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Analyzing the Marketing Environment

Chapter 3- slide 1

Analyzing the Marketing Environment

Topic Outline

The Companys Microenvironment The Companys Macroenvironment

Responding to the Marketing Environment

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Chapter 3- slide 2

The Marketing Environment

The marketing environment includes the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing managements ability to build and maintain successful relationships with customers

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Chapter 3- slide 3

The Marketing Environment

Microenvironment consists of the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers, the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics

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Chapter 3- slide 4

The Companys Microenvironment

Actors in the Microenvironment

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Chapter 3- slide 5

The Companys Microenvironment

The Company

Top management
Finance R&D

Operations Accounting

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Chapter 3- slide 6

The Companys Microenvironment


Provide the resources to produce goods and services

Treated as partners to provide customer


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Chapter 3- slide 7

The Companys Microenvironment

Marketing Intermediaries

Help the company to promote, sell and distribute its products to final buyers

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Chapter 3- slide 8

The Companys Microenvironment

Types of Marketing Intermediaries


Physical distribution firms

Marketing services agencies

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Financial intermediaries
Chapter 3- slide 9

The Companys Microenvironment


Firms must gain strategic advantage by positioning their offerings against competitors offerings

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Chapter 3- slide 10

The Companys Microenvironment


Any group that has an actual or potential interest in

or impact on an organizations ability to achieve its objectives

Financial publics

Media publics
Government publics Local publics General public

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Chapter 3- slide 11

The Companys Macroenvironment

Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

Chapter 3- slide 12

The Companys Macroenvironment

Demographic Environment

Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics Demographic environment is important because it involves people, and people make up markets Demographic trends include age, family structure, geographic population shifts, educational characteristics, and population diversity
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Chapter 3- slide 13

The Companys Macroenvironment

Demographic Environment

Increasing population
Rapid growth in urban population in Asia In India, urban population to rise to 523 million by


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Chapter 3- slide 14

The Companys Macroenvironment

Demographic Environment

A growing middle class

MGI has divided the Indian population into 5

economic classes Division based on real annual disposable income

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Chapter 3- slide 15

The Companys Macroenvironment

Demographic Environment

Deprived households have an annual

disposable income of less than Rs 90,000

The poorest economic class

Mostly unskilled or semi-skilled workers on daily


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Chapter 3- slide 16

The Companys Macroenvironment

Demographic Environment

Aspirers have an annual disposable

income in the range of Rs 90,000 to Rs 200,000

Spend most of their income on basic necessities Small-time retailers, small farmers, etc.

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Chapter 3- slide 17

The Companys Macroenvironment

Demographic Environment

Seekers have an annual disposable income between Rs 200,000 and Rs 500,000. Mostly white-collar employees, mid-level

government officials, newly employed postgraduates, medium-scale traders

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Chapter 3- slide 18

The Companys Macroenvironment

Demographic Environment

Strivers have an annual income ranging

from Rs 500,000 to Rs 1,000,000

Have a stable income source and access to

amenities Mostly professionals such as lawyers, CAs, senior government officials, rich farmers

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Chapter 3- slide 19

The Companys Macroenvironment

Demographic Environment

Global Indians have an annual disposable

income in excess of Rs 1,000,000

Creamy layer in society Globe-trotters with a high standard of living

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Chapter 3- slide 20

The Companys Macroenvironment

Demographic Environment

Growth in the rural population A changing family system The changing role of women Increasing diversity

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Chapter 3- slide 21

The Companys Macroenvironment

Economic Environment

Economic environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns Industrial economies are richer markets Subsistence economies consume most of their own agriculture and industrial output

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Chapter 3- slide 22

The Companys Macroenvironment

Economic Environment

The global financial crisis of 20072009

has affected the consumption and production of many products Value marketing involves ways to offer financially cautious buyers greater value the right combination of quality and service at a fair price

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Chapter 3- slide 23

The Companys Macroenvironment

Economic Environment Changes in Consumer Spending Patterns

Ernst EngelEngels Law As income rises:

The percentage spent on food declines
The percentage spent on housing remains

constant The percentage spent on savings increases

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Chapter 3- slide 24

The Companys Macroenvironment

Natural Environment

Natural environment involves the natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities Trends
Shortages of raw materials Increased pollution Increase government intervention Environmentally sustainable strategies
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Chapter 3- slide 25

The Companys Macroenvironment

Technological Environment

Most dramatic force in changing the marketplace Creates new products and

opportunities Safety of new product always a concern

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Chapter 3- slide 26

The Companys Macroenvironment

Political Environment

Political environment consists of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence or limit various organizations and individuals in a given society

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Chapter 3- slide 27

The Companys Macroenvironment

Political Environment

Legislation regulating business

Increased legislation Changing government agency

enforcement New forms of nontariff barriers in trade

Increased emphasis on ethics

Socially responsible behavior Cause-related marketing

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Chapter 3- slide 28

The Companys Macroenvironment

Cultural Environment

Cultural environment consists of institutions and other forces that affect a societys basic values, perceptions, and behaviors

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Chapter 3- slide 29

The Companys Macroenvironment

Cultural Environment Persistence of Cultural Values

Core beliefs and values are persistent and are passed on from parents to children and are reinforced by schools, religious institutions, businesses, and government Secondary beliefs and values are more open to change and include peoples views of themselves, others, organization, society, nature, and the universe
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Chapter 3- slide 30

The Companys Macroenvironment

Cultural Environment Shifts in Secondary Cultural Values

Peoples view of themselves

Yankelovich Monitors consumer segments:
Do-it-yourselfersrecent movers Adventurers

Peoples view of others

More cocooning

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Chapter 3- slide 31

The Companys Macroenvironment

Cultural Environment Shifts in Secondary Cultural Values

Peoples view of organizations Peoples view of society

Patriots defend it
Reformers want to change it Malcontents want to leave it

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Chapter 3- slide 32

The Companys Macroenvironment

Cultural Environment Shifts in Secondary Cultural Values

Peoples view of nature

Some feel ruled by it Some feel in harmony with it Some seek to master it Renewed interest in spirituality

Peoples view of the universe

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Chapter 3- slide 33

Responding to the Marketing Environment

Views on Responding

Uncontrollable React and adapt to forces in the environment

Proactive Aggressive actions to affect forces in the environment

Reactive Watching and reacting to forces in the environment

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Chapter 3- slide 34

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Chapter 3- slide 35

Corporate and division strategic planing Business unit planning The marketing process Product level planning The marketing plan

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Chapter 3- slide 36

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Chapter 3- slide 37

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