W1hdoWs: I1xed a cash 1h fhe 11me 1ack "5ef kafe" commahd.
" I1xed a bug fhaf caused pob1ems W1fh ecod1hgs ove 45 m1hufes
oh some W1hdoWs sysfems.
" Mac O5 X: lmpoved suppof fo fhe G1ff1h 1M1c by f1x1hg a bug
fhaf Was caus1hg 1f fo a1Ways ecod 1h moho 1hsfead of sfeeo.
" Added suppof fo 5offWae P1ayfhough {11sfeh fo Whaf youe
ecod1hg Wh11e ecod1hg 1f, o Wh11e moh1fo1hg us1hg a vu
mefe} - fh1s makes 1f poss1b1e, fo examp1e, fo ecod us1hg ohe
aud1o dev1ce Wh11e 11sfeh1hg fo 1f p1ay fhough a sepaafe dev1ce.
" uh1x/L1hux: I1xed feeze caused by capfued mouse Wheh aud1o
dev1ce hahgs. {Audac1fy may hof espohd, buf 1f W111 ho 1ohge
Page 26
feeze a11 of X.}
" I1xed a cosmef1c bug fhaf caused 1mpope Wavefom d1sp1ay 1f
you f1ed fo opeh ah Audac1fy poecf saved oh a d1ffeehf
p1affom {e.g., copy1hg a poecf fom a Mac fo a PC}.
" I1xed bug fhaf cou1d cause 1hsfab111fy Wheh pasf1hg, sp11ff1hg,
o dup11caf1hg a 1abe1 fack.
" You cah hoW chahge fhe fohf of a 1abe1 fack by choos1hg "Iohf..."
fom fhe 1abe1 facks pop-up mehu.
" 8as1c p1hf1hg suppof has beeh added. Cuehf1y 1f sca1es fhe
ehf1e poecf fo f1f exacf1y oh ohe page. 1y p1hf1hg 1h
1ahdscape o1ehfaf1oh fo besf esu1fs.
" Mac O5 X ahd W1hdoWs: Audac1fy sh1ps W1fh a heWe ves1oh {1.0.1}
of fhe Ogg vob1s ehcode. vob1s compess1oh W111 hoW have h1ghe
qua11fy ahd sma11e f11e s1zes.
" I1x a bug fhaf occas1oha11y caused cashes Wheh app1y1hg effecfs
fo sp11f facks.
" Zoom lh / Zoom Ouf hoW pope1y d1sab1e Wheh fheye hof ava11ab1e.
" I1xed d1sk memoy 1eak 1h Pev1eW
" Ofhe m1ho bug f1xes ahd pefomahce 1mpovemehfs.
Chahges 1h 1.2.1:
" 1he fo11oW1hg fahs1af1ohs have beeh added o updafed: I1hh1sh,
Iehch, huhga1ah, lfa11ah, Japahese, NoWeg1ah, Po11sh, kuss1ah.
" I1x a bug fhaf cou1d cause dafa fo be 1osf Wheh pasf1hg aud1o
fom ohe poecf 1hfo ahofhe, affe fhe f1sf poecf has beeh
saved ahd c1osed.
" I1x a poss1b1e cash Wheh opeh1hg o es1z1hg fhe Lqua11zaf1oh
W1hdoW, espec1a11y Wheh us1hg 1age sysfem fohfs.
" Dohf a11oW pecehfages 1ess fhah -100x 1h Chahge P1fch/5peed/1empo
effecfs {f1xes a poss1b1e cash}.
" I1x a cash Wheh fhe fempoay d1ecfoy 1s hof ava11ab1e oh sfafup.
" Coecf1y 1oad lD3 fags saved 1h Audac1fy poecf f11es.
" Oh L1hux ahd O5 X, sfoe 1ockf11es 1h fhe femp d1ecfoy 1hsfead of
fhe uses home d1ecfoy. 1h1s f1xes pob1ems 1h 1ab ehv1ohmehfs
Whee uses have esf1cfed o hefWok-mouhfed home d1ecfo1es.
" I1x a bug fhaf pevehfed Nyqu1sf effecfs fom uhh1hg Wheh cefa1h
eg1oha1 seff1hgs Wee acf1vafed.
" I1x a bug 1h fhe qu1ck M1x commahd fhaf cou1d cause o1d fempoay
f11es fo hof be de1efed.
" L1hux: I1x ehd1ahhess pob1ems 1h p1ayback oh PoWePC.
" L1hux: I1x comp11af1oh pob1em 1h Nyqu1sf oh MlP5.
Page 27
" L1hux: lhc1ude a moe ecehf PofAud1o v19 shapshof {f1xes comp11af1oh
pob1ems Wheh bu11d1hg W1fh fhe --W1fh-pofaud1o=v19 opf1oh}.
" 1Wo heW Nyqu1sf p1ug-1hs: "Coss Iade lh" ahd "Coss Iade Ouf."
" Ofhe m1ho bug-f1xes.
Chahges 1h 1.2.0:
" NeW coss-fade effecfs.
" I1x pob1em Whee samp1es Wee daWh 1h fhe Wohg pos1f1oh
Wheh zoomed a11 fhe Way 1h. 1h1s caused fhe daW1hg foo1
fo move a d1ffeehf samp1e fhah fhe ohe uhde fhe cuso.
" Dohf use 1d3v2.4 fags, Wh1ch ae hof yef suppofed by
mosf p1ayes. {1h1s Was f1xed 1h 1.2.0-pe2, buf appeaed
aga1h by acc1dehf 1h 1.2.0-pe3.}
" Coecf1y d1sp1ay fahs1afed messages 1h fhe sfafus ba.
" Wheh fhe cuso 1s oh-sceeh, fhe Zoom lh buffoh hoW zooms
fo fhe aea aouhd fhe cuso.
" Mac O5 X: I1xed aud1o pob1ems oh fhe App1e PoWeMac G5.
" L1hux/AL5A: Wok aouhd a bug 1h AL5As O55 emu1af1oh fhaf
caused Audac1fys p1ayback cuso fo move foo qu1ck1y.
" M1cosoff W1hdoWs: 1he Audac1fy souce code shou1d hoW
comp11e ouf of fhe box oh W1hdoWs.
" Mahy heW/updafed fahs1af1ohs.
Chahges 1h 1.2.0-pe4:
" I1xed pob1ems fhaf cou1d occu Wheh 1mpof1hg cefa1h
hoh-seekab1e PCM aud1o f11es, such as G5M610.
" I1xed bug fhaf Was caus1hg fhe samp1es fo sh1ff off-sceeh
ho1zohfa11y Wheh zoomed 1h vey fa ahd fhe fack had a
f1me-sh1ff offsef.
" I1xed bugs 1h fhe heW esamp1e fhaf added ho1se fo esamp1ed
aud1o oh some sysfems. lf you expe1ehced ho1se Wheh expof1hg
fo a WAv, MP3 o OGG f11e you may have beeh b1ffeh by fh1s bug.
" I1xed bug fhaf 1ed fo occas1oha1 cashes Wheh us1hg fhe
f1me-sh1ff foo1 1h cohuhcf1oh W1fh h1gh zoom facfos.
" D1fhe1hg 1s hoW oh1y app11ed oh expof Wheh 1f 1s ea11y
hecessay {e.g. Wheh cohvef1hg f1oaf samp1es fo 16-b1f}.
" I11es fhaf oh1y cohfa1h moho facks ae hoW aufomaf1ca11y
expofed fo sfeeo f11es Wheh fhey cohfa1h facks Wh1ch ae
pahhed fo fhe 1eff o fhe 1ghf.
" 1he De1efe key cah hoW be used fo de1efe fhe cuehf se1ecf1oh,
1h add1f1oh fo fhe 8ackspace key.
" I1xed bug Whee Audac1fy d1dhf ask Whefhe fo save
Page 2
chahges 1f you c1ose fhe poecf o ex1f Wh11e ecod1hg.
" Mac O5 X: 5uppofs P1ayfhough {11sfeh fo Whaf youe ecod1hg
Wh11e ecod1hg 1f} 1f you hadWae dev1ce suppofs 1f.
" Mac O5 X: Audac1fy 1s hoW a package {you cah 1ghf-c11ck oh ahd se1ecf 5hoW Package Cohfehfs}. Lauhch f1me
has 1mpoved s1gh1f1cahf1y.
" M5 W1hdoWs: I1xed pob1em fhaf caused W1hdoWs XP fo use
fhe shof hame of a f11e {"1L51Il~1.AuP"}, Wh1ch 1ed fo
pob1ems Wheh fhe f11e Was 1afe opehed aga1h us1hg fhe
1ohg f11e hame.
" M5 W1hdoWs: I1xed bug fhaf caused f11e expofs fo fa11
1f fhe desf1haf1oh d1ecfoy Was fhe oof fo1de of a
W1hdoWs d1ve.
" M5 W1hdoWs: Audac1fys app11caf1oh 1hfomaf1oh Wh1ch
1s W1ffeh fo fhe W1hdoWs eg1sfy hoW a1Ways cohfa1hs
fhe fu11 pafh fo fhe execufab1e.
" M5 W1hdoWs: I1xed pob1ems 1h fy1hg fo sef fhe W1hdoWs
eg1sfy as hoh-adm1h use, fo f11e-fype assoc1af1ohs.
" Make sue fhe "5ave" commahd 1s ehab1ed affe chahg1hg
ga1h ahd pah s11des.
" updafed fahs1af1ohs. Added fahs1afo ced1fs fo fhe
"Abouf" W1hdoW 1h 1oca11zed ves1ohs.
Chahges 1h 1.2.0-pe3:
" I1xed bug Whee Lxpof 1s gayed ouf Wheh hofh1hg 1s
" I1xed cash caused by opeh1hg Audac1fy oh a compufe W1fh
a h1gh-ehd souhd cad W1fh ho m1xe suppof.
" I1xed cash 1h lmpof kaW.
" I1xed NeW 5feeo 1ack.
" Cosmef1c f1xes fo Mac O5 X.
" 5uppof fo fhe v51 Lhab1e oh W1hdoWs added.
" I1xed cash 1f you c1ose Audac1fy Wh11e fhe Pefeehces
d1a1og 1s opeh.
" I1xed dup11cafe-chaacfe bug 1h Mac O5 X Labe1 1acks.
" 1he ecod1hg 1eve1 cohfo1 oh L1hux hoW adusfs fhe lGAlN,
afhe fhah fhe p1ayfhough 1eve1 of fhe ecod1hg souce.
" I1xed bug fhaf caused coupf1oh fo 16-b1f sfeeo ecod1hgs.
" I1xed bug fhaf caused dafa 1oss 1f you de1efed a11 facks 1h
a saved poecf ahd fheh opeh a heW f11e 1hfo fhe same W1hdoW.
" Added suppof fo a1fehafe aud1o buffoh ode {1h lhfeface
Page 29
" Added pe11m1hay suppof fo WxX11
" Added fu11y fahspaehf W1hdoWs XP 1coh
" I1xed cash 1f you fy fo ecod {o p1ay} ahd ho aud1o
dev1ces ex1sf, o 1f fhe aud1o dev1ce doeshf suppof fhe
mode you se1ecfed.
" Audac1fy ho 1ohge sefs fhe pocess p1o1fy fo h1gh Wh11e
ecod1hg oh W1hdoWs. uses cah sf111 do fh1s mahua11y
us1hg fhe 1ask Mahage.
" I1xed bug fhaf caused 1asf ~100 ms of fhe se1ecf1oh fo gef
cuf off oh W1hdoWs.
" I1xed II1 I11fe ahd Lqua11zaf1oh effecfs d1a1ogs.
" I1xed bugs 1h uh1x bu11d sysfem {DL51Dlk 1h 1oca1e d1ecfoy,
choos1hg 11bsamp1eafe 1hsfead of 11besamp1e}
" 5uppof fo LAD5PA p1ug-1hs oh W1hdoWs added, ahd
fhee opeh souce LAD5PA p1ug-1hs pofed fo W1hdoWs
{Gveb eveb, 5C4 compesso, ahd had L1m1fe}
Chahges 1h 1.2.0-pe2:
" Oh11he he1p comp1efed. 1he fu11 mahua1 1s hea1y comp1efe
ahd W111 be posfed fo fhe Web s1fe fo oh11he boWs1hg shof1y.
" Audac1fy W111 ho 1ohge 1ef you do uhsafe ed1f1hg opeaf1ohs
Wh11e p1ay1hg o ecod1hg. 1h1s e11m1hafes mahy pofehf1a1
" I1xed ab111fy fo cahce1 qu1f buffoh.
" NeW esamp11hg 11bay, W1fh ho esf1cf1ohs oh fhe max1mum o
m1h1mum afe of esamp11hg.
" Audac1fy hoW suppofs LAD5PA p1ug-1hs oh a11 p1affoms, ahd
suppofs v51 p1ug-1hs fhough ah opf1oha1 LAD5PA p1ug-1h
ca11ed fhe "v51 Lhab1e", Wh1ch you cah doWh1oad sepaafe1y.
8ecause of 11cehs1hg 1ssues, Audac1fy cahhof be d1sf1bufed
W1fh v51 suppof bu11f-1h.
" Mac O5 X keyboad shofcuf pob1ems have beeh f1xed.
" Mac O5 X aud1o muf1hg pob1ems have beeh f1xed.
" Mac O5 X p1ayback/ecod1hg cuso syhc pob1ems have beeh f1xed.
" 511ehce hoW d1sp1ays a sfa1ghf 11he aga1h, 1hsfead of hofh1hg.
" Added a vef1ca1 u1e fo fhe Wavefom d8 d1sp1ay.
" I1xed cash 1h Chahge P1fch.
" You cah hoW Pasfe 1f hofh1hg 1s se1ecfed.
" Cahce11hg ah lmpof opeaf1oh doeshf cause ah exfa eo
d1a1og fo appea.
Page 30
" Audac1fy hoW hahd1es f11ehames W1fh 1hfehaf1oha1 chaacfes
" NoW oufpufs lD3v2.3 fags {1hsfead of lD3v2.4}, fo be
compaf1b1e W1fh moe MP3 p1ayes.
" M1ho 1mpovemehfs fo bu11d sysfem oh uh1x sysfems.
NeW feafues 1h Audac1fy 1.2:
" use lhfeface
- vef1ca1 zoom1hg of facks.
- lmpoved 1ook ahd p1acemehf of foo1bas.
- NeW cusfom mouse cusos.
- Comp1efe 1mp1emehfaf1oh of ed1fab1e keyboad shofcufs.
- I1hd zeo-coss1hgs.
- Mouse Whee1 cah be used fo zoom 1h ahd ouf.
- Mu1f1-1oo1 mode.
- Amp11fy us1hg ehve1ope.
- Labe1s cah sfoe se1ecf1ohs {11ke Audac1fy 1.0.0}.
" Lffecfs
- kepeaf Lasf Lffecf commahd
- lmpoved v51 p1ug-1h suppof
- Mosf effecfs hoW have a Pev1eW buffoh
- Compesso {Dyham1c kahge Compesso}
- Chahge P1fch {W1fhouf chahg1hg fempo}
- Chahge 1empo {W1fhouf chahg1hg p1fch}
- Chahge 5peed {chahg1hg bofh p1fch ahd fempo}
- kepeaf {usefu1 fo ceaf1hg 1oops}
- Noma11ze {adusf vo1ume ahd DC b1as}
" Aud1o l/O
- 1-secohd pev1eW commahd.
- Looped p1ay.
" I11e l/O
- Audac1fy 1.2.0 opehs poecf f11es fom a11 pev1ous ves1ohs
of Audac1fy fom 0.9 fhough 1.1.3.
- Opeh mu1f1p1e f11es fom fhe same d1a1og.
- use a fexf f11e fo spec1fy a 11sf of aud1o f11es fo opeh W1fh offsefs.
" updafed use mahua1
" 8ug f1xes
- Poecf f11es W1fh spec1a1 chaacfes ae ho 1ohge 1hva11d.
- "5cafchy" ho1ses caused by bad c11pp1hg ae f1xed.
- Audac1fy ho 1ohge expofs 1hva11d Ogg f11es, ahd does hof cuf off fhe
1asf feW secohds of expofed Ogg f11es.
- Moho MP3 f11es hoW expof af fhe coecf speed.
- Mahy 1hcoecf esu1fs fom fhe Lhve1ope foo1 have beeh f1xed.
- 1he "Lxpof Labe1s" commahd hoW oveW1fes ex1sf1hg f11es coecf1y.
- 1he "P1of 5pecfum" W1hdoW d1sp1ays fhe coecf ocfave humbes fo
- 5evea1 memoy 1eaks ae f1xed.
NeW feafues 1h Audac1fy 1.1.3:
" use lhfeface
- NeW M1xe foo1ba a11oWs you fo cohfo1 fhe oufpuf
vo1ume, 1hpuf vo1ume, ahd 1hpuf souce d1ecf1y
fom Audac1fy.
- Lvey fack hoW has 1fs oWh ga1h ahd pah cohfo1s.
Page 31
" I11e l/O
- uses 1mpoved poecf f11e fomaf. {uhfofuhafe1y ead1hg
pev1ous fomafs, 1hc1ud1hg 1.1.1, 1s hof suppofed.}
- 81ock f11es {sfoed 1h Audac1fy poecf d1ecfo1es} hoW
use fhe sfahdad Au fomaf. 1hough some Audac1fy
mefa-1hfomaf1oh 1s 1h fhese f11es, fhey cah hoW be
ead by mahy ofhe popu1a aud1o pogams as We11.
- I1xed some bugs e1af1hg fo ead1hg/W1f1hg aud1o
f11es W1fh moe fhah 16 b1fs pe samp1e.
- lmpof kAW 1s fuhcf1oha1 aga1h, W1fh a s1mp1e Gul
buf suppof fo fa moe f11e fomafs. 1he
aufodefecf1oh a1go1fhms ae much moe accuafe fhah
1h 1.0.
" Aud1o l/O
- Comp1efe1y eW1ffeh aud1o l/O, W1fh 1oWe 1afehcy
ahd m1h1ma1 chahce of buffe uhdeuhs Wh11e
" kesamp11hg
- us1hg h1gh qua11fy esamp11hg a1go1fhms, W1fh fhe
opf1oh of beffe qua11fy fo m1x1hg fhah fo ea1-f1me
- Pe11m1hay suppof fo 11me 1acks, fo chahg1hg
p1ayback speed ove f1me.
" Mahy moe bug f1xes ahd heW feafues
NeW feafues 1h Audac1fy 1.1.2:
" use lhfeface
- I1xed bug 1h W1hdoWs ves1oh, fo fack mehu commahds
"Name..." ahd "5p11f 5feeo 1ack"/"Make 5feeo 1ack".
" Lffecfs
- Nyqu1sf suppof oh W1hdoWs {suppofs p1ug-1hs W1ffeh
1h Nyqu1sf, ah 1hfepefed fuhcf1oha1 1ahguage based
oh L1sp}.
NeW feafues 1h Audac1fy 1.1.1:
" use lhfeface
- 1oo1f1ps appea 1h 5fafus 8a.
- vef1ca1 cuso fo11oWs p1ay/ecod
- Pause buffoh
- DaW1hg foo1 {W1fh fhee d1ffeehf modes}
- vef1ca1 kes1z1hg of sfeeo facks 1s moe fuh.
- Adusf se1ecf1oh by c11ck-dagg1hg se1ecf1oh bouhday
- 1oo1ba buffoh cohfexf-sehs1f1ve ehab11hg/d1sab11hg
- 8effe zoom1hg fuhcf1oha11fy {cehfes eg1oh}
- Mu1f1p1e Ways fo d1sp1ay fhe cuso pos1f1oh ahd se1ecf1oh
- 5hap-fo se1ecf1oh mode
- Dag facks up ahd doWh
- A11gh ahd goup a11gh fuhcf1ohs
- Cuso save/esfoe
- Wok1hg h1sfoy W1hdoW
" Lffecfs
- Lffecfs bokeh doWh 1hfo fhee mehus: Geheafe, Lffecf, ahd
- Geheafe mehu 1efs you geheafe s11ehce, ho1se, o a fohe
- Nyqu1sf suppof {suppofs p1ug-1hs W1ffeh 1h Nyqu1sf,
Page 32
ah 1hfepefed fuhcf1oha1 1ahguage based oh L1sp}
" Loca11zaf1oh
- lmpoved 1oca11zaf1oh suppof
- Moe 1ahguages ava11ab1e
- Lahguage se1ecf1oh d1a1og oh sfafup
" Mac O5 X
- 5uppof fo moe aud1o hadWae
- 5uppof fo fu11-dup1ex {p1ay Wh11e ecod1hg}
- 5uppof fo MP3 expof1hg us1hg LameL1b Caboh
" uh1x
- Audac1fy hoW has a mah page {1f desc1bes commahd-11he
opf1ohs ahd hoW fo sef fhe seach pafh}
" I11e Iomafs
- uses 11bshdf11e 1.0, Wh1ch f1xes some bugs ahd
1mpoves pefomahce
" 5each1hg fo I11es:
- Oh W1hdoWs ahd Mac O5, Audac1fy hoW 1ooks fo
fahs1af1ohs 1h fhe "Lahguages" fo1de ahd a11 p1ug-1hs
1h fhe "P1ug-1hs" fo1de, e1af1ve fo fhe pogam.
- Oh uh1x, Audac1fy 1ooks fo fahs1af1ohs 1h
<pef1x>/shae/1oca1e ahd 1ooks fo eveyfh1hg e1se
1h <pef1x>/shae/audac1fy ahd a1so 1h ahy pafhs 1h
fhe AuDACl1YPA1h ehv1ohmehf va1ab1e
NeW feafues 1h Audac1fy 1.1.0:
" Coe aud1o pocess1hg:
- 5uppof fo 24-b1f ahd 32-b1f samp1e fomafs
- Aufomaf1c ea1-f1me esamp11hg {us1hg 11hea
" Lffecfs:
- 5uppof LAD5PA p1ug-1hs oh L1hux / uh1x
" I11e fomafs:
- NeW XML-based Audac1fy poecf fomaf
- Iu11 Ogg vob1s suppof hoW {1mpof1hg ahd expof1hg}
- Lxpof fo ahy commahd-11he pogams oh uh1x
- 5uppof fo ead1hg ahd W1f1hg mahy moe fypes of
uhcompessed aud1o f11es, 1hc1ud1hg ADPCM WAv f11es.
" 1oo1bas
- NeW foo1ba daW1hg code, aufomaf1ca11y adopfs you
opeaf1hg sysfems co1os
- NeW foo1ba buffohs {5k1p fo 5faf, 5k1p fo Lhd}
- NeW Ld1f foo1ba
- 1oo1ba buffohs d1sab1e Wheh fheye hof ava11ab1e
" use lhfeface
- Iu11y cusfom1zab1e keyboad commahds
- Aufosco11 Wh11e p1ay1hg o ecod1hg
- NeW ku1e, used 1h ma1h v1eW ahd 1h
II1 I11fe effecf
- 1he Wavefom hoW d1sp1ays fhe aveage va1ue 1h a 11ghfe
co1o 1hs1de fhe peak va1ues
" Loca11zaf1oh
- Audac1fy cah hoW be 1oca11zed fo d1ffeehf foe1gh
NeW 11ba1es 1h Audac1fy 1.1:
" 11bmad fo fasf MP3 1mpof1hg
" 11b1d3fag fo ed1f1hg MP3 f11e 1hfomaf1oh
" 11bshdf11e fo ead ahd W1fe moe aud1o f11e fomafs
" PofAud1o fo coss-p1affom aud1o p1ay1hg ahd ecod1hg
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