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<esmi +.%.

Tel: (487) 2300830 / 9996345687 E-mail:

To secure a promising, successful and challenging career in a reputed organization where my knowledge and skill can be effectively applied, enabling me to explore myself fully and realize my full potential.
Academic Profile





2007 !!

"achelor of #ngineering $%omputer &cience' /&#$%lass 011' &&3%

%ollege of #ngineering, Trivandrum 2ivekodayam /&&, Thrissur 4.+.5./.& 2ellanikkara, Thrissur

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2007 200.

97.33 % 97.63 %

Mini Project

SYMPHONY STRAINER Duratio ! 6une 2007 to 8ecember 2007.

D"#$ri%tio ! This mainly concentrates on the manipulation of 9181 files. 1t was developed using 6ava on windows platform. The main aim of this mini pro:ect was to extract or filter the music of the various instruments in the audio file and play them separately and save them. 1t also displays the internal format of 9181 files.


S"&i ar Pr"#" tatio #

D"#$ri%tio ! + rootkit is a program $or combination of several programs' designed to take fundamental control of a computer system, without authorization by the system;s owners and legitimate managers. 1f an intruder could replace the standard administrative tools on a system with a rootkit, the modified tools would give the intruder administrative control over the system while concealing his activities from the 1

legitimate system administrator.

Technical Expertise

Pro*ra&&i * S+i,,# O%"rati * S-#t"&# E,"$ti."#

/a *ua*"#! %,%==,6+2+,>0>. and >0>? assembly language Data0a#"#! &@3,*3A&@3 OS ! Bindows 0*A2ista, Bindows 7, 3inux &imulation and 9odeling, 8atamining and Barehousing, +dvanced 8atabase 9anagement &ystems


&ecured ,,7th rank in 4erala #ngineering #ntrance #xam,2007 &chool topper in &&3% and /&#$%lass 011' with += )rade in all sub:ects *articipated in 1ntel &cience Talent 8iscovery Cair 200-,111T,/yderabad Cirst prize for individual science pro:ect in &outhern 1ndia &cience Cair 200Third prize for science pro:ect in state level %hildrenDs &cience %ongress 200, !st rank E)old medal winner of 5&& #xamination 2002 Bon proficiency prizes in school level in all the classes &ecured prizes in science E mathematics seminars ,Fuiz competitions and essay writing competitions in district level

Skills & o!!ies

/a *ua*"#

#nglish $Cluent' 9alayalam $Cluent' /indi

P"r#o a, S+i,,#

8isciplined, dedicated and hard working with an ability to easily adapt to changing work environment. 4een learner with ability to learn and imbibe new knowledge. #xcellent communication and interpersonal skills. *leasing personality with all regulars. +ble to work independentlyA Together in a team


1 G

<eading fictions 3istening to 9usic

PERSONA/ DETAI/S! Hame 8ate of "irthA+ge CatherDs Hame 9otherDs Hame *resent +ddress ! ! ! ! <esmi +.%. !7th 9ay !7>7A2! Iears 8r.+.9.%handrasekharan Hair 8r.*resanna 4umari.4.T

! J%hithiraD *oonkunnam Thrissur K ?>0??? *h( 7-7.>7>.>>> !


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