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Alex Hohol
Brian Johnson
Brenton Crusinberry
Kayla Sims
 A woman known as Mama Bogadi, lives with
six of her grandchildren. She said that all
her children left school before they could
completed Junior Certificate and are now
scattered all over the urban areas of
Botswana. She tries to come up with a
single reason why she let her daughter
quit school. "She will go and look for a job
as a maid," was all she could say when she
finally had enough courage to speak.
Pregnancy (Girls)
 Girls tend to drop out earlier than boys
because of pregnancy. Pregnancy is a
problem in Botswana because there are no
doors. Therefore, men may come in at any
time and rape girls. Girls, when pregnant
cannot make it to school. They are much too
tired, too irritable, and too young to deal and
struggle with the pressures of being teenage
mothers. Due to this pressure, many, if not
all, drop out of school immediately and must
focus on their children.
Education is Botswana is mostly free, but to get a

really good education you must most likely have

money. Also, the Ministry of Education has
authority over all education in Botswana except
for the University of Botswana. Most children
make it to primary school, and junior secondary
school. But a fair percentage of children never
get to senior secondary school and the
university. Botswana's education system is
comprised of seven years of primary school,
three years of junior secondary school, and two
years of senior secondary school. The
government tries it’s hardest to keep primary
school free. Education has been a priority in
Botswana’s budget.
Transportation in Botswana is poor. Mostly they try

to get around by walking. Walking however, is

not always sufficient and walking is the only way
to get to most of the schools. But walking a long
distance everyday is very challenging for some
kids. Motor Transportation is another way to get
around, but because Botswana is not very
wealthy, it may be hard for some to obtain
enough money for a car. Trains are another way
to get around in Botswana; however, not many
trains may lead to the schools, so that could be a
problem as well.
 Botswana is growing more and more ever
year. Which means they will need more
money, more resources, and such to keep
them going. Botswana is one of the largest
and most populated “small states” in
Africa. They need more schools, to educate
more students. Some kids don’t even get
to go to school because it may be too
crowded. This is a problem the government
of Botswana is trying to fix.

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