Mann Comm - Resume (Portfolio)

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Taylor N.

3101 Chisholm Road Lincoln, Nebraska 68516 402-560-3938 s514914 mail!n"missso#ri!ed#

$%cels a& comm#nica&in' "i&h (eers and s#(er)isors &o ens#re all 'oals and deadlines are me& *no"n as a &eam (la+er "illin' &o (i&ch in and hel( o&hers "i&ho#& ha)in' &o be asked ,ain&ain a hi'h -./ and cam(#s in)ol)emen& b+ #sin' e%cellen& &ime mana'emen& skills 0e(endable leader 1oc#sed on bein' or'ani2ed and de&ailed-orien&ed

Bachelor of Science with a Double Major in Business Management & Marketing May 2016 Northwest Missouri State University Maryville, MO -./ 3!8134!00 Colle'ia&e /"ards4 /cademic 5onor Roll 63 &rimes&ers7 /"ards4 ,id"es& $%chan'e .ro'ram 8cholarshi(, 9#& o1 8&a&e /"ard, 0is&in'#ished 8cholar /"ard, Comm#ni&+ :lood :ank 0onor, 9&oe Co#n&+ 5ome $%&ension 8cholarshi( Com(#&er 8kills4 ,icroso1& ;ord, .o"er.oin&, $%cel, /ccess, .#blisher, 9#&look

Northwest Missouri State ni!ersity Mary!ille" M# Athletic Department Marketing Intern $ugust 201% & 'resent .lannin' and (er1orm (romo&ional e)en&s 1or colle'ia&e )olle+ball, soccer, and baske&ball 'ames 0is(la+ (roblem sol)in' skills and &he abili&+ &o main&ain com(os#re in a 1as& (aced en)ironmen& ;ork "i&h a &eam &o com(le&e necessar+ d#&ies &o crea&e an e%ci&in' 'ame da+ en)ironmen& Recr#i&s s(ec&a&ors &o (ar&ici(a&e in (romo&ional e)en&s and re"ard &hem "i&h ac<#ired (ri2es =ol#n&eer #( &o 20 ho#rs a "eek (re(arin' 1or and "orkin' a&hle&ic e)en&s Student Ambassador December 2012 & 'resent $d#ca&e (ros(ec&i)e s&#den&s and 1amilies abo#& Nor&h"es&>s c#l&#re and a&mos(here "hile on &o#r /n&ici(a&e challen'in' s&#den& and (aren& <#es&ions and res(ond <#ickl+ and (ro1essionall+ 0e)elo( #ni<#e rela&ionshi(s "i&h '#es&s &o crea&e an in)i&in' and memorable e%(erience ?n&er)ie" (o&en&ial ambassador candida&es and &rain ne" hires (y&)ee *incoln" N+ Cashier/Stocker 2011 & 'resent -ree& and in&erac& "i&h c#s&omers &o de&ermine &he c#s&omer needs .romo&e (rod#c&s and direc& c#s&omers &o &he a((ro(ria&e loca&ion /ssis& &he sales &eam &o com(le&e c#s&omer &ransac&ions b+ mana'in' a cash re'is&er 9r'ani2e &he s&ore and s&ock (rod#c&s &o consolida&e merchandise



Sigma -a,,a Sorority 6@all 2012- .resen&7 =ice .residen& o1 .hilan&hro(ic 8er)ice 60ecember 2013-.resen&7 8ocial $)en&s Chair 68(rin' 2013-@all 20137 -reek ;eek Commi&&ee ,ember

Con&rib#&e &o cam(#s and comm#ni&+ &hro#'h (ar&ici(a&ion in a& leas& 13 ho#rs o1 (hilan&hro(ic e)en&s each &rimes&er.

)olunteer /ork Noda"a+ Co#n&+ 5#mane 8ocie&+ No+es 5omes /l2heimer>s Research :reas& Cancer Research @riendshi( 5ome3@resh A#ar&er ;alk Ci&+ ?m(ac&3-i1&s o1 Lo)e 8(ecial 9l+m(ics

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