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Fetal development
Wondering how sayang is growing? Has he got hair yet? When will her fingernails form? And just what does he look like? Our fetal development articles have detailed pictures of how your baby is growing each week plus descriptions of each milestone she reaches.

ee what happens inside you during the conception process. !ertilisation

How "aby#entre works out how pregnant you are

)ne *onth
$our baby is an e"!ryo consisting of two layers of cells from which all her organs and body parts will develop.

% weeks & weeks ' weeks ( weeks

)wins * + weeks )wins * % weeks

T'o *onths
$our baby is now about the si1e o# a kidney !ean and is constantly moving. He has distinct, sli htly 'e!!ed #in ers.

- weeks . weeks /0 weeks // weeks /1 weeks

)wins * - weeks )wins * /1 weeks

Three *onths
"y now your baby is around ( to - centimetres 2+ inches3 long and weighs about the same as half a banana. Her tiny, uni4ue fingerprints are now in place.

/+ weeks /% weeks /& weeks /' weeks

)wins * /' weeks

Four *onths
$our baby is now about 23 centi"etres 4 565 inches7 lon and weighs /%0 grams 2& ounces3. His skeleton is starting to harden from rubbery cartilage to !one.

/( weeks

)wins * 10 weeks

/- weeks /. weeks 10 weeks

Five *onths
8ye!ro's and eyelids are now in place. $our baby would now be more than 1( centimetres 2/0.& inches3 long if you stretched out her legs.

1/ weeks 11 weeks 1+ weeks 1% weeks

)wins * 1% weeks

-ix *onths
$our baby weighs about a 99: ra"s 4265 pounds7. His wrinkled skin is starting to s"ooth out as he puts on baby fat.

1& weeks 1' weeks 1( weeks 1- weeks 1. weeks

)wins * 1- weeks

-even *onths
"y now, your baby is more than ;: centi"etres 425 inches7 lon . he can open and close her eyes and probably see what5s around her.

+0 weeks +/ weeks +1 weeks ++ weeks

)wins * +1 weeks

8i ht *onths
$our baby now weighs around 1.1 kilos 2%.( pounds3. His layers o# #at are filling him out, making him rounder, and his lun s are well developed.

+% weeks +& weeks +' weeks

)wins * +' weeks

+( weeks +- weeks

&ine *onths
$our baby is al"ost due. At birth, the average baby is more than &/ centimetres 210.& inches3 long from head to toe and weighs appro6imately +.% kilograms 2(.& pounds3, but babies vary widely in si7e at this stage.

+. weeks

-u""aries For 8ach *onth

!or further detail, see our annotated #etal develop"ent illustrations with interactive glossary. / 8onth 1 8onths

+ 8onths % 8onths & 8onths ' 8onths ( 8onths - 8onths . 8onths

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