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Name: ________________________________ Date:_________________________________

The Haunted Hotel

Directions: Match the following characters to their correct description by placing the correct letter in the blank. _____ 1. Livvy _____ 2. Mr. Linkletter _____ 3. Florence and Ebenezer Spivets _____ 4. Dink, Ruth Rose, and Josh A. Hotel owners and Mr. Linkletters aunt and uncle B. C. D. Hotel manager, runs the hotel Hotel maid Main characters of the story, are going to help solve the mystery

Directions: Answer the following questions 5. What is the difference between a prediction and an inference? Explain why.

6. List one predicition from the story. prediction. Support your answer.

Why is this a

7. List one inference from the story. inference? Support your answer.

Why is this an

8. What is the setting of the story? Explain.


What is the mystery in the story?


Are there any suspects yet?

Why or why not?

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