Capozzola HistoryWorkshopSeminar

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A Graduate Sem|nar
Chr|stopher Capozzo|a
Department of n|story, MI1
Wednesday Aprll 2
, 3:00-3:30pm
PlsLory ueparLmenL Llbrary
2330 uole SLreeL, Sakamakl Pall A201

A|| graduate students are we|come to part|c|pate - p|ease not|fy
V|na Lanzona < v|anzonaQhawa||.edu> to [o|n and acqu|re the read|ngs

We wlll explore Lhe use and slgnlflcance of phoLography, and more generally vlsual culLure, ln Lhe processes of
colonlallsm and decolonlzaLlon. WheLher from Lhe camera of Amerlcan eLhnographer and uS colonlal governmenL
offlclal uean WorcesLer or from Lhe lens of ordlnary lndoneslans, phoLography and Lhe ldeas and emoLlons Lhey
evoke, play a cruclal role ln enhanclng colonlal power, manlfesLlng reslsLance or slgnlfylng naLlonhood and

1hls week's readlngs ask us Lo conslder how aL Lhe Lurn of Lhe cenLury, Lhe new Lechnologles of phoLography
shaped - and were shaped by - Lhe lnsLlLuLlons and culLures of lmperlallsm ln Lhe hlllpplnes and lndonesla. 1he
vlsuallzlng CulLures unlL also encourages us Lo conslder Lhe opporLunlLles and challenges posed by lnvesLlgaLlng
Lhls quesLlon ln Lhe realms of dlglLal hlsLory and publlc hlsLory.

We wlll embark on a vlsual [ourney wlLh Lhe followlng maLerlals:

A publlc hlsLory pro[ecL for vlsuallzlng CulLures, lncludlng an essay by rof. Capozzola, on
phoLography and power ln Lhe colonlal hlllpplnes:
An essay by llllplno hlsLorlan vlnce 8afael on phoLography and deaLh durlng Lhe hlllpplne-
Amerlcan war.
And chapLers from lndoneslan anLhropologlsL karen SLrassler's book "8efracLed vlslons: opular
hoLography and naLlonal ModernlLy ln !ava," LhaL explore how everyday phoLographlc
pracLlces generaLe vlsual hablLs LhaL ln Lurn glve rlse Lo pollLlcal sub[ecLs and communlLles.

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