What Does It Look Like

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What does it look like?

1. Rabbit What does a rabbit look like? It has fur, two long ears, and a small tail. 2. Bird What does bird look like? it has feathers, a beak, and wings. 3. Ant What does an ant look like? It has an antenna, no eyes and it is small. 4. House lizard What does a house lizard look like? It has four legs, a long tail. 5. Dog What does a dog look like? It has fur, a tail. 6. Cat What does a cat look like? It has fur, a tail. 7. Fish What does a fish look like? It has scales.

1. Why do you think a horse is strong? (Mengapa kamu berpikir bahwa seekor kuda itu kuat?) Because it can bring heavy things. (Karena ia dapat membawa bendabenda yang berat.) 2. Why do you think a seal is clever? (Mengapa kamu berpikir bahwa seekor anjing laut itu pintar?) Because it can play with the ball. (Karena ia dapat bermain dengan bola.) 3. Why do you think a monkey is playful? (Mengapa kamu berpikir bahwa seekor monyet itu gemar bermain?) Because it can play with the zookeeper. (Karena ia dapat bermain dengan penjaga kebun binatang.) 4. Why do you think a peacock is beautiful? (Mengapa kamu berpikir bahwa seekor merak itu cantik? Its because it can show its colorful wings. (Hal itu karena ia dapat memperlihatkan sayapya yang berwarna warni.)

Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata yang sesuai. Nomor 1 dan 2 sebagai contoh.

What does it look like?

1. Rabbit What does a rabbit look like? It has fur, two long ears, and a small tail. 2. Bird What does bird look like? it has feathers, a beak, and wings. 3. Ant What does an ant look like? It has an antenna, no eyes and it is small. 4. House lizard What does a house lizard look like? It has four . . . ., a long tail. 5. Dog What does a dog look like? It has . . ., a . . . . 6. Cat What does a cat look like? It has . . ., a . . . . 7. Fish What does a fish look like? It has . . . . . .

Terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia 1. Why do you think a horse is strong? (Mengapa kamu berpikir bahwa seekor kuda itu kuat?) Because it can bring heavy things. (Karena ia dapat membawa benda-benda yang berat) 2. Why do you think a seal is clever? ( Because it can play with the ball. ( 3. Why do you think a monkey is playful? ( Because it can play with the zookeeper. ( 4. Why do you think a peacock is beautiful? ( Its because it can show its colorful wings. ( ) ) ) ) ) )

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