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The perfect vacation

I wish to visit Egipt and Thailand. First Egipt. The Sahara desert is a place with many mysteries and very dangerous. I like the story with the mummys and the pyramids, famous legends about Tutankamon and Nefertiti. A trip with a camel through desert is a true adventure for me. I am a very curious person and very energetic. My mother says it is not good, to much curiosity, but i wish to discover the mazes secret from the oldest pyramid in the world and visit the tombs of the pharaohs. Second Thailan. I think that Thailand is a country with a culture and a religion special . Here i want to visit the largest temples from Bankok and descover buddhist storys. The buddhist temples have an beautiful arhitecture and very interesting. We can go to bazar where the traders negociate very much. To do this i need learn english very good. Thank you my dear friend because it help me. I think that such develop my imaginations.

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