Survey Summaries

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Ryan Boudreau

College/Career Planning Survey Summaries

Interest Profiler: It was fairly simple and I disliked or wasnt sure about many of the
things. My results said that I would be interested in Investigative and Enterprising. I disagree with this. I wouldnt hate going into the Investigative field, but I much rather prefer something else such as Engineering, Architecture, and Technology. Some of the careers listed were: Agricultural Engineer, Air Crew Member, Architect, Auditor, Budget Analyst, and Computer/ Information Systems Manager. Out of those, I would like to be an Architect and could settle with being a Computer and Information Systems Manager.

Career Cluster Survey: As the first survey, it was also basic and easy to answer. My
top cluster was Information Technology, which I am not surprised by. I prefer to work on a computer rather than, say, be a Salesperson. Other careers that I was matched with are: Computer Hardware Engineer, Computer Network Architect, Computer Programmer, Computer Systems Analyst, Database Admin, Systems Software Developer, and Computer/ATM/Office Machine Repairer. I am well suited for nearly all of these jobs, though I might stay away from anything that has to do with analyzing a large list of computer attributes and whatnot, such as a Systems Analyst.

Basic Skills Survey: This survey was a bit more involved, and definitely more
complicated. My two highest results were Reading Comprehension and Active Listening, with 7 points. Math, Science, Critical thinking, Active learning, Learning strategies, and Monitoring earned 6 points. I got a 5 for Writing and a 3 for Speaking. This is very appropriate in my eyes and displays almost everything about me (in this category).

Work Values Sorter: This test took the most thinking of all 4 surveys, trying to fit
them all where they belong. My highest attribute was Achievement, with 27 points. Independence came next with 24 points. Recognition with 20, Support with 18, Working Conditions with 14, and Relationships with 12. As before, I think this is accurate on my top work values, though I have never been in a work place. Some careers in these top catagories that I am interested in would be: Aerospace Engineer, Airline Pilot/Flight Engineer, and Applications Software Developer.

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