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Conservation Proclamation Week 2: Call to Action-Water Conservation Lesson 2 (1 day) Duration: 50 minutes Objectives o Students will apply all

that they have learned in order to observe and document water usage and waste in their surrounding communities while on a walking field trip. o Students will observe and document water conservation at work or the lack thereof by capturing such with a mobile device or digital camera. o Students will share their findings using the social media tool, Instagram, to bring awareness to water conservation in their community. California State Standards for Earth Science o Students know that the amount of fresh water located in rivers, lakes, underground sources, and glaciers is limited and that its availability can be extended by recycling and decreasing the use of water. Common Core State Standards English-Language Arts CCSS for 5th Grade o SL-Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas.4: Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace. o SL-Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas.5: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentation when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. Technology Standards (ISTE) 1. Creativity and Innovation o a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. o b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression. Prep/Materials o Access to at least 12 mobile devices and/or digital cameras with camera capabilities o Class Instagram Account (parent permission must be granted at the beginning of the year in order for students to interact with this social media site) Instruction (Teacher Input) o Inform students that they will be going on a Scavenger Hunt to find water conservation at work (or lack thereof) in their surrounding community. o Lead students in a quick discussion of what they should be looking for, both positive and negative, on their walking field trip: -sprinklers on during non-operating hours (negative) -faulty sprinklers (negative) -rain collection barrels (positive)

-drought-tolerant landscaping, which does not require much water (positive) o Inform students that they should keep an eye out for these things and should try to take pictures of both the positive and negative aspects of water usage in their surrounding community. Independent Activity/Technology Integration o Depending on the availability of mobile devices and/or digital cameras, students will either be paired with a partner (1 device per group) or will be grouped in groups of 3-4 (if there are less than 6 devices to go around). o Students will walk around their school within a 2-block radius, as guided by the teacher (and Teachers Aide or Parent Volunteer-the more the merrier). Though the walking field trip will take no more than one and a half hours, encourage students to use the restroom before you leave campus. o Along the way, stop and explain so obvious and not so obvious examples of water conservation (and lack thereof). o Students should take at least 2 pictures for positive examples, as well as 2 pictures of negative examples. o Each student will then choose their favorite image and post it to the class Instagram account. Each image should include a short description of what action is taking place in the picture (positive or negative), as well as some relevant and clever #hashtags! o Those with smart phones may upload right there and then while on the field trip. Those with a digital camera will need to wait until you return to school to upload to a computer, to then post to Instagram. o Finally, the class will have a discussion about the things they observed. Each students Instagram post will then be displayed using the projector as a culminating activity. Example:

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