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Creative title: _______________________________________ Subtitle : __________________________________ __________________________________________________

For subtitle try using a quote related to your topic.

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Con Cal clusion l to acti : Revis on: i The t your A sis s tate ttentio n gr men abb t e


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Complete WORKS CITED. All sources must be noted WITHIN paper & appear on citation page. Use MLA format

t ext tha over n e ill c tatem sis s essay w e h t with your End nts that : n o i i e po duct Intro s the thre plain

estio r : Qu

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Biography = WHO

Explain and interpret your primary research. Primary research: INTERVIEW, SURVEY or CLOSE READING


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Setting: Geographical & Historical Provide the WHEN & WHERE

Cite sources.

Focus point: Point 3 You can have more than 3 points.

Focus point: Point 1

Specific quote or paraphrase to prove your point. Focus point: Point 2

Specific quote or paraphrase from your research to prove your point. Cite sources.

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