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Evans Storyboard for FRIT 7233 (NOTE TO THE PROFESSOR: I am including my video introduction as the beginning of my trailer in Movie Maker. I included the description of this within this storyboard. My video introduction is a scripted interaction with my book club and then I give a summary to the group. I made the storyboard flexible enough to have the book trailer and introduction together OR as separate stand-alone pieces, depending upon your feedback. I also included my notes prior to the story board with this submission because I wanted you to know my target audience. Please let me know if this is okay. You said to have fun with it and I certainly have! I have a clear vision for this I just hope I can achieve it in Movie Maker, as this will be my first experience with it. My book trailer deals with the subject matter as opposed to focusing on the individual characters because of the nature of the story. I wanted to hook the audience and not give away any spoilers. Thanks for any and all feedback. RBE) Audience: Book Club Members 17-20 year olds (the boys have been begging for a survivalist story) Book: One Second After by William Forstchen Introduction: See first scenes in storyboard Hook: Create the What if scenario for members to begin thinking about the novels plot in the video introduction and get them interested in viewing the book trailer Storyboard

1. Title Slide Narration: none Music: Soundtrack - wave Motion: one second between the appearance of each word; 2 seconds of zooming in on title then fade out; book cover spins in; hold 3 seconds; fade out 2. Introduction Scene: Shot: medium - (Composition - remember to leave room for motion in shot; follow Rule of Thirds) Narration: Boy There are just no books that interest me. I want a hunting, fishing, outdoor kinda book. Music: none Motion: video 2A. Introduction Scene:
Shot: medium (Composition/Framing - remember to leave room for motion in shot; multiple people bottom right of shot) Narration: 2 girls entering with cell phones Girl 1 Hey, look at all these deserted cars in Atlanta because of the snow. I wonder what happened to all the people who had to ditch their cars? Girl 2 I hope we dont lose electricity in this winter storm. Yeah, if so, all we can do for entertainment is read. Whats the book about this month, Ms. E?

ONE SECOND AFTER sans serif font; size 72 on a black background

Boy enters book club meeting speaking

Two girls enter with cell phones

Music: none Motion: video

2B. Introduction Scene:

Shot: medium of me, scan crowd, close ups of students

Teacher responds to students

(Composition/Framing single person is in the left corner for emphasis; follow Rule of Thirds in close ups)
Narration: I say Well, guys, have I got a book for you this month. What
would you do if suddenly you were disconnected? What if the electrical grid went down, not just during this winter storm, but for weeks, months, years? Yeah, thats right, all of the electronic devices you find so critical to your life just suddenly STOPPED. Think about it. pan crowd for reactions No iPods, no cell phones, no more Twitter, no more electricity. What would you do? How would you survive? How would you communicate? What would your priorities become? How would YOU survive? close up shots of blank student faces; back to medium shot of me- Well that is just what our book of the month is about. As you read One Second After by William Forstchen you are going to experience the struggle faced by one American family who lives through an unexpected electromagnetic pulse attack on the United States. All electrical devices are rendered useless by the EMP and one family faces the challenges this provides. The book this month shows the struggle to live in a world without electricity, modern conveniences, mass communication, grocery stores, cars, medicine. What would you worry about first: food, water, safety? You will read about it all this month in One Second After. I think you are going to like it. Who wants to watch the trailer? close up of students Students ad lib - Yeah. Sounds good.

Music: none Motion: video Sans serif font; size 72 golden words on a black background; then skyline shots of NYC then ATL

3. Book Trailer opening scene

Narration: none Music: wave soundtrack Motion: words appear as if typed fade out NYC skyline appears fades to ATL skyline (Sense of coherency will be achieved through the continuity of font size, color, background color, and motion of still pictures)

In a world dependent upon technology

4. What happens scene

Narration: none Music: wave Motion: words appear as if typed fade out mushroom cloud appears short video clip of lights fading across USA

Font and background continued for continuity; words fade to mushroom cloud

What happens when all goes dark?

5. Will our nation survive scene

Narration: none Music: patriotic music file Motion: zoom into flag; words type across screen; flash to scenes of destruction

Will our nation survive? Or will it crumble?

6. Systems fall like dominoes

Narration: Systems fall like dominoesno electricity means no food, no fresh water, no medicine, no emergency services Music: trauma soundtrack Motion: pictures flash onscreen as narration is spoken

7. Chaos reigns
Narration: Chaos reigns Music: continued Motion: riots scenes flash on and transition into the next

8. One familys struggle

Narration: One family headed by former US Army Colonel and history professor John Matherson struggles to survive with his daughters and in-laws while the less fortunate die off in droves Music: continued Motion: fade from family to graves during narration

9. A small town
Narration: A small town comes together to protect its own Music: continued Motion: fade into town

10. Marauders
Narration: A band of desperate marauders tries to overtake the town Music: villain music file Motion: biker picture zooms in

11. One man and his army of students stand strong

Narration: One man and his army of students stand strong... Music: heroic file Motion: zoom in to the dad in the picture

12. Battle ensues

Narration: A battle for survival ensues Music: war file Motion: flash battle scenes

13. See what happens in William Forstchens latest novelOneSecondAfter

Narration: See what happens in William Forstchens latest novelOne.SecondAfter Music: 24 sound file Motion: book cover to black with text

Opening text is repeated here against black screen for unity and emphasis Cite all pictures and video clips here

14. Credits Roll

Narration: none Music: continued Motion: credits roll

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