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Chaos Space Marines

Introduction Background Arsenal of Chaos The Chaos Forces


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Note on Codex Chaos Space Marines (2007) You may also take the following units, identical to how they are shown in Codex: Chaos Space Marines, with the following changes;

Daemon Prince Chaos Lord Chaos Sorcerer Exalted Champion Greater Daemon

Chaos Rhino


Chosen of Chaos Chaos Terminators Chaos Dreadnought

(Chosen of Chaos, Chaos Legionaries and Chaos Renegades may take them as Dedicated Transports)

Chaos Predator


(Turret Autocannon now has a Small Blast Template)

Chaos Legionnaires Chaos Renegades Traitor Guard Lesser Daemon Pack

Chaos Havocs

(may take the Marks of Chaos from this book, for the same cost as Chaos Legionaries)

Chaos Spawn (points cost reduced to 30 per Spawn)

Fast Attack

Raptors Chaos Bikers Plague Drones of Nurgle

Possessed Chaos Space Marines (roll for power before Deployment)

Heavy Support

Chaos Defiler Obliterators Blood Slaughterer of Khorne Doomwing of Tzeentch Subjugator of Slaanesh Chaos Land Raider

Introduction Welcome to Codex: Chaos Space Marines

Arsenal of Chaos The Chaos Gods

The Warp is infested with countless vortices of dark power, Daemons. The greatest of these are the Chaos Gods; Khorne, the Blood God; Tzeentch, Architect of Fate; Nurgle, Father of Decay; and Slaanesh, Prince of Excess.

The Marks of Chaos

These Gods of Chaos often grant increased power to their loyal servants, and these take many different effects, most of which enhance their deadly warriors into ever higher levels of lethality. The Marks are as follows; All Marks give the Fearless USR. The Mark of Khorne Those marked by the Blood God become his Berserkers, and as such gain the following rules;

Furious Charge USR +1 Attack +1 Weapon Skill

The Mark of Tzeentch Those marked by the Lord of Change obtain strange, powerful psychic abilities;

Aspiring Champions, Chosen, Chosen Champions, Chaos Lords and Exalted Champions become Psykers and as such may purchase Psychic Powers from the Chaos Sorcerer entry. Chaos Sorcerers and Daemon Princes may use 2 psychic powers per turn, including the same one twice or two shooting powers. Any shooting powers must still be used vs. the same unit however. Any models not listed in the two points above gain the Slow and Purposeful USR They gain a 4+ Invulnerable save, replacing any they had already Bolters, Bolt Pistols and Combi-bolters gain the Inferno Bolts upgrade, making them AP3

The Mark of Nurgle Those marked by the Father of Decay become bloated, painless and inevitable;

+1 Toughness (which does not count towards Instant Death) -1 Initiative Feel No Pain USR Cloud of Flies Special Rule (always count as having defensive grenades)

The Mark of Slaanesh Those marked by the Prince of Excess become Noise Marines, emotion-addicted and discordant;

+1 Initiative +1 Weapon Skill Replace Bolters with Sonic Blasters, Autocannons with Blast Masters, and Plasma Pistols with Doom Sirens for free The Mark of Chaos Undivided

There are some who worship Chaos in its undiluted glory, and they gain lesser benefits but from all 4 Gods;

Choice of 1 free Veteran Skill; Infiltrate, Scout, Night Vision, Tank Hunters (every unit in the army must choose the same Skill. Daemon Princes may not have Infiltrate or Scout). They may re-roll any and all morale checks they have to take.

Icons of Chaos
The Icons are given to squads when they temporarily become the thrall of a Chaos God, giving rituals and sacrifices to whichever God will aid them most in their need. However, if the Icon Bearer is killed, the Gods favour is lost. The Icons give the following bonuses; Icon of Khorne The Icon of Khorne gives +1 Attack. Icon of Tzeentch The Icon of Tzeentch gives a 5+ Invulnerable save. Icon of Nurgle The Icon of Nurgle gives +1 Toughness (not applicable vs. Instant Death) Icon of Slaanesh The Icon of Slaanesh gives +1 Initiative Icon of Chaos Undivided The Icon of Chaos Undivided allows units to re-roll any morale check.

Arsenal of Chaos Chaos Weaponry

The Chaos Space Marines use many of the same weaponry they had since turning against the Imperium 10,000 years ago. Now however, some of those relics have been lost only to be replaced by dark new technologies invented and maintained by the Dark Mechanicus. Reaper Autocannon The Reaper is two, short-barrelled Autocannons strapped together to provide Terminators with long-range support and light anti-armour capability. The Reaper is a twin-linked weapon with the following profile; Range 36 Strength 7 AP4 Heavy 2

Daemonic Steeds
Many are the varied denizens of the Warp, as such many are the gifts granted to the Champions of Chaos, some of the more powerful of which, ar the Daemonic Steeds. Granted to powerful Lords and zealous Sorcerers, these heighten the already fearsome prowess of their masters. Daemonic Steed The standard daemonic steed can take the form of a corrupted horse, half-bike half-daemon monstrosity, or a multi-limbed abomination that defies nature. Regardless they are roughly equal in power and purpose. A model with a Daemonic Steed gains +1 Toughness (not applicable vs. Instant Death) and becomes Unit Type: Cavalry. Juggernaut of Khorne Massive armoured behemoths of brass and flesh. These half-machine beings are ferocious and bloodthirsty like their God. A model with a Juggernaut of Khorne gains a 2+ Armour save, +1 Toughness (not applicable vs. Instant Death) and +1 Strength. Disc of Tzeentch Mutated by the Changer from his Screamers, the Discs float elegantly across the battlefield, allowing its rider to seek out prey unhindered by terrain and obstructing enemies. A model with a Disc of Tzeentch gains +1 Attack, and becomes Unit Type: Jetbike. Palanquin of Nurgle A platform or throne carried by dozens of loving Nurglings, the Palanquin serves as a rally point for Nurgles forces, and as a slow reminder of the inevitability of decay to his enemies. A model with a Palanquin of Nurgle gains +2 Wounds and +3 S3 normal attacksin close combat., and the Slow and Purposeful USR. Steed of Slaanesh Graceful and lithe, the steeds of Slaanesh are quick as the winds, and deadly as serpents. A model with a Steed of Slaanesh gains +1 Attack, the Rending USR on its close combat attacks, and becomes Unit Type: Cavalry.

Daemon Prince
Name Daemon Prince WS 7 BS 5 S 6 T 5

Cost: 100 points

W 4 I 5 A 4 Ld 10 Sv -/5+ Points 100

Type: Monstrous Creature Unit Size: 1 Wargear:

He may pick a single Daemonic Gift from below for the points there.

The Daemon Prince can also be a Psyker (Unless he has the Mark of Khorne), and may take a single psychic power from below;

The Daemon Prince may take a suit of Doombolt +10pts Power Armour (3+ Armour save) for Aura of Chaos (5+ Invulnerable +15pts. Warptime +25pts Save) Wind of Chaos +30pts Options: The Daemon Prince can have any The Key +20pts The Daemon Prince may take an Mark of Chaos; Distort +25pts additional close combat weapon Mark of Khorne +20pts for +25pts. Gift of Chaos +25pts Mark of Tzeentch +30pts He may also take Wings for +40pts. Mark of Nurgle +30pts Close Combat Weapon Mark of Slaanesh +15pts Mark of Chaos Undivided +20pts Special Rules: Daemon, Eternal Warrior, Fearless

Daemonic Gifts Daemonic Strength +20pts

The model has been blessed with astonishing strength and physical brilliance, the model has +1 to their Strength value. Daemonic Speed +25pts

The model has mutated an extra pair of legs or some other form of locomotion to get to grips with the enemy quicker, the model has the Fleet USR. Cannot be combined with Wings/Jump Pack. Daemonic Visage +35pts

The model is terrifying to look upon, and inspires dread just with its presence, any morale check taken by the opponent in combat with this model is done at 2 Leadership. Also, when being charged, any non-Fearless enemy models count as moving through difficult terrain, representing their hesitance to attack such a creature. Daemonic Resilience +40pts The model is enhanced by the Warp, and even the most powerful attacks struggle to take down such an unearthly beacon of darkness. The model has the Feel No Pain USR.

Chaos Commander
Name Chaos Lord Exalted Champion WS 6 5 BS 5 5 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 3 2 I 5 5

Cost: varies
A 3 2 Ld 10 10 Sv 3+/5+ 3+ Points 100 65

Type: Infantry Unit Size: 1 Wargear:

The Chaos Lord may exchange his Bolter for;

The Chaos Commander may take a Mark of Chaos;

A Combi-weapon +5pts

Mark of Khorne +15pts Mark of Tzeentch +25pts Mark of Nurgle +20pts Mark of Slaanesh +15pts Mark of Chaos Undivided +10pts

Power Armour 5+ Invulnerable Save Bolter Bolt Pistol Close Combat Weapon Frag & Krak Grenades

Alternatively he may exchange his Bolt Pistol and/or Close combat weapon with;

Power Weapon +15pts Power Fist +20pts Lightning Claw +20pts Plasma Pistol +15pts

Options: The Chaos Commander may take one of the following forms of transport:

Or he may exchange his Bolter, Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon for a Lightning Claw Pair for +25pts

Alternatively, he may swap out all his wargear for Terminator Armour, Power Weapon & Combi-bolter for +25pts. He may then take a Mark of Chaos as above.

Jump Pack/Wings +20pts Chaos Bike +25pts Daemonic Steed +25pts

If with the Mark of Khorne;

He may then exchange his Power If a Chaos Lord, he may exchange his Weapon for the following; Bolter for a Daemon Autocannon for +25pts, or his Close Combat Weapon Power Fist +10pts for a Daemon Weapon for +35pts. Chainfist +15pts

Juggernaut of Khorne +35pts

Lightning Claw +15pts

If with the Mark of Tzeentch;

The Chaos Commander may take Melta Bombs for +10pts.

Disc of Tzeentch +30pts

Or swap the Power Weapon and Combi-bolter for a Pair of Lightning Claws for +20pts. A Chaos Lord may also exchange his Combi-bolter for a Daemon Autocannon for +35pts. Or exchange the Power Weapon for a Daemon Weapon for +25pts. Special Rules: Independent Character, Fearless

If with the Mark of Slaanesh

Steed of Slaanesh +30 pts

If with the Mark of Nurgle

Palanquin of Nurgle +30pts

The Daemon Weapons Extremely powerful, yet capricious in nature, the Daemon Weapons are symbols of dark power. They all have the following rules;

+d6 Attacks, if a 1 is rolled for attacks, the wielder suffers a wound with no save of any kind allowed. Power Weapon Two-handed

The Individual Marks of Chaos affect the other properties of the Daemon Weapon (see below); No Mark of Chaos / Mark of Chaos Undivided

+1 Strength

Mark of Khorne

Doubles number of attacks rolled (a 1 still suffers the wound however, but is doubled to 2 attacks).

Mark of Tzeentch

Causes Instant Death!

Mark of Nurgle

Poisoned (Wounds on 3+)

Mark of Slaanesh

Strikes at Initiative 10

Daemon Autocannon A weapon reserved for Lords who love their lives more than the fury of close assault gain these powerful weaponry, essentially modified Reaper Autocannons, they are imbued with the power of the Daemons of Chaos; No Mark of Chaos / Mark of Chaos Undivided

Range 36

Strength 7

AP 4

Heavy 2 Twin-linked, Rending

Mark of Khorne

Range 24

Strength 8

AP 4

Heavy 3 Twin-linked

Mark of Tzeentch

Range 36

Strength 7

AP 2

Heavy 2 Twin-linked

Mark of Nurgle

Range 36

Strength X

AP 4

Heavy 2 Twin-linked, Poisoned (Wounds on 2+)

Mark of Slaanesh

Range 36

Strength 7

AP 4

Heavy 2, Blast

Chaos Sorcerer
Name Sorcerer Lord Sorcerer WS 6 5 BS 5 5 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 3 2 I 5 4

Cost: varies
A 3 2 Ld 10 9 Sv 3+/5+ 3+ Points 110 85

Type: Infantry Unit Size: 1 Wargear:

Power Armour

The Chaos Sorcerer may choose one of the following psychic powers. Sorcerer Lords may choose two. Models with the Mark of Tzeentch may take one more than normally allowed. Doombolt +15pts Warptime +20pts Wind of Chaos +25pts Gift of Chaos +25pts

The Chaos Lord may take a Mark of Chaos;

Mark of Khorne +15pts Mark of Tzeentch +25pts Mark of Nurgle +20pts Mark of Slaanesh +15pts Mark of Chaos Undivided +10pts

5+ Invulnerable Save (Sorcerer Lord only) Bolter Bolt Pistol Force Weapon Frag & Krak Grenades

Options: The Chaos Sorcerer may take one of the following forms of transport:

Alternatively, he may swap out all his wargear for Terminator Armour, Force Weapon and either a CombiThe Key +30pts bolter or Close Combat Weapon for Pavane of Slaanesh (Models with +25pts. the Mark of Slaanesh only) Special Rules: +25pts Distort +30pts Nurgles Rot (Models with the Mark of Nurgle only) +15pts The Twisting Path (Models with the Mark of Tzeentch only) +25pts Bolt of Change (Models with the Mark of Tzeentch only) +25pts Independent Character

Jump Pack/Wings +20pts Chaos Bike +25pts Daemonic Steed +25pts

If with the Mark of Khorne;

Juggernaut of Khorne +35pts

If with the Mark of Tzeentch;

Disc of Tzeentch +30pts

If with the Mark of Slaanesh

Steed of Slaanesh +25pts

If with the Mark of Nurgle

Palanquin of Nurgle +20pts

The Psychic Powers of Chaos Note: Doombolt, Warptime, Wind of Chaos, Gift of Chaos, Nurgles Rot and the Bolt of Change can be found in Codex: Chaos Space Marines (2007).

Distort The Sorcerer warps reality and time around him, slowing his enemies so that it seems the Sorcerer moves with blinding speed. This power is used in the Movement phase, if passed, the Sorcerer gains Fleet, and strikes at Initiative 10 for this turn. However if the psychic test is failed, the Sorcerer moves as if through Difficult Terrain, and strikes at Initiative 1 for this turn. The Key By the simple act of touching a psychic focus, the Sorcerer quickly draws himself and those nearby through a gateway, instantly teleporting to another part of the battlefield. After a successful psychic test, immediately move the unit up to 4D6 in any direction, which of course counts as moving and the unit may not assault after this move, but may fire as normal. If the psychic test is failed, the unit may be moved up 4D6 in any direction of the opponents choice instead. The Pavane of Slaanesh [see Codex: Chaos Daemons] The Twisting Path The ever changing strands of fate are manipulated by the Sorcerer and the Great Schemer, causing their enemies doom to approach ever quicker. This power is used in the shooting phase, but does not count as firing a weapon. After a successful psychic test, pick a target, then pick one of the following effects to inflict upon the unit;

The unit must re-roll all armour saves forced upon them in this player turn The unit must re-roll all to-hit rolls in the owning players turn

Chaos Legionaries
Name Legionary Aspiring Champion WS 4 4 BS 4 4 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 1 1

Cost: 15 points per model

I 4 4 A 1 2 Ld 8 10 Sv 3+ 3+ Points 15 30

Type: Infantry Unit Size: 1 Aspiring Champion and 4-19 Legionaries Wargear:

Mark of Tzeentch, gives the following; +9pts per model

Mark of Slaanesh, gives the following; +6pts per model

Rubric Marines

Noise Marines


Bolters Bolt Pistols Close Combat Weapons

Power Armour Frag & Krak Grenades

The Aspiring Champion gains a Force Weapon and Bolt Pistol.

Any Aspiring Champion may take Melta Bombs for +10pts.

Mark of Nurgle, gives the followEvery fifth Noise Marine may switch ing; +7pts per model his Bolter for a Doom Siren +15pts or a Blastmaster +35pts. Plague Marines The Aspiring Champion may switch his Close Combat Weapon for a Close Combat Weapons Power Weapon +15pts or a Power Every fifth Plague Marine may switch Fist +25pts. his Bolter for a Flamer +5pts, Melta Mark of Chaos Undivided, gives gun +10pts, or a Plasma Gun +15pts. the following; +50pts The Aspiring Champion may take a Chaos Legionnaire Power Weapon +15pts or a Power Bolter Fist +25pts.


The unit must take a Mark of Chaos;

Mark of Khorne, gives the following; +8pts per model

Khorne Berserkers

Bolt Pistols Close Combat Weapons

Bolt Pistol Close Combat Weapon

Up to 3 Berserkers can exchange their Bolt Pistols for Plasma Pistols for +15pts each. The Aspiring Champion may exchange their Close Combat Weapon for a Power Weapon +15pts or a Power Fist +25pts.

Every fifth Legionnaire may switch his Bolter for a Flamer +5pts, Meltagun +10pts, Plasma Gun +15pts, Heavy Bolter +15pts, Missile Launcher +20pts. The Aspiring Champion may switch his Close Combat Weapon for a Power Weapon +15pts, or a Power Fist +25pts. He may also switch his Bolt Pistol for a Plasma Pistol for +15pts. Special Rules: Fearless

Chaos Renegades
Name Renegade Marine Veteran WS 4 4 BS 4 4 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 1 1

Cost: 15 points per model

I 4 4 A 1 2 Ld 7 8 Sv 3+ 3+ Points 15 30

Type: Infantry

Unit Size: 1 Veteran and 4-9 Renegade Marines Wargear:

One Renegade Marine may take one of the following; Flamer +5pts Meltagun +10pts Plasma Pistol +10pts Plasma Gun +15pts Heavy Bolter +15pts

Up to one Renegade Marine may be upgraded to an Icon Bearer, and take one of the following Icons;

Icon of Khorne +30pts Icon of Nurgle +30pts Icon of Tzeentch +25pts Icon of Slaanesh +15pts Icon of Chaos Undivided +15pts

Power Armour Bolter Bolt Pistol Frag & Krak Grenades

Options: The Veteran may take one of the following;

If the squad numbers 10 models, an additional Renegade Marine may take one of the following;

Flamer +5pts Meltagun +10pts Plasma Pistol +10pts Plasma Gun +15pts Heavy Bolter +15pts Missile Launcher +20pts Autocannon +25pts Lascannon +35pts

Power Weapon +15pts Power Fist +25pts Lightning Claw +25pts Plasma Pistol +15pts

He may take Melta Bombs for +10pts.

Name Cultist Cult Leader Aspiring Champion WS 3 3 4 BS 3 3 4

Cost: 6 per model

S 3 3 4 T 3 3 4 W 1 2 1 I 3 3 4 A 1 2 2 Ld 5 7 10 Sv 5+ 5+ 3+ Points 6 15 30

Type: Infantry Unit Size: 1 Aspiring Champion or Cult Leader and 10-30 Cultists. Wargear: Cultist

One Cultist in each 10 may exchange his Lasgun for;

Flamer +5pts Meltagun +10pts Grenade Launcher +10pts Plasma Gun +15pts

Up to one Cultist per unit may be upgraded to an Icon Bearer, and take one of the following Icons;

Icon of Khorne +40pts Icon of Nurgle +40pts Icon of Tzeentch +30pts Icon of Slaanesh +20pts Icon of Chaos Undivided +20pts


Close Combat Weapon or Las- The Cult Leader or Aspiring Champion gun may exchange their Close Combat Weapon for the following; Flak Armour Power Weapon +10pts Cult Leader Power Fist +20pts Laspistol

Special Rules: Fodder

Close Combat Weapon Flak Armour

Aspiring Champion

Power Armour Bolt Pistol Bolter Close Combat Weapon

Chaos Space Marines care little for their human brethren, using them as distractions and cannon fodder. The entire squad may take the InfilCultists are never scoring, and cantrate special rule for +3pts per model. not be taken as your compulsory 2 Troops choices.

Chosen of Chaos
Name Chosen Chosen Champion WS 4 5 BS 4 5 S 4 4 T 4 4

Cost: 20 points per model

W 1 1 I 4 4 A 2 2 Ld 9 10 Sv 3+ 3+ Points 20 +15

Type: Infantry Unit Size: 5-20 Chosen Wargear:

Alternatively, they may exchange their Bolter for one of the following;

Or a single model may take an Icon of Chaos from below;

Flamer +5pts Meltagun +15pts Plasma Gun +20pts Heavy Bolter +20pts Autocannon +25pts Missile Launcher +25pts

Icon of Khorne +3pts per model Icon of Tzeentch +3pts per model Icon of Nurgle +4pts per model Icon of Slaanesh +2pts per model Icon of Chaos Undivided +1pts per model

Power Armour Frag & Krak Grenades Bolter Bolt Pistol Close Combat Weapon

Options: Any number of Chosen may be upgraded to Chosen Champions for +10pts. Up to 5 models per squad may exchange their Bolt Pistols and/or Close Combat Weapons for the following;

Lascannon +40pts.

Special Rules: The squad may take a Mark of Chaos from below;

Mark of Khorne +8pts per model Mark of Tzeentch +9pts per model Mark of Nurgle +7pts per model Mark of Slaanesh +6pts per model Mark of Chaos Undivided +5pts per model

Power Weapon +10pts Power Fist +15pts Lightning Claw +10pts Plasma Pistol +15pts

Or they may exchange their Bolter, Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon for a Pair of Lightning Claws for +20pts.

Chaos Terminators
Name Chaos Terminator Terminator Champion WS 4 4 BS 4 4 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 1 1

Cost: 30 points per model

I 4 4 A 2 3 Ld 10 10 Sv 2+/5+ 2+/5+ Points 30 +10

Type: Infantry Unit Size: 3-20 Chaos Terminators Wargear:

Alternatively, any model may exchange their Power Weapon for;

The squad may take a Mark of Chaos from below;

Lightning Claw +10pts Power Fist +10pts Chainfist +15pts

Mark of Khorne +80pts Mark of Tzeentch +90pts Mark of Nurgle +70pts Mark of Slaanesh +60pts Mark of Chaos Undivided +50pts

Terminator Armour Combi-bolter Power Weapon

Up to 1 in 3 Chaos Terminators may exchange their Combi-bolters for;

Options: Heavy Flamer +10pts Reaper Autocannon +20pts Dual-Missile Launcher +20pts Any number of Chaos Terminators may be upgraded to Terminator Champions for +10pts.

Or a single model may take an Icon of Chaos from below;

Any model may exchange their Combi-bolter for a Combi-Flamer, Combi-Meltagun or CombiPlasmagun for +5pts.

Or, any model may exchange both Power Weapon & Combi-bolter for a Lightning Claw Pair for +15pts.

Icon of Khorne +30pts Icon of Tzeentch +30pts Icon of Nurgle +40pts Icon of Slaanesh +20pts Icon of Chaos Undivided +15pts

Special Rules: Relentless

Chaos Dreadnought
Name Chaos Dreadnought WS 4 BS 4 S 6[10] AF 12 AS 12

Cost: 110 points

AR 10 I 4 A 3 Points 110

Type: Vehicle (Walker) Unit Size: 1 Chaos Dreadnought Wargear:

The Dreadnought may replace its Twin-linked Autocannon or Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with one of the following;

Special Rules: Fire Frenzy! Dreadnoughts are insane creatures, entombed for thousands of years in a metallic husk, they rage upon the battlefield, reveling in their temporary freedom. At the start of each turn, roll a D6 and consult the chart below. 1. Fire Frenzy!

Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon (underslung Twinlinked Bolter) Twin-linked Autocannon

Twin-linked Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer free Multi-melta +5pts Missile Launcher +10pts Plasma Cannon +15pts Twin-linked Lascannon +20pts


The Chaos Dreadnought may have a Cult Dedication from below; Khorne: Destroyer +10pts The Blood God raises fury in the Dreadnought, both a 1 and 6 on the Fire Frenzy chart give a Blood Rage result. Tzeentch: Coruscating Warp Flame +15pts The Dreadnought gains +d6 S4 attacks in Close Combat. These do not ignore armour saves. Nurgle: Veil of Flies +15pts Shooting attacks from over 24 away always count the Dreadnought as Obscured.; Slaanesh: Aural Abomination +25pts The Dreadnought may not take weapon options; instead it gains Fleet, replaces its Twin-linked Autocannon with a Blastmaster and its underslung Bolter with a Sonic Blaster.

The Dreadnought goes berserk with its weapons. It may not move, but will shoot its weapons twice at the nearest enemy in LOS. If there are no enemies in range or Line of Sight, it will fire at the nearest friendly unit instead. 2-5. Sane for now

The Dreadnought may act normally this turn. 6. Blood Rage!

The Dreadnought surges forward, lusting for blood, the Dreadnought must move as fast as possible towards the enemy, this includes Running the in the shooting phase, and Assaulting if possible. For this turn, the Dreadnought has the Fleet USR.

Raptor Cult
Name Raptor Raptor Lord WS 4 5 BS 4 4 S 4 4

Cost: 23 points per model

T 4 4 W 1 2 I 4 4 A 1 2 Ld 8 10 Sv 3+ 3+ Points 23 45

Type: Jump Infantry

A Raptor Lord may exchange his Bolt Pistol and/or Close Combat Weapon Unit Size: 0-1 Raptor Lord and 5-9 for the following; Raptors Power Weapon +15pts Wargear: Lightning Claw +20pts Power Armour Power Fist +25pts Frag & Krak Grenades Plasma Pistol +15pts Bolt Pistol Alternatively he may exchange both Close Combat Weapon the Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Jump Pack Weapon for a Pair of Lightning Claws for +30pts or a Pair of Power Fists for Options: +40pts. The entire squad may take Melta Up to two Raptors may exchange Bombs for +5pts per model. their Close Combat Weapon for the The entire squad may take the following; Raptor Scream ability for +3pts per Flamer +5pts model.

Or a single model may take an Icon of Chaos from below;

Icon of Khorne +3pts per model Icon of Tzeentch +3pts per model Icon of Nurgle +4pts per model Icon of Slaanesh +2pts per model Icon of Chaos Undivided +1pts per model

Special Rules: Hit and Run Raptor Scream The Raptor Scream is a vox built-in to the Raptors helmet, designed to emit a terrifying screeching noise when they jump into combat. Any enemy that loses combat against a squad of Raptors with the Raptor Scream takes a morale check at 2 Ld. This does not affect Fearless units.

Meltagun +15pts Plasma Gun +15pts Pair of Lightning Claws +25pts

Chaos Bikers
Name Chaos Biker Biker Champion WS 4 4 BS 4 4 S 4 4 T 4[5] 4[5]

Cost: 33 points per model

W 1 1 I 4 4 A 1 1 Ld 7 10 Sv 3+ 3+ Points 33 43

Type: Bikes


Unit Size: 0-1 Biker Champion and A Biker Champion may take switch his 3-9 Chaos Bikers Close Combat Weapon for a Power Mark of Khorne +80pts Weapon for +15pts or a Power Fist Mark of Slaanesh +60pts Wargear: for +25pts. Mark of Chaos Undivided Power Armour The unit may take Melta Bombs for +50pts Chaos Bike +5pts per model. Or a single model may take an Icon Twin-linked Bolter Up to two Chaos Bikers may exof Chaos from below; change their Bolt Pistol for one of the Bolt Pistol Icon of Khorne +30pts following; Close Combat Weapon Icon of Tzeentch +30pts Flamer +5pts

The squad may take a Mark of Chaos from below;

Meltagun +15pts Plasma Gun +20pts

Icon of Nurgle +40pts Icon of Slaanesh +20pts Icon of Chaos Undivided +15pts

Fast Attack
Plague Drones of Nurgle
Name Plague Drone WS 3 BS 3 S 5 AF 10 AS 10

Cost: 65 points per model

AR 10 I 3 A 1 Points 65

Type: Vehicle (Skimmer) Unit Size: 1-3 Wargear: Plague Drones are equipped with a Pus Cannon, and a Poison Barb.

Up to one Plague Drone may exchange its Pus Cannon and Poison Barb for a Lascannon for +10pts.

Special Rules: Trail of Decay Any models assaulting a Plague Drone counts as assaulting through Difficult Terrain, to represent the ooze it excretes as it moves slowing down enemies.

Pus Cannon The Pus Cannon is a horrific weapon of Nurgle that decay and corrupts anything it fires upon instantly. It is a ranged weapon with the following profile: Range 36 Strength X AP4 Heavy 2 Blast, Poisoned (Wounds on 3+)

The Pus Cannon causes an automatic glancing hit on Open-topped vehicles, otherwise it has no effect on vehicles. Poison Barb Vicious looking whips covered in rusty spikes and rotting filth, the Plague Drones of Nurgle do not so much attack with these as they just whirl around them as they fly, striking anything nearby. A Plague Drone with a Poison Barb gains +d3 attacks in close combat, and all these attacks count as Poisoned (Wound on 4+)

Heavy Support
Blood Slaughterer of Khorne
Name Blood Slaughterer WS 5 BS 2 S 4(8) AF 12 AS 11

Cost: 80 points per model

AR 10 I 3 A 2+2 Points 80

Type: Walker Unit Size: 1-2 Blood Slaughterers of Khorne Wargear:

A Blood Slaughterer may take up to two additional Close Combat Weapons (+1 attack) for +15pts each. It may exchange any of its Twinlinked Bolters for a Flamer for +5pts each. Or it may exchange all 3 Twinlinked Bolters for a Meltagun for free.

Special Rules: Fleet, Furious Charge, Fire Frenzy (see Dreadnought, note the Blood Slaughterer counts as having the Destroyer upgrade for this purpose).

2 Dreadnought CCWs (bonus included in profile) 3 Twin-linked Bolters Daemonic Possession

Heavy Support
Doomwing of Tzeentch
Name Doomwing BS 4 AF 12

Cost: 180 points per model

AS 12 AR 10 Points 180

Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast)

Special Rules: The Doomwing may exchange its Doomwing Autocannon for a LascanDive Bomb Unit Size: 1 Doomwing of non for free. Tzeentch Doomwings excel at striking prey from directly above, swooping Wargear: down raining fire on enemies. The 1 Twin-linked Doomwing AutoDoomwing always hits the side arcannon mour of vehicles (representing the 2 Heavy Bolters top armour) and infantry in cover reduce their Cover Save by 1. Daemonic Possession

Doomwing Autocannon Tzeentchian Doomwings carry a large amount of firepower in the literal sense, firing great volleys of incandescent death upon its foes. The Doomwing Autocannon has the following profile; Burst Stream Range 48 Range 48 Strength 7 Strength 5 AP3 AP4 Heavy 3 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Pinning

Subjugator of Slaanesh
Name Subjugator WS 3 BS 3 S 7 AF 12

Cost: 130 points per model

AS 12 AR 10 I 5 A 3 Points 130

Type: Walker

The Subjugator may switch its Daemon Blade for a second Twin-linked Unit Size: 1 Subjugator of Slaanesh Blastmaster for +10pts. Or it may exWargear: change its Twin-linked Blastmaster for a second Daemon Blade (+1 At Daemon Blade tack) for free. Daemonic Possession

Special Rules: Fleet, Fire Frenzy (see Dreadnought entry)

Twin-linked Blastmaster Doom Siren

Chaos Defiler
Name Chaos Defiler WS 3 BS 3

Cost: 150 points per model

S 6(10) AF 12 AS 12 AR 10 I 3 A 3(5) Points 150

Type: Walker Unit Size: 1 Chaos Defiler Wargear:

The Chaos Defiler may switch one of its Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon for a Heavy Flamer for free. It may also switch another Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon for either a Reaper Autocannon or a Lascannon for free.

Special Rules: Fleet

4 Dreadnought CCWs Battlecannon Daemonic Possession

Chaos Land Raider

Name Land Raider BS 4

Cost: 240 points per model

AF 14 AS 14 AR 14 Points 250

Type: Vehicle (Tank) Unit Size: 1 Land Raider

The Chaos Land Raider may switch its Twin-linked Heavy Bolter for;

Special Rules: Assault Transport Models may assault in the same turn as disembarking from this vehicle.

Transport: 12 (models in Termina tor Armour count as 2) Wargear:

Twin-linked Doom Siren +10pts Autocannon +15pts Reaper Autocannon +25pts

2 Twin-linked Lascannons Twin-linked Heavy Bolter Daemonic Possession

Name Obliterator WS 4 BS 4

Cost: 80 points per model

S 4 T 4[5] W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 2+/5+ Points 80

Type: Infantry Unit Size: 1-3 Obliterators Wargear:

Special Rules: Slow and Purposeful, Relentless

Obliterator Weapons Each turn, the Obliterator may morph itself into one of the following weapons, it may also use different weapons in the Shooting and Assault phases;

Obliterator Weapons Terminator Armour

Plasma Cannon Power Weapon Power Fist Twin-linked Plasma Gun Lascannon Twin-linked Meltagun Multi-melta Multi-laser

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