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Frequently Asked Questions: Unigraphics PQMGR Plotting

How Does Unigraphics Plot my output and Where Do I Start? What is Plot Queue Manager or PQMGR? Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Where in the world do I begin to add a printer/plotter in Unigraphics? Plot Queue Manager (PQMGR) What is Plot Queue Manager (PQMGR)? A utility provided by and contained within the Unigraphics Software that allows the user to add, modify, and delete plotter/printer queues for use in the Unigraphics Software. How do I access and run Plot Queue Manager (PQMGR) for Unigraphics on Windows? Start -> Programs -> Unigraphics 16.0 or (17.0 or 18.0) -> Unigraphics Tools -> PQMGR (click) How do I run Plot Queue Manager (PQMGR) for Unigraphics on UNIX? First run UGMENU (If you have the Unigraphics icon on the CDE desktop toolbar for example). Then in the list of Available Products, double-click PQMGR (Plot Queue Manager)

Using PLMSolutions for BASIC Help on Unigraphics Plotting Q: A: Q: A: How do I get to PLMSolutions on the web? What are the best suggestions for keywords or queries in Enter Your Keyword(s) step by step and pqmgr 1. Do not use quotes to enclose the query or phrase. 2. Using this query, you will find ALL the articles referenced by the following Plotting FAQs.

What are the Prerequisites or Conditions Required to Add a Queue in PQMGR? Q: A: What user account should I be logged in as when performing tasks in PQMGR? Although any non-administrative/non-root user can perform tasks in PQMGR, it would be advised that a user with administrative/root privileges be logged in to perform PQMGR tasks. System plotting configuration adjustments may be necessary at an administrative level. . What are the BASIC prerequisites for setting up plotting in Unigraphics (on Windows)? 1. Be sure the printer/plotter of interest has been added/configured on the machine of course. See Start -> Settings -> Printers (and find the printer/plotter of interest). 2. Confirm that the printer/plotter interprets the supported graphics/plotter LANGUAGE. 3. Determine the System Queue Name. 4. If a domain or Novell network is present, the Unigraphics Plot Server (ugiipqd) service must have its ownership changed from the LocalSystem to a domain or Novell user account. Where can more details be found on the Prerequisites for Adding a Queue in PQMGR? See article Prerequisites for Establishing Unigraphics Plotting

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Can THIS Printer/Plotter be Used by Unigraphics?

An Issue of Graphics/Plotter LANGUAGE: Q: A: Q: A: Does Unigraphics have a list of supported printers/plotters? The question you mean to ask is what graphics/plotter LANGUAGE does Unigraphics support? Okay, what graphics/plotter LANGUAGE does Unigraphics support? 1. Postscript (Level 2) 2. HPGL/2 3. Calcomp 906 on UNIX platforms only. How can I determine the graphics/plotter language of the prospective printer/plotter? Each printer/plotter will usually have a Test page or a Configuration page. Among many settings, there should be a reference to the graphics or plotter language shown on this page. Refer to that printer/plotter manual for instructions on how to print out such a page. Then look for the graphics/plotter language. Describe an indication that the printer is failing to read Postscript language. The printer will respond but the output will result in text or garbage. Where would using the HPGL/2 graphics/plotter language apply best? Usually large full-size plotters, i.e., the HP Designjet series will read HPGL/2. What is the disadvantage of using the HPGL/2 on a small printer (8.5x11 w 11x17 tray) 1. The HPGL/2 despooler type does NOT have an Auto Scale switch. 2. Therefore, any image sized beyond the 8.5x11in. paper would NOT fit without the user having to hassle with scaling and rotating the image WITHIN Unigraphics before printing. 3. The HPGL/2 despooler type does NOT have the capability to select an 11x17 tray. 4. Therefore, the HPGL/2 would NOT be convenient to use on a small 8.5x11 printer. Where would using the Postscript graphics/plotter language apply best? 1. Usually an 8.5x11in. printer. 2. The Postscript despooler type provides an Auto Scale switch. 3. The Postscript despooler type allows you to utilize different size paper trays, i.e., 11x17in. 4. Therefore, the Postscript despooler type is best used on a 8.5x11in. / 11x17in. printer.

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How do I Determine the System Queue Name (an over-simplified criteria)? Q: A: First of all, what do we mean by the System Queue Name? 1. The System Queue Name is one of the most critical parameter entries in PQMGR. 2. This is not to be confused with the Unigraphics Queue Name found in the File -> Plot list. 3. Unigraphics uses a DOS print command as opposed to the Windows printing mechanism. The System Queue Name entry of \\hostname\sharename is used to interface with the syntax of the DOS print command. How can I tell whether this is a network printer or a locally connected printer? 1. Start -> Settings -> Printers 2. If it is a NETWORK printer, a picture of a cable will show under that printer icon. 3. If it is a LOCAL printer, a picture of a hand (palm up) will show under that printer icon.

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Where can I find out the printserver hostname and the printers sharename? 1. Start -> Settings -> Printers 2. Under the printer icon, you will see the printer identified as sharename on hostname How can I confirm that the printer is shared? 1. Start -> Settings -> Printers -> right click the printer icon and click on Properties 2. Select the Sharing tab. 3. Here, you will confirm if the printer is shared as well as seeing the sharename. Network printer/plotter configured on the LOCAL machine: System Queue Name = \\local_hostname\sharename Network printer/plotter configured on a REMOTE MACHINE or PRINT SERVER: System Queue Name = \\remote_printserver_hostname\sharename Printer/plotter connected on the LOCAL machines PARALLEL PORT: (The colon : must be included in the System Queue Name syntax). System Queue Name = lpt1: Where can more details be found about setting the System Queue Name on Windows? TAC TALK: 2000, Volume 11, Issue No. 2, page 21: Vanquish Your Plot Queue Setup Daemons on Windows NT!

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The Domain or Novell Network: Its Effect on Unigraphics Plotting Q: A: What if I am in a domain or Novell network? The Unigraphics Plot Server (ugiipqd) service must be owned by a domain or Novell user account. This is opposed to being owned by the LocalSystem or local administrator account. What happens if the Unigraphics Plot Server (ugiipqd) service remains owned by the LocalSystem (within the context of a domain or Novell network)? 1. The DOS print command (used in troubleshooting) to a given queue succeeds. 2. However, Unigraphics fails to plot directly to that same queue. 3. The job will clear or get passed PQMGR and the Windows OS spooler and disappear. 4. Ultimately, there is NO RESPONSE at the printer when Unigraphics attempts to send a plot to that queue (or all other queues in PQMGR for that matter). How do I go about changing the owner of the Unigraphics Plot Server (ugiipqd)? See article Domain User Account Owner: Unigraphics Plot Server (ugiipqd) Service

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What are the Most Used Commands in PQMGR? (ugqueue will be an example Unigraphics PQMGR queue used in the following examples) Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: What command is used when ADDING a new queue in PQMGR? PQM_hostname-*>qadd What command is used when MODIFYING an existing queue in PQMGR? PQM_hostname-*>qmod ugqueue What command is used when DELETING or REMOVING an existing queue in PQMGR? PQM_hostname-*>qdel ugqueue

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How do I EXIT PQMGR? PQM_hostname-*>quit How to LIST an existing queue in PQMGR: (2 commands available) PQM_hostname-*>brieflist ugqueue PQM_hostname-*>fullist ugqueue How to examine the parameter values or the PROFILE of an existing queue in PQMGR? PQM_hostname-*>profile ugqueue How to check if print jobs are stuck in an existing queue in PQMGR? (2 commands available) PQM_hostname-*>brieflist ugqueue PQM_hostname-*>fullist ugqueue How to DELETE JOBS STUCK inside a PQMGR queue? PQM_hostname-*>delete ugqueue Note: You are queried to say YES to delete EACH JOB ONE AT A TIME. Abbreviations for the following PQMGR commands: (profile, brieflist, and fullist, delete) PQM_hostname-*>pro ugqueue PQM_hostname-*>bri ugqueue PQM_hostname-*>full ugqueue PQM_hostname-*>del ugqueue What if I forget the EXACT name of the existing Unigraphics queue name? Run Unigraphics and with a partfile open, go into File -> Plot. The name of the queue in that list is the EXACT Unigraphics queue name you may use in the PQMGR commands. Using small case letters in the PQMGR command line for the Unigraphics queue name will be fine.

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Notes on Typographical Entries in PQMGR: Q: A: Do I use capital or small case letters while entering the parameter values in PQMGR? (Are the PQMGR parameter value entries case sensitive?) 1. Use small case letters for all PQMGR parameter entries and youll be fine. 2. This is despite the fact that PQMGR shows upper case letters on some of the parameter valueseven though you may have actually entered the values using small case letters. 3. It is particularly important to enter the System Queue Name using small case letters. What is a back-slash? 1. \ 2. The back-slash \ can be found on the key vertically between your Backspace and Enter keys. The pipe symbol | is on the same key. 3. Notice the back-slash leans BACK or appears to be a vertical pole falling toward the LEFT. 4. Where used: On the System Queue Name and Directory Pathname parameter entries for PQMGR on Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000. For example; System Queue Name = \\hostname\sharename Directory Pathname = c:\temp

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What is a forward-slash? 1. / 2. The forward-slash / can be found on the same key with the question mark ?. 3. Notice the forward-slash leans FORWARD or appears to be a vertical pole falling toward the RIGHT. 4. Where used: On the Plotter Switches parameter entry. For example; Plotter Switches = /2/sp=cn/d=300/ar How to enter a BLANK value for given parameter when modifying that parameter using qmod? When arriving at the parameter you wish to blank out, simply type a -1 and hit the Enter key. For example; Enter Plotter Model (16 Char. Max.) Default = MISTAKE -1

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What are the Step by Step Procedures for Adding a Printer/Plotter in PQMGR? Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: What are the step by step procedures to add an HPGL/2 plotter in PQMGR? See article How to Add an HPGL/2 Plotter in Unigraphics: Step by Step What are the step by step procedures to add an HP Designjet plotter in PQMGR? See article How to Add an HPGL/2 Plotter in Unigraphics: Step by Step What is the QUICKEST/SIMPLEST way to add an HP Designjet to PQMGR? 1. There is a template queue that Unigraphics provides inside of PQMGR called DJ650C. 2. Simply perform a qmod dj650c 3. Then simply edit 2 parameters: a. The first parameter, the Queue Name or name assigned for this queue in UG. (Unless your Designjet happens to be a Designjet 650C). b. The only other parameter that needs to be modified is the System Queue Name. 4. See article A Quick and Easy Way to Add an HP Designjet Plotter in Unigraphics What are the step by step procedures to add a Postscript printer in PQMGR? See article How to Add a Postscript Printer in Unigraphics: Step by Step

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What are the Step by Step Procedures for Adding a DISKFILE queue in PQMGR? Q: A: Q: A: What is a DISKFILE?: A diskfile represents a print job generated into a file deposited on the local drive, as opposed to a print job being sent directly to the printer/plotter itself. What does the Unigraphics generated DISKFILE look like? The 2 most common types of diskfiles that Unigraphics PQMGR can produce are: 1. HPGL/2: partfile_XXX.hpp (The HPGL/2 diskfile has a .hpp suffix) 2. Postscript: (The Postscript diskfile has a .ps suffix) 3. XXX represents an assigned job ID number for the diskfile. What are the step by step procedures to add an HPGL/2 DISKFILE queue in PQMGR? See article How to Add an HPGL/2 DISKFILE Queue in Unigraphics: Step by Step

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What are the step by step procedures to add a Postscript DISKFILE queue in PQMGR? See article How to Add a Postscript DISKFILE Queue in Unigraphics: Step by Step

The DOS print command Q: A: Q: A: What is the complete syntax for the DOS print command? C:\TEMP>print /d:\\printserver_hostname\sharename diskfile_XXX.hpp ( Why is the DOS print command so important? 1. Unigraphics uses the DOS print command (as opposed to the Windows printing mechanism). 2. It is used as the final acid test for troubleshooting/diagnosis of Unigraphics Plotting. 3. It may be used to directly print diskfiles/plotfiles without having to go into UG. What is required (what must I know) to run the DOS print command? 1. Be sure that a DISKFILE is available on the given machine. 2. Know where and navigate into the directory which the diskfile resides in. 3. Know the EXACT and full name of the diskfile. 4. Know (or have a good idea) of the System Queue Name since that is what is being tested. a. This includes knowing the hostname of the printserver (whether local or remote). b. This includes knowing the sharename of the prospective printer. What are the suggested articles to learn more details about the DOS print command? How to Add an HPGL/2 DISKFILE Queue in Unigraphics: Step by Step How to Add a Postscript DISKFILE Queue in Unigraphics: Step by Step Troubleshooting/Diagnostics for Unigraphics Plotting Using DISKFILES The DOS print Command: The Final Test for Unigraphics Plotting.

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Troubleshooting/Diagnostic Techniques for Unigraphics Plotting. Q: A: What are the basic systematic steps in troubleshooting Unigraphics Plotting? 1. In PQMGR, run pro ug_queue to check if the parameter values are correct. 2. In PQMGR, TEMPORARILY convert this queue to a DISKFILE queue. See article: Troubleshooting/Diagnostics for Unigraphics Plotting Using DISKFILES 3. Exit and then launch the Unigraphics application to see these changes in PQMGR. 4. Then proceed to create the diskfile by going into File -> Plot 5. Then find the diskfile and run the DOS print command: This is the acid test. See article: The DOS print Command: The Final Test for Unigraphics Plotting. The DOS print command is successful but Unigraphics gets no response at the printer. 1. You are probably on a domain or Novell network. 2. If so, you must assign a domain or Novell user account to become the owner of the Unigraphics Plot Server (ugiipqd) service. 3. See article Domain User Account Owner: Unigraphics Plot Server (ugiipqd) Service If the DOS print command is unsuccessful; unable to initialize device: 1. The System Queue Name might be incorrect. 2. Perhaps the System Queue Name is correct but the printer is NOT shared. 3. Inquire of your System Administrator for further assistance concerning the Windows

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OS printer configuration. Continue to use the DOS print command as the test. You must reconcile the printer configuration such that the DOS print command will succeed before Unigraphics can print successfully to the queue in question. Q: A: Jobs (even diskfiles) get stuck in PQMGR. What might this indicate? 1. (Diskfiles) The Directory Pathname may be set to a directory that does not exist. 2. (Diskfiles) The permissions on the directory may not be open to PQMGR. 3. The plotting software portion in Unigraphics might be corrupted. 4. The c:\winnt\system32\spool\ugplot\plot.queues file might be corrupted. How to check if the print job is stuck in PQMGR. In PQMGR, run bri ug_queuename. How to clear the queue of jobs stuck in PQMGR. 1. In PQMGR, run delete ug_queuename. You must say YES to delete each job one at a time. 2. Clear jobs in all other queues in PQMGR in like manner. 3. To refresh PQMGR, close PQMGR then stop and start the Unigraphics Plot Server (ugiipqd). What steps do I take if the plotting software of Unigraphics (Windows) is corrupted? 1. Get the Unigraphics Base and Options CD 2. Perform a Custom installation. 3. Select or check Plotter Software ONLY. Be sure ALL other items are UNCHECKED 4. After the machine has been restarted from the Custom -> Plotter Software installation, run Unigraphics and test. It is best advised to use a diskfile queue to test this problem. What if after installing the Plotter Software, jobs still get stuck in PQMGR? 1. The remaining possibility is the corruption of the plot.queues file. 2. In Windows Explorer, navigate into c:\winnt\system32\spool\ugplot\ 3. Rename the current plot.queues file to something like plot.queues.bad. 4. Restart the machine. 5. You will have to add your queues again in PQMGR. 6. Run Unigraphics and test. It is best advised to use a diskfile queue to test the problem. When Unigraphics plots, the printer/plotter responds, but it results in a text or garbage output. The printer/plotter is NOT reading the correct graphics/plotter LANGUAGE. Lines are too thick and/or the fonts are incorrect, etc. on the File -> Print output. 1. This is a common result with using File -> Print which Unigraphics cannot control. 2. Therefore, add the desired queue in PQMGR and use File -> Plot instead.

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Miscellaneous What do I Need to Know about File -> Print (available on Unigraphics for Windows NT 4.0 / Windows 2000 only): Q: A: What is the difference between File -> Print vs. File -> Plot? 1. File -> Print is a quick and dirty screen dump to a WNT/Windows 2000 queue. 2. Unigraphics does NOT control any specific aspects of the outcome of File -> Print. 3. File -> Plot is where Unigraphics controls specific results on the print output. 4. Therefore, add the desired queue in PQMGR and use File -> Plot instead.

What about the Settings of the Printer or Plotter Itself? Q: A: What settings on an HP Designjet plotter itself are required for Unigraphics to plot successfully? 1. Device Setup -> Graphics language: hpgl/2 Automatic (should be fine) (However, NOT) 7580, hpgl/2 2. Page format -> Size: 3. Pen settings -> Palette: Q: A: Inked Area Software

The Plotter Switches parameter on my Postscript Queue are set to /as/ar or /as/mo/ar. Yet the print shows up on the 11x17 tray. I want the output to show on the 8.5x11 tray. The default tray on the printer itself must be set on 11x17 and not 8.5x11. Correct the printer settings on the printer itself such that the default tray is the 8.5x11 tray.

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