Ag Issues Reflection

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'eflection Activity (nformation Sheet

(Complete a sheet for each activity)

Name of Activity: AGEC 498 Controversial Issues Leadership Skills and Attributes Goal For This Activity: Skill-Contributes to Community and Enhances Communication Skills My goal rom this class !as to become more a!are and engaged in "ublic issues# Briefly summarize the activity: Controversial Issues in Agriculture is a class designed to sho! ho! to use leadershi" and communication skills to solve com"le$ controversial issues in agriculture# hat ne! kno!led"e or ideas did you learn by bein" involved in this activity# %his class "rovided me the insight to see ho! com"le$ issues can be solved# %he most valuable in ormation I learned in class has to do !ith communication# Most "roblems are not able to be solved because the "arties involved are too concerned !ith their o!n interests they don&t even make an e ort to see the "ossibilities o a !in-!in situation# hat kno!led"e or ideas about your leadership skills and attributes did you learn from this activity# %his class' being ocused around controversial issues' allo!ed me to stay more u" to date !ith current events as I have outlined in one o my goals# Most classes !e !ere either hearing a "resentation about a certain issue or talking about some "erceived issues as a !hole class# $o! did your involvement in the activity impact you %on a personal level&# %his class im"acted me "ersonally by making me more conscious o my vie!s on certain issues# %his also hel"ed me understand more about my values and belie s !hen talking about these issues#

hy does this learnin" matter) or !hy is it important# %his class !as im"ortant or my leadershi" (ourney because it allo!ed me to learn the skills to be a more e ective communicator and more im"ortantly a better collaborator# (n !hat !ays !ill you use !hat you have learned from this activity# %here are many !ays I !ill use the in ormation learned in this class# As a leader' there are many times that I !ill have to use these skills to hel" acilitate and "romote a mutual solution# I !ill the techni)ues to listen and collaborate !ith other "arties to ensure the best result#

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