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espaol I

leccin 5




3.2: Deportes

da 15

da 16

objetivo: Students will create a comic strips that showcases vocabulary and grammar. estndar de Reproduce and present a materiales: ReadWriteThink lenguage: written product in a culturally PC/Mac authentic way. projector estndar de Students demonstrate creative iPads tecnologa: thinking, construct knowledge, WordReference and develop innovative Google products and processes using technology. Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. actividades e instruccin: Da 15 Show students the ReadWriteThink comic strip tool. Show students the rubric for this project Instruct students to create a comic strip displaying their new vocabulary and grammar. Show students how to use Google and to educate themselves on any additional words. Allow students to choose their own groups of 2-3. Da 16 Allow students to work on their comic strips. tarea: Comic strips

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