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Apply Activity Options and Rubrics Branches of Government DUE FRIDAY APRIL 4 (DAY OF QUIZ) Learning Targets:

I can explain the purposes of the three branches of government (U3.3.4).

I can explain the purpose of checks and balances in our government (U3.3.4).

Option 1: Powerpoint/Prezi Instructions: Create a powerpoint or Prezi showing what you understand about the three branches of government and the idea of checks and balances in our government. Rubric: 4: - Includes correct information on the purpose/role of each of the three branches of government - Clearly explains the powers of the different branches of government - Clearly explains the concept of checks and balances and gives examples of checks and balances - Uses appropriate and relevant graphics on each slide - Includes title slide and at least 6 other slides - Goes above and beyond expectations 3: Missing 1 of the expectations from a 4 2: Missing 2-3 of the expectations from a 4 1: Missing 4 or more expectations from a 4 Option 2: Branches of Government Lesson Plan Instructions: Create a lesson and lesson plan to teach a classmate about the Branches of Government and Checks and Balances. Rubric: 4: - includes a summary of the key information you will teach your classmates: - Includes correct information on the purpose/role of each of the three branches of government - Clearly explains the powers of the different branches of government - Clearly explains the concept of checks and balances and gives examples of checks and balances - Includes written-out steps for HOW you plan to teach classmates this information (what will you be doing in the lesson? What should they be doing? What work should they complete to show that they understand the concept?) - Goes above and beyond expectations 3: Missing 1 of the expectations from a 4 2: Missing 2-3 of the expectations from a 4 1: Missing 4 or more expectations from a 4

Option 3: Branches of Government Drawing Instructions: Create a drawing to show what you understand about the branches of government. Rubric: 4: Includes correct information on the purpose/role of each of the three branches of government Clearly explains the powers of the different branches of government Clearly explains the concept of checks and balances and gives examples of checks and balances Graphic is creative and colorful Goes above and beyond expectations

3: Missing 1 of the expectations from a 4 2: Missing 2-3 of the expectations from a 4 1: Missing 4 or more expectations from a 4

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