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Presidency University Library

Demand of Books for both Campus

Sl Author Others Books Edn Year Publisher Copy Price Total Price Remarks
Hubert Schield Teach Yourself C++ 3 2004 Tata McGraw 4
1 500 2000
2 D. K. Cheng Engineering Electromagnetic 4 750 1800
A. Ashley Oxford Handbook of Commercial 2003 Oxford 1 500 500
3 correspondence
4 Business letter for all Oxford 1 400 400
5 John Flower Build your Business Vocabulary Lt 2009 Cambridge 2 900 1800
6 Tim Bower Build your Business Grammar Lt 2009 Cambridge 2 925 1850
7 Leo Jones Functional English with CD/ Cassette Lt 2009 2 500 1000
8 Chang Raymond Chemistry 7 2002 McGraw-Hill 2 725 1450
9 Zemansky Mark Heat and Thermodynamics 7 1979 McGraw-Hill 3 480 1440
10 J.W Nilson F. Riedel Electronic Circuit 7 2009 3 500 1500
Scheid Francis Theory and Problems of Numerical 2 1988 4 350 1400
11 Analysis
Shil Rabindra Nath Debnath Subash An Introduction to the theory of 2008 Minati Shil 6 200 1200
12 Chandra Statistics
Madan R D Modern Inorganic Chemistry 5 2002 Tata McGraw 4 500 2000
14 Huque M. M Nawab M A Principal of Physical Chemistry 4 1984 Hoque 4 300 1200
Haider S Z Introduction to Modern Inorganic 2000 Friends Int'l 4 350 1400
15 Chemistry
Metz G. R. Schaum's outlines: Physical 2 McGraw-Hill 4 450 1800
16 Chemistry
17 Subrahmanyam A textbook of Optics 1 1996 S.Chand 4 200 800
Murphy Raymond English Grammar in Use: A self -study 2 2003 Cambridge 4 250 1000
18 reference book for intermediate students
Swan Michael Walter Catherine The Good Grammar Book With 2001 Oxford 4 200 800
Swan Michael Basic English Usage lt Oxford 2 225 450
Swan Michael Practical English Usage 2 1996 Oxford 2 225 450
John Eastwood Oxford Practice Grammar with lt OUP 2 300 600
Wong Linda Sentence Essentials : A Grammar 1999 Houghton 4 250 1000

Page 1
Presidency University Library
Demand of Books for both Campus
L Sue Baugh Maridill and David How to Write First-Class Business 2006 Friend Book 2 250 500

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