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L"t Trimester Reflection: Physical Education (5 points toward grade)

Sportsmanship is essential in makj-ng PE a positive class. This trimester we discussed the importance of Sportsmanship in every unit. Answer the following questions about $portsmanship'


What exampLes

of good sportsmanship have you witnessed in others during the first trimester units of Pickleba1l, Football and Volleyball? Are there any individuals in our class who really stood out as

demonstrating posi-tive sportsmanship? Who are they and what did they

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sDortsmanshiP spf!s,T:t=,\,p pE your ansh'er.\i,\e3, Explain trimester? \r\n o "iocYha\\ 1O$1U4,\ in this i),.,Jfinq 'd \"\(,\ o"Uid, tr\ ii'\L\ttc,uvr S\C,tu4 ig:rcyt &bd\ o.rv'nctde atcucirdoluq

4. Without giving nalnes, did you witness


crr ffi/i1efi^r] f\1 Aaef{if}*ro r.,*.'r.ftttf Cef fa55 *is,"n ASai* qUJ"te&eK q \luci\'.a qUl,tW$K ""q; a Ct rl' \Qfri, {nrnitru xing\luci\g c1;$ Cn CLll' Aft i- e$en St\f,,{. $'ttrutA.&tntni<rukin E. What can yOU do next trimester to make this PE class even better? cm qct"q to frqch ou't-'lO 4iOA tolq} XUtXi +frrirE*kr1

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