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Date 4th meeting (20/03/2014, Thursday)

Discussion/Activities 1 Throughout the session, we continued our discussion last week and video recorded our discussion as well while answering the guide question. Lastly, we were asked to finish reading the whole book before our next meeting on Thursday. Words learned: Brigadier =an army rank; an ofcr commanding a brigade.. Tug Stifle Wheez =to pull or drag with great effrt.. =to interrupt or cut off.. =a whistling sound caused by respiration

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Date 5th meeting (27/03/2014, Friday)

Discussion/Activities 1. We were discussing about the progress of our report and we did conclude for our first book, eventually we all were mad in love with the novel of A Walk To Remember. 2. After we have done for our first novel, we have required to read for the second novel, so one of our group mate, Zul had brought for the novel which was The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. 3. Zul has explained to us why he got intention to recommend this novel to us. He said that it's a great story and a great idea for a story. One of his favorite series of book ever, he highly suggest reading it. 4. We have decided to have our next meeting at outside of campus.

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