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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the process from it and the full product?

From my preliminary task of the college magazine Ellecollege to the main task of Renegade I have learnt how to account for my target audience and how to use smaller conventions such as fonts and colours to attract my audience. I have learnt to maintain a house style that remains throughout the cover, contents and the double page spread. I was initially unaware of all the research and planning that went into developing the magazine, for example having a target audience and accounting for their age, income and hobbies. I also learnt the function of a focus group and editing my magazine pages in order to account for the interest and preference of my audience. In my college magazine I was unaware of the functions of such research and I very much took it for granted which caused me to find difficulty in my construction as I was unaware of the price I should use, their personal interests etc, which made it harder for me to attract my audience. However in the construction of my music magazine I made sure to ask all of the right questions when producing my questionnaire and then I learnt to use this research efficiently to help in the production of my magazine so that I could successfully construct my magazine to attract and appeal to my target audience, specifically my niche audience of heavy rock music listeners. Overall I learnt the value of research and planning in the construction of my magazine and how to combine both aspects of my work to produce a successful magazine cover, contents page and double page spread that appeals to my niche audience, accounts for their interests and draws their attention through the use of fonts, specific language, colours, photoshoot type/expression, and stories in the magazine itself, as well as how to construct these magazine pages more efficiently and use the programmes at hand to me (for example Photoshop and Indesign) to result in a piece of work that I am happy with.

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