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Project Title: Job Brief Overview &onvention% of 'enre The Key Person(s) responsible Nick (ack Deadline !nday 3rd Nove"#er !nday 3rd Nove"#er !nday 3rd Nove"#er !nday 3rd Nove"#er !nday 3rd Nove"#er Difficulties ayin' a#o!t o!r %)ecific 'enre or tryin' to incl!de it into o!r work -indin' the act!al o)enin' %e+!ence% not %o"e#ody el%e5% ri) off 8nder%tandin' how to de%cri#e the convention% Project Deadline: 22/11/2013 Completed $e% $e%

Amendments *ookin' thro!'h a variety of internet %o!rce% we fo!nd the infor"ation re+!ired

&ertification ratin'% , BB-& O)enin' %e+!ence /naly%i% 0 11 21 31 21314 &onvention% of O)enin' e+!ence 0 title%/narrative

.y%elf .y%elf .y%elf

$e% *ookin' on a we#%ite called 6/rt of the title7 *ookin' !) definition% of )artic!lar word% to hel) with the %it!ation9 -indin' )eo)le who /%kin' )eo)le who want to talk to !% a#o!t are co"forta#le with their o)inion% the ca"era and )eo)le who we know Thinkin' of a %!ita#le /%kin' a variety of a'e ratin' to %et o!r )eo)le and lookin' fil" on on the internet to %ee who fit% the criteria #e%t *o%in' o!r work re%!ltin' 8%in' o!r free in !% havin' to rerecord it le%%on% wi%ely
"eanin' findin' %)are ti"e for everyone

$e% $e%

/!dience :e%earch

.y%elf1 (ack and Nick

!nday 3rd Nove"#er !nday 3rd Nove"#er


Tar'et /!dience




.y%elf ;)ower)oint< .y%elf1 (ack and Nick ;)re%entation<

-riday 2=th Nove"#er






?+!i)"ent re+!ired




-riday Not #ein' an e>cellent 13th drawer and findin' Nove"#er internet )ro'ra"% hard to !%e -riday -indin' )eo)le who are 13th co"forta#le to act in Nove"#er front of a ca"era and findin' %o"eone who will fit the de%cri)tion of o!r character% -riday Thi% wa% diffic!lt a% we 13th needed to 'et the Nove"#er re+!ired e+!i)"ent ;"icro)hone etc< -riday -indin' the )erfect 13th location for the Nove"#er )rod!ction1 %o"ewhere )!#lic #!t not too #!%y -riday Pro)%: findin' )ro)% th 13 that5ll fit with the Nove"#er the"e and "akin' %!re they5re %afe to !%e &o%t!"e: @avin' the correct clothin' which will 'ive the at"o%)here re+!ired

*a#ellin' it well %o )eo)le know what i% what and findin' an ea%ier )ro'ra""e9 Ba%in' the character% on the actor%



/%kin' o!r teacher to $e% #orrow the e+!i)"ent The roof of a #!ildin' $e% d!e to the fact not "any )eo)le will decide to 'o onto a roof and it5% al%o %)acio!% Pro)%: :evolvin' o!r $e% )rod!ction aro!nd )ro)% we co!ld !%e ;e': #ike< &o%t!"e: a%kin' a variety of )eo)le to #orrow their clothin' to hel) fit the de%cri)tion% for the character

Pro)%1 co%t!"e1 %ettin'1 etc

Nick and .y%elf

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