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Fixed Problem Reports

NX 8.5
13975 72 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Routing Steepwor !ould not use "rans#orm Path to rotate a sto! !ross$se!tion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "rans#orm Path !annot rotate a sto! !ross$se!tion by design) so instead) the *dit Sto! #un!tion should be used to !hange the orientation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where -an error re!eived #or 2 overlapping .ham#ers during unsuppress- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( PS25(,,(1+90 .ham#er 3' #ails during update( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a variable1!ontour) sur#a!e area drive method would s ip a portion o# the sur#a!e and gouge will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .avity Mill operation gouges the part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Maintain wor part does not maintain wor o!!urren!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(,(17( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the -*2tend "angent- option #or .orner .ontrol was suppressing some o# the linear moves #or an ar! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Measured distan!e between a point and a sur#a!e is in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Spun outline #rom Solid #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .ham#er33'4 #ails to update will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 5level Pro#ile does not !ut !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in %&+ !hanging the o##set #or a datum plane used to trim the drive sur#a!e in a 6i2ed .ontour operation produ!es a di##erent toolpath than in %& 3 with the same !hange will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %& drop out i# 7tem name too long 8 %eeds a better message(

1+,2+ 3+ 1+1/+ 3/ 1+9+, 11 15,59 '3 15,'3 99 15115 '3 151/1 71 15255 7+ 15315 9/ 15+/5 /, 15+71 ++

15+', 53

155/, 7, 15/17 12 15/35 +2 15/79 12 15735 '+ 157/7 25 157', ++ 15795 /+ 15'+/ '5 159,/ 17 1593, 33 1/,+, 55 1/113 3+ 1/15' 7'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #or the solid body in the PR part #ailed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #or the solid body in the PR part #ailed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 9:well9 event does not appear in the postpro!essed output will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating the 2: shape #rom a solid body #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #or the solid body in the PR part #ailed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user was getting the message 9.annot derive outline #rom solid9 when !reating a "urning ;or pie!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating the spun outline #rom a solid body #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using the Re#eren!e "ool option !auses some levels to be s ipped will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Remove edge tra!es prevents ma!hining o# all !ut area #a!es( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in a .avity Mill operation with 9Motion <utput9 set to 9Linear <nly9 there is a 9.7R.L*89 move output will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =:*s are not wor ing a#ter the %& + update will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where attempting to !reate a spun outline #rom a solid body #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1/159 22 1/159 29 1/17' /2 1/195 57 1/293 ,+ 1/391 3, 1/+,3 15

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where attempting to !reate a spun outline #rom a solid body #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user was unable to .reate the Lathe .ross Se!tion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& !an not derive an outline #rom the solid body solid will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . >P7 #un!tion =61>SS*M1apply1m!1data !reated old mating !onditions) even though the assembly pre#eren!e was set to Positioning .onstraints) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where part updates in %& 5(,(2) #ails in %& 5(,(3 on "rim ?ody #eature will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .=".<M8<66 does not !ome out a#ter the Lead <ut as spe!i#ied will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Spun outline does not !reate the !orre!t geometry will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where spun outline generation #or given solid body in turning #ailed with error message will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Save >ll and *2it on read only part running %& #rom ". gives no save #ailure war( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .MM #ailed to !reate the %& part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in .avity Mill) the use o# .orner .ontrol results in tool motion in the lower levels that was not there in the upper levels will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1/++2 ,1 1/++7 39 1/5,/ /5 1//23 79 1//72 5' 1//9, +7 1/753 79

1/75/ 92 1/773 99 1/775 57 1/77' /+ 1/'1+ 1, 1/'29 3+ 1/'3+ ,3 1/'+/ 7' 1/'5+ 13 1/'/2 /, 1/'/3 99 1/'/+ 25 1/'71 91 1/'7' ++

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in ;ire *:M the de#ined 6R<M points !hange a#ter operations are generated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %&5 Ma!ro playba! error while e2porting parasolid by 2 point sele!tion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using :elete 6a!e would not remove all the holes on a #a!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where 97nterval #or Save .hanges Reminder option wor s in an une2pe!ted way9 is wor ing as designed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to !reate a Spun <utline #rom Solid @eometry will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "ool Path$$A Beri#y $A .ompare shows gray !olor #or #ree#orm areas only will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 3: 7P; is displayed at the wrong lo!ation using auto blo! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( .ontour 6lange Start and *nd Miters not !reating !onsistent( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tool path generated results in tool !ollisions with the 7n$Pro!ess ;or pie!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !ollision o!!ur with lowest 5 option in trans#er move will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a spun outline #rom the solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( .>:0;>B* $A 7nterpart Lin ?rowser =7 problem when !hanging bundles( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a drilling operation adopted into Cnowledge 6usion does not appear on the C6 %avigator will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1/9,' +3

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6lat Pattern shows a di##erent length result than a 6lat Solid) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #i2 has been provided with a version !he! ( "his means that a new .ontour 6lange #eature will have to be !reated to see the #i2ed behavior( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in a Rough "urn operation the tool ma!hines an area already !ut will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where one parti!ular pair o# #a!es would only mesh mate as non!oin!ident glue) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there were element shape issues in %& "hermal86low will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;ith new model !he! 0 1( :upli!ate %odes !ould !he! out 91+5+ dupli!ate nodes #ound) 727 nodes to be merged9( 2( *lement Duality .he! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEE <verview %umber 6ailed %umber .he! ed *lements 17+23 25+//+5 .he! %umber 6ailed ;orst Balue "et .ollapse 21 15/+('2193 Fa!obian Ratio 1 1,9(/'75, Fa!obian 5ero , ,('7,'3 >spe!t Ratio 1' +7(+/,23 S ew >ngle , 79(,+9', Ma2imum 7nterior 1332 175(95,+2 >ngle Minimum 7nterior 159'5 5('5/,, >ngle "aper ',' ,(1',95 ;arp 1+91 3/(3+53+ Sin!e most elements #ail on the Minimum 7nterior >ngle !he! ) you !ould !hange the threshold value so they !an pass this !he! as a!!eptable elements( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where depending on whether you sele!t the boundary plane as 9>utomati!9 or 9Manual9 you get two di##erent boundaries !reated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61.>M?%:1append1bnd1#rom1!urve doesn-t wor with ;*:M +$a2is and rotated M.S will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61.>M?%:1as 1item1entity returns %=LL1">@ with ;*:M +a2is will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ;ave @eometry Lin er name8attribute mapping is in!onsistent will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .>:0 9>llow Menubar .ustomiGation9 set to o## restores the de#ault role always( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where attempting to !reate a spun outline #rom a solid body #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the %&<pen %&Message?o2 method was inadeHuate will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1/9,9 2, 1/933 11 1/95+ 97

1/95' '3 1/9/3 19 17,+9 ,2 17,/2 51 17,72 /9 17,75 /+ 17,99 ,7

171/+ 51 17173 72 17177 ,5 17213 51 17213 5+ 17213 5' 17213 /2 17213 7+ 17235 +1 17259 ,+ 172', 27 17292 +1 1732, '3 1732+ /'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "ool @ouges the Part in 6a!ing Milling will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( "he problem where an >dvan!ed "eam!enter Sear!h does not re!ogniGe integer or #loat attributes is resolved in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in an >rea Milling operation not all .ut >rea spe!i#i!ations are ma!hined will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error message -=pdate8:elete has gone thru too many iterations- was re!eived when opening a #ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a spun outline #rom a solid body #ails to produ!e a !omplete spun outline will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Spun <utline routine produ!es gaps will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !hild rule o# the Cnowledge 6usion n21blo! !lass did not update !orre!tly when both origin and orientation were !hanged) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the resulting 7P;8;or pie!e is not !orre!t #or the .ounter Spindle will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or 9Ma!hine :ata Library Parameter Mat!hing and 7nterpolation9 only !ontains a single e2ample will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1733+ +' 173+7 9' 17352 57 17357 9+ 173/2 1+ 173'3 97 17+,, +3 17+,/ 71 17+17 21 17+22 /1 17+33 5/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a turning operation is leaving a little 9!usp9 or s!allop on the 2: 7P; will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(, and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ey press navigation on some .ombo?o2es and <ption Menus would !ause the dropdown to !lose will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in release%& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a spun outline generation #or a given solid body #ailed with an error message will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using -M?3 $A Set Rotate Point $A sele!t point position on body sur#a!e- #ails in %& / will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where attempting to !reate a spun outline #rom a solid body #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where spun outline generation #or a given solid body #ailed with an error message will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 7mported .@M #ile did not display the entire original .@M data) as !ompared to .@M viewers) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %& Ma!hining button is disabled 3%& /(,(3(/ and S* 1,,(,,(,9(,+4( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Perl s!ript in the ;indows #older used uni2 shell !ommands will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .avity Mill !reates errati! .limb and .onventional .ut Paths will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a s et!h in the provided part !ontained over !onstrained geometry when editing a dimension #rom 2,,,,, to +,,,,,) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;e have added the ability to set a solving toleran!e #or a s et!h( 7n the PR s!enario) the s et!h solving toleran!e should be set( =sers !an pi! the s et!h in the Part %avigator and sele!t 9M?3 $A Style9 and toggle on =se "oleran!e( "he de#ault toleran!e is the modelling toleran!e and that should wor Iust #ine #or the PR s!enario( SJS0 PR 1/77399 Ma!ro $A *rror when sele!ting with re!tangle rubber band( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where spun outline generation #or given solid body #ailed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

17++7 '3 17+/7 51

17+72 '5 17+'' +, 17+93 '+ 17512 37 17513 1/ 17515 55 17532 ,9 17555 '3 17573 3/ 17573 +2 17592 91 17/1' 15 17/2' 3/ 17/29 ,5 17/+7 ++

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in a .avity Mill operation the tool is plunging into blan material at various levels will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the wrong ba! burn is generated i# the ba! burn distan!e is set to , will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where one is unable to !reate =@P>R" with spe!i#i!ation #or M*%.Ma!hining in %& i# display$#iltered in ". will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "ool Path generates errati! motion during the Stepover passes will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were getting the wrong ;ire *:M + a2is toolpath #or !ir!les will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where turning a mirrored !omponent gives the error 9.annot derive outline #rom solid9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& would #ail to !reate several MM.s will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you !ould not !reate a Monolithi! assembly (It #ile and import it into "eam!enter) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >lgorithm #or .leanup Movement does not realiGe Sto! Balues( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Spun <utline !reation returns the error 9.annot derive outline #rom solid9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spun outline generation #ailed #or the solid body in the PR part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in ".7% there was no option to !reate a spe!i#i!ation #or Mold;iGard !omponent drawings) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7mporting !ustomer :e#aults results in error messages( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was no lo!aliGation o# the Menu0 97nsert $A :esign 6eature $A "hread9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the

up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

17//2 57 17/71 ,5 17/'3 9/ 177+, 9' 177+5 5'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =nable to #ilter by !omment in e2pressions dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& !an not !reate a spun outline #rom a solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >ttribute values o# groups are not visible #rom Properties) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Status Line and Dui! Pi! dialog did not show the #eature number #or datum planes or datum a2es) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61.=RB*1!reate1line) =61.SJS1!reate1matri2) =61.=RB*1!reate1ar! and =61.=RB*1!reate1spline1thru1pts reHuired Modeling and :ra#ting li!enses will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 2: :ynami! shows erroneous !ollisions #or a Kolema ing group will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where attempting to edit e2pressions in a program when there was no displayed part in the session resulted in an internal error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in the Ma!hine "ool Biew o# the <peration %avigator i# you have a 9"ool %umber9 order o# 95$2$1$+$39 and you order them to 91$ 2$3$+$59 then delete number 939 the order will automati!ally go ba! to 95$2$1$+9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where e2pressions were initially invisible in the *2pression *ditor a#ter adding =:6 with threaded hole) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a 6illet ;eld) the #a!e sele!ted is moving when it is on a promoted body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the simulation option 9Stationary $ "ool9 !auses syn!$manager to be unusable will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the meaning o# 9:rill :ire!tion9 in a hole table in the :ra#ting Kelp is not e2plained will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user .annot update part #amily members a#ter !reating new revision) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming

177// 9, 177/9 5+ 177'1 '/

17',+ ,+ 17',5 +5 17'1, ,+ 17'1/ 71 17'1' '3

release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3(

17'29 92 17'3, 79 17'3+ 13 17'72 3' 17'92 3/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9ug1e2port9 utility was reporting an error in the syslog0 9=@M@R11is1hoo up1spe! got a long name9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Ma!ro to e2port parasolid #rom re!tangle sele!tion #ails to playba! ( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an invalid "urning se!tion was being generated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where save as new item in %& within assembly $ the old !omponent is loading) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where display smooth edges was not !orre!t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "his problem is #i2ed by an %& '(5 !hange to the smooth$edges #un!tionality( 6or more in#ormation about these !hanges) re#er to topi! 9Smooth *dges BisualiGation *nhan!ement9 in the 9;hat-s %ew in %& '(59 do!umentation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Fournal !reated with only a .>M *2press li!ense !annot be played ba! with only a .>M *2press li!ense will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a =:* with the -"ype P- setting !auses #i2ed points to appear #or s!reen pi! s will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you !ould not spe!i#y a !omponent group when using =61>SS*M1spe!i#y1#ilter in an e2ternal program will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he do!umentation will !lari#y the #a!t that this !all is only valid with internal programs( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 5level !orner !leanup operation s ips some levels is #i2ed in %& '(5 by the proIe!t o# *##i!ient Rest Material Removal with Re#eren!e "ools( "he !ustomer !an !reate a #low!ut operation by using Glevel and #low!ut patterns together with Glevel pattern !utting o# nonsteep areas and !ross!ut pattern !utting steep areas to repla!e the original Glevel operation( 9Re#eren!e only9 !omponent is not re!ogniGed opening pre!ise assembly( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where detailed sto! style returned 9invalid string de#inition9 #or the provided part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >s a wor around0 Simply re$assign the same sto! to the spline( 7t will return a bend radius rule violation) that !an be ignored( >#ter that) !hange the sto! detail to high( 7t will no longer give the error( "he error was li ely !aused by a bug in a previous version o# %&) or some problem #rom Iumping #rom one version o# %& to the ne2t( Re$ assigning the sto! will use the modern) !orre!t sto! !ode(

179,, 7+ 179,3 95 1792, +3

1792' 2,

179+3 /+ 179+' 12

1795+ 72 179/+ '/ 179/' // 17971 /1 179'5 3' 179'5 92 1',,9 57 1',1' 15 1',3/ 17 1',++ 93 1',+5 2, 1',57 9,

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :e!eleration #or Roughing 6eedrate in "urning does not wor as e2pe!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "rim and *2tend was splitting the #a!es o# a :ra#t #eature) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( *2tend Start Setting doesn-t wor )hole #eature !reates hole in the opposing side( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in a 5level Pro#ile operation there are levels o# !ut that are s ipped will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it is not possible to repla!e a !omponent #rom a .>M assembly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen Programmer-s @uide did not e2plain the limitations when lin ing obIe!ts to a =:< using an owning lin ) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where using Dui! Sear!h *nter is not wor ing on the numeri! eyboard is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the *:= dialog does not wrap the error message displayed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( @et6a!es does not wor #or 7nstan!e @eometry #eature( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !hange *2tra!ted*dges throws internal error i# -<pen- is used rather than -<pen:isplay- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 7P21( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where multiple sheets were sele!table but only the #irst sele!ted sheet was e2ported via 2:*2!hange will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( <peration ignores the length o# the de!eleration(

1',5' 9+

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the =S*R1R.<MP 3u#r!p4 user e2it was no longer !alled when adding a base view #rom another part to a drawing) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he user e2it will be !alled prior to posting the base view dialog( ;hat happens ne2t is !ontrolled by the return value o# the method0 1( .an!els the base view !reation !ommand( 2( Set the sele!ted part in base view dialog to the valid part name provided by the user e2it #un!tion and enable the part sele!tion blo! so the user !an sele!t a di##erent part i# desired( 3( Set the sele!ted part in base view dialog to the valid part name provided by the user e2it #un!tion and disable the part sele!tion blo! so the user !annot sele!t a di##erent part( n $ 3any other returned value4( .ontinue normal base view !reation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >uto ?alloons !annot be added to a :etail view will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Ma!ro re!ord #ails with %& 7(5 Sur#a!e 6inish Symbols will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . #un!tion =61=@M@R1de!ode1part1#ile1name34 does not return error in %& 7(5(1 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the translators #ailed in a + tier environment i# the user a!!ount did not have a password will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he Stress wiGard hides the window a#ter !al!ulation( 7t ta es too long to !reate a #lat pattern #or part with 1+/, holes( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user is getting a wavy tool path near the verti!al #a!es in a .ontour >rea operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "urning 7P; is in!orre!t when :rilling operations are inserted ahead o# "urning operations will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n %& 7(5(5 and %& '(,(2 the problem is #i2ed i# the environment variable 9=@771.>M1M7LL1"=R%1.<%S7:*R1M>S"*R1.<%"<=R9 is set to a value o# 919( 7n %& 7(5(5 move 9=:* R*7"S"<.C1SP>%%*%129 #rom the main spindle 3<peration %avigator @eometry Biew4 to the sub spindle under 9211:R*K@*<M*"R7*9 then regenerate 921SP>%%=%@9 and no #urther problems o!!ur( "he #irst turning operation a#ter 9@*;7%:*1M'&1(259 shows the 2: 7P; 3Show 6illed 2: 7P;s4 at the wrong position but this is only a display problem and has no impa!t on the turning8milling pro!essors or Beri#y( 7n %& 7(5(5 in 9Boith"urbo1damaged17P;(prt9) delete the tool paths #rom Program @roup 921SP>%%=%@9 then regenerate the operations and the problem will be resolved( "he #irst turning operation a#ter 9&&&&9 shows the 2: 7P; 3Show 6illed 2: 7P;s4 at the wrong position but this is only a display problem and has no impa!t on the turning8milling pro!essors or Beri#y(

1',/9 +2 1','/ 97 1'1,3 '+ 1'1,+ 9' 1'119 91 1'125 '' 1'131 57 1'15, 29

1'159 /9 1'191 +3 1'2,' 33 1'21' 19 1'222 ,9 1'22/ 13 1'22/ '+ 1'227 2, 1'232 21 1'239 99 1'2++ 22 1'2/5 95

Mirror 6eature ?end$"aper swit!hes to the wrong side( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& Ship Shell *2pansion !urves have bad geometry will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %&$ma!hining ?utton ina!tive in assembly env( sin!e %& 7(5 installation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9save as9 new revision is not possible #or #amily member is missing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a 6lat Pattern #ailed raising the error0 96eature #ailed( Beri#y inputs9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the value #or the preview needles is in!orre!t) when using Sur#a!e .ontinuity >nalysis) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( PR<0 Step21+.reator .ommit #un!tion does not wait to !omplete( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6lat Solid #eature #ailed to !reate when the .utout !ontour runs parallel to the ?end #eature will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen P:MSear!h method returns %& datasets only will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Simple hole using >long Be!tor with depth limit goes through body( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you have problems with the spreadsheet will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to load the re#eren!ed master part #rom the non$master parent i# the "eam!enter 7ntegration 9Renumbered Parts9 Pre#eren!e was set to 9pre#er =7:9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( <riginally this PR reported that the #i2 #or PR 1'1+'1' did not wor in %& /(,(5 mp+ and that this PR was to have the #i2 !orre!ted in that version( "he problem reported was that having !hanged the "eam!enter 7ntegration Pre#eren!e #or Renumbered Parts to 9Pre#er 7tem7:9) opening a Spe!i#i!ation loaded the master model with the Re#eren!e Set set to *mpty( 7# Renumbered Parts was set to 9Pre#er =7:9) %& reported0 9Part item not #ound9( 6irst) please note that this is not the same issue as PR 1'1+'1') as implied by the PR te2t( PR 1'1+'1' was #i2ed in %& 7(5(3( "he problem here is the inability to load the re#eren!ed master part #rom the non$master parent i# the "eam!enter 7ntegration 9Renumbered Parts9 pre#eren!e was set to 9pre#er =7:9) and the asso!iated re#eren!e set behavior both in the pre#er =7: and pre#er item 7: !ases( "his problem is #i2ed in %& '(5(

1'2// ,1

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was possible to set options on the >ssemblies Load <ptions dialog by !li! ing on the #ar right o# the option) away #rom the toggle or the label) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .li! ing on the spa!e to the right o# the label #ield will no longer toggle the item( "his applies not only to the 6ile <pen :ialog) but also to all pla!es where toggles are are shown in dialogs( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an >rea Milling drive %on Steep operation only !uts steep areas will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to apply di##erent %& !on#iguration #iles to the startup) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( .ommit34 6un tion o# 7ges.reator is asyn!hronous( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Kighlight Kidden *dges option does not apply to .>* meshes will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation on !reating Sheet Metal Material Standards was insu##i!ient) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( C6 #un!tion ug1mH!1!he! :rawing=pdated returns , always( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6i2ed .ontouring operation that uses a "$slot !utter hangs %& when generating will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where swit!hing #rom milling to turning does not produ!e a !orre!t 7P; will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n %& 7(5(5 and %& '(,(2 the problem is #i2ed when the environment variable 9=@771.>M1M7LL1"=R%1.<%S7:*R1M>S"*R1.<%"<=R9 is set to 919( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .ontrol Points -*vents- are not shown graphi!ally but are shown when listed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to delete or unsuppress a !urve analysis obIe!t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the orientation o# te2tures applied in %& was not maintained when e2porting geometry using BRML 2(,) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where one o# two boundaries in a +$a2is ;ire *:M toolpath is !utting on the wrong side o# the part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'293 3+ 1'3,/ 1+ 1'315 /9 1'32/ 1, 1'351 ,7 1'35+ 97 1'357 ,9 1'3', 3'

1'3'5 // 1'3'9 '/ 1'391 92 1'392 57

1'+,' ,9

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a misleading 9%o ;rite >!!ess9 message was reported saving a part #rom %& to "eam!enter i# the Part %ame does not !on#orm to naming rules) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > pre!ise message will be presented to the user reporting that the naming rule is not being #ollowed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the values #or the length and height o# the 9@>P2229 =ser :e#ined Symbol dialog were reset to Gero having set the siGe to 9Length and Keight9 and pla!ed the #irst symbol) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .>M *2press0 *rror message a#ter sending parts to %& #rom Solid *dge S"3( "ool tip does not display #eature number #or datum a2is or plane( ;rong dimension a#ter .MM migration( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was a missing dwell event a#ter a "urning plunge !leanup !ut will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(5) %& '(,(1 and %& '(5( 7# a plunge !ut is omitted and repla!ed !ompletely by a !leanup !ut a dwell event is now output a#ter that !leanup( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user was unable to de$sele!t edges o# an *2trude #eature) while in assembly !onte2t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where one o# two .avity Milling operations will not generate unless the top #a!e o# the part is sele!ted as .ut >rea will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a lin ed body did not update until a #eature playba! was per#ormed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( PR1'22/13 ;rong Sur#a!e .ontinuity Preview( "he problem where the assembly produ!t stru!ture was not shown !orre!tly in ".Bis when F" was e2ported #rom "eam!enter is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *2pression editor $ #ormula error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *2trude and Symmetri! o##set with e2pression is not !onsistent) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 5level Pro#ile) .avity Mill) and Planar Mill operations that inherit their .learan!e Plane #rom the M.S parent do not have their status !hanged to 9Regenerate9 when the .learan!e Plane is rede#ined in the M.S parent will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'+,9 5,

1'+11 2, 1'+11 95 1'+1' 1/ 1'+21 39

1'+32 // 1'+32 9/ 1'+3+ '1 1'++, '/ 1'++1 /+ 1'+5, '3 1'+5' 22 1'+/2 /7

1'+// '1 1'+72 ,'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "ool body !ompletely outside target body >lert with Re!tangular @roove will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not e2plain that the Cnowledge 6usion !lasses n21pmi1L and other annotation !lasses are not !urrently instantiable using a !ustom d#a #ile) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in turning) with 6lip and Reorient "ool) the toolpath is bad will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #loating #eature group is !onverted to timestamp #eature group when it is an input #or a downstream #eature will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .MM 7(50 <rdinate :imensions with toleran!es( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a user !ould not re$asso!iate an angular dimension will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9.onta!t :ata <%9 with multiple tra! ing points !reates the wrong toolpath will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a :e#ormed !omponent did not ?lan the original !omponent) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!ting 96ile $A Save >ll9 in ".7% did not return the status line message0 9>ll parts su!!ess#ully saved9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ->utoSave Reminder- appeared at irregular intervals will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( -=nbend- #ails a#ter -Rebend- on 6lat Solid( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a memory lea was #ound when !reating <##set .urves will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was in!orre!t translation #or @erman in a .>M dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 6ield "able dialog does not properly handle invalid !hara!ters in #ile names will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5(

1'+72 +9 1'+'9 31 1'+93 /5 1'+9/ 22 1'+9/ 72 1'+99 +9 1'517 77 1'53/ 52 1'539 71 1'5+1 ,7 1'5+3 +7 1'5++ 7+

1'5+5 7, 1'55+ 51 1'559 '/ 1'5/2 52 1'5/3 ,9

.annot not use "ra! ing point with #lipped tool( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where labels did not trans#er to the drawing !orre!tly when a dra#ting view was !reated) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error o!!urs while importing a part #ile with the option 7mport .>M <bIe!ts toggled on will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #illet weld !annot be !reated on the mirrored side o# the geometry will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the postpro!essing !ould not be interrupted while running Simulation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > ;or $7n$Progress dialog with a!el9 option will now be displayed during postpro!essing( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& do!umentation #or the !reation o# gravity loads does not mat!h the %& user inter#a!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an e2trude #eature is not updated when a !urve is removed #rom the se!tion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he proIe!ted !urves !reated in and a#ter %& '(5 will be removed #rom s et!h i# its parent #eatures get suppressed( ;e version !ontrolled the #i2) so the proIe!ted !urved !reated in pre %& '(5 will behave the same as be#ore( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the time to !reate Shop :o!umentation #or the same part and template has in!reased #rom %& 7(5(3 to %& 7(5(+ will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the option names on the Simulation .ontrol :ialog are in!orre!t in the @erman version o# %& will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @roups are not being !opied during a view 9!opy8paste9 operation or while e2porting a drawing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where edge$#a!e #or!es !ause the %& %astran input de! e2port #un!tion to #ail will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using 6eature ?rowser !aused an update to o!!ur) having enabled delayed a#ter edit) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'5/+ 3/ 1'5/5 '1

1'5// ,, 1'5// 23 1'5// 7, 1'5/' 2, 1'573 5/

1'57+ +,

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !o$linear points are not dropped #or a Streamline operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he linear moves are not #iltered be!ause !urrent rule is to eep grid points) whi!h in this !ase means drive points( "his !reated a problem in Streamline be!ause #or simpli!ity o# operation the original Streamline did not have !ontrol over the number o# steps per pass and always !reated 1,, steps per pass( 7n %& '(5 a #i2 as been made that added !ontrol over the number o# steps per pass so in the Streamline drive dialog in the More tab you !an set the .ut Step to "oleran!es whi!h in this !ylinder !ase will only put one step per pass( > se!ond issue in the pr te2t said that the %.M lost the inherited !learan!e plane( "his happened be!ause the approa!h and departure are set to none whi!h means it should not go to !learan!e plane( > previous bug in %.M allowed these none settings to go to the !learan!e plane in error) so not going to the !learan!e plane is the !orre!ted behavior( "his has been #i2ed in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where s!aling a body using di##erent &) J and 5 values #ailed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 6ont display 9%ote 8 "e2t window9 is in!orre!t( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %egative Part <##set doesn-t Respe!t 9.ut below Last Range9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the de#ault #ont shown in the %ote *ditor dialog did not mat!h that set via 9Pre#eren!es $A >nnotation $A Lettering $A @eneral9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "ool Path Simulation produ!es in!onsistent results #or !ollision !he! ing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9%& 7(5 to F" wrong positioned !omponent a#ter translation9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware) %& 7(5(5) %& '(,) and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the S et!her !annot support snapping with ."RL$drag and ."RL$SK76"$drag will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a ;>B* lin did not e2ist in the wor part a#ter using assembly !onstraints and an interpart !opy will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you see di##erent naming rules #or %& .>* solver #iles in %& / through %& 7(5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where new e2trude bodies get !reated on the s et!h layer and not the wor layer when editing a s et!h will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ug1inspe!t swit!h 9$e2tre#9 is not mentioned in the do!umentation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'575 '+ 1'57/ /7 1'579 1, 1'5'3 9'

1'5'+ 71 1'5'7 '5 1'59, 5, 1'595 +2 1'595 '+ 1'595 97 1'59/ 99

1'59' ,3 1'/,, ,7 1'/,2 51 1'/,3 71 1'/,/ /1 1'/,/ 73 1'/,7 7, 1'/1, 55 1'/13 93

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where K*M #lange not importing global value #rom #or neutral #a!tor #rom bend table will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a transition #eature #ailed to update) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an *dge sele!ted #or "rim8*2tend was not highlighted unless Show Result was toggled) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a#ter a modeling !hange the #em has to be updated twi!e in order to have the spot$welds updated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when wor ing in 6ren!h) Fournal error messages were trun!ated at the #irst a!!ented !hara!ter) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where do!umentation does not e2plain the intera!tion between the options 9.onta!t8"ra! ing9 and 9.orner Slowdowns9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!tion s!ope settings were limited when using the Point .onstru!tor in the Move <bIe!t #un!tion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where how to !ontrol the toleran!e #or a tolerant !urve will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there is in!onsistent behavior when subtra!ting an e2truded !ylinder #rom a planar sheet and !reating a hole in the planar sheet will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported rong "eam!enter 7ntegration :o! #or Setup Plotter #or ". 7ntegration will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware0 "he problem where do!umentation #or plotting is out$o#$date is #i2ed in release %& '(5( "he 9Set =p Plotter #or "eam!enter 7ntegration9 topi! is no longer appli!able and is deleted( 6or in#ormation on plotting) see the %& do!umentation at Kome$ASystem >dministration$APlotting( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an altrep !omponent that was missing its >PP=7: named re#eren!e obIe!t #ailed to load when its parent was opened in %& 3and in!orre!tly displayed the 9e2!luded re#eren!e set9 message4) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .hanges are being made in %& '(5 to redu!e the misleading display o# the e2!luded re#eren!e set message in general #or !ases where !omponents #ail to load( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9Kide "ool9 option in >ssembly .ut did not modi#y the M<:*L re#eren!e set) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he >ssemblies Kelp has been updated to better des!ribe how the Kide "ool option wor s in the >ssembly .ut #un!tion( "he !hanges will appear in the %& '(5 release(

1'/1+ ++

1'/15 72

1'/1/ //

1'/17 11 1'/19 +3 1'/3, 92 1'/31 1, 1'/31 1/ 1'/32 ,+

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where opening a #ile in "eam!enter reported a message ->n earlier version o# the dataset was loaded- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .avity Mill operation gouges the part when the Part and the 6loor Sto! are di##erent will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the re#eren!e to inter$part e2pressions is not re$lin ed when the repla!ement part is not loaded will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where translations o# %& #a!ets to F" #a!ets) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .reating Probe1Sur#a!e1Point suboperation measuring tool !hanges its orientation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Part 6amily Member added as an e2isting !omponent) bypassing the Part 6amily "emplate) was missing when opening the >ssembly having imported it into ".) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( =sers need to go through the >dd !omponent) sele!t template and then sele!t the member( "hat is how %& ma es the asso!iation that the !omponent is a Part 6amily Member 3P6M4( %& does not now the asso!iation between the template part and the P6M when dire!tly sele!ting the P6M( >dding a P6M dire!tly into an assembly using the >dd .omponent dialog will not store the in#ormation needed to do the >uto @enerate o# missing P6M-s( ;hen adding the P6M to the assembly users will need to use >dd .omponent) sele!t the Part 6amily template and then sele!t the member( 7t is only then that %& !an ma e the asso!iation that this is a P6M( Fust dire!tly sele!ting the P6M member %& will not now the asso!iation between the template part and the P6M member( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the members !annot be moved a#ter deleting a .omponent >rray due to remaining !onstraints will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(1 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where inherited PM7 was mis$lo!ated on a drawing sheet) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where material data e2ported was missing metadata will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Please note0 the 2ml #iles provided are missing ey in#ormation that enables %& to properly import and display the materials( "he problem with e2port has been #i2ed but the user will need to re$e2port materials( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %& ' do!umentation showed an in!orre!t message about depre!ated Sele!t<bIe!t methods will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation !ontains a !on#using statement about the 7nterpartSele!tion property o# .olle!tor blo! s in the ?lo! Styler will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( @etting an 7nternal *rror when trying to !reate a new Milling "ool in %& '(

1'/37 +1 1'/39 35 1'/+, 2'

1'/+, /' 1'/+, 7/ 1'/+1

,7 1'/+1 /9 1'/+2 ,+ 1'/+2 '' 1'/+3 23 1'/+3 +7 1'/++ '9 1'/+5 // 1'/+/ 31 1'/+' 93 1'/+9 9+ 1'/5, 35 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where depending on #eature type the 9*dit with Rollba! 9 has di##erent results will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .hanging the global depth o# !ut does not !hange range depth o# !ut( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Fournal #or <nestep =n#orm #ails with -%o obIe!t #ound with this name- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 7P; #or blan -auto blo! - is in the wrong lo!ation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Signal 11 *rror during .reate "ool o# any type $ li!ense #ile issue( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9Modeler error0ar!hived attribute de#ns do not mat!h !urrent9 while opening part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you !an-t Rebend a#ter =nbend) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %& do!umentation #or the Routing appli!ation is not updated #or use with "eam!enter9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where turning on 9.ut ?etween Levels9 !auses %& to hang when the operation is generated in a 5level Pro#ile operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Rebend #ails a#ter =nbend will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Rebend !reates an in!orre!t body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( "o implement the #i2) the =nbend #eature needs to be updated with 9*dit $$A 6eature $$A Playba! 9 in that version and then the Rebend should wor !orre!tly( .annot edit or !reate a !utting tool $$ internal error( .lose button in the Menu ?ar will !lose all Parts( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where adding an obIe!t to a group #ails with 9<ne o# the invalid !hara!ters MNLO was entered9 when a 9P9 or 9A9 appears in the group name will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5(

1'/51 19 1'/52 ,+ 1'/5/ +9

1'/57 /3 1'/5' 35 1'//, 33 1'//1 33

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were seeing in!orre!t 7SB motion when using the .orner option -*2tend-) with .ut!om and .onta!t :ata turned on will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a ?oolean #eature too twi!e as long in %& 7(5(+ and later) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :o!umentation #or %& .>M 7SB is not !orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware #i2ed in %& '(5( :o!umentation has been revised and updated( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >ssembly .onstraints #or Routing >ssemblies was in!ompletely do!umented) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he >lign Q Rotate options available in the >ssembly .onstraints dialog bo2 have been added to the >ssemblies help with des!riptions( =nable to get =B Raster visible in %&+ !reated view( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where S et!h update per#orman!e was slow will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where generating a "urning operation results in an 97nterrupt9 error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5) %& /(,(5 MP11 and %& 7(5(5 MP2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where do!umentation showed the wrong path #or the -!gm2pd#- utility will be resolved by !hanges made to the .ommand Line =tilities help in the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he path has been updated as #ollows0 "he !gm2pd# utility is lo!ated in your =@771?>S*1:7R8n2plot8bin8pd# dire!tory( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Move <bIe!t operation using .SJS to .SJS trans#ormation #ailed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a view) whose a!tive s et!h was #inished is reset as the a!tive s et!h view) with s et!h mode a!tive) on restarting the :ra#ting appli!ation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Cnowledge 6usion do!umentation #or the #un!tion ug1!reate7nstan!e needed to supply additional in#ormation) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @ouge .he! reports #alse gouges when negative part sto! is used on a 5 a2is !ut will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .S* "%.53, Parse *rror is reported on a Sinumeri non$motion !y!le will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'//+ 91 1'//9 /5 1'/7, 11 1'/7, ''

1'/71 ,3 1'/71 +'

1'/73 ,1 1'/75 +, 1'/79 7/

1'/', 25 1'/'3 1, 1'/'/ ,9

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ResiGe ?end >ngle #ails with 9=nable to !reate body9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported regarding unreliable behavior when using the S? Rebend #eature) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Cnowledge 6usion ui1!omp1e2pression blo! sometimes #ailed to rename the lin ed e2pression when the %ame parameter was !hanged) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where editing the #a!e measurement !auses an error) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where users were unable to !reate a P.6 3or F"4 #ile using 9Send to Pa! age #ile9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you e2perien!e a per#orman!e issue when assigning a Part >ttribute will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %&>ppli!ation #eature has in!orre!t display in the part navigator#eature( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where inserting a new !ustom symbol !ontinues to display a previously sele!ted symbol) unless the new symbol is double !li! ed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6eature .ontrol 6rame !ould not be positioned as desired when using verti!al te2t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a load applied to a paraboli! edge may not have the !orre!t orientation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using 6' to orient wor view was not wor ing as des!ribed in the do!umentation) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5( "he Kelp :o!umentation has been updated in the #ollowing se!tion0 %& '(5 $A 6undamentals $A Biewing and rendering $A <rienting views $A Snap to a view using eyboard short!uts( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .ertain ?ody:ra#t impossible will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "o see the results the :ra#t?ody #eature has to be !reated new( 7n the edit o# e2isting :ra#t?ody #eature this #i2 will not be present( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the memory reHuirement is in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'/'7 7' 1'/'' 2' 1'/9, // 1'/92 5' 1'/95 52 1'/9/ ,, 1'7,1 11 1'7,1 5,

1'7,' 32

1'711 29

1'712 ,2 1'712 77 1'713 71

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #a!e blend in a parti!ular part #ile #ailed to update will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Cnowledge 6usion .ustomer :e#aults not do!umented( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .hange o# e2pression value) model update) !ause save to #ail will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n this PR there were di##erent issues( "he PR part 952'',,/111,(prt9 has got !orrupted somehow $ 7nstan!ed Simple Kole375,4) 7nstan!ed .ounterbore Kole37524 and 7nstan!ed "hreaded Kole375/4 #eatures were !orrupted( :evelopment have !orre!ted the part in %& 7(5(+( 3"he !orre!ted part is uploaded under the name 952'',,/111,1%&75+1.orre!tedPart(prt9 in the PR data tool4( "his !orre!ted part has issues with "hread 6eature whi!h has been #i2ed in %& '(5( 6or older parts) user needs to do part !leanup be#ore per#orming the PR steps( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where #eature-s !urve dire!tion was getting #lipped) was #ound to be related to <##set .urve #eature and will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %ote0 "he e2isting o##set !urve #eature in the uploaded part will have to be re!reated in %& '(5 in order to get the desired behavior as the e2isting o##set !urve #eature will not have any e##e!t o# the #i2 and will !ontinue to update the same way( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7nterse!tion !urve #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the stri e through te2t #ormatting o# a "abular %ote was lost) having editing it in *2!el) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the wave browser buttons were missing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '((5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a datum #eature symbol that is asso!iated to the e2tension line o# a perpendi!ular dimension >%: aligned to its arrow swaps e2tension lines when pla!ed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;hy is a dire!t s et!h always a!tivatedO Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to sele!t a #older #rom the distributed #ile system in "ranslator dialogs will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 with FR* 1(7( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Sheet Metal ?end using *2tended Relie# !ause in!orre!t result will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %ot possible to set sele!tion 6ilter to *ntire >ssembly within Move <bIe!t(

1'715 /,

1'71/ ,2 1'71' 1, 1'71' 1/ 1'719 17

1'719 25 1'72, 7' 1'72+ 3/ 1'72+ 51

1'72+ 53 1'72/ ,, 1'72/ +5

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Studio&#orm?uilder*2 did not return an %&<bIe!t when .ommit34 was !alled will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Split ?ody should leave the result bodies at the layer #rom target body( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there were dupli!ate re#eren!es to the #un!tionality o# the 6+ ey) is #i2ed in the %& '(5 help do!umentation( "he Ceyboard >!!elerators help topi! in the %& 7nter#a!e help is updated with the #ollowing0 Biew the 7n#ormation window $ Press .trlRShi#tRS( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where blo! =7 dialogs were right Iusti#ied #or the #irst parameter #ield only) when the value was !reated #rom an e2pression) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 975++MP+ !annot tessellate de#ormable #eature) while %&3,53MP,/ does9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware) %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where android gmail app not syn!ing mail on s!hedule will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .urve on Sur#a!e #eature #ailed with the alert 9.urve is out o# toleran!e with the #a!es9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a "os!a Stru!ture *rror is obtained when using %astran/+l(e2e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& %astran version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 7nternal *rror was raised printing a drawing when a shaded Biew was o## the drawing) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where LS$dyna results are not post$ pro!essed !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a +$>2is ;ire *:M wire engage dire!tion ve!tor is in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Kelp :o!umentation !orre!tion topi! 9Save >s Pre!ise >ssembly9 is not !orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where where the !ommand 9Ma e :atums *2ternal9 pla!es datums on the wor layer) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where new boundary !onditions !an not be !reated i# a boundary !ondition is sele!ted in the simulation navigator will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(,(1

1'727 77 1'73, 3, 1'731 7, 1'73+ +, 1'735 2, 1'739 2, 1'7+1 3' 1'7+1 '' 1'7++ '5 1'7+/ 51 1'7+9 +9

1'7+9 9/ 1'75, '5 1'752 79 1'752 91 1'753 5/ 1'753 /9 1'75/ /9 1'75' +, 1'75' 7'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the sorting o# the Revision .olumn in the ". %avigator in %& behaves di##erently than My %avigator in ".) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a part #ile used !ould not be opened) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "=R%7%@0 <perations have wrong tool paths starting %& /(,(5 MP'( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 9M<M1".L9 error during simulation !aused a =7 problem will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6eature update wor ed di##erently when =@771SMP1*%>?L*E1 is set versus when it is not set will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7: Symbols asso!iated to dimensions did not maintain their position when the drawing view was moved) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a rapid move !ollides with the 7P; will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ;edm damaged the ;or pie!e during a Retra!t o# multiple Paths will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the #eature attributes #rom the =:6 de#inition #eature in the =:6 part were not !opied to a =:6) inserted using the Cnowledge 6usion !lass ug1ud#s) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Part Save Kistory do!umentation did not e2plain that the #irst entry in the report is the !urrently loaded version) and the se!ond entry is the %& version where the part was last saved) will be resolved by !hanges made to the do!umentation o# the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where #a!e translu!en!y values were in!orre!t a#ter a subtra!t operation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where setting the !ustomer de#ault #or iprt naming does not wor as e2pe!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(2 and later( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .he! $Mate #ails the .he! Master Model :rawing test) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >sso!iative :atum >2is not visible on S!reen or in Part %avigator when !reated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the

1'759 ''

1'7/1 3, 1'7/2 33 1'7/5 31 1'7/7 97

up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 1'7/' 1/ Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when !hanging the material label in the 9manage material9 window #or a !opied material) this label is only updated when !losing and reopening the window will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where SK*LL S*."7<% !ards were not being written to >?>D=S #or >6*M models will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %ot possible to sele!t 6older #rom :istributed 6ile System in ". Ri!h !lient( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tool and target do not #orm a !omplete interse!tion) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem !ould not be #i2ed in %& 7(5) #or it is a Parasolid problem) there is no plan to integrate new Parasolid into %& 7(5( ;rong translation into @erman o# 9%umber9 in the "eam!enter %& %avigator( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tool a2is de#inition -"oward- and ->way 6rom a Point- is not asso!iative to the point de#inition will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( <ther tool a2is de#initions that are geometry based will be !onsidered #or %& 9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a severe issue o!!urs with %& %astran li!ensing in %& Motion 6le2ible ?ody will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& %>S"R>% Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %&' !rashes when renaming an ina!tive load will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user is unable to parallel generate a "eam!enter Mani#estation in %& 7(5(+) %& 7(5(5 and %& ' will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @ouge .he! returns gouge warnings in a Planar Milling operation with Iust Part Sto! de#ined will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen(>ssemblies(Produ!t7nter#a!e A .olle!tion A .reate<bIe!t?uilder had a hard$!oded de#ault that prevented the ability to obtain the !urrent ;aveSetting rule in the part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Paste does not wor #or 9.opy <riginal .urve9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where %& Ma!ro M=L"71S*L*." !ommand not a!!epting whitespa!es) is #i2ed in release %& '(5(

1'7/' 19 1'7/9 33 1'77, /,

1'77, 92 1'771 +9

1'771 /1 1'771 /3 1'772 31 1'772 39 1'773 ,7

1'773 +, 1'773 51

1'77+ 5+ 1'77+ 9' 1'775 '5 1'77/ 55 1'77/ '2 1'777 /+ 1'77' 12 1'77' +' 1'77' 51 1'77' 97

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Bariable .ontour with Sur#a!e >rea drive method operation had spi es will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !olor is not inherited #rom "arget Sheet when Sewing Sheets .opied to Layer will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the reHuired #ile lo!ation o# =ser :e#ined ?lo! #iles was not !lear will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the given Stratpoint will not !oming out in Planar$Mill <peration will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there wer no results #or 3: elements in the report #or 3:R1: elements model will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Part !leanup deletes the leaders o# lega!y sur#a!e #inish symbols) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7nsert$A<peration appends obIe!t to end o# list rather than inserting( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where split solid tool doesn-t inherit the !olor #a!es will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where additional do!umentation is needed #or the attribute R*6*R*%.*1.<MP<%*%" will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6eature Parameter based dimension) pla!ed in view modi#ied using Biew ?rea #un!tion) was in!orre!tly pla!ed on the dimensioned #eatures original position) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 6eatures need a view to be inherited) whi!h would reHuire slave views to be listed in the dialog) as the slaves !ontain all geometry( Slaves !annot be a!!essed dire!tly) so bro en views have to be #iltered out( "o inherit #eatures) suppress view brea s #irst( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where PM71se!tion1!annot be properly edited will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( PR$,/5'5+75 is not solved( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or Mirror .erti#i!ation was in!omplete #or the the 9?a! >ngle 3>+,49 and 9Seat "ra! "ravel 3"L2349 inputs) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > topi! titled 9Mirror .erti#i!ation ;iGard $ :river Position9 has been updated to add des!riptions #or ?a! >ngle 3>+,4 and Seat "ra! "ravel 3"L234(

1'7', 2/ 1'7', 31 1'7'5 ++

1'7'5 /1

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the 6ont Line Mapping was wrong) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he modi#ied !ontent under Kome A :ata translation A :ata *2!hange A :&68:;@ translator overview A 7mport A Line #ont mapping topi! now reads as #ollows0 7# the line display is in!orre!t with a given line #ont mapping) !orre!t it by setting the line s!ale #a!tor in the line #ont mapping te2t #ile( Jou should de!ide the a!tual value 3su!h as) ,(54 through a heuristi! approa!h( *&P<R"0 9=61<?F16<%"1.*%"*RL7%*9E9.*%"*R9)(,5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ability to import simulation entities on multiple !omponent 6*M-s) at on!e in an assembly #em !onte2t) in %& ' will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a hole is not dete!ted and is missing #rom the hole table will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a :etail Biew resulted in part #eatures being dupli!ated) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 7nternal error was raised adding ;eld Points using the Mirror Method) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to enter any data into any te2t #ields o# the ;el!ome ?a! ground ;eb Page) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ;*:M #a!e sele!tion order and Material Side that are used will !ause a tool a2is gouge will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ;*:M 7%"*R%>L1"R7M operation type gouges the part on the Lead 7n Point will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9!olor o# the part will not inherited in sim model9 is #i2ed in %& '(5 ip19( will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ". pre#eren!e ".1%&1>%"1.olumn1.on#ig did not display values #or user$de#ined properties in the %& >ssembly %avigator) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6lat Pattern reports the error0 9=nable to !reate body9 when editing an o##set value o# a :atum Plane) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 9:ate9 attribute o# a part !annot be added to a !ell in a tabular note will be resolved by !hanges made to %& '(5( "his attribute type is not supported #or import at this time and the limitation will be added to the Kelp do!umentation(

1'7'7 3/ 1'791 ,9 1'791 93 1'792 22 1'792 '1 1'795 9+ 1'79/ ,, 1'79/ 1' 1'79' +9

1'79' '/ 1'799 32

1'',, /3 1'',' ,1

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported $ where :e#ault >s!ii$Library "ools are not usable in %& a#ter retrieving #rom the Library $ will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where hidden member #eatures be!ame unembedded when a #eature set !reated using the Cnowledge 6usion !lass ug1#eature1set was suppressed) and then unsuppressed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where do!umentation is needed #or mapping the . type pointer to .S type stru!ture will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in %& ' the user was unable to !reate dimensions on 2d entities) re!eiving the error0 9.urve is wrong type9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #i2 has also been submitted #or a #uture maintenan!e pa! #or %& '(,(1( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to translate a S"*P #ile with %& ' reporting0 9*rror number0 19) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported with proIe!ted distan!e measurement during animation) where the ve!tor needs to be trans#ormed has been addressed in %& '(5 phase 12( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7!ons #or 6lip KoriGontally and 6lip Berti!ally #or .ustom Symbols are mi2ed up will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7n!onsistent behavior positioning Sheet Metal #lange #rom endpoint with s et!h will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where drawing #iles open always modi#ied even though they where Iust saved) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the error 9=P:>"*8:*L*"* has gone through too many iterations appears during drawing update will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an attempt was made to !he! out the S"=:7<1B7S=>L75* li!ense per$obIe!t rather than per$view will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %&) Bersion '(5 phase 19( =ser *2it u#r!p not !alled while adding base view #rom part as o# %& /( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the s!reen annotation 3header in#ormation4 displayed #or the de#ormation results is in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a#ter resiGing the bend radius) a sheetmetal part is unable to be #lattened will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the

1'',' 9+ 1''1, ,/

1''1, 3, 1''11 +/ 1''13 /' 1''15 // 1''15 92 1''1/ 27 1''1/ 5/ 1''19 7/ 1''2, ,+ 1''2, /1

up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 1''21 97 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #ile #ails to open with the message 97n!orre!t <bIe!t #or this <peration9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he supplied part had 1+ !orrupt ordinate dimensions on sheet -tasspunGone-( "he ordinate dimensions are !orrupt be!ause they had no asso!iated ordinate origin dimension( "he !orrupt dimensions have been deleted and a repaired part !an be provided upon reHuest to @">.( Starting with %& '(,(2) any pre$%& + ordinate dimensions that are !orrupt be!ause they do not have an asso!iated ordinate origin will be deleted when the part is loaded so the part !an be su!!ess#ully loaded( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sear!hing a part number using a wild !ard returns two !hoi!es) one o# whi!h !an-t be opened) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where <PS"<P $ *vent disturbs the "oolpath 3;ire >2is os!illate4 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Pre$delete in#ormation was !on#using regarding 9Missing $ #eatures9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where view not out o# date when add Symboli! "hreads to master model prt #ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where new sur#a!e #inish returns bad data using the #un!tion =61:R61as 1ann1data will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "his user #un!tion will raise an error #or %ew dra#ting sur#a!e #inish obIe!t( "he (%*" #un!tion %&<pen00>nnotations00.omponent:ata !an be used in the !urrent version( "o get the .omponent:ata o# any >nnotation obIe!t) use it as an argument to the Part-s >nnotationManager-s method .reate.omponent:ata( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where additional do!umentation was needed to des!ribe the mapping o# C6 6rames to %& <pen) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "itle blo! aspe!t is improperly !hanged a#ter populating it will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the bro en do!umentation lin s in %& ' (%*" Re#eren!e #or =6Mt2 and =6Be! !lasses will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 7P1+( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9re#eren!e set in#ormation #ails to show more than 3, !hara!ters o# !omponent name9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where reordering a #eature in the Part %avigator using drag and drop into other #eature groups) the order o# the #eature groups automati!ally !hanges) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1''22 75 1''2+ 32 1''29 15 1''32 1' 1''3+ 93

1''35 35 1''3/ ,/ 1''3' /+ 1''39 ,9 1''+, 5/

1''+1 52 1''+2 ', 1''++ 9+ 1''+/ 2, 1''+' 73 1''+9 29

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the addition o# a Mirror #eature produ!ed an in!orre!t volume !al!ulation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61:R61!reate1label34 did not wor properly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7nternal error when opening spe!i#i! (a#m #iles((( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when updating a 1: mesh by de$ sele!ting and re$sele!ting and edge that !auses a mesh dire!tion !hange will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .S* shows empty Lines when 9mom1o1bu##er9 is set to 99 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an undesirable #a!eted display !ould not be re#reshed) having disabled the 9Kighlight <riginal9 Sele!tion Pre#eren!e a#ter highlighting the geometry) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where toleran!es assigned to a s et!h in modeler were not applying those toleran!es in :ra#ting will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( ;rong trnaslation o# 9%umber9 in ". %avigator( 7nteroperability using Solid *dge S"+ Q .>M *2press '(,( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the time to update a Swept #eature was signi#i!antly longer when the 9T >r! Length9 was greater than Gero) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 "he original problem o!!urred when the pro#ile se!tion was de#ined at the middle o# the sweep 3instead o# at the end4( Pre %& '(5 per#orms di##erent !ode at #irst) a two side sweeping then add a additional rebuild((( 7n %& '(5 we enhan!ed the Swept with a new option !alled 9Split output along the guide9( ;ith this new option enabled large sur#a!es no longer need to be rebuilt) there#ore) the per#orman!e is improved( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a =nite using two interse!ting solids #ailed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Relations ?rowser not wor ing when starting %& with the wrong bundle( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "ool is gouging during a trans#er move i# the stepover is set to -<n Plane- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5(

1''+9 95 1''5, 3, 1''5, '7 1''5, 9+

1''51 37 1''51 7' 1''52 77

1''53 '2

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Rede#ine .onstraints option 9Preview .omponent in Main ;indow9 is always toggled <66 and is not re!orded in :ialog Memory) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Swit!hing to :ra#ting always a!tivates last S et!h view( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where element #or!es and moments are not re!overed properly #or !bush elements will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Kole "able was in!luding blended e2trude !orners) as o# %& 7(5(+) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Pattern 6eature had an in!orre!t result when using the Bariational option will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9:7M*%S7<%9 was misspelled as 9:7MS*S7<%9 in the re#eren!e #or mH!1as <bIe!ts1 in the Cnowledge 6usion Dui! Re#eren!e #or %& 7(5 :o!umentation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where updating an %& 5 mirror #eature will #lip the dra#t dire!tion as o# %& 7(5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #i2 in %& '(5 reHuires that the pre$%& '(5 :ivide 6a!e #eature in the part is repla!ed with an %& '(5 :ivide 6a!e #eature( Lo#t 6lange with ar!s( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not !learly state that users should not use the unload option 97MM*:7>"*LJ9 in an appli!ation that has =7 !omponents will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when using promoted data) the geometry was in!orre!tly positioned) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9:&6 7mport9 imported all lines with a normal width) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was no remar in the %&<pen Part6amilyManager re#eren!e do!umentation e2plaining how to obtain a !lass instan!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7n!orre!t toleran!e values in lim1#its1table1data1iso11 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1''5+ ,+ 1''5+ +' 1''55 7+ 1''5/ 1+ 1''57 13

1''5' 71

1''/1 21 1''/2 ,5

1''/2 1, 1''/2 11 1''/2 31 1''/2 73

1''/5 +/ 1''/5 +7 1''/5 /5 1''/5 '5 1''/7 71 1''/7 9+ 1''/' +' 1''/' /' 1''/' '3 1''/9 ,, 1''/9 /1 1''71 23 1''73 ,1 1''73 +5 1''7+ 19

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where swit!hing #rom a !omponent #em to the a#em !auses internal errors will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& hangs i# -undo- is used a#ter manually !reating an element has been resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *2port o# a single part with drawing stored in "eam!enter '(3 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming do!umentation release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Parallel @enerate doesn-t wor with mani#estation( %aming rule #rom ". not #un!tional in %&( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it is not possible to load multiple instan!es o# an 7SB devi!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >ssembly saved in :esign simulation does allow >ssembly !onstraints !reation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& ' and '(5( .avity Mill) 7P; .ollision with Lowest sa#e 5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a :&6 translation #ailed !ausing the %& session to hang on Ma! <S) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where outputs o# non$asso!iative S et!h !urve o##sets were not added to the a!tive s et!h group) and they did not get the right names) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the wrong #orm is presented when pre$sele!ting a boundary !ondition and then trying to !reate a new boundary !ondition will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :i##erent Balue #or Merge :istan!e gives di##erent Results 3damaging ;or pie!e4 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3( .ham#er wrongly mirrored( <##set #a!e in %& '(,(1(5 #ails( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 9<ut o# Memory9 error appears when trying to insert a =ser :e#ined 6eature will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5(

1''7/ 7' 1''7/ 79 1''7/ '5 1''77 3/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Re!urdyn solver a!!epts !on#li!ting me!hanisms will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation) version '(5( Reatta!h S et!h $ dimension <rigin does not !hange( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& PM7 with large te2t resulted in the (It #ile not being able to display this PM7) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Sweep >long @uide !reates sheet body when type was spe!i#ied as Solid will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Please re!reate the sweep along guide again0 Se!tion .urve0 the lines #rom re!tangle !urve 3!onne!ted !urve rule4 @uide .urve0 the magenta$!olor !urves 3"angent !urve rule4 ?ody "ype0 solid( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& !rashed during a 2: meshing operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where strange behavior is noti!ed #or dependent do# distribution on an element edge to element #a!e !onne!tion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ?ody Measurement asso!iativity be!omes bro en will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n %& 7(5) the ?ody Measurement would not have a bro en lin ) but would o#ten mis!al!ulate its results( "his is #i2ed in %& '(, by brea ing the lin when %& !ould not reliably re!al!ulate the values( "his o!!urred due to !onte2t problems with o!!urren!es( 7n %& '(5) this !onte2t problem has been #i2ed by using smart !olle!tors( %ew ?ody Measurements !reated in %& '(5 will no longer have this problem( <ld ?ody Measurements !an be #i2ed in %& '(5 by !onverting them to the new data model by editing the #eature and sele!ting <C( 7n %& '(,) it is suggested to use the available wor $around( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where mesh !ontrol display settings are not applied properly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Mesh !ontrol pre#eren!es #orm in 6*M is supposed to show the !urrent settings stored in that 6*M instead it was showing dialog memory settings( "his bug is #i2ed in %& '(5( >lso) reset on mesh !ontrol pre#eren!es dialog will load !ustomer de#aults starting #rom %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :rawing Biews were disappearing a#ter per#orming a Part .leanup) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #i2 will also be in!luded in the ne2t available maintenan!e pa! s #or %& 7(5(5 and %& '(,(2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the measure tool in sur#a!e$to$ sur#a!e glue returned a minimum distan!e o# , #or all measurements will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a :rawing is always out o# date) even a#ter updating all the view in the sheet) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1''79 7' 1''', 33 1'''1 2,

1'''2 ,,

1'''2 //

1'''3 37 1'''+ ,5

1'''+ 73 1'''5 ,7 1'''/ +1 1'''/ 7' 1'''7 ,, 1'''7 95 1'''' ,1 1'''' /9

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %& %astran parameter -M<:"RC- is displayed and e2ported as -M<:*"RC- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9"rans#orm $A Mirror $A .opy9 was not wor ing as e2pe!ted using the supplied part #ile) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Dui! Path is missing #rom the produ!t but still appears in the do!umentation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where S et!h Points !onverted to Re#eren!e did not updated !orrespondingly in a Lin ed S et!h) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the plasti! strain results are null on the bottom shell will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the >ssemblies Kelp had no in#ormation about several options on the >ssembly tab o# the .omponent Properties dialog bo2) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Mass Property Measurement did not !hange its displayed value when the >nalysis =nits were !hanged) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the #324 #un!tion builder-s ?rowse button in!orre!tly enabled #iltering #or 9L(prt9 when spe!i#ying the #irst parameter #or the Cnowledge 6usion #un!tion ug1e2!el1open1#ile) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where model setup !he! ta es too long will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where opening a sim #ile lin ed to assy#em ta es too mu!h time 35,min4 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen Remote Pro!esses do!umentation needed !orre!tion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where slow @ouge !he! per#orman!e #or a rotated tool a2is or M.S is not do!umented) is #i2ed in %& '(5( "he #ollowing tip was added to the do!s ((( Manu#a!turing @eneral $A <peration %avigator $A <peration %avigator !ommands $A "ool Path !ommands0 "he gouge !he! is #aster when the tool a2is is aligned) in either the positive or negative dire!tion) along the main &) J) or 5 a2is( Rotating the tool a2is or the M.S in!reases the !al!ulation time( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible #or an %& <pen >P7 appli!ation to #ind the Pattern6eature that !reates a given edge) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'''' 77 1'''' 93 1''9, 37 1''9, 52

1''91 ++

1''93 5/ 1''9+ /' 1''9/ 29 1''9/ +5 1''99 7+ 1'9,, ++

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Se!tion .urve does not update !orre!tly) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ?lo! 1"emplate <utput in own Post is limited to 2,, .hara!ters will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were getting a Parse error a#ter reading -5, ".K PR<?* ,(1 PL>% :*- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where lengthy updates o!!urred when re$ spe!i#ying the Biew ?rea :ire!tion with multiple Biew ?rea s in a view) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where importing a part #ile !ontaining a note in a group did not display the note will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(2 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where all .SJS in the model are e2ported during a subset e2port will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;ith the #i2) only the .SJS re#eren!ed by the entities part o# the subset e2port end up in the %astran de! ( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the -!ad !onstru!tion geometrysettings within -#ile) utilities) !ustomer de#aults) simulation) general) #e model !reate- are not honoured when a (#em #ile is !reated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where rotating the M.S !auses some operations to go out$o#$date will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %&' Modeling divide #a!e reHuires a tighter toleran!e than %& 7(5) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "his issue has been veri#ied as #i2ed in %& '(5( Kowever in %& ' onwards) we do not allow modi#i!ations o# the body through the :ivide 6a!e operation) whi!h will result in a #ailure o# the standard body !he! 3i# it passed earlier be#ore the :ivide 6a!e operation4( "o ma e the :ivide 6a!e operation su!!ess#ul) without standard body !he! #ailures) we need to !hange the toleran!e #rom (,25+ to (,,25+( .>M *2press greyed out #or >ssemblies( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where F" #ile does not !reate #rom one assembly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where post$pro!essing plots o# -minimumand -ma2imum- von mises stress #or thin shell elements !an be wrong will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Kole "ables are not !reated using ;indow Sele!tion) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our

1'9,, 93

1'9,1 99 1'9,2 /7

1'9,3 97 1'9,5 +1 1'9,5 92 1'9,7 '+

so#tware %& '(5( 1'9,7 9+ Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where #ollowing the use o# the pull$down menu !ommand -edit) show and hide) hide- to hide the display o# -edge density- entities in an assembly #em) the simulation navigator in!orre!tly shows these items as still being visible 3the -ti! bo2- remains -ti! ed- and not greyed out4) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Simulating .S* ma!hine terminates with *rrors will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he user is responsible #or naming the !hannel in the M.6 so that it mat!hes the !hannel1id1string( @iven this mismat!h between the 9!hannel1id1string9 3P>R>M1M."1.K>%%*L17:17%:*&4 and the !hannel name in the M.6 #ile) the 7SB !ode never pushes the main line server into the sta! 7svLineServerManager00m1lineServersSta! ( Later) when we Huery the sta! to get the main line server 3to get @$!odeLines4 the sta! will be empty and we get an 7nternal *rror be!ause o# a bad line server pointer( ;e added a !he! #or the line so that the 7SB dialog will not open #or .S* simulation i# the line server is empty( 7n %& '(5 we also added a dialog to in#orm the user( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were getting the error 9"here is an obIe!t whi!h depends on itsel#9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "hread Point is missing a#ter trans#orm a ;*:M <peration will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Parser *rror by using 9>?S"9 on a Keidenhain$.ontroller with .y!le19 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %& Sheet Metal .ontour 6lange miter options were not e##e!tive will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %<"*0 "he .ontour 6lange will have to be re$!reated in %& '(5 in order to obtain the desired results( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where PL>%* SP>"7>L does not re!ogniGe Ceyword 6>="< will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where PL>%* SP>"7>L does not re!ogniGe Ceyword 6>="< will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where PL>%* SP>"7>L does not re!ogniGe Ceyword ">?L* R<" and8or .<<R: R<" will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a new motion #ile #or a spe!i#i!y assembly #ile #ails with 9Memory >!!ess Biolation9 in %&' will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'9,' +,

1'9,' +1 1'9,' 92 1'9,9 32 1'9,9 /1

1'91, ,2 1'913 +3 1'913 +5 1'913 9'

1'91+ 79

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a new arrangement is not available in the >dd ?ase Biew dialog) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #ollowing des!ription #or >rrangements in the ?ase Biew options page o# the "e!hni!al :o!umentation has been edited to read0 "he >rrangement option appears in the ?ase Biew dialog bo2 whenever an assembly arrangement is dete!ted in the loaded assembly( "o display an arrangement in a base view) sele!t one #rom the >rrangement list( >ny views subseHuently proIe!ted #rom the base view display the same arrangement( 7# the ;or Part !ontains any arrangements) then only those arrangements appear in the list( 7# there are no arrangements in the ;or Part) then any arrangements residing at the ne2t lower level assembly !omponent are listed( Kowever i# there is more than one assembly !omponent at the same level beneath the ;or Part) then no arrangements in any o# those parts ever appear in the list( > similar des!ription #or >rrangements also appears on the Biew .reation ;iGard page( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *2tended label in !ustom symbol has thi! underline unless symbol is smashed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( :atum #eature symbol arrow is pla!ed in!orre!tly on perpendi!ular dimension( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where auto$stit!h didn-t wor !orre!tly on a large model will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;ith the #ull$s!ale model) using automati! edge$to$#a!e stit!hing) with a sear!h toleran!e o# 2 mm and a snap ends toleran!e o# 1 mm) the results are mu!h improved although some #ree edges remain whi!h !an be manually stit!hed( 7mprovements were made to wor with !urved edges in edge$to$#a!e stit!hing although the operation !an ta e some time( "he re!ommended approa!h to improve a!!ura!y is to proIe!t the #inal mesh onto the .>: sur#a!es( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not supply enough in#ormation about !reating an %& Routing Pla!e Part !allba! with %&<pen (%et will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "his in#ormation has been added as a !aveat in the Release %otes #or %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where automati! edge$#a!e stit!hing was resulting in lost #a!es will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where groups asso!iated with a pie!e part #em that has been instan!ed into a sub$assembly a#em !annot be used when post$pro!essing the analysis results will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .utting plane in post pro!essing does not !ut unde#ormed body display will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Se!tion:ata(@etRules #ails with 9%o automation !lass #ound0 Point6eatureRule9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "oolpath Beri#y 3: :ynami! gives wrong Result by using 9Suppress >nimation9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the

1'917 12 1'917 ++ 1'91' 2,

1'91' 75

1'919 39 1'919 /'

1'92, 52 1'921 ,1 1'923 ,3

up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 1'923 ,' 1'925 29 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7nternal *rror a#ter regeneration on wrong @eometry will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a lega!y <n .urve point driven by an e2pression be!ame un$asso!iative in %& ') will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3( "he new behavior will be that the original e2pression will be maintained and that a new e2pression will be !reated to drive the !onverted point( "his new e2pression will re#eren!e the old e2pression and its #ormula will !ontain a multiplier that !onverts the parameter value #rom u$parameter to T$parameter( 6or e2ample) i# the original driving e2pression was M2) then the new e2pression will be something li e p& E M2 L 1,,(,( "he user !an modi#y the original e2pression M2 by going into the *2pression *ditor 3"ools $A *2pression4( *2portF" gives ;rong Position #or some !omponents( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where some tool !lass des!riptions are missing in the list inside tool1database(dat will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to sele!t an o##set spline to !reate a pattern in a s et!h) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9:ra#t86rom *dges9 in %& ' produ!es wrong edges) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n order to see the results) the :ra#t #eature has to be !reated new( <ld dra#t #eatures !ontinue to update in old #ashion only( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where S et!h Lines mirrored in an a!tive @roup did not get the @roup Line 6ont) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @ouge .he! returns *rror when Part8?lan @eometry is inherited will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %ewly ?ro en Lin s are not updated8a!!epted during #eature playba! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( =pdate not possible a#ter brea ing lin (

1'925 +7 1'92' 27 1'92' '1 1'931 5+

1'93+ 32 1'93+ 9/ 1'937 /7 1'93' /+

1'9+1 9/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there seemed to be a di##eren!e in edge blend behavior in %& '(, as !ompared to %& 7(5 #or what appeared to be identi!al parts is primarily due to a di##eren!e in part geometry) not a di##eren!e in so#tware behavior( "he two parts are very similar) but they are not identi!al( 7n the %& '(, part) there is a small edge that needs to be added to the sele!ted edges to !omplete the !hain o# edges #or !reating the blend( 7# this edge is added to the edges to blend) then %& '(, will su!!ess#ully !reate the blend( "he Problem Report 3PR4 is mar ed as #i2ed in %& '(5 be!ause there will appear in that version more robust sele!tion intent methods that will redu!e the types o# sele!tion problems as are seen in this part( ?ut even in %& '(, it is re!ommended that the user sele!t the 9Rib "op 6a!e *dges9 sele!tion intent rule and sele!t 9"rim and *2tend3/349 #rom the Part %avigator( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Sew #eature "oleran!e is not wor ing #or an <##set 6a!e as e2pe!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where <##set 6a!e #ailed depending on the "arget8"ool #a!e sele!tion #or Sew) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where point to point !onne!tion #ails when sele!ting !oin!ident !ontrol points will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !ham#er !orners remained visible when 9Show 7nterior 6eature .urves9 o# 6lat Pattern was un!he! ed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #em #ile will not load into %& when the asso!iated sim #ile is open will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9Show "hi! ness by .olor9 does not return negative values in %& '(,(1 as it did in %& 7(5(5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming releases o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& does not e2port the inertia de#ined in the uploaded model to an >?>D=S input #ile) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& !annot !opy and paste a mirror body whi!h has a lin ed !oordinate system as its parent will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it should not be possible to remove an item #rom a proIe!t while revising that item in %& Manager) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .ontrol string re#eren!ing attribute #rom !omponent !hanges a#ter !losing note( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where removing parameters #rom a body with a =:6 !reated a #eature group) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'9+1 97 1'9+3 '9 1'9+5 15 1'9+5 2+ 1'9+7 +' 1'9+9 7, 1'95, 12 1'951 ,/ 1'951 ,9 1'952 /' 1'95+ /3

1'959 33

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen A Proe7mporter A .ommit method #ailed with an internal error when used in bat!h mode) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming releases o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( "he #i2 has also been submitted to the ne2t available maintenan!e pa! #or %& 7(5(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen Pro*importer do!umentation in!orre!tly re#ers to .reate7ges7mporter will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& Manager is limited to showing no more than 21 >dvan!ed Dueries will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Sentinel driver distributed with %& ' not will install on ;indows 7 system unless =>. is disabled will be resolved by releasing a newer so#tware pa! age #or the Sentinel devi!es in the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >s a wor $around you !an download this new pa! age #rom http088www(sa#enet$ in!(!om8support1and1downloads8:ownload1:rivers8Sentinel1:rivers8( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "hread Pit!h #or 7n!h Keli!al .oil %. S'$32 was in!orre!t in the #ile %25,21"hreaded1Kole1Standard(2ml) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ?oundary Sele!tion does not wor when lin ed 6a!e is involved will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the global de#ormation is showing an in!orre!t result in %& '(,(1 and beyond will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported with a spe!i#i! (#em model where the -mid$ sur#a!e thi! ness- value is in!orre!tly evaluated as Gero at some nodes will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the -Measure ProIe!ted :istan!edo!umentation was not !omplete will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Move <bIe!ts) using Sele!t >ll) behaved di##erently when there was a group !reated and using the M<:*L Re#eren!e Set) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen(:rawings A :rawingSheet A @et:ra#tingBiews threw an invalid !ast e2!eption i# there was a Biew ?rea on the drawing) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the -Subra!t- operation !reates sel#$ interse!tions in %& 7(5(5(+) but not in %& '(,(2(2 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported with a spe!i#i! (#em model where the -mid$ sur#a!e thi! ness- was a single uni#orm value when it should have varied will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'959 75 1'959 ', 1'9/, /5

1'9/, 95 1'9/1 72 1'9/3 1/ 1'9/+ '7 1'9/5 ,, 1'9// 5, 1'9// '1

1'9/7 +7 1'9/' 1+

1'9/' 1/ 1'9/' +9 1'973 ,3 1'97+ 32 1'97+ +/ 1'97+ 53 1'97+ /9 1'975 22 1'977 55 1'977 9, 1'977 91 1'97' 5/ 1'9', 15 1'9', 35

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you #ind ine2a!tness o# angle !al!ulation during inemati! motion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& Motion Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where manual te2t is deleted in parts list a#ter addition o# !omponents and update o# parts list will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !ustomiGable item #or the 9!hannel9 option is not available #or blade operations will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 6illet ;eld .rosshat!h disappears( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the turning spun outline generates with many small lines in the given part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where adding imported 7deas symbols !orrupted the %& session) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tool gouges the part geometry in a .avity Milling operation with a Pro#ile !ut pattern and using an endmill with a 9"ip >ngle9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an MP version !ould be reported when it did not e2ist will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "eam!enter #older stru!ture had 2 #olders with the same name and the !ontent o# these #olders was not the same in %&) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where during playba! ) dra#t in %& '(,(1(5 is di##erent !ompared to %& 7(5(3(3 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( S et!h 7n!onsistent( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an e2pression-s value did not appear le#t Iusti#ied in the input #ield) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( =ser *2it u#r!p not !alled while adding base view #rom part as o# %&(/ PR 1',5'9+( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 1: spider does not update when a point is modi#ied in modeling will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5(

1'9', 55 1'9', 5/ 1'9'1 +, 1'9'+ 7+ 1'9'+ 92 1'9'/ 33 1'9'/ 9' 1'99, 7' 1'99, 9' 1'992 19

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& returns a memory a!!ess violation error when editing or generating a tea!hmode operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7nternal error !reating a part #amily member will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ;rong Spinning @eometry inside "ool$>ssembly returns wrong 7P; during Simulation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( @lobal :e#ormation re!ords %&<pen(:ie(Springba! .ompensation?uilder !lass( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61:7SP1bat!h1shade #ails with 7?L and user spe!i#ied ba! ground will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "oo many iterations in drawing update( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >uto @roup by Material doesn-t wor #or :u!t element will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %&<pen(S et!h7nPla!e?uilder(Ma e<rigin>sso!iative returns wrong values will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the =6;rapper method =6=i(.reate6ilebo234 omits wild!ard !hara!ters while it wor s #ine with <pen . will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a di##eren!e was reported between %& ' and older versions o# %& when opening an assembly #ile) i# e2pressions in that #ile pointed to a spreadsheet on the networ that !ould not be #ound) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where deleting a rigid element 3!reated using the -1d !onne!tion- !ommand4) using the -element operations) element delete- !ommand results in the deletion o# the mesh item and the asso!iated !olle!tor i# the deleted element is the only mesh item within that !olle!tor) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where removing the parameters #rom a ;>B* lin ed body) and sele!ting the threads o# that lin ed body) !aused the threads and the body to be deleted( will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61.>M?%:1append1bnd1#rom1!urve #ails with single #a!e in ;*:M operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5(

1'992 32

1'992 /2

1'993 25

1'993 95 1'99+ '5

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Saving *2!el Spreadsheet #rom %avigator uses in!orre!t #ilename will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you may get the error 96ailed to !reate boundary9 in a +$>2is ;ire *:M operation 3depending on the dire!tion in whi!h you sele!t two #a!es on the supplied part4) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !ustomer de#ault was missing #or >r! ;eld Publishing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Iournal !reated to generate -envelope- results within n2 post$pro!essing 3results manipulation4 #ails to replay !orre!tly i# the Iournal was re!orded with the results already loaded) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "hread :epth o# a "hreaded %P" Kole !ould not be modi#ied) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a S"*P #ile does not open nor import to %& 7(5 8 %& ' will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61.>M?%:1append1bnd1#rom1!urve #ails to set material side in a *:M operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported that some names o# obIe!tes in Step$6ile are not in %& a#ter import will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware is #i2ed and submitted in %& '(5 and %& 7(5(5 MP as well( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where S et!h line3s4 does not show during drag when !ursor is held still will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an <bIe!t >ttribute %otes was in!orre!t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 7n#ormation about the obIe!t that owns the attribute re#eren!ed is now output to the in#ormation window when using the <bIe!t 7n#ormation !ommand in release %& '(5( 6or e2ample) i# a note !ontains a re#eren!e to part attribute >""1 then the in#ormation window will display the #ollowing data0 "e2t String P;Re#1L,M>""1A "e2t Re#eren!es Re#1L, >ttribute "itle >""1 >ttribute <wner Part >ttribute Balue 6irst value 7n another e2ample) i# a note !ontains a re#eren!e to attribute >""2 on a !omponent named MJ.<MP then the in#ormation window will display the #ollowing data0 "e2t String P;Re#2L,M>""2A "e2t Re#eren!es Re#2L, >ttribute "itle >""2 >ttribute <wner .omponent 0 MJ.<MP >ttribute Balue Se!ond value( *2 $6eature update di##erent when using =@771SMP1*%>?L*E1 is set versus not set( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using the -paver- meshing method results in a poor Huality mesh will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

1'997 59 1'99' ,/

1'99' 91 1'999 25 1'999 77 19,,, +, 19,,, /+ 19,,1 97

19,,3 2+ 19,,+ /3

19,,5 15 19,,/ /1 19,,7 ,+ 19,,7 ,9 19,,7 73 19,,7 9, 19,,9 ,/ 19,11 ,9 19,12 // 19,13 ,' 19,13 13 19,1+ ,+ 19,1+ 79 19,1+ '2

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Re#eren!e Set !ould not be !hanged by a P"S visual rule with renamed !omponents) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where postpro!essing with a ? Kead loaded on an 7SB ma!hine #ails to output !ode will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in "P? simulation) :rilling operations using the R"R."< option ->uto- would show in!orre!t simulation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *2trude #ail to update a#ter editing s et!h dimension will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the @eometry lin er #un!tion will not sele!t multiple .omposite !urves in *2ploded Biew)will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where no Fava =6;rapper e2ists #or =61.>M?%:1as 1boundary1app1data34 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported) where there are only one pin and one bolt will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 7nternal *rror o!!urred when deleting a =ser :e#ined <bIe!t 3=:<4 whi!h was lin ed to a !omponent using the lin type 2) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& !reates a non$!ompliant >P21+ step #ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(2MP2 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .ham#er !reated on /+bit %& is di##erent than the same !ham#er !reated on 32bit will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& '(, won-t start) due to very large 32$+@?4 :ialog Memory 6ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %&<pen(?asePart(6ullPath returns the des!riptive part name based on the assemblies pre#eren!e rather than the #ull path name will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a ?ounding .ylinder -<##set- value is ignored in 2: :ynami! but 3: :ynami! is o will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Part 6amily reHuirements #or .opying and Pasting operations between parts are not do!umented will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

19,1/ ,7 19,1/ 29 19,17 /,

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9wrong sele!tion tangent points to !reate dimension9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a part #ile #ailed to open raising an 7nternal *rror) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the #un!tion *dit ;ith Rollba! improperly laun!hes an update on another part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > wor $around in %& ' and earlier would be to edit the #eature or parameter when no other %& part #iles are loaded in the assembly( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Parser *rror bei .S* Simulation MessGy lus ".K PR<?* +,3 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where user is unable to edit Lega!y Sur#a!e 6inish Symbols will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 phase 21( .hanging e2pression value improperly laun!hes update on another part( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you see poor a!!ura!y o# a!!eleration !al!ulated by Re!ur:yn solver will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @R7P ?L>%C8>LL #ails with an 7nternal *rror and 9%o entries on sta! to pop integer #rom9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .S* Simulation #or Keidenhain$ .ode get a Parser$*rror during reading DS$Parameter will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .S* Simulation with Keidenhain$ .ode 0 Parser$*rror during ".K PR<?* 1(, will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where S7M1move1!ir!ular1G!s did not #un!tion properly when running ma!hine !ode simulation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

19,1' 1, 19,1' ++ 19,1' '3 19,19 /5 19,2, ,3 19,2, 91 19,2, 9+ 19,21 '1

19,21 95

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a wave lin at timestamp #rom read only part impossible to open up to date) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he modi#i!ation issue0 7# a part goes through an update that not ne!essarily has any net geometry !hange) it will be mar ed as modi#ied regardless it is done by user e2pli!itly or by the system internally( 7n this !ase) when user edit the lin ed #eature-s at time stamp #eature) we have to internally do some operation on the sour!e part so the lin ed body !an be !orre!tly !reated a#ter the blo! ( So the sour!e part is mar ed as modi#ied as designed due to this internal update( 7# you still thin this need to be improved) please do a reHuest #or enhan!ement( <ut o# date issue0 ?e#ore %& '(5) we mar the lin ed out o# date as long the lin ed part is not in syn! with the sour!e part 3sour!e part is not saved when the lin ed is udated4( "hat is as design( Kowever in %& '(5) we did a proIe!t so the lin ed body #eature-s out o# date status !an be more a!!urate based on the real net geometry !hange( ?ut this #un!tionality will only ta e e##e!t i# the parts are newly !reated) or user plays ba! the sour!e and the lin ed parts and save them 3!annot be read only4( "hen they !an ma e the sour!e read only and edit the lin ed body but only save the lin ed part( %e2t time they load the parts) the lin ed would be up to date( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the per#orman!e o# applying sur#a!e #inish mar s was slow will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >nalyGe 6ormability returned wrong shapes) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9:raw :ire!tion9 sele!tion is mar ed as reHuired in !ase o# entire un#orm and advan!ed un#orm will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =ser e2it in 9;eld Point9 in!omplete will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware( "he problem where the ;eld1;eldPoint*2it?uilder is not !alled on edit #or Mirror or "ranslate has been #i2ed in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using the <ne$step$6ormability) the #eature side !annot be spe!i#ied when it needs to be reversed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a read only part is modi#ied will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and %& '(,(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where editing an S? Fog #eature and sele!ting Reverse Side in!orre!tly #lipped the ?ase 6lange 3not the Iog4) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . >P7 #un!tion =61M<:L1!reate1relative1dplane #ailed when attempting to !reate a :atum Plane with the two !onstraints 9"hrough #a!e a2is9 and 9>ngle to plane9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported no ability to store *2ploded Biews in Master Part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5(,( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where update o# assembly !onstraints is in!orre!t a#ter editing a de#ormable part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the

19,22 17 19,22 +' 19,22 '9 19,23 27

19,2+ +9 19,2+ 95 19,2/ 32 19,2/ 5+

19,27 52 19,3, +9

up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 19,3, 5+ Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!ting !oin!ident points in the Point to Point sele!tion method o# the <ne$Step 6ormability) the se!ond point was not sele!table) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where stit!hing midsur#a!es on supplied model resulted in a hang o# %& will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the >!tion pulldown menu o# the %&Manager 9Save Part 6ile >s9 =7 had a #i2ed and limited length and trun!ated the strings) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Start %&8.>M in ". !rashed when Ma!hine .S* is not re!ogniGed inside ". 3using 9=se Postpro!essors and 7SB :rivers #rom "eam!enter9 4 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !hanging #eedrates needs to update !avity milling operations will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !alling %&<pen(Pre#eren!es(Load:ra#tingStandard?uilder(%ame throws a S*K*2!eption will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5("he #i2 will also be submitted to the ne2t available MPs #or %& '(,(2 and %& '(,(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !ustomer de#aults setting #or the *2porter =nit System was not honored #or the >?>D=S solver language will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %&8manager import0 wrong !hara!ters in item name( PM7 >ppended Relationships are not propagated to masterpart( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where editing a Sur#a!e 6inish Symbol in %& ' une2pe!tedly displayed a 3null4 value in the dialog) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !ollisions were not reported by 7SB when the !hu! Iaw is not on the ;or Plane will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where heat #lu2 results arrow plots wrong i# re#eren!ing a material !oordinate system will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6eature 7denti#i!ation #un!tionality and .olumn !reation applied to Limits and 6its in 6?M will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

19,31 29 19,3+ /' 19,35 '/

19,37 1/ 19,37 32

19,37 '2 19,3' 33 19,39 15 19,+, 19 19,+1 /' 19,+2 ,1 19,+3 ++

19,+3 97 19,++ +, 19,++ 5,

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .S* Simulation stalls when using binary 6iles in Subprog$6older will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a :etail Biew #rom a partial loaded Re#eren!e .omponent throws an internal error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!ting several items 3say) several 6or!es or several !onstraints or several MM. or several ,d81d82d83d meshes4 using PShi#tA ey or P.trlA ey in the Simulation %avigator in the #em and sim #ile and "K*% sele!ting the red !he! mar to have them displayed or hidden ta es this setting 3red !he! mar <% or <664 #or all the sele!ted entities but) this does not happen in Post$pro!essing %avigator when several meshes 3under -Post view-4 are sele!ted and the red !he! mar is turned <% or <66 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the termination o# the Stress ;iGard leaves .>* obIe!ts in part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware( "he problem where .>* entities may still be visible a#ter !an!eling out o# Stress ;iGard is #i2ed in release %&('(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Stress ;iGard remains a#ter the !al!ulation in the ba! ground will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7ngoring setting in the Stress;iGard Post animation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware( "he problem in the Stress and Bibration ;iGards where the post$pro!essing template did not support !omplete animation settings override has been #i2ed in %& '(5) phase 21) build 2/2( "he post$pro!essing templates have been updated to the new %& '(5 #ormat( <ld style templates are still supported i# the !ustomer has developed their own overrides( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the re#eren!e 9>PP=7:$<?F9 was missing when an altrep was !reated in ".) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .>M0 7nherited Po! et$7: is no longer a 9String9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(5 MP+) %& '(,(3(+ ) %& '(5(2(1( Balue with no 9=ser *ntry %ame9 inside a Huery) displays a sele!tion bo2 in %&( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Seam ;eld disappeared when a ?rea out Se!tion was !reated) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .SJS !reated #rom ?lo! Styler =7 is never asso!ative will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 with adding a new property named Smart=pdate<ption to the Spe!i#y Point ?lo! (

19,+5 ,'

19,+5 1, 19,+5 11

19,+5 32 19,+5 5, 19,+5 77 19,+5 '1 19,+/ +2

19,+' ,2

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the message) 9=n nown error9 o!!urred when loading S<L /,1 results into the post pro!essor will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5 :evelopment indi!ated the #ollowing0 6rom the syslog it loo s li e the memory allo!ation is not getting enough blo! s as reHuested $ this issue is addressed in %& '(5 by allowing a spe!ial swit!h to allo!ate a larger portion o# memory( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were not able to use 7nsert $A ;eld >ssistant $A ?ead on mirrored bodies will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Probing :ir aligned with 5 in %& 7(5(2 but #lips to #a!e normal in %& '(,(2(2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %&<pen(Part(>nnotations(;eldStandard shows an 97nternal *rror9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;eld #un!tionality has been enhan!ed to have multiple weld symbols in a part #ile in %& '(5( Ken!e user will have #reedom to set any weld standard 3#rom available options4 intera!tively and through open >P7( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @erman "ranslation #or Probing :ialog is not !orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where entering a numeri! value with a !omma instead o# de!imal point while editing beam !ross se!tions will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where dupli!ate !oordinate systems within the bul data are seen to import in!orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you have problems hiding the element edges will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( *2pressions with re#eren!e to missing spreadsheet are slow to update on load( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the provided part updates in %& / but #ails to update in %& ' with Repla!e 6a!e 32974 reporting 9%o #a!e sele!ted #or operation9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 7nternal *rror was re!eived when !opying 8 pasting a drawing !ontaining a title blo! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he template part #ile is !orrupted and !aused the issue #or the rest o# the PR wor #low( "he root !ause is #i2ed) however the template part #ile was !reated be#ore #i2ing the main issue( So the problem e2ists in the template #ile( "o repair the !orrupted template part) open the template part #ile in %&) run the !ommand -6ile $A =tilities $A Part .lean up-( Ma e sure the 9.lean :ra#ting <bIe!ts9 toggle is <n and hit the < button( <n!e this is done) save the template part #ile( %ow it is ready to use as per the PR wor #low( S"<PP7%@ Solid Mesh reHuired a double S"<P a!tion(

19,+' 25 19,+' 92 19,+9 '9

19,5, '/ 19,51 17 19,51 /, 19,52 2+ 19,52 /3 19,53 29 19,53 '2

19,5+ /1

19,5+ /7

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where part o# s et!h #lip and ma e e2trude se!tion invalid in %& '(,(2 on a part !reated in %& / will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >s earlier stated there is a wor $around( $ 7# playba! all ready have been run in %& '(,(2) S et!h3+34 !an be modi#ied ba! to its original 3symetri!4 shape using normal editing pro!edure( $ <r) in %& /(,(5 or in %& '(,(2) having the part #ile in its original state the s et!h #lip !an be prevented by the #ollowing steps0 1( *dit with Rollba! on *2trude3++4 2( :e$sele!t se!tion string 3( .hange sele!tion intent #rom 6eature .urves to .onne!ted .urves +( Sele!t the S et!h3+34 !urves to be used as e2trude se!tion

19,5/ 39 19,5' //

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .avity Milling operation-s status goes to 9Regenerate9 i# a =:* is added to its re#eren!e tool will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Re!ur:yn solver gives in!orre!t results will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation Bersion '(5( %ote that the #irst reported problem is due to in!orre!t usage( please !hange the #irst value o# drv ,21Len ung) revolute in e2!el #ile to Gero( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where F" !ontain PM7 #rom Solid *dge !annot be opened in %& will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where <rdinate :imensions #lipped having using the 2: *2!hange translator to e2port drawings to a new part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5) %& 7(5(5 MP3 and % '(,(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen #or .RR method SheetmetalManager00@et7nner?end6a!es34 #ails with 9ve!torP"A too long9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and %& '(,(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a S et!h angle at 1'1 degrees went to the 1 degree position) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a ?lo! =7 Styler :rawing >rea blo! ) whi!h is part o# a seed dialog used with the Set List blo! ) did not display the new pi!ture when the 7mage property was !hanged using the %&<pen(?lo! Styler A PropertyList A Set6ile method) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 6eature "ypes returned #rom mH!1report1#eature1type don-t mat!h the Part %avigator 96eature "ype9 !olumn will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it is not possible to add the 97gnore Min( ?oring :ia(9 item with .ustomiGe :ialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

19,59 22 19,59 7, 19,59 93 19,/1 97 19,/2 3/

19,/2 5' 19,/3 //

19,/3 '5 19,// +3 19,/7 35 19,/7 9, 19,/7 93 19,/7 9+ 19,/9 37 19,/9 +7 19,7, '3 19,71 +1 19,71 /' 19,7+ 7' 19,75 35

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the #ree body diagram inter#a!e sele!tion on a se!tion #a!e did not wor !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the part did not open in %& '(,(2 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and %& 9( Please !onta!t the !oordinator i# you would li e the repaired %& '(,(2 part( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6olders display with a Part 7!on in 9Reuse Library $A Member Sele!t $AList view9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %& <pen method 6eatures(:atum.sys(@et*ntities34 returned all o# the :atum.sys !omponent entities e2!ept the .SJS will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there is no symbol display o# L?. when using RM? on item in graphi! window will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when !hanging the ?. type a#ter an item is already sele!ted) results in the sele!tion being lost will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Stand$>lone "ranslators not !ompatible with :6S environment in ;indows 7( Saving an asssembly with de#ormable !omponents throws error !ode 177,,,2( =%. paths are not supported by 7@*S) S"*P) :&68:;@ translators( %& ' unable to startup 0 ?ad siGe 3$21+53'/+9'4 #or allo!ation reHuest( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where opening the supplied S"*P #ile #ailed reporting 9*rror number0 19) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9*dit 6eature9 throws an 9=n nown *rror9 and Save>s reports a 9Part .orruption9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Repla!e .omponent operation #ails to maintain !onstraint asso!iativity when a promotion subassembly is repla!ed with a !lone o# the same subassembly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :owngrade o# hat!h #un!tionality in %&' will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where results !annot be post$pro!essed with respe!t to the material !oordinate system will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

19,77 ,9 19,7' 72

19,', 13 19,', +2 19,'2 5' 19,'5 29 19,'5 +9 19,'5 5, 19,'5 '+

"he #ollowing !ir!ular update was dete!ted i# edit parameters( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >dding a plain Reusable .omponent to an assembly modi#ies the !omponent part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @lobal shaping by #un!tion edit #ails) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an %&/ Planar Mill operation generated in %& 7(5 does not output the spe!i#ied 9Linear $ Relative to .ut9 engage move will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ?ridge =7 needs a 9n21#ree#orm129 li!ense but the ?ridgeSur#a!e?uilder >P7 reHuires a 9studio1#ree1#orm9 li!ense will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and %& '(,(3 MP1( ;rong translation in @erman user inter#a!e( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it seemed that the pun!h #eatures in the sheet metal part !aused poor per#orman!e during the 6lat Pattern !ommand will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he user should !reate a new 6lat Pattern in %& '(5 to e2perien!e the per#orman!e bene#it( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "ra!e Lines #ailed to update with !hanges in geometry upon whi!h they are based will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9Set Ma!hining :ata9 #un!tion was using in!orre!t database re!ords to per#orm its data interpolation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;rong translated german menu #ile when !losing a read only part( 6ailure in e2porting :&6( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =nite 6eature disappears a#ter edit o# 7nstan!e @eometry 6eature will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the program terminates itsel# when dra#ting opens will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where apply a saved dra#ting standard gives a memory a!!ess error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and %& '(,(3MP1( :rawingSheet00@et:ra#tingBiews returns views with =61view1brea 1slave1subtype(

19,'5 '5 19,'9 +' 19,92 ,1 19,93 +3 19,9+ 7/ 19,9+ 93 191,, ,9 191,2 +7

191,+ /7 191,' '9 19111 32 19113 7' 19117 +1 2,+/5 77 2,52/ 7/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the last pass in a Rough ?ore operation does not ma!hine the #ull length o# the bore will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %ot possible to open :6S #older in native translator( tsai$wu #ailure !riteria in n28n2 do!umentation is wrong((( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a move obIe!t is not possible due to an internal error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the value #or 9*le!trode :esign $A "rim ?ody $A ?ounding ?o2 .learan!e9 is not saved by dialog memory will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . #un!tion =61<?F1set1partially1shaded34 sometimes #ailed to redisplay a #a!e as partially shaded will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& 3(,(10 ?asi! .urve 8 6illet !reates a non!onta!t #illet will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 6or %& '(5) the gap between !reated #illet ar! and se!ond !urve 3,(,,92''4 is well within distan!e toleran!e 3,(,25+4( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in a .avity Mill operation with 9=se "ool Kolder- sele!ted) the holder !ollides with the part geometry will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6eature updates in %& 2) #ails to update in %&3 and later will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .learan!e ?rowser was out o# date a#ter !alling the <pen . >P7 #un!tion =61.L*>R1do1!learan!e1analysis) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when generating a Sur#a!e .ontouring operation the error 9>ttempt to #ree already #ree memory in Storage Manager9 is returned will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in %& 3 in a .avity Mill operation with .ut >rea sele!ted the tool does not ma!hine a!ross voids whi!h are #ully en!losed in the !ut area as noted in the :o!umentation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a toolpath is bro en into segment with tool that is mu!h smaller than geometry will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .avity Mill will not generate a tool path i# a .ut >rea is spe!i#ied will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release

2,531 75 2,55/ 9/ 2,/,7 ', 2,/19 5'

2,/3, +/

2,/32 /7 2,/97 ,3

o# our so#tware %& '(5( 2,7,/ 73 2,73/ ,2 2,73' 2/ 2,7/9 19 2,77/ '3 2,777 3, 2,79+ '7 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& produ!es an in!orre!t toolpath will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was no >P7 #or M.S display will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Plotting do!umentation did not e2plain Iob naming restri!tions) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where image data was not e2ported to KP@L will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where -.annot save a #ile a!!ording to the #ile name rule de#ined in the do!umentation- will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the plot layout !ould not be !on#irmed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the Kistory Palette was not appropriate will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he modi#ied !ontent in Kelp under -Kome A 6undamentals A %& 7nter#a!e A Palettes A System Palettes- topi! now reads as0 "he Kistory palette automati!ally updates or deletes the entries that are more than 31 days old based on the #ollowing !ondition( 6rom all the entries that are more than 31 day old) i# the number o# entries are greater than 2,, then %& removes 2,, oldest entries on startup and retains the rest o# the entries( *2ample0 7# the total number o# #iles that are more than 31 days old is 35, then %& deletes the 2,, oldest #iles on startup and retains the remaining 15, #iles( Jou !an remove all the entries #rom the Kistory paletteU right$!li! in the palette ba! ground and sele!t .lear Kistory( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . >P7 #un!tion =61:R>;1set1dmv1rotation1plane returned unregistered error !odes and had insu##i!ient do!umentation) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where -Split ?y line- option o# Split Shell !ommand ) in most !ases) goes through the entire length o# the element only even when !ompletely di##erent points were sele!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;e have added additional in#ormation to the Split Shell do!umentation to e2plain how Split by Line wor s( ;e have !hanged the wording that indi!ated the so#tware split the element along the spe!i#ied line to state the that the so#tware uses the line to determine where and how to split the element) but that the element may not be e2a!tly split along that lo!ation( ;e have added additional in#ormation about the so#tware always !reating a new node to divide the element-s edge in the middle o# the edge( Kope#ully) these !hanges will ma e more !lear what is happening with the Split by Line method( "hese !hanges will appear in the %& '(5 help library( "han you #or bringing this issue to our attention( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the dire!tion arrow #ails to appear using *dit Parameters) yet does wor in *dit ;ith Rollba! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5 and later releases(

2,'23 '1

2,'71 +9

2,'73 5+

2,''1 /3 2,''/ ', 2,'99 72 2,9,3 2'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the deviation between !urve and sur#a!e was more than the set toleran!e o# ,(,,1) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "esting shows that the problem des!ribed in the PR te2t with modi#ying the position o# the 9arm9 !omponent in the test assembly and saving to "eam!enter no longer o!!urs in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the de#ault sheet body !olor appears in the #orm o# a solid body-s !olor will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where0 *ven i# pre#eren!es o# -7mage "ype- is !hanged)the !hanged !ontent is not re#le!ted(9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware0 "he problem where the un!ompressed #ile siGe was not reliable has been #i2ed in %& '(5 by removing this in#ormation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the asso!iated .SJS does not behave !orre!tly when *diting with Rollba! is resolved by !ode !hanges made to the release o# our produ!t %& /(,(2 and %&(7(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Mirror #eature was not wor ing !orre!tly #or a :ivide 6a!e #eature) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Miter #ails when using .utout type 9%ormal "o Sour!e 6a!e9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where a stru!ture with variant !on#iguration and pre!ise revision rules has been #i2ed in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Post %avigator does not update a#ter an event is !reated by PS wiGard will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where e2e!ution o# 9<##set 6a!e9 generated an error) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an =pdate Pending message is not removed a#ter and update is per#ormed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a drawing had missing entities when plotting) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he solution #or views that #ails to plot !orre!tly is to rede#ine the brea line8detail boundary is su!h a manner that no !urves interse!t with more than their two neighbor !urves( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 5level 6ollow .ore operation generates stepovers in the toolpath that #ar e2!eed the spe!i#ied 9Stepover9 value will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "766 #ile e2port !reates the same siGe #ile output regardless o# the option type sele!ted has been #i2ed in %& '(5(

2,922 59 2,922 7+ 2,9+' '1 2,9'/ 1, 21,22 // 21,23 19 21,31 79 21,+1 +2

21,+2 77 21,/5 //

21,/' 95 21,77 /9

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >utoballoon Symbols !ould not be horiGontally aligned as desired will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the rendering style and ba! ground o# a !omponent part is not inherited to the parent assembly when sele!ting 9>ssemblies $A .omponents $A .reate %ew Parent9) will be resolved by !hanges to the do!umentation in the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the #un!tion .ustomer :e#ault $A >nalysis $A Modeled Part Balidation $A 7n#ormation provided results in Metri! when the de#ault units was set to 7n!hes will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 7nter#eren!e Solid was not re!reated using >ssembly .learan!e a#ter deleting the original 7nter#eren!e Solid) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the message 9Modi#ied "rans#orm >!tion9 is returned when opening an assembly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and ".'(3(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >#ter 7 import the .@M #ile)the annotation turns over when 7 !reate new it will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( u!1/53 returns wrong view name i# <C pi! ed in =61=71point1!onstru!t( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 5level Pro#ile is s ipping levels and !ausing tool brea age will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the show8hide state o# 9:isplay ;.S9 was in!orre!t having !losed and reopened a !omponent via the >ssembly %avigator) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an %& part #ile siGe in!reased a#ter applying a S!ale #eature) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >#ter #ollowing the steps you get 9>nalysis 1,,T !ompleted9 and no error) so the problem has been resolved and there#ore will be !losed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where wrap #it method did not give !orre!t result #or !ertain multi line te2t in !ells) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where trans#orm results are di##erent between similar models) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in the -.ontour 6lange- =7) the -Start *nd- and -#inish *nd- Miter .utout options are not holding the input values will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(

21,', +1

21,'3 ,' 21,'3 19 21,'7 9/ 21,92 /5 21,93 /3 21,9/ 17 21,99 55 21,99 9, 211,2 7, 21115 /1 21135 93

2113/ +, 2113/ +3 211+, 5'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Fog relie# is longer when sides reversed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where setting the Fog ?end Relie# to the 9Round9 option raised an alert) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =nable to !reate !ir!ular array body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 by using #ollowing !onditions0 Jou need to use new Patterning #eature !ommand available under 7nsert$ A>sso!iative .opy $A Pattern #eature whi!h is available %& '(5 onwards( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where saving a part having imported a drawing !onsisting o# a Parts List with ?alloons raised the error0 9> deleted or invalid !lass id was used9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user was getting linear moves in slot !orners on some levels and !ir!ular on others will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where spiral #a!es !ould not be meshed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Slot was in!orre!tly !reated when using the .opy Q Paste 6eature #un!tionality) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to sele!t the "ool edge 3!enterline o# slot4 #or positioning having reatta!hed a :ovetail Slot twi!e) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the sele!ted items did not mat!h a#ter a undo will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an %& 5 .avity Mill operation generated in %&/ produ!es %on .utting Motion that was not in %& 5 along with the error 9VV 7n!onsistent ar! a2is9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where generating streamline operations might give a warning about 9#ree hanging !ross !urves9 that is not help#ul to the user will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he message and intera!tion have been revised to highlight the problem areas and thus ma e it easier #or the user to identi#y these( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the error 9:atatype error9 was returned when !opying a #eature #rom the Part %avigator with the "imestamp <66 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 9Part #ile saved(9 is not displayed when =@771=@M@R1:7SPL>J1R*>:1<%LJ1;>R%7%@S1<

211+3 +1

21152 21 21155 7/ 21157 +' 211/3 21 21173 13 211'1 ',

2119+ 75

2119/ 7, 2119/ 9/

2121, 3' 2122, +/ 2122' /9 21233 +5 212+/ 91 212+7 1' 212+7 91 21251 59 21251 /5 21255 37 212/5 /7 2127' '7

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user !ould not use Move 6a!e) using the dire!tion ve!tor o# a Kole #eature) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Miter does not wor when setting .utout type to 9%ormal "o Sour!e 6a!e9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =pdating .urve o# >rbitrary Region will not update PM7 in :ra#ting will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where ?oolean #a!e !olor trans#er not wor ing when eep target on is #i2ed in today-s modeling group0 Modeling1n2'5(195 "he problem where 6a!e Mill gouges some area when ma!hining sheet bodies has been resolved in %&'(, Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where -Sele!t planar base #a!e- reported during -.onvert to Sheetmetal-will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .S; >llow Menu ?ar .ustomiGation is turned o## with .ustomer :e#aults( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ". 7ntegration .ustomer :e#ault Role is not being re#le!ted in Pre#eren!es will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Sheet Metal Kem6langes #ailed update when the owning Sheet Metal part was imported into a new part #ile) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you !ould not !reate an 7n#erred 3PM74 :imension be!ause o# an 7nvalid Parameter error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where imported with .hinese 7tem name) it will be displayed as unreadable !hara!ters will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .he! $Mate do!umentation #or the #un!tions ug1mH!1!he! :rawing=pdated and mH!1!he! :rawing=pdated in!orre!tly stated that the return value would be non$Gero i# an error o!!urred) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where assigning =ntil %e2t as the :epth Limit did not wor at some points when inserting a Kole) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a PM7 :imension is pla!ed at an unwanted lo!ation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

2129, 72 2129, 99

2129+ 39 213,9 '7 21322 7+ 2132+ +9 21329 7+ 2135, '2 21351 ,5 21352 +2 21355 2'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a + a2is ;ire *:M tool path gouges the part geometry when using the 9%on$"ilt Lead 7n9 option will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ug1!lone utility did not maintain >ssembly .onstraints) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an invalid re!ord number error o!!urs by a spe!i#i! operation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !omponent is not displayed when it was loaded using the inter$part lin browser) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9Last Modi#ied9 date in the 6ile %ew dialog is in!orre!t when "ime 5one is set will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where same parts are opened with di##erent Re#eren!e Sets will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6a!e Mill 9Part Sto! 9 !auses !ut area to be ignored will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ;ave$A.opy .omponent >s in managed mode would trigger an assertion error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(,( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :elete 6a!e #ailed update with the provided part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Please delete the old :elete 6a!e #eature and !reate a new one in %& '(5 or later) it now su!!eeds to delete the target #a!e( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Ceep$in area o# a Pla!ement @roup is not removed when 9remove pla!ement grouping9 is set in the *ntity #ilter while importing a *.>: #ile) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the unsew is still lin ed with the original #eature a#ter removing its #a!e #rom the unsew will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !alling the <pen . #un!tion =61>SS*M1initialiGe1seHuen!ing34 may result in the layout being !hanged will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where no inter#eren!es were #ound where e2pe!ted) when per#orming !learan!e analysis in the top level assembly) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 "he problem here was that a single$!hild !hain was not e2pe!ted be#ore #inding #irst$level subassemblies( %& now !he! s #or single$!hild !hains o# any length be#ore identi#ying #irst$level subassemblies(

21357 2'

2135' 71 213/2 5' 21399 ,1

21+,2 //

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 5$Level Pro#ile with re#eren!e tool resulted in bad tool path will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "his was #i2ed in the proIe!t *##i!ient Rest Material Removal with Re#eren!e "ools( "he !ustomer !an !reate a #low!ut operation by using Glevel and #low!ut patterns together with Glevel pattern !utting non$steep areas and !ross!ut pattern !utting steep areas to repla!e the original Glevel operation( %& 7(50Modeling8 "he problem o# the !hanging value o# the distan!e in the Linear( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where inserting the provided =:6 raised the message0 9=nable to paste9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( PS2+(1(1+'0%&7(50Modeling) Shape !hanges by e2e!uting 9Playba! 9 1+y1M<:*L1,7( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 2: :ynami! tool path veri#y is di##erent #rom 3: :ynami! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( W%&<penX"he return values o# point !onstru!tor are di##eren!e between %& 5 and /( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6a!e Milling retra!t move gouged the part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #lange #ails to update will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a non$!utting move gouges the part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .S;0 9.ould not !reate modeling !urve in parasolid9 !reating an e2trude( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation to e2plain the Part %avigator :elete Last 6ilter !ommand needed more in#ormation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . #un!tion =61M<:L1as 1#a!e1props returns error !ode /71,27 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >pply button is not e##e!tive when editing a ;>B* lin ) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he >pply button is removed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the amplitude o# brea lines in the older style o# bro en views is in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #i2 !annot be applied to e2isting bro en view boundaries) so it will be ne!essary to re!reate the boundaries !ontaining the in!orre!t brea lines(

21+,' '5 21+1+ +2 21+1' 1/ 21+21 17 21+23 ,2 21+3+ 1/ 21+3' ,2 21++1 ,, 21++1 97 21++7 1, 21+52 5, 21+52 7' 21+// 75

21+75 59 21+77 ,2 21+77 +/ 21+7' 57 21+'2 5' 21+'7 +7 21+9, 51 21+9, ', 21+92 /1

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .ontrol Point option was ine##e!tive when sele!ting an >r! to insert a point) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Keidenhain !y!le de#initions #ail in 7SB with the error 9Parse error a#ter reading -13 .J.L :*6 2+7 :>"=M S*""7%@ 1+-9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where e2porting !ustomer de#aults to a spreadsheet e2ported an obsolete %& Manager de#aultU =@M@R1=se6MS) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Modi#y Part Preview option did not !hange the Modi#ied Status o# a part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where user !annot !hoose the !urves 3a!tion$obIe!t 4in dra#ting imported view is #i2ed with new Move <bIe!t !ommand) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Repla!e 6a!e3124 #ails in Playba! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >#ter renaming a Re#eren!e Set) the new name isn-t re#le!ted in the >%" will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !opying and pasting a drawing sheet that !ontains a !rosshat!h !ausing dupli!ate geometry to be !reated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6a!e Milling operation #ails to !ut the pro#ile o# a part but departs #rom the sur#a!e) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n %& '(5) this #a!e mill operation is automati!ally !onverted to a #loor8wall milling operation) whi!h $ when generated $ no longer e2hibits the des!ribed problem( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& #ailed to save a mirror assembly and #ailed to save the parent assembly) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the in#ormation on an e2!itation lo!ation 7: is in!omplete will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there are in!orre!t verti!al entry moves in !avity mill toolpath will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n %& '(5 .avity Milling) when !ut area is used) the blan de#inition is now used !orre!tly to determine where open engage moves !an be made outside o# the blan ( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where importing a step #ile with the S*; option turned on !hanges the #a!e !olors will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21+93 75 21+97 73 21+9' 39

215,, 1+

215,, 25 215,/ ,/ 215,/ 59 2151+ +5 2151+ 75

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where S"*P import does not pro!ess !olors properly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where inherited PM7 dimensions be!ame retained in :ra#ting immediately a#ter dra#t view !reation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where importing 7@*S #iles with the S*; option turned on does not pro!ess #a!e !olors !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ;ire *:M is getting dupli!ate =%L<>:8;7R* and L<>:8;7R* will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the #a!es o# a !omponent disappear i# partial shading is enabled #or a !omponent in an assembly and 9*dit $A <bIe!t :isplay9 is used to disable partial shading #or some o# the #a!es o# the !omponent) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >bout Kole Series( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a =7Styler dialog hides a#ter =61.671spawn34 is !alled will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where editing a !urve length did not result in the !orre!t preview will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .PF0 Kighlighted edge in *dge ?lend will not un$highlight( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an alert o!!urred when arranging a drawing view using the perpendi!ular to line option) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where users are unable to re!reate a "hi! en #eature will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where line width was not maintained when using when !opying a !urve to another view using ProIe!t to Biew) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !omponent with a #i2ed !onstraint moves in seHuen!ing) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 "he 7nsert Motion tool now !he! s the sele!ted !omponents #or a #i2 !onstraint( 7# a #i2 !onstraint is present in one o# the !omponents and the user has not yet been warned) a warning dialog is displayed noti#ying the user that a sele!ted !omponent has a #i2 !onstraint( "he user is as ed whether motion should be allowed( "his behavior is mirroring the behavior o# the Move tool(

2151' 52 2152/ 57 21532 95 2153/ 2' 21537 29 21539 2/ 215+1 25 215+9 2/

2155+ +9 2155+ /+ 21557 3+ 215/3 5'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >nimation o# a "ea!h Mode operation shows strange motion when stepping through the subops will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( "he problem where the -6ailed to interpret 2ml #ile !orre!tly- is displayed a#ter loading a Solid *dge assembly is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error o!!urs when a part has an assembly arrangement saved #rom the motion results) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it is di##i!ult to obtain the <rigin o# a ModelinBiew will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > new method !alled >bsolute<rigin has been added to ma e it easy to obtain this lo!ation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error message was in!orre!tly translated in Fapanese) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ps25(,(15/ .PF$B=P0 =>68=>: 6ailure3%& 7(5(2 ip+4$<##set 6a!e is #ailed to update( >bout 9insert 8 design #eature 8 hole9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tool gouges the part geometry in a 6a!e Milling >rea operation when 9Prevent =nder!utting9 is turned on will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where view boundary will be e2tended a#ter inserting 97n#inite Line9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the des!ription #or the Style option in the PM7 3: .enterline is wrong in Fapanese) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where i# you !reate a ma!ro #rom the Manu#a!turing >ppli!ation and you add a -=ser *ntry-) you !an no longer !hange modules or save and !lose your part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where the .on!ave 6a!e results were not as e2pe!ted has been !onverted to an *nhan!ement ReHuest( .on!ave #a!es !urrently wor in the draw dire!tion( 7# the draw dire!tion pier!es the sheet more than on!e) then the result may not be !orre!t) su!h as this !ase( ;e have submitted an *nhan!ement ReHuest as ing to add an option in the dialog so it will use the draw dire!tion or the sur#a!e normal( ;hen 7 reatta!h the s et!h to the endpoint) the s et!h be!ome over !onstraint( ug1e2port re!ords warning 9=@M@R11is1hoo up1spe! got a long name(

215// 1, 215/7 2' 215/9 3, 2157+ '1 21575 9' 215'1 ,' 215'2 1/

215'5 ,2

215'7 +3 215'7 /1

21597 +2 21/,1 /9 21/,9 13 21/,9 7+ 21/1, +' 21/11 99

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where users !ould not sele!t the planar #a!e o# a Produ!t <utline part #or a s et!h plane) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a ribbon builder-s result is di##erent by %& 3 and %& 5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(+ and %& '( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6low .ut with Re#eren!e "ool is leaving some areas un!ut will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where dimension line is moved upon updating symbols in part with S?6) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he attribute does not !opy using ;>B* Mode( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there were Huestions about Kighlight Measurements in 6eature Sets option) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where the do!umentation #or the Kighlight Measurements in 6eature Sets option was wrong is #i2ed in release %& '(5( "he modi#ied !ontent under Kome A 6undamental A .ustomiGing %& A =sing Pre#eren!es A Measurement dialog bo2) now reads as0 :isplays the hidden measurements along with #eature when you sele!t a #eature group or =ser :e#ined 6eatures #rom the Part %avigator( ?y de#ault) this !he! bo2 is turned o##( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %on$.utting Move option 9:ire!t Retra!t #rom "rim Point9 is not wor ing in %& 7(5(2 but did in %& /(,(2(' will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where some parts !annot o##er the 9<riginal 6eatures9 preview window when pasting a !opied #eature into a part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where #ilter a #eature with alerts9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Reatta!hing <n Path s et!h !reates an over$!onstrained !ondition( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >bout the display !olor o# the :atum .SJS will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .ut ?ody #eature was in the M<:*L Re#eren!e Set a#ter a PM7 Se!tion .ut was per#ormed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n ma ing a hole) the result o# 9*nd .ham#er9angle is in!orre!t(

21/13 /, 21/21 29 21/22 75 21/25 27 21/2/ 7, 21/3, 12 21/3+ '3

21/3' '5

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Move .omponent has worse per#orman!e when the >ssembly %avigator is e2panded will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "here will still be a smaller !ost on e2iting the dialog) but this is needed to re$#igure the positioning statuses o# the !omponent nodes) whi!h may !hange on dialog e2it( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to use multi$byte strings with Message:ialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >bout updata1stru!ture(e2e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .avity Mill rest mill operation gouges the part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when opening a part) the error 9%&1%av1(plm2ml $ 6ailed to load part9 o!!urs) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Miter :ire!tion o# the .ontour 6lange is not !orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the migration report !annot be displayed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where rosette type strain gages wer returning plots in random events that did not !orrespond to other strain gages will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "here are some in!orre!t Fapanese !hara!ters in %& 7(5(2 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9"rans#orm9 was not properly translated to Fapanese will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where inherited PM7 asso!iativity were not restored a#ter a re#eren!e set swap) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 6ilter se!tion o# the tessL(!on#ig was removed in error when ma ing a modi#i!ation) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the assembly produ!t stru!ture was not shown !orre!tly in ".Bis when F" was e2ported #rom "eam!enter will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a b$sur#a!e !ould not be e2tra!ted #rom a #a!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %&

21/39 ,5 21/39 +, 21/+1 12 21/+2 2+ 21/+3 55 21/+' 5+ 21/+9 31 21/5+ 73 21/5/ 23 21//2 ,/ 21//+ ,+ 21//5 3/ 21/// 12

'(5( 21/// 31 21/71 +/ 21/7+ 23 21/75 ++ Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a standard %& item revision Huery in "eam!enter did not a!!ount #or seHuen!es will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( :atum .SJS(!olor !hanges in a s et!h( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the variable) S:71;<RC inter#ered with %& printing) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware) %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where orientation #ails S et!h datum a2es does not meet the user$spe!i#ied !onstraints will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Please note that sin!e the !hange is under version !ontrol) the #i2 would be available only to the S et!h #eatures !reated in %& '(5 or later( =ser has to re!reate the s et!h #eatures in %& '(5 to solve the issues mentioned in the PR( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when doing ugmanager1!lone using $nEVY:?1P>R"1%<Z) :?1P>R"1%< is not used) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Leader option in the "abular %ote dialog was set to 9Leader #rom "op9 when editing a "abular %ote regardless o# the original setting used) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where di##erent results were observed when the .ustomer :e#ault 9.hange :isplayed Part on .lose9 was enabled) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >bout "hrough .urves will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #i2es must be prote!ted by using version !ontrol( "hus the old #eature needs to be either re$done or bring in #or a intera!tive 9edit9 to get the #i2es( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where PM7 using e2pressions !an not be shown #rom assembly using partial loading) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Style setting -Leader #rom "op-) -Leader #rom ?ottom- used #or Leader Repositioning did not wor !orre!tly #or "abular notes or Parts Lists) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .>M *2press doesnot wor in S* S"3 assembly( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :atum 6eature alignment using 9Position Relative to Biew9 was not wor ing in %&7(5) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(5) %& '(,(1 and %& '(5(

21/75 91 21/7/ ,3

21/79 '3 21/', /5

21/'1 ,, 21/'2 /3

21/'3 +5 21/'+ 91

21/'/ 11 21/'/ 93 21/'7 +7 21/'7 /9 21/9, 92

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Measure distan!e get di##erent result between part and assembly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Part .leanup ta es a long time #or parametri! parts will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(5 and later releases( *rror !omes while opening solid edge part in .>M *2press( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :atum0S!ale is !hanged) an obIe!t !annot be displayed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Parts list behavior with lo! ed rows and ey #ield with leaves on( will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he behavior reported by the PR is not a problem and per design( ;hen the !omponent re#eren!ed by the lo! ed row is deleted) its parent !omponent is the new lea# !omponent and is automati!ally in!luded into the parts list due to the -Leaves <nly- *dit Level setting( > new row is !reated #or the !omponent representing the new lea#( "he original row has a stri e through at this point) however) #or a parts list that has no ey !olumns0 the new row is merged with the stri e through row and the end result is a single new row that does not have stri e through( <n the other hand) #or a parts list with a ey !olumn) the rows are not merged and the end result is two rows) the original row with a stri e through and a new row #or the new lea# !omponent( > problem that is not e2pli!itly mentioned is that although the parts list automati! update toggle setting was <%) an update o# the parts list was reHuired to see the #inal results( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a ?oolean o# two primitives was not reported in the :etails pane o# the Part %avigator will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the) Miter :ire!tion o# .ontour 6lange is not !orre!t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where leaders were isolated #rom the symbols in !ustom PM7 %ote symbols will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where users !annot report the short!ut ey o# add$on !ommand) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there is an in!orre!t translation #or the menu on the <rbit dialogue bo2 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 75K%S$alpha Linear Path #ails using re!tangular spa!e reservation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to !reate a F" data #or %& envelope data) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21/95 '+ 21/97 +, 21/99 1, 21/99 5/ 217,, 2+ 217,2 +2 217,2 52

217,3 ,9 217,+ 25

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where silhouettes o# the model were not displayed having updated the drawing view) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an internal error was raised when inserting a :etailed or ProIe!ted Biew in the :ra#ting appli!ation) i# the geometry in the parent view was !losed prior to inserting the view) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7nvalid attempt to load library when e2e!uting .am *2press #rom Solid *dge S"3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a PM7 dimension !annot be snapped to @rid in 6R<%" view) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where alignment o# annotation was getting !hanged) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "he !olor o# the e2tra!ted sheet !hanges with sele!ted sur#a!e types will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where all e2tra!ted edges were removed when deleting a @roup) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where generating a Bariable .ontour operation that uses 9<ptimiGed to :rive9 tool a2is produ!es the error 9>ttempt to #ree already #ree memory in Storage Manager9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(5( 7n %& '(,(5 when the !urrent tool siGe #or the <ptimiGed to :rive "ool >2is #ails to mat!h the largest !on!ave !urvature o# the :rive @eometry a warning dialog will appear stating this !ondition e2ists and you may need to use a smaller !utter or in!rease the Ma2imum Lead >ngle( >n error !omes while opening solid edge S"3 part in .>M *2press 7(5(2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !omponent body disappeared a#ter reatta!hing a s et!h) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen(>nnotations A .ustomSymbol.olle!tion A "o>rray method threw an error 9System(7nvalid.ast*2!eption9 i# the part !ontained any Pmi.ustomSymbol obIe!ts) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the behavior o# hiding a silhouette edge in a view needs to be do!umented will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where e2porting a part raised the error 9>n invalid tag was passed to the tag module9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

217,/ 52 217,/ 9, 217,' 39 217,' +7 217,9 97 21711 3'

21712 52 21713 51 2171/ 2'

2171' 23 2171' 71

2172, 29 2172, 53

9"he problem where 99Part not #ound9 error o!!urs with ugmanager1trans#er1program9 is #i2ed in release %& '(5(9 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where animations do not stop when using the 9.trl R Shi#t R L9 eys will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he !ombination 9.trl R Shi#t R L9 eys is only used on Linu2 devi!es to abort operations( <n windows opening systems) sele!ting the 9Stop9 button in the ;or $in$progress dialog is the !orre!t method( "he status line has been modi#ied to only show this message on non$;indows ma!hines( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Smooth *dges were sele!table) when the body was shaded with the Bisualiation 9Smooth *dges9 toggled o##) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where enhan!e reHuirement to %& :o!umentation to e2plain de#inition method o# base point will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using 95oom9 and then 96it9 #ive times in a row and the #i#th operation is delayed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when using the >pply button on some dialogue bo2es in!reases the siGe o# the des!ription area will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :imension lo!ations !hanged when views were updated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !ertain PM7 :imension values !hanged when updating a view will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation was missing an e2planation #or how multiple revisions o# =:6-s are displayed in the =ser :e#ined 6eature Library ?rowser) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( *nhan!ement ReHuest about Fapanese lo!aliGation o# message( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 97nvalid path name9 #or Sear!h :ire!tories is displayed when Load 6rom 6older will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .PF$B=P0 =>68=>: 6ailure3%&'(, ip214 $ <##set 6a!e is #ailed to update( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an update error o!!urs when you reopen the #ile) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Foint origin is not updated a#ter modeling !hange(

21723 92 2172+ '+ 21725 13 2172/ 9/ 21727 7+ 21727 75 21727 '+

2172' 92 2172' 93 2173, /, 21731 27 21732 32

2173+ 7/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the %&<pen 9@etBisible*2pressions349 method did not !learly e2plain that it only returns numeri! e2pressions will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware do!umentation %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in a ;ire *:M SeHuen!e 7nternal "rim the 6inish "rim operation ignores one o# two "hread Koles that are de#ined will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .ham#er on an instan!ed hole in!orre!t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the @R7P !ommand :7M?P8 !reated a bogus obIe!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Mar er does not #ollow to the geometry !hange( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ve!tor #or!e does not #ollow the geometry !hange that is made by an e2pression modi#i!ation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation) version '(5 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a#ter !opying and pasting a !omponent) the Parts List !ell value #ailed to !hange leaving 9W(((X9 in the .>LL<=" !olumn will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the whole assembly was !losed when the & button was !li! ed on the graphi!s window) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n %& '(5 a !hoi!e is o##ered to the user i# they want to !lose the 9Part9 or the 9Part and its !omponents9 and depending on the user !hoi!e the a!tion is per#ormed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7nadeHuate :o!umentation #or Start and *nd limitations #or *2trude #eature is #i2ed in %& / and later( 6rom %& / onwards under all !ir!umstan!es when a s et!h is sele!ted #or *2trude) the Limits options now in!ludes the Balue) Symmetri! Balue) =ntil Sele!ted) and =ntil *2tended options( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the behaviour is di##erent #rom the !ir!le !reated by 7nsertA.urvesA>r!8!ir!le and the !ir!le !reated by S et!h will be !lari#ied in %&' do!umentation by the #ollowing !hange made to the >r!!le dialog bo2 page0 9*nd <ption Lets you spe!i#y the point #or the start angle o# the ar! or !ir!le as a !onstraint(9 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you want to add des!ription o# 9=@771=:61L>J*R1<R7@7%>L9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7t is by desgin that only essential environment variables are do!umented in the online Kelp( =@771=:61L>J*R1<R7@7%>L is not !onsidered essential #or most users and is there#ore not in!luded in the online Kelp( Kowever) the de#inition #or =@771=:61L>J*R1<R7@7%>L is #ound in the %& system !opy o# your ugii1env1ug(dat #ile) and is dupli!ated here0 S =@771=:61L>J*R1<R7@7%>L spe!i#ies that all obIe!ts !reated by a new =:6 instan!e will be by de#ault added to the S layers where they are original !reated in the =:6 de#inition part( =sers !an !hange to wor layer or new layer S when inserting a =:6( "o turn this on) set the value to 1( =@771=:61L>J*R1<R7@7%>LE,(

21735 12 2173/ +/ 21737 72 2173' 2/ 2173' 29 21739 12 21739 75

217+, /,

217+, /+

217+3 +,

217+3 /'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >ssembly Pre#eren!es Maintain wor s di##erently #rom the help #ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he des!ription o# the Maintain pre#eren!e now says0 9Spe!i#ies that %& should try to eep the same wor part when the displayed part is !hanged) assuming the wor part is in the downstream hierar!hy o# the displayed part( 9%ote0 ;hen you ma e a !omponent the displayed part) it be!omes the wor part as well( 7# the displayed part is an assembly) the wor part !an be the assembly or any o# its subassemblies or !omponents( 97# this !he! bo2 is not sele!ted when the displayed part is !hanged) the displayed part be!omes the wor part(9 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where assigning a part number #or an idealiGed part doesn-t wor will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he behavior o# the part number assignment was !hanged in %& '(5( <n!e the user assign a number to a part) the 9>ssign9 button will be grayed out to prevent the user #rom re$assigning the part number again( 6rom now on) user !an-t repetitively !li! on the 9>ssign9 button to re$assign the part number( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported that do!umentation on hiding a s et!h as opposed to ma ing a s et!h internal was ambiguous will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( "he do!umentation will be as #ollows0 7n the Part %avigator) %& pla!es the s et!h be#ore its #ormer owning #eature( %& displays the s et!h in the graphi!s window only i# the s et!h is on a visible layer( %ote "he visibility o# s et!hes when you ma e them internal or e2ternal is independent o# the Show and Kide !ommand( "he #ollowing has been added to the 7nternal and *2ternal s et!hes topi!0 :i##eren!es between 7nternal and *2ternal s et!hes 7nternal s et!hes are a!!essible only #rom the owning #eature( "hey are not listed in the Part %avigator and are not displayed in the graphi!s window( %ote 7# you want to only hide your s et!h in the graphi!s window) use the Show and Kide !ommand( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Results #rom Response Spe!trum analysis !ould note be displayed in >dvan!ed Simulation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( ;ants to remain a hidden s et!h by 9Ma e S et!h *2ternal9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where graphi!s #or nodal #or!e lo!ations may be in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware 6emap %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&$!reated #olders are not deleted when %& is properly !losed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the sele!ted #eature is released and is no longer sele!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or durability was in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the PM7 %ote dialog was not wide enough in the .ustom Symbols area when running in "eam!enter managed %&) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

217+3 '/

217+/ 97

217+7 11 217+7 77 217+7 '5 217+9 9, 21751 ', 21753 7+ 2175/ 7'

21759 3'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6or!e Save >ll does not !reate a preview in "eam!enter mode will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 96or!e save all9 !auses all parts in the session to be saved even i# they are not the displayed part or part o# the displayed assembly( <nly parts in the !urrent displayed part8assembly have their previews updated( "he session parts that are %<" in the !urrent display do not get their previews !reated8re$!reated( >dditional do!umentation has been added to des!ribe the preview results on session parts that are displayed and not displayed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported when PM7 obIe!ts are inherited to a drawing) some PM7 obIe!ts are pla!ed around the sheet origin will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %&8". 0 Part #ile is opened #rom W>dvan!ed Sear!hX) it be!omes 9Read <nly9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a =:6-s !hildren were not reported in 7n#ormation ;indow) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .ue line reads 9Sele!t a #eature and parameter to re#eren!e9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and will then read 9Sele!t a #eature and then sele!t a parameter to re#eren!e(9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6lat Pattern did not update having !hanged a :ra#t >ngle to 12 degrees) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !opying a note to another layer and then deleting that !opied note !ausing the original note to lose the understanding o# how the leader on the note should loo will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a detail view-s boundary line thi! ness !hanges a#ter the parent view-s !ir!le is moved will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a :ivide 6a!e operation #ailed at the de#ault modeling toleran!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where <peration is di##erent a!!ording to the sele!tion seHuen!e by 9Subtra!t9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not e2plain that the =:6 library !on#iguration does not support dupli!ate #older names at the same level o# the library hierar!hy) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in!onsistent messages were raised #or missing =:6 Kelp do!umentation depending on i# the user was inserting or editing a =:6) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the leader o# a label shows in %& when it is hidden in 7$deas will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o#

21759 9' 217/, ,' 217/, ,9 217/, 13

217/, +, 217/, 73 217/1 ,2 217/1 ,3 217/2 25 217/2 /,

217/3 ,5 217/3 /,

our so#tware %& '(,(3( 217/3 9' Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the = and B @rid .ount values #or a !omponent were 9$19) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he = and B @rid .ount #ields will now be grayed out) unless a obIe!t whi!h has = and B grid !ounts 3whi!h are solid and sheet bodies) and their #a!es4 has been sele!ted( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the modi#ied =:6 part name in the =:6 de#inition dialog is not pi! ed up when the user does a M?2) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he error message is a !he! to see i# there is already a =:6 de#inition part with the given =:6 part name( 7t is o to have two identi!ally named =:6s but with di##erent =:6 part names( "he sear!h #or the right =:6 is done using both =:6 name and =:6 part name( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >lerts were displayed even when the pre#eren!e was disabled) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the sele!tion bar is reset when 61 #un!tion ey is used in an %& session that has =@7716C*J1:J%>M7.S environment varible set to 1 to simulate 7$deas li e behavior with the #un!tion eys will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where assembly level layer !ontrol was not honored with F" translations) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(1) '(5) and onward( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation does not !ompletely de#ine the behavior o# the -*nlarge- !ommand will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >bout the di##eren!e in operation o# the button o# a Library .lass Sele!tion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ;ant to des!ribe about the spe!i#i!ation o# Hui! pi! in %& do! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where some .ore :rills retrieved #rom either the in!h or metri! tool library have the 6lute Length longer than the Length will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Routing Sto! was not united automati!ally in one !omponent) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where do!umentation was needed to des!ribe the behavior when opening an 7temRev that !ontains both a =@Master and a =@Part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a S!ale operation on a label does not s!ale the arrow) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

217/5 /3

217// 21 217/7 ++

2177, 22 2177, +, 21771 53 21772 72 21773 ,7 21773 25 2177+ 37 21775 /+

2177/ 39 2177/ 55 2177/ 9/ 21777 +/ 2177' '5 21779 /5 21779 7, 217', 79

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :oes using long e2pression name a##e!t data will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Kem 6lange !ould not be !reated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !ylindri!al sur#a!es were not divided when !reating spot welds will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was a do!umentation error in 9>dd MJ1*%:1M7LLS tools to the database9 where the 9S*%:1:>">9 was missing) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation was inadeHuate in des!ribing the meaning o# 9>pply %ame to >ll <!!urren!es9 #or the 9.omponent Properties9 #orm will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to %& '(5 on this topi!( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the .he! $ Mate #un!tion mH!1log<bIe!tSet was insu##i!ient) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ;or ing in Fapanese environment and getting error message in *nglish) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the di##erent #ormats in the =:6 library #ilesU db!1ud#1as!ii(de# and db!1ud#1ugmgr(de# are unsupported) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #ollowing note has been added to the do!umentation #or 9Setting =p and Managing =:6 Libraries90 %<"*0 Jou !annot !on#igure both native and managed =:6 libraries simultaneously( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where additional do!umentation was reHuired #or the environment variable 9=@771=:617M>%1;7"K1%>"7B*1:>">?>S*9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where setting the Show property on a ?lo! Styler to 6alse resulted in the Reset button not being shown) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he Show property has been disabled #or a dialog( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the >ssemblies Kelp needed more des!ription o# the Syn!hroniGe Lin s options) espe!ially o# the !olumns #or the .andidates "able in the dialog bo2) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Ma2imum .learan!e setting is !hanged into Minimum in the Measure :istan!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Kelp :o!umentation #or S et!h !urve o##sets was in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o#

217', ', 217', '7

217'2 /2

217'2 99 217'5 +9

our so#tware %& '(5( 217'5 /3 217'' '' 217'9 +/ 217'9 // Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where groups #or a sheet were not displayed in the Part %avigator when using the supplied template) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .>M0>ttempt to #ree already #ree memory in Storage Manager message is displayed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6lat Solid !ould not be !reated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Part 6amily Member 3P6M4 #older isn-t !reated within the e2isting item number) will be resolved by !orre!tions made to the do!umentation #or the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 7n this use !ase the P6M 7tem and 7temRevision already e2ist so %& doesn-t need to !reate anything( %& only pla!es the P6M in the 96amily #older9 i# it is a new 7tem in the database( "he do!umentation has been updated as #ollows0 Storage o# 6amily Members in "eam!enter > #amily table is stored in "eam!enter with the template part #or the #amily o# parts( "here are two situations when members o# a part #amily are !reated in "eam!enter0 1( ;hen you save an assembly that !ontains the #amily member in %&( 2( ;hen you e2pli!itly !reate the #amily member3s4 using the Part6amily A .reate Parts !ommand( ;hen you save an assembly that !ontains a #amily member) i# the #amily member is new) a new 7tem is !reated( "hat 7tem is then stored in a #older titled 6amily Members) whi!h is atta!hed to the template part by a re#eren!es relationship( "he de#ault name #or this #older is 6amily Members) or whatever the translation is #rom the variable g 1#am1memb1name( 7#) #or any reason) the #older with the !orre!t translated name does not e2ist) "eam!enter 7ntegration will loo #or an e2isting #older !alled 6amily Members and use this instead( 7# the #amily member is revised) the e2isting database 7tem is also revised( 7# the member o# the part #amily already e2ists in the database) that e2isting !opy o# the member is overwritten( 217'9 73 2179, +2 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the per#orman!e o# a :ivide 6a!e !ommand is slower in %&7(5 than in %&7 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in#ormation needed to be added to the do!umentation about the -Spe!ial Paste- operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #ollowing note is added to the help0 Jou !an redo a paste operation only i# the !ontents o# the !lipboard have not been !hanged( 6or e2ample) i# an additional !opy operation is per#ormed prior to the redo operation) the !ontents o# the !lipboard are !onsidered invalid #or a redo operation and the Redo !ommand is not available #or sele!tion( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a PM7 Region was in!orre!tly displayed on a #a!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21791 7,

21791 75 21792 1/ 21792 7/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9=pdate .ustomiGation9 dialog in the Fapanese version o# %& !ontains unreadable !hara!ters will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .oin!ident .onstraint was not !reated automati!ally depending on how the line was initiated) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the balloon #or 9Remove Missing Parents9 did not get raised when the !ursor was pla!ed over the bla! W&X i!on) when editing a PM7 6eature .ontrol 6rame) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the *dge ?lend do!umentation still made a re#eren!e to 9?lend >ll 7nstan!es9) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 6a!e o# the e2tension is !ut by the plate .ounterbore Kole will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %ote that old parts will not be modi#ied in the new version o# the so#tware) but Kole 6eatures !reated in the new version should e2hibit the !orre!t behavior( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where e2planation about alerts is not available will be added in %& '(5 :o!umentation( >dded new te2t to the #ollowing in#o under Modeling$APart %avigator$APart %avigator $ Main Panel help topi!) in the >lerts se!tion0 >lerts Lists in#ormation or warning messages that display while !reating or editing #eatures( >lerts are temporary and appear only on!e with the initiating event and usually disappear #ollowing another a!tion) su!h as a Playba! or a subseHuent edit) even when the !ondition that !aused the alert message remains( Wi!onX 7n#ormation alert $ 7ndi!ates a non$serious event that does not reHuire any user intera!tion( *2ample0 Preview !ould not be !omputed( Wi!onX ;arning alert $ 7ndi!ates a serious problem with the !urrent operation) and reHuires user intera!tion to !orre!t the problem( *2ample0 =nable to terminate the blend #a!es( >dd adIa!ent tangent edges or all the edges o# the verte2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the & button be!ame available when e2iting the s et!h even when the button) =@167L*1S>B*>S1>%:1.L<S* was removed #rom the menus!ript #ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the message displayed when !reating a new revision in!orre!tly re#erred to an e2isting part in the database that did not e2ist) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a#ter generating a 6low!ut operation and sele!ting -<C- to the dialog the status !hanges to 9Regenerate9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .learan!e >nalysis !an #ail to dete!t some bodies that are not members o# the M<:*L re#eren!e set will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5(

21793 12 21793 +7

21793 73

2179/ 97

21797 13 2179' '1 21799 5'

21',1 5,

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a warning is generated when a 2 byte !hara!ter is input in the 9Kolding Systems %ame9 #ield in M."$P<.C*"8Po! et when using the =@771L>%@EFapanese variable will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9update %& :o!umentation about =:68t!l #ile usage9 is #i2ed in %& '(5 :o!umentation 7n the Modeling help #or =:6) the #ollowing statement is to the topi!) 9Managing =:6 Libraries #rom %ative90 9%& always uses the t!l #ile) one #or %ative and one #or "eam!enter) lo!ated in the installation #older(9 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the manual does not e2plain how the 9>verage Pressure9 is !al!ulated in the report will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( "he do!umentation was updated #or %& '(5 release( "he average pressure is the arithmeti! average o# all nodal pressure #or the sele!ted elements( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a stationary #a!e is in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there is no des!ription o# the behavior #or automati! an!hor point in the :ra#ting Kelp will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5( >dditional in#ormation is added to the de#inition o# the an!hor point option on the @eneral tab o# the Biew Pre#eren!es dialog bo2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 97nternal error9 is returned i# you spe!i#y the >pproa!h Point in an >voidan!e group then generate an operation #rom the <peration %avigator in "urning) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a per#orman!e loss was observed when loading materials in a part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where reatta!h s et!h doesn-t atta!h !onstraints properly) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a preview !an be sele!ted as i# it is a real se!tion obIe!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the spot welding #un!tion !reated dupli!ate elements will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an %& 7(5(2 >rea Milling operation generates in %& 7(5(+ with spi es in the tool path will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the assembly drawing with PM7 produ!es saving error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7S51B=P "he master whi!h is dire!tly under >L"R*P !annot be loaded(

21',3 ,3

21',3 73

21',3 75 21',/ 31

21',7 33

21',7 /7 21',' 7+ 21',9 13 21',9 5/ 21'1, 72 21'1, 73 21'11 '5

21'12 ,2

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >dvan!ed Simulation appli!ation was disabling the :elete Sele!ted and Kide Sele!ted buttons on the Modeling appli!ation-s mb3 popup menu will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9?ase *dge9 !ould not be sele!ted when adding a 9?end 6lange9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7nstan!ed geometry is not visible even when unsuppressed by e2pression) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& %astran results are not available a#ter solving the P"S will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 phase 11( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there is do!umentation #or 96ile A 7mport %&$2:9) however there is no su!h #un!tion available in the so#tware) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where PM7 dimensions lose sight o# re#eren!e when adding view to drawing) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where missing additional in#o in %&-s do!s09the reason why some !hara!ters are unsupported9 will be updated in the up!oming release o# our so#tware do!umentation %& '(5 "he #ollowing in#ormation is added( ?e!ause o# operating system limitations) %& does not support non$>S.77 !hara!ters) in!luding '$bit a!!ented ;estern *uropean and multi$byte !hara!ters) in #ile names( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where resetting the Point dialog) while importing a part into dra#ting) does not reset the .o$ordinates) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 7nternal *rror o!!urs when per#orming a -Pre#eren!es $$ABiew- !ommand will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 6or e2isting drawings it will be important to run a Part .lean=p( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a more !omplete des!ription o# an atypi!al thread is needed in the de#inition o# the Render "rue Kidden Line option will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he Render "rue Kidden Line option is rede#ined as0 97n!reases the Huality o# the rendered thread so that in!orre!tly trimmed thread lines appear !orre!tly( ;hen set) the time it ta es to display the view may in!rease when there are numerous threads(9 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where deleting Routing parts using the read only Sto! >s .omponents !auses an aborted %& session will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21'12 ,/ 21'1+ ,9 21'1+ 73 21'1/ +9 21'17 5/ 21'17 7+

21'1' ,9 21'1' 17

21'19 7+

21'2, 3'

21'21 5,

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the drag handle o# a 3: >ngle !onstraint is in the wrong dire!tion) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he drag handle is still !reated in the same dire!tion be!ause the original !on#iguration o# geometries does not yield a uniHue dire!tion but on!e the geometries are rotated the drag handle is updated( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where > highlight o# .onstraints disappears in 9Show8Remove .onstraints9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error o!!urred i# a .he! Mate Kome 6older was in Fapanese notation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not !ontain su##i!ient in#ormation about 9>!tive 6eature @roup9)will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 do!umentation( "he #ollowing topi!s on the 6eature @roup dialog have been added in the Modeling help0 1( >dded the option #or 9Ma e this @roup >!tive9 to the options table and added this te2t0 9Ma es the sele!ted 6eature @roup the >!tive 6eature @roup( ;hen a 6eature @roup is a!tive) all newly !reated #eatures are automati!ally added to that group( Jou !an also right$!li! a 6eature @roup in the Part %avigator and !hoose Ma e "his @roup >!tive(9 2( Sin!e this proIe!t seemed to have been missed ba! in %& ') :evelopment also added one other new option on the dialog bo2 that was added in that release0 %ew 6eature @roup Position( 3( >lso added some additional new !apabilities to the *mbed 6eature @roup Members option( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Show34 method #or the ?lo! =7 Styler needed better do!umentation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .PF0:o!ument0%o in#o about 9>!tive 6eature @roup9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where additional e2amples are needed #or ug1!lone will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using >nalysis Shape Se!tion and pressing 9Show Result9 o# an >estheti! 6a!e ?lend is not reported) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >dded the #ollowing te2t to the 9>estheti! 6a!e ?lend options9 topi! the %& '(5 Kelp 3do!umentation40 Show Result Shows the result that will be produ!ed when the >estheti! 6a!e ?lend !ommand is !ompleted( .li! =ndo Result to return to the normal view( %<"*0 7# you !reate a Se!tion >nalysis while Show Result is a!tive) both #a!e !hain 1 and #a!e !hain 2) as well as the previewed >estheti! 6a!e ?lend) are all sele!ted #or the displayed se!tion analysis( Jou !an sele!t and de$sele!t any o# the #a!es during the analysis display( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the -Sele!t >ll- #un!tion in the .lass Sele!tion dialog dis!overs obIe!ts that should have been reIe!ted by the !urrent #ilter settings will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21'21 51 21'21 /3 21'22 5+

21'23 3/ 21'23 3' 21'25 5+ 21'25 //

21'2/ 95

21'27 5/ 21'29 +3 21'29 // 21'29 '/ 21'29 91

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9:isplay Sele!ted <bIe!ts9 option !auses an 7nternal *rror will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming releases o# our so#tware %& 7(5(5 MP1 and %& '(,(1( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where adding a P"S part did not position the part in the e2pe!ted lo!ation) while wor ing in assembly !onte2t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9 >r! o# "hreaded Kole not added to a Re#eren!e Set when body is !opied9 is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 96ailed to update o##set Region9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware 9%& '(5 ip139( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 96ailed to update Move 6a!e9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 phase 15( ?ut to ma e the operation to su!!eed) we need re!reate the move #a!e #eature or edit the move #a!e #eature and !hange <ver#low ?ehaviour #rom >utomati! to *2tend .hange 6a!e option( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9Repla!e 6a!e #ailed to update9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 ip17( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !onstraint dimension did not update to the !orre!t lo!ation a#ter editing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Kub semi$#inish operation !reates the wrong motion in %& ' !ompared to %& 7(5(3 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he issue reported in this PR was that the tool path in %& 7(5(3 su!!eeded to !ut the entire hub) on %& '(,) the path was trimmed in the middle and the tool a2is orientation at the trailing edge was wrong( in %& '(5 we had a proIe!t to enhan!e the su!!ess rate o# the system to !ut through the entire path by allowing !hanges in the lead8lag dire!tion( ?oth issues reported here are #i2ed by this proIe!t( 7n this parti!ular !ase 7-d also re!ommend to !hange the e2tension settings at the leading edge to !ontrol the overlap between instan!es( >lso when swit!hing to %& '(5 the stepovers need to be re!onsidered( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an %& 7(5(3 Kub 6inish operation generated in %& ' MP1 produ!es di##erent tool a2is output will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Preview in!orre!tly displayed threads only when !reating a "hread in Kistory 6ree Mode) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it is impossible to output 9Ruler >ngle139 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where values o# a Sur#a!e 6inish Symbol !ould not be edited when using a blan template and the *SC: :ra#ting Standard) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9%ew9 te2t is !orrupted in the .ompound :atum Re#eren!e dialog) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming

21'3, 1/ 21'31 19 21'32 25

21'32 77 21'32 '1 21'33 2' 21'33 '3 21'33 '5

release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 21'33 9+ 21'3+ 5' 21'35 35 Siemens PLM So#tware believes that the problem you reported where save errors appear i# members are used #rom a =:6 Reuse Library with a pathway that e2!eeds 132 !hara!ters will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a gap o!!urred between an 6.6 bo2 and its leader when .ustom 5one is on #i2ed in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the >ssemblies Kelp needed to in!lude a note that .omponent$.omponent and .omponent$:atum mating !onstraints are not in!luded in an assembly !onstraints !onversion) be!ause those !onstraints are used by !omponent arrays) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .rosshat!h !annot sele!t a 9Sur#a!e 6inish Symbol9 #or >nnotation to *2!lude will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user !annot edit the value o# 9"hreshold9 on the Measure !ommand will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where even though no !hanges are made) the S et!h reports errors will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where no proIe!tion !urve is !reated i# the proIe!tion plane is made smaller will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9 %& ta es more time to !reate new group when the group tree in part navigator 9 is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Lagrangian 7nterpolate #un!tion in 6un!tion Single Math has <rdinate value !orresponding to ma2imum abs!issa value wrong will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Remove Parameters raised an internal error) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > Part .leanup 36eature :ata4 in %& '(5 allows #or the parameters to be removed !orre!tly and no *rror o!!urs( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there seems to be issues with a!!eleration and de!eleration will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he do!umentation and turning team have together !ontinued their wor on the problem you reported and initiated #urther steps to a!!ordingly enhan!e the turning do!umentation( "he #ollowing des!ribes our re!ommendations #or your PR part #ile0 "he simplest way to eliminate the unwanted de!eleration #eed rate move is to eliminate the ramp( "o do so) set a de!eleration distan!e limiting value in the a!!elerate8de!elerate group( Sele!t the Minimum length !he! bo2) whi!h is the only widget in the group until it is sele!ted( "he minimum length te2t bo2 appears and a!!epts a distan!e #or the smallest ramp motion to be output) whi!h you need only set to some value that is more than the length o# the unwanted move( "his resolves your reported issue(

21'3/ ,5 21'3/ +/ 21'3/ 97 21'37 ,2 21'37 15 21'37 /7 21'3' 2'

21'39 21

21'39 59 21'+, 2/ 21'+, '2 21'+1 21 21'+1 2+ 21'+1 5/ 21'+1 /' 21'+1 '/ 21'+2 ,' 21'+2 /5 21'+3 /' 21'+3 '2 21'++ ,1 21'++ 21

Siemens PLM believes that the reHuest you have reported to add more des!riptive help in#ormation on 9.onstant Length9 and 9.onstant >ngle9 will be added to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where re!tangle sele!tion was not wor ing when sele!ting a Studio Spline) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there were e2tra lines showing in an >rtisti! 7mage) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Kelp :o!umentation #or Bariable <##set was not !orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where welding li!enses were not being managed in ;elding pre#eren!es will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& starts updating #eatures #rom a mu!h earlier #eature than the !urrent #eature) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !ategory) -6orm 6eatures-) was not listed as a #eature !ategory in the %& Kelp do!umentation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :imension Re#eren!e toggle was not available #or a :riving :imension in an a!tive S et!h) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Setting ?end Relie# to Round #or Fog #eature raises an alert will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Kidden ;ire#rame preview style doesn-t wor in Biew .reation ;iGard will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Solid body !annot be sele!ted with the un#olded view) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6inite *lement Model .he! is erroring out #or @ap element orientation ve!tor i# a !sys is used to de#ine this ve!tor will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Fapanese translation o# ?a! is not !orre!t in the 9Biew .reation ;iGard9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the result displayed was !hanged by sele!ting a template will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21'++ ', 21'+7 25 21'+7 /1 21'+' 3, 21'+' +' 21'+' 53 21'+' 5/ 21'+' 9+

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to sele!t an e2isting point with the Spe!i#y Point blo! in a (6*M part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %&8". 0 Part #ile is opened #rom W>dvan!ed Sear!hX) "he #ile doesn-t open( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where) the !ategory o# layers is not displayed with %& 7(5)will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware) %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an &$6orm #eature !annot be updated with the dynami! update modeling pre#eren!es set to in!remental or !ontinuous will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "ea!h Mode Sub <peration menu spe!i#ies a Stepover as the #eedrate will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9<verlay .@M9 was setting the >notation Pre#eren!e !olor #or @eneral te2t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !hild$parent relationship o# a body was not displayed in the :ependen!ies o# the Part %avigator) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9=se Kardware Rendering9 do!umentation when !reating animations( will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he do!umentation #or 9=se Kardware Rendering9 will be !orre!ted to add in#ormation regarding how it is !reated and its Huality as #ollows0 "his option !reates ea!h animation #rame image by !apturing the display dire!tly #rom the graphi!s window in whi!hever real$time hardware rendering style is enabled 3Shaded) Studio) et!4( "hat is) the images are !opied #rom the graphi!s window and not #rom the photo$realisti! high Huality image generation( ?e!ause the images are simply !aptured and not generated) the animations !an be !reated more Hui! ly( Kowever note that the visual Huality is less than that o# animations !reated using high Huality images( "ip0 =se the >dvan!ed Studio rendering style mode to get the best animation results with the =se Kardware Rendering option( "he >dvan!ed Studio display is similar to that o# high Huality images( ?ut is not an e2a!t mat!h sin!e not all the high$end visualiGation #eatures that are supported by the photo$realisti! high Huality image rendering !an be supported by the >dvan!ed Studio display( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where #or!es are unevenly and in!orre!tly distributed by torHue will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21'+9 1/

21'+9 17

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9;hen the angle o# the Mat!h 6a!e in W6langeX !hanges the 6lange shape also !hanges9 is #i2ed in release %& '(5( =ser should delete the e2isting #lange and !reate new one in %& '(5( 6or 6langes !reated in %& ' or %& '(,(2U there is a wor around to avoid the problem( 1( 7n PR steps user modi#ied the dra#t angle by edit$Arollba! o# the dra#t #eature( 7nstead i# user !hange the dra#t angle #rom the 9:etails9 window in part navigator) then #lange updates without any problem( 2( "he se!ond wor around is to suppress Q un$suppress the #lange a#ter !hanging the dra#t angle( "hese wor $a$rounds are e##e!tive in %& ') %& '(,(2 Q %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !hara!ters on the 9:raping :ata9 dialog are garbled in a Fapanese environment( will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an in!orre!t translation o!!urred #or the menu on the 9Foule Keating9 dialog) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9 7n!orre!t behaviour using !lose part when only !omponent is modi#ied9 is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the -Preview- option #or Streamline is missing in %& 7(5(5 Q %& '(,(1 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where saving a drawing !aused the -7nsert $A Biew- #un!tions to be grayed out will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where about System 6ault "oleran!e o# <##set Sur#a!e is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a =nite boolean !aused Spe!i#i! "ranslu!en!y settings to be!ome disabled in %& 7(5(+) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9Shortest "ool Length9 !olumn in the <peration %avigator reports in!orre!t results #or 5level and .avity Milling operations will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7n !ertain !ases) 9%ote9 :ialog be hidden will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Move 6a!e #eature #ailed update) reporting0 9"he !hange #ailed be!ause a verte2 !ould not adapt9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Starting o# the >ddendum se!tion dialog is very slow to respond will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(1(5 MP1) %& '(,(2) and %& '(5(

21'+9 3+ 21'+9 3/ 21'+9 +3 21'51 53 21'51 '9 21'52 33 21'52 37 21'52 /1 21'52 /3 21'/1 2, 21'/1 5,

21'/2 +7 21'/2 +9 21'/3 37 21'/3 +2 21'/3 '2

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error is raised when the 9%umber o# :esired Modes9 is blan #or the MS. %astran environment) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Fapanese !hara!ters !an-t be used in #older names will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the property o# an integer !ould not be added to the sear!h !riteria o# >dvan!ed Sear!h) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where some #eatures were out o# date a#ter using !opy8paste on a body) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where e2amples8sample !ases #or one o# the options in the :ie *ngineering "rim Line <utput dialog bo2 topi! were missing #rom the do!umentation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where both area sele!tion and 9Sele!t >ll9 option not being available #or element sele!tion in the #em #ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the >ssemblies Kelp needed details about the toleran!e that is applied to radii involved in a 6it !onstraint will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > 6it !onstraint uses a toleran!e when determining whether radii are eHual( 6or !ylindri!al #a!es 3and most other geometries that are valid #or a 6it !onstraint4) a di##eren!e in radius o# ,(1 mm or less is allowed( 6or !oni!al #a!es) the toleran!e is 1 degree( ?e!ause there are two !ylindri!al #a!es in the situation des!ribed in this PR) the 6it !onstraint wor s when the !ombined di##eren!e in radii is no more than ,(2 mm( ;hen it is ,(3 mm) the 6it !onstraint !annot be applied( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the message 9>ddendum type is not appropriate9 is returned will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(2 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .an!el button wor s li e <C button in .onstraint %avigator Properties dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a =nite boolean operation #ailed reporting0 9"hru #a!e does not interse!t path o# the tool9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the #ile siGe o# a (dl2 #ile o# a ?lo! Styler dialog grew ea!h time a property was modi#ied) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Subtra!t ?oolean !hanged the "arget ?ody layer) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21'/+ +' 21'/+ /7

21'/+ /' 21'/5 ,+ 21'/5 '1 21'/7 93 21'/' +2

21'/' 57 21'/9 12 21'7, 19 21'71 ,9 21'71 1, 21'71 11 21'71 12 21'71 25 21'71 92 21'71 97 21'72 1+ 21'72 37

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a user !annot move a !omponent relative to a sele!ted #a!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where # it swit!hes to a #ull$s!rn display) all !ustom tool bars will be disp will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Show >ll Biews in :rawing did not !orre!tly show8hide views on di##erent sheets) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a "766 image did not display in the Member Sele!t pane #or a .ustom Symbol will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a %ote "itle was not retained during !ustom symbol !reation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where do!umentation was needed to des!ribe the Rule option #or the :e#ine .ustom Symbol operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9=%.9 o# S!rew type is not displayed !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when editing a 6i2ed .ontour operation $ a .SJS is displayed #or a brie# moment( will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where PS25(,,(1,+ #i2( Move #a!e #ailed in %& ' will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .PF09Sur#a!e 6inish Symbol9 ma!ro does not wor by using Reset( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ;hen 7 measure the !urve) the !olor o# the !urve was !hanged( will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Rendering style o# new parent are not inherited #rom the !hild part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 by updating the %& Kelp do! to e2plain that .reate %ew Parent uses the new$part template to determine the units) rendering style) and ba! ground !olor o# the new parent part( 9.reate %ew Parent9 in native mode does not inherit what do!umentation indi!ates( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& ta es too long to open a #ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5(

21'72 3' 21'72 55

21'7+ /2 21'7+ /3 21'7+ /+ 21'7+ /5 21'7+ // 21'7+ /7 21'7+ /9 21'7+ 79 21'75 77 21'75 '' 21'75 9' 21'7/ 22

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Fapanese translation on the e2!iter !ommand #orm will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there are in!orre!t Fapanese !hara!ters in the Laminate8*2trude !ommand will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was an in!orre!t translation on the Laminate #orm will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was in!orre!t Fapanese translation on the @lobalLaminate !ommand will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where)"here are in!orre!t Fapanese while editing the graph in %& '(,(,(2(5)will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !ertain Parasolid #ile !ould not be opened in %& will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Fapanese KighResolution !ommand is not translated !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where editing an &$6orm #eature #ailed with :ynami! =pdate set to 7n!remental or .ontinuous) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the message about 9Mar er9 displayed by the 9Model .he! 9 !ommand will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Result Pro!essing using the group is not possible will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tooltips o# the 9Reuse Library Management9 dialog were garbled when translated to Fapanese) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where <bIe!ts are added to %& layers already used during :&68:;@ 7mport) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "his behaviour was >s :esigned but the te2t string on the =7 and do!umentation were misleading( =pdated the te2t string on the =7 and do!umentation as well in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the message 9Restore :ata was Reset by this <peration9 was not displayed in the %& Status when 6it was sele!ted #rom a toolbar) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Plug8Slot dialog name was not translated in Fapanese %&) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o#

21'7/ ', 21'77 ,7

our so#tware %& '(5( 21'77 15 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Model .he! !ommand does not output a message about 9Point <n .urve9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation) version '(5( :evelopment indi!ated) when the geometry used by point on !urve is suppressed) Model .he! will report an error stating that geometry is missing( :upli!ate "urning pass generated in a !ombined Roughing and 6inishing operation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ;elding Foint) .reate Method0 6rom >ttributes) is not always available will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ?a! !ommand did not wor properly in ;elding Foint dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the >lerts Message was raised when sele!ting :e#ine Foint Parameters) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n %& '(5 when you !hoose the :e#ine Foint Parameters button you now re!eive an alert 9"hi! ness not de#ined #or welding Ioint9( ;hat this means is that the dar er blue body needs an attribute with the name shown in 9.ustomer :e#aults $A Stru!ture ;elding $A .ommon $A ?ody "hi! ness >ttribute "itle9( 6or e2ample) i# the value in the !ustomer de#ault is 9S>;1"K7.C%*SS9) and in this data !ase i# an attribute named 9S>;1"K7.C%*SS9 is added with a value o# 2 to the dar er blue solid body then 9:e#ine Foint Parameters9 !an be used( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *dges are not modi#ied when using the ;eld Preparations will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where P"S #ailed to !at!h a synta2 error #or Bisibility .ontrol) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where S et!h is a!tive when return to :ra#ting #rom Modeling will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a mirrored operation results in bad initial display o# the !opied path) but regenerating the operation is !orre!t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6a!e ?lend !ould not be !reated) or produ!es an in!orre!t result( using the option 9<rient .ross Se!tion by 7soparameter Lines9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there seems to be a restri!tion #or the !hara!ter in arrangement name will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21'77 '7 21'79 '3 21'79 '7 21'79 92

21'79 9+ 21'', 32 21'', 57 21'', 97 21''1 5+ 21''1 /9

21''2 ,5 21''2 99 21''3 1, 21''3 17 21''3 2/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an internal error appears when !opying a !urve under !ertain !onditions o# using =:6 standard library !ountersun holes when running %& with "eam!enter will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where editing an edge !urve length returned an error message will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in the do!umentation #or the *valuation "ime option the list o# supported solution seHuen!es in!orre!tly in!luded S<L 1,/ will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .omposite .urves !ould not get the !orre!t ma2imum distan!e measurement will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the log de!ade setting was altering the graph overhead per!entage will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he old design is to !al!ulate overhead #irstly then !al!ulate the de!ades) so the de!ades will be ept with the setting) but the overhead will hide the data( %ew design is to !al!ulate de!ades #irstly then !al!ulate overhead) so the overhead will be !onsistent with the setting) but the de!ades setting will not be ept( "his is also !onsistent with the design #or de!ades with , 3auto4( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9S*.<66S*"9 is not imported !orre!tly #rom an >%SJS input #ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the setting !on!erning 9;el!ome9 page o# dra#ting doesn-t be!ome e##e!tive) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ?oundary .ondition toolbar drop$downs !ontain the wrong list o# types a#ter !an!eling out o# the Solution dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where blan spa!es were appearing in the header o# 1,3 response simulation results will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Setting o# the transparen!y is not re#le!ted in ?oolean( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the re#ile1part utility did not !oin!ide with the swit!h list in the utility) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .ustomer :e#aults did not have the same !he! ing as the S et!h Pre#eren!es dialog 3#or %ame Pre#i2es4) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where i# you have 9:isplay Sele!ted <bIe!ts9 on and you use the 9"ilt "ool >2is9 option) you are no longer able to re#resh the display s!reen will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21''3 ', 21''3 93 21''+ 12 21''+ 21 21''+ 23 21''+ 2+ 21''+ 2' 21''5 ,2

21''5 27 21''5 3, 21''5 99 21''/ ,5 21''/ 17

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using =ndo a#ter deleting a "ra!e in an %&<pen program will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Modi#y e2trude se!tion string !reated !onne!ted !urves not wor ing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( PM71se!tion1!annot be properly edited( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not ma e it !lear that there are no subtypes #or leader obIe!ts will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Manu#a!turing Pre#eren!es dialog still lists the >uto ?lo! !olor although this !olor is no longer used by the system will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( "he !orresponding pre#eren!e has been removed #rom the dialog( .>M0@arbled !hara!ters o!!ur in a =pdate .ustomiGation dialog( .omponent doesn-t open when opening altrep >ssembly( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where)a96ree .oin!ident9 is repla!ed without message by manual !reation)will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware) %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the phrase 9!omple2 modes9 is not translated into Fapanese properly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *diting *lement siGe a#ter highlighting the elements !auses an error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he user #un!tion =61:7SP1set1highlight34 was never designed to support node and element highlighting) and the #a!t that it a!!identally wor ed #or several releases was un$intentional and the sour!e o# potential !rashes( "he routine has been modi#ied to e2!lude nodes and elements( "hey are not #ull$#ledged displayable obIe!ts #or whi!h this routine was designed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in a 9.learan!e1Plane9 sub$ operation o# a Probing operation) the 9>utomati! Plane9 option does not !ause the tool to move to the de#ined !learan!e plane in subseHuent sub$operations will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6ollow Part <##set and 6ollow .urve @M. moves didn-t use the !ustom #eed settings will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :evelop "rim Line #eature is not wor ing !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21''/ 2/ 21''/ 31 21''/ 5/ 21''/ /, 21''7 37

21''7 7'

21''7 '1 21''' 33

21''' 39 21''' +7 21''' 55 21''' /9 21''9 +1 21''9 75 21'9, // 21'9, '2 21'9, '3 21'9, '+ 21'9, 92 21'9, 97 21'91 5+ 21'91 72 21'91 75

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Sto! 6old !ommand raised the error0 9Parasolid #old body does not e2ist9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9Spi es8Plunge Motion9 sele!tion #ilter in the toolpath editor does not wor will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .oordinates Reset doesn-t wor while import part to :ra#ting( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9>lign with >rrows9 option does not wor #or :ra#ting dimensions) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where PM7 dimension did not resiGe as set by ResiGe on .reate setting will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where global shaping #ails #or sheets with gaps will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an une2pe!ted gap is generated between the "rim Line and the >ddendum 6a!e when developing a trim line) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( Layer !ategory set in part #ile is not re#le!ted( Layer !ategory set in i$part is not re#le!ted to #em and sim #ile( .hanging global depth o# !ut does not a##e!t ranges( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the message %ull "ag %ot >llowed was reported when M?3 was used to sele!t a previous parent o# a ProIe!ted Biew will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Suppress by *2pression is not wor ing !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %egative "oleran!e values W7ntolX and W<uttolX !an be input into ;*:M geometry =7 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >2ial8Radial .learan!e Planes are not displayed in .enterline :rilling a#ter %& 5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :oes not :ynami! =pdate) ;hen you used the 6allo## S!ale o# &$#orm will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21'91 79 21'91 95

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& Part lo!ation !hanged a#ter e2porting to F") will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where edit studio spline by &$6orm) !hanges spline siGe by de$sele!ting obIe!t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he reason su!h spline in this part #ile be!omes shorter in &#orm is be!ause they are "hrough Points Spline with e2tension( 7n 2#orm we need to !onvert su!h spline to Spline ?y Poles) as a result) the e2tension in#ormation !an-t be ept) so the shorter spline is a!tually the !onverted spline by poles( ?e!ause o# this une2pe!ted behavior) a#ter su!h spline is !onverted to spline by poles) we will blo! the de$sele!tion( 7# user wants to go ba! to where it was) hit =%:< will bring it ba! ( .PF0!hild$parent relationship o# a body is not displayed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where u!1/53 returns the in!orre!t view in#ormation #ollowing sele!tion o# an obIe!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(+) %& 7(5(5) %& '(,(1) and %& '(,(2 and %& '(,(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where datum is aligning to te2t instead o# the leader3=nderline4 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Spe!i#y Plane iten o# the "rue Shading editor dialog was in!orre!tly hidden will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .avity Milling gouges the part) !uts to the bottom o# the mold plate( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 5level Pro#ile operation gouged the part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .annot !hange the leader position o# "abular %ote Se!tion( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6a!e Milling operation gouges a neighboring wall will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . #un!tion =61:R61set1asso!iativity1data34 a!ts di##erent with newer parts will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where the Step 6a!e #un!tion o# Move #a!e is not !overed in the do!umentation) has been investigated( "he new Step 6a!e option #or the Move 6a!e !ommand was do!umented in the %& '(,(1 release in the ;hat-s %ew @uide) in the topi! 9Move 6a!e $ Step 6a!e enhan!ement(9 >lthough this topi! was te!hni!ally !orre!t) it was not obvious #rom the image that the top sur#a!e on whi!h the Step 6a!e option was employed !onsisted o# two separate #a!es and not one( "he te2t mentioned #a!es that were 9neighboring9 and !oplanar) and in the image the two #a!es were !olored di##erently( Kowever) when users tried this themselves with a mo! up part they tended to #orget that the top sur#a!e was two #a!es and not one( "his has been !orre!ted in the %& '(5 ;hat-s %ew @uide) whi!h now in!ludes the statement0 97n this e2ample the top #a!e has been split into two #a!es(9 "he %& '(5 ;hat-s %ew

21'91 9/ 21'92 31 21'92 /7 21'93 ,, 21'93 12 21'93 13 21'93 2' 21'93 29 21'93 3+ 21'93 59

@uide also uses a better model #or the e2ample #igure( 6ull help do!umentation #or the Step 6a!e option is provided in the %& '(5 Kelp(

21'93 ',

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9?rowse9 option is unreadable in Fapanese in the Ma!hining Cnowledge *ditor on the 9%& .on#iguration 6iles9 dialog when opening the 9ma!hining1 nowledge(2ml9 #ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the version in#ormation display o# the MC* is unreadable will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware is #i2ed in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where nodes !annot be sele!ted in an assembly mesh will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7mport .@M !hanging annotation pre#eren!e lettering type #or !olor and width( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the lega!y %& <pen . >P7 #un!tion =61M<"7<%1tra!e #ound more steps than were reported using the #un!tion =61M<"7<%1step1arti!ulation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the warning 9"ilt >ngle is not valid9 is produ!ed when the value o# the 9"ilt >ngle9 is set to the same value as the 9Ma2imum "ilt >ngle9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the in#ormation #or an ar! was di##erent between an %& <pen >P7 and intera!tive %&) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the bolt !onne!tion #un!tion in!orre!tly displays the message 9radius smaller than hole radius9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the pole o# a !urve doesn-t move) when a !urve is moved by the &$6orm will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;hen dynami! update is on) a !hild should not be sele!ted in &6orm) so editing spline 3 will update spline + automati!ally( "hus the sele!tion o# !hildren #eature in &6orm dynami! update is blo! ed in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .onvert to lin ed body on Promote !ause sour!e #ile to be!ome modi#ied status will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21'93 '7 21'9+ 2' 21'95 23 21'95 33

21'95 3+ 21'95 +, 21'95 5' 21'95 /1

21'95 /+

21'95 ', 21'9/ +7

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where de$sele!ting a s et!h !urve had an une2pe!ted result will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the depre!ated %&<pen A S et!h.olle!tion A .reateS et!h7nPla!e?uilder method #ailed to state what the repla!ement method was) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to re#le!t the settings o# 6ont ;idth in .ell Style) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an option in the 7mport .SB 6ile dialog bo2 was not do!umented will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an in!orre!t message is displayed when using -"rimmed Sheet- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& to F" translations using a spe!i#i! tessL(!on#ig #ile to produ!e no ?$Rep in the resulting (It #ile does not wor ) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an internal error o!!urs when a #ilename-s #ull$Huali#ied path e2!eeds 253 !hara!ters will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7nvalid parameter spe!i#ied #or edit error when !reating PM7 dimension( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user !an-t use add view #rom part using non$master drawing as view) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the proIe!t spline is di##erent i# use the -ProIe!t to %earest Point on Be!tor- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9Save >s9 to %ew 7tem did not have the !orre!t 7tem %ame when two 7tems were in session) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !enter point o# a detail view and the pla!ement o# a detail view are not properly established i# the parent view has been !reated using !ertain methods will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the warning message did not ma e sense when e2porting a F" #rom a Part 6amily Member will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and %& '(,(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .on#li!ting !onstraints were !reated when the user does a Ma e .orner operation using Gero$dimension o##set !urve) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21'9/ ', 21'97 '1 21'9' ,5 21'9' 32 21'9' 92 21'99 1/ 21'99 22 21'99 '5 21'99 '9 219,, 1, 219,, 22 219,, 27

219,1 39 219,2 ,1 219,2 1, 219,2 23 219,3 37 219,3 75 219,3 77 219,3 ',

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !ontinuity is lost when you edit a !urve will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not !lear in the %&<pen do!umentation that animation methods were only available #or internal programs will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "he Fapanese translation o# the message displayed by 97mport Part9 is wrong) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !ustom symbols !reated in %& 5 are showing a loss o# asso!iativity when edited in %& 7(5 be!ause o# the use o# 9*dit >sso!iativity9 in %& 5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Fapanese #older name #or Kome is garbled will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 with ".9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :evelop "rim Line !aused une2pe!ted spi es in the output spline) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the de#ormation plots were di##erent between param)post)$1 and param)post)$2 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the lega!y %& <pen . >P7 #un!tion =61:7SP1re#resh 3and its wrapper method %&<pen(=6 A =6:isp A Re#resh4 did not remove temporary dimensions !reated using >nalysis $A Measure :istan!e((( or Measure >ngle((( #rom the display) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where obIe!t type$mas ing #or sele!tion in the ?lo! Styler did not wor as e2pe!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6eature =pdate !aused a #a!e !olor to !hange) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Stone 7mpingement tool #ailed when the number o# >nalysis 6a!es was less than the number o# ?lo! ing 6a!es will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where #reHuent errors are returned when editing a model will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .annot get <rdinate<rigin:imension o# an <rdinate:imension or vi!e versa( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 7nternal *rror was returned when generating a .enterline :rill operation with no tool will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5(

219,+ 5, 219,5 ,2 219,/ '5 219,/ 9, 219,/ 99 219,7 ,,

219,7 ,1 219,7 3,

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %& <pen >P7 did not provide methods to obtain the <ridinate<rigin:imension o# an <rdinate:imension) and vi!e versa) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen >P7 method %&<pen(>nnotations A >nnotation A 7nsert7ntoSta! did not wor as e2pe!ted when using the %&<pen(>nnotations A Sta! >lignmentPosition A >bove) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he do!umentation has been updated to e2plain the designed behaviour o# sta! ing( ;hen annotations are in a sta! ) the top most annotation is the owner o# the sta! ( "hese are the e2amples given in the PR0 S!enario 10 "he user sta! s annotation > to annotation ? with the sta! alignment set to ?elow Result0 > moves below ? be!ause ? is the top annotation in the sta! and thus the sta! owner( S!enario 20 "he user sta! s annotation > to annotation ? with the sta! alignment set to >bove Result0 ? moves below > be!ause > is the top annotation in the sta! and thus the sta! owner 7n both !ases the annotation that be!omes the sta! owner stays stationary and the annotation that is be!oming the subordinate moves to the owner( "his !an be seen intera!tively as well by dragging an annotation into a sta! ( 7# you drag the annotation into the sta! and ma e it the top annotation then it is now the owner o# the sta! and moving it will move the entire sta! ( Kowever) i# you drag it below another annotation then it will be inserted as a subordinate to the owner and will then move when the owner moves(

219,7 '9

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where enabling the .ustomer :e#ault value o# 9:isable >uto 5 .lipping Planes =pdate #or 6it9 was not honored when starting %& will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3( and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !urve is not trimmed at pre!ise lo!ation) when you want 9"rim .urve9 to two separate !urves) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61=71spe!i#y1ve!tor a!ts di##erently in %& ' than %& 7(5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a :rawing Biew =pdate #ailed reporting0 97nvalid number given #or re!ord o# this type9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .PF 0 >bout the di##eren!e between Biew.olle!tion(Re#resh and =61:7SP1re#resh( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in "ool Path$$A Beri#y the tool isn-t visible anymore) i# the tool display is set to <%) P<7%" or >&7S will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!tion o# a se!tion edge !urve by #iltering would not wor will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o#

219,7 91 219,' 13 219,' 79 219,' '2 219,' '7 219,9 ,3

our so#tware %& '(5( 2191, 3+ 2191, 53 2191, 5/ 21911 +2 21911 71 21911 '1 21912 73 2191+ +' 2191+ 53 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where)Response Simulation !annot de#ined a sensor on the mid node) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware) %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where play o# a Iournal #rom a toolbar button !an!elled the automati! =7 lo! that was applied when using 96ile $A *2e!ute $A %& <pen9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .PF 0 7# we used ?lo! :ialog(:ialogMode(*dit) we !annot sele!t the obIe!t( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9Pat!h <penings9 #a!e sele!tion is slow will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was an in!orre!t translation string on the -Model :isplay- dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( *Huivalent plasti! strain o# shell bottom are all Gero( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7nternal o# a s et!h will reset only !urved width will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where no in#ormation was provided to dire!t the user to a suitable repla!ement #or a depre!ated method in the *2tra!t6a!e?uilder !lass will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the repla!ement #or Set:ra#t>ngle is missing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n earlier versions o# %&) to set the value o# the e2pression) modi#y the e2pression dire!tly using @eometri!=tilities(Simple:ra#t(:ra#t>ngle and *2pression(RightKandSide( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ProIe!tion Be!tor option 9Swar# Ruling9 is not available when sele!ting 9Swar# :rive9 tool a2is will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the value o# an >ngle Measurement e2pression was not !orre!t when edited in >ssembly .onte2t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where strange behavior is o!!urring when using the 9"ransition with Pyramid *lements9 toggle button will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported stating that when meshes are !onne!ted by pyramid elements) mid nodes are not merged) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5(

2191+ 5+ 2191+ /2 2191+ /3 2191+ /5

21915 ,7

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where details o# the new #un!tion 9Manage >6*M .omponents9 are not !lear will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( "he Manage >6*M .omponents dialog bo2 is do!umented in %& '(5( 7n addition) basi! !on!epts and pro!edures #or model stru!ture8>6*M syn!hroniGation are do!umented in the help under Kome$$A.>*$$A>dvan!ed Simulation$$A"eam!enter 7ntegration #or Simulation$$ASyn!hroniGing "eam!enter model stru!tures with >dvan!ed Simulation #iles( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61S61as 1node1pgeoms34 is wrapped in!orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .annot edit the line width 3thin normal thi! 4 o# !hara!ter in tabular note( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %egative sto! is ignored i# .ut >rea is used but was re!ogniGed in %& + will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =ne2pe!ted se!tion !urves appear when !reating se!tion view to a sheet body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error re!overy was raised when dragging a :atum Symbol) that had Iust been edited to add a leader) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where meshpoints disappear on a !ir!ulare edge will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where view mappings !an go stale a#ter an undo whi!h might involve a signi#i!ant s!ale !hange a#ter the related undo mar was set) and where the undo is impli!it 3#or e2ample) as might be done by !an!eling a dialog4 and whi!h leads to odd behavior a#ter) su!h as the inability to pi! things where they appear to be or a view regeneration ma ing the graphi!s area loo small) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Prior to %& '(5) su!h situations !an be trivially wor ed around by !ausing a non$destru!tive and temporary !hange to the siGe o# the graphi!s window whi!h indire!tly !auses a re$!omputation o# the a##e!ted mappings( 6or e2ample) i# one were to pin then un$pin a navigator 3or un$pin then re$pin depending on your initial state4) or un$ ma2imiGe then re$ma2imiGe the %& session or a##e!ted graphi!s window 3or vi!e$versa depending on your initial state4) it will resolve the issue when it o!!urs( "here are no plans to ba! port the related !hanges at this time due to the sensitivity o# the area involved and the availability o# a wor around( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where S et!h !onstraints is not re#le!ted a#ter #inish s et!h will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Model .ompare #ailed to report a uniHue hole #eature in one o# the parts) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .PF0> !ut o# a .ustom Symbol and %ote will generate an internal error(

21915 19 21915 99 2191/ +1 21917 ,5 2191' 31 21919 13 21919 2,

21919 '7 2192, 53 21921 ,1

21921 1+ 21921 17

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the te2t o# a !ustom symbol gets !opied multiple times in modeling a#ter !opying a !ustom symbol) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not !learly state that a dire!tion ve!tor used to !al!ulate a proIe!ted distan!e measurement must be in the !oordinate system o# the wor part) when the wor part is not the display part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n the e2ample provided with this PR) i# the !ode is modi#ied slightly to get the prototype o# the sele!ted #a!e to obtain the normal #or the dire!tion) then the dire!tion ve!tor provided will be in wor part !oordinates) and the e2pe!ted distan!e result will be obtained( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 97# Polygon ?ody is targeted) the translu!en!y will not operate(9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he spe!i#ied e2pression variable does not e2ist when insert =:6( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Model !ompare against edges are produ!ing in!onsistent result will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( =nable to re#eren!e parent obIe!ts that are either suppressed or modeled away( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :atum planes !an be sele!ted by 9Minimum .learan!e9 o# 9ProIe!ted :istan!e9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where) 9;hen the #a!e is !hosen to de#ine the se!tion) it is removed #rom body9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you !ould not e2port a S et!h .urve that was added to a view o# another sheet will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .PF0 "hreaded line o# instan!e hole #eature does not display( .PF0 97nvalid thread length9 alerts display( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where SetRetain:imensions34 did not behave as e2pe!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he lega!y 9retain dimensions9 #un!tionality has been repla!ed with PM7 #un!tionality( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not !learly e2plain that Sele!t<bIe!t3s4 should be repla!ed by the newer Sele!t"agged<bIe!ts3s4 in %& ' will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .PF 0 MeasureManager(%ew:istan!e34 provides wrong output(

21921 53 21923 23 21923 25 21923 27 2192+ ,2 2192+ /1 21925 ,3 21925 ,7 21925 ,9 2192/ 39

2192/ 7+ 21927 53

21929 5' 2193, 29 2193, 3+ 2193, +1

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !he! mate out$o#$date$status !he! was not available will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(+ MP' and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the lega!y >dd .omponent .ustomer :e#ault0 9Multiple >dd9 still e2ists) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "his !ustomer de#ault has been removed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the in#ormation on the 96ile Spe!i#i!ations9 page in the %& *ssentials manual needed updating) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =ntrim was raising error $ =nable to re#eren!e #a!e error #or =ntrim sur#a!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5 %ow) suitable error message is displayed #or su!h !ases $ 9.annot e2tend #a!e due to !omple2 geometry o# the #a!e( "ry *nlarge Sur#a!e(9 "he reason is body #rom PR data is supplied #or =ntrim #eature is having !omple2 geometry and =ntrim #eature is not able !reate output( "he wor $around to e2tend the #a!e is to use *nlarge sur#a!e or %$ sided sur#a!e !ommand #or su!h !omple2 geometries when =ntrim is not able to produ!e e2pe!ted output( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where two PM7 notes in Leader 9gwi#9) display di##eren!es o# i!on) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the result o# sew operation is in!onsistent will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the =@771L>%@ variable was !ase sensitive #or #ont names) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9S*69 !ommand was not being written !orre!tly with >%SJS inp #ile e2portation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >lert messages are displayed without line#eed in %& Fapanese mode even i# they are long) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

21932 +' 21933 /2 21933 73 21933 75 21933 '7

21933 9'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error appears when a!!essing the Relations ?rowser will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 so that the in#ormation will be submitted to the %& '(5 do!umentation( .on!erning the initialiGe the Fava Birtual Ma!hine 3FBM49 error message on ;indows) there are reported instan!es where %& is not able to !reate the FBM properly on ;indows( "he root !ause in these s!enarios is #rom insu##i!ient memory to start the FBM( 7n most !ases o# insu##i!ient memory) Fava is able to report ba! an error !ode indi!ating this( Kowever in some !ases) Fava gives ba! a generi! error message) whi!h %& reports to the user as initialiGe the Fava Birtual Ma!hine 3FBM49( 7n %& '(, and #orward) i# %& dete!ts there is not enough memory #or the FBM) %& gives an error message to the user and then outputs more in#ormation in the syslog( 7n the syslog there is a se!tion similar to the #ollowing0 "he FBM !ould not be !reated due to not enough memory( "he Fava heap siGe must be !ontiguous and the largest !ontiguous blo! available is outputted below( ;indows largest blo! #ree Please note) this number is to be used as a suggestion #or setting the heap siGe( 7t is unli ely that the #ull amount will be able to be utiliGed( 7# a heap siGe larger than what is possible is needed) users !an try to use the 83@? swit!h or its eHuivalent) i# available #or the !urrent operating system( <therwise the other option is to use Remoting( Please !onsult the %&<pen Programmer-s @uide #or more in#ormation on this topi!( "he problem where #a!es that are rendered lightweight !an lose their highlighting a#ter an operation whi!h !auses them to be redisplayed is resolved in %& '(5( .PF0"he position o# symbol whi!h 7 sta! ed slips o## in S6S( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *LS*"s are not generated properly when e2porting to >baHus will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7gnore 7nner ?oundaries option a!ts di##erently in .rosshat!h) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 by providing a more in#ormative tooltip #or the user( "his tool tip will help to let the user now that 7gnore 7nner ?oundaries is appli!able to the !urrent sele!tion only( "he di##eren!e in the behavior o# 9>lignment Position9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported that when inserting a hole an 9=nable to !reate tool body9 alert appeared when it shouldn-t have will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9ove 6a!e is #ailed9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 7P21( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9<##set 6a!e is #ailed to update9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(57P17( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9:elete 6a!e is #ailed to update9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5ip19(

2193+ 39 2193+ +3 2193+ 93 21935 11

21935 /3 2193/ 37 2193' 7/ 2193' ', 2193' '1

219+, ,, 219+, 7, 219+1 11

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ?lo! Styler do!umentation needed more in#ormation on using the various "reelist spe!i#i! !allba! s) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the assembly produ!t stru!ture was not shown !orre!tly in "!Bis) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the methods %&<pen A RuleManager A @etRe#eren!e"e2t34 and %&<pen(=6 A 6C# A >s Rule"e2t<#Re#eren!ing<bIe!t34 both in!orre!tly returned the Kostpointer o# the :atum .SJS when used with a :atum >2is) :atum Plane) or point !omponent o# a :atum .SJS) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > new method %&<pen A RuleManager A @et<bIe!t"e2t34 has been !reated to return the e2pe!ted Kostpointer and the do!umentation #or the @etRe#eren!e"e2t mehod has been updated to e2plain this( i"est0 Routing Sweep is !reated as a separate #eature when adding to Sto! 6old( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7mport >uto.>: ?lo! !reates symbol with une2pe!ted an!hor point will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where toleran!e o# a shell thi! ness !al!ulated #rom midsur#a!e is not !learly e2plained will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( "he #ollowing in#ormation is added0 Pairs with single #a!e on ea!h side is !he! ed against 5T distan!e deviation !he! by using sample grid o# points( 7# the deviation is less than 5T then it is !onsidered as a !onstant thi! ness pair and thi! ness is assigned as a single !onstant value on every node( More than 5T deviation will be !onsidered as non$uni#orm thi! ness and true thi! ness values are !omputed at every node by using ray!asting along the element normal( .al!ulation o# thi! ness at every node is an e2pensive pro!ess and it is only applied i# deviation is more than 5T( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =@771P.?1.R5,,,1B*RS7<% should not be in p!b21ug1model(ini #ile as stated in Kelp :o! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 P.? *2!hange <nline Kelp :o!( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when 9List 7nter#eren!es9 option o# the >nimation dialog #or >:>MS solver is sele!ted) the subseHuent report !ontained several bogus entries will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7mprove do!s #or (%et %&<pen(6eatures A 6eature A >lgorithmBersion was investigated( %&<pen006eatures006eature00>lgorithmBersion was meant #or internal use only and not meant to be used in !ustomer programs( "his property is there#ore being depre!ated in %& '(5 as a results( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9.oplanar is #ailed9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 ip2,( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where long #ormula !auses error in non$ s et!h environment will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our

219+1 // 219+2 +1 219+3 25

219++ 1, 219++ 29

219+/ +9

219+' 7/ 219+9 +/

so#tware %& '(5( 219+9 79 2195, 39 21951 +' 21951 5' 21952 ,/ 21952 +' 21953 25 21953 /, Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where super$element results !annot be deleted a#ter displaying them will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Set"agged<bIe!tBe!tor runs slowly( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were getting an error per#orming a @ouge .he! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user was unable to !reate a line with automati! plane in sele!t plane option) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "e2t Keight was not honored in Lin ed S et!hes will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 6inished s et!h be!ome a!tive upon reopening part( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @. "ool it 9dimension style9 doesn-t wor in %& ') will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was no do!umentation on how to import an image into a table in :ra#ting will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he 7mport overview topi! was updated to des!ribe the 7mage option) and a new 97mport an image into a tabular note9 pro!edure was added to the "abular %ote se!tion o# the :ra#ting Kelp( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where angle dimension to 3: !enterline !ould not be !reated !orre!tly) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the attribute value is re#le!ted ba! in "abular %ote a#ter e2e!uting the =%:< !ommand) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "his does not seem to be a regression as reported in PR te2t( "he re#eren!e PRS215,,/7 reported in PR te2t) does not seem to be resolved by :evelopment( 6or %& 7(5(5) the wor $around #or this problem is) sele!t the !ell then RM?$ AStyle$A6it methods and apply to re#le!t !orre!t value a#ter =%:<( 7t is in#easible to ba! $port the #i2 to %& 7(5(5 due to the maIor ar!hite!ture !hanges done in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9*2pressions9 needed to be !hanged to 9@eometry9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 release( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where)representation o# the i!on is wrong(7s misleading to the user) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware) %& '(5(

2195+ +2 2195+ 7'

21955 19 2195/ 3'

21957 17

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported 9where *2ported P:6 #ile siGe is Gero b with output te2t as 9"e2t99 is #i2ed in %& '(5( "he problem where an e2tremely small !hara!ter siGe would lead to P:6 generation #ailing has been #i2ed( "he te2t will not appear on the P:6 #ile) but the generation o# the P:6 #ile will su!!eed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where geometries o# s et!h is !reated in other plane instead o# sele!ted s et!h plane will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5 :imension style in @.1tool it does not wor in %& '( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9*dit obIe!t display result is in!orre!t i# the translu!en!y slider is adIusted9will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #i2ed point is !reated instead o# an asso!iative point will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %& never allows asso!iative 7nterse!tion Points o# Birtual 7nterse!tions( Su!h do!umentation e2isted in early version 3%& 54) but was removed by mista e in %& 7(5( 7n %& '(5 the same do!umentation will be reinstated as below0 %& allows you to spe!i#y an 7nterse!tion Point on !urves that don-t physi!ally interse!t 3Birtual 7nterse!tion4( Jou might want this when the interse!tion lies o## o# the end o# a !urve) or when !urves do not lie in the same plane( %& allows this type o# interse!tion point) however) the resulting point is not asso!iative( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where edit o# !rosshat!h !annot be per#ormed when Restri!t .rosshat!h is <## will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or =61M<:L1subtra!t1bodies1with1retained1options34 did not e2pli!itly state that this #un!tion does not use the modeling toleran!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Set"agged<bIe!tBe!tor34 e2e!uted very slowly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7mprove do!s #or (%*" %&Message?o2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9<C>J9 is greyed out on the .SJS !onstru!tor dialogue will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( "he wor $around #or %& '(,(2 is to !hange the type o# the ve!tor to 7n#erred and then ba! to the !onstant type( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :atum Plane dialog-s dialog memory retention behaved in!onsistently) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the position o# a ProIe!ted Biew #rom a view with a ?rea Line was in!orre!t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he di##eren!e in the behavior o# 9>lignment Position9(

21957 23 2195' ,5 2195' 1' 2195' 32

2195' 35 21959 ,2

21959 ,7 21959 13 21959 +7

21959 /3 21959 '7 219/,

3+ 219/, /, 219/, 71 219/1 55 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9>dd Biew9 appears to !opy a pattern #rom the wor view into a new view !reated) when in #a!t it is not) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen(.>* A %odes<n.urve?uilder !ould not be used to !reate nodes on a Point or a .urve) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where insu##i!ient in#ormation is provided #or the 9.omparison "oleran!e #or *Hual :imensions9 option is #i2ed in %& '(5( "he option de#inition is updated with a more adeHuate des!ription) and in#ormation about how to apply this options is provided in the 9:istribute >nnotations9 topi! under :ra#ting$A:rawing >utomation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @et%ewest=ndoMar 34 does not wor as do!umented will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 6inished s et!h be!ome a!tive upon swit!hing the sheet( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there is an in!omplete senten!e in 9>bility to proIe!t nodes dire!tly onto .>: geometry9 do!umentation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where edges were not rendered as e2pe!ted with Birtual 7nterse!tions enabled) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "his !hange has been versioned and it will be ne!essary to re$version the view to %& '(5 to a!!ess the #i2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not !learly !ommuni!ate the .overging Speed option in <ptimiGation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;hen 9"ype0*lement *dge to *lement 6a!e9 is de#ined) error is always output( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the in!orre!t message is displayed by the -7nter#eren!e- operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :oing W6lat PatternX) a long time is ta en to !reate it will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he per#orman!e improvement is a version #i2( =ser needs to !reate a new #lat pattern in %& '(5 to a!hieve per#orman!e( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a memory a!!ess violation was returned when adding a view #rom part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were not able to overwrite the %&Motion #ile a#ter analysis o# %&Motion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation Bersion '(5(

219/1 92 219/2 35 219/+ 3, 219/+ 33

219/5 99 219// 2+ 219// 91 2197, 53

21971 /9 21971 75

21972 /1 21972 /3

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Prin!ipal >2is !al!ulated by Measure ?odies is in!onsistent on small obIe!ts will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen do!umentation improperly indi!ated that 6eature@roup was an abstra!t !lass will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he do!umentation will be !orre!ted to indi!ate that there is no C6 support #or this !lass( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the parts list was out$o#$date will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when adding multiple !opies o# the C6 enabled =:6 provided using PRM?A>dd .hild rule or using %&<pen A RuleManager A .reate:ynami!Rule some o# the ug1e2pression !hild rules were missing on all but the most re!ently added will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >ll o# the ug1ud#s !hild rules will have all #ive ug1e2pression !hild rules( %one o# them will be 9shared9( "his behavior will mat!h the behavior seen when adding the =:6 intera!tively using %& Modeling( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *diting the &$#orm #eature displays the sur#a!e in the wire#rame mode will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or -=61:R61!reate1symbol1#ont- does not give obIe!t limit will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 7P 19( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !urve !annot be sele!ted #or .urve >nalysis while wor ing with &$#orm will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he %& '(, and the %& 7(5(3 is behavior di##er( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the migration o# the Spreadsheet #rom &ess to *2!el loses data will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where some o# the do!umentation #or the Spreadsheet #un!tions under Kome A 6undamentals A Managing data with spreadsheets A 6un!tions was not appropriate will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the error0 9> deleted or invalid !lass id was used9 was raised when !reating an 6.6) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @ouge :istan!e is missing #rom the listing when =@771.>M1@.1=S*1KJ?R7: is used will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem that the gouge display is not output in the display window in !ase o# using the Kybrid gouge !he! !ould be re!onstru!ted( Kowever) even i# the hybrid gouge !he! is mu!h more stable and reliable) it does not provide the gouge distan!e to the user( "here#ore we removed the item #rom the display window(

21972 '+ 21972 91

21973 31 21973 +1 21973 +5 21973 +/ 21973 7' 21973 93

21975 27 21975 //

2197/ '+ 21977 ,+

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Suppression o# a Biew ?rea Line will display a garbled warning in the Fapanese environment) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where right !li! ing a Length Measurement #eature) when a #eature with an earlier timestamp was the !urrent #eature) terminated the %& session) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem where 7nternal error displays a#ter 96eature playba! 9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5( .PF0 7mprove do!s #or (%*" %&Message?o2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a F" was not !reated on Save) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and %& version '(,(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 7nternal *rror o!!urs while adding an 9imported 7$deas symbol9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "opology <ptimiGation header titles <?F16=%.17:) <?F16=%.1:R*SP and <?F16=%.1"*RM were not !learly de#ined) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( :evelopment also provided the #ollowing in#ormation0 o <?F16=%.17: $ identi#i!ation name o# the obIe!tive #un!tion given by the user( o <?F16=%.1:R*SP $ shows the name and the value o# the design response used in the de#inition o# the obIe!tive #un!tion( o <?F16=%.1"*RM $ shows the identi#i!ation names and values o# the terms 3design responses4 whi!h are used #or !al!ulation o# the value o# the obIe!tive #un!tion #or the spe!i#i! optimiGation tas ( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where where PM7 note te2t be!omes dislo!ated #rom the note will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where manipulator position is ta ing #rom origin when it is in Kistory #ree mode will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in!orre!t behavior when !hanging parameters o# the assembly !onstraint will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when =61M<"7<%1as 1solver1do#1!ount is used in !ertain !onditions) %& would #reeGe will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& <pen Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9Duestion about F" !on#ig9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware) %& '(5(1(9(

21977 ,' 21977 92 21977 9+ 2197' 22 2197' 2'

2197' 29 2197' 3' 2197' +3 2197' 93 219', 2+

219'1 3'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you have problems with 9@et*2tremeBalues9 method will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& <pen Bersion '(5( @et*2tremeBalues is not designed to be used in results post$pro!essing and the do!umentation has been updated to re#le!t the intended usage( "he updated (%et >P7 Re#eren!e will be published with %& '(5) or see u#1s#(h in %& '(,(1 #or more details on the usage( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the style o# 7nherited PM7 !hanged when updating a view) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Bariational Sweep #eature is !reated #rom tangent !urves) but the @, !ontinuity between the resulting sur#a!es e2!eeds the ,(,1 modeling toleran!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he Bariational Sweep will need to be re$!reated in %& '(5 in order to observe the #i2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >ppended "e2t o# PM7 is not displayed !orre!tly in :ra#ting will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ProIe!t .urve !annot be !reated with 9invalid !lass id was used9 error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !olor o# a datum !oordinate system is not !onsistent based on the !reation method used will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Smooth method #or interpolated tool a2is ve!tors is not adeHuately des!ribed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n Manu#a!turing Milling$ASur#a!e .ontouring$ ABariable$a2is Sur#a!e .ontouring$A"ool >2is >dded the #ollowing topi! with des!riptions and e2amples0 7nterpolate Be!tor tool a2is $ Smooth interpolation method( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the s et!h be!omes under !onstrained when edited will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& may !rash when !losing a (sim #ile a#ter running the stress wiGard will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a "able that !ontained an image !ould not be imported will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where -Sele!ted7!on- does not wor properly #or multiple obIe!t sele!tions will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 97# !omponent to repla!e is !losed) !omponent is getting repla!ed9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 "he issue when !losed part is repla!ed with same part is blo! ed by showing Message 9.omponent to repla!e is same as the repla!ement part9

219'2 2/ 219'2 2'

219'2 55 219'3 2' 219'3 7, 219'3 '1

219'3 9+ 219'+ ,+ 219'+ 21 219'+ 32 219'+ 73

219'+ 77 219'5 1+

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 9%ull tag not allowed9 error appears when trying to pla!e dimensions on a drawing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 6ollow 6a!e option is available when >long is set to Layout) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 do!umentation( .hanged the lead senten!e #or 6ollow 6a!e do!umentation to 9%ot available when Layout is set to Re#eren!e(9 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Playba! #ailed a#ter !reating a "rim .urve #eature) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Kowever) please note that to see the #i2) a new "rim .urve #eature will need to be !reated in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the -re#eren!e point- o# the ordinate dimensions e2ported to 2: *2!hange and then !onverted #rom the (d2# #ile) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Re!ord Ma!ro do!umentation was missing some important notes) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he topi! 9Re!ord a ma!ro9 has been updated to add in#ormation about using @ateway Reset and the limitations o# a Ma!ro Playba! ( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it tries to open other part #ile and #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where inheriting PM7 when !reating a dra#t view raised the error0 97nvalid annotation plane #or annotation9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9.ombined ProIe!tion9 !ommand in!orre!tly !reates Spline #rom Line inputs will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the Spreadsheet #un!tions KL<<C=P and BL<<C=P was not available) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :o!umentation o# 7ntranet se!urity setting #or %&' and (%et v+ was in!orre!t will be resolved in the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the top and bottom results range was not re#le!ted !orre!tly in the identi#y !ommand when sele!ted by range will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9>%%<9 type o# entities are not being translated to F" !orre!tly) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .onstru!ted 6eature name is not updated to upper !ase inside the dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5(

219'5 2/

219'5 +1 219'/ 9/

219'7 3+ 219'9 35 219'9 3/ 2199, 31 2199, // 21991 +, 21991 72 21991 '1

21992 2/ 21992 37

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where u!55//34 throws an internal error and terminates the %& session will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where !omponents do not display !orre!tly in <##set Se!tion views has been investigated and the #ollowing has been #ound0 "he wor around to this issue is0 1( =se menu 9*dit $A Biew $A Se!tion 7n Biew9 2( Sele!t view S&M5 or S&M/ 3( Sele!t !omponent 9,16',M1,9 either #rom the assembly navigator or using the Hui! pi! list( +( Sele!t the option 9Ma e Se!tioned9 5( Sele!t <C( /( %ow update the !orresponding view(

21992 +2 21992 +7 21992 // 21992 /7 21993 59 21993 '2 2199+ 72 21995 51 21995 /, 21995 /2 21995 /5

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .ustom Symbol !ould only be pla!ed relative to the >bsolute .oordinate System will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user is unable to ma e a point$ on$!urve !onstraint in the given s et!h) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where en#or!ed displa!ement rotation ve!tors were improperly displayed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Simulation Results are not !onverted rightly by .lone !ommand will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where <##set symmetri! s et!h !urve !reated with dimension) !annot be moved will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Fapanese translation is not !orre!t when !reating mesh !olle!tors will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !hange o# operation #eedrate #lags the operation as needing to be regenerated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a Point .onstru!ted 6eature using an 7%SP16*>"1.7R.L* produ!es an 7nternal error9will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when Fapanese is put in :es!ription) the 7n#ormation window is garbled) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9Kole9 is not !reated !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an unspe!i#i! error re!overy o!!urs with the 7nterpart Lin ?rowser will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to %& '(5(

2199/ 1' 2199/ 73

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61.=RB*1as 1int1!urve1parents34 report in!orre!t obIe!t "ags will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the wrappend dimple display visualiGation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he wrapped dimple material display is now wor ing !orre!tly in %& '(5 in the >dvan!ed studio display mode and KD7( Please note the materials #or ?asi! studio are simulated and may not mat!h with >dvan!e Studio or KD7((( 6or e2ample) in the !ase where the materials has both displa!ement or bump shader and pattern wood shader) the s!ale o# the pattern shader will ta e pre!eden!e over bump shader( So in these !ase) the bump e##e!t may disappear( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the number o# animation #rames was hard$wired and not !ontrolled by the template #iles will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 Stress ;iGard( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where pi!tures in Pre$%& / =7 Styler dialog #ile are not reloaded properly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where double !li! o# 9Symboli! "hread9 #eature was not #ound as a sele!tion !andidate will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .SB to >6= !onversion error( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !hanged Huadrant in the dialog is not re#le!ted on the hole table will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9Move <bIe!t9 operation will throw error i# 7: Symbol and Label are moved) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the length o# se!tion line is !hanged when the part is loaded with Lightweight Represntaions will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he user has to version up the se!tion line using Pre#eren!es $A :ra#ting Pre#eren!es $A @eneral !ommand to !orre!t the length o# se!tion line( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9Limits and 6its9 dimensions e2port in!orre!tlywhen using .onvert 2: *2!hange will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ?lend >ll 7nstan!es option doesn-t e2ist in %&' *dge ?lend( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an edge remained highlighted when the >pply !allba! #or a blo! styler dialog returned a positive value will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he e2pe!ted behavior in this !ase is that all sele!ted obIe!ts remain highlighted) but this may not have been !lear in the do!umentation( "he behavior demonstrated in relation to this PR where one edge was highlighted and one edge was not does not o!!ur in %&'(,(3 or %& '(5(

2199/ 75 21997 2+ 21997 2' 2199' ,7 2199' 71 2199' 77 2199' 9,

21999 19 21999 '+ 21999 '9

22,,, ,1 22,,, '3

Balue is not memoriGed in *dge ?lend( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where edges were visible #rom the ba! side o# the part when the part was Se!tioned and Shaded and edges did not display when turning o## Biew Se!tioning) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using 9>dvan!ed !urve #it o# 7nterse!tion .urve) %& displayed error9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the option o# %& >dvan!ed Sear!h $ "he hidden !onditions are displayed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the part #ile !annot be opened #rom Sele!tion Minibar) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he translation o# 9?a! 9 view in Fapanese environment is in!orre!t( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *lements o# Kidden !omponent is displayed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported 9;hen you run the 2: *2!hange)shi#ts the position o# the leader line9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >lerts was not displayed although the #a!e o# a solid body is missing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a portion o# partlist-s line width be!omes thin will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where detail view is still out o# date a#ter update view will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ?lan Sele!tion not displayed in 7SB simulation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& !ould not open an assembly whose 7tem7: was edited in "eam!enter) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where <##set !urve is not using !urve dire!tion !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

22,,1 37 22,,3 +3 22,,3 75 22,,3 '2 22,,3 9, 22,,+ 2/ 22,,+ +' 22,,5 1, 22,,/ /' 22,,7 25 22,,' ,/ 22,,' 3/

22,,' 5, 22,,9 15 22,,9 +2 22,,9 51 22,,9 59 22,11 12 22,11 13 22,11 2+ 22,11 +2 22,11 /7 22,15 // 22,15 '2 22,15 95 22,2, 15

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 6*M update #ailed when opening the sim #ile !reated in %&5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7# there are already points) sele!ted points in the 1: !onne!tion is lost will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where > part o# 9Se!tion9 o# 9*2trude9 is de$sele!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >r! Length be!omes Gero when 9.he! >r! Length Range9 .he! $Mate test is e2e!ute will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #a!e will be distorted i# WMa e .oplanarX is edited will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7nternal *rror o!!urs while #eature is made .urrent 6eature will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported 9when reset button is pushed) the value di##ers #rom a !ustomer de#ault9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an internal error o!!urs when undoing a#ter an update error in the *dit$A.urve$A"rim !ommand) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he value o# setting group is !hanged to the value o# the original( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >ppli!ationSwit!hReHuest34 returns 7nternal error0 memory a!!ess violation error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where per#orming .opy "o Layer o# a note !reates a disIoint) but lin ed leader and note) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where SheetSe!tionLines34 gets Se!tion Line "ag #rom wrong drawing sheet will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 .reate Pattern3along !urve4 #or instan!ed hole some o# instan!es are missing( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where n %& '(,(1 Move 6a!e is not showing !orre!t results li e %& 7(5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5(

22,2, 3, 22,2, 72 22,23 /1 22,2/ ,5 22,2/ 3' 22,2/ 7+ 22,2/ 99 22,35 5+ 22,37 7' 22,39 '/ 22,+2 93 22,+5 +5 22,55 72 +,35/ 9/ +357+ 77 +/,21

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .SJS entity asso!iated with an operation !annot be deleted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where super element op2 #ile greater than 2@? was not able to load in >ssembly 6*M will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @etting error a#ter opening part and unable to a!!ess the part navigator will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =nable to open part #ile in %& '( %& 6et!h 97nternal error9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5 and %& 9( 7P; is in!orre!t swit!hing between turning and drilling( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #ormula o# impa!t #or!e in the help do!ument is in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the display o# a bearing load may not be oriented !orre!tly in an assembly 6*M will be resolved by the !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Duery on ?itmap :isplay in Mold ;iGard Standard Part Library( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .ontrol !hara!ter setting o# datum #eature symbol letter is removed by edit will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(1( .annot appro2imate o##set !urve #or the given parameters( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where <rdinate dimensions !annot be inherited to the drawing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %ot able to e2port PM7 6eature .ontrol 6rame te2t( %& !rashes on opening part #ile( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a valid solid !ould not be Kollowed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where generating a #a!e milling operation produ!es in a Parasolid i#ail error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( ;rapped ti## image appears as bla! (

+7 +7'', /5 5,3,, /2 5,7++ 39 5,'7/ /, 51/'7 5/ 51'31 35 51937 13 5327+ 55 5327+ /+ 5329/ 5/ 5333' 73 53512 ,, 53//+ ,5 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where -PS25(,1(,3+ #i20 =nite o# two solids one side disappears- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error was printed in the syslog when using a multi$line te2t obIe!t in !ombination with a s!rolled window in a =7Styler dialog) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where the !ustomer de#ault dire!tory #or user tools does not wor !orre!tly is #i2ed in release '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tool gouges part geometry on an engage move will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where empty It data sets were !reated #or sub parts is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the u#1plist !hapter o# the <pen . re#eren!e @uide re#erred to e2ample programs that did not e2ist will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .reation o# Spun <utline result in bad geometry( Sandvi $ Spun <utline 6ails #or part :25311,'3( Sandvi $ Spun <utline 6ails #or part :1,/112/3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where blan overhang per!entage is not honored in a 6a!e Milling operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where memory was not #reed having applied values or !reated members in a part #amily template) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the plot layout was not a!!urately re#le!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . >P7 #un!tion =61M<:L1tra!e1a1ray #ailed to #ind one o# the interse!tion points between the line and the solid in the part provided) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Sele!t Biewport in .@M viewer is ignored when plotting to .@M) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ?lan overhang not honored when tool stepover is set between /5 and 75 per!ent(

53'7' +9 5392, 25

53925 7/ 5+131 57

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in a 6i2ed >2is Sur#a!e .ontouring operation spe!i#ying the KoriGontal and Berti!al Limits !auses spi es in the toolpath will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . >P7 #un!tion =61=71display1url did not automati!ally bring out the browser pane so that the page was visible to the user) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > new #un!tion =61=71display1url1and1a!tivate has been !reated #or this purpose( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the sewing o# numerous sheet bodies ta es mu!h longer than e2pe!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he Sewing o# all these sheets does ta e some time) however it does su!!ess#ully sew a#ter about 3, minutes on a :ual .ore ;indows 7 2(53@hG ma!hine with +@? o# memory( "his does not seem unpre!edented #or a large number o# sheet bodies( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where attempting to !ustomiGe a session) having disabled 9>llow Menubar .ustomiGation9 in the !ustomer de#aults) will set the session to the de#ault 9essentials9 role) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Problem has been #i2ed in %&'(5 7P15( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Preview image( 9@enerating preview image9 message in the status line will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the out o# the bo2 Kaas B6 post is bad will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %&8P?'(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .onstraint o# a S et!h is not moving when the asso!iated datum plane is moved will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& used only 2 pro!essors ma2imum #or #a!eting will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 Re!ent improvements with Parasolid) #or %& '(5 now uses #our .P=s #or #a!eting) i# available( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .reating part #amily members slows down over time #or large #amilies will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the >ngular dimension option should not be available when editing the Position o# a Kole)(will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . >P7 sample program u#d1#a!et1!reate1model !aused an 97nternal error9 on the !all to =616>.*"1model1edits1done) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .>M0$ .reating spun outline returns with -.annot derive outline #rom solid- (

5+395 29

5517, 51

55179 1, 55235 5+ 55555 59 5/1++ 73 5//9+ ',

5/7', 3+ 5/'7+ /+ 5/9,7 59

5/935 /2

57+77 93

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to reasso!iate a Retained .ylindri!al :imension ba! to its original #a!e) unless the view bounds were edited to show the entire body) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <pen . >P7 do!umentation #or the #un!tion =61>?<R"1as 1#lag1status did not e2plain its limitations) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;hen -<C- is pressed in the 9;or 7n Progress9 dialog) i# %& has not had a !han!e to a!t on the signal) then =61>?<R"1as 1#lag1status34 will return "R=*( ?ut in maIority o# the situations) %& will pro!ess the abort reHuest properly) per#orm the house eeping) reset the >?<R" signal) and e2it( 7n these situations) =61>?<R"1as 1#lag1status34 will return 6>LS*( .ustomer re!eives synta2 errors running %&51template1setup(bat( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& #ailed to !reate a #a!e #rom a spun outline !urve( will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where 9importing modi#ied templates) errors running n251template(setup(bat9 is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Parts List Style option >utomati! =pdate is being turned o## when a @R7P program imports a parts list using the RP>"" !ommand with the PLM<:S)2 modi#ier) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the @et?odies method o# the %&<pen(6eatures A @eom!opy !lass did not wor on the 6eature returned by the %&<pen !lass @eom!opy?uilder) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "ested with Parasolid B2+(, build 1'7 plus toleran!e #i2( "he problem where spun outline generation #or given solid body #ailed with error message is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Mold ;iGard slider bar not wor ing properly with mouse !li! s will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "ool in!orre!tly starts engage #rom top level when -=se "ool Kolder- is used( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were getting -Part !annot be !ut at any level- when !ut area is spe!i#ied will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .avity Milling toolpath in the part provided with the PR was produ!ing toolpath at some levels with an e2!essive number o# linear moves instead o# long tool path segments will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen A Sele!tion7ntentRule was not adeHuately e2plained in the do!umentation) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

57//, 77

5792, 13 57925 /7 5',35 9' 5'12+ 15

5'+2/ 7/

5'9'' 51 5'997 '2 59,// /1 592'5 13 59+/3 51

595,1 5'

595+2 97 595'+ '9

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "urning #ailed to !reate a #a!e #rom a spun outline !urve will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to see the Raster 7mage in Shape Studio with the supplied #ile) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where >dvan!ed Studio displays a bla! image is be!ause the image used is too large( "his !aused a @P= error during >dvan!ed Studio pro!essing( .ode has been added wherever possible to warn user about this error) su!h as when the large image te2ture is applied to a Raster 7mage or to a #a!e( Kowever) i# the error o!!urs during display) there is no way to warn users about this( 6or these !ases) the #ollowing warning message will be added to the %& syslog0 9>n error has o!!urred possibly due to insu##i!ient graphi!s memory( >s a result >dvan!ed Studio display may not be !orre!t(9 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in a 5level Pro#ile operation 9<pen >rea9 engages 3*ngage "ype$$A>r!4 are being output as 9Plunge9 engages due to tool holder !he! ing 3=se "ool Kolder4 being a!tivated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to name a solid body with the same name as a !anned view) #or use in *2!el with the M>SS3: !ommand) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6a!e Milling operation does not produ!e a toolpath will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where writing to a !onsole !reated by a =6 program #ailed a#ter the 6ile $A Plot operation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported with *vent .ontrol Points in ;*:M operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( <pen >rea engages not being used #or reposition moves !aused by tool holder( =nable to @enerate Spun ;or pie!e( =nable to @enerate Spun ;or pie!e( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .ustomer de#aults- lo! status did not update to an imported dpv #ile #rom a previous %& version) allowing users to !hange the lo! status) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#twareU %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where spun outline generation #or a given solid body #ailed with the error message 9!annot derive outline #rom solid9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

597+2 '5

597+7 97

59''+ ,' 599,9 1, 599+' 19 599'/ 35 /,,17 ,5 /,,17 ,7 /,,59 '2

/,,/, /,

/,,7/ 12 /,1+2 /3 /,357 52 /,3'1 7/ /,393 33 /,+,1 9' /,+,2 ,1 /,+,2 ,3 /,+,2 ,+ /,+,2 ,/ /,+,2 ,' /,+,2 11 /,+,2 1+ /,+,2 15 /,+,2 21

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it is not possible to generate Part 6amily members when parts have Position .onstraints will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( mass3d is not wor ing using 9model9 as solid name( 6ull regen o!!urs a#ter se!ond undo in the s et!her( :isplay is not re#reshed in P%" body view( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where deleting the drawing sheet also deletes the model will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a spun outline #rom the solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a spun outline #rom the solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& was unable to generate a Spun <utline #rom the Solid will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a spun outline #rom the solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a spun outline #rom the solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a spun outline #rom the solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a spun outline #rom the solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a spun outline #rom the solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a spun outline #rom the solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user was unable to @enerate the Spun <utline #rom a Solid will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release

o# our so#tware in %& '(5( /,+++ 9' /,523 35 /,5/5 3+ /,/+9 /3 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 96ile not #ound9 error was raised opening a new dataset #rom "eam!enter when the part#ile templates are not installed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 2: Material Removal on a grooving operation is not displayed !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Beri#y$$A Replay with -2: Material Removal- !he! ed on has a bad display) showing bad material #or the 7P; will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Point dialog-s 9Relative to ;.S9 radio button was not retained when sele!ted) regardless o# whi!h !ommand !alls the Point dialog) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where toolbars were obs!uring dialogs when the dialog was invo ed when starting an appli!ation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Site option menu o# a !ustom PM7 enterprise identi#ier did not update !orre!tly) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 6ile not #ound opening newly !reated dataset in %& Manager( Kole on an angle has di##erent shape when edited( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the minimum !learan!e re!ognition in non$!utting moves is in!onsistent will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were not getting !ir!ular engages on all passes in 5level Pro#ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Solid *dge >ssembly #ailed to open in %&) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the =7Styler dialog items String and Multi$line "e2tbo2 needed to e2plain that the Ma2imum .hara!ters attribute value does not prevent the appli!ation #rom setting values whi!h are longer than the ma2imum) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/,/77 '+ /,752 59 /,75' /3 /,'+2 '7 /,'51 ,2 /,'9, +3 /,91, 52 /,977 ,2

/1,23 79

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where gouge !he! does not wor !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( > wor $around #or %& 7(5(5 and %& '(,(2 is to set the *%B =@771.>M1@.17@%<R*1S"<.CE1) start %& and !he! #or gouges( @ouge .he! should now report the gouges( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a spun outline #rom the solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where error messages were re!eived when saving multi$sheet drawings !ontaining images will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where attempting to !reate a spun outline #rom a solid body produ!es the error 9.annot derive outline #rom solid9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "eam!enter Pre!ise versus Pre!ise ;or ing has di##eren!es between %&5 and %&/ will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& hangs when importing a Pro8* assembly) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where some #i2ed !ontour operations lose their drive point order will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Load 7nterpart :ata is not wor ing the same %&5 versus %&/ using Pre!ise in ".( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 7nterse!tion .urve !reated a wrong !urve output) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where obIe!ts that were sele!ted with the <pen . #un!tion =61=71sele!t1with1!lass1dialog34 in a !allba! laun!hed #rom a =7Styler dialog item !ould not be un$highlighted a#ter the dialog was dismissed i# the se!ond parameter 39prompt94 passed to =61=71sele!t1with1!lass1dialog34 was an empty string will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem where two variables that were missing in plotting do!umentation are now added im plotting do!umentation and is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where te2ture e2ported to F" is not displayed !orre!tly in "!Bis) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem is spe!i#i! to !ylindri!al te2ture spa!e( Problem happens when the !enter point and the origin point are on the same a2is( "o wor around this problem user !an pi! origin point #rom a point on sur#a!e( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the %&<pen A =pdate A :o=pdate method did not state that an e2!eption would be thrown when an error whi!h !auses an =ndo o!!urred) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the

/1,++ ,' /1,/7 3/ /1,'2 1, /1115 52 /1121 21 /11+3 31 /11'2 ,2 /12,7 75 /12+/ 7+

/1337 ,/ /1357 ,1

/13/+ 9/

up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/1+/1 /' /1+'9 21 /1592 '2 /1/,7 25 /1721 7, /1753 ,1 /1'/3 ', /1'91 9+ /192/ 91 /1939 2, /2,22 ,+ /211' '/ /213+ 93 /22+2 '3

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .he! $Mate-s Balidation Results dialog did not show the !orre!t layer #or obIe!t o!!urren!es) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 6eature .ontrol 6rame did not properly !lean up re#eren!ed sub$obIe!ts on deletion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7mmediately a#ter opening the part) 9modi#ied9 appears in the title bar( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where here spun outline generation #or given solid body #ailed with error message will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( B>& streamlineU !o$linear points are not dropped as in B>& sur#a!e area drive( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to generate a boo mar assembly #ile #rom %&) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( -7nvalid parameter spe!i#ied #or edit- to !reate dimension( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where where spun outline generation #or given solid body #ailed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where rapid prototyping does not produ!e a good message when it runs out o# spa!e when #a!etting via Parasolid will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7nterval #or Save .hange Reminder is set to /, minutes) message at 2 se!onds( .am e2press not available in S* assembly( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Kole #eature goes in the wrong dire!tion and thru multiple walls when tool interse!ts a blend #a!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !orre!t parts list did not result on pasting parts list with lo! ed rows will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( B"C 7 #i2 :ont !reate se!tion s et!h(

/2++1 92

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an %&/ 5level Pro#ile operation that uses 9Mi2ed9 .ut :ire!tion generates in %&7 with a di##erent 9Swing >ngle9 #or the Retra!t motion on one side o# the singe #a!e being ma!hined will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7, meg "76 7mage does not display !orre!tly( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Positioning .onstraints are not displayed !orre!tly on the graphi!s s!reen will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where additional geometry is !reated when doing lathe ma!hining will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in release %& '(, and %& '(5( -?est #it to page- is not orienting the page !orre!tly( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in a Rough "urn operation using a 96rom ;or spa!e9 blan the 7P; is in!orre!tly !reated due to the tool ma!hining below !enterline will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7ssues a#ter upgrading ". and %&( S: .ut <ut preview !ould not seen in See$"hu mode( PBM7(,(,9, #i2( .an not move #a!es to target position at one time( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error was raised when deleting a de#ormable part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( :o!s #or Sele!tion7ntentRule and derived !lasses need better des!riptions( =>6 "esting $ Part #ails to update in %& /(,(+(3 but updates with no issues in %& 5(,(+( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6orm #rom an e2ample program !ould not be displayed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was an *rror opening an earlier version o# =@M>S"*R) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and "eam!enter 9(1( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where attempting to !reate a spun outline #rom a solid body #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/2557 ', /2/+5 2' /2/+5 '' /2/'1 /9 /2/'2 1,

/2/93 3, /2711 13 /272/ 1/ /273, /2 /2739 7, /2792 '9 /279' 7, /2',/ 9, /2'23 97

/2'7, ,3 /2'7, 21 /2953 5'

%& 7(5 =>6 "esting $ Part #ails to update in %&7(5 but updates with no issues in %& 7(5 =>6 "esting $ Part #ails to update in %&7(5 but updates with no issues in Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Cnowledge 6usion do!umentation on the %& >nnotation !lasses did not e2plain that the various annotation !lasses 3n21parallel1dimension) n21angular1dimension) et!4 !annot be instantiated by a !ustom appli!ation) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .ontour area $ streamline drive pro!essor $ !o$linear points are not dropped( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !lari#i!ation is needed on the di##eren!e between !ollapsed view and e2panded view will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM dded !lari#i!ation to the last paragraph in the topi! titled 9:e#ine a #or!e load using a spatial distribution9 and also !orre!ted and e2panded the des!ription o# .ollapsed and *2panded options in the ?oundary .ondition :isplay dialog bo2 help topi!( "he #i2 will be available in %& '(5 help( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Mirror #un!tion did not allow the sele!tion o# the blue a2is ve!tors will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .learan!e analysis is not showing values #or 7nter#eren!e( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where generating a .avity Milling operation results in the error 9Part !annot be !ut any any levels9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( PM7 #eature dimension be!ome retained in drawing view( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .avity Mill is not !ompleting a !ut in the slot will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !losed !orner !ut into an adIa!ent #lange) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an %& SM Mirror #eature is !reated on the wrong side o# a ?end "aper) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .rosshat!h does not display !ompletely will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7t is important to note that #or e2isting !rosshat!hes in a drawing the user will need to Bersion =p( PS25(,(1/7 #i2 @M Bers=p0 :elete 6a!e3254 *rror0 :elete #ailed(

/29'/ 23 /3175 ,+

/31'7 ,7 /322/ 52 /327, 3, /3299 2, /33,' /+ /333/ 55 /33// 39 /3373 ,/

/3+,1 ,1

/3+,/ /+ /3+55 ,'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tool path is altered when opened in %& 7(,(1 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Cnowledge 6usion do!umentation #or the 9se!tion1to1proIe!t1rules9 attribute o# the n21proIe!t1!urves !lass was insu##i!ient) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .urve8Point :rive method #ails to be asso!iative will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "o ma e them asso!iative) the .urve :rive geometry should be re$spe!i#ied #or e2isting parts in release %& '(5( Pressing the Stop button on a hung tool path generation operation does not wor ( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where M?2 does not <C a dialog a#ter drawing is opened with <pen . will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Pattern 6a!e #ailed update a#ter removing a body #rom a Subtra!t ?oolean at an earlier timestamp) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *diting a letter on the detail view label produ!es a !ir!ular re#eren!e error) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(, and later releases( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Cnowledge 6usion do!umentation did not !learly e2plain when and how to use the values1to1!a!he attribute and !orresponding value1to1re#eren!e method o# the Tn21appli!ation !lass) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where bad model geometry was !reated a#ter unbending a Sheet Metal part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( *diting *dge ?lend #rom the se!ond set is not shown !orre!tly( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an in!orre!t message was raised when a managed mode (%*" dll was missing the reHuired entry point o# 9Main9 or 9Startup9 3the error message in!orre!tly stated what the reHuired entry symbol name wasU 9u#usr9 or 9u#sta94) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ?lo! =7 Styler do!umentation #or the List ?o2 !lass was insu##i!ient) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where overwrite is not wor ing as e2pe!ted when 7mporting %& data into ". will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/3+55 +1

/3+9/ '3 /35,5 ,3 /3532 93 /35+/ ,2 /35/2 +'

/35/+ 35 /37,' '9 /37+, 39

/37+/ /7 /3753 ++

/37/9 27 /37'5 ,, /379/ /1 /3',5 11 /3'+2 93 /3'52 '5 /3'5' 11 /3''+ 52 /3912 /1 /39+' 53 /39/+ ,7 /+,25 +' /+1,7 77

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .avity Milling does not produ!e identi!al toolpath #or identi!al !avities will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Shi#tRpi! 3:esele!t edge4 does not wor under the !ustomer de#aults settings( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in$path events were inserted twi!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Sele!ted #a!es not remaining highlighting when adding !omponents( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Linear :imensions are not wor ing as e2pe!ted a#ter adding new #eatures will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9Kow to !ontrol translu!en!y in %& tessellation9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware) %& '(5( PS22(1(25+ =ne2pe!ted result using #a!e blend( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where repeatedly !hanging the e2pression governing an <rient >ngle !onstraint !ould !ause it to #ail to solve) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Kole dialog !onsistently too 11$15 se!onds to open with the supplied part #ile) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( =nable to load !omponent $ e2!luded re# set error( .ant !reate Law .ontrolled 6a!e ?lend( .ountersun hole on !ylinder 7: trim #ailure( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .he! $Mate C6 #un!tion mH!1as >nnotation"e2tProperty returned an empty list when passed a .ustom Symbol obIe!t whi!h !ontains te2t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where adding a se!ond sub assembly did not display in the !omponent preview window and was added in a hidden state) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :ra#ting "ransition !ourse does not mat!h %& :ra#ting sele!tions will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware .>S" %& '(5( > note has been added to the 2: sel#$pa!ed dra#ting !ourse that warns the user that a :ra#tingPlus li!ense is needed to a!!ess and use 2: dra#ting #un!tionality and menus(

/+127 ,9 /+1'9 95

/+197 7' /+225 ,+ /+252 /+ /+2'3 +5 /+29+ 23 /+3,/ 39 /+3,7 +/ /+315 15 /+31' 53 /+352 +2 /+37' 31

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %& <pen >P7 Programmer-s @uide needed to provide more in#ormation about =ser :e#ined <bIe!t 3=:<4 owned obIe!ts) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .avity Mill does not !ut the 7P; !orre!tly( Some levels are s ipped will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where + a2is ;*:M would #ail a#ter e2tending edges will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 6inal "urning !ut level is same as previous level( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .ommit34 method #or the Step21+.reator did not wait #or the tranlsation to !omplete will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Run e2port S"*P #iles in %&Manager( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .lose i!on on the @raphi!s :isplay window !losed all !hild part #iles o# a displayed assembly) whether modi#ied or not) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where editing a distan!e !onstraint that was driven by an e2pression showed blan #ield #or %ame and 6ormula in the *2pressions dialog) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was an in!orre!t s!aling o# !omponents in a mi2ed unit assembly will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Problem having a =:< own a bsur#a!e( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the SignLibrary utility appeared to wor when signing a library !reated with an in!ompatible tool it will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he signing e2e!utables have been renamed to have !onsistent names to help alleviate the !on#usion o# whi!h utility to use in %& '(5( >dditionally all the e2e!utables have been moved to the ugopen it 3as the (%et signing tool was in the ugii it) while all the other signing tools were in the ugopen it4( "he new names are 9sign!pp(e2e9 and 9Sign:ot%et(e2e9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a M7LL8"=R% 7P; be!omes !orrupt a#ter milling operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > wor around is available #or %& 7(5(5 and %& '(, (2 by setting the *%B =@771.>M1M7LL1"=R%1.<%S7:*R1M>S"*R1.<%"<=RE1 and regenerating the operations( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you re!eived the message0 9=nable to !reate body9 when attempting to use the Sheet Metal .reate .orner !ommand on lega!y data) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/+++, 17

/++59 5,

/++/3 52

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the lega!y <pen . >P7 #un!tion =61M<:L1as 1!urve1points did not e2plain that it uses the units o# the displayed part) rather than the units o# the part !ontaining the !urve) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .alling to get a staus on PR /2,22,+ where .>M *2press would be grayed out( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an operation generates memory errors will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were not getting a (It #ile !reated representing a de#ormed part) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and %& 7(5(+$MP/( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9%& error handling in!orre!t #or a !on#li!ting type display rule9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where editing an M.S and sele!ting -<Cwith no !hanges !auses the !hild operations to be #lagged as edited will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the li!ense manager did not support 7pv+87pv/ sta! s will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he li!ense server now properly supports 7PB/( ?lend should not be distorted by the .ountersun hole( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the list o# Re#eren!e Sets did not #ollow any spe!i#i! order when using >dd .omponent) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( =ser de#ined Re#eren!e Sets now appear in an alpha$numeri! order( F" #ile !an-t be !reated( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using the Move <bIe!t !ommand to !reate a !opy o# a ?ounded Plane raised the message0 9=nable to re#eren!e parent obIe!ts that are either suppressed or modeled away9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Save as reminder has in!orre!t time( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an o##set #a!e will #ail e2amine geometry) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >ssembly #ile !loses with no opportunity to save(

/++77 2+ /+511 '7 /+51+ ,7 /+517 ,5 /+555 '1 /+/,1 73 /+/37 '5 /+//+ 5,

/+/'7 /3 /+73' /3

/+7+3 9+ /+7+7 7+ /+792 19

/+',+ 2' /+',+ +' /+'1/ ,5 /+'72 '9 /+92/ 9+ /+97' 72 /+991 1, /5,/+ 22 /5,'' 3, /5,9/ 25 /51+5 1+ /517+ /+ /517' 39

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where"o>#u(vb does not wor ) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a modeler error is returned when !reating a 6lat Pattern will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ProIe!t !urve !annot proIe!t a point to #a!et body( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you #ound in!onsisten!ies between the graphi!s display and the Part %avigator will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( PS25(,(,91 #i2( <rient&press sur#a!e manipulation during Move 6a!e !auses 7*( ResiGing o# te2t dont wor #or PM7 dimension te2t( Paste spe!ial !ommand should give an appropriate massage to a user( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!ting the #ont a se!ond time in the >nnotation dialog does not insert the #ont tags in the te2t window) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in .avity Mill) the tool holder is !olliding with part geometry and not trun!ating the path will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an =pdate stru!ture operation has maIor per#orman!e degradation in %& /(,(5) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& /(,(5 Mp') %& 7(5(5) %& '(,(1) %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Cnowledge 6usion !lass n21group did not wor well and was poorly do!umented) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a "hreaded Kole did not display the thread at a !ertain hole depth) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "hrough .urves Mesh sur#a!e warnings were misleading) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Please edit the "hrough .urve Mesh #eature) turn on and turn o## Preview) and hit <C to !ommit the edit( "his will remove the old warning #lag #rom the #eature re!ord and no more warning messages will appear a#terwards( .>M *&PR*SS is not opening model when laun!hed #rom Solid *dge S"3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where reordering independent #eatures ta es a long time) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our

/521, 3, /5211 9,

so#tware %& '(5( /5219 57 /5227 9+ /52'1 3' /531' 33 /5319 12 /532, ,3 /532+ 39 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %on .utting Moves vary #rom level to level on !ylindri!al geometry in a .avity Milling operation that uses a Pro#ile !ut pattern) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =nable to !reate se!ond gusset on other side o# same bend will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Biew problem $ *dges are missing in the view will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .olor o# lettering de#ault !hanges a#ter .@M import( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9"ool %umber9 !olumn is sorted le2i!ographi!ally when the !olumn is moved will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >dd $ >ll 6iles 3L(L4 #ilter to #ile open dialog( "he problem where %& 7(5 Materials do not wor in "eam!enter as they did in %& 5 !ould not be dupli!ated( "his report indi!ates that the materials !annot be utiliGed #rom the physi!almateriallibrary(2ml #ile while running in managed mode 3#rom "eam!enter4 and that every time the %& 5 #ile is a!!essed in %& 7(5 the user is prompted to update the material 3even i# they update the material and save the part #ile4 !annot be dupli!ated( "he provided #iles do not !ontain the !ustomiGed phys1material(dat where the material in the provided part #iles !omes #rom( >dditionally) the part #iles provided have all been saved in %& 7(5(2( "here#ore) attempts to repeat the problem without this data have been unsu!!ess#ul( ;hile this doesn-t seem to be !ausing the problems reported) best pra!ti!es would be to not !reate another material library with the same name as the %& material library 3physi!almateriallibrary(2ml4 be!ause it ma es it di##i!ult to determine whi!h material is being sele!ted i# both library #ilter toggles are enabled( 7t would be better to name your site library something li e my!ompanymateriallibraryl(2ml( "his would provide a visual !ue to allow you to easily di##erentiate the materials( "his is parti!ularly true sin!e many materials reside in both libraries( >nother best pra!ti!e would be to only in!lude materials that have been modi#ied) so that you get any updates in subseHuent releases without having to update your site library as well( 6or instan!e) steel in the provided part #ile is at version ,(1) the site library provided is at version 1(, and the %& material library version is 2(,( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .>M *2press i!on in Solid *dge S"3 is ina!tive will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 6or #i2es in releases %& 7(5 and %& '(,) re#er to S6?$S*$/5'7( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the supplied B1+ data #or this PR will not open will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7nterval #or save !hanges reminder does not adhere to sele!ted interval(

/535, 32 /5371 1+ /53'/ 97

/539' 79 /5+1' +5 /5+3+ /7 /5++1 19 /5+'' 5+ /5+93 /2 /5+95 +, /551' 7, /5522 /9 /552/ 91 /55+3 '9 /55+5 ,3

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Part %avigator did not re#resh when !reating a C6 #eature with an a!tive #eature group) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *2port 2: *2!hange #rom displayed part that has never been saved #ails will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were seeing di##erent results #or 7P; !ollisions between 3: and 2: :ynami! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( <66S*" start limit as e2pression82 is not being retained(( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "urning operations are not interpreting geometry !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a "urning Solid @roove "ool imported #rom the "ool Library does not rotate "ra! ing Points will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .annot get .am e2press to wor w8 %& 7(5(3 Q Solid *dge S"1,3 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where users are unable to eliminate the L<>:8;7R* statement #rom an open pro#ile wire *:M path will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %& Save <utside o# "eam!enter #ailure s!enario w8o parts( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Kole Mill @eometry #ails to maintain settings using as template will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .reating a pattern #eature moves solid body to !urrent wor layer( Siemens PLM believes that the problem where %& reported 97nvalid <bIe!t9 opening a spe!i#i!ation) that had a view that was added using 9>dd #rom part9) i# the 9Pre!ise <nly9 revision rule is used) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(/) %& '(,(2) %& '(5 and the ne2t available maintenan!e pa! #or %& 7(5(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !opying a drawing sheet that used !rosshat!hing) dupli!ated #eatures and e2pressions 3asso!iated to the !rosshat!hing4 in the part-s history) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "o wor around this problem !hange the *2tra!ted *dge style 3#rom the Biew Style dialog4 #or all views to >sso!iative and then !reate the !rosshat!hing( ;hen the sheet is !opied and pasted) views with >sso!iative *2tra!ted *dges will not dupli!ate modeling #eatures( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an imported table template with e2pressions !reates dupli!ate e2pressions) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/55+5 19

/55+9 71

/55/' 2/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in!onsistent behavior was observed with the Pull and <##set Region !ommands using Label .ham#er) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Pull 6a!e and <##set Region have been added to the list o# !ommands that support Label .ham#er in the Modeling online help( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& :oes %ot Support .ustom :ataset "ypes is resolved by !ode !hanges made to release %& '(5 7P13( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you re!eived a sele!tion error when per#orming a ?oolean operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :atum Plane dialog retained the previously entered value) having de#ined a plane #or Se!tioning) and !ould not be reset) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @R7P %. do!umentation re#eren!es to QR"%6*:8QR"%7M"8Q:P"6*:8Q:P"=%" are out o# date) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where displaying a =:6 3=ser :e#ined 6eature4 opens the .lass Sele!tion dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Stit!h !ommand #ailed in !ertain !ases will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 97nvalid <bIe!t9 warning and e2!luded re#eren!e warning on re#$onl sub$assembly( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where trying to per#rom a Move .omponent while in Manu#a!turing is not possible will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem is that the Move .omponent dialog is attempting to automati!ally !hange the wor part to the "<P sub$assembly in order to allow the !ustomer to move the ?L<.C !omponent( Kowever) it !an-t do that in this !ase as design in !onte2t is disallowed when in the manu#a!turing appli!ation( >s demonstrated by attempting to !hange wor part manually via >ssemblies$A.onte2t .ontrol$ASet ;or Part((( -:esign in !onte2t is not available in this appli!ation(- "he #i2 has been to ma e the Move .omponent dialog display the same type o# message as that o# the Set ;or Part dialog( >#ter the message is given the Move .omponent dialog is laun!hed but with no !omponents sele!ted 3the !urrent sele!tion is reIe!ted4( 7t is possible to !hange a !ustomer de#ault so that the Move .omponent dialog doesn-t need to !hange the wor part to the sub$assembly in order to move a !hild !omponent o# the sub$assembly( "he !ustomer de#ault is >ssemblies$APositioning$AMove .omponent S!ope) !hange #rom -;or Part <nly- to ->nywhere in >ssembly-( ;hen this !ustomer de#ault is set the !ustomer is able to move any !omponent at any level without the need to !hange the wor part to the parent assembly o# !omponent( "he downside is that i# there are many assembly !onstraints in the assembly there is noti!eable per#orman!e hit in using this mode( :rawing view i!on grayed out a#ter saving the drawing part(

/55', '5 /5593 17 /5599 1' /5/,+ 9+ /5/,/ 2+ /5/,7 11 /5/3' 3' /5/+, ,+

/5/+' 77

/5/5' 5/ /5//, 15 /5/', 79 /5/'5 31

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %ot able to e2port assembly to 2presreview will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where te2t was shi#ted when adding a !ustom symbol) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an %& Sheet Metal part #ile e2hibited slow response i# it !ontained pre$%&7(5 %& Sheet Metal 6eatures will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the n25,21s!rew1!learan!e1hole1standard(2ml in!orre!tly showed reversed values #or 9!lose9 and 9normal9 #or si2 19 s!rew !learan!e holes) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you !annot !reate a bolt !onne!tion between sheet body and solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) Bersion '(5( 6lip tool around holder and reorient tool produ!e in!orre!t results( >utomation program posts intera!tive message( @etBisible*2pressions $ does not return String typed e2pressions( @*"?odies #or geom!opy( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the & and J !oordinate output is in!orre!t #or an M": ma!hine that has a +$a2is . Kead with a 9, degree head atta!hed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an operation is not #lagged as generated when moved to or #rom the =nused 7tems will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an %& 7(,(1 Bariable Streamline operation using 5ig$5ag !ut pattern generates in %& 7(5(+ with reposition moves in pla!e o# the stepover moves will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where generating an >rea Milling operation produ!es a #illeting error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "ool Path ?ased simulation #ails to simulate a :rill) :eep !y!le will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/5/97 11 /57,2 13 /57,+ 21 /57,9 '9 /5713 23 /571/ 7, /571' 7' /572/ 35

/572' +7 /57+7 /1

/5752 ++

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation listed #or %& 7(5(3 #or Post$Pro!essing the version o# >%SJS supported in!orre!tly as >%SJS 13 when only >%SJS 12(1 version results are supported will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;rong error message in %& 6ile %ew dialog( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation does not re#le!t !hanges in method !alls will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 phase 3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where layer options were not maintained in higher level assemblies when repla!ing a !omponent) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "ool Path$$A :ivide option is retaining the previous divide results will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& #ailed to load a part reporting0 9>n operation was attempted on an invalid or unsuitable <M9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where additional do!umentation is needed #or the storing o# P>& #iles is #i2ed in release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using the ."RL Cey to sele!t obIe!ts when Postpro!essing is not wor ing as do!umented will be resolved by !hanges made to the do!umentation in the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( .ustomers are now instru!ted to use the Shi#t ey to sele!t the topmost obIe!t) and then sele!t the lowermost obIe!t) be#ore postpro!essing( > note is also added to !lari#y that((( 1( obIe!ts must be sele!ted #rom the same group and in the same order as they appear in the 7nspe!tion %avigator) and 2( i# you sele!t spe!i#i! program obIe!ts rather than a group) you will re!eive a warning that a program group will be !reated #or the sele!ted obIe!ts "his group is !reated only in the :M7S output and does not a##e!t the program groups in the 7nspe!tion %avigator( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .ustomer :e#aults) Simulation) Model Preparation) "iny 6a!e >rea and "hin 6a!e ;idth should be removed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !hange in the spreadsheet is not saved and you !annot !reate a new a#u will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where on ;indows 7 /+bit ma!hine) e2porting a #ile produ!es 96ile not #ound9 system message a#ter deleting a #ile #rom #ile dialog bo2 is #i2ed in release %& '(5(

/5753 '/ /575/ /' /577+ '5 /5777 +5 /57'/ 51 /579, 19 /5793 17

/579+ ,5 /5',5 59 /5'13 ''

/5'2, /5 /5'2, 79 /5'33 95 /5'3' ,/ /5'+, 21 /5'+9 5' /5'5+ 3+

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %&7(5 and %&' #ail to supply detailed in#ormation li e %& / when a renamed #ile !on#li!ts will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where additional do!umentation is needed #or the ".1%&1save1pre!ise1on1uprev pre#eren!e will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& '(5( >ssembly sear!h in %& Manager shows multiple versions( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the values o# a S!rew .learan!e Kole !hanged to their Metri! eHuivalent a#ter !hoosing >pply) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :o!umentation #or the Post ?uilder mom1 in15th1a2is12221limit !ommands is in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Shi#tR.trlRdrag does not wor in s et!hing( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where having made a !omponent the ;or Part) sele!ting a #a!e in the !omponent #or a S et!h Pla!ement 6a!e !aused the display to orient une2pe!tedly) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where element sele!tion using label range ta es mu!h longer to !omplete(will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& 7(5(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ?ritish tapered threads 3?S"P4 did not display !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Post ?uilder double outputs <perator Messages in the Listing 6ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ?undle diameter !al!ulation algorithm !hart needs to be !orre!ted in the do!umentation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where the de#un!t .rystal*yes Stereo #un!tionality was still do!umented in the %& produ!t do!umentation has been removed in the %& '(5 release( Part replays on /+$bit windows) #ails on 32$bit windows) %& 7(5(3(mp1( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "rim >ngle dialog lo! s up when the dialog was previously !an!elled will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/5'5+ 75 /5'5+ ', /5'59 5/ /5'/+ +9 /5'// +, /5'7+ 11 /5''3 52

/5''+ 73 /5''/ ,9 /5''/ 7/ /5''/ 99 /5'9+ 1+ /59,+ 2' /59,7 37 /5913 73 /5927 1,

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where values #or any %PS 3straight pipe threads4 tap drill siGe were in!orre!t in the n25,21"hreaded1Kole1Standard(2ml #ile) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :atum "arget be!omes retained a#ter load the #ile or !reate new will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a milling tool resulted in an 7nternal *rror will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( "<<LS$ !annot !reate milling tool getting internal error in %& '(, PK25( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in!orre!t automati! #low !urves are produ!ed #rom the .ut >rea o# a Streamline operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the pro!ess #or sorting tools by tool number in the <peration %aviagator is not su##i!iently do!umented will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( :PB #ile wor s with %& 7(5(3(mp1 :ra#ting but does %<" wor with %& 7(5(+(mp3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there are gouges near the large taper angle in blade ma!hining will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the >ssembly Kidden Line #un!tion was des!ribed in!orre!tly in the do!umentation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n the >ssembly Kidden Line dialog bo2 topi!) the Save option now has this des!ription0 9Saves the rendered lines to a new part #ile with the same part units as the assembly part #rom whi!h it is derived(9 3"he paragraph mentioned in the PR was simpli#ied in an earlier release) and is now !orre!t as is(4 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the @R7P do!umentation needed to be updated in areas dis!ussing plat#orms will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a part #ailed to update a#ter a 6eature @roup was !reated and deleted) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& does not #ind item revs a#ter edit properties o# 7:) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a tool path does not simulate !orre!tly on a multi$a2is Kead8Kead ma!hine will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/5939 '1 /59+2 '9 /59+/ ,1 /595+ /+

/595/ 3/ /595/ 3'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .ommand 6inder still #inds the 7nstan!e 6eature !ommand whi!h has been repla!ed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the results obtained #rom u#5,',34 and =61M<:L1!reate1#itted1spline34 were di##erent was o!!urring be!ause the modern eHuivalent #or u#5,',34 is a!tually =61.=RB*1!reate1spline1thru1pts34( "he error in the do!umentation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Loaded .>M *2press %&7(5(2 and !an not open S"+ Solid *dge #iles( Multi body boolean !ut operation !hanges target body layer( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where playing ba! a Fournal re!orded with @lobal :e#ormation was reHuiring a di##erent li!ense will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .>M6eature(@et6a!es doesn-t return the obIe!ts o# "agged Points will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "ool Path Simulate does not give !orre!t output #or drilling operations that use a Lo! >2is =:* to #or!e .$a2is rotation on a 5$ a2is ?8. table8table ma!hine will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >pplying ?ody :ra#t is #ailing #or 1,T o# !ases at :aimler $ two e2amples ( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ?lo! =7 Styler do!umentation needs more in#ormation on the Properties o# the Set List blo! ) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sta! ed PM7 translated in!orre!tly to F" #ile) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a misleading message is output 3library lin will be bro en4 when the user edits a library tool will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a S !hara!ter in P"S >uthor will pro!ess as a !omment will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( :ra#t #ails #or very small angle value !hanges( Shadow .urve *2tra!t leaves gaps along tangent8silouette area (

/59/2 // /59/+ ,3 /59// '1 /5971 ,/ /5973 2+

/5979 35 /59'2 '9 /5992 '' /599/ 7, //,,1 2' //,,1 '5 //,,2 ,'

//,,5 93 //,,9 /9 //,11 1/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !ontrol the !reation o# trim tas s with the :<L assistant will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %&'(,(1 and %& '(5( "he #i2 will be ba! ported to %&7(5(+ MP/ and %&'(,(1 MP2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a pro!edure is missing #rom the %& Kelp do!umentation that des!ribes how to delete an ordinate set with no display name will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !omponent is missing when 6*M is !reated out o# an assembly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) Bersion '(5( >n ideal part and8or #em now honors the !urrent !ad arrangement during the #em !reation pro!ess( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!ting 9>nalysis $A =nits9 to !hange units o# a part !aused a ResiGe ?lend #eature to show an in!orre!t Radius value) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %&'(,(1 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 3: mesher #ailed to map #roGen target nodes will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user was getting an in!orre!t tool a2is #or a Probe Sur#a!e Point subop will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 9!ir!ular update9 error o!!urs when moving the !omponent used in a "urning Setup will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %eed updated in#o #or QPL"6RM( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where all o# the #eeds are set to 7PR) but some motions output as 7PM !ould not be reprodu!ed as there are operation data missing #rom the !ustomer( :evelopment rewor ed the settings o# several #eed units( ;e don[t now i# this #i2es the problem( 7# the problem still e2ists in %& '(5) reopen the PR and provide more suitable !ustomer data to development( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Point Set with ProIe!ting points produ!ed the wrong result) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where <perations with 7nstan!ed "ool Paths do not all update when sele!ted as a group will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

//,12 27 //,17 +5 //,2, 13 //,29 9+ //,31 ,/ //,31 52

//,3+ +2 //,39 9,

//,+7 ,9

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the e2port pro!edure des!ribed in the manual is un!lear will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( "his has been #i2ed as part o# a larger do!umentation initiative to !lari#y the ways in whi!h the %& assemblies ar!hite!ture is e2posed in >dvan!ed Simulation( *2port >ssembly <utside "eam!enter and 7mport >ssembly 7nto "eam!enter wor e2a!tly the same #or .>* models as they do #or any other assembly( "he topi!s #ound in Kome$A .>*$A >dvan!ed Simulation$A >ssemblies .on!epts in >dvan!ed Simulation ma e !lear the assemblies nature o# >dvan!ed Simulation .>* model data( "he topi! Kome$A .>*$A >dvan!ed Simulation$A "eam!enter 7ntegration #or Simulation$A 7mporting and e2porting .>* model data provides an overview o# assemblies !on!epts spe!i#i! to import8e2port in managed mode) and provide lin s to relevant topi!s elsewhere in >dvan!ed Simulation as well as the "eam!enter 7ntegration #or %& online Kelp( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %& <pen >P7 Programmer-s guide #ailed to mention how to debug on the Linu2 plat#orm) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( :=PL7.>"* <6 PR /5,139+ with !orre!t .ustomer 7:( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Reuse Library .lassi#i!ation sear!h did not have drop down menus the same as in "eam!enter) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .reate Lin ed Part using !ertain re# set #ails with Missing se!tion string will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ugmanager with arguments is not opening up !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7mported P>& #ile always opens in %&7(5 not the te2t editor( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a 6lat Pattern raised a Memory >!!ess Biolation) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #a!et body o# an 7P; is saved in a part a#ter displaying both the previous and resulting 7P;s will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .losing multiple parts while in manu#a!turing !auses #atal error( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when drawing a re!tangle) 9type9 !hanges during !ommand) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& ' and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was no %&<pen >P7 wrapper method #or the lega!y %& <pen . >P7 #un!tion u!/++2) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he method will be wrapped as0 %&<pen(=6 A =6Biew A ReadBiew:rawingParameters(

//,+7 5/ //,+' 9+ //,+' 9' //,52 95 //,59 19 //,/, 7' //,7, '3 //,7/ +7 //,'2 13 //1,1 25 //1,1 77

//1,2 9' //1,3 '9 //1,+ 3+

"he problem where 7nternal memory a!!ess error when laun!h %& i# !an-t !reate item type is #i2ed in the release %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :etailed 6iltering on the Sele!tion "oolbar was not re!orded in a Ma!ro) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a drawing part #ile) !ontaining shaded se!tion views !ould not be saved) a#ter e2e!uting Part .leanup with .omponent :isplay set to 9Remove >ll .hanges9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where inserting a =:6 raised the message0 9"he spe!i#ied e2pression variable does not e2ist9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the SP. is not imported by the 6ile $A >ppend !ommand will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( "he newly added in#ormation should help !lari#y that the 6ile) >ppend !ommand !an only be used to import an entire de! ) while the Merge *ntities option allows you to import only portions o# a de! ( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& to F" translation is resulting in 91inst9 #or multiple part8sub$assembly usage will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming 7(55MP2 and '(5 releases o# our %& produ!t( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was a siGe allo!ation error when e2porting an >6= #ile #rom %& will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you reported that the Routing Spe!i#i!ation do!umentation is la! ing su##i!ient detail will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the e2trude #orm lists the element type as he2 when e2truding triangular shell elements will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the user was re!ieving hypermatri2 operation errors while solving response simulation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .hanges to the #ile pointer system used #or **6 #ile !reation were made in %& '(5 to allow the !reation o# an **6 larger than 2@?( Kowever) the internal matri!es that are !reated inside the **6 #ile are still limited in siGe due to the pointers involved( ;ith the !urrent !hanges) we !an !reate larger **6 #iles than be#ore with the only limit being due to the internal matri!es that are added to the **6( 7n general) we should be able to generate **6 #iles o# around 3@?( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the method %&<pen(P:M A PdmSear!h A >dvan!ed needed to provide more in#ormation) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a note was printed in the syslog when the targetLayer parameter o# the Cnowledge 6usion !lass ug1ud#s was set to $1) indi!ating that the =:6 should be brought in on the original layers) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

//1,' +2 //11, 2,

//112 29 //113 5, //132 +3 //1+5 ,+ //1+7 31

//1+7 ++ //155 /7

//1/, /3 //1/7 '9

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 7n#o "e2t ;indow does not provide rotation a2is in#ormation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 2: mesh was being generated in!orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > wor $around has been provided #or versions prior to '(5( "he wor $around is to use tri3 and then !onvert all to tri/ with element modi#y order( <r generate a seed mesh that is linear and tet mesh with paraboli! on!e the seed mesh is ready( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error o!!urred when using the Cnowledge 6usion !lass ug1edge1blend to !reate a variable radius blend) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .avity Mill ignores the part side sto! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "ool Path *dit Motion 6eed Rates are missing and out$o#$order( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the toolpath editor is not able to wor with 6irst .ut #eedrates will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an -invalid view- error would o!!ur i# you try to modi#y a !opy o# a proIe!ted view will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Lin ed datum plane 6eature =pdate 6ailed when the parent part is suppressed will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were getting the error 9.ould not get pre#eren!e ".1SPS:16<L:*R1P>"K pre#eren!e9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Milling 6eeds and Speeds Spindle Speed 3rpm4 is undo!umented will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Sheet Metal -Rebend- #un!tion did not !orre!tly lo!ate the !ountersin on a hole will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @ouge .he! er #ails to see gouges when the tool rapids through the part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where shell element normals would not #lip i# sele!ted by polygon #a!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .he! $Mate !he! er listing was being trun!ated) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

//177 12 //179 53 //19, ,5 //19, 59 //2,+ 21 //21/ 25 //22, 31 //22/ 5' //232 ', //233 7+ //23/ 37 //239 27

//2+3 39

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Shape Sear!h tool did not apply any "eam!enter >!!ess Rules to the results be#ore displaying them) to #ilter out those parts whi!h the user is not permitted to a!!ess when %& is running in the managed environment) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where additional do!umentation is needed #or the lo!ation o# the .he! out !omments a#ter e2port is !omplete will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our produ!t %& Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it is not possible to !reate a !omponent drawing with %&' Mold;iGard) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the ?lo! Styler was not !lear will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <verlap :istan!e #ield on the %on .utting Moves dialog does not a!!ept the #irst typed !hara!ter will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the S!ale !ommand did not s!ale bro en Lin ed .omposite .urves) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %avigating :6S in "ranslators "he problem where an environment variable is used instead o# the !ustomer de#ault is #i2ed in release %& '(5(

//253 33 //25' '1 //2/, 33 //2/9 25 //271 /9 //279 15 //2'3 ,+

//2'7 ,/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Motion Simulation does not start a user does not have the !orre!t li!ense and no error or warning message is displayed) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware) %& '(5( ;ith this release) a proper error message will be displayed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where imported !oordinate systems are being realigned to global ,),), will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where updating a parts list raised the error 9<bIe!t supplied is o# the wrong type9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n %& '(5) open the part and run Part .leanup #or :ra#ting <bIe!ts) then update the Parts List( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was very di##i!ult to pla!e a .ustom Symbol drawing #ormat at drawing origin) has been resolved by !ode !hanges made to an available release o# our so#tware %& '(,(1 and to the up!oming release %& '(5( S et!h origin is moved by Merge Part Module(

//292 +/ //293 5+

//3,, 59 //3,3 7/

//315 /' //31' 51 //319 /, //32+ /1 //327 37 //33+ 99

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the .he! $ Mate #un!tion mH!1!olle!t:rawingMember*dges was insu##i!ient) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Loading Ma!hine "ool with Stru!ture <nly set does not simulate @oing #rom dra#ting to modeling and ba! a!tivates #inished s et!h( Solid obIe!t display as sheet body a#ter editing !opied #eature( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :e#ormed part inter#eres with assembly !onstraints will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was insu##i!ient in#ormation in the error message on a ;*:M tool path #ailure and the do!umentation did not adeHuately guide the user to a su!!ess#ul result will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Save reminder !omes up at the wrong interval( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in .S*) using a @/5 ma!ro !all with an 9M9 argument will interperet the M as M,, and stops simulation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where de#orming a spring in an assembly raised the error0 97nput !urve not tangent !ontinuous9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there was no de#inition #or the meaning o# 9*Hual Radius 36ar49 will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #ollowing paragraph has been added to the help to the Move 6a!e dialog bo2 topi!) in the 6a!e 6inder se!tion0 9"o redu!e the number o# suggested #a!es) 6a!e 6inder may divide them into groups o# near or #ar( Suggested #a!es that are relatively #ar #rom the sele!ted #a!e have 36ar4 appended to them(9 "he same paragraph has been added to the same lo!ation in the help #or the #ollowing Syn!hronous Modeling !ommands0 >ngular :imension) Linear :imension) Radial :imension) Ma e .oplanar) @roup 6a!e) Ma e .oa2ial) Ma e Parallel) Ma e Perpendi!ular) Ma e Symmetri!) Ma e "angent) Ma e 6i2ed) .opy 6a!e) .ut 6a!e) Mirror 6a!e) ResiGe 6a!e and <##set Region( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the P"JP* #ield on the :R*SP1 !ard is e2ported as blan when the 9:esign Response Duantities9 modeling obIe!t is re#eren!ing a PS<L7: physi!al property will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where geometry disappears when using the :ie "rim Line #eature will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

//337 3/ //351 +' //3/1 /9 //37+ 7'

//3', '+

//3'' 21

//3'9 '2

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it ta es an e2!essive amount o# time to open an >ssembly 6em) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( :evelopment indi!ated the #ollowing0 "his problem was due to a beam !ross se!tion with very di##erent dimensional properties 3eg0 a ,(,,1 & + mm !ross se!tion4( Pro!essing o# !ross se!tion properties is handled more e##i!iently now( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where modi#ying a verti!al !onstraint raised the warning0 96eature Kas .reated Sur#a!es ;hi!h .annot ?e 6lattened9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Save pre!ise doesn-t wor on a re#eren!e$only !omponent ( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Metri! Keli.oil #ails to wor ) yet in!h wor s in n25,21"hreaded1Kole1Standard will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Cnowledge 6usion List with an 7nteger as its #irst member and a %umber as its last member was in!orre!tly mapped to doubleWX rather than <bIe!tWX when passed to %& <pen using n21Ia1session1e2e!ute) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Shan portion o# the tool is not visible in Replay but the "ool and Kolder are will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %& <pen . >P7 #un!tion =61.=RB*1!reate1o##set1obIe!t ignored the spe!i#ied a2is1ve!tor when using the o##set1type o# =61.=RB*1<66S*"13:1>&7>L) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Sto! value is not being adhered to so @ouge .he! is dete!ting gouges will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Memory >!!ess *rrors are reported when opening an S"+ %&' .>M *2press #ile will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a :etail Biew #rom a Se!tion Biew !reates the view outside the drawing sheet boundary) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where re#eren!es to parts that have been repla!ed in an assembly stru!ture were retained will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :o!umentation #or 9Show Material by "hi! ness9 does not state that this option is only #or milling operations will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where update #ailures o!!ured when members o# #eature group are !hanged) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

//+,1 ,' //+,1 +/ //+,+ 2, //+,+ 55

//+29 /+ //+29 '2

//++3 71 //+5+ 97 //+/+ 71 //+/7 5/ //+7, 2, //+79 /,

//+'7 ,1 //+'7 ,2

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to e2e!ute an %& boo let via the >P7 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where i# you sele!t multiple bodies #or the 9Part9 geometry in the "urning module) and the bodies do not tou!h) two !losed shape outlines are produ!ed but only a single spun outline is produ!ed #or one o# the bodies will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he do!umentation has been updated to in!lude the #ollowing in#ormation #or !reating !urves #rom solids0 9;hen using multiple bodies to !reate a single spun outline) the bodies must tou!h( Jou !an de#ine ea!h body as separate sets(9 "his in#ormation is lo!ated under the #ollowing lin 0 -Manu#a!turing $A Manu#a!turing "urning $A ?oundary geometry $A .reate .urves #rom Solids-( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6eature ?ased Ma!hining rules do not set engage and retra!t #eed rates properly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where opening a harness #ile #ailed raising an internal error) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation in!orre!tly stated that the version portion o# an obIe!t-s handle is used when lo!ating the obIe!t) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a part !annot be saved a#ter deleting a @eneri! Motion operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( @etting ->ttempt to #ree already #ree memory in Storage Manager- when generating( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where assigning the R*6*R*%.*17: .hara!teristi! to Sto! .omponents) in order to identi#y them in the Run %avigator) resulted in a :esign Rule Biolation saying there were dupli!ate R*6*R*%.*17: !hara!teristi!s) even when the sto! is the only !omponent) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(2 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6ile$A<pen and simple sear!h returns no results) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Setting Re#eren!e only on !omponent results in 7nvalid obIe!t( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ?a! ground .olor #or >ssembly SeHuen!ing does not !hange to Studio) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

//+99 2' //5,, '3 //5,1 ,7 //5,5 9+ //5,' +5 //5,9 25

//5,9 77 //51, 1/ //515 3'

//51/ ''

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an in!orre!t !ir!ular re#eren!e is reported will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Kere are the reHuired steps #or !onverting the lega!y measurement #eature in this PR to the new %& '(5 measurement #eature0 14 <pen part by #ollowing the steps des!ribed in the PR te2t( 24 M?3 on :istan!e Measurement3+4 in P%") sele!t *dit Parameters to invo e the edit dialog( 34 7n the edit dialog) !li! the <C button without doing anything else( "his will !omplete the measure #eature !onversion) and the !ir!ular dependen!y problem will be gone( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!ting the -61- ey to a!!ess the :o!s generates an error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an in!orre!t timestamp alert was raised in the Part %avigator #or a 6eature @roup) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not e2plain that the ug1!lone swit!h 9$en!rypt9 was internal) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7t should be noted that 9$en!rypt9 is #or use by Siemens appli!ations only( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a graphi! tool model and a 9solid9 insert are not mapping into the !orre!t orientation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where opening the supplied harness raised the error0 9=pdate8:elete has gone through too many iterations9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %&7(5(+ mp2 !ustomer pat!h) %& '(,(2 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the #ile sele!tion dialog displayed when using the ?rowse button #rom 9"ools $A Fournal $A Play9 did not de#ault to the #older spe!i#ied using the environment variable =@7717%7"7>L1F<=R%>L1:7R) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in 7SB) the ipw disappears when >nalyGe is sele!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an %& 7:*>S &PC imported model displays Signal 11 when generating will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %&'(,(2 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .avity Milling operation provided in the PR part #ailed to ma!hine one o# the slots !ompletely will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error o!!urs when importing a %astran #ile and using an in!lude statement and !ustomiGed toolbar will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a signal 11 is reported when using Post Results Manipulation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o#

//522 ,7 //531 ,2 //531 73

//539 2+ //539 +7

//539 95

//5+, ,' //55, 97 //551 +7 //55+ ,2 //559 ,1

our so#tware %& '(5( //5/, ,, //5/+ 5/ //5'2 9, //5'+ 17 //59, 25 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a ?end "aper #ailed when the outside radius was sele!ted) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #ile #ailed to open in dra#ting and !aused the %& session to !rash) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 7n!orre!t do!umentation #or <wner option in the Log 6ile Synta2 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a length ve!tor o# Gero is reported when attempting to open an operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where using 9=pdate Lo!al 7P; #rom Sour!e9 #or the new 7P; 6low pro!ess in %& ' returns the alert 9"he part #ile !ontaining the sour!e #or the 7P; !annot be loaded9 and the reHuirements to avoid this !ondition are not do!umented will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where results #rom a previous solution !ould be displayed a#ter renaming a solution will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen do!umentation did not e2plain why the 1dMesh reHuired a point to be spe!i#ied will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 >lthough the !urrent %&<pen :o!umentation does not dis!uss this) the %& >dvan!ed Simulation do!umentation does( "he point indi!ates the starting end o# the !urve or edge to be meshed( %odes or elements will start at the end !losest to the point( "he indi!ated start end is remembered by the mesh re!ipe #or !onsistent re$ meshes( "his in#ormation appears in the %& ' do!umentation under0 >dvan!ed Simulation Kelp Meshing) 1: Meshing) *nsuring the !onsistent orientation o# 1: elements( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where do!umentation #or 9"rans#erring an 7P; a!ross multiple setups9 does not state that this #un!tionality only wor s in a setup assembly !onte2t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %& '(,(1(5 :ra#ting =pdate 7ssue( PR<?7%@ $ tool a2is is in!orre!t should be 5 a2is( :ra#t with new "angent 6a!es option giving #a!e with internal dis!ontinuits( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where not all o# the originally sele!ted !urves were proIe!ted to a sheet body) using the ProIe!t .urves !ommand) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

//591 '7 //59/ ',

//59' 2/ ///,7 +3 ///,' 9' ///13 25 ///15 99

///1/ 5/ ///21 ++ ///22 99 ///31 13

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where multiple loads 8 atta!hment modes gives invalid results in a response simulation Huasi$stati! event will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where user was ending up with the same ids #or the hole table) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where F" translations with mi2ed units and assembly level se!tions !uts did not produ!e the !orre!t F" #ile) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& v'(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the option to only have sele!ted meshes with element outlines displayed was no longer available in %&'(,(1 but was available in %&'(, will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( 6*M #ails to load in %&'(,(1 with simulation #rom previous version in".( @lobal shaping a Solid ?ody !reates a Sheet ?ody((( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where L:SL<>: is only imported with the #irst sur#a!e data entry when it has multiple data entry lines will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where importing an >baHus input #ile does not import loads properly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the *rroneous handling o# the S=R6>.* !ommand during >bauHs de! import that in!ludes L:SL<>:) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tool a2is is output in!orre!tly #or a Probe Sur#a!e Point suboperation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .S* does not properly handle Renishaw probe !y!les #or a 6anu! !ontrol will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where saving a part !ontaining a de#ormable #eature raised the error0 9M<M1".L0 7nterpreter returned error when doing event9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to edit the Parameters o# a Se!tion Sur#a!e) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .reating a 6eature @roup to house all #eatures ma es #eatures #ail(

///32 ,3 ///35 3, ///3' 22 ///3' 3+ ///39 ,,

///51 // ///52 '3 ///55 5, ///55 79 ////2 '1

////2 '/

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 6eature ?rowser displayed in!orre!t relationships #or ina!tive #eatures) !reated with ?ody Sele!tion 7ntent rules on a ?oolean #eature whi!h was later deleted) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ?lo! =7 Styler did not e2plain the use o# atta!hements) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 6eature "ea!h routine reports that a !oordinate system is missing when !reating will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .urvature .ombs did not update while editing a spline in %&7(5) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and %&9(,( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ;eld >ssistant will not import a .SB #ile as e2pe!ted i# the numbering is the same with the addition o# the pre#i2 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& #ails to generate a 9part sa#e9 spun outline $ >uto or 72, planes will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 6or the given part the !ompulsive body !he! #ails( "hat #ailure !an be overruled in %& '(5( >utomati! spun outline !reation does wor #or the given part although body !he! might #ail( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ;ire .ontrol Status options are not wor ing and L<>:8;7R* and =%L<>:8;7R* are always output will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Law *2tension with the >symmetri! option #ailed when the <##set value was edited) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( turningU !ut region !hanges #rom %& 7 to %& 7(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where show thi! ness by !olor does not wor !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "rans#omation Matri2 in Stru!ture Manager will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Save or Save >s raised the error0 9"he #ollowing parts #ailed to save !ausing the overall save operation to #ail0 ;hile saving 12/5,19/8,,10 12/5,19/8,,1 $ *rror number0 1,,,+3,359) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the turning spun outline generates with many small lines in the given part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

////2 9/ ////3 +2 ////+ +1 ////' 1+ ///71 13

///75 75 ///75 92 ///77 ,7 ///93 53 ///95 ++ //7,1 9'

//71+ +9

//71+ 91 //719 ,5 //723 7, //72/ 73 //739 +/ //7+, 21 //7+1 +5 //75+ 7' //755 '7 //75/ 22 //7/2 /1

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Symboli! "hread display o# an in!h %P" thread in a metri! drawing was in!orre!t when using "hread "ype0 >%S7 Simpli#ied) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a 6eature @roup in!orre!tly raised a timestamp warning) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& 6ile %ew dialog not !ome up i# one pa2 #ile has missing named re#eren!e will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you !annot use 3: laminate !omponent in >6*M will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5 and also ba! ported to version '(,(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error was returned when attempting to display a PM7 obIe!t in a di##erent model view will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where importing an %& %astran de! #rom within !ommand #inder will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where properties were missing when importing data #rom gateway will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the results manipulation tool generates in!orre!t data when !ombining >nsys load !ase results will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Planar Mill operation shows as -Regenerate- i# a .ham#er Mill is used will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!ting the >nimation option -Reverse Play- shows erroneous ar! moves will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Remar on the %& <pen >P7 Re#eren!e @uide page #or the %&<pen A :isplayModi#i!ation A %ew.olor property !ontained in!orre!t in#ormation) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the ;eld >ssistant Plug ;eld too a long time to sele!t edge !urves) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you re!eived a =%B #ile import error in the postpro!essing navigator will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5(

//7/+ 3/ //7/+ 9'

//7/9 37

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Polygon pattern did not update a#ter editing the original !urves) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he do!umentation #or the Pattern .urve !ommand in S et!her already in!ludes user help #or the Polygon layout type( 7t is #ound in the help topi!0 9Pattern .urve non$asso!iated options)9 whi!h is lo!ated in both the table o# !ontents under Pattern .urve) and in the Dui! Lin s that appear on the right side o# all Pattern .urve help topi!s under the 9Loo up more details9 heading( "he lead$in senten!e #or the 9Pattern .urve non$asso!iative options9 topi!) now states0 9"hese additional non$asso!iative Pattern .urve options are only available i# you disable .reate 7n#erred .onstraints(9 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where additional do!umentation is needed to e2plain how the revision is determined during a Save >s in "eam!enter( will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "urning 7P; is wrong a#ter a milling operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !al!ulation o# the Minimum :istan!e is not !orre!t(will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .he! $Mate 2ml log #ile #ormat had a problem with the status attribute #or a !he! er that passes) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Post Pro!essor !reated in Post ?uilder %& 5(,(3 and then saved in P? %& '(,(1 will not wor #rom %& '(,(1 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error message was re!eived that the geometry is invalid #or the mesh re!ipe will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Routing .lassi#i!ation pro!edure was not do!umented will be resolved in the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9;or pie!e$A Show spinning 3:9 produ!es a sheet body instead o# a solid body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where"o>#u1original(vb need to be updated #or %&% 7(1 #ormat will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Bersion '(5( 7nvalid <bIe!t error) opening assembly saved as pre!ise with re# !omponents( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !hanging the !ut dire!tion in streamline !auses an error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Splitting a solid !auses the body to be on the !urrent ;or Layer(

//77, ,+ //771 ,/ //7'/ // //',/ 5/ //',9 '7 //'13 '3 //'19 /' //'21 59 //'+, 79 //'+5 5/ //'5, ,5 //'5, 2/

//'53 ++ //'53 71 //'5/ 25

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to get #a!es or edges #rom a KolePa! age #eature in %& <pen without resorting to the wrapped =6 methods will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where intermittent 7nternal *rror messages are displayed when generating a tool path will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .ontour Pro#ile is !ausing the tool to li#t in some pla!es will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 7t should be noted that the tool path was spi ing down at the start and end o# the tool path also( "his was #i2ed( "he pr indi!ated that the tool path li#ted up in pla!es but this was due to the .ontour Pro#ile rule o# not allowing the tool to go below the "ra!e !urve i(e( ;all ?ottom( <n!e the spi e was #i2ed the tool path is smooth and !orre!t( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a post produ!es di##erent %. !ode when being upgraded #rom P? %& /(, to P? %& 7(5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in P? %& '(5( > wor $around has been provided to the !ustomer #or veri#i!ation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a bolt !ir!le !enterline loses asso!iativity editing view positions with *dit$view$Move8!opy view) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Keidenhain post outputs an in!orre!t #eed rate will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %umeri! input not ta en when >PPLJ is pressed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where -*2tra!t Birtual .urve $A Birtual interse!tion- is not wor ing #or Bariable ?lend will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;e have added notes to the *2tra!t Birtual .urve overview topi! in the do!umentation0 9<nly rolling ball 3!onstant radius4 #a!e and edge blends are supported9 "his was added to the end o# the #ollowing overview topi! bullets0 L *2tra!t the !enterline o# blend #a!es( L *2tra!t the virtual interse!tion o# a blend #a!e( >lso added the #ollowing senten!e near the end o# the overview topi!0 %<"*0 *2tra!t Birtual .urve does not support !ham#ers( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a .losed Kem 6lange !ould not be !reated) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where mesh on a given part !ollapsed or tapered to a narrow edge along an edge !ommon to two volumes will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen Programmer-s @uide did not provide in#ormation about whether or not the wrappers #or the %&<pen(=6 9#ree9 methods needed to be used or not) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Starting in %& '(5) the unne!essary methods will no longer be in!luded in the %&<pen(=6 namespa!e(

//'/' 93

//'7, ,3 //'72 ,3 //'7+ 95 //'7' 13

//'79 /9 //'', 1' //''1 5/

//''+ 73 //''/ 79 //'9, 97 //'92 ,3 //'92 5,

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error o!!urs when deleting a newly !reated instan!ed operation that !rashes manu#a!turing will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where posting #rom the syn! manager in ".) #olders in .0\\"emp have the wrong names will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the 9>long Be!tor9 and 9Rotate =sing Points9 is missing #rom the Motion options in the do!umentation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a !omponent was added to an assembly but it wasn-t available in Motion Simulation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(1 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the a!t o# suppressing8un$ suppressing a !omponent does not remove8add its name to the graphi!s display when the setting o# Pre#eren!es$ABisualiGation) %ames8?orders) <bIe!t %ame :isplay is ;or Biew) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where attempting to delete the leader o# a %ote raised the error0 9>ttempt to #ree already #ree memory in Storage Manager9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the properties dialog #or .>M obIe!ts will show the wrong 3i(e( previous4 name in the dialog and thus allow #or a!!identally renaming the obIe!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where overlaid elements in 1: !onne!tion listed both elements in the Simulation navigator) but only displayed one o# the elements) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( :evelopment has also provided the #ollowing in#ormation0 %ow we are allowing the user to !reate !oin!ident elements in point to point and node$to$node !onne!tion( ;hile !reating !onne!tion) i# !oin!ident elements are !reated) a pop up warning message will !ome and as whether !oin!ident element should be !reated or not( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the <peration Path :isplay dialog $ shows motion types not used by the operation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( :o we have a solution #or PR,//,+'9'( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where milling operations are inheriting the #eedrate unit #rom the Method parent instead o# the !ut will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!ting instan!e geometry #eature o# points was not sele!ting points to proIe!t) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

//9,1 +' //9,2 27

//9,' 1/

//9,9 '2 //911 ,9 //92/ 23 //93+ 9+

//9+1 21

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %& <pen . #un!tion =61;>B*1as 1lin 1mirror1data34 returns a 96ile not #ound9 error when Huerying the lin ed mirror #eature) even when the allow1load parameter is set to "R=*) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the mass #low results display in!orre!tly in %& '(,(1) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& "hermal86low) version '(5( :evelopment provided the #ollowing e2planation0 "his is a =nit !onversion issue( .urrent wor around is to import result with 9=ser :e#ined9 unit system( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there are errors pla!ing a detail view) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where PM7 Biew not mat!hing imported drawing view will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where no method is written #or #reHuen!y analysis in %&' will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!eed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error0 9*rror number0 19 was raised when importing a S"*P #ile into %&) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the "ra!elines o# a Printed .ir!uit ?oard did not maintain their thi! ness when imported into %& as a :&6 #ile) using 96ile $A 7mport $A :&68:;@9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6*>" @.=RB* 7FC ve!tors post pro!essed by %& .MM are in!orre!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where editing a multi$depth parameter !auses an error that says 9drive geometry must be spe!i#ied9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %& manager not en#or!ing naming rules( Same issue as as PR 1'/1711 $ ".'318%&755+( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where e2porting a P:6 #ails i# the dataset name or #ile name !ontains a slash) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Part Sto! values are not being applied when there are many !ut areas will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the !urves in the sim #ile were not sele!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

//9+5 ,'

//9/, '9 //9/1 '+ //9/2 3/ //9/2 5+ //9/3 2+

//9/7 55 //9/' 3/ //9/' 99 //97+ 5' //977 ,+ //9'1 51 //9'3 15

//99' 59 /7,,, 32 /7,,3 7/

:ra#tiing s et!h opens when 7 !hange the drawing sheet( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in an >6*M the solution !he! er does not provide missing midsur#a!e error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where do!umentation #or the 9.onve2 .orner9 options 9*2tend9 and 9*2tend and "rim9 needed updating to add in#ormation that the 9.orner9 settings 9*2tend8*2tend and "rim9 only applies to the !ut along the part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :esign 6eature -Kole- does not !reate a !ir!ular edge in a sheet body will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the #ile pointed to by =@771*%B167L* !ould #ail to load) and the user would not be warned) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @lobal shaping by #un!tion $ radius redu!tion generates bad result will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6eature Playba! #ailed) reporting a !ir!ular dependen!y error) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the Return o# the Cnowledge 6usion #un!tion ug1!urve1as Plane7nterse!tion in!orre!tly stated that a point would be returned rather than parameters) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where variables #or sto! allowan!es are not do!umented in the mom variable browser will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( @raphi!s error when !reating a blend( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where *lement material orientation does not display !orre!tly in %& '(,(1 !ompared to %& 7(5(5 is wor ing as designed to improve per#orman!e and now this in#ormation is added to the up!oming release o# our %& '(5 do!umentation as well( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where generating an operation displays 7nternal *rror a#ter !hanging the !ut dire!tion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the >pproa!h8:eparture is omitted in 5ig5ag w8 li#ts but wor ed in %&/ will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5(

/7,,5 5, /7,,5 97 /7,21 7, /7,23 ,' /7,27 91

/7,2' '3 /7,29 9/ /7,3+ 91

/7,35 91 /7,37 21

/7,+' 1, /7,5, /2 /7,55 ,5 /7,5/ 57 /7,59 +9 /7,59 71 /7,/3 3' /7,/5 ,, /7,// '/ /7,7+ 9' /7,75 ,2 /7,79 9' /7,', 79 /7,'3 19 /7,'+ ,5 /7,'+ /1

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Sample%&<pen>ppli!ations\\(%*"\\Spell.he! er e2ample appli!ation needed updating) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( >n!hor point o# symbol !reated by 7mport is #ar #rom the symbol( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Ma!hine .ode Simulate is ignoring the "ool$$A J Mount value in 7SB will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( *dge ?lend regression( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where B%. !ommands were not getting upgraded in Post ?uilder %& '(,(2 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our Post ?uilder so#tware in %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( 6ont ;eight 7ssue with "abular %otes( .y!li!al :ependan!y error reported in a "urning program( <rienatation inside %& is lost( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the =nits !hanged #or <rbit :e#inition Solar 6lu2) are not remembered will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where #a!e analysis display has turned o## some sur#a!es) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the message to warn o# an unavailable Studio Render li!ense was not displayed during an >rtisti! 7mage rendering will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Parent Part @eometry Sele!tion $ 7n!onsistent Sele!tion 7ntent( Show 3: 7P; brings an error >!!ess memory violation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .allout 7:S do not update in the >ssembly %avigator will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Siemens '+,: post template has an invalid M<M1set1seH1on !ommand will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a turning tea!hmode operation !reation #ails with a t!l error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o#

our so#tware %& '(5( /7,'5 59 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the issue reported in PR /59//'1 was not #i2ed in the versions reported 3%& '(,(1(5 mp1 and %& '(,(24) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( PR /59//'1 reported that @lobal :e#ormation re!orded in a Iournal 3without any li!ense errors4 !ould not be played ba! ) reporting a li!ense error( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& wire#rame entities were !ausing problems with the F" bounding bo2) will be resolved by !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(,(3 and %& '(5( Bariable .ontour <perations "ool >2is "oward Point is %ot >sso!iative( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where .he! $Mate was reporting obIe!ts on layer Gero will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ?ridge .urve $ :eviation gage puts needles at ends with !ross$!urve deviation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where identi#y !auses e2!eption in the model will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Cnowledge 6usion do!umentation did not su##i!iently warn against wor ing with dupli!ate !lass8#un!tion de#initions) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where sele!ting drive !urves hangs %& will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the :o!umentation on how to turn on the review tool in Shop :o!umentation is outdated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where some labels are trun!ated when the dialog initially opens will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& Motion Simulation Bersion '(5( >ll motion dialogs are ;idth Style now whi!h show all label strings and show all strings #or unit string( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the graph lable is not updated a#ter the sensor is edited will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& Motion Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where with ma28min values #or >LL >ddresses is being !hanged when only one o# the addresses is a!tually modi#ied will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/7,'/ 79 /7,'' 75 /7,9+ 2, /711' /+ /7121 79 /7122 1+

/7135 39 /71++ ,+ /7152 +,

/7152 +3 /7152 7+

/715' 3'

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =61;>B*1is1lin 1bro en is returning bro en wave #eatures that !annot be #ound will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he part submitted with this PR has been repaired by our development team( Jou !an download this repaired #ile at this =RL0 http088download(ugs(!om8spe!ial(php8returned8amI5919'$!lean(geo1#in,,1(,,5,,,1# i2ed(prt(Gip( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a !ustom unit results in a synta2 error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(,( "here are two de#e!ts in the dialog( ?oth issues are resolved in %& '(5( > des!ription o# the issue and a wor arounds #or ea!h are listed below( "he issue is that spa!es are not allowed in either the =nit %ame or the =nit :isplay %ame( "he dialog ignores any !hara!ters a#ter the #irst blan in the =nit %ame) whi!h is annoying but at least !reates an usable unit with a portion o# the intended name( ;orse) the :isplay %ame is a!!epted with blan s but then #ails later when the new unit is used in the Material dialog( "he wor around #or this de#e!t is to enter names without blan s0 9@Pa 3 %8mm]249 $A 9@Pa3 %8mm]249 "he se!ond de#e!t is a #ailure o# the dialog to update an internal table when the =nit :isplay %ame is !hanged 3and the =pdate =nit button is pushed4( "he #irst wor around is to avoid !hanging the =nit :isplay %ame in the dialog( "he se!ond potential wor around is to delete and re$!reate the unit i# the original display name is in!orre!t( "his wor s only i# the unit has not yet been used in an *2pression or Material( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there is no e2planation in the do!s #or the ma!hine rigidity parameter in the ma!hining data library) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware is %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation #or the %&<pen(6eatures A *2tra!t6a!e?uilder !lass property 6re!>t"imeStamp was insu##i!ient) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .loned assembly !omponents get substituted with original !omponent( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Post ?uilder B5(,(3 5a2is "able8"able postpro!essor saved in Post ?uilder B'(,(2 outputs a rotary move #rom a .avity Milling operation a#ter the tool is ma!hining inside the part will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n the interim a postpro!essor with the up!oming #i2 has been provided to you by @">. .>M Support( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where e2porting an (>:M #ile and importing into MS.8>:>MS didn-t wor !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "here are 3 issues in this PR( 7ssue 1 about dupli!ate bodies is the same as PR/7,2+'9 and has been #i2ed in %& '(5( 7ssue 2 about !ouplers also has been #i2ed in %& '(5( "he !oupler s!ale will now not !ontain Gero values( 7ssue 3 about 3: !onta!ts is mu!h more di##i!ult to #i2( "here are Huite di##erent ways to deal with !onta!t between MS.8>:>MS and Re!ur:yn( >t present it is not possible #or Re!ur:yn to !reate a good L(>:M #ile with a !onta!t obIe!t( Please !onta!t the @">. .oordinator i# you would li e to submit an *nhan!ement ReHuest to as that this #un!tionality be in!luded in some #uture version o# the produ!t( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a warning was raised when !ompiling the %&*2!eption(h22) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/71/, 35

/71/3 37 /71/' /3 /7179 55 /71', 11

/71'+ ,3

/71'+ ,7

/71'5 7' /71'7 3, /71'' 13 /719+ 95 /7195 71 /719' 33 /72,, 1, /72,, /2

.rosshat!h region is updated in!orre!tly a#ter model !hange( %eed ->!tive S et!h Biew- in RM? #or all views when there is no a!tive s et!h( &$Kat!hing doesnt be!ome retained even boundary be!omes to open( 7nsert 9?ase Biew9$A Sele!t another non$master loaded part gives wrong result( *dit s et!h pattern !urve gives wrong result( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where drill operations will not simulate !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .an he use the %& browser( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation in!orre!tly stated #or S<L /,1 that the temperature$dependent stress$strain !urve is supported only #or nonlinear elasti! material properties will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( *ven i# you sele!t i!on in "oolber area) wrong !ondition will be displayed( .opyQ Paste3Reuse <riginal4 S et!h0 *dit dim is not update to parent immediately( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where pla!ing an 7: symbol in a proIe!ted view !ontaining #a!eted representations returned a Modeler *rror will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .RR #un!tion prototype) that was generated #or the <nMenu.allba! o# the "ree List blo! ) used the misleading third parameter name o# 9menu7tem7:9 rather than 9!olumn7:9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Duali#y S et!h utility did not #ail a s et!h that was missing a :e#ault >n!hor Point) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where dragging and dropping a P"S template always added the template using the 9*ntire Part9 Re#eren!e Set) even though the template had been de#ined using a di##erent Re#eren!e Set) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( .>M0 "he results o# the 9<ptimiGe9 !auses the !ollision with wor pie!e( ?oundary !onditions o# !an!eled analysis type are displayed(

/72,2 52 /72,3 3' /72,+ 1/ /72,+ '9

/72,/ ,, /72,/ 25

/72,/ 91 /72,9

2/ /72,9 29 /72,9 32 /7211 12 /7212 ,2 /7213 ,1 /7213 73 /721/ +, Kandles #or 7nstan!e .lo! ing is displaying in in!orre!t pla!e( .ontour 6lange $ Se!tion sele!tion0 .urve rule$A 6eature .urves is not wor ing( Snap point sele!tion #or >r! !enter gives wrong result in Lighweight Rep( S et!h add$on !ommand !annot be laun!h in dire!t s et!h with :elay update <%( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where no noti#i!ations or alerts are raised #ollowing !hanges made to the @rade or "hi! ness in the Plate Material spreadsheet) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where noti#i!ation must be given i# any !hanges are made to the values #or any !olumn data in a pro#ile data spreadsheet) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where demand<rder did not wor to !ontrol the timestamp o# a #eature when its !lass was swit!hed ba! #rom null:esign by !hanging an *2pression value using 9"ools $A *2pression9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where loading a 6*M #ile) a#ter opening the S7M #ile ta es a long time when the 6*M has a lot o# groups) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( .hara!ter !orruption in Laminate( Pattern 6eature along !urve gives wrong result i# pattern instan!e is sele!ted( :atum "arget with Sta! annotation on e2tended leader stub note behaves strange( Sele!t Spline #or =nbend #eature with >dditional !urves ta es time to !omplete( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& #ailed to load a P"S template i# parenthesis or operators had been entered in a label-s title within the template) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Kighlight <riginal was not do!umented in the %& ' Kelp Library) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where pressing M?2 does not update the ?lend #eature with a new ?lend Radius value) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/7217 23 /7217 '1 /721' 21 /721' ++ /721' 75 /722, 21 /7222 51 /7222 7/

/7229 '2 /723, +5

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the se!ond optimiGed #a!e !reates a sel#$interse!tion and #ails to shade will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tool a2is ve!tor #or a .7R.L*8 re!ord is di##erent in %& 7(5 Q %& ' but was the same in %& / will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5 ;or $around was also provided as temporary #i2 #or earlier versions o# %& with the same issue( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an in!orre!t error message was re!eived saying that a spider element !annot have more than one dependent node will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where labels were trun!ated on the Parameters dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where e2porting a part to its !omponent was not wor ing as e2pe!ted will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where a s et!h obIe!t got in the way o# #eature update and playba! has been #i2ed( "he s et!h obIe!t was orphaned and should have been deleted( ;e #ound an error in our !leanup !ode that was s ipping over some s et!h obIe!ts and not !leaning them up properly( 7n %& '(5) the internal !he! ing !ode and !leanup !ode have been adIusted and the part is properly !leaned( > !leaned part has been saved #or the user in %& /(,(5 and is available #rom @">.( "he part su!!eeds in 6eature Playba! and the manual test in %& 2,71,7 su!!eeds as well in a %& '(5 ip17 proIe!t( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Split ?ody behavior !hanged) !ausing part o# the split body to move to the wor layer) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( =:6 .auses 7nternal *rror0 Memory >!!ess Biolation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where "ranslu!en!y and shininess not plotted !orre!tly when e2porting a P:6) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an internal error o!!urs when sele!ting entities to re$orient view( will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where repla!ing an *2trude #eature with a :atum Plane !auses the "ool #eature in a "rim ?ody to be!ome lost will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where importing o# P"P #iles ba! into "eam!enter is not automati!ally pi! ing the !orre!t dire!tory to import into will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a #ilter !allba! was not able to dis!ern the !urrent ?lo! Styler blo! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/7233 15 /723+ 35 /723/ /' /72+5 ,3

/72+5 7/ /7252 /9 /725+ 25 /725+ 3, /7255 +7 /7259 ,7 /72/5 ++

/72/5 9+

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unale to insert %& + ud# in %& 7(5 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 "his PR had three problems0 1( 7nseting =:6 s1melt1!hannel1,7 as per PR in %& 7(5(5 would give an error $ 9=nable to Paste9( "his has been #i2ed in this PR( 2( <n!e the 9=nable to Paste9 error above is #i2ed) a#ter instantiation) one o# =:6 e2pression whi!h was #ormual in the de#inition part would be!ome a !onstant in the instantiation part( "his has also been #i2ed by this PR #i2( 3( <ne o# the =:6 e2pression is a #ormula !omprising o# a measure e2pression that belongs to a geometri!$e2pression #eature( "his geometri! e2pression #eature is part o# the =:6( ;hile instantiating) the measure e2pression would !onvert to a !onstant e2pression( "his problem !annot be #i2ed( "his is a regression #rom %& + be!ause o# the e2pression !opy !hanges done #or =:6 instantiation( "o regain the %&+ behavior one !an turn <% the environment varibale $ =@771=:6S1:7S>?L*1=71*&PR*SS7<%1.<PJE1( 7t seems li e problem 3 is the main issue that Kus y is !on!erned about in this PR( ;e have !ommuni!ated to Kus y the in#o regarding the environment variable( >waiting word #rom them to see i# they are still interested in #i2es #or 1 and 2 in %& 7(5(5 MP( .losing this PR as #i2ed in %& '(5 phase 21 where problems 1 and 2 above have been #i2ed( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where update #ailures were #ound when updating the entire assembly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a @R7P %8. program that !reated a tool !orre!tly in %& / produ!es error in %& ' when edited will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( "ools !reated in @R7P %8. will no longer give an invalid parameter error when edited intera!tively and saved( 6ile siGe grows every time that the paths are regenerated( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 9Return9 under Motion "ype on a Linear Move puts *nd$o#$path !ommands in the wrong lo!ation will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where in %on .utting Moves) sele!ting tabs is ine##e!tive be!ause the sele!ted tab is not opened will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where #roGen parts updated when opened) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the three te2t re#eren!es 3with bro en lin s4 reported in this PR have there#ore been removed #rom the *2pressions dialog bo2 topi! will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the translation de!lash mar ers !aused an ssue with running mH!1report1entities1with1#ilters will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the dynami! rotation per#orman!e o# a model in post pro!essing is slow) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5(

/72// 2, /72/7 1+

/7272 /, /7272 /1 /72', 9' /72'+ 17 /72'7 /9 /72'9 +2 /72'9 '5

/7293 3+ /7295 71 /73,, +,

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where #ilters #or entities 9"ypes9 was not remembered) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >rea#ills in PM7 symbols did not show up in s!aled drawing views) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where do!umentation #or 7P; 6low does not state that the !omponents in the Sour!e Part and ;or Part must be the same) not a new !omponent with a name mat!h) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where there is no tool preview i# the -:isplay- !ontrols are !ustomiGed o## the tool dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7# the Preview :isplay .ustomiGable item is not de#ined) then the preview display value will be determine #rom !ustomer de#ault settings( .he! Mate test #ailing( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where registered !loning !allba! s were not invo ed as e2pe!ted when using >dd Part) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Loading Ma!hine "ool with Stru!ture <nly set does not simulate( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Material Bersion .ontrol message did not indi!ate parts where out$o#$date materials reside) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where a part with an updated material may not be saved is also #i2ed in release %& '(5( "he reHuest #or an ability to Hui! ly identi#y out$o#$date materials has been do!umented in an *R( Step #ile e2port not wor ing #rom "eam!enter B' on single ma!hine( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where @R7P %8. !reated a tool with the old dialog will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "ools !reated in @R7P %8. will have the same dialog tabs as a new tool when they are subseHuently edited intera!tively( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where :isplay6a!ets !auses the %& session to !rash will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where invalid <rdinate :imensions displayed in!orre!t values in %& ) when using the <rdinate Set in the part that was !reated in %&/) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the status #or a generated Bariable Streamline operation goes to 9Regenerate9 a#ter the operation is generated will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/73,1 5'

/73,1 7+ /73,+ +7 /73,7 /9 /731, 2+

/731, 95 /7312 ,2

/731/ 53 /731' +2 /7322 /5

/7322 ', /7331 ++ /7332 33 /7333 7/ /73+, ,+

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the tool a2is ve!tor #or interpoloated tool a2is did not update when the !ut area was !hanged will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Beri#y 3: shows many 7P; !ollisions but when using the suppress animation option) none were shown will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Planar Mill .ut Level options do not mat!h the %& Kelp :o!s will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "rying to insert :well in 7SB and not seeing it in P"P #ile later( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where #or .?=SK elements) using -7denty!ommand-s -List output to in#ormation window- option only listing the a!tive output to the in#ormation window will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where group se!urity on end items !auses %& open to #ail will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where internal error o!!urs during repla!e !omponent) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %&<pen00?lo! Styler00"ree !ontrol0 SetSele!ted7!on not wor ing as e2pe!ted( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the hole table does not re!ogniGe re#eren!e !omponents) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where material data is not !orre!tly imported #rom an >?>D=S model will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where ?*>M @*%*R>L S*."7<% did not import !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where no L.<%">." P>7R was imported #rom the supplied model will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the wrong units were displayed in an annotation on a bending moment will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Pre#eren!es - Manu#a!turing - BisualiGation - .olors - >uto ?lo! Q %& '(

/7352 25 /7359 12 /7359 72 /73/, 59 /73/2 +/ /73/2 +9 /73/2 52 /73/2 '3 /7371 '/

/737+ 1, /7375 52

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where >ttributes are lost when Runs are de#ined using -!ompare stubs- will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5 and a #i2 was also submitted #or the ne2t maintenan!e pa! #or %& '(,(2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where stress re!overy points are in!orre!t #or an oval se!tion will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation Bersion '(5( "his #i2 will also be available in %& '(,(3 MP3 :elta or MP+( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an <: grooving operation re!uts the groove walls a#ter ea!h !leanup pass will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !bar o##sets are not imported #rom MS. %astran !orre!tly will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where editing an e2isting attribute value raised the message0 9"he attribute string value is too long9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where some string attributes are wrongly limited to 1 !hara!ter has not been reprodu!ed( Kowever) a potentially related problem has been #i2ed in release %& '(5( Materiial library not updated during upgrade( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where 6ile .lose >ll $>n operation was attempted on an invalid or unsuitable <M obIe!t will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an error o!!urs when the distan!e !onstraint is modi#ied in the >ssembly %avigator) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 7n addition) the problem part #ile has been !leaned in %& 7(5(5 and uploaded to the PR data as 9>53,,,57111!leaned(prt9( 7nternal error when inserting a sheet( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .ommon :epth per .ut option is not e2plained adeHuately in the do!s will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he #ollowing was added to do!umentation in Milling $A Path Settings $A .ut Levels $A .ut Levels dialog bo2 $A .ut Levels $ .ommon :epth per .ut0 %& applies the .ommon :epth per .ut value to all the ranges e2!ept when you spe!i#y a lo!al :epth per .ut value #or a range in the .ut Levels dialog bo2( "he lo!al :epth per .ut value overrides the .ommon :epth per .ut value( $ 7# you !hange the .ommon :epth per .ut value) and all lo!al :epth per .ut values are the same) %& !hanges the :epth per .ut value #or ea!h range to the .ommon :epth per .ut value( $ 7# you !hange the .ommon :epth per .ut value) and the lo!al :epth per .ut values are di##erent) %& warns you that the lo!al depths per !ut will be reset to the new global value( =@$.>M0 6i2ed .ontour ignores :rive Sets when :rive Method is set to .urve8Point( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where -Biew $A Se!tion $A *dit ;or Se!tion $A <##set $A Step-) #ailed to wor will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the

/737/ ,/ /73'1 77 /73'+ +'

/7395 /2 /739/ /+ /7+1' 11

/7+2/ ,' /7+3+ +'

/7+3+ 51 /7+3' +,

up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( /7+3' +5 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the do!umentation did not e2plain what the Pre#erred Part Material was) and where it is de#ined) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > new topi! has been added0 9:esignate a pre#erred material #or a part or 6*M9 that des!ribes the non$"eam!enter wor #low( "he "eam!enter integration with the Reuse Library is only supported with a spe!ial ". !ustomiGation) so that parti!ular wor #low will not be do!umented until the Reuse Library integration wor s in the general) non$!ustomiGed so#tware 3in a #uture release) "?:4( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it was not possible to !reate a Plug ;eld in an open$ended Slot as the do!umentation states) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( ;e have !orre!ted the Plug8Slot :ialog used in %&(7(5 and introdu!ed a new one in %&('(,( 7n %& 7(5 the pi!ture suggested that an open slot !an be #illed in) whi!h is not the !ase 3the re!tangular slot must be !losed4( 7n %&('(, and higher) there is no su!h suggestion( "he do!umentation is also misleading as the algorithm in %&(7(5 3and in %&('(, and higher4 was not designed to #ill an open slot( ;e than you #or bringing up the issues and we should !orre!t the do!umentation as we de#initely reHuire that the re!tangular slot be !losed be#ore we !an apply Plug8Slot #eature( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where a Plug ;eld was !reated in!orre!tly i# the hole was on a !urved8!ylindri!al sur#a!e) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where do!umentation on the -6eed >dIustment on >r!s- #un!tion does not #ully e2plain what it does will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he revised des!ription is as #ollows0 <n >ll >r!s >pplies an adIustment #a!tor to !ompensate #or variations in !hip loads when milling !orners( $ Min .ompensation 6a!tor spe!i#ies the smallest adIustment #a!tor to in!rease or de!rease the #eed rate( $ Ma2 .ompensation 6a!tor spe!i#ies the largest adIustment #a!tor to in!rease or de!rease the #eed rate( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .he! $Mate #un!tions mH!1as :rawingBiew:ependent*ntity and mH!1as :rawingBiew:ependent<bIe!t return obIe!ts whi!h !annot be seen) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( > new #un!tion mH!1as BisibleBiew:ependent<bIe!t has been !reated whi!h should be used instead to avoid the unseen obIe!ts( =61@:"1as 1tags !reates or ma es entities visible on layer 1( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where some o# the 6un!tions :es!riptions are not displayed in the 6un!tion ?uilder) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the S<L /,1)129 Solution dialog bo2 help topi! about Rayleigh damping didn-t mat!h the des!ription in the %& %astran >dvan!ed %onlinear manual will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/7++1 5/

/7++1 59 /7++7 97

/7+52 ,7

/7+57 23 /7+57 '3 /7+7, 7/

/7+71 5+

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the PR<@R>M %>M* does not !ome out on tool list html8e2!el is the result o# the do!umentation not e2pli!tly stating that not all variables on the se!ond page o# the Shop :o!umentation spreadsheet will be resolved by !ode !hanges( "his has been !orre!ted in the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he %& ' do!umentation reads0 M<M variables are dynami!) and !hange based on the operation( "hey may be added or !hanged with ea!h release( "o get the most !omplete list o# M<M variables use the M<M Bariable browser #ound in Post ?uilder under =tilities$A ?rowse M<M Bariables( %ote0 Some variables related dire!tly to the tool path are available only during postpro!essing) and are not available in Shop :o!umentation( 7# you need to use these) you should use a Post to generate your Shop :o!umentation( "here are many variables available while a shop do!ument is being generated( :i##erent variables are available) depending on what obIe!ts are being !y!led( 6or e2ample) mom1tool1diameter is available #or a milling tool) but would not be appli!able #or another obIe!t) su!h as a program or operation "he list on the se!ond sheet o# the spreadsheet is #or re#eren!e only( Jou !an use variable names there #or !opy and paste i# they are appli!able to your operation( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Mirror .urve in S et!h is not properly updating will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( =nable to !lone e2port asm 9internal error9( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an 97nternal error0 memory a!!ess violation9 was raised e2porting an assembly outside o# "eam!enter) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the model setup !he! issues a warning when running a a2isymmetri! model !ontaining P7: !ontrollers will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where i# there is a spa!e in the path name postpro!essing #ails when postpro!essing with a lin ed post will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the >ssemblies Kelp needed updating to show the two new i!ons used #or Re#eren!e$only obIe!ts in the >ssembly %avigator) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where =nable to load %& 7(5 assembly into %& ' 3managed and native4 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( 9Show :egrees o# 6reedom9 #un!tion shows wrong :<6s( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where missing .>M #iles !auses a t!l error in %& .MM when retrieving a ma!hine will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(5( "he !mm1inspe!tion8resour!e8postpro!essor #older is no longer dependent on the =@771.>M1P<S"1:7R #older( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where entering a long path into the Repla!e .omponent Bisual Rule trun!ated the dialog) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/7+71 '7 /7+71 9/ /7+77 3' /7+', ++ /7+'1 3/ /7+'5 7' /7+'5 9/ /7+92 22 /7+95 ''

/7+9/ 11

/7+99 1+ /7512 31

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the last sele!ted tab was not presented in the .reate %ew .omponent dialog) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Cnowledge 6usion Kelp and ?est Pra!ti!es do!umentation did not !learly state that <ptional #un!tion arguments must always be spe!i#ied as name$value pairs) will be resolved by do!umentation !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Modeler error o!!urred when updating9 message when updating a view in %& ' will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where viewing a lightweight se!tion view raised the error0 9>rrow aligned inde2 provided does map to a dimension e2tension line9) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where you were unable to align the balloons !reated by >uto ?alloon #rom a Parts List) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the %&<pen A RuleManager A *valuate method returned an array o# Geros when used with a re#eren!e !hain to an attribute whi!h is a List o# valid hostpointers will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where when a bolt !onne!tion !ommand is used in an assembly #em to have a bolt added to !onne!t two walls o# the same !omponent #em using mesh point 3with -.enter point- and 6a!e method4 and saving the sim #ile resulting in -@eneral #ault e2!eption- error will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where simulation does not stop on a !ollision between de#ined !omponent pairs will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( %ote0 See the #ollowing %& '(,(2 !aveat about wor pie!e pairs0 9"he 1;<RCP7*.*8any other geometry !ollision pair does not support !ollision !he! ing #or "urning operations(9 Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where opening the 6*M #ile >6"*R modi#ying and saving the ipart 3without the #em in session4 #ailing to load the #em with 97nternal *rror9 will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the Post ?uilder do!umentation is not !lear when e2tra!ting "ra! ing Point data will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where an animation o# strain energy density in!orre!tly displays negative values will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5(

/752, 7+ /7529 '3 /7535 59 /7535 ''

/75+/ /2

/75+' 1'

/7555 93 /75/3 1, /757, 59

/7/,3 ''

Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where it wasn-t possible to e2port en#or!ed displa!ements using a #ield with >?>D=S will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Please note that this issue is do!umented in the %&'(, Release %otes as #ollows0 Kelp) Release %otes) %& ' .aveats and Produ!t %otes) .>* 3:igital Simulation4) .aveats) >dvan!ed Simulation >baHus import and e2port "he #ollowing issues !urrently o!!ur when you e2port or solve an >baHus input #ile #rom %&0 7n the *n#or!ed :ispla!ement .onstraint dialog bo2) i# you sele!t the .omponents $ spatial option) %& does not write out the load to the input #ile( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where !reating a new S7M #rom a parti!ular 6*M #ile uses too mu!h memory) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& >dvan!ed Simulation) version '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where the .ustomer :e#ault #or the =ser &ML8K"ML "emplate 6iles :ire!tory is being ignored) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where pattern #eature not su!!ess#ully patterning edge blend will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he nature o# the resolution reHuired it to be versioned to new Pattern 6eatures !reated in %& '(5 and later( Please delete and re!reate the 9Pattern!ularX 31749 in %& '(5 to get the !orre!t results( "he *dge ?lend3124 at ea!h instan!e is applied on all the !orresponding edges with the new Pattern!ularX #eature( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& running out memory in the sur#a!e$area drive method will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware in %& '(/ delta 2( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where updating a s et!h se!tion raised an internal error) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where Se!tion .urve updates resulted in e2tra !urves !ausing downstream update #ailures) will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( Please note that the #i2 is appli!able to Se!tion .urve 6eatures !reated in %& '(5 or later( "his is be!ause the #i2 reHuires a version !ontrol( "he #i2 !annot be ba! $ported be!ause the #eature update !ould #ail i# the #i2 is not version prote!ted( =nable to delete s et!h #rom #ile due to un nown .ir!ular Re#eren!e error( Siemens PLM believes that the problem you reported where %& !rashes when using the Mold ;iGard .on!ept :esign will be resolved by !ode !hanges made to the up!oming release o# our so#tware %& '(5( "he problem where turning #eedrates #rom pre$%& ' are not migrating properly a#ter generating has been investigated and the #ollowing has been #ound( :evelopment was not able to reprodu!e the problem without the part #ile mentioned in the PR te2t be!ause e2port !omplian!e #or the part was not granted(

/7/21 /3 /7/2+ 7' /7/27 51

/7/3+ 5, /7/+/ 93 /7/+7 53

/7/5' 7+ /7/'3 31 /7/9/ 1+

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