Nicholas C. Puckett: Education

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Nicholas C.

Puckett 1275 Cain Rd. Somerville, AL 35670 256! 221"53#$'olaspuckett


Candidate (or Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, )'e *niversit+ o( Ala,ama Graduation Date- .a+, 2016 UA GPA- 3.7&#.0 a!or- .ana/ement 0n(ormation S+stems Bachelor of Arts in Criminal "ustice, )'e *niversit+ o( Ala,ama Graduation Date# Au/ust, 2013 UA GPA# 3.7&#.0 a!or# Criminal 1ustice inor# Computer )ec'nolo/+ and Applications

E$PE%IENCE May, 2013 August, 2013

Intern, Hartselle Police Department, Hartselle, AL Goal: )o assist patrol o((icers and dispatc'ers in da+ to da+ communit+ policin/ activities Value: 2+ providin/ assistance, %orkload (or o((icers and dispatc'ers %as reduced increasin/ sa(et+ (or t'e areas citi3ens My Contri ution: Created a sa(er %ork environment (or o((icers %'ile conductin/ patrol assin/ments 4rovided ,ackup surveillance (or o((icers ,+ participatin/ in ride"alon/s to promote a sa(e environment .ana/ed communications ,et%een communit+ and police o((icers Communicated critical in(ormation a,out emer/enc+ and non"emer/enc+ calls to patrol o((icers


'an(ua(es# 5).L, CSS, C66 O)eratin( En*ironments# .S 7indo%s, .AC 8S 9, Apple i8S Business Tools# .icroso(t 8((ice Suite, :isual Studio, S'are 4oint A,ards Dean-s 'ist ;all, 2011 President-s 'ist Sprin/, 2012 Ala.ama Information ana(ement Societ/ ;all 201# < 4resent Delta E)silon Iota &onor Societ/ ;all 2013 < 4resent Criminal "ustice Student Association ;all 2011 < Sprin/ 2013 Intramural S)orts So(t,all, 2013 " 4resent

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