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1eachers aL Could do noL go sLarry-eyed over flashy new Lechnology we approach Lhe
laLesL and greaLesL app, devlce, or webslLe wlLh a sLudled cauLlon. We wanL proof LhaL Lhe Llme
and cosL of lmplemenLlng a new Lechnology wlll slgnlflcanLly lmprove sLudenL achlevemenL, and
we pay no heed Lo markeLlng and enLhuslasLlc promlses.
Cur school has been forLunaLe enough Lo recelve, Lhrough granLs and 1lLle l fundlng,
several carLs of lapLops, so our sLudenLs have regular access Lo Lhe hardware Lhey need Lo
develop 21
cenLury skllls. Slmllarly, almosL all of our classrooms have dlglLal pro[ecLors and
almosL half have lnLeracLlve Leachlng Lechnology llnked Lo Lhelr pro[ecLors.
WhaL we are mlsslng, Lhough, ls conLenL. As Lhlngs are now, when Leachers need Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed, daLa-based lnsLrucLlon Lo sLudenLs, Lhey have Lo bulld lL Lhemselves
from Lhe ground up. 1lme whlch could be spenL developlng lessons and analyzlng sLudenL
resulLs ls lnsLead spenL crafLlng, from scraLch, acLlvlLles speclflc Lo sLudenL deflclLs. lf Ms.
Holliday tests Jasmin and learns that she doesnt grasp the concept of synonyms, Ms. Holliday
needs Lo creaLe a lesson [usL for !asmln Lo masLer Lhe sklll. MulLlply LwenLy-flve learnlng
sLandards by LwenLy-flve sLudenLs and you flnd LhaL Ms. Polllday has Lo bulld hundreds of such
Lasks every year.
Wouldnt it help Ms. Holliday and her students if technology could do Lhe grunL work for
her? Wouldnt iL be wonderful lf she could provlde !asmln readymade, cusLomlzed, adapLlve
acLlvlLles and assessmenLs Lo help her masLer Lhe speclflc skllls she needs? 1he good news ls
that such technology exists. The bad news is that it costs money we dont have.
Coulds program should be funded over others for two reasons. First, we are not
pursulng Lhe laLesL cool fad, some flashy devlce LhaL lacks sclenLlflc research on lLs
effecLlveness. 8aLher, we would llke Lo lmplemenL a sclenLlflcally proven program of
lnsLrucLlon whlch dlfferenLlaLes lessons accordlng Lo speclflc sLudenL needs, a program wlLh
sLudled efflcacy. Secondly, Goulds program stands out in terms of our commitment to
successful lmplemenLaLlon and resulLs ln sLudenL achlevemenL. SomeLlmes schools recelve
Lechnology only Lo see lL langulsh ln a closeL, underuLlllzed or unused enLlrely. As deLalled
below ln our lmplemenLaLlon plan, we have already ldenLlfled a dedlcaLed Leam Lo provlde Lhe
Lralnlng and supporL on-slLe Lo ensure successful use of Lhe Lechnology ln every classroom. 1hls
Leam wlll meeL quarLerly Lo revlew daLa on lmplemenLaLlon and conLlnually lmprove use of Lhe
program. We are commlLLed Lo real, speclflc, measureable resulLs.

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1hough everyLhlng we Leach ls lmporLanL, readlng ls proven Lo be Lhe mosL essenLlal sklll
LaughL ln Lhe elemenLary grades. Landmark research by Lhe Annle L. Casey loundaLlon flnds a
dlrecL correlaLlon beLween sLudenLs who read on grade level by Lhe end of Lhlrd grade and
sLudenLs who flnlsh hlgh school ln oLher words, Lhose who read below grade level Lend Lo
conLlnue LhaL paLLern of fallure unLll Lhey drop ouL. 1he mosL lmporLanL Lhlng we can do as an
elemenLary school, Lhen, ls Lo geL our sLudenLs readlng on grade level and keep Lhem Lhere.
And we can have Lhe greaLesL effecL by eradlcaLlng Lhe effecLs of poverLy on sLudenL
achlevemenL, and Lherefore our goals LargeL economlcally dlsadvanLaged sLudenLs, Lhough Lhe
program would be lmplemenLed Lo all sLudenLs (our sLudenL body overall ls 71 economlcally
Speclflcally, our goals are Lo lmprove readlng resulLs accordlng Lo Lhe charL below. S8l
(ScholasLlc 8eadlng lnvenLory) measures boLh sLudenL readlng fluency and comprehenslon.
Whlle our ulLlmaLe goal ls Lo have every sLudenL readlng on grade level, Lhese speclflc,
measureable goals are whaL we anLlclpaLe for Lhe 2014-13 school year. 1he goals Lake our mld-
year percenLage lmprovemenL for Lhls year (2013-14) for economically dlsadvanLaged
students on each grade level and double Lhem, for example, Lhe 33 lmprovemenL raLe we
have for 2
grade Lhls year would be doubled Lo a 70 lmprovemenL raLe for School ?ear (S?)
Start of ear 2014-1S Lconom|ca||y
D|sadvantaged Students Below Basic on SkI
Goa| Lconom|ca||y D|sadvantaged Students
Below 8as|con SkI Lnd of S 2014-1S
2 81 24
3 69 47
4 63 42
S 33 23

1he techno|ogy we need |s a year|ong subscr|pt|on to the |earn|ng webs|te Scootad.
1hls cloud-based appllcaLlon provldes personallzed, self-paced pracLlce on speclflc readlng
sLandards seL by Lhe Leacher. uurlng whole-group lnsLrucLlon, Lhe Leacher would Leach a
readlng sklll and, Lhrough a qulck lnformal assessmenL, deLermlne whlch sLudenLs needed
furLher pracLlce. 1hose needlng more work would compleLe Lhe asslgned pracLlce durlng small-
group lnsLrucLlon. WlLh a few cllcks, Lhe Leacher can pull up Lhe resulLs of LhaL pracLlce and
deLermlne whlch sLudenLs are ready Lo move on and whlch need furLher remedlaLlon. 1he
short-term strategy |s that every student masters every sk|||.
8esldes sclenLlflcally-grounded, sLandards-based, dlfferenLlaLed pracLlce, ScooLad
moLlvaLes sLudenLs wlLh earned colns Lo spend ln Lhe ScooLad sLore, where Lhe Leacher can
offer lndlvlduallzed goals and prlzes. LlemenLary-aged sLudenLs are hlghly moLlvaLed by such
lncenLlves, as evldenced by our ln-school Gator Bucks behavloral lnLervenLlon program whlch
has produced poslLlve reducLlons ln behavloral dlsrupLlons Lo learnlng Llme.
As sLudenLs compleLe asslgnmenLs and sLandards ln Lhe ScooLpad program, Leachers can
ralse Lhe level of dlfflculLy for enrlchmenL, and lower levels for sLudenLs who sLruggle and need
remedlaLlon. 1hls provldes opporLunlLles Lo dlfferenLlaLe and provlde lnsLrucLlon based on
lndlvldual sLudenL needs. lL also provldes Leachers wlLh valuable achlevemenL daLa collecLed as
Lhe sLudenLs work Lhrough Lhe program. 1hls daLa can Lhen be used Lo help wlLh 8esponse Lo
lnLervenLlon (81l, a sLaLewlde program Lo lmprove lndlvldual sLudenL learnlng Lhrough Lhe
seLLlng of speclflc goals and learnlng Lasks).
1hrough Lhe many Lools ScooLpad offers, Leachers aL Could wlll be able Lo assess
sLudenL knowledge ln a way sLudenLs flnd fun, and Lhrough a means besldes sLandardlzed
LesLlng. 1eachers can access daLa LhaL wlll allow Lhem Lo Lailor instruction to their students
needs. 1eachers wlll Lhen use Lhls daLa Lo creaLe small groups ln class, geared Lo help sLudenLs
who are sLruggllng readers.
An overvlew of Lhe program would look llke Lhls:
1. 1he teacher |nstructs on a spec|f|c read|ng standard |n a who|e-group |esson.
2. 1he teacher g|ves an |nforma| assessment to group ch||dren by ab|||ty on the sk|||
for sma|| group work.
3. Students need|ng pract|ce on the sk||| use Scootad.
4. 1he teacher rev|ews the Scootad data to determ|ne wh|ch students can move on
and wh|ch requ|re further pract|ce and remed|at|on.
S. Week|y, teachers co||aborate on |esson p|ans |nc|ud|ng Scootad for pract|ce work
and data co||ect|on on student ach|evement. Grade-|eve| teacher groups ana|yze
Scootad data to |mprove |nstruct|on.
6. uarter|y, the 1echno|ogy 1eam meets w|th teachers to ana|yze grade-|eve|
Scootad data to determ|ne best pract|ces and |mprove |mp|ementat|on.
7. At years end, the Technology Team analyzes ScootPad data with grade-|eve|
teachers to assess success |n |mp|ementat|on of the program and to determ|ne
future use.
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May 2014 ear|ong Scootpad ||cense |s purchased (52900) and teachers rece|ve |n|t|a|
tra|n|ng and |mp|ement a p||ot program |n the|r c|asses to fam|||ar|ze themse|ves and the|r
students with the programs functions.
August 4-6, 2014 1eachers rece|ve refresher tra|n|ng (or comp|ete tra|n|ng for new teachers)
dur|ng pre-p|ann|ng before the start of the schoo| year for students. (As teachers [o|n the
staff dur|ng the year, the 1echno|ogy 1eam prov|des ad hoc tra|n|ng.)
August 2014 May 201S In week|y meet|ngs, grade-|eve| teachers rev|ew Scootad data for
each student and ad[ust |nstruct|on to meet def|c|ts and enr|ch benef|ts. 1hese are spec|f|c
act|v|t|es ass|gned to spec|f|c students, recorded |n week|y |esson p|ans, comp|eted dur|ng
read|ng sma||-groups t|me.
Cctober 10, 2014 (end of f|rst quarter) 1eachers meet |n grade-|eve|s the 1echno|ogy 1eam
to eva|uate |mp|ementat|on of Scootad, address|ng d|ff|cu|t|es and shar|ng strateg|es and
best pract|ces. 1h|s |mp|ementat|on eva|uat|on |s repeated at the end of the fo||ow|ng three
quarters (see be|ow).
December 19, 2014 (end of second quarter) Second |mp|ementat|on eva|uat|on.
March 13, 201S (end of th|rd quarter) 1h|rd |mp|ementat|on eva|uat|on.
May 26, 201S (post-p|ann|ng, end of schoo| year) 4
quarter and end-of-year
|mp|ementat|on eva|uat|on. 1he 1echno|ogy 1eam creates a report assess|ng how the
program worked |n c|assrooms and deta|||ng the effects on student ach|evement. 8ased on
ach|evement ga|ns, the 1echno|ogy 1eam w||| work to secure fund|ng for Scootad for the
201S-16 schoo| year.

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1eachers wlll use ScooLad wlLh all elghL Lo nlne hundred sLudenLs ln grades k-3 aL
Could. Cur goals only address progress ln grades 2-3, as only Lhese grades Lake Lhe S8l LesL.
Cnly re-k sLudenLs (abouL forLy) wlll noL parLlclpaLe, as Lhls grade level does noL have Common
Core 8eadlng sLandards.
As Lhe program ls adapLlve lL modlfles ln real-Llme based on sLudenL responses lL can
be used successfully wlLh all Lypes of sLudenLs, from Lhose wlLh learnlng dlsablllLles Lhrough
Lhose ldenLlfled as glfLed.
Could already has Lwo feaLures ln lLs dally reglmen LhaL wlll faclllLaLe lmplemenLaLlon.
llrsL, we have for years had a Lwo-hour dally readlng block, half spenL ln whole-group
lnsLrucLlon, and half ln small-group remedlaLlon, pracLlce, and enrlchmenL. ScooLad
lmplemenLaLlon, Lhen, would doveLall smooLhly wlLh our exlsLlng meLhods. Secondly, Lhe head
of our Technology Team, Mr. Jason Smith, runs the schools STEM/Writing Lab and thus has
weekly Llme wlLh every sLudenL ln grades k-3, allowlng hlm Lo provlde sLudenL Lralnlng on
ScooLad so LhaL Leachers can slmply sLarL asslgnlng Lasks wlLhouL uslng valuable class Llme Lo
Leach Lhe Lechnology Lo sLudenLs.
8esldes our 1echnology 1eam (Lhe personnel llsLed on Lhe fronL page of Lhls
appllcaLlon), each grade level has an exlsLlng chalrperson who wlll spearhead ScooLad
lmplemenLaLlon for LhaL grade level. 1eachers wlll have several resources Lo Lap for help ln
lmplemenLlng Lhe program: Lhe 1echnology 1eam, Lhelr grade-level chalrperson, and
ScootPads support.

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