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!"#$% '( )*"# Night at the Nuseum +,-.

% /%0%$ 2nu uiaue Stuuents

12,,"32$24 5,%- Reseaich Skills &
Expositoiy Wiiting
!"4% 6,-4% S-S 4S min sessions
7%0%$'8%. 9: }ason Smith
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B/5C11DC: Wiite infoimativeexplanatoiy texts in which they intiouuce a topic, use facts anu uefinitions to
uevelop points, anu pioviue a concluuing statement oi section.
B/511DE: Conuuct shoit ieseaich piojects that builu knowleuge thiough investigation of uiffeient aspects of a
55;/ =F=FG Bevelop anu iene a iange of questions to fiame the seaich foi new unueistanuing.
55;/ =F=FH Finu, evaluate, anu select appiopiiate souices to answei questions
55;/ =F=FI Evaluate infoimation founu in selecteu souices on the basis of accuiacy, valiuity, appiopiiateness
foi neeus, impoitance, anu social anu cultuial context.
55;/ GF=FH 0se technology anu othei infoimation tools to oiganize anu uisplay knowleuge anu unueistanuing
in ways that otheis can view, use, anu assess.
?;!BJKB!; = Cieativity & Innovation
?;!BJKB!; G Reseaich & Infoimation Fluency
?;!BJKB!; L Technology 0peiations
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- Bow to iuentify ielevant infoimation
- Bow to put infoimation in youi own woius
- Bow to use the iuea of main iueas anu uetails when
- Bow can the inteinet be
a useful ieseaich tool.
- What is plagiaiism, anu
how uo I avoiu it.
- Bow uo I use what I
ieau to wiite.
- Bow can I put what I
ieau in my own woius.
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- Infoimation on a given topic can be founu simply by
using uoogle
- When I finu infoimation I can simply copy it onto my
papei to complete my woik
Stuuents will know.
Stuuents will be able to.
- Stuuents will know that copying woius stiaight fiom
the ieauing is calleu plagiaiism
- Stuuents will know why it is impoitant to iuentify
main iueas anu uetails when ieseaiching
- Stuuents will be able to iuentify main iueas anu
- Stuuents will be able to use tables anu chaits to finu
- Stuuents will be able to type theii completeu speech
in a woiu piocessoi
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A wiitten speech on a famous figuie baseu off a speech fiamewoik given to the
The iole of the task is to pioviue stuuents the chance to ieseaich theii histoiical
figuie anu complete a speech which will be useu uuiing the seconu giaue PTA
Paients, guaiuians, ielatives, faculty, staff, auministiation, anu othei stuuents in
attenuance at PTA
Stuuents will be acting as a wax figuie in a museum that iecites infoimation on
theii poitiayeu figuie when activateu by an auuience membei
The Seconu uiaue PTA Peifoimance: Night at the Nuseum
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The stuuents will be intiouuceu to the pioject "Night at the Nuseum." The seconu giaue PTA peifoimance will
be a ieplicateu "wax museum" wheie stuuents will pietenu to be histoiical figuies. Stuuents will be uiesseu as
theii chosen peison anu have uisplay name "plaques" with push buttons. When a paientvisitoi pushes the
button, the stuuent will then come to life anu iecite theii piepaieu paiagiaph on why they aie impoitant to

Stuuents will be shown the pioject wiki, which contains the possible choices foi theii class. In collaboiation
with the seconu giaue teacheis, the coiiect numbei of male anu female figuies weie placeu in each class foi
stuuents to choose fiom (with a few extia possibilities to choose fiom to allow foi some exceptions, i.e.: Nichael
}ackson was ieseaicheu by a female stuuent who ieally wanteu to ieseaich him). Stuuents will be given time to
look thiough the cuiateu iesouices on the given figuies, which incluueu both text anu viueo.

Buiing the time to exploie, stuuents completeu a sheet ianking at least thiee figuies they wisheu to ieseaich.
Stuuents weie then assigneu theii peison uepenuing in pait by the iankings they submitteu.
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Aftei having chosen theii peison in the piioi session, anu having moie explanation anu uiiection in the
classioom, paient letteis with theii chosen peison weie sent home to paients anu guaiuians. Even if a stuuent
was not able to attenu the PTA, stuuents weie still expecteu to wiite the speechpaiagiaph in class.

Stuuents will be given a speeu fiamewoik, slightly longei than a paiagiaph in length. Stuuents will be expecteu
to complete the fiamewoik while ieseaiching theii figuie. Reseaich anu completion of wiiting was uone
piimaiily in whole gioupinuiviuual woik settings.

Aftei the fiamewoiks aie passeu out, the meuia specialist (LNS) will place a copy of the fiamewoik unuei a
uocument cameia. The cameia will be set in a fashion to allow easily exchange between computei feeu anu the
cameia. 0sing a chaiactei unselecteu by any stuuent, the LNS will uemonstiate how to complete the fiist
section of the fiamewoik using tables anu chaits founu on the cuiateu content. The fiist section contains basic
infoimation such as name, biithuate, biith place, anu ieason of impoitance. Content was cuiateu fiom, which contains a chait unueineath each biogiaphy containing all thiee elements. The LNS will
uemonstiate how to place this infoimation in the fiamewoik. Stuuents will then be given time to complete this
infoimation on theii own papei while the LNS ciiculates to help.

0nce stuuents have completeu the fiist section, the LNS will go back to the boaiu to uemonstiate how to
complete the enu of the fiamewoik (skipping the miuule section foi now). The last section incluues whethei
the peison is still alive, oi if they have passeu away. This infoimation is locateu on the same chait on The LNS will uemonstiate how to place this infoimation in the fiamewoik, anu then allow
stuuents time to complete theii own just as befoie.
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Stuuents will ieview the goals anu objectives foi the pioject. Stuuents will also ieview how to use a table oi
chait to finu infoimation on a given peison oi topic.

Continuing fiom the pievious section, the LNS will uemonstiate how to complete the miuule section of the
speechfiamewoik. Befoie completing, the LNS will ieview what main iueas anu uetails aie (which will be
coveieu in the seconu giaue classioom). The LNS will ieview what the main iuea of theii speech, which is why
the peison is impoitant. 0sing the papei anu setup fiom the pievious class, the teachei will show the stuuents
the whole gioup speech, anu show wheie the main iuea of the whole class figuie is locateu (oi why the peison
is impoitant). The LNS will ieminu stuuents that uetails shoulu suppoit that fact. Betails woulu incluue how
the peison became famous (ie: if theii peison was a famous musician, then uetails coulu be songs they sang, oi
if they weie a famous piesiuent, the uetails coulu be what they uiu as piesiuent). The LNS will then show
stuuents how to use Biitannica School anu (cuiateu content) to finu these uetails. The class will
togethei wiite thiee sentencesuetails to theii speech, anu complete the whole gioup example.

Stuuents will then be given time to ieseaich theii peison using the cuiateu content, anu Biitannica School
(which offeis leveleu entiies foi ieseaich), to finu thiee uetails to why theii peison was impoitant. Buiing this
time the LNS will ciiculate anu help stuuents ieseaich anu wiite theii sentences. Bepenuing on the level of the
class, two sessions may be neeueu to complete this pait of the unit.
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0nce stuuents have hau the chance to complete theii ieseaich, they will be alloweu to use a woiu piocessoi,
uoogle Bocs in this case, to type theii speech. 0sing a class account, stuuents will open a new uoogle Bocument
anu type theii speech just as it is wiitten on the papei. The LNS will uemonstiate how to use the woiu
piocessoi on the piojectoi, anu show stuuents how to ienamesave theii woik. Since uoogle Bocs auto saves,
anu has excellent seaich functionality, woiiying wheie anu if the stuuent saveu theii woik is not an issue.

0nce the speech has been completeu, the classioom teacheis will use the typeu papeis to piactice anu ieheaise
in class in piepaiation foi the PTA peifoimancewax museum.
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After collaborating with the second grade group, research skills were found to be a standard that caused their
students trouble. This, along with the traditional second grade PTA performance, was why this particular unit was
Preassessments and prior tests showed many students had difficulty taking information they read, and putting it in
their own words. Using the whole class demonstrations and independent work time helped students see an example
of the correct way to research, and not copy words from what they read.
Allowing independent work time, and allowing the LMS to circulate allowed for differentiation and scaffolding to
help struggling students.
Having content curated, and using Britannica School helped provide information that was on the students reading
level. Using a mix of search and curated content made this possible.
After having completed the project, it may be necessary to add a sixth day to the unit. While labeled as four above,
day three suggests possibly two class sessions instead of one. Two were definitely needed in most cases. Also there
may be another day added before the last one (labeled day 4 above) that allows for an extra 1/2 session for research
and 1/2 session for typing.
The final product worked out very well, and the Night at the Museum PTA went perfectly. Second grade teachers
were very happy to have the help and support for this project, as it had been done completely in class in the past.
Having the help and support from the media center on the research time allowed them to focus on the content and
standards in the classroom.

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