Classroom Management Plan Grading Rubric - Google Drive

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Team STEM Classroom Management Plan Grading Rubric Criteria Identifies behavior Outstanding 3 points Clearly identifies the

e types of behavior in Ms Evans classroom, as well as other classrooms, that lead to a lack of learning in the classroom. Correlates to the assigned readings, and incorporates references to module readings or other resources (formal citation not required). Includes in-depth description of practical classroom management techniques. Organized thoughts and ideas, with clear and easy-to-follow connections. Few, if any, grammatical or stylistic erros. Proficient 2 points Identifies some but not all of the types of behavior in Ms Evans classroom, as well as other classrooms, that lead to a lack of learning in the classroom. Correlates to some but not all relevant assigned readings, and incorporates at least some references to module readings or other resources (formal citation not required). Includes some practical classroom management techniques. Organized thoughts and ideas, with some connections. Basic 1 point Fails to identify the types of behaviors in Ms Evans classroom, or other classrooms, that lead to a lack of learning in the classroom. Lacks correlation to the assigned readings, and fails to incorporate references to module readings or other resources. Lacks practical classroom management techniques. Unorganized and difficult to understand due to a lack of connections between/among thoughts and ideas. Obvious grammatical and/or stylistic errors that interfer with content.

Incorporates expert resources

Management techniques

Organization of ideas/thoughts


Several grammatical and/or stylistic errors.

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