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Biography: Clare Goodman Clare Goodman, a Universidad Technical National Englishs Professor, change completely her life when

she came to Costa Rica. Mrs. Goodmans life She was born in 1970 in England; she has an identical twin sister. She lived in that country until she was five years old, and then her family moved to Canada. Her family moved to Canada because her father was an electrical engineer. He used to work with forests, but there were not too many forests on England. Consequently, he went to find an opportunity in Canada. When she was 8 her parents divorced, and her mother married again. She had problems with her father because of the relationship was not the best one. Also, her father worked a lot, and he did not used to spend time with his daughters. Therefore, the most influential person as a child was her sister because they were always together. When she grown up, her friends were closer tan her family. During the childhood, one of her most memorable moments was when she and her family made a trip to the west coast of the US, from Canada to almost New Mexico. During her school time, Mrs. Goodman was a very good student. She worked very hard because her parents were very strict, so she was not allowed to get bad grades. Even though, she really enjoyed school because she had a lot of friends. During adolescence, she really loved high school where she had many friends and the possibility to take all the courses she was allowed. In college on Canada, she studied fashion design. Despite she liked it, she had to move from fashion design cause it is a really competitive field. For that reason, she had to choose something else. She knew the love of her life in Canada: a Costa Rican guy. Because of that, she came to Costa Rica in 1992 and started to study teaching. She obtained Bachelor Degree on English Teaching from Universidad La Salle and a Master Degree on Teaching from Universidad Latina. During College, she had a lot of influence from other teachers from whom she learned a lot. Mrs. Goodman really adores teaching; however, if she had the chance to choose a different career, she definitely would be an artist. She probably had been professional painter. Nevertheless, is very difficulty to make money being an artist. She got married 23 years ago with a Costa Rican guy called Alvaro, then she moved here. When they arrived, she did not know Spanish at all. For that reason, it was very difficult; she tried to learn from listening, watching people, and body language. At the beginning, it was very frustrating.

Since she came to Costa Rica she has learned a lot: the experience of traveling, to learn different languages and cultures, it teaches her a lot. Moreover, she stared to learn Spanish. Even she makes some mistakes while speaking; she thinks her Spanish is pretty good. Mrs. Goodman really likes Costa Rica, but sometimes she misses her country. Sometimes she gets a little angry about how certain things work here because she is not used to it. However, she travels every year to Canada, and when she came back to Costa Rica she fells like in home again. Talking about some concepts Happiness for Mrs. Goodman is to do what you want, being able to be free, having the freedom to do what you want, take risks, and challenge yourself. Maybe to take those opportunities that are presented to you, cause sometimes people get scared about it, and she thinks it is significant to learn a lot from that opportunities in life. One of her happiest memories as adult was when she had the opportunity, after college, to travel to England and spent time with her grandparents. She lived in England for a while and traveled a lot, meeting a lot of people and having a lot of different experiences. She wants people remember her for trying to do the best for the others, and helping people. She hopes some people will remember the kind things that she have done for them. Her greatest fear is getting old, looking back at her life, and have many regrets. Instead of that, she hopes not to have regrets at the end of her life. The person who she admires the most is her father. Even though he is a very tough man; he had nothing when he was young but he built a very successful business and its a very successful man now. In fact, the main lesson she learned in life was from her dad. From him she learned to work hard, consequently she accomplished a lot of goals. Another lesson is to try to treat the people the way you like to be treated. Priscila Alfaro David Campos

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