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43, 560 Work Plan for 2014 (Draft)

Week of Jan. 20th: Take soil samples Week of Jan. 27: Equipment maintenance / inventory Week of Feb. 3: Ensure/ double check status of all items needed for March plantings o Fertilizer / seeds o Fencing / stakes o Irrigation supplies Week of March 3: Apply fertilizer / lime Week of March 10: Final seedbed preparation Week of March 17: o Plant the following crops: 3/14: Irish potatoes (90-120 days) - plant regular and seedless 3/14: C hickpeas 3/14: Onion sets

Plant / transplant the following crops: Carrots Cabbage Collards Lettuce

Week of March 24: Plant / transplant the following: o Kale o Turnips o Swiss chard o Beets Week of April 7: Plant the following: o Edamame soybeans o Bok choy Week of April 14: Plant / transplant o Tomatoes o Eggplant o Cucumbers Week of April 21: Plant o Radish Duties/responsibilities: o Take pictures of each bed and arrange in chronological order by crop o Make an example Powerpoint at the end of the summer for each crop o Weed control of each bed o Irrigation management / fertilizer injection o Supervise / sign in volunteers / visitors on Tuesdays and Thursdays o Make sure water is available for all staff

Harvest responsibilities: o Secure scales o Weigh and record the following: Average weight per head of cabbage, lettuce, and bok choy Average weight per bunch of cabbage, lettuce, and bok choy Transplanted vegetables: o 1. Cabbage - 80 days o 2. Collards - 80 days o 3. Lettuce, Romaine - 70 days o 4. Lettuce, Buttercrunch - 65 days o 5. Onion sets - 70 days o 6. Bok choy - 50 days o 7. Cucumbers - 75 days o 8. Tomatoes - 75 days o 9. Eggplant - 80 days o 10. Sweet Potatoes - 90-120 days Direct seeded vegetables: o 1. Chickpeas: 100 days o 2. Irish potatoes: 90 days o 3. Carrots: 75-85 days o 4. Kale: 60 days o 5. Turnips: 60 days o 6. Swiss chard: 60 days o 7. Beets: 60 days o 8. Radish: 40 days o 9. Edamame: 75-100 days, plant 4/1

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