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2008 National Utilization and Compensation Survey Report

Introduction and Table of Contents

The Participants

The data is based on analysis of the responses to the 2008 National Utilization and Compensation Survey report which was collected by a web based survey from ctober !"# 200$%&ebruary !"# 2008' There were !()( responses received and utilized for this report' "* of the population are males+ ,"* are females' The avera-e a-e of survey participants is ("' ..* of the participants are members of N/0/+ .$* have received the Certified 0e-al /ssistant1 Certified 2arale-al credential' 3espondents are from a diverse -eo-raphical area' &orty%ei-ht states# the 4ir-in Islands and the 5istrict of Columbia are represented by the population' /mon- the re-ions of the United States# the Southeast re-ion was represented by (2* of the respondents+ Southwest re-ion was represented by 20*+ &ar 6est was represented by !!*+ 2lains States was represented by !(*+ 7reat 0a8es was represented by "*+ 3oc8y 9ountain states were represented by (*+ and New :n-land19id :ast was represented by (* of the respondents' The avera-e population of the cities represented is "((#8,$' The respondents have about !8 years of le-al e;perience+ 8 years with the same employer' 9ost <.(*= of respondents wor8 for a private law firm# and# of those# .!* wor8 in firms of !%!0 attorneys+ !8* of the respondents wor8 for corporations' 6ith reference to educational bac8-rounds# (2 of respondents have a bachelor>s de-ree+ ). have an associate>s de-ree' The 2008 National Utilization and Compensation Survey presents information concernin- the wor8 environment# duties and responsibilities# billin- rates and compensation levels of le-al assistants' Conducted bi%annually since !,8.# the survey analysis includes a review of current findin-s in comparison with findin-s of previous surveys' :conomic data is presented in terms of such factors as size of city# size of firm# educational bac8-rounds# years of e;perience# and specialty area of practice'

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