Smashwords Book Marketing Guide

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The Smashwords Book Marketing Guide

Copyright 2008-2013 Mark Coker, ounder o! Smashwords "http#$$www%smashwords%&om' (ersion 1%21 )pdated 8%31%13

Smashwords Edition Cover design by PJ Lyon ~~**~~

*ther Smashwords Tit+es ,y Mark Coker#

The Smashwords Style Guide (how to format and ublish an eboo!" The Se#rets to Eboo! Publishing Su##ess (eboo! ublishing best ra#ti#es" The $%&'inute P( Che#!list ) *ow to Earn the Publi#ity +ou ,eserve -oob Tube (novel about *ollywood #elebrity" ~~**~~

Ta,+e o! Contents .ntrodu#tion/ 0bout the Smashwords -oo! 'ar!eting Guide -a#!ground on Smashwords Setting e1 e#tations *ow Smashwords hel s authors and ublishers mar!et boo!s 0do ting a roa#tive mar!eting mindset 'ar!eting starts now *y erlin!s hel readers dis#over boo!s The im ortan#e of authors hel ing authors 2$ 'ar!eting Ti s (all free to im lement3" Ti 4$ ) 5 date your email signature Ti 46 ) Post a noti#e on your web site or blog Ti 47 ) Conta#t your friends8 family8 #o&wor!ers and fans

Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti

42 ) Post a noti#e to your so#ial networ!s 49 ) 5 date your message board signatures 4: ) *ow to rea#h readers with Twitter 4; ) Publish more than one boo! to #reate a multi lier effe#t 4< ) 0dvertise your other boo!s in ea#h boo! you ublish 4= ) 'a!e it easy for your readers to #onne#t with you 4$% ) .ssue a ress release on a free P( wire servi#e 4$$ ) Join *0(>8 *el &a&re orter&online for free ress leads 4$6 ) En#ourage fans to ur#hase and review your boo! 4$7 ) ?rite thoughtful reviews for other boo!s 4$2 ) Parti#i ate in online forums 4$9 ) E1 eriment with #ou ons 4$: ) ?rite a blog 4$; ) ?rite guest #olumns for blogs 4$< ) .nvite other authors to ost to your blog 4$= ) ,o @A0 interviews of other authors on your blog 46% ) Join the #onversation on blogs 46$ ) >rganiBe a blog tour 466 ) 5se Google 0lerts to dis#over where the #onversations are ta!ing la#e 467 ) Leverage +ouTube videos to rea#h readers 462 ) Print u business #ards 469 ) En#ourage your fans to be#ome affiliate mar!eters of your boo! 46: ) Create a readerCs guide at the end of your boo! 46; ) .nsert sam le #ha ters from your other boo!s 46< ) ,o a sam le #ha ters swa with another author 46= ) .nvite other authors to Doin you at Smashwords 47% ) Promote your boo! to the to eboo! listing sites 47$ ) (ead the Se#rets to Eboo! Publishing Su##ess 476 ) 5 grade your #over image 477 ) Share these mar!eting ti s with your fellow authors3 472 ) Create an online #alling #ard with 0boutEme 479 ) Create a resentation and u load it to SlideShareEnet 47: ) Join Lin!ed.n8 ost lin!s to your boo!s 47; ) ,o a resentation at your lo#al library on eboo! ublishing 47< ) Twea! your Firal Catalysts to ma!e your boo! more dis#overable and desirable 47= ) Lin! to every retailer to rea#h more readers 42% ) ,istribute your boo! as a reorder 42$ ) Publish a Smashwords .nterview

-+so ,y Mark Coker -,out the author

Conne#t with Smashwords authors Conne#t with 'ar! Co!er

.ntrodu&tion ) -,out the Smashwords Book Marketing Guide# This guide rovides authors and ublishers ra#ti#al advi#e on how to mar!et their boo!sE The ideas resented herein #ost nothing to im lement other than the investment of your timeE .n the last three years8 tens of thousands of authors and ublishers have im roved their boo! mar!eting with the Smashwords -oo! 'ar!eting GuideE 0lthough the Smashwords -oo! 'ar!eting Guide was originally written for the benefit of authors who ublish and distribute their eboo!s at Smashwords8 the rin#i les youCll learn here are universalE Some of my ti s reGuire only a #ou le minutes of your time8 yet will rea dividends for years to #omeE >ther ti s reGuire a greater ongoing investment of your time and attentionE ,o the easy things firstE This guide begins with a short summary of how the Smashwords latform assists an authorCs mar!eting8 and then #ontinues on with over thirty boo! mar!eting ti s any author #an em loyE This guide is a living do#ument8 so . wel#ome your suggestions for new ti s and te#hniGues we #an share with the Smashwords author #ommunityE ?rite me ('ar! Co!er" at first initial se#ond initial at you !now where dot #omE .Cll u date the guide based on your feedba#!8 and as we introdu#e new free mar!eting and distribution tools for authorsE Ba&kground on Smashwords# Smashwords is a free eboo! ublishing latform and distributor serving eboo! authors8 ublishers8 literary agents8 retailers and librariesE Sin#e its founding in 6%%<8 Smashwords has hel ed over :%8%%% authors and ublishers release and distribute over 6%%8%%% eboo!sE The Smashwords servi#e distributes to most maDor eboo! retailers8 in#luding 0 le i-oo!s8 -arnes A Hoble8 Sony8 Iobo8 Jli !art (largest online boo!seller in .ndia" and othersE Smashwords offers various free tools for digital ublishing8 mar!eting8 sam ling8 selling and distributionE These tools hel you #onne#t with your audien#eE Setting /0pe&tations# -oo! mar!eting is a tough u hill battleE Even most authors ublished by large #ommer#ial rint ublishers #om lain they get little or no ost& ubli#ation mar!eting su ort from their ublishersE 'ost authors8 whether theyCre traditionally ublished or self& ublished8 must do their own mar!etingE 0t Smashwords8 we donCt ma!e romises we #anCt !ee 8 so we #annot romise you your boo! will sell well8 even if you follow all the ti s in this guideE .n fa#t8 most boo!s8 both traditionally ublished and self& ublished8 donCt sell wellE ?hether your boo! is intended to ins ire8 inform or entertain8 millions of other boo!s and media forms are #om eting against you for your ros e#tive readerCs ever&shrin!ing ie of attentionE Eboo!s re resent the fastest growing segment of the boo! ublishing industryE Eboo! sales have been in#reasing over $%% er#ent er year the last few years8 a##ording to the latest industry

resear#h8 while traditional rint boo! sales have stagnated or de#linedE .f youCre an author8 you need to e1 ose your wor! to the digital realmE ,es ite the ra id growth of eboo! sales8 eboo!s still re resent a minority of overall boo! industry salesE -ut this is #hangingE Jor all of 6%$$8 a##ording to the 0sso#iation of 0meri#an Publishers8 eboo!s a##ounted for nearly 6%K of the 5ESE trade mar!et8 u from <K in 6%$%8 7K in 6%%= and $K in 6%%<E .n 6%$68 eboo!s robably a##ounted for at least 7%K of overall 5S boo! salesE +et these industry statisti#s dramati#ally understate what ha ens when authors ma!e their boo!s available in eboo! formE Some bestselling indie (self& ublished" authors at Smashwords are selling over $8%%% eboo!s for every rint boo!E 'ost Smashwords authors donCt even bother to ublish in rint any moreE -ottom line8 youCre smart to get your boo! out there as an eboo!E 1ow Smashwords 1e+ps -uthors and 2u,+ishers Market Their Books >!ay8 in the revious aragra h8 we leveled with you and told you how youCre unli!ely to sell a lot of eboo!s in the near termE How that we have that out of the way8 letCs review how Smashwords hel s mar!et your boo! today8 without you lifting a finger/ 1% /0posure at Smashwords%&om, our retai+ operation & Sim ly by ublishing your boo! on Smashwords8 your boo! is dis#overable by thousands of #ustomers who ass through our virtual doors ea#h dayE >n#e a visitor starts browsing8 we ma!e it easy for them to serendi itously dis#over boo!s and authors of ossible interest with features su#h as #ategory sear#hes8 bestseller lists8 highest rated lists8 LPeo le who re#ently ur#hased this boo! also ur#hased these boo!s8M and LPeo le who re#ently viewed this author also viewed these authorsEM 2% 3istri,ution to -pp+e, Barnes 4 5o,+e, 6o,o, Sony and others Smashwords is the worldCs largest distributor of self& ublished eboo!sE Eboo! distribution is im ortant8 be#ause if your boo! isnCt widely available in all maDor retailers8 then itCs not dis#overableE >n#e your boo! is a##e ted into the Smashwords Premium Catalog8 Smashwords distributes it to the 0 le i-oo!store (9$ #ountries"8 -arnes A Hoble (5S and 5EIE8 with more #ountries on the way"8 Iobo (multi le #ountries"8 Sony8 Jli !art (.ndiaCs largest online boo!seller"8 the ,iesel e-oo! Store and -a!er and Taylor (the -lioE#om store and the 01is7:% servi#e for ubli# libraries"E 'ore retail agreements are in the wor!s (stay tuned3"E 'ost Smashwords authors and ublishers derive <%K or more of their sales through the Smashwords distribution networ!8 as o osed to the SmashwordsE#om storeE .tCs free and easy to earn in#lusion in the Premium CatalogE Sim ly format your boo! to the reGuirements of the Smashwords Style GuideE Learn more at htt /NNsmashwordsE#omNdistribution 3% Mu+tip+e e,ook !ormats ) ?hen you u load a boo! to Smashwords8 we #onvert it into nine different eboo! formatsE This ma!es your boo! a##essible and readable to users of any e&reading devi#eE Customers #an ur#hase the boo! at Smashwords on#e8 and enDoy it on any of their ersonal devi#es in any formatE Some of the many devi#es in#lude the iPad8 iPhone8 Iindle8 Hoo!8 Iobo (eader8 Sony (eader8 ersonal #om uters8 smart hones8 and future devi#es not even invented yetE 7% -uthor pro!i+e page & ?hen you ublish with Smashwords8 we automati#ally #reate a ersonal web age for you with a uniGue web addressE +ou #an ost your bio and i#ture8 rovide a listing of your ublished boo!s on Smashwords8 add lin!s to outside web sites8 integrate your e1ternal blog8 or rovide lin!s to where readers #an ur#hase rint versions of your

boo!E +our rofile age also lists reviews you have written of other Smashwords boo!s and your Smashwords .nterview (more on this later"E 8% Book pages & Jor ea#h boo! you ublish with Smashwords8 we #reate a web age dedi#ated to that boo!E +ou #an u load a boo! #over8 u load +ouTube boo! trailers8 and add a syno sis and des#ri tive tags to hel readers find your boo!E +our boo! age is where ros e#tive readers #an a##ess sam les of your boo! in formats readable on any eboo! reading devi#eE Customers #an ost reviews of your boo! on your boo! ageE 9% Samp+ing & Smashwords offers the most owerful and fle1ible sam ling system youCll find anywhereE Sam ling allows readers to try your boo! before they buyE 0s the author8 you determine the sam ling er#entage8 from word one forwardE .f8 for e1am le8 you sele#t $9K sam ling8 the first $9K of your boo!8 starting at the beginning8 is available for free download so ros e#tive readers #an try before they buyE 0t the end of the sam le8 we rom t them to ur#hase the full boo!E :% Sear&h /ngine (isi,i+ity & +our rofile age8 boo! ages and online boo! sam les are designed so sear#h engines #an easily dis#over and inde1 themE Sim ly by ublishing your boo! on Smashwords8 youCll have doBens8 sometimes hundreds of inbound lin!s to your ages from the leading sear#h engines8 ma!ing it easier for ros e#tive readers to dis#over youE 8% Coupons; & Smashwords offers a #ustom #ou on generator that ma!es it easy for you to #reate #ou on #odes you #an distribute to your fans on your email lists8 web site8 blog8 or so#ial networ!sE To generate a #ou on8 #li#! to your ,ashboard at htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNdashboardE Cou ons are tremendously o ular with our authorsE (ead on below for some ideas on how you #an mar!et with #ou onsE <% Smashwords .nter=iews ) This new e1#lusive author mar!eting tool8 laun#hed in 0ugust 6%$78 ma!es it easy to #reate8 ublish and romote a self-interviewE The interview hel s readers and ros e#tive readers learn the story behind you8 the authorE .tCs a lot of funE >ur system will resent a series of o tional Guestions you #an answer8 or you #an modify our Guestions or #reate your ownE The resulting interview is heavily romoted a#ross the Smashwords siteE +ouCll find a lin! to the Smashwords .nterviews feature under the 0##ount tab at SmashwordsE 'ore on this feature in the ti s below3 10% Book >e=iews & -oo! reviews hel sell boo!s8 so we ma!e it easy for your #ustomers to review your boo!sE ?henever someone buys your boo!8 we send them an automated reminder to review your boo! if they enDoyed itE ?e also wor! with third arty reviewers to hel them review your boo!sE 11% /m,edda,+e ?ouTu,e (ideos & 0s an author8 you #an embed +ouTube videos in both your rofile age and your boo! agesE This is great for boo! trailers8 or Dust you in front of the #amera tal!ing about your boo!E Fideo offers you a #han#e to engage the senses of the ros e#tive reader and enti#e them to sam le and ur#hase your boo!E 12% Book tagging & ?e realiBe even our e1tensive hardwired boo! #ategories #anCt a##urately des#ribe all boo!s8 so we allow you as the author or ublisher to add additional tags8 or !eywords8 to hel des#ribe your boo! and ma!e it easier to #onne#t with ros e#tive readersE The boo! tags you enter hel eo le dis#over you when they do a boo! sear#h from the home age sear#h bo18 or when they #li#! on the tag #loud on the home ageE ,onCt enter more than ten tagsE

13% Tag C+oud & +ouCve robably noti#ed the tag #loud on some agesE The tag #loud offers readers another way to dis#over boo!s of interest to themE Sim ly by #li#!ing on a !eyword in the #loud8 the reader is resented with all the boo!s that mat#h that tagE 17% *ther ,ooks ,y this -uthor or 2u,+isher & ?hen you ublish multi le boo!s on Smashwords8 you magnify the o ortunity for readers to dis#over you and your wor!sE .f a reader is browsing one boo! age8 theyCll see a lin! that reads8 L0lso by this author/M or L0lso by this ublisher/ME 18% .ntegration with So&ia+ 5etworking and So&ia+ Bookmarking Sites & +ouCve robably heard the term8 Lso#ial media8M but may not be sure what it meansE Put sim ly8 so#ial media is all about ta!ing what weCve always !nown as Lword of mouth mar!etingM and unleashing it on to the .nternet8 where eo le #an easily share information and interestsE >n ea#h boo! age8 youCll noti#e lin!s to o ular so#ial media sites su#h as Twitter8 Pinterest and Ja#eboo!E Sim ly by #li#!ing on this lin!8 you or your readers #an share your boo! with friendsE Ea#h time someone #li#!s on one of these lin!s8 theyCre building a virtual athway (a hy erlin!" that leads ba#! to your boo! ageE 19% The Shopping Cart & ?e hel you sell your boo!E ?e offer a sim le to use sho ing #art for your readers8 and we ma!e it easy for them to ay via PayPal or any of the most o ular #redit #ardsE 0nd best of all8 <9K of the net sales ro#eeds from your boo! go to the erson who deserves it most/ +ou8 the author or ublisher (;%E9K for sales generated from affiliate mar!eters"E 0fter all8 Smashwords was #reated by an author (me" to hel my fellow authorsE 1:% Smashwords -!!i+iate 2artners 2rogram & The Smashwords 0ffiliate 'ar!eting Program rovides in#entive to third arty websites8 blogs and affiliate mar!eters to lin! to and romote your boo!sE 0ffiliates re#eive a #ommission in e1#hange for all boo! sales they hel generateE 0s a Smashwords author or ublisher8 your boo!s are automati#ally enrolled to benefit from this rogramE 18% 2romotion on Smashwords Sate++ites ) Smashwords Satellites are a #olle#tion of over 7% s e#ialiBed mi#ro&sites o erated by SmashwordsE (eaders #an browse Smashwords eboo!s by #ategory and to i#E The Satellites offer e1 erimental boo! dis#overy interfa#es that ma!e it easier for #ustomers to dis#over and sam le boo!s of interestE 0s a Smashwords author8 your boo! is automati#ally romoted on multi le SatellitesE Jor a #om lete listing of Satellites8 visit htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNlabs 1<% Site-wide 2romotions & Several times er year8 Smashwords offers s e#ial romotionsE The most o ular romotion is (ead an Eboo! ?ee!8 whi#h usually o##urs the se#ond wee! of 'ar#hE 0nother romotion is our annual July SummerN?inter Sale (be#ause itCs summer for our Horthern hemis here #ustomers8 and winter for those in the Southern hemis here"E ?ith ea#h of the romotions8 you #an enroll your boo!s at different dis#ount levels8 and we romote your boo!s within a s e#ial romotional #atalog on the home age and at our mobile retail artners su#h as 0ldi!oE 20% ree +earning resour&es ) Inowledge is owerE ?e go to great lengths to rovide you the free edu#ational learning materials you need to be as su##essful as ossibleE This Smashwords -oo! 'ar!eting Guide is one su#h free resour#eE .f youCre new to eboo! ublishing8 #he#! out our glossary of eboo! ublishing terminology in our J0@ at htt s/NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNaboutNsu ortfaG4glossary .n 'ar#h8 6%$68 . ublished my most im ortant eboo! yet8 The Se#rets to Eboo! Publishing Su##essE .t identifies the 6< best& ra#ti#es

of the most #ommer#ially su##essful eboo! authors at SmashwordsE >n#e you finish reading this Smashwords -oo! 'ar!eting Guide8 read The Se#rets to Eboo! Publishing Su##essE 0nother o ular free learning resour#e is the Smashwords Style GuideE ?ith nearly 69%8%%% downloads and #ounting8 itCs robably the worldCs most o ular eboo! formatting guideE -dopting a 2roa&ti=e Marketing Mindset .n the revious se#tion8 . shared what Smashwords will do for you8 all for free8 and all without you lifting a fingerE 0fter all those great features8 you might wonder if itCs o!ay for you to rela18 wait for the royalty #he#!s to our in8 and start lotting your ne1t boo!E @rong; >dds are8 even with the mar!eting and distribution benefits listed above8 if you do nothing else youCre not going to sell many boo!sE To rea#h more readers and ta!e your sales to the ne1t level8 you must roa#tively mar!et your boo!E 0lthough there are hundreds of boo!s out there that will tell you how to mar!et your boo!8 and many of them are Guite good (and ublished on Smashwords too3"8 most arenCt tuned s e#ifi#ally to hel you mar!et your boo! on an advan#ed digital ublishing latform su#h as SmashwordsE ThatCs where this guide #omes inE ?eCre going to fo#us on the to things you #an do today that will hel you get the word out about your boo!E ,o the easy stuff first8 and then refer ba#! to this guide from time to time for more ideasE 2+at!orm Bui+ding Starts ?esterday - Bui+d ?our 2+at!orm and *n+ine So&ia+ 5etwork .f youCre waiting until your boo! is finished to start mar!eting8 youCre already behind the #urveE 0s an author8 you should devote a ortion of every day to get your name out there and to build relationshi s with ros e#tive readers8 artners and friendsE This is L latform buildingEM +our latform is sim ly your ability to rea#h readers8 or rea#h eo le who #an hel you rea#h readersE 0ll the ideas in this Smashwords -oo! 'ar!eting Guide will hel you build your ersonal latformE 0s an author8 your readers will determine your su##essE .f you #an build a assionate fan base8 they will mar!et your boo! for youE .f you donCt begin your latform building until after you release your boo!8 youCll fa#e a more diffi#ult #hallengeE The earlier you start your latform&building ( referably the moment you start dreaming of writing your first boo!"8 the easier and more su##essful your mar!eting will beE .f you feel li!e youCre starting late8 donCt fretE ?e all start somewhere8 and by reading this guide youCll get a head startE Platform building isnCt as diffi#ult as you might thin!8 and on#e you get started8 youCll find it gets easier and easier as your latform growsE So&ia+ Media is S&ary to Some @riters A 3onBt Cet it .ntimidate ?ou So#ial media and online mar!eting intimidate a lot of authorsE 'any of us writers (and . in#lude myself here3" are naturally introvertedE Jor us introverts8 so#ial media is easier than meeting strangers at a arty8 but it still ta!es some getting used toE Good so#ial media ra#ti#es8 li!e good mar!eting8 are #atalysts for boo! mar!eting su##essE .f you donCt engage in so#ial media8 and you donCt mar!et8 you #an still be#ome a su##essful author by writing su#h great boo!s that readers mar!et you boo!s for you though their word of mouthE So8 donCt feel youCre going to fail as an author if you donCt do mar!eting or so#ial mediaE 0s a #atalyst8 though8 good mar!eting8 for whi#h good so#ial media is a tool8 #an ma!e your boo! more su##essfulE .f youCre new to so#ial media8 ease into it slowlyE ,onCt feel ressured to s end hours every day (your time is better s ent writing and editing"E *ere are three so#ial media ti s to get your started/ 1% 'a!e it easy for readers to #onne#tE Promote your so#ial media addresses (Ja#eboo!8 Twitter8 Lin!ed.n8 et#E" in your boo! and on your blog or website so fans #an #onne#t with youE .f you only start with two8 start with Ja#eboo! and TwitterE These so#ial media #onne#tions

allow readers to start forming a assive relationshi with youE TheyCre #onne#ting with you be#ause they love your boo!s and want to hear your newsE 2% 5se so#ial media as a tool for sharing your news8 or to rom t further engagement with you (if you wish" su#h as in online dis#ussions via Ja#eboo!E 3% 5se the so#ial media sites as a tool to further your rofessional develo mentE -y a##essing so#ial media8 you #an re#eive dire#t feedba#! and ideas from your readersE +ou #an also ta into these so#ial media tools to learnE This is my favorite use of so#ial mediaE 'ore on this below in my dis#ussion about TwitterE 1yper+inks 1e+p >eaders 3is&o=er Books .n the old days8 one advantage of getting your boo! LtraditionallyM ublished was broad distribution into hysi#al boo!stores8 where you ho ed boo! buyers would stumble u on your boo!8 read a few ages and ur#hase itE .n the realm of digital boo!s8 distribution remains #riti#ally im ortant8 but . want you to e1 and your notion of digital distributionE .f the front door at your lo#al boo!store is the ath to rint boo! dis#overy8 the ath to eboo! dis#overy is the hy erlin!E 0 hy erlin! is the ath your web browser ta!es to rea#h a #ertain destinationE .tCs the web address for everything you find on the .nternetE .f you loo! in your web browserCs address field8 youCll see something li!e wwwEgoogleE#om8 or htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#om ThatCs the web addressE *y erlin!s #reate the sign osts8 aths8 roads and bridges that hel your readers dis#over your boo!8 even if your boo! was not the original destination they had in mindE Pros e#tive readers may go to Google and do a sear#h on Lhow to lant tuli s8M and if thatCs the boo! youCve written theyCre more li!ely to find you if you #reated the aths to your boo!E GoogleCs database #ontains billions of web addressesE Every time you or your fans ublish a hy erlin! on the .nternet that oints to your Smashwords author rofile or your boo! age8 that hy erlin! ma!es your boo! more findable by the billions of eo le on the .nternetE 'any of the ti s rovided in this guide are fo#used on hel ing you leverage the tools of the .nternet to build the digital aths that lead readers to your doorste E ?hen you ublish hy erlin!s on your blog or website8 you #an lin! dire#tly to your boo! ages at Smashwords or any other retail latformE 'a!e it easy for your readers to read your wor!3 Some authors who already have ersonal web ages may wonder why they should wor! to build aths to their retail ages when they should be building aths to their own web agesE Great Guestion3 +ou should wor! to build aths to both ages8 and to the e1tent youCre su##essful building aths to your Smashwords ages or other retailer ages8 youCll also assist your sear#h engine o timiBation efforts for your ersonal standalone web siteE *ereCs why/ Sear#h engines use hundreds of algorithms to determine whi#h web ages they believe are most relevant to their users for a given sear#h GueryE >f all the different #riteria they use8 one of the most im ortant is their te#hniGue for measuring relevan#eE Put sim ly8 the more sites that lin! to a web site8 and the more sites that lin! to the site lin!ing to your site8 the more relevant your site be#omes in the sear#h engineCs eyesE So if you have hundreds of sites lin!ing to your Smashwords rofile8 and your Smashwords rofile lin!s to your ersonal web age or blog (and yes8 we su ort this"8 then that lin! from Smashwords be#omes a ositive endorsement of your web site in the eyes of Google and the other sear#h enginesE The .mportan&e o! -uthors 1e+ping -uthors 0lthough your boo! is #om eting against millions of other boo!s8 your fellow authors are not your #om etitionE They are your artnersE +ou should treat them as artnersE Join author

grou s8 both online and in the real world8 and do everything you #an to #ontribute to the su##ess of your fellow authorsE Share ideasE Share e1 erien#es of what wor!ed for you and what didnCt wor!E ,o Doint romotions with other authors so your fans #an learn about them and their fans #an learn about youE ?hen you o en doors for your fellow authors8 they will o en doors for you as wellE

41 Free Marketing Tips

Tip D1# )pdate your emai+ signature +our email signature is one of the most owerful mar!eting tools at your dis osal8 yet few authors ta!e advantage of itE 'ost of us send emails to doBens if not hundreds of eo le ea#h wee!8 and ea#h of these eo le (often friends8 family8 business asso#iates8 fans" re resent otential #ustomers for our boo!E -y u dating (or #reating" an email signature8 youCre roviding email re#i ients a low&!ey8 unobtrusive ath to dis#over and ur#hase your boo!E Hearly every email rogram and servi#e allows you to #reate a single email signature file8 usually a sim le te1t file8 that then automati#ally a ends to every email you writeE Jor your email signature8 add a dire#t hy erlin! to both your Smashwords author age and maybe even your boo! ages8 so itCs easy for your readers to go straight to your boo!E To find the dire#t hy erlin!s8 go to the Smashwords home age and enter your name into the sear#h bo18 whi#h will bring u a listing of your boo!sE Cli#! on a boo!E Then #ut and aste the 5(L of the web address of your browser into your signatureE He1t8 #li#! on your hy erlin!ed author name from your boo! ageE That will ta!e you to your author rofile age8 and from there you #an #ut and aste the e1a#t address of that age into your signatureE Hote that when you #om ose an email8 your email rogram or servi#e will automati#ally #om ose the email either in lain te1t or *T'LE .f it #om oses an email in lain te1t8 you #an list your hy erlin!s in your signature as lain te1t8 su#h as htt /NNhy erlin!E#om8 and most re#eiving email rograms will automati#ally ma!e the lin! #li#!able (this is what you want"E 0 #li#!able lin! usually a ears as blue and underlinedE .f your email rogram #om oses your emails in *T'L8 however8 itCs not enough to Dust list the hy erlin!8 be#ause it wonCt be #li#!able by the re#i ientE To ensure it is #li#!able8 you should ma!e the lin! #li#!able in your signature fileE .f this sounds #onfusing8 study the hel files asso#iated with your arti#ular email software or email servi#e8 be#ause no single software or servi#e handles this issue the sameE 0fter you #om ose your signature8 send a test email to yourself to see if your hy erlin!s are #li#!able or notE *ereCs what my signature #ould loo! li!e/ &&& 'ar! Co!er Jounder and CE> Smashwords8 .n#E htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omN Co&author of -oob Tube8 a satire on *ollywood #elebrity 'y Smashwords rofile/ htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omN rofileNviewNm# Sam le or ur#hase -oob Tube/ htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNboo!sNviewN7

&&& Tip D2# 2ost a 5oti&e to ?our @e, Site or B+og .f you have a standalone web site or blog8 as many authors do8 be sure to ost a noti#e that your boo! is now available at SmashwordsE 'a!e sure the lin!s are live8 or #li#!able8 so the reader #an Dust #li#! and goE .tCs fine to ost a generi# lin! to wwwEsmashwordsE#om8 but also ma!e sure you rovide dire#t hy erlin!s to your rofile age and your boo! age8 su#h as/ Jind me on Smashwords at/ Oinsert lin! to rofile ageP Sam le or ur#hase my eboo! at Smashwords/ Oinsert lin! to boo! ageP Important: To find the e1a#t .nternet address of your rofile age8 #li#! on your 'y Smashwords lin!8 and then youCll see your rofile age address in the 5(L (the .nternet address of your browser"E +ou #an also enter your name or boo! title into the sear#h bo1 on any age8 and then when your boo! #omes u 8 #li#! on your author name8 and then youCll see the e1a#t address of the age in your browserCs 5(LE 'y rofile age address8 for e1am le8 loo!s li!e this/ htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omN rofileNviewNm#"E Tip D3# Conta&t your riends, ami+y, Co-workers, Business -sso&iates and ans 0fter you ublish your boo! on Smashwords8 be sure to tell everyone you !now8 and olitely as! them to share your email with their friends to s read the wordE +ou donCt need to be ushy or salesy8 Dust send them a short email8 su#h as/ ,ear friends and family8 Just wanted to let you !now that my boo!8 Oinsert your boo! titleP8 was ublished today as a multi&format eboo! by SmashwordsE 0s many of you !now8 the boo! Ois aboutN#oversNe1 loresP Oinsert a short one senten#e des#ri tion of your boo!PE . ho e youCll ta!e time to #he#! it out at Smashwords8 where you #an sam le the first QQK of the boo! for freeE *ereCs the lin! to my author rofile/ Oinsert the dire#t lin!P *ereCs the dire#t lin! to my boo! age8 where you #an sam le or ur#hase the boo!/ Oinsert dire#t lin!P ?onCt you also ta!e a moment to s read the word about my boo! to everyone you !nowR Than! you so mu#h for your su Sin#erely8 +our first Hame &&& Oif you #om leted your signature8 your signature a Tip D7# 2ost a 5oti&e to ?our So&ia+ 5etworks ears hereEP ort3

.f youCre a user of Ja#eboo!8 Lin!ed.n8 Twitter or other online #ommunities8 tell your friends and asso#iates that you Dust ublished your boo! at Smashwords8 and rovide a dire#t hy erlin! to your boo! ageE .f youCre not already arti#i ating in some of these networ!s8 Dum in and startE Tip D8# )pdate ?our Message Board Signatures 'ost message board #ommunities allow you to #reate a signature that a ears at the bottom of every ostE .tCs a subtle8 non&intrusive8 and non&salesy (is that a wordR" method of telling eo le where they #an learn more about youE >ne Smashwords author8 sim ly by adding a single lin! that read L(ead my writing at Oshe inserted the hy erlin! to her rofile age at SmashwordsP8M drove over $86%% eo le to her rofile age in the s an of only about 9 wee!sE . should oint out that in her osts8 she wasnCt even tal!ing about her eboo!s3 .t was be#ause she made herself a valuable member of the #ommunity that other #ommunity members too! the initiative to learn more about her and her writingE Tip D9# >ea&h readers with Twitter .f youCre not already a member of Twitter8 dro everything and go Doin right nowE Twitter is a mi#ro&blogging siteE .tCs li!e blogging8 but youCre restri#ted to osts of only $2% #hara#tersE 'any eo le when they first hear about Twitter thin! itCs the stu idest8 most egomania#al thing anyone #ould do with their time (this is what . thought8 before . saw the light"E -ut theyCre wrongE Give Twitter a #han#e and youCll dis#over itCs a great toolE 0fter you o en a free a##ount (twitterE#om"8 Twitter as!s you a sim le Guestion8 Lwhat are you doingRM 0nswer the Guestion8 and you Dust tweetedE To send messages to other Twitter users8 you #an ost8 LSusername8 messageEEEE8M li!e LSmar!#o!er8 .Cm telling all my friends they should ublish at SmashwordsEM +our friends8 family and fans #an follow all your utteran#es8 whi#h are #alled LtweetsM in Twitter arlan#eE +ou #an also follow other Twitter users by visiting their rofile and #li#!ing LJollowEM +ou #an follow me at htt /NNtwitterE#omNmar!#o!er 8 where . ty i#ally tweet about develo ments at Smashwords and trends in the ublishing industryE Twitter lets you #reate a short rofile8 so itCs im ortant you do that so your followers !now where to go to learn more about youE .t allows you to insert a hy erlin! to a web age8 so you #an either enter your rofile age at Smashwords (see ti 46 above on how to find the right lin!" or you #an enter the address for your ersonal web site or blogE >n#e you Doin Twitter8 you #an romote your Twitter address on your Smashwords rofile by #li#!ing to htt s/NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omN rofileNedit 0fter you add your Twitter address to your rofile age8 youCll re#eive additional romotion on Smashwords by gaining an automati# listing in our dire#tory of Smashwords authors on TwitterE +ouCll find the dire#tory here/ htt /NNsmashwordsE#omNtwitterbuBBNsmashwordsTauthorsTonTtwitter ?henever you tweet about Smashwords on Twitter8 your tweet will also be romoted on Smashwords TwitterbuBB8 here/ htt /NNsmashwordsE#omNtwitterbuBBNsmashwordsTonTtwitter Li!e all so#ial media8 itCs im ortant to Doin and arti#i ate in the #onversationE 'a!e friendsE Share ideasE 0dd valueE Jollow smart eo le and learn from them (. E+o=eE Twitter for this"E .f youCre only there to flog your boo!8 eo le will tune you out fairly Gui#!lyE There are typi&a++y !our types o! Twitterers at Twitter#

1% Sharers# Sharers find useful information8 and then share it with their followers8 usually in the form of hy erlin!s to interesting arti#lesE >ften they will LretweetM other interesting tweets from eo le they followE (etweets begin with the a#ronym L(TM or you #an #li#! the LretweetM lin! in TwitterE Twitterers re&tweet tweets from other Twitterers they thin! would be of interest to their fellow twee s (twitterism for ee s8 or eo le who follow them"E 'a!e senseR 2% Con=ersationa+ists# these are eo le who s end most of their time in #onversation with their followers and friends via SMusernameM messagesE .f you tweet8 for e1am le8 @markcoker I think indie authors will inherit the publishing universe8 then .Cll robably see it be#ause . #he#! Twitter regularly to see what my twee s are tweeting at meE ?hen you add a ersonCs s#reenname to your tweet8 re#eded by S8 youCre saying8 Lthis tweet is for you8M or8 Lat youEM 3% Marketers# Peo le who are trying to romote themselves or their rodu#tE 7% o++owers# Peo le who use Twitter mainly to follow SharersE This is a#tually my favorite use of TwitterE The tweetstream of the eo le . follow is li!e an in#redible real&time #urated news feed of im ortant trends and news in eboo! ublishingE 'ost Twitterers are a blend of varying degrees of all four of the aboveE Jor e1am le8 .Cm a Sharer8 'ar!eter and JollowerE 5se Twitter however it best suits your needs and ersonalityE ThereCs no single one right way to use TwitterE . try to share Smashwords&s e#ifi# information and eboo! ublishing news and trends of interest to Smashwords authorsE . minimiBe the number of eo le . follow8 be#ause if . follow too many eo le it #reates so mu#h noise it diminishes the value of Twitter to meE . follow some really smart eo le who tea#h me new information about boo! ublishing every dayE This is my favorite use of TwitterE Even if . never tweeted another tweet ever again8 .Cd still use Twitter sim ly to follow some of these smart eo leE Try to find smart eo le with #ommon interestsE -efore you follow them8 review their re#ent tweets and as! yourself if those are the ty es of tweets you want filling your twitterstream ea#h dayE Some eo le LautofollowM anyone who follows themE . donCt re#ommend autofollowingE -e sele#tive about whom you follow8 be#ause if you follow too many eo le youCll soon find yourself drowning in too many tweetsE . follow about $<% eo le8 and for me thatCs about rightE >thers follow thousands of eo leE . rarely engage in #onversation on Twitter8 mainly be#ause the fol!s who follow me are mostly interested in Smashwords and eboo! ublishing&s e#ifi# tweets8 not my rivate #onversations about a friendCs wee!end barbeGueE . also donCt answer su ort inGuiries over Twitter8 be#ause thatCs what our LCommentsNGuestionsM form is for (and most Guestions are answered already in our J0@"E Conversations are also diffi#ult for your followers to follow8 so in the rare instan#es when . do arti#i ate in a #onversation . try to ma!e sure my tweets offer #onte1t so my followers #an gain some benefitE 'y Twitter strategy #an be summed u as follows/ (es e#t my followersC time and try to rovide them value in every tweetE

0s you gain followers ( eo le who have subs#ribed to re#eive your tweets by #li#!ing LfollowM below your username"8 you build your latform and your o ortunities for mar!eting8 #onne#ting and learning in#reaseE There are various strategies for gaining followers8 and many so#ial mar!eting #onsultants do nothing but write arti#les or sell eboo!s about how to in#rease your followingE (ead the arti#les8 but maintain a healthy dose of s!e ti#ismE 'any strategies are underhanded and will turn off eo leE Jor e1am le8 one strategy is what . #all the Lbait and swit#hEM These fol!s start following thousands of different eo le8 in the ho e that some er#entage of eo le follow them ba#!E .f the eo le theyCre following donCt follow them ba#! within a few days8 they LunfollowM them and then move on to follow more eo leE >r8 even if the erson does follow them ba#!8 the bait and swit#her unfollows them anywayE ,onCt lay the bait and swit#h game8 and donCt worry if the eo le you follow donCt follow you ba#!E +ouCll earn your followers over timeE ?hen . see someone following me whoCs also following 6%8%%% other eo le8 . view their follow as virtually worthlessE *ow #ould su#h a erson ever even noti#e my tweetsR 0 better strategy for gaining followers is to earn your followersE *ereCs how/ Tweet what interests you8 be#ause .Cm going to assume what interests you is within the same orbit of what you write about8 and so eo le interested in your boo!s will be interested in those adDa#ent to i#sE Jor e1am le8 letCs say you write boo!s about #limate #hangeE +our target audien#e for readers is the same as your audien#e for followersE +ouCre robably s ending your day studying interesting news and trends in #limate #hangeE 0s you stumble a#ross interesting arti#les8 tweet about them and share a hy erlin!E .f you follow someone who tweets something you thin! will interest your followers8 retweet it by #li#!ing the retweet buttonE +our followers will a re#iate re#eiving this useful8 interesting informationE They might retweet your tweet8 whi#h then uts your twitter name in front of all their followersE Jollow other o ular authors who write and tweet about the same to i#E ?hen you retweet something8 youCre hel ing to romote the twitterer who tweeted the tweetE 'ost Twitter users tra#! whoCs retweeting their tweetsE They might be grateful enough to tweet you ba#!8 or follow you if what youCre tweeting loo!s interestingE Twitter etiFuette tips# Begging & HEFE( HEFE( tweet at eo le and as! them to follow youE +ou should earn your follows8 not beg for themE Earn your follows by serving the followers you haveE .f you tweet and retweet worthwhile and insightful tweets8 your followers will retweet your tweets and word will get out about youE Spamming & ,onCt s am your twitterstream with tweets only about your boo!E Ho one wants to be sold to all the timeE Gua+ity, not Fuantity & Every time . tweet8 . as! myself8 Lwill this tweet inform or entertain my followers8 and am . res e#ting their timeRM .t doesnCt matter if you have two followers or 68%%%8 you should res e#t the time and twitterstreams of your subs#ribersE -=oid stream o! &ons&iousness tweeting ) Some eo le tweet every few minutesE . avoid them li!e the lague be#ause theyCll #log my twittersteamE . donCt #are what someone ate for brea!fastE . donCt want to hear what someoneCs ma!ing for dinnerE 2ra&ti&e positi=ity ) Some eo le ado t an attitude of8 L. #om lain8 therefore . amEM (emember8 if youCre on Twitter or any other so#ial networ!8 youCre latform&buildingE

+ouCre building a brand8 be#ause authors are brandsE ,onCt be negativeE .tCll turn off your readers8 artners and friendsE Peo le might fear you8 but they wonCt li!e youE 0void snar!8 be#ause itCs easily misunderstood8 and #an #ome a#ross as negativeE 3onBt power trip ) This is a #orollary to Practice PositivityE .f youCve got hundreds or thousands of followers8 donCt let it go to your headE There are few things more unattra#tive than someone who uses their so#ial media latform to bully8 intimidate or #om lainE Stay your humble self and youCll be great3 . #ould go on and on about TwitterE .f it all sounds #onfusing8 donCt worryE Just Dum in8 Doin the #onversation8 and youCll get the hang of it in no timeE 'any authors drive doBens if not hundreds of visitors to their websites and boo! ages ea#h month via Twitter8 so itCs a owerful mar!eting tool you shouldnCt ignoreE -ut li!e all tools #overed in this guide8 you have to invest time over the long term to rea the biggest rewardsE Tip D:# 2u,+ish more than one ,ook at Smashwords to &reate a mu+tip+ier e!!e&t The more boo!s you ublish and distribute with Smashwords8 the more dis#overable you and your wor!s be#omeE 0ll of your wor!s are #ross lin!ed with one another8 whi#h means if a #ustomer is viewing one of your boo! ages8 at Smashwords or one of our retailers8 theyCll be resented with lin!s to your other boo!sE .tCs li!e #asting multi le fishing lines in the sea8 instead of Dust oneE 0s Smashwords #ustomers loo! at boo!s by other authors and then loo! at your boo!s8 it #reates a trail of bread #rumbs that other Smashwords visitors #an followE They will visit one authorCs boo! age and dis#over lin!s to your boo!s that read8 LPeo le who re#ently viewed this boo! also viewed these boo!s/M Tip D8# -d=ertise your other ,ooks in ea&h ,ook you pu,+ish The average Smashwords author ublishes 7E6 boo!sE .f you have multi le boo!s ublished at Smashwords8 add a hy erlin!s to your Smashwords author age8 dire#tly within ea#h of the boo!s you ublish (see how . did it at the to of this boo!"E 0 good la#e is either at the beginning of the boo!8 after the #o yright age8 and at the end of the boo!8 right when youCve left the ha y reader #urious to read more of your wor!E 0dd a se#tion at the end of your boo! that lists your other boo!sE Something li!e this would be great/ >ther boo!s by 'ar! Co!er Smashwords Style Guide The Smashwords -oo! 'ar!eting Guide The Se#rets to Eboo! Publishing Su##ess The $%&'inute P( Che#!list -oob Tube Tip D<# Make it easy !or readers to &onne&t with you ?hether your write fi#tion or nonfi#tion8 at the end of your boo!8 ma!e sure you have a short L0bout the 0uthorM se#tionE .f a reader Dust too! the time to finish your boo!8 theyCre robably #urious to learn more about your ba#!ground and ins irationE Tell your readers how they #an #onne#t with you online via email8 or your web site8 blog8 Smashwords author age8 Twitter8 Ja#eboo!8 GoogleU8 et#E 'a!e it easy for your reader to form a relationshi with you8 even if that relationshi is as sim le as following you on TwitterE -y roviding multi le o tions8 you ma!e it easier for the reader to #onne#t with you via their favorite so#ial media toolE *ereCs how . #ould do mine (#onne#t with me if you li!e3"/ Conne&t with Mark Coker

Twitter/ htt /NNtwitterE#omNmar!#o!er Ja#eboo!/ htt /NNfa#eboo!E#omNmar!#o!er Lin!ed.n/ htt /NNwwwElin!edinE#omNinNmar!#o!er GoogleU/ htt s/NN lusEgoogleE#omN$%2%%2$$7%%:<6;6:9<76 *uffington Post/ htt /NNwwwEhuffington ostE#omNmar!&#o!erN -log/ htt /NNblogEsmashwordsE#om Smashwords author rofile/ htt s/NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omN rofileNviewNm# Tip D10# .ssue a 2ress >e+ease on a ree 2> @ire Ser=i&e .n this ti 8 .Cll des#ribe the benefits of a ress release8 show you how to write one8 and then .Cll rovide you a sim le #he#!list on how to romote your ress releaseE 0s some of my readers !now8 rior to starting Smashwords . wor!ed for about 6% years in te#hnology mar!eting and ubli# relationsE .n $==78 . founded a P( agen#y #alled ,ovetail Publi# (elationsE 0t ,ovetail8 . re resented doBens of te#hnology #om anies8 ranging from hot garage startu s to large multi&billion dollar #om aniesE ,uring my time at ,ovetail8 . learned to a re#iate ress releases as a owerful mar!eting tool for a#!aging news informationE 1ere are three ,ene!its o! press re+eases# 1% The ress release is a roven form of #ommuni#ationE (e#i ients of well written ress releases8 su#h as re orters and bloggers8 !now that it will #ontain all the information they need to evaluate the news value of your story and #over itE 0 good ress release tells the reader what youCre announ#ing8 why they should #are8 and where they #an learn more information if interestedE 2% Press releases arenCt Dust for the ress any moreE ?ith the advent of Google and other online sear#h engines8 ress releases are #ommonly read not Dust by traditional media (news a ers8 magaBines" and new media (bloggers"8 but by your target readers tooE 3% Press releases hel you build aths (hy erlin!s" ba#! to your author rofile age8 your boo! ages or to your website or blogE This means youCre building aths to hel .nternet users dis#over you and your boo!E The more aths you build to ages8 the more li!ely you are to ran! highly in the sear#h engines8 whi#h means your ros e#tive readers are more li!ely to find youE There are several free ress release wire servi#es you #an use to get good e1 osure for your ress releaseE >ne .Cve e1 erimented with is P(logE Jor an industrial strength wire servi#e8 you might #onsider P(Hewswire at htt /NNwwwE rnewswireE#omNE Try the free servi#es first8 be#ause it #an be diffi#ult to sell enough boo!s to Dustify the e1 ense of something li!e P( Hewswire8 whi#h will run you V7%% or moreE .f you de#ide to e1 eriment with one of the aid servi#es8 run your ress release only on your Llo#alM #ir#uitE 'any of the aid servi#es offer so&#alled LnationalM or LinternationalM #ir#uits to give your ress release broader distribution8 but my e1 erien#e over the last 6% years has shown that these broader #ir#uits are a waste of moneyE The lo#al #ir#uit gets you <% er#ent of the benefit by osting your release into all the online databasesE @hatBs a good press re+ease topi&H Hews a ers want to #over newsE The best news stories share information that inform or entertain readersE *ow about announ#ing youCve ublished your boo! on SmashwordsR ThatCs news worth sharing8 es e#ially if your ress release arti#ulates why you boo! is im ortant to eo leE >r announ#e a limited time romotion (and in#lude the #ou on #ode"E >r8 for the fi#tional boo! e1am le above8 you #ould ublish a ress release that

shares the to five ti s for ridding your garden of es!y sGuirrelsE ,oes the to i# of your boo! tie in to a maDor news storyR Jor e1am le8 letCs say you wrote a boo! about flood re airE LetCs say a hurri#ane hits the East #oast of the 5S8 and #auses maDor floodingE Consider writing a ress release to share useful remediation ti sE .t might have a headline su#h as LJlood (e air E1 ert Shares $% Ti s for *ome Jlood (e#overyEM 0 ress release must in#lude information of value to re#eive ress #overageE *ow do you write a ress releaseR Press releases have a fairly stri#t format8 whi#h you should follow as #losely as you #anE 1ead+ine/ The headline words are ty i#ally either 0LL C0PS or .nitial Ca sE SummariBes the high level message of what youCre announ#ingE .f your headline isnCt #om elling8 no one will read your ress releaseE Su,head/ The words are ty i#ally .nitial Ca sE Provides additional #onte1t about your announ#ement8 and hel s #onvey why the story is im ortantE .n my flood re#overy e1am le above8 the subhead might read8 L*el s *ome >wners Save 'oney on (e airs8 Prevent Permanent ,amage8 and 0##ess Jederal ,isaster (e#overy 0ssistan#eEM 3ate+ine/ Ty i#ally follows the format of City8 State && ,ateE The dateline re#edes the body of your first aragra h of the ress release/ irst paragraph/ 5sually follows #ommon hraseology8 su#h as LQ+W today announ#edEEEEM 0 good first aragra h should tell the reader what the announ#ement is about8 why itCs im ortant8 and who should #areE Se&ond paragraph/ 'ore detail8 or maybe a Guote from youE @uotes should follow a stri#t format8 su#h as LJirst senten#e8M said Oyour firstname lastnameP8 author of Oboo!titlePE LSe#ond senten#eE Third senten#eEM Third paragraph/ Possibly more detail8 if neededE .f youCre writing non&fi#tion8 this is a good la#e to summariBe or share valuable !nowledge8 or tell the reader what theyCll learn from your boo!E .f youCre writing fi#tion8 this is a good la#e to rovide some Dui#y details about your story8 and the #hallenges fa#ed by your #hara#tersE Boi+erp+ate/ This is where you ut the author bio8 and summariBe where readers #an ur#hase the boo!E 0dd hy erlin!s to your Smashwords 0uthor Profile Page8 your boo! ages8 your ersonal website 8 your blog8 and whi#h retailers are #arrying your eboo!E .n#lude #onta#t information su#h as your email address8 but obfus#ate it (see below"E Conta&t in!ormation/ Even if you ut your #onta#t information in the boiler late (and you should"8 the ress release should also #ontain a se arate se#tion for #onta#t informationE Ty i#ally an email address is fineE -ut donCt Dust ut your address in there in lain te1t8 be#ause otherwise itCll get i#!ed u by the s am s iders (these are automated robots that s#an the .nternet for email addresses8 and then add those addresses to s am lists"E .nstead8 obfus#ate it8 similar to how . do with my email address a#ross the smashwords site8 where . list the address as/ Lfirst initial se#ond initial at smashwords dot #omEM

*ereCs an a#tual sam le from a Smashwords author8 in#luding some fresh new edits . added for this Smashwords -oo! 'ar!eting Guide to ma!e it serve as an even better e1am leE . also added arentheti#al notes .H 0LL C0PS to #orres ond with the se#tions aboveE
ree e,ook Memoir, That Day in September, Commemorates -nni=ersary o! <$11 (*E0,L.HE" -uthor -rtie (an @hy @itnessed Tragi& /=ent !rom 1is *!!i&e -&ross the Street !rom Twin Towers (S5-*E0," (,0TEL.HE" Lan#aster8 PaE Se tember $$8 6%%< && (+>5( J.(ST P0(0G(0P* J>LL>?S"Lan#aster (H>TE .TCS S'0(T T> 0SS>C.0TE +>5(SELJ ?.T* +>5( *>'E T>?H S> +>5( *>'E T>?H 'E,.0 0(E '>(E L.IEL+ T> C>FE( +>5( HE?S" author and resident8 0rtie Fan ?hy8 has ublished That Day in September8 a boo! that #hroni#les Fan ?hyXs firsthand e1 erien#es on =N$$ and in the wee!s and months that followedE >n the morning the first lane stru#! the tower8 Fan ?hy was sitting in his offi#e dire#tly a#ross the street from the twin towersE Jor a limited time (Thursday8 Se tember $$ through Sunday8 Se tember $2" an ele#troni# boo! version of That Day In September8 normally ri#ed at V=E=98 will be available to the ubli# as a free download at Smashwords at htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNboo!sNviewN$92E (H>TE ,.(ECT *+PE(L.HI T> *.S ->>I P0GEE ?*.LE .TCS H>T HECESS0(+ T> ,> 0 L.'.TE, T.'E P(>'>T.>H L.IE T*.S8 .TCS H>T 0 -0, .,E0 E.T*E(E L.'.TE, T.'E P(>'>T.>HS -5.L, 5(GEHC+E ?.T* S'0S*?>(,SC C>5P>H GEHE(0T>( (find it in your ,ashboard"8 +>5 C0H .HSE(T +>5( C>5P>H C>,E ,.(ECTL+ .H T*E P(ESS (ELE0SE" ?hile many stories have been told about Se tember $$th in the ast seven years8 Fan ?hyXs effort to !ee the memory of that day alive and to honor those who died offers a truly uniGue ers e#tive and a moving #ommentary that begs to be read in one sittingE (T*.S P0(0G(0P* ,., 0 G(E0T >J TELL.HG T*E (E0,E( ?*+ *.S ->>I .S 0 ?>(T*?*.LE (E0," -,out Smashwords (T*.S .S T*E S'0S*?>(,S ->.LE(PL0TE8 ?*.C* +>5 C0H .HCL5,E" Jounded in 6%%<8 Smashwords is the leading distributor of self& ublished eboo!sE 'ore than :%8%%% authors8 small resses and literary agents around the world ublish over 6%%8%%% eboo!s through SmashwordsE Smashwords ma!es eboo! ublishing fast8 free and easyE Smashwords distributes to maDor online retailers su#h as the 0 le i-oo!store8 -arnes A Hoble8 Sony8 Iobo8 -a!er A Taylor -lio8 Page Joundry and the ,iesel e-oo! StoreE Smashwords is based in Los Gatos8 California8 and #an be rea#hed on the web at htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omE Fisit the offi#ial Smashwords blog at htt /NNblogEsmashwordsE#omN -,out -rtie (an @hy "T1.S .S 1.S 2/>S*5-C B*.C/>2C-T/% T?2.C-CC?, T1/ 2->T? .SS).5G T1/ 2>/SS >/C/-S/ C.STS T1/.> B*.C/>2C-T/ C-ST' >riginally from 'aryland8 0rtie Fan ?hy lived in Hew +or! City for more than 69 yearsE 0fter =N$$ he left his Dob of $7 years and began writing about his e1 erien#e of that day8 and the wee!s and months followingE *is writings be#ame the basis for the one man lay of That Day In September whi#h 0rtie erformed in LE0E and >ff -roadway in Hew +or!E .t is on that lay that his memoir That Day In September is basedE 0rtie now lives in Lan#aster8 PennsylvaniaE

Conta#t/ 0rtie Fan ?hy firstname at email roviderE#om 444 (this is the symbol for Lend of release8M and it should be #entered"

@here to ind More 2ress >e+ease Samp+es Jor more sam les8 you #an visit the Smashwords ress room at htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omN ressE Che&k+ist# 1ow to 2romote a 2ress >e+ease# 'ost eo le mista!enly believe that sim ly by running a ress release on a wire servi#e8 theyCll get ress #overageE This is not the #aseE +our best ress #overage will #ome from your roa#tive romotion of your newsE This means you need to rea#h out to re orters and bloggers and it#h your story to themE 1ereBs a Fui&k &he&k+ist on how to promote your story# 1% @rite a great press re+ease% 0s . mention above8 a great ress release tells a #om elling storyE .n the first #ou le senten#es8 it should arti#ulate what youCre announ#ing8 whoCs it for8 and why they should #areE -a#! in my te#h P( days where weCd often romote new te#hnology rodu#ts8 we wanted the ress release to answer8 Lwhat it is8 what it does and why itCs s e#ialM in the first senten#eE .f you #anCt answer why anyone should #are8 then you donCt have a newsworthy storyE Conte1t is im ortantE .f youCre missing any of these elements8 the re orter wonCt have the #onte1t to understand what youCre announ#ing and why it matters to their readersE 2% 3e=e+op your target +ist% ,onCt it#h your story to re orters who wonCt #areE Jor e1am le8 a gardening re orter would never #over oliti#al newsE TheyCre going to #are about seeds8 lants8 soil8 bugs and #ritters8 weather8 gardening tools and gardening te#hniGuesE LetCs say you live in the 5S and ublished a boo! titled8 L*ow to Prote#t +our Garden from SGuirrels without Iilling the Little -uggersEM There are robably hundreds of gardening re orters at lo#al and national news a ers a#ross the #ountry who benefit from your wisdomE ?here do you find them and their #onta#t informationR Che#! out the rint version of the -a#onCs 'edia ,ire#tories where you #an find the gardening re orters at maDor daily news a ers and magaBinesE -a#ons lists all the re orters8 their #overage area and their #onta#t informationE +our lo#al library robably has itE +ou #an also ur#hase it for around V:9%8 but youCd have to sell a lot of boo!s to #over that V:9% so try to a##ess it for free at your libraryE .f you library doesnCt have -a#onCs8 thereCs a good #han#e they have other media dire#toriesE 3% /mai+ is ,est% Even if you have the re orterCs hone number8 email is always the best form of #onta#t be#ause youCll never ris! interru ting them while theyCre on deadline (if you want to hear a monster roar8 it#h a story over the hone to a re orter while theyCre on deadline ) on se#ond thought8 donCt try be#ause itCs not #onsiderate3"E The best time to send a news a er re orter an email is in the morning be#ause daily news a ers go on deadline starting in the afternoonE 7% 5o !i+e atta&hments% Hever send your ress release as a file atta#hmentE (e orters wonCt want to o en it for fear it #ontains a virusE .t also reGuires an e1tra #li#!E .nstead8 always

#om ose your email in te1t8 and #o y the ress release into the body of the email as lain te1tE 8% 2ersona+iIe the pit&h% Ea#h re orter should re#eive a ersonaliBed it#hE (esear#h the re orter before you #onta#t themE Confirm they write about to i#s similar to your ownE Go the e1tra mile and read some of their storiesE .f you read one or more of their stories8 youCll !now what interests themE .f you tell them you read their stories8 youCll be five times more li!ely to re#eive a res onse be#ause theyCll !now you too! the time to understand their beat and their interests before you #onta#ted themE 9% The pit&h shou+d ,e short% Ho more than few short aragra hs8 followed by your ress release asted below the it#hE 0ddress them by name8 and never by L,ear re orter8 or *i8 or To ?hom it 'ay Con#ernEM They have a nameE 5se itE Try to leave the door o en so if they #anCt do a story now8 theyCll #onsider you as an e1 ert resour#e in the futureE *ereCs how a good it#h might read (without the itali#s of #ourse"/ i Sam! I "ust read your story from last year at http:##$insert a direct hyperlink to their story % it reminds them of what they wrote! and it confirms to them you read it& about weed control' I(m a master gardener! and I thought it was e)cellent' *esterday I published an ebook at Smashwords titled! +, TIPS -./ 0 12I034--/11 53/D16I65! and I dedicated an entire chapter to weed control' 7ould you believe bantam chickens are great weed eaters8 I also address important topics such as soil conditioning! water conservation! s9uirrels and pesticide-free bug control$6.T1: I(m dropping in other topic areas I know will interest a gardening reporter&' If you(d like a free review copy! I can email you a coupon code you can redeem instantly at Smashwords' I(d also be happy to speak on the phone if you(d like to learn more about my organic gardening tips' I pasted my press release below' Please let me know if you(re working on anything now or in the future where I can be of assistance: Thanks for your consideration! and best wishes' ;oe ;oe 5ardener <=<'<<<'=>=> $Insert the rest of your email signature here& $Paste your press release here& :% Great pit&hes are a,out su,stan&e% 0void hy erbole and hy eE ThatCs a turn&off to re ortersE Sti#! to the fa#tsE Put yourself in their readersC shoes8 be#ause their Dob is to hel

their readers8 so your Dob is to hel the re orter hel their readersE 0lways be $%%K honestE +ou want to develo a life&long relationshi with that re orter8 and relationshi s are built on trust and #redibilityE 8% 3onBt e0pe&t a rep+y% Every re orter is #onstantly hounded by eo le who want free ress #overage from themE Even if theyCre interested in your story8 they may not have time to re lyE >r8 they may file your Guery aside for future referen#eE .f they ignore your it#h8 donCt worryE 'ost it#hes will not re#eive a re lyE P( is a numbers gameE .f you write 6% ersonaliBed and targeted it#hes8 and you get a single story out of it8 that single story #ould ma!e all the effort worthwhileE .f your it#h is ersonaliBed and targeted li!e my e1am le above8 however8 youCll robably mu#h higher res onse rateE <% -+ways respe&t a reporterBs time% .f you #onta#t the wrong re orter8 or if you ester them8 theyCll remember you for the wrong reasonsE (emember8 theyCre under no obligation to #over your story8 no matter how wonderful your story isE 10% >epa&kage the o+d as new again% .f your boo! has already been on the mar!et for some time8 then a#!age your ress release around hel ful hints8 li!e L9 Ti s for Pesti#ide&J(EE Gardening8M drawing u on information in your boo!E (e orters love to run #he#!listsE 11% Tips !or &onta&ting ,+oggers% The ti s above will wor! eGually well with bloggers8 though youCre unli!ely to find bloggers in -a#onsE .nstead8 use GoogleE Google Lgardening blog8M or LOinsert your to i#P blogM and youCll be sur rised what you findE >r8 use a blog sear#h engine su#h as Te#hnorati (wwwEte#hnoratiE#om"8 where you #an sear#h for blogs and blog osts by to i#E ?ith bloggers8 in addition to it#hing them stories8 you #an also offer yourself as a guest bloggerE Cearn More a,out the 2ra&ti&e o! 2u,+i& >e+ations . wrote a short eboo!8 The =,-2inute P/ 0hecklist - 1arn the Publicity *ou Deserve! available at Smashwords and all maDor eboo! retailersE . wrote it for mar!eting rofessionals and entre reneurs to hel them understand how to obtain ress #overage to a#hieve any business obDe#tiveE 0lthough itCs not s e#ifi#ally written for authors8 some authors have found it worthwhileE 5nli!e my free eboo!s about eboo! ublishing8 this eboo! is ri#ed at V9E==E Tip D11# Join 1->*, 1e+p--->eporter-*n+ine Ea#h day8 thousands of Dournalists a#ross the globe are on deadline for stories they need to write8 right nowE These Dournalists often need to interview e1 erts for the insights that build their storiesE 'erely be#ause youCre an author8 youCre robably more Gualified than you thin! to serve as an e1 ert on many to i#sE Journalists love to interview authors8 and when they interview you theyCll identify you as the author of su#h and su#h boo!8 whi#h gives you free ubli#ity3 .f you were a large #om any8 youCd hire a P( agen#y su#h as my former #om any ,ovetail and ay them V<8%%% a month or more to get you interviews (and ress #overage" from these re ortersE -ut #learly8 most authors donCt have that !ind of money8 nor would . ever advise they even #onsider s ending so mu#h8 es e#ially when there are some free ubli#ity tools out there that allow you to do some of this yourselfE >ne su#h tool is #alled *0(>8 whi#h stands for *el 0 (e orter >nlineE *0(> is a free servi#e that emails you a summary of what re orters are wor!ing on8 and the ty es of e1 erts they want to interviewE Subs#ribe to this servi#e todayE To read my review of the servi#e on the Smashwords blog8 go to htt /NNblogEsmashwordsE#omN6%%<N%=Nharo&great& ubli#ity&tool&forEhtml E

0uthors also use *0(> for resear#h ur osesE .f youCre writing a non&fi#tion boo! you lan to ublish on Smashwords8 and you need to interview e1 erts8 you #an ost a Guery to the *0(> listE E1 erts will want to s ea! with you be#ause if you in#lude them in your boo!8 itCs free ubli#ity for themE Tip D12% /n&ourage your ans to 2ur&hase and >e=iew ?our Book +our ros e#tive readers will feel more #omfortable ur#hasing your boo! if they see that their fellow readers have already read and enDoyed itE En#ourage your fans to write honest reviews at Smashwords and the other retailers that #arry your boo!E .f you find shills (li!e your mother8 grandmother8 husbandNwife8 best friend" to write artifi#ially glowing or embellished reviews8 your boo! buyers will feel su#!ered and you #an bet theyCll rea#t with their own review that is erha s more negative and mean&s irited than if they didnCt feel su#!ered in the first la#eE So en#ourage your fans to write intelligent8 thoughtful and balan#ed reviewsE En#ourage them to state what they li!ed and what they didnCt li!eE +our ros e#tive readers will a re#iate the honestyE Tip D13E @rite Thought!u+ >e=iews !or other Books on Smashwords ?henever you review another boo! at Smashwords8 it #reates a hy erlin! ba#! to your author age8 so to the e1tent you arti#i ate in the Smashwords #ommunity and su ort the wor! of other authors8 youXll raise your rofile by building aths ba#! to your agesE Li!e any #ommunity8 you get out of Smashwords what you ut in to itE Tip D17# 2arti&ipate in *n+ine orums .f youCre li!e most authors8 you robably arti#i ate in a lot of online forums or newsgrou sE .f your forum has a lo#ation for boo! announ#ements8 then ost a note about your boo! along with a hy erlin! to your author age or boo! age at SmashwordsE ?hen you introdu#e yourself8 #onsider telling fol!s there about your boo!E -efore you ost about your boo!8 ma!e sure su#h osts are allowedE ,onCt s am the board with noti#esE Hot only would that be disres e#tful8 itCll robably get you banned from the siteE 0fter you ost your noti#e8 you #an usually subs#ribe to that thread so you re#eive an email whenever anyone re liesE .f they as! you a Guestion8 go ahead and re lyE Engage your readers in dis#ussion8 and by starting a #onversation8 youCll e1 ose your boo! to even more eo leE There are many great general eboo!&related #ommunities where authors #onne#t with readersE Consider arti#i ating at 'obilereadE#om8 0maBonCs Jorums8 Hoo!boards8 and GoodreadsE Smashwords has a Ja#eboo! forum at htt /NNfa#eboo!E#omNsmashwords +ou should arti#i ate in these #ommunitiesE ,onCt Dust flog your boo!sE Join the #onversations8 add value to the #onversations8 and ma!e new friendsE ,id you write a boo! about gardeningR Join a gardening #ommunityE ,id you write a boo! about over#oming8 or #o ing with8 some medi#al #onditionR There are #ommunities for that tooE Just Google Lto i#name #ommunityM for a long list of ros e#tsE ?hen you Doin a #ommunity8 study the #ommunityCs rules before ostingE .f the #ommunity doesnCt allow osts about your boo!8 #onsider adding mention of your boo! in your signatureE See Ti 49 aboveE Tip D18# /0periment with Coupons .n re#ent months8 Smashwords authors have done some really interesting e1 eriments using the Smashwords Cou on Generator8 available at htt s/NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNdashboardN#ou onsE The #ou on generator ma!es it easy for you to issue limited time #ou ons to your fans and ros e#tive fansE +ou #an romote these #ou ons on your blog8 your web age8 your rivate mailing list8 and on your so#ial networ!s su#h as Twitter8 'ys a#e and Ja#eboo!E +ou #an do

#ents off8 dollars off8 er#entage off8 and even issue #ou ons to ma!e your boo! free for a limited timeE Limited time #ou ons build urgen#y in the minds of #onsumers8 be#ause everyone wants to save money and get a good dealE *ther &oupon ideas# )se Cimited-Time Coupons to Create urgen&y# Create a #ou on with an e1 iration date8 and then use the limited&time #ou on to #reate urgen#y with readersE Post a noti#e on your blog8 or on Ja#eboo! or Twitter8 and en#ourage your fans to share the #ode with their friendsE (irtua+ 2rint Book$/,ook Bund+e# Create a virtual bundleE .f someone buys the rint version of your boo!8 #onsider issuing them a #ou on for a free eboo! version on Smashwords8 or a $N6 off eboo!8 or get #reative and thin! of another romotion that #reates urgen#y in the mind of your ros e#tive reader8 or that rewards them for ur#hasing or romoting your boo!E B+og promotion# .f you have a blog8 run a limited romotion that rewards your blog readers for visiting your blogE Jor e1am le8 you #an run a #ontestE ,o a ost where you offer the first $% or 6% or 9% eo le who #omment on the ost will re#eive a #ou on for a free #o y of your boo! at SmashwordsE .ntegrate a++ so&ia+ media with your ,+og promotion# Leverage Ja#eboo! and Twitter to draw eo le to your blog romotionsE Consider offering free Smashwords eboo! #ou ons to the first 6% eo le who leave a #omment on your blog8 or #onsider some other #reative riBeE Su#h a romotion wonCt #ost anything but your time to organiBe itE )se Coupons !or Book >e=iew 2romotions# >ffer a romotion to bloggersE .f any blogger anywhere agrees to review your boo! on Smashwords8 offer them a #ou on so they #an download a free review #o yE Sin#e Smashwords ma!es your boo! available multi&format8 anyone with any form of e&reader #an review the boo!E Tip D 19# @rite a ,+og >ne se#ret to good mar!eting is to engage your ros e#tive readers in #onversationE Share your thoughts8 your insights8 your o inions and of #ourse your writing talentE E1 ose yourself and youCll attra#t a following of eo le who res e#t how you thin!8 or who enDoy debating and dis#ussing ideas with youE ?ith hard wor! and time8 youXll eventually build a following of eo le who are more in#lined to read your boo!s8 or hel you s read the message about your boo!sE Starting a blog is easyE GoogleCs -logger (wwwEbloggerE#om" is a good free blog & itCs what . use for the Smashwords blog at htt /NNblogEsmashwordsE#omNE .f you want a more advan#ed blogging latform that gives you more #ontrol over the loo! and feel of your blog8 ta!e a loo! at ?ord ress (wwwEword ressEorg"E Good blogging reGuires a #ommitmentE .f you only do a few osts and forget about it8 your blog will be a failureE Try to do at least one ost a wee!E .f you #anCt #ommit to a blog8 do Twitter insteadE Tip D1:# @rite Guest Co+umns !or B+ogs 'ost literary blogs are run by eo le who love boo!s and authorsE 'ost bloggers do their blogs entirely as a volunteer effortE .tCs a lot of ressure for a blogger to #onstantly Lfeed the beast8M whi#h is how many bloggers feel when they #anCt find the time to write new osts on a freGuent basisE 'any of these bloggers allow their readers to write guest #olumnsE These guest #olumns offer you the o ortunity to write about a to i# of interest and rea#h a large audien#e8 often thousands of eo leE 5sually either at the beginning or at the end of your ost8 the owner of the

blog will give you a Gui#! bio8 where theyCll mention who you are8 your web address and your boo!E To write a guest #olumn8 first review the blog to as#ertain if guest bloggers are allowed to #ontributeE .f so8 ut together a great Guery for an arti#le youCd li!e to write that you thin! would a eal to that blogCs audien#eE Tip D18# .n=ite other -uthors to 2ost to your B+og .f you o erate your own blog8 invite your favorite authors to write guest osts for your blogE This is a great way to offer your fans interesting new #ontent that in#reases the value of your blogE .t also hel s fans of the other author learn more about youE Tip D1<# 3o G4- .nter=iews o! other -uthors on your B+og Every author a re#iates free media #overageE ,o @A0 interviews of your favorite authors in your genreE Sim ly #onta#t the authors and offer to interview them for your blogE Send them five or si1 Guestions via email8 and invite them to in#lude both their head shot and boo! #over imagesE >n#e you ublish your e1#lusive interview8 your interviewee is li!ely to romote the interview a#ross their so#ial networ!sE This hel s introdu#e their readers to your blog8 and through your blog8 they #an learn more about you and your boo!sE The other author may also re#i ro#ate by offering you a @A0 on their blogE Tip D20/ Join the &on=ersation on ,+ogs ?hen you #omment on another blog8 youCre often as!ed for your web addressE +ou #ould give your Smashwords 0uthor Profile age8 or your boo! age8 or your own web site or blog if you have oneE ?hatever you do8 donCt s am other blogs with messages to buy your boo!E ThatCs rudeE .nstead8 arti#i ate in relevant dis#ussionE .f readers thin! your osts are intelligent8 theyCll be #urious to learn more about you and will #li#! on your name to a##ess your lin!E Tip D21# *rganiIe a ,+og tour 'any authors go on tour to romote a boo! by organiBing boo! signings at boo!storesE -ut nationwide and worldwide tours are too e1 ensive for most authors and ublishersE ?ith the .nternet8 #onsider a virtual blog tour insteadE ?ith a blog tour8 you arrange to have news of your boo! ublished in multi le blogs8 with ea#h story timed to a ear on a se arate dayE .n a well& run tour8 all of the arti#i ating blogs #ross romote ea#h other (this gives the blog owner in#entive to arti#i ate"8 and readers are en#ouraged to follow the author day by day as the tour rogressesE To !ee the interest of readers8 wor! with ea#h of the blog owners to #over a different as e#t of your boo!8 or you as an author8 for ea#h dayCs storyE 'aybe one blog does a @A0 interview with youY another allows you to write a guest ostY another e1amines a s e#ifi# as e#t of your boo!Y et#E Jor an e1am le of a well&or#hestrated blog tour8 and how to set one u yourself8 see the Smashwords -log for our story on 0lan -a1terCs blog tour at htt /NNblogEsmashwordsE#omN6%%=N%;Ninterview&with&alan&ba1ter&how&to&setEhtml Tip D22# )se Goog+e -+erts to dis&o=er where the &on=ersations are taking p+a&e 0uthors are s e#ial eo le8 be#ause it ta!es an enormous amount of talent to write a boo! on any subDe#tE -e#ause youCre a subDe#t matter e1 ert8 there are robably doBens if not hundreds of online o ortunities for you to Doin #onversations and in the ro#ess8 hel romote and sell your boo!8 and romote your own subDe#t matter e1 ertiseE LetCs say you wrote a boo! on how to grow riBe&winning um !insE There are robably hundreds of gardening web sites and online forums that dis#uss that very subDe#t3 +ou #an Doin the #onversations by #ommenting on message boards8 blogs and news stories related to that subDe#tE Share your !nowledgeE *ow do you tra#! where the #onversations are ta!ing la#eR Create multi le Google 0lerts at htt /NNwwwEgoogleE#omNalerts8 and Google will email you whenever a new #onversation8 or a new news story or blog ost on a given subDe#t8 a earsE Jor this um !in e1am le8 you might want

to tra#! !eywords and hrases su#h as L um !in growing8M L riBe&winning um !ins8M and Lgardening ti sEM (emember8 the goal is to Doin the #onversation and add value with your wisdom and o inionsE ,onCt s amE Tip D23# Ce=erage ?ouTu,e (ideos to >ea&h >eaders 0nother se#ret to boo! mar!eting is to engage the senses of your ros e#tive readershi E ?e humans are sensate #reatures & we use sight8 smell8 tou#h and sound to inform us of our environmentE ?hen you sim ly write a te1tual boo!8 and u load your boo! on Smashwords8 youCre engaging only a sliver of the readerCs sensesE .f you embed a +ouTube video in your Smashwords boo! age (we su ort this"8 ossibly of you tal!ing about why you wrote a boo!8 or you reading a se#tion of the boo!8 or tal!ing about your writing ro#ess or your muses8 you engage the ros e#tive reader on a #om letely different sensory level8 be#ause youCre tou#hing them both visually (sight" and audibly (sound"E +ouCre giving them a level of insight into you as a writer that they #anCt easily er#eive by written words aloneE +ouCre engaging them8 and with engagement #omes a#tion (li!e ma!ing the de#ision to sam le or ur#hase your boo!"E Tip D27# 2rint up ,usiness &ards . realiBe it may seem sa#rilegious for a digital ublisher (who loves green trees more than ul ed trees" to re#ommend rinting business #ards8 but itCs im ortant to realiBe that our lives are unli!ely to ever go $%%K digitalE ?e humans still meet fa#e to fa#e8 in the flesh8 with our fellow humans at #hur#h8 #onferen#es8 restaurants8 bars and the gro#ery storeE Print u business #ards to advertise your authorshi 8 and list all the eboo! retailers that #arry your boo!E 'ost Smashwords authors8 the list might read something li!e8 L0vailable at Smashwords8 the 0 le i-oo!store8 -arnes A Hoble8 Iobo8 Sony8 0maBon and other fine eboo! retailersEM Post the #ards on #ommunity bulletin boards at boo!stores8 and hand them out to everyone you meetE Tip D28# /n&ourage your !ans to ,e&ome a!!i+iate marketers o! your ,ooks ?ho better to romote your boo!s than your fansR ?ith the offi#ial laun#h of the Smashwords 0ffiliate 'ar!eting Program on 'ay 698 6%%=8 your fans #an earn generous #ommissions sim ly by adding lin!s to your boo!s on their web ages and blogsE 0ll they need to do is sign u for a free Smashwords a##ount8 then #li#! to the 0##ount age for instru#tions on how to enroll in the affiliate rogramE Tip D29# Create a readerBs guide at the end o! your ,ook +ouCve robably seen these in rint boo!s/ Publishers a end short dis#ussion guides for reading #lubs and boo! grou s at the ends of their boo!sE 'a!e it fun and easy for a boo! grou to dis#uss you boo!E ?hile most of li!e to read boo!s in rivate8 we enDoy tal!ing about boo!s with our so#ial #ir#les8 both online and offlineE .f you #reate a reading guide8 be sure to advertise it in your boo! des#ri tion with a sim le statement su#h as8 LContains a hel ful dis#ussion guide for reading grou sEM Tip D2:# .nsert samp+e &hapters !rom your other ,ooks The last age of your boo! is valuable real estateE +our reader Dust loved your boo!8 and they want to read more from you8 so give them more boo! sam les to read at the end of your boo!E 0t the end of ea#h sam le8 rovide a hy erlin! ba#! to the Smashwords boo! age for your other boo!8 so readers #an ur#hase itE >r8 if the boo! isnCt ublished yet8 give them a sam le teaserE Tip D28# 3o a samp+e &hapters swap with another author .dentify another author you admire who writes in your same genreE ,o you thin! your fans would enDoy their wor!R ,o you thin! their fans would enDoy your wor!R .f so8 then artner with the author to introdu#e your fans to their boo!s8 and their fans to your boo!sE ,o a sam le

#ha ter swa E 0t the end of your boo!8 offer your readers a few sam le #ha ters from the other authorCs boo!8 and then they #an agree to do the sameE Tip D2<# .n=ite other authors to Koin you at Smashwords Thousands of new authors Doin Smashwords ea#h month8 and ea#h new author brings with them additional fans and readers who #an easily dis#over boo!s from other authors su#h as yourselfE ?ith every new boo!8 Smashwords be#omes a ri#her8 more vibrant destination for authors8 ublishers and readers ali!eE .nvite every author you !now to Doin you at SmashwordsE Tip D30# 2romote your ,ook to top e,ook +isting sites 'any o ular websites and blogs s e#ialiBe in roviding dire#tory&style lin!s to eboo!s8 and routinely lin! to Smashwords eboo!sE The sites . list here #olle#tively drive *thousands* of readers to the boo! ages of Smashwords authors ea#h monthE There is no #ost to you8 although you must earn in#lusion from the o erator of the siteE 'any of the sites s e#ialiBe in free boo!s8 although some will list ri#ed boo!s if you rovide them a time&limited Smashwords #ou on that will enable their visitors to a##ess your boo! for freeE .Cm a big believer in su#h romotions8 be#ause itCs a great way for you to gain a lot of readers in a short eriod of time8 and many of these readers #ould be your first fans and your first reviewersE -efore you #onta#t the web sites below8 be sure to study the sites and their rulesE Provide them dire#t hy erlin!s to your Smashwords boo! age8 and ay #areful attention to any other information they reGuest8 su#h as boo! des#ri tions8 ri#e8 et#E .f you #arefully follow their instru#tions8 youCll ma1imiBe your odds of a listingE Jree&>nline&HovelsE#om & This is a o ular web site run by author Jennifer 0rmstrongE She rovides lin!s to eboo!s in all #ategories8 with one sim le reGuirement/ The eboo! must be freeE htt /NNfree&online&novelsE#omNsubmissionsEhtml >nline Hovels & >nline Hovels at htt /NNonline&novelsEblogs otE#omN rovides an attra#tive dire#tory s e#ialiBing in free boo!sE 5nli!e the Jree&>nline&HovelsE#om8 however8 >nline Hovels will o##asionally list boo!s that are free for a limited time8 su#h as Smashwords boo!s that have $%%K&off #ou onsE Consider #reating a $%%K&off #ou on that e1 ires at some date in the future8 and then #onta#t this site and as! them if theyCd #onsider lin!ing to your boo! at Smashwords and ublishing the #ou on #odeE -e sure to let them !now when the #ou on e1 ires3 Submissions lin!/ htt /NNonline& novelsEblogs otE#omN6%%<N$%Nsubmissions&and&bro!en&lin!sT%6Ehtml -oo!s on the Inob ) This is a o ular blog that a#tively su orts indie eboo!sE >ffer the ro rietress a #ou on (free is best8 but she runs dis#ount #ou ons too"E Jor submission guidelines8 visit htt /NNblogEboo!sonthe!nobEorgN Nabout&this&blog&and&#onta#t&infoEhtml -oo!-aristaE#om ) Jounded by Smashwords author 'i!e ,ion ( en name/ ,odge ?inston"8 his new site offers free dire#tory listings for Smashwords authorsE Fisit htt /NNboo!baristaE#om Tip D31 A >ead The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success, a+so ,y Mark Coker Learn the best& ra#ti#e se#rets of the most #ommer#ially su##essful SmashwordsE Learn how to ta!e your mar!eting to the ne1t level by fo#using your time on tas!s that #reate ermanent mar!eting benefit8 as o osed to e hemeral benefitE Learn how to ma!e it easier for #ustomers to find your boo!8 rather than you having to find #ustomersE Tip D32 A )pgrade your &o=er image

+our #over image is the first im ression you ma!e on a ros e#tive readerE 0 great #over image ma!es a romise to the readerE .t tells the reader8 L.Cm the boo! youCre loo!ing forEM Cli#! over to -arnes A Hoble8 the 0 le i-oo!store or 0maBon8 and study the bestseller lists for your genre or to i#E ,oes your #over stand toe to toe with these #oversR ,oes your #over loo! as good or better than the #over images rodu#ed by large H+ ublishersR .f the answer is Lno8M then #onsider u grading your #over imageE .Cve seen multi le e1am les where an u graded #over doubled or tri led boo! salesE .n one #ase8 Smashwords author (ELE 'athewson u graded her #over image and it hel ed #ata ult her all the way to the Hew +or! Times bestseller listE (ead her fas#inating story here/ htt /NNblogEsmashwordsE#omN6%$6N%;Nauthor&r&l&mathewson&on&some& of&se#retsEhtml in the Smashwords blogE Great #overs need not be e1 ensiveE There are hundreds of great #over designers on the web8 and most #ost under V7%%E .f they #an #reate a #over that loo!s as good or better than whatCs ut out by a big H+ ublisher8 the small #ost is one of the best investments you #an ma!e in your boo! (other than rofessional editing8 whi#h is mu#h more e1 ensive"E . maintain a list of low&#ost #over designers (all fellow Smashwords authors" who rovide #overs for between V79 and V$%%E 0ll have online ortfolios so you #an review the Guality of their wor! before you hire themE Get the list via instant autores onder sim ly by sending an email to listSsmashwordsE#omE These are all inde endent freelan#ers8 and . donCt re#eive a #ommission or referral fee if you hire themE TheyCre on the list be#ause theyCve done great wor! for other Smashwords authorsE 0fter you re#eive your new #over8 #li#! to your Smashwords ,ashboard8 #li#! Settings8 then u load itE Tip D33 A Share these marketing tips with your !e++ow authors; Share the mar!eting ti s you learned here in this Guide with your fellow authorsE (emember8 when authors hel authors8 all authors benefitE Tip D37 A Create an on+ine &a++ing &ard and ,io at -,out%me 0boutEme is a free online site that allows you to ost an online bio8 with lin!s #onne#ting to your entire so#ial media resen#eE . #reated mine in about $9 minutes at htt /NNaboutEmeNmar!#o!er >ne of the se#rets of good online mar!eting is to ma!e it as easy as ossible for eo le to find you and #onne#t with youE Tip D38 A Create a presentation and up+oad it to S+ideShare%net Consider #reating a SlideShare ,e#! for your -oo!E . L>FE SlideshareE Slideshare is a free servi#e8 owned by Lin!ed.n8 whi#h allows you to u load and romote online resentations #reated with PowerPoint or similar resentation software rogramsE . started using Slideshare four years ago to ubli#ly share the PowerPoints from the wor!sho s . do at writers #onferen#es8 and to date my 62 resentations have had over 69%8%%% viewsE .Xve also used them o##asionally for PowerPoints #reated for the sole ur ose of sharing on SlideShare and to embed in the Smashwords -logE +ou #an a##ess the #om lete library of my Smashwords resentations on the Smashwords SlideShare age at htt /NNslideshareEnetNsmashwordsN resentationsE >ne of the #ool things about Slideshare is that not only does the site itself get a fair amount of traffi#8 its #ool em,ed feature allows your friends and fans to embed your resentation on their websites and blogs (mu#h in the same way eo le #an embed +ouTube videos"E *ereCs what an embedded resentation loo!s li!e/ htt /NNblogEsmashwordsE#omN6%$7N%9Nnew&smashwords&survey&hel s& authorsEhtml 1ow authors &an use S+ideshare# ,o a PowerPoint boo! trailer for your boo!8 u load it to Slideshare8 then embed it in your blog or website8 romote it a#ross your so#ial networ!s8 and en#ourage your fans to embed it in their blogs and websites tooE +ou #an even embed +ouTube Fideos in your Slideshare Presentation8 as . did in my Z5 on the GearsZ resentation at htt /NNwwwEslideshareEnetNSmashwordsNu on&the&gears&of&big& ublishing&asDa&may&$9&ber!eley&

#a whi#h in#luded a video of 'ario Savio8 a leader of the free s ee#h movement at 5C -er!eley in the X:%sE >r8 imagine youXre doing a resentation at your lo#al library about you and your boo!s8 then #reate that resentation and ut it u E 0t the end of ea#h of my resentations8 . add hy erlin!s to where viewers #an learn more about Smashwords8 or #onne#t with me via the various so#ial networ!s8 or email me dire#tE >bviously8 .Xm out there romoting eboo!s8 eboo! edu#ation and SmashwordsE +ou #an romote yourself and your boo!sE >r8 share what youXve learned about e& ublishing and share it with your fellow writersE 'aybe #reate a resentation on eboo! formatting ti s8 or how to design a great #over8 or share your own eboo! mar!eting ti sE The oint is8 Dust get yourself out there in as many la#es as ossibleE Eboo! buyers (or whomever you want to rea#h or hel " #onsume all forms of mediaE These SlideShare resentations are Dust another form of mediaE >n#e you get your resentation u and out there8 itXs a er etual #alling #ard8 waiting to be stumbled u on by someone loo!ing to #onsume the information you resentedE >ver time8 you may get doBens8 hundreds8 maybe even thousands of views (Slideshare tra#!s the views for you" de ending on the Guality of your #ontent and how well you romote it (*mmm8 Dust li!e eboo!s3"E Tip D39 A Join Cinked.n, post +inks to your ,ooks Lin!ed.n is a free so#ial networ! for business rofessionalsE 0s a self& ublished author8 youCre running a businessE Lin!ed.n offers numerous online forums where you #an networ! with8 and learn from8 fellow authors who are learning to rea#h readers Dust li!e the rest of usE >n#e you #reate your free a##ount8 Lin!ed.n allows you to #reate a #om rehensive8 online&a##essible8 sear#h&engine&o timiBed ersonal rofile age8 and on that age you #an list all your boo!sE *ereCs my ersonal rofile age at Lin!ed.n/ htt /NNwwwElin!edinE#omNinNmar!#o!er 0t the bottom of my rofile8 youCll find lin!s to some the Lin!ed.n grou s .Cve DoinedE +ou might want to Doin some of them yourselfE Some of the grou s offer wee!ly digest emails so you #an still follow the #onversations if you donCt have time to arti#i ate ea#h dayE Lin!ed.n also offers other #ommon so#ial media features8 li!e news feeds8 and integration with your Twitter feed (so your Tweets on Twitter #an automati#ally a ear at Lin!ed.n"E Entire boo!s have been written about Lin!ed.n8 so . wonCt attem t to #over everythingE Just Dum in8 #reate a rofile8 #onne#t to me as a friend8 and start learningE Some Cinked.n Tips# 1% *ow to 0dd Conne#tionsE ?hen you try to friend someone (they #all it L0dding a Conne#tionM" ty e a note in there about who you areE .f you donCt8 the re#i ient will re#eive a generi# message8 and is less li!ely to a##e t your #onne#tionE .f someone writes a ersonal note for their #onne#tion reGuest su#h as8 L*i 'ar!8 .Cm a Smashwords author3M .Cm mu#h more li!ely to a##e t the #onne#tionE 2% Hever S am/ >n#e you #reate an a##ount and start #onne#ting with eo le8 Lin!ed.n allows you send emails to all your friendsE . never send mass emails through Lin!ed.nE 3onBt e=er spam your #onne#tions with soli#itations to ur#hase your boo!E ?hen . get these soli#itations8 . unfriend the ersonE Lin!ed.n ma!es it easy to remove #onne#tions though their L(emove Conne#tionsM featureE Tip D3: A 3o a presentation at your +o&a+ +i,rary on e,ook pu,+ishing Conta#t the events #oordinator your lo#al library and offer to do a tal! about eboo!s8 or about eboo! self& ublishingE 0s art of your tal!8 you #an share your own ersonal Dourney as a self& ublished author8 and art of that Dourney in#ludes tal!ing about your boo!sE 0t Slideshare8 . osted a tem late that you #an use8 if you li!e8 as the foundation for your resentationE +ou #an download the PowerPoint file at Slideshare and then modify by inserting information about yourself8 your boo!8 and your self& ublishing DourneyE ,ownload the tem late here/ htt /NNwwwEslideshareEnetNSmashwordsNtem late&for&smashwords&authors&introdu#tion&to& eboo!s&for&library& resentations or a##ess of Smashwords eboo!&related resentations at htt /NNslideshareEnetNsmashwordsN resentations

Tip D38 A Tweak your (ira+ Cata+ysts to Make your Book More 3is&o=era,+e and 3esira,+e ?e would all love to identify the single silver bullet that hel s ro el our boo! into bestsellerdomE ThereCs no su#h thingE The truth of the matter is that to be#ome a bestseller8 you must do many things right while avoiding the mista!es that #an derail youE .n my free Se#rets to Eboo! Publishing Su##ess boo!8 . identified the most #ommon best ra#ti#es of the most su##essful authorsE .n the Se#rets boo!8 . introdu#ed the #on#e t of the (ira+ Cata+ystE 0 Firal Catalyst is anything that ma!es your boo! more available8 more a##essible8 more dis#overable and more desirableE 0 good Firal Catalyst hel s you #onne#t with readersE The Firal Catalyst #on#e t #reates a framewor! through whi#h you #an identify the many silver bullets ne#essary to rea#h readersE ,is#overy re#edes reading8 and reading leads to fansE Jans #an be#ome su erfans8 and su erfans be#ome the word&of&mouth advo#ates that mar!et your boo! for youE This is what eo le refer to when a boo!8 rodu#t or idea Lgoes viralEM .tCs all about word&of&mouthE +our readers will determine your su##ess at rea#hing other readersE Thin! of your boo! as an obDe#t8 and atta#hed to this obDe#t are doBens of dials you #an twist8 turn and twea! to ma!e your boo! more dis#overable and enDoyable to readersE These dials and !nobs are your Firal CatalystsE E1am les of Firal Catalysts #ould be broader distribution8 a better #over image8 a better ri#e8 better editing8 a better boo! des#ri tion8 better #ategoriBation or (bra#e yourself3"8 a better storyE There are many moreE The o osite of a Firal Catalyst is anything that #reates fri#tion that revents a reader from dis#overing or enDoying your boo!E Jri#tion redu#es viralityE The above #ase study about (ELE 'athewson showed how this great roman#e author8 sim ly by u grading her #over image8 hit the Hew +or! Times bestseller listE *er revious #over image was #reating unne#essary fri#tion that revented readers from reading her great boo!sE .dentify and remove all oints of fri#tion and you have a better #han#e to rea#h readersE .f you ay s e#ial attention and maintain an o en mind8 your readers and ros e#tive readers8 through their a#tion or ina#tion8 will give you #lues as to whether or not your boo!Cs Firal Catalysts are resonating with themE This was the subDe#t of one of my blog osts in 'ar#h 6%$78 titled8 Si) Tips to ?ring *our ?ook ?ack from the Doldrums % /eading /eader Tea 4eavesE .n 'ay 6%$78 . ublished a study that e1amined multi le other otential Firal Catalysts8 su#h as word #ount8 ri#ing8 the idea title length8 and moreE +ouCll find that study in my blog ost titled8 6ew Smashwords Survey elps 3uthors Sell 2ore ?ooksE Self& ublished eboo!s are immortalE They never go out of rintE This means you #an evolve your boo! over timeE ?hen you get the Firal Catalyst formula Dust right8 youCll rea#h more readersE Tip D3< A Cink to /=ery >etai+er ?hen you distribute your eboo! with Smashwords8 weCll get your boo! listed at multi le eboo! retailersE Ea#h of these retailers ) large and small ) rea#hes a uniGue audien#e of readersE 'any of these readers sho only at these stores8 whi#h mean if your boo! isnCt available there8 youCre less li!ely to rea#h all the readers you deserveE .f you maintain a blog or website8 or if youCre a#tively romoting your boo!s on so#ial media8 itCs #riti#ally im ortant that you rovide dire#t hy erlin!s to your boo!s at all the retailers where your boo!s are listedE This is es e#ially true for your blog or web site8 whi#h for many readers will be

the home base of your author brandE .f8 for e1am le8 a ros e#tive reader visits your website8 and this reader refers to read on their iPad and sho at the 0 le i-oo!store8 yet they only see a lin! to 0maBon8 youCre less li!ely to get the saleE >ther readers refer to sho at -arnes A Hoble8 or Iobo8 or at SmashwordsE#omE Provide dire#t hy erlin!s to your boo!Cs listing at every retailer and youCll eliminate yet another oint of fri#tion that #an revent a reader from reading your boo!E 'a!e it easy for readers to ur#hase your boo!s at their favorite retailer3 Tip D70 A 3o a 2reorder !or ?our 5e0t Book Jor your ne1t boo!8 release it as a reorderE ?ith reorders8 an authorCs eboo! is listed at retailers in advan#e of the offi#ial LonsaleM dateE ,uring the reorder eriod8 #ustomers #an read a sam le teaser of the boo! and la#e advan#e ordersE The boo! a##umulates orders leading u to the offi#ial release dateE >n the day the boo! offi#ially goes on sale8 the readerCs #redit #ard is #harged and the boo! is released to the #ustomerE 0t 0 le and Iobo8 your a##umulated reorders #redit to your sales ran! on the day you offi#ially go onsale8 #ausing your boo! to s i!e higher in the bestseller listsE Sin#e readers use bestseller lists to dis#over their ne1t read8 la#ement in a genre or store&wide bestseller list signifi#antly in#reases your visibility8 whi#h in#reases salesE Smashwords announ#ed reorder distribution to 0 le8 -arnes A Hoble and Iobo on July 6:8 6%$7E Learn more about the benefits of reorders at the Smashwords blog at htt /NNblogEsmashwordsE#omN6%$7N%;Nsmashwords&introdu#es& reorderEhtml and read my story at the *uffington Post8 e-oo! Preorders *el .ndie 0uthors *it -estseller ListsE Tip D71 A 3o a Smashwords .nter=iew; >n 0ugust 6%8 6%$78 Smashwords introdu#ed a fun new author mar!eting tool #alled Smashwords .nterviewsE ?ith Smashwords .nterviews8 we resent you with a series of Guestions you #an answer to hel readers learn the story behind you8 the authorE +ou #an also modify our Guestions8 or #reate your own GuestionsE 'a!e your interview uniGue3 >n#e you #reate an interview8 we romote it a#ross the Smashwords web site by lin!ing it to your author rofile age8 your boo! ages and the Smashwords home ageE The interviews also #ontain so#ial sharing lin!s so your fans #an romote your interview to their friendsE +ouCll find the Smashwords .nterviews feature underneath the 0##ount tab at SmashwordsE (ead the original announ#ement at the Smashwords blog at htt /NNblogEsmashwordsE#omN6%$7N%<Nsmashwords& interviews&hel s&readersEhtml or start your interview now at htt s/NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNmanageinterviewNinfo Thanks !or reading; Than! you for ta!ing the time to read the Smashwords -oo! 'ar!eting GuideE . trust the ideas you learned here will hel you be#ome more su##essful as an authorE ,o you have suggestions for additional mar!eting ti s . should in#lude in future revisionsR . wel#ome your feedba#!E Conta#t me at m# at smashwords dot #omE .f you found this free eboo! useful8 wonCt you lease tell a friendR *a y mar!eting8

'ar! Co!er Jounder Smashwords8 .n#E htt /NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omN

3own+oad these other Smashwords tit+es ,y Mark Coker#

The Smashwords Style Guide (*ow to format and ublish an eboo! for free" The Se#rets to Eboo! Publishing Su##ess (6< best ra#ti#es of the most #ommer#ially su##essful Smashwords authors" The $%&'inute P( Che#!list ) *ow to Earn the Publi#ity +ou ,eserve -oob Tube (a novel about soa o eras"

-,out the -uthor

'ar! Co!er is the founder of Smashwords8 an eboo! ublishing and distribution latformE Smashwords that has hel ed over :%8%%% authors and ublishers around the world release and distribute over 6%%8%%% eboo!sE Prior to founding Smashwords8 'ar! served as resident of ,ovetail Publi# (elations8 where he rovided strategi# #ommuni#ations #ounsel to doBens of Sili#on Falley te#hnology firms ranging from hot garage startu s to some of the largest te#hnology #om anies in the worldE .n addition to the Smashwords -oo! 'ar!eting Guide8 'ar! is also the author of the Smashwords Style Guide (how to format and ublish and eboo!"8 The Se#rets to Eboo! Publishing Su##ess (eboo! ublishing best ra#ti#es"8 The $%&'inute P( Che#!list8 and is the #o&author of -oob Tube8 a novel he wrote with his wife8 LesleyannE

Conne&t with Mark Coker Jor u dates on Smashwords develo ments8 follow me on Twitter at htt /NNwwwEtwitterE#omNmar!#o!er Smashwords blog (offers (SS and email subs#ri tions"/ htt /NNblogEsmashwordsE#om Smashwords Site 5 dates (bug re orts8 mar!eting ti s8 Smashwords site news"/ htt s/NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNaboutNbeta 'y *uffington Post #olumns/ htt /NNhuffington ostE#omNmar!&#o!er Jriend me on Ja#eboo!/ htt /NNfa#eboo!E#omNmar!#o!er Conne#t with me on Lin!ed.n/ htt /NNwwwElin!edinE#omNinNmar!#o!er 'y Smashwords author rofile/ htt s/NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omN rofileNviewNm#

'y Smashwords .nterview (remember to ma!e your own3"/ htt s/NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNinterviewNm# Conne&t with !e++ow Smashwords authors >ffi#ial Smashwords Ja#eboo! age/ htt /NNfa#eboo!E#omNSmashwords Smashwords authors on Ja#eboo!/ htt s/NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNso#ialbuBBNsmashwordsTauthorsNlatestNfa#eboo! Smashwords authors on Twitter/ htt s/NNwwwEsmashwordsE#omNso#ialbuBBNsmashwordsTauthorsN latestNtwitter


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