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Kaitlin Fayles Dance 459 2/17/2014 Learning Outcome 1.

1: an examination and discussion of the words of Latter-day prophets Dance in todays society is becoming a more and more degrading form of entertainment. As a dancer and member of t e ! "rc of #es"s ! rist of $atter%day &aints' it is my res(onsibility to "( old t e standard of tr"t ' integrity' and ) olesomeness. * is (a(er demonstrates my (ersonal ( iloso( ies as a dancer and c oreogra( er' regarding t e )ords of $atter%day (ro( ets. +lder ,eal A. -a.)ell said t at /creati0e e.(ressions can re(resent t e celebration of o"r gratit"de to 1od for o"r gifts and talents.2 1od is t e "ltimate creator' and o"r goal as 3is c ildren is to "ltimately become li4e "nto 3im. 5 en )e create' )e not only s o) gratit"de for o"r ca(acity to t in4 and imagine' )e are beginning to act"ally f"lfill t at di0ine ("r(ose. !reati0ity in0ol0es bot a (rocess and a res"lt' and )e can learn from bot . +lder -a.)ell said t at creati0ity /is a (rocess t at s o"ld not tro"ble itself o0er m"c ' initially' )it 6"estions of originality and "tility b"t' rat er' )it 6"ality and e.cellence.2 * is resonated )it me beca"se 7 a0e often felt t at my )or4 as a dancer' es(ecially in t e college setting' needs to be somet ing t at as ne0er been seen or done before by anyone else. 3o)e0er' t is is not an entirely realistic a((roac to c oreogra( y8 alt o"g )e can (iece mo0ements toget er into different ( rases' most tr"ly /original2 mo0ements a0e already occ"rred in some dancers body some) ere in t e )orld.

* at being said' it t en becomes o"r d"ty to stri0e for 6"ality and e.cellence )it in o"r o)n )or4' ) ic is ) ere t e creati0e (rocess comes into (lay. 7 a0e a (retty good "nderstanding of my o)n body and o) 7 a0e "sed it in dance' so it is "( to me to determine t e 6"ality of my )or4. As 7 c oreogra( ' 7 m"st as myself 6"estions s"c as' /7s t is mo0ement familiar to me9 3a0e 7 done somet ing li4e t is before9 3o) can 7 c allenge myself to create somet ing different for me92 in order to (re0ent monotony and re(etition in my mo0ement 0ocab"lary. 7 am also learning to acce(t c ange and be )illing to create m"lti(le drafts of my )or4 in order to disco0er ) at is most fitting for a gi0en (iece. $i4e +lder -a.)ell said' /creati0ity is a ig ly (ersonal e.(erience.2 7t is a (rocess t ro"g ) ic )e gain greater "nderstanding of o"r desires' goals' and bo"ndaries. 7 also t in4 it is im(ortant to find satisfaction in t e res"lts of o"r creati0e efforts. &o often' )e (ic4 a(art o"r c oreogra( y after it as been set and e0en (erformed. 5 ile t is can be a (ositi0e t ing d"ring t e creation of a )or4' it can be armf"l to do after)ards. 5e m"st recogni:e o"r efforts and find t e 0al"e in ) at )e a0e accom(lis ed. +lder Da0id A. ;ednar said' /7ntegrity and onesty )it in o"rsel0es res"lt from 4no)ing and "nderstanding ) o )e are.2 As a $atter%day &aint artist' integrity is cr"cial. * e field of art is so 0ast t at yo" )ill see bot good and bad e.tremes' and )e need to decide ) at (at s )e are going to ta4e before )e get to t em. ,. +ldon *anner said' /5e s o"ld 4no) before and ) at o"r decisions )ill be ) en faced )it crisis.2 7n order to do t is' )e m"st 4no) and "nderstand ) o )e are' as +lder ;ednar says. <ecogni:e t ose areas ) ere yo" may become faced )it im(ortant decisions' and set (ersonal bo"ndaries. ! oose for yo"rself t e ty(es of dance and (erformances yo" )ill (artici(ate in= be a)are of ) at goes on before and after s o)s and only associate )it t ose (eo(le ) o )ill s"((ort yo" in yo"r beliefs.

+lder ;ednar also said' /7f yo" lea0e t is "ni0ersity )it 4no)ledge and s4ills and a degree b"t lac4ing onesty and integrity' t en yo" a0e failed.2 As far as my (ersonal ed"cation goes' 7 agree )it t is statement. 7 a0e s(ent t e last fo"r years b"ilding "( my (ool of 4no)ledge' b"t it )ill be of no 0al"e in t e /real )orld2 if 7 do not 4no) o) to "se it. As a dancer ) o also re(resents t e ! "rc of #es"s ! rist of $atter%day &aints' it is (aramo"nt t at 7 "nderstand and res(ect t at d"ty. 5 ate0er 7 do in my career )ill not only reflect me (ersonally' b"t t e ! "rc as a ) ole. 7ntegrity as also been defined as being com(lete' "ndi0ided' and "nbro4en. 7n t e sco(e of c oreogra( y' it is also im(ortant to a0e t is sense of integrity. &ee4 6"ality and e.cellence in yo"r )or4 in order to create (ieces t at are com(lete and clear. Do not see4 to be someone else' someone yo" are not= b"t rat er stri0e to ("t fort t e best )or4 yo" are ca(able of at t at time. As im(ortant as it is to create dance for ot er (eo(le to en>oy' 7 am learning t at t e most im(ortant (erson to satisfy )it yo"r c oreogra( y is you. 7f yo" do not li4e ) at yo" a0e (rod"ced' t ere is not m"c (oint in dis(laying it. #ose( &mit said' /7 teac t em correct (rinci(les and t ey go0ern t emsel0es.2 * is )as said in a s(irit"al setting' b"t 7 belie0e it a((lies to dancers as )ell. 5e go to tec ni6"e class and learn t e correct (rinci(les of mo0ement' b"t it is "( to "s to t en "se t is 4no)ledge effecti0ely. +s(ecially after grad"ation' )e may not a0e many o((ort"nities to ta4e classes to im(ro0e o"r tec ni6"e' b"t if )e "nderstand t e fo"ndation of (ro(er tec ni6"e )e )ill be able to effecti0ely go0ern o"rsel0es in order to maintain it. * is 4no)ledge is also "sed ) en )e begin to c oreogra( 8 "s"ally' c oreogra( y is a fairly (ersonal endea0or and t ere are no teac ers to tell yo" ) at to do or not do. * erefore' it is es(ecially im(ortant for o"r dancers

t at )e "se correct (rinci(les as )e create so t at t e mo0ement can be c allenging' b"t also safe to (erform. +lder K. ,e)ell Dayley said t at /t ro"g t e arts )e can learn to see' ear' mo0e' and feel )it greater sensiti0ity and "nderstanding. * ey enable "s to comm"nicate im(ortant realities t at can be s ared in no ot er )ay.2 * at is one of t e t ings 7 lo0e most abo"t being an artist?t e ability to create cat artic e.(eriences for t e 0ie)ers in order to el( t em feel something. Dance as so m"c (otential for good in t e )orld' b"t m"c of it is being "sed in cr"de or degrading )ays. * is is "nfort"nate. 7t is my goal as an $D& dance artist to create (ieces t at )ill enlig ten t e mind' bring >oy to t e so"l' and ca"se 0ie)ers to t in4. At t e end of t e day' ) at matters most is ) et er or not )e a0e t e &(irit s"((orting "s. /5e s o"ld endea0or to discern ) en )e )it dra) o"rsel0es from t e &(irit'2 +lder ;ednar said. 5 en )e are able to disting"is t ese sit"ations' )e can learn ) at is and is not a((ro(riate?as )e create' (erform' and sim(ly li0e a dancers life. * e &(irit can gi0e "s g"idance and direction' and greater "nderstanding' and can be (er a(s t e most 0al"able tool for s"ccessf"l $D& dance artists. $i4e @resident Deiter F. Ac tdorf said' many t ings in t is )orld are (artially tr"e= some t ings e0en seem li4e t ey are good and "sef"l= b"t )it t e g"idance of t e &(irit' )e )ill be able to discern ) at act"ally is and is not tr"t . &atan )ill contin"ally try to diss"ade and conf"se t ose ) o 4no) t e tr"t ' b"t )e cannot let im. As dancers of t e ! "rc of #es"s ! rist of $atter%day &aints' )e m"st old o"r standards ig and s o) t e )orld t at dance is one of 1ods most bea"tif"l gifts to man4ind.


,. +ldon *anner' Integrity' A(ril !onference' 1977 Da0id A. ;ednar' I Will Not Remove Mine Integrity From Me (Job 27:5), ;rig am Bo"ng Ani0ersity%7da o De0otional' 2002 ,eal A. -a.)ell' re!tivity' Ne" #r!' 19C2 K. ,e)ell Dayley' entering the $rts in hrist, ;rig am Bo"ng Ani0ersity De0otional' 2001 Da0id A. ;ednar' %h!t We M!y $l"!ys &!ve &is '(irit to be With )s' A(ril !onference' 200D <"ssell -. ,elson' We $re hil*ren o+ ,o*' Ectober !onference' 199C

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